Mineral Nutrient Management For Onion Bulb Crops A Review

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Mineral nutrient management for onion bulb

crops – a review

Khalid Mahmud Khokhar

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Mineral nutrient management for onion bulb crops – a review

Khalid Mahmud Khokhar
Vegetable Crops Research Programme, Horticulture Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan


The mineral nutrient requirements of onion (Allium cepa L.) largely depend on several factors, Accepted 26 April 2019
such as cultivar, plant density, crop environment, soil fertility, fertilisation methods and
managing the distributed quantity of fertiliser by using proper system of water irrigation. Onion; bulb development;
Production of bulbs as much as 60 tonnes ha−1 removes108 kg ha−1 of nitrogen (N), 21 kg nutrition; fertilisation;
ha−1 of phosphorus (P) and 120 kg ha−1 of potassium (K) from the field by crop harvest. management
Taking into account the stock of plant available mineral nutrients in the top 60 cm soil layer
(onions also may effectively acquire mineral nutrients from up to 60 cm soil depth) a total
supply of 120 to 140 kg N, 22–26 kg P and 150 kg K is recommended for onion production.
Peak N, P, K and sulphur (S) uptake occurs during 15 to 60 days after transplanting (DAT) and
fertilisers should be applied before 60 DAT for increasing bulb yield and nutrient use
efficiency. Drip irrigation systems keep the nutrient solution around roots for a longer period
than other systems, so it is more adapted for shallow rooted plants like onion. Adequate plant
nutrition strategies involving mineral and organic fertilisers or their combinations are critical
for increasing the yield of onion bulbs.

Introduction The major factors determining the level of soil ferti-

lity are organic matter content, availability of macro-
The cultivated onion (Allium cepa L.) is an important
and micro- nutrients, soil reaction and physical soil
crop, with world production of about 88.48 million
characteristics such as texture, structure, depth and
metric tonnes for the year 2013–2014 (FAOSTAT,
nature of the soil profile (Tisdale, Nelson, Beaton, &
2017). The medicinal and health benefits of onion
Halvin, 1995). Soil microbial communities carry out
are due to the presence of flavonoids, anthocyanins,
key ecosystem services that are vital for life on our
fructo-oligosaccharides, and organosulphur com-
planet, including cycling of carbon (C) and other
pounds (Goldman, 2011).There are different produc-
nutrients and sustaining plant growth (Jansson &
tion systems where onion seeds are sown in the field
Hofmockel, 2018). Rhizosphere microorganisms pro-
or where seedlings are transplanted after nursery
mote plant growth and protect plants from pathogen
culture or where seed bulbs are planted into the
attack by a range of mechanisms (Lugtenberg &
field. Fertilisation strategies for onions that are
Kamilova, 2009; Raaijmakers, Paulitz, Steinberg,
directly sown, transplanted after nursery culture or
Alabouvette, & Moenne-Loccoz, 2009). These involve
grown from seed bulbs are same. Nutrient manage-
biofertilisation, stimulation of root growth, rhizore-
ment involves using crop nutrients as efficiently as
mediation, control of abiotic stress, and disease con-
possible to improve productivity while protecting the
trol. Many beneficial functions carried out by the soil
environment. The key principle behind nutrient
microbiome are currently threatened due to changing
management is balancing soil nutrient inputs with
climate and precipitation patterns, soil degradation
crop requirements. When applied in proper quanti-
and poor land management practices (Amundson et
ties and at the right times, added nutrients help to
al., 2015). Onion requires intensive supply of plant
achieve optimum crop yields; applying too little will
available nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium
limit yield and applying too much does not make
(K) to attain maximum yield of bulbs because the
economic sense and can harm the environment.
plants have a shallow, sparsely branched root system.
Nutrients that are not effectively utilised by crops
Inefficient use of fertilisers may result in considerable
can potentially leach into groundwater or enter
residuals of these plant nutrients in soil following
nearby waters by surface runoff. Too much nitrogen
harvest (Brewster, 2008). Taking into account the
or phosphorus for example can impair water quality.
stock of plant available mineral nutrients in the top
Fertiliser requirements of a crop vary with fertility
60 cm soil layer (onions also may effectively acquire
status of the soil, availability of soil moisture, variety
mineral nutrients from up to 60 cm soil depth) a total
of the crop, purpose for which the crop is grown, etc.

