Human Sexuality

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Research and Treatment Frontiers

Richard Green
e-Book 2015 International Psychotherapy Institute

From American Handbook of Psychiatry: Volume 6 edited by Silvano Arieti

Copyright © 1975 by Basic Books

All Rights Reserved

Created in the United States of America

Table of Contents



Developmental Strategies

Clinical Management Strategies: Adulthood

Other Social Issues


Bibliography 4

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 5


The multifaceted nature of human sexuality imparts a wide array of

research and treatment frontiers. During the past decade changes have been
brought about by social experimentation and social evolution, developments

in laboratory hardware, and the application of sophisticated research

methods to sexual behavior. Human sexuality, in attitude and action, has

undergone extensive change and has dated much previous psychiatric

knowledge. Change continues. This chapter will attempt to capture the dawn

on the research and treatment horizon. 6
Developmental Strategies

Gonadal Hormones: Prenatal Influences on Behavior

Is behavior influenced by sex steroids in utero? As the fetus is exposed

to gonadal hormones derived from its own and maternal organs and as its
central nervous system undergoes rapid growth and development, it is

reasonable to ask whether levels of these steroids influence later behavior. As

sexually dimorphic kinds of behavior have been clearly documented in many

species, inquiry has been directed toward the possible relation between
prenatal levels of androgens and estrogens and those kinds of postnatal


Young male and female rhesus monkeys behave differently, with males

showing more chasing, aggressive, and rough-and-tumble play. Prenatal

androgen levels have been shown to influence these activities. Female rhesus
monkeys exposed to large amounts of testosterone in utero behave more like

young male monkeys than do untreated young females (they become

“tomboy” monkeys). Postnatal androgen exposure does not have a

comparable effect.

A human analogy exists. Females with the adrenogenital syndrome, in

which excessive prenatal adrenal androgen is produced, have also been

reported to differ from typical girls, behaviorally as well as anatomically.

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 7

When compared to their non-adrenogenital-syndrome sisters, these
androgen-exposed girls are less often described as interested in doll play,

playing with infants, and wearing dresses, and more often described as

tomboys. A third study also showed a trend (not statistically significant) for

adrenogenital girls to be described as tomboys, compared with a non-sibling

control group.

What of human males prenatally exposed to unusually large amounts of

estrogen? For about two decades diabetic pregnant women have been

administered estrogen and progesterone at Boston’s Joslin Clinic. Sixteen-

year-old and six-year-old males who were products of these pregnancies have
been compared with same-aged males of nontreated, nondiabetic mothers.

The male offspring of female hormone treated mothers were reported as less

rough-and-tumble, aggressive, and athletic. However, one important

uncontrolled factor in the study was the influence of the experimental group

mothers’ chronic illness on their son’s behavior (rather than hormone

exposure per se).

These studies suggest that just as anatomic dimorphism is influenced by

androgenic hormone (androgen induces maleness; no gonadal hormone is

needed for femaleness), so too may dimorphic behavior be influenced. Here,

rough-and-tumble, physically aggressive play may be affected. In cultures that

label such behavior masculine or feminine (as does our own) this influence 8
could significantly affect psychosexual development. Peer-group socialization
may be modified with a low level of aggressivity resulting in a boy’s

accommodating more easily to the activities and companionship of girls.

“Boys play too rough!” is the typical cry of the behaviorally feminine boy,
described later. Similarly, mother-son and father-son interaction may be

modified, with a low level aggressive boy relating more easily to the domestic

activities of his mother and avoiding the sports activities of his father.

A significant obstacle in studying the effects of steroid hormones on the

developing behavioral system is assessment of the prenatal hormonal milieu.

While some preliminary techniques are available, validity and feasibility are

problematic. Strategies include repeated samplings of maternal plasma and

urine during gestation, plus amniocenteses. Questions that remain are the
degree to which any of these indirect approaches to the fetal milieu in fact

reflect the fetal milieu, identification of critical gestational periods and

whether the tissues of some individuals are more or less responsive to the
same level of hormone. Should valid measures become attainable, then a

series of longitudinal studies is possible, assessing high and low androgen-

and estrogen-exposed children, of both sexes, on dimensions of neonatal and

subsequent sex-typed behavior.

Neonatal Sex Differences

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 9

Studies of the human neonate hold promise of isolating the early roots

of “innate,” male-female dimorphism. Several sex differences have been

reported, some replicated, others not, and most are difficult to interpret. They

group into displays of greater muscle strength, sensory differences, and the

degree of affiliative behavior to adults.

Newborn males are more able to lift their head from a prone position.

Mothers have been observed to stretch the limbs of their three-week-old boys

more readily than those of their same-aged girls, but more often to imitate

sounds made by the girls. Mothers have been observed to hold their five-

month-old daughters more than their sons, and, at thirteen months, these

same daughters are more reluctant to move away from their mothers. The

same thirteen-month-old children also show a different play style with toys

and react differently to a barrier placed between themselves and the toys:

boys tend to hurl toys about, girls tend to gather them together; boys more
often crawl to the barrier’s end (in an attempt to get around it) girls more

often sit where placed and cry.

In an elegant research design, differential mother-attachment behavior

by opposite-sexed co-twins was demonstrated. Female co-twins looked at,

vocalized to, and maintained proximity to their mothers more than did their

brothers. 10
Other differences during the newborn period have been reported,

sometimes of an obscure nature. Neonatal females increase their formula

intake when a sweetener is added; boys do not. At three months, females can

be conditioned to an auditory reward while boys respond to a visual one. At

six months, girls show cardiac deceleration (a measure of attention) while

listening to modern jazz, whereas boys decelerate to an interrupted tone.

While sex differences on these several parameters are reported, intra-

sex differences exist, as well as considerable intersex overlap. Many measures

have a bell-shaped distribution. Males and females who fall at the ends of the

distribution could be longitudinally studied to determine correlations

between neonatal behavior and developmental attributes. Of interest would

be those infants whose physiologic patterns fall within the zone typically

found for the other sex. For example, will males with a female pattern of taste

preference or within the female range for elevating the prone head show later
childhood behavior that is culturally feminine, e.g., preferring doll play to

rough-and-tumble play?

Studying neonatal activity levels and responsivity to holding

(cuddliness) also offers research promise. During the first year, children

differ considerably regarding physical activity and their response to holding.

These “temperamental” features influence parental perception of the child,

parental attitudes toward the child, and affect the degree to which the child is

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 11

held (notably by the mother). Mothers of the feminine boys described later
typically describe their sons as having been the cuddliest of their children and

Stoller theorizes that excessive maternal holding promotes feminine identity

in a young male. Objective measures of these variables can be developed. For

example, children could be placed in the nucleus of a series of concentric

circles and their movement measured, during a standard time period, from

the starting place across these lines. Nonparent males and females

(“unbiased” raters) could pick up infants (prior to the development of

stranger anxiety) and the degree of clingingness or withdrawal noted.

Again, it is expected that measures of activity level and response to

holding would scatter across a bell-shaped curve. Males and females at both

ends of the curve could then be longitudinally followed, and correlations

made between these variables and later behavior, including rough-and-

tumble play, and activity and toy preferences. The degree to which these

variables could be correlated with prenatal hormone levels would depend on

the extent to which the latter become measurable.

Intersexed (pseudohermaphroditic) infants could provide an intriguing

research model here. If one or another of the above sex differences is

replicated in normal infants (e.g., taste preference), would anatomically

intersexed babies (e.g., adrenogenital females, or XXY males) be behaviorally

intersexed? 12
Anatomically Intersexed Children

Studies with pseudohermaphrodites have demonstrated the extensive

influence of early experiential factors on psychosexual development and bear

significant treatment implications. Consider two gonadal and chromosomal

females with ambiguous (masculinized) genitalia, appearing similarly

intersexed at birth (the virilizing adrenogenital syndrome). One is neonatally

designated female by the attending physician; the other is designated male.

Each will typically develop a sexual identity consistent with the sex assigned

at birth and consequent rearing experiences. In the latter case, the person,

though possessing ovaries and the 44 + XX female-chromosomal

configuration, will have a male identity. This will manifest as typical

masculinity and erotic attraction toward females. Environmental influences

appear to have overruled whatever innate biological influences existed.

These “experiments of nature” have told us more. Sexual identity is set

early in childhood. The evidence is from cases in which subsequent sex

reassignment has been attempted when an “error” in the original sex

designation is discovered. For example, if the person described above,

assigned to male status, had been unambiguously raised as a male, an attempt

at reassignment after about the fourth birthday would typically be


Some of these data, now nearly two decades old, have been the subject

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 13

of criticism. Exceptions to the early critical-period concept of sexual identity
have been collated and alternative interpretations of the clinical data

presented. These latter writers either point to a few cases in which sex

reassignment was apparently effected without significant psychological

hardship after life’s first years, or they reinterpret the establishment of sexual

identity as due to prenatal neuroendocrine input, rather than postnatal


Problems have existed in evaluating many of the case reports of the

anatomically inter-sexed. One has been the degree to which they are

representative of the intersexed population, or represent a bias in the

direction of “successful” or “unsuccessful” adjustment to either initial sex

assignment or later reassignment. Also missing from many case studies is a

detailed documentation of early socialization experiences. The full range of

parental attitudes toward the intersexed status of the infant, the message(s)

transmitted by physicians to parents during the earliest years, and the peer-
group experiences of the child are rarely described.

