Geo 13 24

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4.21 In a rhombus ABCD, AC = 24 cm and BD = 10 em. 4.23.

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is

Calculate the perimeter of the rhombus. 1620·. How many sides does polygon have?

Sol: In a rhombus. the diagonals bisect each other at Sol: We have, sum of the interior angles of a polygon
right angles. Let 0 be the point where the two =.(2n - 4) x 90· = 1620·
diagonals Acand BOintersect each other. ::) 2n - 4::; 1620190= 18
SinceAC = 24 and BD::; ~O =>2n=22=>n;: 11
::)AO = 12 cm and 00 = 5 cm
As the diagonals bisect at right angles. MOB is 4.24 One angle of a pentagon is 60°. If all the other
right angled. angles being equal. find each of the other angles .
.;_AB2= OA2 + OB2
122 + 52= 132; Hence AB = 13 crn. Sol: Sum ofthe lhterior angles of a polygon
_:. Perimeter = 4 x 13 ~ 52 cm. . = (2n -4) 90° = (10-4) 90· = 540·
One angle is 60·, hence. sum of the angles
4.~ In parall.elogram ABCD, AP and BP are the angle = 480·.
bisectors of LOAB and LABC. Find LAPB. Each' of the other angles = 480/4 = 120·

4.25. In the figure given below. if the area of -the

parallelogram ABCD. is 108, then find the
height of parallelogram ABEF.

-f o . C F E


Given AP is the angular bisector of LDAB.

::) LPAB = Yz LDAB -- (1)
and the angular bisector of LABC, A 9cm B
::) LPBA = Yz LCBA --- (2)
Sol: ABCD and ABEF lie on the same base AB and
Now in a parallelogram sum ot adjacent angles
::; 180· between ~e same .parallels AB and DE. hence
they are.equal in area .
... LDAB + LABC ::;180·
:.Area ofABEF = 108;
From (1) and (2)
asbxh=9xh= 108
2 [LPAB +LPBA]::; 180·
=> h = 12 cm .
~ LPAB LPBA = 90·
In triangle PAB. LAPB
F 180· - [LPAB + LPBA] = 180· - 90· = 90·
Concept Review Qllestions
Directions for questions 1 to 35: Select the correct answer from the given choices,

1. Two. sides of a triangle and the included angle In the figure, AB = 8 cm, AC = 10 cm and DC = 3 cm,
between them are 4 cm, 5 cm and 30° respectively. then what is the length BD, given that AD is the
What is the area of the triangle? (in angle bisector of LBAC?
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 5 (D) 20 (A) 3.75 cm (B)· 3.25 cm
(C) 2.75 cm (D) 2.4 cm
2. What is the· area of the triangle whose sides are
5 cm, 5 cm and 8 cm? (in 10. In MBC, AB = 4 ern, BC =
8 cm and CA 6 cm. What =
(A) 12 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 16 is the length of the median drawn from A to BC?
(in ern)
3. What is the area of an equilateral triangle having
side equal to 4 cm? (in
(A)..f8 (B) Fa (C).J12· (0).[14

. (A) 2./3 (B) 8./3 (C) 4.13 (D) 6.13 11. In MBC if LA = 70°, then what is LBIC where I is
the incentre of the triangle?
4. If the length of the smallest altitud 3 of a triangle is (A) 105° (B) 115° (C) 125° (D) 135°
6 ern, then the inradius is always
(A) > 3 cm (B) 3 cm 12. In a triangle whose sides are 5 cm, 6 cm and 7 ern,
(C) < 3 cm (D) Any of the above· the circumcentre lies
(A) inside the triangle (B) on the triangle
5. In an equilateral triangle, the orthocentre divides (C) ..outside the triangle (D) Any of the above
each of the medians in the ratio
(A) 3: 2' (B) 3: 1 13. In a triangle, whose sides are 2 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm.
(C) 2: 1 .. (D) None of these The orthocentre lies
(A) inside the triangle
6. What is the length of the inradius of an equilateral (B) on the triangle
triangle, whose side is 12 cm? (C) outside the triangle
(A) 4,f2 cm (B) 3,f2 cm (D) Any of the above
(C) 2.13 cm (D) None of these
14. The internal bisectors of the three angles of a
triangle meet at a point called of the triangle.
7. What is the length of the circumradius of an (A) orthocentre (B) circumcentre
equilateral triangle, whose side is 6 cm? (C) centroid (D) incentre
(A) 2.13 cm (B) 3.13 cm
15. In a triangle ABC, P and 0 are points on AB and AC
(C) 4.13 cm (D) None of these respectively, such that PO is parallel to BC.
If AP = 6 cm, PB 8 cm =
and OC 6 ern, then what
8. is the length of AO? .
A (A) 8 cm • (B) 7 cm
(C) 4.5 cm (D) 3 cm