CONTACT Khalid Mahmud Khokhar [email protected] Vegetable Crops Research Programme, Horticulture Research Institute, National
Agricultural Research Centre, Research Centre, Park Road, Islamabad, 44000 Pakistan
© 2019 The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology Trust

Table 1. Removal of NPK and Ca from soil by different environment, soil fertility, fertilisation methods and
portions of onion plants at harvest. proper distribution of mineral fertilisers with the
Plant irrigation system (Brewster, 2008; Lee, Yoo, Jifon, &
parts N(kg ha−1) P(kg ha−1) K(kg ha−1) Ca(kg ha−1)
Bulb 113.12 ± 9.33 22.85 ± 4.08 100.7 ± 15.81 71.28 ± 10.91
Patil, 2009; Salo, Suojala, & Kallela, 2002; Shock, Erik,
Leaf 5.19 ± 1.02 0.52 ± 0.11 9.81 ± 2.11 5.88 ± 1.35 & Lamont, 1995; Sullivan et al., 2001; Yoldas, Ceylan,
Root 0.33 ± 0.08 0.06 ± 0.01 0.21 ± 0.06 0.47 ± 0.09 Mordogan, & Esetlili, 2011). The N from all sources
Whole 118.64 23.43 110.72 77.63
plant [Nmin (Nitrate and Ammonium) as estimated by soil
Mean ± SD Pire et al. (2001) tests, previous crop, nitrogen bound in organic forms
that are mineralised, and irrigation water] should be
considered when determining rates of N fertiliser
supply of 120 to 140 kg N, 22–26 kg P and 150 kg K application. Fertilisation should aim at optimising
per hectare is recommended for onion production. the yield and quality of onion, in respect of mineral
The production of 60 tonnes of harvested bulbs nutrient requirements for adequate plant growth and
removes 108 kg ha−1 of N, 21 kg ha−1 of P, 120 kg development, sustainable management of soil fertility,
ha−1 of K and 9 kg ha−1 of Mg, while 5 tonnes of high use efficiency to minimise costs and adverse side
harvest residues remaining on the field contain 15 kg effects, as well as aspects of economic viability (Lee &
ha−1 of N, 1 kg ha−1 of P, 9 kg ha−1 of K and 1 kg ha−1 Lee, 2014). The maximum sustainable yield is usually
of Mg (Fink et al., 1999; Lee & Lee, 2014). According higher than the optimum sustainable yield and the
to Bender (1993) 1 tonne of harvested onion bulbs maximum economic yield. The maximum economic
removes 2.8 kg of N, 0.5 kg of P, 2.2 kg of K, 0.6 kg of yield for sustainable production can be obtained by
Ca, 0.2 kg of Mg and 0.6 kg of S. Removal of NPK choosing the most suitable chemical form and appli-
and Ca from soil by the different portions of ‘Texas cation time, since high rates of fertilisers, especially
Grano 438ʹ onion plants at harvest, calculated for a with leachable nitrogen, may threaten the sustainabil-
population of 250,000 plants ha−1, is represented in ity of onion systems when applied to short rotations
Table 1 (Pire, Ramirez, Riera, & Gómez de, 2001). By (Buckland, Reeve, Alston, Nischwitz, & Drost, 2013).
the whole plant, including bulb, leaf and root, 118.64, Ngullie, Singh, Singh, and Singh (2011) favoured the