Most recently, Lev-Ran, a Soviet investigator now emigrated to Israel,

has reported a series of intersexed patients supporting the classic thesis of

Money, the Hampsons, and Stoller. Money et al. had stressed the importance

of genital appearance as a contributing factor to the socialization experience

of the intersexed child. This feature, if in conflict with assigned sex, might 14
cause some intersexed children to question their sex of assignment. The
recent Lev-Ran report is unique in that cases are described in which sexual

identity is consonant with sex of assignment in spite of dramatic genital

incongruity. One example is an adult female with the adrenogenital

syndrome, feminine and heterosexual, whose clitoris measuring 9 cm. stands

as the only significant obstacle to her participation in heterosexual

intercourse, and another is a masculine boy with a 1.5 cm. penis.

Management of anatomically intersexed infants remains somewhat

controversial. Although there are some “chromosomal fatalists” who assert

that genetic sex determines male or female identity and that the roots of

biological sex will invade contrary postnatal rearing, the consensus is that sex

assignment should be dictated by genital appearance and potential genital

functioning. Construction of a cosmetically and physiologically acceptable

penis has not been perfected; development of a cosmetically and

physiologically acceptable vagina has. Thus, a chromosomal, gonadal male,

born with a micro- or absent penis, or who has lost his penis at age one or two

years via trauma, should be raised as a female. This will avoid the lifelong
distress of being a penis-less male, and will permit functioning as a sexual

person with an acceptable body image. The chromosomal, gonadal female

with a markedly enlarged clitoris or an atretic vagina should be raised as a

female, with appropriate repair of the genitals. Decisions regarding other

states, e.g., a chromosomal, gonadal male, with third-degree hypospadias and

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 15

bilateral cryptorchidism, would depend on the degree to which surgical

constructive repair of the genitalia is possible. Sexual identity will typically

follow the sex of assignment if parents are convinced of the wisdom of that

assignment and raise their child accordingly.

It is important and helpful for parents of the anatomically intersexed to

know the evidence behind the assertion that postnatal socialization is the

chief determinant of human sexual identity. Additionally, a helpful analogy is

that of language acquisition. Humans are born with the capacity to learn a

language—which one is learned depends on the early environment. Humans

are also born with the capacity for psychosexual differentiation (learning a

male or female identity). As with language, which one is learned depends on

the early environment. (Details of patient management have been fully

described by Money.)

One argument against using the anatomically intersexed as a model for

normal psycho-sexual differentiation is that by virtue of their anomaly the

gonadal hormonal milieu bathing their prenatal central nervous system has

been atypical. Therefore, they may be more behaviorally “plastic” than

normal children. However, an intriguing “experiment” is under way to test

this criticism. A set of male monozygotic twins is currently being raised by

their parents in opposite sex roles. Circumcision accident caused the penis of
one genetic male co-twin to slough, and the child has been reassigned, female, 16
to be raised as a girl. In this case, the prenatal hormonal milieu plus genetic
factors are held relatively constant, with postnatal socialization being the

significant variable." Additionally, our own research has uncovered two sets

of monozygotic twins, one male set and one female, discordant for sexual
identity. One twin pair consists of ten-year-old males, one of whom is very

feminine and wants to become a girl. His brother is unremarkably masculine.

The second twin pair consists of a twenty-five-year-old female graduate

student who desperately wants sex-change surgery and her feminine college
graduate sister. Different early life socialization experiences are reported for

both twin pairs.

An increased incidence of cross-sexed behavior (typically transvestism

and transsexualism ) in males with sex chromosome anomalies has been

suggested. Most typically, these are males with an extra X chromosome.

However, there is difficulty in evaluating a causal relation between anomalies

of sex chromosomes and sexual identity due to the possibility of sample bias.
Those patients with both anomalies are more likely to be reported. Whether

the concordance between the two variables is higher than would be expected
by chance is unclear, since while the incidence of sex chromosome aneuploidy

is known, that of transvestism and transsexualism is not.

The incidence of the XXY chromosomal anomaly is 1 in every 700 males.

Thus, a large number of such infants can be detected at birth with buccal

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 17

smear or karyotyping procedures. These children could then be longitudinally
assessed, hormonally and behaviorally. Coupled with detailed analyses of

parental attitudes toward varieties of childhood play and other early

socialization experiences, a complex developmental study becomes possible

that could weigh the several variables of psychosexual development. At least

one such study is currently underway. However, future court decisions may

block large-scale karyotyping procedures as a violation of the subject’s rights

(recently a screening for XYY boys was blocked). Secondly, dissecting the
influence of the microscopic, longitudinal study process from the child’s

“natural” sexual identity development is problematic.

Atypical Sex-Role Behavior in Anatomically Normal Children

Studies of transsexuals, persons who want to change sex, reveal that

there are anatomically normal adults with an intense, irreversible, inner

conviction of belonging to the other sex who trace the onset of this cross-sex
identity to childhood. Invariably, these persons, recalling their childhood,

report having role played as persons of the other sex, having dressed as

children of the other sex, having preferred opposite-sexed children as

playmates, and having avoided the toys and games typical of their sex.

Studies of transvestites, males who cross-dress with accompanying

sexual arousal, also demonstrate the early life onset of atypical sexuality. 18
Approximately half of five hundred transvestites in one series reported
commencing cross-dressing prior to adolescence.

Studies of homosexuals, persons whose primary sexual commitments

are to partners of the same sex, again point to the enduring significance of

childhood gender-role behavior. One study reported that about a third of one

hundred homosexual adult male patients recalled playing predominantly with

girls during boyhood (compared to 10 percent of the heterosexual control

group) and 83 percent displayed an aversion to competitive group games

(compared to 37 percent of the heterosexuals.). Another study of a nonpatient

homosexual sample reported that two-thirds of eighty-nine males recalled

“girl-like” behavior during childhood (compared to only 3 percent of the

heterosexual controls). For female homosexuals, over two-thirds of a group of

fifty-seven were tomboyish during childhood (compared to 16 percent of the

heterosexuals) with half of them persisting with tomboyism into adolescence

(compared to none of the heterosexuals).

What emerges from these retrospective studies is the fact that atypical

sex-role behavior during childhood may persist as atypical sex-role behavior

during adulthood. However, retrospective studies pose significant research

obstacles. Objective indices of the child’s behavior are not obtained and

recollections of interpersonal experiences, notably those with parental

figures, are distorted by the passage of time. Objective measures of parent-

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 19

parent and parent-child behavior at the time when atypical behavior is
emerging are not possible.

My own research design, initiated with John Money and continued with

Robert Stoller, has been to generate a sample of young children behaving in a

manner similar to that reported by adults with an atypical sexual identity. We

have studied sixty-five anatomically normal boys, aged four to ten, who prefer
the dress, toys, activities, and companionship of girls, role play typically as

females, display feminine mannerisms, and may state their wish to be girls.

These boys have undergone extensive psychological testing, behavioral

observation, and interviewing. Their parents have been interviewed with

structured formats, alone and together, and have also undergone

psychological testing.

An attempt is being made to match each feminine boy with a same-aged

child who is masculine, has the same configuration of younger and older

siblings, and is from a family with a similar socioeconomic, ethnic, and marital
background. To date fifty-five of the feminine-boy families have been

matched. Detailed, behavioral descriptions of the feminine boys and their

parents, plus preliminary testing data, are reported in Sexual Identity Conflict
in Children and Adults.

The boys test similarly to girls of the same age on a variety of 20
psychological procedures and are significantly different from most same-aged
boys. When they construct fantasies, they generally utilize female family

figures and an infant (as do girls, whereas boys utilize male figures and pay

less attention to an infant). When they are requested to draw a person, the

figure drawn is usually female (girls do the same, most boys draw a male).
Alone in a playroom, they play mostly with a “Barbie” doll (as do girls, while

other boys play with a truck). On the It Scale for Children (in which a neuter

figure “It” selects a variety of sex-typed preferences illustrated on cards),

their selection of toys, playmates, and articles are the same as girls and differ

from most boys. When they complete card sequences in which a child of their

own sex joins a parent engaged in a sex-typed activity, they join the female

parent in a feminine activity (as do girls, but not most boys). A preliminary
series of possible variables associated with this atypical development has

been formulated:

1. An innate low level of aggressivity.

2. Parental indifference to or encouragement of culturally feminine

behavior in a boy during his first years.

3. Maternal inhibition of boyish or rough-and-tumble play during the

first years.

4. Cross-dressing of a young boy by a female.

5. Extraordinary maternal attention to and physical contact with a

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 21

young male resulting in a lack of psychological separation
between the two.