16. In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, LA = 40°, LB = 60°.

What are the measures of internal angles LC and
(A) 120°,140° (B) 100°,160°
(C) 160°, 100· (D.) 140°, 120°

17. In a trapezium PORS, PO is parallel to RS and

In the figure, AD, BE and CF are the medians and G PO = 10 cm and RS = 20 cm. What is the length of
is the centroid. If the area of MBC is 12 then the line UV which is parallel to PO & RS and divides
the area of LiGEC is the distance between them in the ratio 2 : 3
(A) 2 (B) 3 respectively? (in ern)
(C) 4 (D) cannot say (A) 18 (B) 16 (C) 14 (D) 12

9. A 18. In a right-angled triangle ABC, right angled at B, 0 is

a point on AC such that BO is perpendicular to AC.
What is the length of BD, if AD 4 cm and CO = 9 cm?
(A) 5 cm (B) 6 cm (C) 7 cm (D) 8 cm

19. In a triangle ABC, 0 and E are pointson AB and AC

. respectively such that DE is parallel to BC. What is
the length of BC, given that AB = 8 ern, DE = 3 em
and SO = 6 cm?
(A) 9 em (B) 4 cm (C) 12 cm (D) 16 em

20. e number ·ofdiagonals of a regular heptagon is 29.

( ) 28 (8) 2 (C) 14 (D) 7

21 ..

In the above figure, 0 is the centre of the circle and

PA, PB are tangents to the circle. Find LAOB.
(A) 110' (8) 120· (C) 50' (D) 110'
I lhe above figure, what is the length of PS, given
dt PO == 6·cm, OR = 3 cm, PT = 12 em? (in em)
) 3.5 (8) 5.5 (C) 6.5 (D) 4..5

22. circle has a diameter of 16 em. What is the length

f .the tangent drawn to the circle from a point
utside the circle which is at a distance of 17 cm
om the centre?
.) 15cm (8) 7.5cm
) 16.5 cm (D) 9 cm

23. Clircle has a radius of 5 cm. What is the length of F H

e' chord of the circle which is at a distance of 3 cm
rQl'll the centre? ' In the above figure, AB, CD and IJ are parallel.
A) 4 ern (8) 6 cm (C) 7 Cr:1 (D) 8 cm EF and GH are parallel. Find LILH
(A) 120· (B) 60' (C) 90' (D) 75·
24. and 8 are two points on the circumference of a circle,
nd C is a point on the major arc AB. If LAOB = 80', 31.
here 0 is the centre of the circle, find LACB.
A) 20' (8) 10' (C) 40' (D) 60'

25. e diameter AB of a circle is 10 cm and C is a point o

n'the circumference of the circle such that BC =.6 cm.
hat is length of AC?
(A) 7 cm (8) 8 cm (C) 9 cm (D) 10 cm

26. What is the perimeter of a semicircle of radius 7 cm?

(A) 28 cm (B) 44 cm (C) 22 cm (D) 36 cm In the above figure, LBCD = 130'. Find LBAO.
(A) 50· (B) 60· (C) 70· (D) 130·
32. What is the maximum number of common tangents
that can be' drawn to two non-intersecting and non-
enclosing circles?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

