Inter 1st Year English Model Paper 2

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Time: 3 hours ENGLISH - I
Max.Marks:100 SECTION - A

I. Annotate any TWO of the following in 10 to15 lines each : 2x4=8

a) What a lesson that was for me to never forget the needs of those around me.
b) The two simplest and commonest words in any lanugage are ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
c) you are a Crook. Do you think that I am a Sunday - School teacher?
II. Annotate any TWO of the following in 10 to 15 lines each : 2x4=8
a) “I bitterly wept and wished that I had had the heart to give thee my all”.
b) The glimmering music of your spears; the laughter of your royal brides.
c) But I have promises to keep; A miles to go before I sleep.
III. Answer any TWO of the following in 10 to 15 lines each : 2x4=8
a) Describe some of the major achievements of Saina Nehwal in badminton.
b) Liberty is an accommodation of interest. Elaborate with examples from the essay.
c) Describe how Gerrard succeeds in outwitting the intruder.

IV. Answer any TWO of the following in 10 to 15 lines each : 2x4=8


a) How does the beauty of Golkonda queens kindle those pomegranate groves?

b) How can we all lend our hand to prevent nature from saying farewell?
c) How does the speaker feel on listening to nature’s voice? Discuss the change in his mood?

V. Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 25 to 30 lines. 2x4=8


a) How did Pahom’s greed lead to his downfall?

b) What did Suren find in Sudhir’s hands? Describe it in detail.

c) How did Joe come to know the truth about the burning of Delia’s hand? What was his reaction to it?

6. Read the following passage and answer any four questions given below: (4 x 1 = 4)
The moment I stepped out the fear was back. As I entered my house, it grew even more intense. I had spent
several nights alone in that house but I never felt like this before. I thought perhaps I wasn't well.
I switched off the light and went to bed. The window was wide open.
I woke up feeling that somebody was standing outside the window. A pair of fiery eyes was watching me. I just
had to lift my head up and I would be able to see them.
1. ".... it grew even more intense." What does the word 'it' refer to?
2. Why did the narrator think he wasn't well?
3. What was the narrator's feeling as he woke up?
4. Was the narrator able to see those eyes from his bed?
5. The narrator was spending that night alone in that house for the first time. Say true or false.
6. " I ....... would be able to see them. " What does the word 'them' refer to?
7. Read the following passage and answer any four questions given below: (4 x 1 = 4)
Human activities are causing an increase in global temperature and related climate disruption. Climate change
causes floods, droughts, heat waves and massive storms. The effects will intensify unless we reduce greenhouse
gas emissions.
Over the past 200 years, humans have greatly increased the level of green house gases in the atomosphere by
burning fossil fuels like oil and coal. Water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone are the
common green house gases. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere. Excess emission of green house gases
leads to a rise in global temperatures. Other factors such as deforestation have added to the problem. Trees
soak up carbon dioxide from the air. Fewer trees, especially in the tropics, means that less carbon dioxide is
removed from the atmosphere.
Humans have caused this problem, and humans only can fix it. We must act soon to greatly reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. This means all of us - individuals, communities, business, and governments - must work together now.
1. Mention two natural calamities caused by climate change.
2. What can humans do to reduce global warming?
3. Name the common greenhouse gases.
4. How does deforestation add to the problem of global warming?
5. Who all should work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
6. The author wishes to point out(choose the best answer):
(i) Global warming is a major problem but it can be fixed.
(ii) Global warming is a major problem and we need not bother about it.
(iii) Global warming will always be followed by global cooling.


[NOTE: ANSWERS of this section - C must be written at one place in the same Serial Order]

8. Fill in any eight blanks with a, an or the . (8 x ½ = 4)

i) Kiran Bedi is (1) first woman IPS officer in India.
ii) Lord Krishna played (2) flute.
iii) (3) Tatas are pioneers in Steel Industry.
iv) (4) cow is (5) domestic animal.
v) Petrol is sold by (6) litre.
vi) In (7) foreigner it is something worse than (8) affectation, it is (9) insult to (10) native who cannot
understand his own language when it is too well spoken.
9. Fill in any eight blanks with suitable prepositions. (8 x ½ = 4)
(i) You may, begin (1) a hurry, and seeing your motor-car pulled up (2) this insolance (3) office, feel that your

liberty has been outraged.


ii) You have submitted (4) a curtailment (5) private liberty (6) order that you may enjoy a social order which
makes your liberty a reality.

iii) Some poems deal (7) imaginary situations.


iv) We don't believe (8) superstitions.

v) Are yu interested (9) reading novels?

vi) I went to the airport to see (10) my son.