6. Absence of an older male identity model during a boy’s first years,

or paternal rejection during this period.

7. Physical beauty in a boy of sufficient degree that adults treat him in

a culturally feminine manner.

8. Absence of male playmates during a boy’s initial years of


9. Strong maternal dominance of a family.

A preliminary synthesis of how these variables may operate in a

composite child is sequentially conceptualized as follows: A mother considers

her male infant unusually attractive. She finds him to be extremely cuddly.
She devotes considerable attention to this boy. Her other children are
adequately separated in age so they do not infringe on this child’s early

mothering experience. Her other commitments are few for channeling

feelings of caring and love. The child, beginning to explore the environment
for playthings, finds the many colorful accessories belonging to his mother

and initiates play with these objects (shoes, jewelry, and cosmetics). He

imitates mother, the person with whom he is in primary contact. These kinds

of behavior are considered cute, and the child receives additional attention
and supportive laughter. The father is a much less significant person in the 22
boy’s life, and interacts minimally with him. His possessions and accessories
are less attractive as early play objects. The father, too, may view his son’s
early play with feminine objects as funny or cute, or else ignores it. As peer

relationships begin for the boy, girls are mostly available. Boys, if available,

are more aggressive than he is, frighten him, and perhaps meet with parental

disapproval. The child says boys are “too rough” and prefers girls. The father

having anticipated a period when the boy would be amenable to father-son,

roughhouse play, instead finds his son to have minimal interest in such

activity. The boy is in tune with the domestic activities of his mother, and the
father, experiencing this as rejection, dubs his son a “mamma’s boy.” The boy,

aware of his father’s demands and disapproval, moves further toward the

accepting reactions of his mother. During the early school years his prior
socialization in feminine skills poses an additional obstacle to same-sex peer

integration. Accustomed to female playmates, he does not relate easily to

males. In consequence of his culturally feminine interests and greater comfort

with a female peer group, he is teased by boys, driving him further from the
male group. The mother continues to respond positively to his interest in

cross-dressing or improvising feminine costumes. She interprets boyish and

girlish behavior during this life period as having no relation to later

masculinity or femininity. The boy continues to show little interest in his

father’s activities. Emotional distance between the father and son escalates.

The boy’s increasing identification with females is revealed by a feminine

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 23

affectation. This increases social stigmatization and the child is labeled


Treatment of the Atypical Child

Intervention into the behavior of very feminine boys engages both

research and ethical issues. First, some research questions. What do we know

about the natural course of untreated boyhood femininity? What might

intervention, of various types at various ages, do?

Follow-up studies tell us something of the “natural course” of boyhood

femininity. Twenty-seven adult males previously seen clinically for boyhood

femininity have been reevaluated. Fifteen are currently transsexual,

transvestic, or homosexual.'' The degree of treatment intervention with most

of these patients is not clear. By contrast, the adult transsexuals, transvestites,

and homosexuals in the series noted earlier were rarely evaluated during

Consider next “sexual identity.” While complex, for the purpose of this

discussion it can be viewed as including three components: (1) earliest: a

person’s self-awareness of being male or female—core-morphologic identity;

(2) later: manifestations of culturally defined masculine and feminine

behavior; and (3) still later: partner preferences for genital sexuality. 24
All three components of sexual identity are atypical for transsexuals

(they consider themselves female, behave like women, and are attracted to

anatomically same-sexed partners). Transsexuals report that their parents

felt their atypical behavior was insignificant and would pass, and so they

were not treated; sexual identity remained completely atypical. Although the

feminine boys seen by Money and myself initially behaved in a way similar to

that reported by many transsexuals, they did undergo evaluation and are not
now transsexual. For example, at five, one boy prayed nightly to be changed

into a girl and was repeatedly cross-dressing. His parents brought him for

evaluation at seven. Today he does not want to be a woman, does not cross-

dress, but is homosexual. Why did the first two components of sexual identity
(core-morphologic identity and gender-role behavior) undergo change, and

the third component, genital sexuality, remain atypical?

We can speculate. Core-morphologic identity appears to be crystallized

during the first three years of life. While it continues to be significantly

overlaid during the ensuing three years (and, to a degree, throughout life) a
considerable portion of sexual identity has been set by the time the atypical

child is initially evaluated. Gender-role behavior, a later identity component,

may be more modifiable during childhood. Thus, one outcome of early

intervention may be that a young male who feels he is or wants to be a female

may be convinced that the change is not possible. Additionally, a sufficient

number of nonrough-and-tumble activities may be found, along with

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 25

nonrough-and-tumble male playmates, to promote comfort in anatomic

maleness. If so, sufficient behavioral change will ensue so that the tortuous

search for later sex change is averted. However, attention is not specifically

addressed to the third component, genital sexuality, because such behavior is

not manifested during these years.

The critical factor with respect to whether behavior of an atypical boy

changes may be whether the parents seek evaluation. Those parents who

request evaluation are initiating a new milieu for their son, one that

discourages and rejects feminine gender-role behavior. By so doing, the

second component of sexual identity, and perhaps indirectly the first

component, may undergo change. If such is the case, the pre-transsexual male

may mature into a homosexual male. The degree to which the first two
components influence the third component is not clear.

The effect of same-aged, peer group relations during grade school years

is coming under more study. While it apparently has great import, the
relationship between early peer group interaction and later genital sexuality

is enigmatic. One possibility is that the feminine boy’s lack of positive

affective responses from males during earlier years (peer group and father)
results in “male affect starvation,” which is compensated for in adulthood in

male-male romantic relationships. Another possibility is that the young male

with a female peer group is socialized in that group to the point of evolving 26
similar, later romantic interests (attachments to males). The manner in which
preadolescent, homosocial peer group relationships typically evolve into

adolescent and adult heterosexual relationships and heterosocial peer group

relationships into homosexual ones is an intriguing, little understood facet of

psychosexual development. Obviously, this active period, the “latency years,”

deserves closer scrutiny.

Ethics of Treatment

Should clinicians attempt to modify the behavior of the child whose

sexual identity is dramatically atypical? The very feminine male child

experiences considerable social conflict in consequence of his behavior. He is

teased, ostracized, and bullied. The masculine girl is not stigmatized. Parents

who bring their very feminine boy for professional consultation are

concerned about his behavior and want something done. Parents do not bring

their masculine girls for consultation unless the behavior is dramatically

atypical. What, then, is the professional’s responsibility toward the parents of

the very feminine boy and their child?

It can be argued that the conflict experienced by the feminine boy is

derived mainly from the culture in which he lives, a culture that dictates, for

irrational reasons, that boys and girls behave in specified dimorphic ways.
Many parents are attempting to raise their children in a less traditionally

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 27

stereotyped manner, giving boys and girls a wider range of behavioral
options. However, to a major degree this ethic has yet to engage the general

population and great differences still exist for boys and girls in dress, toy, and

game preferences. Other children continue to label feminine boys “sissy.”

Unless the entire society undergoes dramatic change during the next few

years, the psychic distress and alienation experienced by the very feminine

boy will augment during his teens. While the clinician may prefer that the

whole society immediately change, there is more basis for optimism in

helping a single individual to change.

But what kind of change? Treatment need not forge the feminine boy

into an unduly aggressive, insensitive male. However, treatment can impart

greater balance to a child’s interests and behavior where previously skewed

patterns have precluded comfortable social integration. For example,

consider the exclusively female peer group of the feminine boy. Opponents of

intervention argue that there is nothing wrong with a boy playing with girls.
Advocates of limited intervention argue that there is nothing wrong with

playing with boys. They observe that the very feminine boy is eliminated from
interaction with one-half of the potential peer group (as is the traditionally

masculine boy, but without consequent teasing). Intervention may help the
feminine boy find unstigmatized boys, who prefer “sex-role-neutral” activities

so as to widen his range of social interactions. 28
Do therapists reinforce societal sexism by treating the feminine boy? To

a degree, yes. What are the alternatives? An attempt could be made to modify

the attitudes of the peer group, so that teasing stops and the feminine boy is

effectively integrated into the group. However, to rapidly change the pediatric

society is clearly a formidable task. On the other hand, helping the boy cope

with teasing can constitute part of the intervention program.

Clearly, the issue is not simple. The standard of many clinicians is to be

nonjudgmental, with goals to be dictated by the patient. If (1) parents want

their child to be happier, (2) the child is in serious conflict, and (3) the

likelihood of reducing that conflict is greatest by some behavioral change, is it

ethical to refuse intervention? More extended discussion of this dilemma is

found in Green.

Children of the Sexually Atypical

Homosexual Parents

Contemporary social experiments may provide new information on

psychosexual development. These involve children whose parents live an

atypical sexual life style.

While the majority of divorcing mothers seek and find a new husband
(and the majority of fathers seek and find a new wife) some enter into

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 29

homosexual relationships. “Lesbian mothers” have received increasing
attention in the press and in courts of law. Some female homosexual mothers
are being challenged for child custody by former husbands with the

contention that lesbianism signifies an unfit mothering status. At least one

homosexual male father has been judged as not providing a suitable

environment for overnight visits by his children.