33. What is the maximum number of common tangents

that can be drawn to two circles which touch each
other externally?
(A) 1 (8) 2· (C) 3 (D) 4
In the above figure, find LABC given that 0 is the
centre of the circle. 34. Which of the following is/are necessarily cyclic
(A) 110' (8) 130' (C) 100· (D) 135' quadrilateral(s)?
(A) Parallelogram (B) Rhombus
28 A (C) Isosceles trapezium (D) An the above


In the above figure, A8 is the diameter of the circle.
Find LBAC.
(A) 30' (8) 60' (C) 45· (D) 90·
In the above figure, find LOAB, given that LOBA = 50°.
(A) 50· (B) 90' (C) 70' (D) 40·
Exercise - 4(a)
Directions for questions 1 to 23: Select the correct In the above figure, find BC, if 0 divides BC in the
alternative from the given choices. ratio 2 : 3 internally.
(A) 15../2cm (8) 15../3 em
(C) 10,fS em (D) 15,fS cm

5. In triangle ABC, AB = AC and 0 is any point on BC.

Find BO if AB = 17 cm,.AO = 15 ern and CD = 4 em.
(A) 4 em (B) 12 cm
(C) 16 cm (D) 8 cm

6. A point X is chosen inside the triangle ABC such

that it is equidistant from the three vertices of the
tri'lOgle. if LXAB = 25° and LBXC = 120°, then
which of the follOWing can be concluded regarding
C the sides of the triangle?
(A) AB > AC > BC (B) AB>BC>AC
In the above figure, ABC is a rig:-Jt-angledtriangle, (D) AC > BC > AS
(C) BC > AC > AB
right a(lgled at B and AD is the external bisector of
angle A of triangle ABC. 7. An iron wire of length 30 em is bent to form an
Find AD, if AC = 17 cm and BC = 8 cm.
isosceles triangle, in whicl1 the length of each of the
(A) 15 cm (B) 23 em equal sides is ( cm. Find the range of possible
(C) 60 cm (D) 15,[17 cm values of P..
(A) 6 < e < 20 (B) 8 < e < 30
2. 0 (C) 10 < f. < 15 (D) 7.5 < f. < 15


In the above figure, AB =

10 em, CD =
40 cm.
Find EF.
(A) 5 em (B) 6 cm (C) 8 em (D) 4 cm
In the above figure, LC In triangle ABC is an obtuse
3. B
angle. If Be = 5 em, CD = 5 cm and AB =
15 ern,
then find AC.
(A) 5../3cm (B) 5/2em
(C) 5/6 em (D) 6,fS em

9. Two parallel chords AB and CD are drawn on

opposite sides of the centre of a circle. The radius of
the circle is 25 cm. If AB is at a distance of 39 cm
In the above figure. AB is a tangent to the circle and
another line is drawn from A which cuts the circle in from CD and AS is 14 em long find CD.
two points P and 0, If AB 18 em and AO 27 cm, = (A) 40 cm (8) 30 cm (C) 35 em (D) 45 em
then what is the length of PO?
10. In.the given figure, 0 is the centre of the circle. Find
(A) 12 em (B) 12/2 cm the measure of the reflex angle LAOC.
(C) 15 cm (D) 13 cm B

(/<\ 160· . (8) 170· (C\ 150· (D) 140·

1 . If each interior angle of a regular polygon of n sides 17. The sum of the perimeters of two circles which touch
is 157·5·, find the value of n. each other externally is 176 cm•. What is the ratio of
(A) 18 (B) 16 (C) 14 (D) 15 the radius of the larger circle to that of the smaller
circle, if the sum of squares of the radii of the circles
1 POR is a triangle. The area of a square of side OR (both in cms) is 4007
is equal to. that of a rectangle whose length is PR (A) 7: 8 (8) 8: 7 (C) 3: 4 (D) 4: 3
and breadth is RS where S is a point on PR such
that OS is perpendicular to PRo What can be 18. ABCD is a trapezium, in which AD and BC are
concluded regarding the angles of triangle POR? parallel. If the four sides AB, BC, CD and OA are
(A) LP > 90· (B) LO < 90· 9 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm respectively then
(C) LR > 90· (D) None of these find the maqnitude of the sum of the squares of the
two diagonals.
1 . A square of the longest possible side is drawn inside
(A) 638 (B) 786 (C) 838 (D) 648
the triangle ABC with one side of the square lying on
side BC. If AB = 13, BC = 21 and AC = 20, then find
the side of the square. 19.
(C) 28 U
(A) 84 (B) 7 (0) ~
11 3 4