23.43, 110.72 and 77.63 kg ha−1 of NPK and Ca, combined application of inorganic fertilisers and
respectively, are removed at harvest. manures over sole application of either nutrient
The balanced supply of mineral nutrients is also of source. It is also important that onion uptake of
importance (N:S, K:Mg ratios). The excess of applied micronutrients is most rapid during bulb growth
fertiliser or nutrient content in the soil does not pro- (Sullivan et al., 2001). Additional applications of
duce benefits to plants or may even depress the uptake micronutrients are not recommended unless a reli-
of nutrients as well as crop growth and yield (Lee & Lee, able soil or plant tissue test indicates a need.
2014), either concerning nitrogen (Boyhan, Torrance, &
Hill, 2007; Halvorson, Bartolo, Reula, & Berrada, 2008)
or phosphorus and potassium (Amin, Hasan, Naher, Cultivar
Hossain, & Noor, 2007; Boyhan et al., 2007; Laughlin, Onion cultivars differ markedly in yield potential and
1989; Lee, Moon, Kim, & Ha, 2011). Moreover, exces- differ in their requirements for N. High-yielding cul-
sive application of chemical fertilisers also of organic tivars usually require more nitrogen than low yield-
fertilisers causes nutrient accumulation in the soil, ing. Positive responses of N application have been
which may result in increased susceptibility of onion reported on onion cultivars, up to doses of 200 kg
roots to water saturation due to anaerobiosis and toxi- ha−1 (Diaz-Perez, Purvis, & Paulk, 2003; Kumar,
cities (Lee & Lee, 2014). In the following, adequate plant Singh, & Chhillar, 2001; Neeraja, Reddy, Reddy, &
nutrition strategies for optimised production of onion Rao, 2001; Singh, Yadav, & Singh, 2004; Yadav, Son,
bulb crop are briefly reviewed. & Yadave, 2003). The average increase in bulb yield
in cultivar ‘Pusa Madhavi’ was 18.3 and 29.6% over
control with application of 60 and 120 kg N ha−1,
Nutrient management
respectively (Kumar et al., 2001). Neeraja et al. (2001)
Among the various factors affecting the yield of reported increase in bulb yield in cultivar ‘N53ʹwith
crops, adequate mineral nutrient management plays application of N from 50 to 200 kg ha−1 compared to
a major role to optimise the quality and quantity of control. Yadav et al. (2003) found that for the cultivar
harvested plant products (Lakshmi & Sekhar, 2018). ‘Agrifound Dark Red’, the application of 100 kg ha−1
It is important to consider the right fertiliser source N produced significantly higher bulb yield than 50 kg
in combination with the right application rate, tim- N ha −1. The N demand increases almost linearly with
ing, and placement (Thangasamy, 2016a). However, the yield, but the yield does not linearly increase with
the uptake of mineral nutrients by the plant depends increasing N fertilisation. Depending on soil P status,
on several factors, such as cultivar, plant density, crop P application rates from 8 to 100 kg ha−1 were found