What is the effect on children of being raised by one or two homosexual

adults? Issues engaged include the significance for psychosexual development

of having both sex-role models for parents during childhood and teens, the

availability of both sex-role models in families in which parents of only one

sex are represented, the effect on a child of recognizing that a parent is

homosexual, the effect on a child of peer group reactions to a child’s atypical

household, and the influence of the attitude of the other (non-homosexual)

biological parent.

Role models of the other sex are not excluded from the lives of children

who live in homosexual-parent households. Children are repeatedly exposed

to heterosexual adults of both sexes in the persons of relatives, parents of the

peer group, and at school. Additionally, the conventional nuclear-family

model of mother, father, and children depicted on television, in books, and in

moving pictures repeatedly bombards a child. 30
The effect on a child’s later sexual preferences of knowing that at least

one parent is homosexual is not fully determined. This will depend, in part, on

the extent to which partner preference is a result of role modeling. Role

modeling cannot account for the entire process of psychosexual development

however, in that the vast majority of homosexuals were raised by

heterosexual parents.

The view held by the homosexual parent, or couple, of persons of the

other sex may be significant. The image painted of these absentee figures can

be influential in shaping later affectional elements.

Yet another issue is a possible biological predisposition to

homosexuality, perhaps inherited, such as atypical gonadal hormone levels.

Should such a basis be firmly demonstrated (see below) it is questionable

whether raising a child so predisposed in either a homosexual or a

heterosexual household would significantly affect future sexuality.

Transsexual Parents

Boys and girls may be raised by a parent (in either the mother or father

role) who has undergone sex-change surgery. In some families, females

married to men who were formerly women have become pregnant via donor

insemination, and the couple then raises the child. In other instances,
transsexual couples are raising a child who is a product of the wife’s former

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 31

marriage. And, in a recent court case, a chromosomal female who had

previously borne a child and was currently living as a man, was granted
authority to raise the child in the role of father.

These “social experiments” permit the testing of various assumptions

regarding parental role modeling and identification. The long-term evaluation

of such children is a study in which several standard components of the

typical child-raising experience are altered.

The Homosexual’s Parents

The parents of homosexuals have typically been “studied” by indirect

means. Adults have been asked to recall traits of mother and father during the
respondent’s childhood. These methods are compromised by the inaccuracy

of recalled experiences with conscious or unconscious distortions diluting

their validity. A major study utilizing this approach was that of Bieber and his

psychoanalytic colleagues who were treating 100 homosexual males. Their

conclusion was that the close-binding, intimate mother and the passive,

distant, hostile, perhaps absent father contributed to the homosexual partner


Several efforts at replicating the Bieber finding have been attempted.

Evans confirmed this pattern using a nonclinical sample, but Greenblatt found
that the fathers of male homosexuals were described as generous, pleasant, 32
and dominant and the mothers as neither overprotective nor dominant. A
third study with a large number of subjects, 307 male homosexuals and 138

male heterosexuals, utilized several psychometric instruments to

retrospectively assess parental characteristics. For the entire subject sample

the finding that homosexuals more often recall their fathers as rejecting and
distant was confirmed. However, mothers were not more often described as

protective, demanding, close, or dominant. Furthermore, reports of relative

father-versus-mother dominance did not discriminate the two groups. Of

considerable significance is the finding that when only those homosexuals

and heterosexuals scoring low on neuroticism measures are compared, the

differences in parental backgrounds between the groups disappears. Thus, it

may be that the tendency for individuals, especially homosexuals in therapy,

to report more rejecting fathers may be related more to the reporter’s level of

neuroticism than to sexual orientation per se.

Homosexuality and Gonadal Hormones

Following an era in which a hormonal basis of atypical sexual behavior

in the human fell into disrepute, a revival of interest now exists. The
introduction of exquisitely sensitive hormonal assays has opened a new era of

investigation. Where previous studies utilizing gross, nonspecific measures

failed to show differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals, several

recent studies have found differences.

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 33

In 1970, the ratio of two stereoisomeric urinary metabolites of

testosterone, androsterone, and etiocholanolone were found to discriminate

twenty adult male heterosexuals from twenty male homosexuals. However,

three severely depressed heterosexuals and one diabetic heterosexual also

had ratios like that of the homosexuals. During the same year Loraine and co-

workers reported four homosexual females with higher urinary androgen and

lower estrogen levels than four heterosexual females, and two homosexual
males with lower androgen levels than controls. Then, in 1971, Kolodny and

co-workers reported that thirty male homosexuals had significantly lower

plasma testosterone levels than fifty male heterosexuals.

Questions of specificity abound. Rigorous attention has not been paid to

possibly confounding variables, especially stress, drug intake, and recency of

sexual activity. Heterosexual males under military stress also have

testosterone levels lowered to the same degree as those reported for

homosexuals. Homosexuals, because of their stigmatized life style, may be

under greater stress than heterosexuals. In the Kolodny et al. study, data on
marijuana ingestion are given for the homosexual subjects, but not for the

heterosexuals. This drug appears to reduce plasma testosterone (also

Kolodny et al.). Beyond this, three subsequent studies have failed to find
differences in testosterone levels,'’ and a fourth found homosexuals to have

higher levels. Data are not given in the last study for sexual activity prior to
plasma sampling. Sexual activity can influence plasma testosterone.’ Finally, 34
another study, while not noting a testosterone difference, did find an

elevation of estradiol in homosexual males. The only finding so far to survive

replication is the androsterone-etiocholanolone study, which has been

repeated by the original investigator and also by an independent researcher.

The relevancy of this finding remains obscure.

Two investigations have indirectly looked at the hypothalamic-pituitary

axis of males with a same-sexed partner preference to see whether it follows

a female-type gonadotropin release pattern. Two male-female differences

have been studied. The first is the well documented tonic release pattern in
the male and the cyclic pattern in the female. The second is the less

extensively studied gonadotropin feedback response resulting from an

intravenous estrogen load (decrease followed by rebound above baseline in

the female, decrease followed by return to normal in the male).

Male-to-female transsexuals (who have a male partner preference)

were studied to determine whether their gonadotropin release pattern was

tonic (male) or cyclic (female). It was tonic. Male homosexuals and

heterosexuals were given intravenous estrogen. The homosexuals’

gonadotropin response showed a reduction, followed by a rise above baseline

(female pattern). The heterosexuals’ response showed no positive rebound

after the initial reduction (male pattern—Dorner et al). This provocative

finding has yet to be replicated.

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 35


Bisexuality (also called ambisexuality) is a term with many usages. It

may imply an isolated or occasional sexual experience with one sex and most
relations with the other sex. It has been used to imply innate sexual features

of all persons or a “latent” impulse seething to find outlet. Usage here is

narrowly restricted to those persons who would rate “3” on the 7-point
Kinsey scale,’ with o designating exclusive heterosexuality and 6 exclusive

homosexuality. Individuals who are equally disposed in fantasy and overt

behavior to males and females are not common.

True bisexuality raises a number of theoretical and research questions.

Explaining homosexuality as an anxiety or phobic reaction to one genital

configuration (typically the male reacting to the “castrated” female) meets

with difficulty in understanding the individual capable of sexual satisfaction

with both males and females. If future research documents that specific

developmental routes, be they social or biological, promote either an

exclusive male or female sexual partner preference, would bisexuals fall in

the middle range on these attributes? Finally, will the changes in early
childhood socialization that less clearly demarcate children’s sex roles

promote more bisexuality during adult years?

The bisexual population has been largely ignored until recently

(Blumstein and Schwartz.) It offers considerable promise in understanding 36
the full potential of human sexual response in males and females.

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 37

Clinical Management Strategies: Adulthood

Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction

A new era in sexual health has been opened by the pioneering research

and treatment of Masters and Johnson.’ “Sexual dysfunction” has been

introduced into the medical vocabulary. This term is shorthand for a variety

of sexual difficulties, most commonly erectile failure and premature

ejaculation in the male and painful intercourse or non-orgasmia in the female.

The great success of the Masters and Johnson treatment program has resulted
in a rash of centers conducting “Masters and Johnson” therapy. Conspicuously

absent from these economically successful enterprises, however, has been

sophisticated evaluation of their efficacy.

Treating sexual dysfunction is more complex than training a male for

greater ejaculatory control or a female for orgiastic response. The complexity

is underscored by Fordney-Settlage who characterizes factors behind the

problems of the individual or sexual couple. Problems may engage: (1)

deficient sexual information; (2) restrictive sexual attitudes; (3) deficient or

negative sexual experience; (4) inadequate sexual communication; (5)

regressive sexual communication or behavior; (6) deficient or damaged

individual self-concept; (7) individual intrapsychic factors; (8) nonsexual

interpersonal distress; and (9) destructive reaction patterns. It is unlikely

that any simple, inflexible intervention can address itself to this multiplicity of 38

Research designs are needed in which groups begin therapy on an equal

basis, all input to the patient(s) during the treatment period, except for the

specific intervention modality are held constant, objective indices are given

for pre- and post-intervention behavior, and finally, long-term follow-up

results are reported. Nontreatment control groups are also needed (waiting
list) to accommodate the high degree of motivation brought by these patients

to the treatment situation.