,1 . In the given figure, AB and AC are two tangents to the

circle, whose centre is O. If LBAC = 50·, find LBDC.

A o

In the figure given, PORS is a rectangle and PTS

and POU are equilateral triangles. The sum of the
·(A) 55· (8) 60° (C) 75° (0) 65· angles QTP and SUP is
(A) 25° (8) 45· (C) 60· (D) 30·
• In the given figure, if PO = 9 cm and 0 is the centre
of the circle, then find the length of PO.
20. On a regular hexagon, six circles of equal radii are
drawn, with centres at each vertex, such that each
circle touches the two circles with centres. at
adjacent vertices. Then two concentric circles Cl
and C2 are drawn touching all the six circles. What is
the ratio of the areas of Cl and C2, if Cl is the
P smaller circle?
(A) 1: 4 (B) 1: (./2 + 1j
(C) 1: 9 (D) 2: 7./3

21. In a triangle ABC, LA =' i LB. If the sides opposite·

. (A) 6./3 cm (B) 18 ern LA, LB and LC are denoted by a, band c

respectively, then which of the following relations is
true? .
(C) 13·5 cm (0) 9./3cm
2 (A) b2 - c2 = a b (B) b2 - a2 = a c
(C) a2 - c2 = b c (D) a2 - b2 = b c
6.; In the following figure, R is the point of contact of
two circles P and Q are the points of contact of the 22. In triangle ABC, three points 0, E and F are chosen
common tangent with the two circles. Find LPRQ. en sides BC, AB and AC respectively. such that DE
·is parallel to AC and OF is parallel to AB. If the area
of ABDE is 36 and that of the quadrilateral AEDF is

60, then find the ratio of the perimeter of ~CDF to
2 5
(A) 5 (8) 11
(A) 120· (B) 150· (C) 12 (D) ..!.
(C) 90· (0) Cannot be d~terrnined 3
23. (B) ST> TU.
Ie) The shortest distance between any two of the six
'points R, S, T, U, V, W is either RS or ST or RT.
(D) More than one of the above.

p 27. The largest possible value of UV (in em) is

(A) s./2 (B) 3./2, (C) 4./2 (D) 6./2
Directions for questions 28 to 35: Select the correct
In the figure shown, 0 is the centre of the circle on alternative from the given choices.
the left. The circles intersect at Q and T. P is a point
on the circle on the left. Line PQ, when extended 28., A, B, C, 0 are points on a circle, such that ABO is an
intersects the circle on the right at Rand S is a point equilateral triangle and AC is diameter of the circle.
on the circle on the right.Jf LOPT = 20·, then find What is the ratio of the perimeter of the quadrilateral
the value of LRST. ' ABCO to the perimeter of the circle?
(A) 70· (B) SO' (C) 60· (D) 80·
(A) (J2.+ 1):n (B) (3+ ./2): 2n
Directions for questions 24 and 25: These questions
are based on the information given below.
(C) (15 + 1): n (D) (./3 + 1) : n
29. Four points P, Q, Rand S lie on a straight line in the
XV plane, such that PQ = Q,R = RS and the length of
PQ is S metres. A man wants to go from P to S.
But there are dogs tethered with 5 metre chains at
points Q and' R. The man would not go within the
reach of any dog. The minimum distance in metres
the man must travel to reach the point S is
(A) 5 (n + 1) (8) 201t (C) 40rc (D) 15./2
3 3