to maximise onion yield (Al-Fraihat, 2016; Aliyu, increasing shoot and root growth, altering plant
Magaji, Singh, & Mohammed, 2007; Amin et al., metabolism and increasing the solubility and avail-
2007; Bagali, Patil, Chimmad, Patil, & Patil, 2012; ability of P. Nitrogen supply in form of nitrate or
Dilpreet, Kulbir, Varinder, & Jagdish, 2016; ammonium can have different effects on P availabil-
Falodun, Ehigiator, & Egharevba, 2013; Fatema, ity. Decreasing the pH in the rhizosphere as a result
2015; Gateri, Nyankanga, Ambuko, & Muriuki, of absorption of ammonium (NH4+) by the plant can
2018; Gupta & Kushwah, 2018; Kamble & Kathmale, contribute to the solubilisation of calcium phosphates
2015; Khan et al., 2001; Khokhar et al., 2004; Lee, Ha, (FAO, 2000; Miller, 1974). Because increased growth
Lee, Moon, & Cho, 2003; Lee, Song, & Lee, 2012; requires more nutrients to maintain tissue composi-
Mahala, Chaudhary, & Garhwal, 2018; Nasreen, tion within adequate limits. Combined application of
Haque, Hossain, & Farid, 2007; Nigatu, Alemayheu., N and P can have synergistic effects compared to
& Sillassie, 2018; Rabari, Patel, & Umale, 2016; single applications of these nutrients. Mutually syner-
Sharma, Garhwal, Mahala, & Yadav, 2018; Singh & gistic effects may suggest that both N and P benefit
Singh, 2000; Sultana, Paul, Sultana, & Sarker, 2014; from the combined application. Synergistic effect of
Syed, Munir, Alizai, & Ghaffoor, 2000). Akhtar, N and P promotes growth even more than single
Bashir, Khan, and Khokhar (2002) reported the high- applications of these nutrients (Sharma & Tandom,
est bulb yield at 166 kg ha−1 K in five onion cultivars 1992; Wilkinson & Grunes, 2000).
(Phulkara, Burgundy, White Creole, Swat-1 and
Texas Early Grano) compared to control (without
Climate and soil
K). El-Desuki, Abdel-Mouty, and Ali (2006) reported
the highest bulb yield at 271 kg ha−1 K compared to K Soils vary in their capacity to release N from organic
applied at rates of 248 or 298 kg ha−1. The application matter during the growing season. The amount of N
of K fertilisation at 120 kg ha−1 resulted in the highest released depends on several factors as soil type, soil
yield of onion bulbs in cultivar ‘BARI Peaj-2ʹ com- moisture, soil temperature, soil microbial activity,
pared to 30, 60, 90 or150 kg ha−1 K (Islam, previous crop and the history of fertiliser N applied
Shamsuddoha, Bhuiyan, & Hasanuzzaman, 2008). (Crouse, 2017). Soils that retain moisture tend to
Fertilisation dose of 83 kg ha−1 K produced the high- mineralise more N than soils such as sandy loams,
est bulb yield compared to K at 104 or 125 kg ha−1 which dry out more rapidly. In soils that retain too
(Deshpande, Dhage, Bhalerao, & Bansal, 2013). much water the mineralisation of organic matter is
Resende and Costa (2014) observed higher bulb also hampered. The right balance of water and air in