Which components of these programs are associated with symptom

reversal in the several styles of sexual dysfunction must be ascertained.

Evaluating outcome as “successful” or “unsuccessful” is not simple. A

couple may find the dysfunctional symptom removed but additional

interpersonal problems to be of such magnitude that they separate or

divorce. Or, symptom reversal may manifest itself only in sexual interactions

with other partners. Treatment-outcome measures need to consider several

dimensions, not merely presence or absence of specific symptoms. Whether a

couple graduates from a dysfunction program “magna cum loudly” may not be
the most important variable.

In the absence of specific dysfunctions, but “merely” general sexual

malaise, valid behavioral criteria are needed. A step in this direction is the

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 39

inventory developed by LoPiccolo and Steger. This self-report cites seventeen

kinds of sexual behavior, and for each kind both partners rate the activity as it
applies to their relationship. Indices are obtained of satisfaction with the

frequency and range of the couple’s sexual behavior, as well as knowledge of

the partner’s sexual preferences. The inventory has been shown, in a

preliminary study, to have good reliability, to be capable of separating

sexually dysfunctional and functional couples, and to record changes

associated with treatment.

Quality control and licensing of “sex clinics” is necessary to avoid

exploitation and insure that responsible, effective intervention is being

provided. Additionally, treatment programs are typically expensive and may

not be covered by health insurance, thus rendering them unresponsive to the

health needs of many people. Perhaps inexpensive, self-help materials can be

developed on audio- and video-tape cassettes, providing effective home

education and treatment.

The use of erotic materials and surrogate partners are controversial

elements in some sexual dysfunction programs. Does viewing explicit sexual

materials benefit an individual’s sexual competence? Preliminary data were

published in 1970 by the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography.

Questionnaires were given to patrons of “adult” film theaters. Based on

responses of the one third who returned the forms (questionably 40
representative, but real people nevertheless) 54 percent experienced sex as
“more enjoyable since viewing sex films” and only 1 percent reported a

negative effect. Seventy-nine percent reported that the films motivated them

to introduce new variety into their sexual behavior, variety within the range
of typical sexuality. While many people treat themselves with erotica, from

adolescence through later years, learning and role rehearsing various sorts of

sexual behavior and generally enriching their erotic fantasy, this sexual-

health view of erotica is not shared by law-enforcement officials who typically

see erotica as sowing the seeds of moral decay. Surrogate sexual partners are

discussed below in a section on the treatment of homosexuality but that

discussion has parallel applicability here.

Two additional subjects merit note: pheromones and biofeedback.

Pheromones are odoriferous substances that act as chemical messengers

between individuals. The possibility exists that sex pheromones may operate

in the human primate. Unquestionably, they operate in the nonhuman

primate. In the rhesus monkey, a vaginally secreted short-chain aliphatic acid

dramatically activates male sexual interest.' Should such a human pheromone

be isolated, it may be harnessed by enterprising therapists in the treatment of

sexual dysfunction. A biofeedback design is briefly mentioned in the following


Male-Female Differences in Patterns of Erotic Arousal

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 41

The Kinsey et al. data suggested that males and females respond

differently to potentially erotic stimuli. Females were described as not

responding to visual sexual materials while males clearly did. Now, two

decades later, other studies have revealed no sex difference in responsiveness

to visual materials, with both males and females reporting sexual arousal.

Another previously reported sex difference concerned the degree of romantic

content in the materials: females were reported to be more responsive to

romantic narrative imagery and males to stories with an emphasis on

“impersonal, mechanical” sex. Again, more recent research has found no sex

difference. These studies have relied on verbally reported sexual arousal as

experienced by genital sensation and coital activity before and after exposure
to erotica. No physiologic measures of arousal were obtained.

In an effort to explain the differences in response patterns noted by the

Institute for Sex Research in the U.S. in the 1940s (Kinsey) and the Institute
for Sex Research in West Germany in the 1970s (Schmidt, Sigusch), Gebhard

has suggested that the wording of the Kinsey interview may have yielded an
artifactual sex difference. To elicit a positive reply re erotica in the earlier

studies, a strong genital response was necessary, or else the respondent was

likely to reply negatively to the particular stimulus modality. Gebhard also

reasons that females respond more gradually to erotic stimuli so that

questions such as, “Do you become aroused if shown a photograph of coital
activity?” would elicit a negative reply from women. 42
Until recently, research on the responsivity of females to potentially

erotic stimuli relied on verbal reports. While male responsivity had been

measured via penile plethysmography, in which penile volume change is

recorded by a strain-gauge mercury loop, no reliable device had been

developed to provide an objective measure of female response. In 1970,

Cohen and Shapiro described a device for measuring changes in vaginal blood

flow via two thermistors that recorded temperature changes, and in 1971
Jovanovic noted a device designed to measure vaginal contractions via an

intravaginal balloon, with another designed to record clitoral erections via a


In 1974, Sintchak and Geer described an easily inserted, intravaginal

photoplethysmograph that measured vaginal blood volume and vaginal

pressure pulse. These measures have been demonstrated to change in

response to viewing erotic materials or listening to erotic recordings, but not

to change in response to non-erotic stimuli. Thus, the possibility exists of

more sophisticated studies of the effects of various types of stimuli on both

males and females. Also open to study are attempts to correlate arousal

patterns with personality features . and prior sexual experiences.

Penile and vaginal plethysmography may find applicability in the

treatment of sexual dysfunction. Objective indices of arousal to specific

stimuli can be recorded and feedback provided to the subject. Biofeedback

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 43

designs in which subjects are rewarded for increments in sexual arousal may
enable a subject to enhance sexual responsivity—of obvious value in the

treatment of male impotence and female non-orgasmia.

Nonpatient Homosexuals

Clinicians have largely ignored the questionable validity of generalizing

from a psychiatric patient sample of homosexuals to the entire homosexual

population. Early researchers to focus on this fallacy were Hooker and


The homosexual life style has been traditionally viewed within a

psycho-developmental framework as sine qua non of mental disorder, or

prima facie evidence of unresolved oedipal conflict, residual castration fear,

and psychologic immaturity. Forearmed with this rationale, the life dilemmas
bringing forth the homosexual patient have been construed as supportive of

this mental-illness position. An alternative interpretation is that those

homosexuals consulting psychiatrists have difficulties represented by only a
minority of the homosexual population, that the difficulties experienced

(maintaining stable object relations, anxiety, depression) are also found in the

heterosexual-patient population, and that those homosexuals in conflict, or

desirous of heterosexual reorientation, are responding to societal

discrimination. 44
The 1970s brought a radical rethinking of the homosexuality-equals-

mental-illness dictum. Forces operant were the increasingly strident voices of

homosexual activists, criticism and questioning by psychiatrists (e.g., Marmor,

Hoffman, Green) and an increasing body of data from studies of nonpatient

homosexuals challenging the illness theory.

Two important large-scale studies conducted of nonpatient

homosexuals were those of Siegelman and Saghir and Robins. Three hundred

and seven homosexual and 137 heterosexual males were studied by

Siegelman, utilizing several psychometric tests. On the Scheir-Cattell Scale,

homosexuals scored higher on tender-mindedness, submissiveness, anxiety,

and neuroticism, and lower on depression. The two groups did not differ on

measures of alienation, trust, self-acceptance, sense of self, and dependency,

or for neuroticism on the McGuire Neuroticism Scale. Homosexuals were also

found to be more “goal directed.” When homosexuals and heterosexuals

scoring low on femininity were compared, the difference in anxiety level


Male and female homosexuals (about 150) and unmarried heterosexual

contrast groups were compared in the comprehensive study by Saghir and

Robins. Twenty-six percent of the male homosexuals and 6 percent of the

heterosexuals had had psychotherapy, usually of a brief nature. Treatment

was typically for depression, with either the breakup of a relationship or guilt

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 45

feelings instigating therapy. Only 9 percent of the homosexuals who sought
psychiatric help did so to change to heterosexuality. There was no history of

definable psychiatric disorder in 34 percent of the homosexuals and 40

percent of the heterosexuals. There were no significant differences with

respect to any of the major psychiatric disorders, including affective states,

drug abuse, alcoholism, and anxiety. At the time of study, 72 percent of each

group was free of psychiatric disorder. Those homosexuals who had been

feminine as boys (about two-thirds) had an adult history of anxiety phobia

and psychophysiologic reactions; those not previously feminine did not.