30. p

A B C o E

In the give~ figure, AL is perpendicular to AB and

= = =
2BK BC CI 4CO 31J. =
24. What is the measure of the angle IGH?
(A) 4S' . (B) 30·
(C) 60' (D) None of these
25. Find the ratio of the areas of the quadrilaterals ABKL Consider the triangle PQR. shown in the figure,
and IJKG. where S is a point on PQ such that QR = 20, ern,
(A) 3: 1 (B) 36:19 (C) 19: 12 (D) 22: 13 = =
SQ 16 ern, RS 8 cm and LQRS LQPR. =
What is the ratio of the perimeter of the triangle PRQ
Directions for questions 26 and 27: These questions to that of the triangle RSQ?
are based on the information given below.
(A) i3 (8).!..!.
(C) ~
(D) ~


P Q o
MNOP is a square of side 16 cm. Q is the midpoint of OP.
R, Sand T are any three points, on or inside the. triangle
PQM. U, V and Ware any three points, on' or inside the
trapezium MNOQ. None of the distances RU, RV, RW,
SUoSV. SW. TU. TV and TW is less than 20 cm.
26. Which of the following statements is/are necessarily
In th- ure above, PQ = QR = RS = ST = TU
'. 32. T is n obtuse angled triangle. Two of its sides are iength (in cm) of the cireumradius of triangle POR?
7 c and 13 cm. How many possibilities exist for T (A) 21·25 (8) 22·75 (C) 21-75 (D) 23·25
that the third side has an integral measure?
(B) 7 (C) 16 (C) 9 35. PORS is a square. T, U, V and Ware the midpoints
of PO, OR, RS and SP respectively. X and Y
33. ·E a F are the centres of two equal circles. The are points on the line joining T and V such that
eircl s intersect each other at G and H. Neither
has its centre within the regiun of intersection
120°. Find the ratio of the area of
PXORYS and the remaining area in PORS.
circles. Which of the following cannot' be a
ble value of LGEF? (A) ,2./3 +1 (B) 2./3+2
(8) 40° (C) 50° (D) 70° (C) ./3+1 (D) 2./3-1
34. In a riamgle POR, PO =
19·5 cm and PR 14 cm. =
PS, he altitude drawn to OR is 6 cm. What is the

Exercise ~ 4(b)
Directi s for questions 1 to 43: Select the correct 8. If the distance between the tops of two poles with
alternati e from the given choices. lengths 13-42 m and 8-484 m both standing erect, is
6·17 m. Find the distance between their bases.
1. The areas of similar triangles ABC and XYZ are (A) 1·234 m (B) 3·702 m
54 and 150 respectively.' Find the
(C) 4·936 m (D) 2.468 m
peri eler of triangle XYZ, if the perimeter of triangle
AB. is36 cm. .
9. In the given figure, PR /I TS and PUIIRS. Find LTPU.
(A) 100 cm (B) 30 cm (C) 60 cm (D) 50 cm
2. PO is a right-angled .triangle, right angled at O.
An quilateral triangle POS is constructed on side
PO A, line parallel to OR is drawn from S to meet
PO t the point T. Find the length of ST, if PR = 65
n~ OR 63 cm.
(A) 16.13 cm (8) ,16 cm
(C) 8,/3 cm (0) 12.13 cm (A) 60°
(B) 70°
3. In triangle ABC 0 and E are two points on sides (C) 100°
AB and AC respectively' such that triangle AOE is (D) 120°
si tar to triangle ABC. DE divides triangle ABC into .
parts, in the ratio of 1 : 2 in terms of area, of 10. In a triangle, the ratio of the angles is 1 : 1 : 2. Find
wh h, area of trian_gleAOE is smaller than the area the ratio of the longest side of the triangle to the
of uadrilateral OBCE. Find BD, if AB = 15 cm. perimeter of the triangle.