yield in cultivar ‘Golden Valley IPA-11ʹ with applica- the soil is of importance (Stanford & Epstein, 1974).
tion of 75 kg ha−1 K compared to 149 kg ha−1 K. In sandy soils usually the organic matter or humus
Aftab et al. (2017) reported the highest bulb yield in concentration is also lower and therefore the pool
cultivar ‘Swat-1ʹ at 120 kg ha−1 K compared to K at from which N can be mineralised. Mineralisation is
60 or 180 kg ha−1. The application of K fertilisation at a relatively slow process that is dependent on tem-
62 kg ha−1 resulted in the highest yield of onion bulbs perature and moisture; only 2 to 3% of organic nitro-
in cultivar ‘Punjab Naroya’ compared to 42 or 83 kg gen stored in soil is mineralised annually (Buckman
ha−1 K (Kaur, Kaur, Sraw, & Singh, 2017). & Brady, 1969; Oberle & Keeney, 1990). Higher con-
Fertilisation dose of 51 kg ha−1 K produced the high- centrations of organic matter in aerated soils at mod-
est bulb yield in cultivar ‘Bombay Red’ compared to erate temperatures are associated with a higher
K at 17 or 34 kg ha−1 (Bekele, 2018). Kumara et al. turnover and therefore a higher mineralisation capa-
(2018) reported the highest bulb yield in cultivar city (Leiros, Trasar-Cepeda, Labandeira, & Gil-Sotres,
‘Arka Kalyan’ at 250 kg ha−1 K compared to K at 1999). Mineralisation of N is also limited by cooler
125, 156, 188 or 219 kg ha−1. The essential role of K soil temperatures that limit soil biological activity
in numerous physiological and biochemical processes (Crouse, 2017). The amount of N applied and onion
in the plant including photosynthesis, enhancing the crop responses vary from place to place. Results from
translocation of assimilates, protein synthesis, main- different climatic regions of the world also show
tenance of water balance, and promoting enzyme varying responses of onions to applied nitrogen. For
activities is well documented in the literature example, onion yields increased when N was applied
(Marschner, 2012). Balanced nutrition is important at rates of 50 kg ha−1 in the northwest region of
to improve bulb yield. The application of different Australia (Laughlin, 1989). In semi-arid South Texas
nutrients in balanced amounts can influence the yield without irrigation, Wiedenfeld (1994) found no addi-
and then, the nutrients use efficiency of crops tional yield benefit from applying N rates higher than
(Fageria, Baligar, & Li, 2008). Interactions occur 80 kg ha−1 at very low level of NO3-N (5.1 ppm). On
when supply of one nutrient affects the absorption, irrigated silty clay soil with a high level of residual
distribution, or function of another nutrient (Martin, NO3-N in Arkansas, USA, Halvorson, Follet, Bartolo,
1993). Nitrogen promotes P uptake by plants by and Schwessing (2002) observed a 27% increase in