For the homosexual females, a third had had some psychotherapy,

compared to a quarter of the heterosexual female group. One-third of the

homosexual patients had sought help for depression (typically secondary to

the breakup of a love relationship) and nearly half for insight or alleviation of

guilt. One-quarter of the heterosexual patients sought help for depression and

three-fourths for insight and emotional growth. Problem drinking was

significantly higher among the homosexual subjects.

The authors concluded: “Homosexuals are not necessarily sick within

the limits of the definition of sickness or manifest pathology interfering with

health or with function. . . . Homosexual men are psychologically very similar

to single heterosexual men while homosexual women tend to show a greater

degree of psychopathology (drinking problems) than heterosexual women. 46
However, manifest neurotic disorders do not seem to be more prevalent
among homosexual men or women.”

Criticism may be leveled against the Siegelman study on the grounds

that the subjects were never interviewed, that psychometric tests do not fully

tap mental functioning, and that the samples may not be representative of the

homosexual population but reflect volunteer bias (just as psychiatrist patient

samples are biased). The Saghir and Robins study may be criticized on the

grounds that an unmarried heterosexual contrast group, while controlling for

marital status and permitting better comparison of life-style experiences, is

an atypical heterosexual sample; and one more prone to conflict and poor

social adjustment.

Results from a large study conducted by the Institute for Sex Research

(A. Bell and M. Weinberg) are promised within a year. It has assessed a large

number of heterosexual and homosexual black and white males and females.

The volume of data dealing with social and psychological adjustment as well
as early life recalled events holds considerable potential.

Treatment of Homosexuality

Treatment of homosexuality has become simultaneously a better

therapeutic prospect and an ethical dilemma. Psychiatry had historically

found little for rejoicing in its attempts to reorient homosexuals (typically

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 47

males). Freud was less than optimistic when he noted that it was about as
easy to reorient a homosexual as a heterosexual. But Bieber and colleagues

reported in 1962 that about a third of their highly motivated, masculine-

appearing predominantly homosexual males reoriented after at least 300

hours of psychoanalysis. Hadden reported reorientation in group therapy,

and Bergler, Socarides and Hatterer reported success (typically labeled

“cures”) with psychoanalytic or dynamically-oriented therapy.

Concurrently, behavior therapists instituted their strategies (following a

largely unnoticed report in the 1930s) and additional evidence demonstrated

that some highly motivated homosexual males could reorient toward

heterosexuality. A variety of behaviorist techniques were introduced, but

generally there was pairing of a noxious stimulus (electric shock to the wrist)

with a visual image of an erotic male and absence of the noxious stimulus
with an image of a female. Behavior therapy reorientation rates were

comparable to insight-oriented therapies (about 20 to 40 percent) but the

treatment time (two to four weeks) was considerably shorter. Follow-up

evaluations in both types of studies indicated that the majority of those who
reoriented remained so (for an extensive review, see Bancroft).

It has occurred to some clinicians that heterosexuality is more than

achieving an erection while viewing a slide of a female nude; consequently,

additional other forms of retraining have been introduced. Social skills 48
involved in meeting females, holding conversations, and requesting dates
have been taught as well as techniques of advanced seduction. Social-skills

training may include modeling, role playing, and behavior rehearsal. Subjects

are trained in appropriate verbal fluency and body and facial expression.
Social-skill therapists insist that the appropriate interpersonal responses are

not part of the subject’s prior repertoire and must be taught in order for

laboratory-conditioned erotic responses to generalize to the “real world.”

(Interestingly, the one male “transsexual” reported as abandoning his goal of

sex-change surgery to female status did so after sequential programs of

social-skills training for heterosocial competence and aversion conditioning

to male erotic partners.)

Comparative study of these interventions is difficult. Those patients

who consult a psychoanalyst, a behavior therapist, or a social-skills facilitator

are not the same. The duration of time involved in the intervention

experience is not the same, and it is difficult to control for other variables
entering the patient’s life during a prolonged treatment period such as


Sex-partner availability and the feasibility of putting into practice newly

learned behavior is another practical treatment consideration and brings into

question another frontier —the sexual surrogate. The report by Masters and
Johnson that they successfully utilized female surrogates for sexual and

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 49

emotional support in their treatment program of heterosexual dysfunction
has sparked new and more open impetus for the use of professional partners.

While a few therapists had formerly dispatched patients to prostitutes

(programs for “penises without partners”) the past few years have seen the
surfacing of surrogate training programs and surrogate associations.

The future role of surrogate partners is a provocative topic. On the one

hand, they may experience difficulty in consequence of prosecutions for

prostitution; on the other hand, there is the possibility of more formalized

training and licensing, in the manner of other physical therapists. The issue of

quality control in training and practice would then need be addressed, as in

other areas of health-care delivery.

Professional homosexual organizations have strongly protested any

treatment designed to reorient a male or female to heterosexuality. Their

view is that homosexuality should be treated as a human variant, in the

manner of left-handedness, and that any intervention reinforces the societal

second-class status of a same-sexed partner preference. Supporters of

therapeutic intervention insist they treat only volunteer patients, that the

patient sets the goals of therapy, and that to deny treatment would be
unethical. Homosexual activists assert that those who request heterosexual

reorientation do so out of societal oppression and not out of free will. For a
more detailed discussion of this dilemma see Green and Money. 50
Sex-reassignment Surgery

Since 1966 “sex-change” operations have been openly performed at

American medical centers. While the controversy prior to the late 1960s was
whether sex-change surgery was a legitimate treatment for anyone, the major

thrust of that dispute has been blunted and the principal current question is

which patients are the best candidates.

Several subgroups of male patients requesting sex change are being

granted surgery. The past history of one subgroup better fits the life style of
the feminine homosexual, another that of the transvestite, and the third that

of the more classic transsexual. Those in the first group have had extensive

homosexual experience, have been markedly effeminate, and have not

experienced sexual arousal from cross-dressing. Misfitted into the larger

homosexual subculture, they experience a sense of legitimization for their

atypical behavior with the designation “transsexual,” and find new hope in

the destigmatized medical product— the postoperative transsexual woman.

The second group has been conventionally masculine in most behavior except

for periodically dressing in women’s clothes, with accompanying sexual

arousal. Sexual behavior has been both heterosexual and homosexual. Over

time, the frequency of cross-dressing has increased and the degree of

concordant genital arousal decreased. The person evolves a greater sense of

femininity and an increasing desire to become a woman. The last group

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 51

consists of those males who were very feminine from earliest years, have not

experienced genital arousal from cross-dressing, and whose sexual interests

have always been directed toward males.

It has been suggested by Stoller that the first two groups are probably

poor candidates for sex-change surgery in that their identity is too heavily
comprised of male components. Other clinicians neglect past history and

require the surgical candidate to convincingly demonstrate the capacity to

function adequately in the aspired-for gender role. The degree to which the

merits of these positions will be borne out by long-term follow-up evaluations

is anxiously awaited.

As normal penises and breasts become surgical specimens in increasing

numbers, the time is here for sophisticated follow-up studies. However,

formidable difficulties are being encountered. Many patients wish to leave

behind all painful memories of their siege and disappear into the “straight”

community. They are uniquely reluctant to maintain any contact with their
physician. Additionally, some physicians are disinterested in what becomes of

the patient five years after leaving the operating room and paying all bills. I

suggest that the $5000 charged these patients, rather than generating
additional professional income, be placed in an interest-bearing, escrow

“follow-up” account. With each return visit by the postoperative transsexual,

biannually for ten years, a portion of that account would be returned to the 52
patient. In this way, the patients would receive the treatment they request
and science would learn more about how to best serve the transsexual.

Physical Disability

There are many categories of physical disability; only recently has much

attention been paid to the ways they can impinge on sexuality. Disabilities can

be grouped into (1) those which are pre-pubertal and stable, such as brain

injury, spinal-cord injury, skeletal deformity, altered body growth, heart

disease, and blindness; (2) those which are pre-pubertal and progressive, such

as muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and heart disease; (3) those

which are post-pubertal and stable, such as spinal cord injury, genital

amputation, disfiguring injuries, enterostomies, and blindness; and (4) those

which are post-pubertal and progressive, such as heart disease, stroke,

diabetes, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and end-stage renal disease.

The number of patients affected is obviously enormous. Research, education,

and counseling at the interface of human sexuality and these disabilities is a

long overdue development, but still in its infancy.

Two disabilities will be highlighted here, spinal-cord injury and heart

disease. Spinal-cord injury and sexual behavior have traditionally been

considered incompatible. This myth has been popularized by the D. H.

Lawrence classic, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. The number of spinal-cord-injured

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 53

patients has grown at a tragic rate, in consequence of the successes of
national foreign policy, and the sales campaigns of the automotive and

motorcycle industries.

New optimism exists for sexual rehabilitation of the paraplegic or

quadriplegic. Rates at which the spinal-cord injured engage in sexual activity

appear to be largely dependent on therapists’ early institution of discussions

and education regarding ‘the patient’s sexual potential. Spinal-cord-injured

patients can be provided information regarding reflex erection from manual

or oral penile manipulation, “stuffing” techniques for intravaginal penile

containment, techniques of oral-genital pleasuring, and prospects for fertility.