(A) (~5 + 10J3)cm (B) (15 + 5J3)em (A) ~ - J3): 1 (B) 1: (2 - .13)

(C (15- 5.13) em (D) Cannot be determined (C) (J2 -1): 1 (D) 1: (J2 - 1)
4. .0 slde of a right-angled triangle is 7 em and the 11. The centres of three circles, which touch each other
ar ~f the triangle is 84 sq.em. Find the length of externally, form a triangle of sides 14 em, 18 cm and
th perpendicular drawn on to the hypotenuse. 20 em. Find the radius of the smallest circle.
18 . 18 (A) 6 cm (B) 7 cm (C) 8 em (D) 12 cm
(A 5-em (B) 6-cm
25 25 .
12. What is the distance between two' parallel chords of
(C q ;5 cm (D) 6 ;5 em length 24 cm each, of a circle, whose diameter is 40 em?
(A) 16 cm '(B) 28 em
(C) 24 cm (D) 32 cm
5. W at! is the sum of the squares of the sides of
tri ngle ABC, if the sum of the squares of its
13. Corresponding sides of two similar triangles ABC
m dlans is 42
and XYZ are 6 cm and 8 em respectively. Find the
(A 48 cm (B) 52 cm (C) 54 cm (D) 56 cm
area of triangle ABC, if the area of triangle XYZ is
6. H w far from the centre of. a circle .of diameter 144
1 em
is the chord 26 cm long? (A) 108 (B) 81
, ( 83 cm (B) 84 em (C) 85 cm (D) 82 cm (C7 142 (D) 135

7. I triangle ABC, AD is the perpendicular drawn from 1!$. In a right-angled triangle. the difference between the
A 0 !:lC. AC = 13 em, DC = 11 cm and BC = 15 em. length of the hypotenuse and that of the shortest
Fi dAB. . side is 6 cm. The average of the lengths of the
hypotenuse and the shortest side is the third side.
f3J3 em ' (B) 8./2 ern
What is the length of the third side?
(D) 4./16 cm (A) 6 cm (B) 12 cm (C) 9 cm (D) 18 cl'll
'15. One side of a right-angled triangle is 8 ern, What is 22. In the given figure, AB is the tangent to the circle at
the length of the hypotenuse, if the area of the the point Z. Find LBZY.
triangle is 24
(A) 14 em (B) Scm
(C) 10 cm (0) Cannot be determined

16. What is the measure of eaeh interior angle of a

regular polygon of 12 sides?
(A) 144· (B) 135· (A) 50·
(C) 150· (0) 156· . (8) 600
(C) 70°
17. In the given figure, paR is a triangle, right-angled at (0) 65°
O. POS is an equilateral triangle. ST is parallel to
OR. Find PR, if ST 30 ern, OR 5 em. = 23. In the given figure, PO is the tangent at the point B
P and LABO = 130·. Find LACB.

(A) 40·
(A) 30J2em
(B) 50°
(B) 40 em (C) 60·
'R P a
(C) 40./3 em (0) 70·
(0) 35 em
24. In the given figure, 0 is the centre of the circle and
18. In a triangle ABC, if AB =
7 cm, AC 9 em and = LYXZ = 65·. Find LOZY.
BC = 14 em. Find the length of the median drawn x
from A to BC.
(A) 3 em (B) 3.5 em (C) 5 em (0) 4 em

19. (A) 45·

C (B) 30·
(C) 35°
(0) 25·


In the above figure, a circle is shown with centre at

o and with diameter AB = 20 em. What is the length
of AC, given that OC is perpendicular to AB?
(A) 10,/3 em (8) 10../2 cm
(C) 5,/3 em (0) 5../2 cm

20.. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : :3 : 4,

then what is the measure of the angle at the vertex In the above figure, find LABC, given AB is parallel
opposite to the longest side of the triangle? to EF and BC is parallel to OE.
(A) 80° (B) 90· • (C) 70· (0) 100· (A) 30· (B) 40· (C) 50· (0) 60·

21. In the given figure, 0 is the centre of the circle and 26. In the given figure, AB = 6 em, AO = 10 em and
LABO = 30·. Find LACO. BC = 2CO. Find AC.


