Scope and Content of Master plan – planning area, land use plan and
Zoning regulations –
zonal plan – need, linkage to master plan and land use plan – planned
unit development (PUD) –
need, applicability and development regulations - Urban Renewal Plan
– Meaning,
Redevelopment, Rehabilitation and Conservation – JNNURM – case
"A Master Plan is the long term
perspective plan for guiding the
sustainable planned development of the
Land use: The major land use recommendations presented in a master plan
result from analysis of a city's environmental and physical conditions, as well
as the planner's vision for future growth. A map of future land use is generally
included and makes recommendations about land set aside for parks and
open space; residential areas; commercial, office and industrial uses; civic
and institutional uses; and mixed-use areas.
Transportation and traffic: A good master plan takes all of a city's
transportation corridors into account.
Community facilities: Cities support an array of community facilities that
satisfy its demand for social and cultural enrichment. These include public
and charter schools, police and fire departments and community centers.
Parks and open space: Parks are vital to cities because they serve as the
focal points of neighborhoods and often have community and cultural facilities
grouped around them.
Neighborhoods and housing: Although they have unique characteristics,
neighborhoods in vibrant cities are interconnected and enjoy a dynamic
exchange of commuters, ideas and influences. Successful neighborhoods
also emphasize community, livability, appearance, transportation
opportunities, convenience and safety for all residents.
Economic development: A master plan recommends how a city's design can
be enhanced to attract new businesses and protect existing businesses
Traffic & Transportation is the lifeline of city metabolism. The DDA is
responsible for the overall planning and strategies of traffic and transport in
the city along with other concerned agencies such as Public Works
Department (PWD), Delhi Municipal Corporation (MCD), New Delhi
Municipal Corporation (NDMC), Transport dept., GNCTD, Ministry of surface
transport (MOST), DMRC, NHAI etc.
To develop and strengthen a reliable, efficient and attractive multi modal
public transport system for Delhi to minimize gap between demand and
supply by capacity increase of urban transport.
To revitalize the movement in the old city.
To generate conditions for safe usage of bicycles.
To establish safe pedestrian movement.
To encourage innovative techniques, management etc to resolve transport
problems of the city by adopting environmentally and economically
acceptable approach.
To reorganize and restructure transportation fabric in light of the option and
Synergy between landuse, transport and urban economy to conserve urban
transport through balanced development and strategies.
Zoning provides spatial segregation of conflicting uses. It
also has the benefit of increasing positive externalities
because many uses find an advantage in being grouped with
other similar uses.
Development Control Rules:
(4) a description of the process for monitoring and evaluating the achievement of
goals and objectives and adjusting TMP strategies, as needed; and
2. Environmental Document
1. Vicinity Map
The vicinity map shall show the location of the installation in relation to well-known
features of the surrounding community within at least one mile from the
installation, such as major transportation facilities, natural features, and public
facilities. Existing land uses and zoning shall be shown on the map for the area
surrounding the installation. Where adopted local and/or state plans propose
changes in surrounding transportation facilities, land use, or zoning, the proposed
changes shall be shown on the vicinity map.
2. Inventory Maps
The following inventory maps shall be prepared from a common base map which
depicts existing physical conditions on the installation.
a. Existing land use map. The existing land use map shall indicate by appropriate
categories the allocation of land uses on the installation
b. Existing conditions map. The existing conditions map shall include the following:
internal road system, entrance and exist locations, with existing peak hour traffic
counts, the number of existing parking spaces for each site, building, and facility,
and public transit routes and stops. (This information may be shown on a separate
map entitled "Existing Circulation Map", if desired.);
all existing buildings, structures, and other manmade improvements, indicating
the use and height of principal buildings and structures;
existing wooded areas, watercourses, ultimate 100 year flood plains, wetlands,
and other significant natural areas and features;
The following maps illustrating the master plan proposals shall be prepared
from a common base map which depicts future physical conditions to be
achieved on the installation through the master plan, with the coverage of the
map extending beyond the boundaries of the installation as required on the
inventory base map;
b. Land Use Plan. The land use plan shall indicate by appropriate categories
the proposed general land use of all land within the installation.
c. Circulation Plan. The circulation plan shall indicate at least the following:
the proposed internal road system of the installation incorporating existing-to-
remain and proposed roads and showing the functional classification of all
• existing-to-remain and proposed ingress and egress points serving the
installation and their relationship to the existing, programmed, and planned
roads immediately adjacent to the facility;
• the proposed public transportation system showing the routes and stops
serving the installation; and
g. Staging Plan. The staging plan shall graphically illustrate the proposed
sequence of development over the projected period covered by the master
plan in five-year development stages. Projects to be developed in the initial
five-year stage shall accord with the sponsoring agency's proposed capital
improvements program.
Planned Unit Development (PUD)