Seventy percent of 150 male patients reported by Comarr were capable of

erection from mechanical stimulation, and the use of surgically implanted

penile splints may prove to be useful in the remaining cases (as with other

patients with irreversible impotency). Fertility in spinal-cord-injured males

has been reported with the administration of intrathecal prostigmin to induce


Myocardial infarction and sexuality is significant for many older

couples. Heart attack need not signal termination of one’s sexual practices.
Cardiovascular research indicates that the individual capable of ascending

one or two flights of stairs should be able to tolerate the blood pressure and
pulse changes accompanying coital activity with one’s regular partner. 54
Intercourse with new partners is generally accompanied by considerably
greater cardiac output and may be contraindicated for medical reasons.

Sexuality and Old Age

Sexual functioning during old age is an area of increasing social

significance, as the aged population grows and sexuality becomes a more

acceptable topic of discussion among all age groups.

Traditionally, old age and sexuality have been considered mutually

exclusive. To a degree this mythology was debunked by the Kinsey data' of

twenty-five years ago revealing that 75 percent of their males were sexually
potent at the age of seventy and that couples in their sixties were engaging in

weekly sexual intercourse. Physiological studies of the sex-response cycle by

Masters and Johnson also reveal that males and females remain sexually
responsive into advanced age. Changes that accompany advanced years in the

male are a higher threshold to erotic stimulation for an erectile response,

lessened ejaculatory force, and a longer post-orgasmic refractory period. For
the aged female on adequate sex-steroid maintenance, multi-orgasmic

response can be continued from earlier years.

Questions remain regarding gonadal hormone maintenance for sexual

functioning. Some preliminary data on younger females suggest that rates of

sexual intercourse are, in part, related to the stage of the menstrual cycle,

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 55

with a rate decrease during the luteal phase. This raises the possibility that
varying combinations of exogenous estrogen and/or progesterone may affect

sexual interest during postmenopausal years. Other evidence strongly links

adrenal androgen to female drive, and females given testicular androgens

typically report enhanced sexuality. Thus, low doses of androgen might be an

effective hormonal stimulant. More compelling evidence from the aged female

shows that atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, resulting in painful intercourse,

plus the painful uterine contractions sometimes accompanying orgasm in this

age group can be alleviated with gonadal hormone maintenance.

Whether older males who experience significant reduction in sexual

functioning may benefit from hormone administration is less clear. While

such “therapy” with testosterone has been practiced in the past with

enthusiastic reports, controlled studies utilizing placebo administration are

called for.

Sexual-partner availability for senior citizens is also problematic. Many

older people lose their regular partner through death. Frequently, the
surviving partner spends the final years of life in a home for the aged. In the

past, the sexual health of residents of “nursing homes” has not been a primary

concern. A decade ago Ullerstrom suggested that “sexual services” be made

available to the aged and infirm. Certainly, educational programs for the

elderly are needed, providing input that sexuality is part of the entire life 56
cycle. Additionally, the image of sexuality as the domain of the young and
beautiful might be modified somewhat if the media specialists currently

engaged in producing sexually explicit educational films would also feature

geriatric “stars.”

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 57

Other Social Issues

Erotica and Antisocial Behavior

Several studies have attempted to test the popular assumption that

exposure to sexually explicit materials is causally related to the commission

of antisocial sexual behavior. The United States Commission on Obscenity and

Pornography funded several projects. In one, 3000 American psychiatrists

and clinical psychologists were surveyed as to whether they had ever

encountered a case in which pornography was a factor in producing antisocial

sexual behavior. Seven percent indicated they had, and another 9 percent

suspected so.

Another approach has been obtaining the pornography histories of

convicted male sex offenders. The Institute for Sex Research reported

offenders, 900 males incarcerated for nonsexual crimes, and 500 non-
prisoners. There were no significant differences in exposure between the two

offender groups and the non-offender group. Nor were substantial differences

reported in the degree of arousal to erotica.

Exposure of sex offenders and non-offenders to erotica during

adolescence has also been studied. Exposure rates for sex offenders are

reported as lower. In one study, 80 percent of the non-offender control group

reported seeing photographic depictions of coitus during their teens, 58
compared to 54 percent of pedophiles and 62 percent of rapists.

The age at first exposure to erotica has been another focus. Half the

persons in one sample incarcerated for a nonsexual crime had seen erotica
between the ages of six and ten, whereas only 28 percent of the sex offenders

reported such an experience. Similarly, a group of rapists was found to have

had its initial experience with depictions of sexual intercourse more than
three years later than non-sex offenders.

Regarding recent exposure to photographic depictions of coitus, again

rapists reported less during the year preceding incarceration than did the
controls for the year preceding interview, although no differences were found

for other sexual depictions. Though the study by Gebhard et al. found no

differences in reported response to erotica, other studies found one: sex

offenders reported more often that they masturbated to the materials

whereas no-sex offenders more often reported engaging in intercourse.

Do convicted sex offenders implicate erotica as having been responsible

for their antisocial acts? Three studies asked this of sex offenders. In the first,
only one of forty-seven offenders blamed erotica. In the second, no difference

in blaming erotica was found between sex offenders and other criminals. In

the third, sex offenders were more likely to blame sexual materials.

Reports of convicted offenders are difficult to interpret. Experiences

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 59

may be consciously or unconsciously rendered invalid. Some sex offenders

may deny experience with erotic materials in an attempt to put themselves in

a more favorable moral light. On the other hand, reports of sex offenders who

blame erotica for their crimes must be regarded with even greater suspicion.

The “scapegoat” phenomenon may be operant here, with an offender blaming

some external agent rather than assuming responsibility himself.

The legal experience in Denmark has been of considerable interest to

those concerned with the social significance of erotica. With the relaxation of

laws controlling the availability of such materials to persons sixteen or older,

reports of exhibitionism, voyeurism, and pedophilia were significantly

reduced. While it is difficult to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship

between legal availability of erotica and diminution of certain sex crimes, the

Danish experience does not appear to be the result of changes in the

reportability of various crimes, or changes in laws which decriminalize some


The studies of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography are not

without flaws and a critical brief on their scientific merit has been assembled
by V. Cline. However, the greatest importance of the commission may be that

more research was conducted on the subject of erotica during a two-year

period than ever before. That the legal recommendation of the commission to
eliminate laws controlling the availability of materials to consenting adults 60
was declared “morally bankrupt” by President Nixon may not have been a
death blow to new legislation, as many public moral pronouncements of the

abdicated president have become the object of unprecedented skepticism.

Clearly, better research is needed in this area in which heavy

emotionalism is typically “balanced” against light facts. It is the responsibility

of behavioral scientists and criminologists to conduct more careful

investigations into the effects of erotic materials of various types, at various

ages, and on various kinds of behavior. Behavior must include both antisocial

sex acts, and an individual’s sexual competence in socially appropriate


Social Rehabilitation of Sex Offenders

A variety of interventions have been utilized in attempts to control sex

offenders. Historically, the approach to “treating” sex offenders (habitual

pedophiliacs, rapists) has been indefinite incarceration and surgical


Lately, somewhat more humane approaches have been introduced.

Behavior therapists have attempted to recondition sexual responsivity away

from inappropriate partners by pairing noxious stimuli (usually faradic

stimulation) with pictures of children, or with fantasy and depictions of

sexual assaults against adults. Outpatient group therapy of probationed sex

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 61

offenders has also been implemented and lower recidivism rates
demonstrated. Social-skills training for relating comfortably to appropriate

sexual partners (discussed earlier) also holds promise here.

As an alternative to irreversible, surgical castration of sex offenders,

newer research has been directed to reversible pharmacological intervention.

An antiandrogenic agent has been utilized to treat offenders in Europe. The

drug, cyproterone acetate, a progestational agent, may act through blocking

the metabolic (and hence behavioral) actions of androgen at tissue receptors,

or by inhibiting gonadotropin secretion, or perhaps through direct action on

the testes.

The great majority of male patients treated with cyproterone acetate

report profound reduction of sex drive. This anti-libido effect has been

achieved in 120 of 150 males in one series treated for a minimum of six
months. The antiandrogen effect reportedly proceeds in the following order:

libido, erection, orgasm. Maximum effect is described between the twentieth

and twenty-fifth day. Reversibility of erectile capacity may take up to six

weeks, depending on dosage and duration of treatment. Reversibility of

spermatogenesis inhibition occurs within five months of discontinuing the

drug. Absent from these studies, however, has been a double-blind design in
which the placebo effects of cyproterone acetate, as well as motivational

impetus for incarcerated offenders to report low sex drive to obtain freedom, 62
are ruled out.

If cyproterone acetate is pharmacologically effective, the possibility

exists for a treatment program coupling diminished sex drive, in an

outpatient setting, with social-skills training in appropriate sexual conduct, or

other forms of psychotherapy. The drug could then be withdrawn when the

patient is considered a good risk for continued control of socially

inappropriate behavior.