(A) ./73 em
(8) 4./73 cm
(C) 3m em

(A) 25· (B) 30· (C) 35· (0) 40· (0) 2 m em

en figure, whe~ XP is the tangent at the 32.
= =
P 12 cm and XY 8 cm. Find YZ.

(A) 8
(B) 10 m
(C) 12 m From the given figure, find the ratio of the perimeter
(D) 14 m of the rectangle to. sum of the perimeters of the
circles. ...
(A) 3: 1t (B) 4: 1t (C) 5: 1t (D) 2: 1t
28. In the iven figl,lre, AOE is an equilateral triangle
and L E = 20°. Find LEBC + LECB. . 33. There are three circles with centres P, Q and R,
each having a radius 24 em. The three circles
A intersect each other as shown in the figure below.
If ST = 4 em, UV = 7 em and WX = 10 em, find the
perimeter of the triangle formed by joining the
centres' of the three circles.

(A) 10 °
(B) 12 °
. (C) 14 ° .
(D) 16 0
(A) 123 em
29. Find L ST from the given figure. (B) 144 em
(C) 125 em
(D) 136 em

34. In a right-angled triangle ABC, if the length of the

hypotenuse AC = 24 cm and 0 is the mid point of
. AC, then what is the length of BO?
(A) 6J6 cm (B) 12./2 em
(C) 12 em (D) 12../3 em



In the figure given, ABCO is a square of side 40 cm.

E and F are points on BC and CD such that
BE = 8 cm and FO = 16 em. Find the length ofthe line
In th given figure, LACB = LOCE. If LBAC = 80° segment which joins the midpoints ofAE and AF.
and BCD 70°, find LABC. (A) 16 em (B) 18 em (C) 24 em (D) 20 em
(A) (B) 35' (C) 40' (D) 45'

given figure, PA is parallel to RB. Find LPQR. In the given figure, LEBG = 2LBEC and AB is
" (B) 76' parallel to CD. Find LEBG. '
(D) 80' (A) 250 (B) 20' (C) 30' (0) 40·
37. In triangle ABC, LABC = 70.°, LACB =
50.· and AP 42.
is the bisector of LBAC. If AQ .L BC, find LPAQ.
(A) 5' (B) 20.' (C) 15° (D) 10.·

38. D

In the above figure, the bisectors of angles BAD and

BCD intersect the circle at E and F respectively.
If LEFA = 40°, find LAEF.
(A) 60.° (8) 50.°
(C) 40.° (D) 30°
In the given figure, find LPCA.
(A) 110' (B) 120.' (C) 130' (D) 140.'
43. A
39. In the given figure, QT is parallel to SUo Find LPQR.

In the above figure, two circles intersect at D and G.

LABD = 5o.~and LAED =70.°. The triangles ACF
and CGF are isosceles with base as' CF. Find
T LBCG, given LCAF = 10.0."
lJ (A) 40.·
(6) 70.°
(A) 20.° (8) 40.· (C) ·10' (D) 45" (C) 80°
(0) 10.0°
Directions for questions 44 and 45: These questions are
baaed on the following diagram.


= =
In the figure, AD BD and AE CEo Find LDAE. It . is known that triangles PTQ and TRS are
(A) 50' (B) 20.· (C) 30.' (D) 40.· isosceles, with PQ and RS·as the bases respectively.
Also. LPTQ + LRVS = 180·. WQ is a tangent to the
A left circle.

44. If LPTO = 2LRVS and LUOW = 75·, find LUQP.

(A) 40.'
(6) 45·
(C) 60."
~ tn, 50°
Dlrectlo s for questions 46 to 55: Select the correct and RV in the ratio 2 : 1. LTSV = LTRQ + 30° and
alternati from the given choices. LTVS = 30°. Find LTQR
46. (A) 40° (B) 50° (C) 60° (0) 70°
51. In a circle with centre 0 and radius r, there are two
parallel chords AB and CD drawn on opposite sides
of the diameter, such that chord AB is four times
chord CD. If the distances of the chords AB and CD
from the centre 0 are p and q respectively and CD
is x units, then find x in terms of p and q.
(A) ~15~2 _q2) (B) ~15(q2 _p2)