fresh bulb yield from N fertilisation of 224 kg ha−1. Shock et al., 1995; Sullivan et al., 2001). Higher num-
On a sandy loam soil in a semi-arid region of ber of plants per unit area (83 plants m2) is a key
Ethiopia, irrigated onion plants benefited from appli- factor for superiority in yield especially when ferti-
cation of 90–120 kg ha−1 N compared to unfertilised lised with high N input intensity (Brewster, 2008). An
crops (Aklilu, 1997). On a tropical Ultisol in Nigeria, increase in nitrogen dose up to 100 kg ha−1 resulted
Asiegbu (1989) found that onion yield increased from in increased yield of onion bulbs with 15 cm intra-
applying N up to 150 kg ha−1. On clay loam soil in row spacing and 20 cm inter-row spacing (Aliyu,
Pakistan, Syed et al. (2000) reported the highest bulb Dikko, Magaji, & Singh, 2008). The highest yield of
yield with application of 120 kg ha−1 N compared to over-sized bulbs was recorded at 123 kg ha−1 N with
60 or 90 kg ha−1. In other studies, increased onion 12.5 cm intra-row spacing and 20 cm inter-row spa-
yields were obtained from N fertilisation of 180 kg cing, whereas, the highest yield of medium sized and
ha−1 compared to 135 kg ha−1 on clay soil in Jordan large-sized bulb yield was obtained both at 82 kg
(Al-Fraihat, 2016) and 120 kg ha−1 N on sandy loam ha−1 N with row spacing of 20 cm and plant spacing
soil in Nigeria compared to 40 or 80 kg ha−1 N of 5.0 cm and 7.5 cm (Tekle, 2015). The highest net
(Falodun et al., 2013). benefit with low cost of production was obtained in
Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important response to the application of 82 kg ha−1 N with
nutrients for plant nutrition. However, its availability intra-row spacing of 10 cm and row spacing of
in soils is relatively low, due to low solubility of the P- 20 cm (Tekle, 2015). Thirupathi, Sunanda, Nagare,
containing soil constituents and also due to its high and Kumar (2014) reported that plant spacing of
retention onto soil colloids (Al-Rohily, Ghoneim, 10 cm and row spacing of 15 cm with higher level
Modaihsh, & Mahjoub, 2013). In onions, P deficien- of nitrogen 150 kg ha−1 gave the maximum bulb yield
cies reduce root and leaf growth, bulb size and yield of onion compared to plant and row spacing of
and can also delay maturation (Brewster, 2008; Ojala, 15 cm. Shojaei, Vakili, Khodadadi, and Mirzae
Jarrell, Menge, & Johnson, 1983). In soils that are (2011) also reported increase in bulb yield with
moderately low in plant available P, onion growth increase in N fertilisation level up to 180 kg ha−1
and yield can be enhanced by applied P. For high-P and plant densities of 550 000 to 650 000 plants
soils, P application could increase traits, such as ha−1. Removal of N, P, K and Ca from soil by differ-
onion bulb weight, especially for soils with higher ent parts of onion ‘Texas Grano 438ʹ plants at har-
weathering (Antoniadis, Petropoulos, Golia, & vest, calculated for a population of 250,000 plants
Koliniati, 2017). Onion plants fertilised with 60 kg ha−1 is presented in Table 1 (Pire et al., 2001). The
ha−1 P on silty clay loam soil recorded higher market- estimated total absorption was 118.6, 23.4, 110.7 and
able bulb yield compared to the control without P 77.6 kg ha−1 for N, P, K and Ca, respectively for bulb
fertiliser application (Anbes, Worku, & Beshir, 2018). yield of 28.22 tonnes ha−1. The high levels of Ca may
The P availability status of the soil was 4.12 mg kg−1 be associated with the calcareous nature of the soil.
as estimated by Olsen P extraction method. The high levels of N, P and K might be, in part,
Depending on yield levels, P removal with harvested related to excess of fertiliser applications.
plant parts of onion is estimated to be about 18–28 kg
ha−1 (Alt, Ladebusch, & Melzer, 1999; Pire et al.,
Nutrient source
2001; Salo et al., 2002).
Nitrogen is a major nutrient for plant growth and is
taken up by the roots from the soil preferentially as
Plant density
NO3− or NH4+. Many plants show growth inhibition
The recovery of applied N by the crop decreases as when NH4+ is supplied as the sole N source
application rate increases within a certain range of N (Marschner, 2012). The ammonium induced growth
supply since the onion crop has shallow, sparse root inhibition is mainly attributed to a lack of nitrate.
system (Brewster, 2008). At the very beginning of Root-derived cytokinins play a role as long-distance
such application rate the recovery of N may also signals for nitrate induced stimulation of shoot growth
increase first due to priming effect of nitrogen ferti- (Rahayu et al., 2005). It has also been shown that N
liser in nitrogen deficient soils and influence of C:N source, nitrate or ammonium forms, may influence
ratio on nitrification processes. At C:N ratios > 20, N vegetative growth, yield and quality of onions (Batal,
is immobilised in soils (Deng et al., 2013). When C:N 1991; Batal, Bondari, Granberry, & Mullinix, 1994;
declines below 20, nitrogen can be effectively mobi- Drost, Koenig, & Tindall, 2002; Gamiely, Randle,
lised by microbial mineralisation processes. To Mills, Smittle, & Bana, 1991). Higher levels of urea, i.
increase the use efficiency of added fertiliser there e. 0.25 and 0.5%, related to soil dry matter, resulted in
are choices of increasing plant density and effectively about 56 and 63% root growth inhibition of onion,
distributing the quantity of fertiliser by using proper respectively (Arora, Singh, Srivastava, & Srivastava,
irrigation systems for fertigation (Brewster, 2008; 2013). Gamiely et al. (1991) reported that nitrate