10. Fill in any four blanks with suitable verbs given in brackets. (4 x 1 = 4)

i) A philianthropist _______ (think) about the welfare of others.

ii) If I _______ (be) a bird I, would fly in the sky.
iii) Don't disturb, the child _______ (sleep)
iv) _______ (he) _______(play) tennis daily?
v) Vinay _______(lose) job last year because of his misbehaviour.
vi) Mary _______(complete) her work by 7.00 p.m. tomorrow.

11. Rewrite any four sentences as directed. (4 x 1 = 4)

i) The conductor has issued tickets to all the passengers. [change to passive voice]
ii) The passenger said to the driver, "Does the bus stop at the crossroads"?
[change to indirect speech]
iii) Shop keeper said to customer, "Shall I show you the latest model"? [change to indirect speech]
iv) A car is costlier than a bike [change to positive]
v) Ramagundam is the hottest place in Telangana state. [change to comparative]
vi) One can achieve anything by faith, ..........? [Add a question tag]

12. Rewrite any four of the following sentences correcting the errors. (4 x 1 = 4)
(i) Why you are late today?
(ii) It is raining since yesterday.
(iii) Please bring your luggages here.
(iv) He went to the back-side of the house.
(v) She is having a Maruthi car.
(vi) Mohan and myself will come.

13. Supply the missing letters in any eight of the following words. (8 x ½ = 4)
(i) int _ _ der (ii) dis _ _ ise (iii) f _ _ cy (iv) infl_ _tion (v) fru _ _ rate
(vi) do _ _ e (vii) pant _ _ ime (viii) dr _ _ ght (ix) sar _ _ sm (x) grat _ _ tous
14. Identify the silent consonants in any eight of the following words. (8 x ½ = 4)
(i) thistle (ii) mortgage (iii) autumn (iv) baulk (v) design
(vi) crumb (vii) adjourn (viii) judge (ix) handsome (x) scene

15. Identify the parts of speech of any eight of the following underlined words. (8 x ½ = 4)
Though Saina loves to gorge on chocolates, ice-creams, and her mother's aloo parathas, she has to keep a strict
check on her diet. Once on a visit to Malaysia Saina put on 7 kg as she deviated from her diet. After that
experience she had to take the permission of her coach before celebrating a victory with an ice-cream!.

16. Match any eight of the following words in Column A and with their meanings in Column B
A B (8 x ½ = 4)
(i) frosty-nosed ( ) a) not showing any friendly feelings
(ii) disparaged ( ) b) something that causes harm with a magic power
(iii) peasant ( ) c) vigorous struggle
(iv) Uttered ( ) d) co-operative ownership
(v) commune ( ) e) a large unforested area of flat
(vi) curse ( ) f) said
(vii) Suffused ( ) g) belittled, spoke of as unimportant
(viii) steppes ( ) h) spread over
(ix) tussle ( ) i) farmer
(x) stony-faced ( ) j) with an unfriendly approach

17. (a) Draw a route map to illustrate the folowing directions. (1 x 4 = 4)

Get off at the bus stop near Narayanguda Cross Roads. Go straight ahead till you reach the traffic lights. Turn
right and proceed along the road till you reach another crossroads. Take a left turn and you will see a foodworld
outlet to your left. Just two buildings beside that is Prince Bakery.

(b) Look at the following diagram and write a paragraph describing the information.

Sale of Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers from Jan to March 2016.



10000 Four Wheelers



6000 Two Wheelers

January Febru- March

18. Write any four transcriptions to the following words in ordinary English. (4 x 1 = 4)
(i) /prvnl/ (ii) t:(r)mns/ (iii) /pldp/
(iv) /su:/ (v) /sensenl/ (vi) /frugælti/

19. Circle any four of the words that sound different with regard to the sounds of the underlined Letters.
(4 x 1 = 4)
(i) utter butter fuse
(ii) one orange ox
(iii) rose lose chose
(iv) cry fry tray
(v) island if ink
(vi) escape easy sand

20. Mention the number of syllables in any four of the following words. (4 x 1 = 4)
(i) scurried (ii) golly (iii) dodged
(iv) nimbly (v) rotten (vi) scuttling


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