(C) 2_JIi2~
(D) ~. ~(q2 _ p2)
52. Find the two perpendicular sides of a right-angled
. In . e above figure, AD, BF and CE are angular triangle whose hypotenuse is 68 cm and perimeter
. bise ors ofLBAC, LABC and LACS intersecting atG. is 160 cm.
Fin LBGC, if AC = Etc and AS = 2BD. (A) 32 cm, 60 cm (B) 36 cm, 56 cm
(A) 00° (B) 1050 (C) 120° (D) 130° (C) 40 cm, 52 cm (D) Cannot be determined

47. Int previous question, find AF : BO. 53. The sides of a cyclic quadrilateral, taken in an order,
(A) ::4 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 3: 8 (D) 1 : 4 are 15 ern, 21 ern, 18 cm and 20 cm. If one of its
diagonals is 23 ern, then find the other diagonal.
48. (A) 48 em (B) 32 cm (C) 26 cm (D) 30 cm

54. The perimeter of a triangular field is 80 m. If two of its

sides are 16 m and 30 m, then find the approximate
length of the altitude to the longest side.
(A) 34 m (B) 14.1 m (C) 14.9 m (0) 15.9 m .

55 For a right-angled triangle with a fixed length of

hypotenuse, which of the following is/are true?
(A) The area of the triangle is the minimum when it
is isosceles.
In e 'above figure, ABCO is a parallelogram. Find (B) The area of the triangle is the maximum when it
LB D, given SD2 = (AE)(CD) and LEeB = 20° is isosceles.
(A) 10° (8) 15° (C) 20° (D) 25° (C) The perimeter of the triangle is the minimum
when it is isosceles.
(0) Both (A) and (C)
Directions for questions 56 to 65: Each question is
followed by two statements, I and II. Indicate your
responses based on the following directives:

Mark (A) .if the question can be answered using one

of the statements alone, but cannot be
answered using the other statement alone.
Mark (B) if the question can be answered using
either statement alone.
Mark (C) if the question can be answered using Iand
In e: above figure, PR is the diameter of the circle II together but not using I or II alone
wi centre O. LQPS '" 20° and LPQT = 30°. Find Mark. (D) if the question cannot be answered even
~ using I and II together.
(A 4(l° (8) 50° (C) 60° (01 70°
5~. What is the perimeter of the triangle LMN in the figure?
50. M

In the. above figure, T is a point inside the I. The area. of triangle LMN is 6.
qu ~Iateral PQRS such that it divides the lines QS =
II. x 45.
57. What is the measure of LCAD in the following figure 61. Ina triangle PQR, find the ratio of LP: LQ: LR.
given 0 is the centreot the circle? 1. . P'Q/QR= QR/PR.
II. PQ > QR - PRo

62. Is zx = Ly?

I. LODB = 90·. I. Lines a, c and e are parallel to one another.
II. DA BC and LAOB = 60·. II. Lines band d are parallel to each other.

58. A, B are two vertical corners of a polygon and P is a 63. ABC is a right-angled trian9le. Is AS = 4?
point on one of the sides. AS = 8, BP = 5. What is
the area of the polygon?
I. The polygon is a triangle.
II. Another vertex of the polygon is C, where.
AC = 6 and LCAB = 90°

59. If P is the centre of the circle as shown in the figure,

what is the value of x? .

1. AB2 + BC~ = 25.

II. AB + BC = 7.

64. ABC is a right-angled triangle. What is its perimeter?

I. The length of arc QRS is 1/3 the circumference

of the circle.
II. The radius of the circle is 5. I. The hypotenuse is 5 units.
II. The length of either AB or BC is 4 units.
60. A, Band C are three. points on the circumference of
a Circle with centre O. What is the measure of 65. AT is a tangent to a circle with centre O. What is the
LBOC? . radius of the circle?

1. LABO = 25°. 1. AS = 12 cm.

II. LACO = 35·. II. AT=6cm.

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