In the United States the Food and Drug Administration has yet to
approve the use of cyproterone acetate for the treatment of sex offenders,

though approval has been given for its use in controlling androgen-

responsive carcinoma of the prostate. Public reaction against the use of

cyproterone has been considerable. The label “chemical castrator,” has

contributed much emotionalism to the issue, and cries have been heard that

the drug would be used against political dissenters. At the other end of the

political spectrum, opposition has been mobilized against the use of drugs
that might release rapists and pedophiliacs from prison by those who feel

these inmates should remain permanently incarcerated.

Research and ethical issues remain. Whether cyproterone acetate and

other “antiandrogenic” drugs indeed reduce sex drive has yet to be

adequately documented, and which subgroups of sex offenders might

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 63

respond best to a true antiandrogen is also not known. In individuals for
whom the significance of violence toward women is paramount, rather than a

strong sex drive, the drug might have only minimal effect. Similarly, for those

males lacking the social skills required to engage adult partners, the drug

might also have only minimal effect.

Beyond this, the capacity of an incarcerated person to give a truly

informed consent remains a dilemma. A prisoner confronted with the option

of taking a drug or participating in a behavior-modification program that may

shorten prison stay, and told the possible risks, may sign an “informed”

consent, but still act under coercion. A variety of alternatives have been
suggested, including uncoupling the duration of incarceration from

participation in experimental treatment programs, or initiating the program

after the individual is released. The different approaches are extraordinarily

complex and have been debated at length. One example is found in the

proposed policy regarding protection of human subjects published by the

Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Common Illegal Sexual Behavior

In a trial in California in 1972, a defendant was charged with (and

convicted of) conspiracy to commit oral copulation. The maximum sentence

for this crime is fourteen years. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to consider 64
the case. As of this writing, oral copulation is a crime in forty-two states,
including when practiced by a married couple in the privacy of their

bedroom. Oral copulation is a sexual act engaged in by about 80 percent of the

adult population.

In a trial in New Jersey in 1974, a defendant was charged with (and

convicted of) fornication (sexual intercourse involving an unmarried,

consenting adult female). As of this writing, the conviction is being appealed

on constitutional grounds. Fornication and/or cohabitation is a crime in

twenty-two states. Fornication is practiced by at least 50 percent of the


In a trial in Texas in 1974, a man was convicted of publicly wearing

women’s clothes. There was no intent on the individual’s part to perfect a

disguise to elude police detection or attempt fraud. The U.S. Supreme Court

refused to consider the case. Cross-dressing is practiced by thousands of

transsexuals and transvestites to promote emotional well-being.

Anal intercourse, also called in the statutes “the crime against nature”

(nineteen states) or “the act not to be mentioned among Christians” is a crime

in forty-five states. The maximum penalty in California is ten years. Anal

intercourse is reportedly practiced by some 20 percent of young (under age

thirty-five) heterosexual couples and by a majority of homosexual males.

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 65

What effect do these laws have on mental health? Many patients

experience difficulties in sexual relationships due to guilt feelings when

considering or practicing these common sexual behaviors (e.g., oral

copulation). Legal pronouncement of such behaviors as criminal positively

reinforces these feelings. Additionally, therapists treating varieties of sexual

dysfunction and counseling couples or individuals with inhibitions about such

behaviors are advocating criminal acts.

Persons with a strong need to wear clothes more typically worn by the

other sex experience frustration when denied access to these garments.

Additionally, many medical centers engaged in sex-reassignment surgery for

transsexuals require that the patient live in the social role aspired to for one

year prior to surgery. This trial period is critical in helping safeguard against

disappointment after irreversible intervention.

The removal of homosexuality per se as a category of mental disorder

by the American Psychiatric Association in 1974 reflected, in part, a growing

awareness of the psychiatric consequences of labeling certain kinds of

behavior as mentally disordered. Similar psychiatric arguments exist for

labeling certain kinds of behavior as criminal. Vulnerability to blackmail and

police harassment are additional hazards.

Sex Education 66
Sex education, whether in medical school or kindergarten, remains

controversial. Instruction on human sexuality in medical school came into

vogue in the 1970s, with 95 percent of schools participating. However,

effective delivery of sexual knowledge and its clinical impact remain to be

adequately evaluated.

The most widely used assessment instrument has been the Sexual

Knowledge and Attitude Test (SKAT) developed by Lief, and modified by Lief

and Ebert. In one of the few efforts at determining whether a course changed

either knowledge or attitudes the test was given in a before-and-after design

by Golden and Liston. No student change was reported. However, Ebert

(personal communication) points out that if the authors had statistically

analyzed their data, significant student improvement would have been found.

Irrespective of whether change in knowledge or attitude can be accurately

measured, it is another matter whether change, if present, carries over into

interpersonal relations at either the private or professional level. Most

students bring to their medical experience sexual misinformation, conflicts,

and blocks. These interfere with sexual history taking and sexual counseling.

Thus, the goal of providing information and facilitating a comfortable,

objective patient-doctor exchange. How to effect this is controversial.

An explosive use of explicit sex films in educational settings occurred in

the 1970s. Advocates of the use of erotica point to a wide range of benefits:

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 67

“desensitization” to various aspects of sexual interaction, augmented student
dialogue on sexuality stimulated by the material, greater comfort in

interviewing in the area of sexuality, and general education regarding the

range of sexual experiences. Detractors see the use of erotica as an

unnecessary gimmick that depersonalizes sexuality and contributes to the

voyeurism of student and teacher.

The major source of erotic films used in medical schools has been Multi-

Media Resource Center in San Francisco, under the direction of Reverend Ted

Mcllvenna. Twenty-minute films depicting a variety of sexual behaviors,

including male-female typical, male-female atypical (male paraplegic-female

able-bodied), male-male, female-female, and solo male or female have been

produced. More recently commercial enterprises (e.g., Edcoa, Englewood,

New Jersey) and psychiatrists (Paul Miller, University of Nevada, Reno) have

been producing and selling erotic films for educational purposes. Multi-Media

has also produced a film designed to treat premature ejaculation, and Edcoa
released a film of a physician’s “sexological” examination of a couple (both

partners present and the genitalia demonstrated, examined, and explained).

Additional educational strategies include presentations by persons with

various sexual life styles, and small group student interactions, which are

seen as catalyzing comfortable communication and private attitude

reassessment. The degree to which each or any of these strategies is 68
successful is not well documented.

Evaluating the clinical effect of general information giving (and

obtaining) is complex.

Assessments need to be made of knowledge imparted, attitude change,

and capacity to conduct sexual interviews and counseling. Ratings of

competence must utilize objective criteria by trained raters, and the

subjective experience of the patient. Correlations could also be made between

course information input and attitude change (if any) and ratings by self and
partner(s) of sexual competence and satisfaction. Valid assessment

instruments need to be constructed for such evaluations.

Sex education for children remains politically volatile. Most people

believe that “sex education” is a good thing. What is not agreed upon is at

1uhat age education should begin, who should do the educating, and just what
should be taught. Advocates of sex education in the earliest school years

stress that sex can be removed from the arena of mystery and misinformation
and that lack of education is associated with adult sexual dysfunctions and the

commission of sexual offenses.

The primary source of sex information has been the peer group (true for

91 percent of 477 lower-class males, 89 percent of 888 incarcerated

criminals, and 89 percent of 1395 sex offenders as recently as the mid

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 69

nineteen-sixties). The peer group has rarely been a source of accurate sexual


The public school system has not fared much better. Sex education
courses have typically vacillated between lessons in “reproductive biology,”

depicting the heroic canine sperm swimming upstream to find its helplessly

awaiting mate, and lectures on maintaining a hygienic body, powered by the

energies of an aseptic soul.

The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States

(SIECUS) in New York, founded by Mary Calderone, has been a catalytic force
during the past decade in providing educational material and counsel for

teachers and students. SIECUS also maintains an active index and reviewing

system of available educational books and films.

Sex educators of the young optimistically believe that effective delivery

of information at appropriate developmental periods will promote a positive

attitude toward one’s body (genitalia included) and will reduce the rates of
venereal disease, unwanted pregnancy, sexual dysfunction, and sexual
offenses. Firm data to support this prediction are awaited. 70

These research-treatment frontiers are broadly based, reflecting the

wide scope of human sexuality. The topics are not exhaustive, but encompass
some areas of therapeutic, research, political, and social significance. Sexual

attitudes and conduct are problematic. They are subject to what may appear

as capricious change, dictated by an evolving social structure. Here is an area

of science in which a priori knowledge has traditionally compromised

dedication to fact and the search for greater wisdom. Here is an area of

treatment in which personalized value systems can compromise the goal of

implementing patient-activated guidelines. My hope is that this chapter will

quickly become “dated,” and that by the time the editors formulate the third

edition of the Handbook, its research questions will be considered “quaint.” If

so, we will know much more about the bases of human sexuality and how to
promote sexual health.

American Handbook of Psychiatry Vol. 6 71


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