alone or in combination with ammonium-N increased Application rate

plant growth and bulb dry weight compared to ammo-
The amount of nitrogen needed usually depends on
nium-N as the sole nitrogen source. Onion crop was
soil organic matter content, crop uptake and yield
transplanted in the months of February and March
levels. Application of nitrogen from 69 to 192 kg
supplying 70 kg ha−1 of N as ammonium sulphate
ha−1 gave the highest bulb yield of onion (Abdissa,
before transplanting and 130 kg ha−1 of N as calcium
Tekalign, & Pant, 2011; Al-Fraihat, 2016; Aliyu et al.,
nitrate as side dressing and significantly higher bulb
2007; Amin et al., 2007; Atanda & Olaniyi, 2016;
yield was obtained when crop was transplanted in
Bagali et al., 2012; Dilpreet et al., 2016; Falodun et
February compared to transplanting in March.
al., 2013; Fatema, 2015; Gateri et al., 2018;
(Caruso et al., 2014). Batal et al. (1994) observed
Gebremichael, Woldetsadik, & Gedamu, 2017;
ammonium nitrate (33% N) to be superior to calcium
Gebretsadik & Dechassa, 2018; Gupta & Kushwah,
nitrate (17% N) or sodium nitrate (16% N) in produ-
2018; Kamble & Kathmale, 2015; Khan et al., 2001;
cing jumbo and large size onions at 224 kg N ha−1. In
Khokhar et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2003, 2012; Mahala et
the first 12 weeks of the growth, 33% of the total N was
al., 2018; Nasreen et al., 2007; Nigatu et al., 2018;
applied while three applications of 22% each were
Rabari et al., 2016; Sharma et al., 2018; Sultana et
applied in the second 12 week period. He also found
al., 2014; Syed et al., 2000). Based on the N input and
ammonium nitrate to cause a higher rate of bulb decay
yield data from these references the relationships
than the other N forms. In the Netherlands, De Visser
between N fertilisation, yield, N use efficiency, soil
(1998) estimated that about 50% of the 100–120 kg
type, C:N ratio in soil, P and K availability in soil are
ha−1 N commonly applied to onion fields was leached
indicated (Table 2). The highest value of agronomic
out of the soil. High rates of N in form of urea should
use efficiency (278) was observed at 18 kg ha−1 N with
not be applied in single application due to the risk of
C:N ratio of 8 and the lowest value of agronomic use
NH3 toxicity. The soil pH increases temporarily in
efficiency (10) was observed at 100 kg ha−1 N with C:
areas where urea has been applied due to hydrolysis
N ratio of 10. Saprophytic microbes always use
of the urea by urease enzymes (Clay, Malzer, &
organic matter as source of energy for their growth,
Anderson, 1990), and thus, accumulation of NH3 pro-
but at high C:N ratio they fix the limited N in their
duced induces NH3 toxicity. In alkaline soils, NH4+ is
biomass whereas at low C:N ratio they may release
converted to NH3 gas and lost to the atmosphere.
surplus N. At high N application rates (>100 kg ha−1),
Under warmer conditions, NH4+ in the soil is trans-
nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) values tended to
formed to NO3− via nitrification. Also Nitrate N
decrease. Over application rate of N resulted in
should not be applied in single applications but rather
reduced NUE. A high N surplus is unwanted because
split applications are recommended. At sowing or
of the high risk of N losses and the low resource use
transplanting maximum 50 kg N ha−1 should be
efficiency. Low application rates (<100 kg ha−1) gave
applied taking into consideration the Nmin in soil.
higher NUE suggesting that N sources other than N
The remaining N supply should be given in a second
fertiliser may have been utilised (i.e. from soil). Sandy
rate before onset of bulb formation. Yield of onion
soils may lose N through leaching, while heavy,
bulbs can be enhanced after supplying 35 kg ha−1 of P
poorly drained soils may lose N through denitrifica-
as super phosphate before transplanting (Caruso et al.,
tion. P and K availability in these soils ranged from
2014). Soil was clay loam with available P (26.6 mg
0.002 to 728 ppm and 0.005 to 737 ppm, respectively.
kg−1 by Olsen method). Higher yield of onion bulbs
For extraction of P, Olsen method or Bray P1 method
can be achieved supplying 108 kg ha−1 of K as potas-
was used. For extraction of K, ‘Ammonium acetate
sium sulphate before transplanting and side dressing
Method’ was used. Bulb and dry matter yield in onion
of 116 kg ha−1 of K as potassium nitrate (Caruso et al.,
increased with application of P from 8 to 100 kg ha−1
2014). Soil was clay loam with available K (191 mg kg−1
and K from 15 to 213 kg ha−1. Application rate of
by ammonium aerated method). A good combination
fertiliser influences bulb yield. Influence of fertiliser
of potash and phosphate promotes firmness of bulbs
on bulb yield of onion is represented in Table 3
and regular ripening (Brewster, 2008). The highest
(Khokhar et al., 2004). Agronomic efficiency (kg/kg)
yield was observed with the application of 100 kg
showed increasing trend when N and P were applied
ha−1 of K compared to 0, 33 or 64 kg ha−1 K (Saud et
in combination with K at 42 kg ha−1 compared to K
al., 2013). Soil available K was low (0.25 mg kg−1).
at 21 or 62 kg ha−1. P application rate was constant at
Shafeek, Hassan Nagwa, Singer, and EL-Greadly
33 kg P ha−1. Therefore, it might have been that at
(2013) reported the highest bulb weight and total
application rates of 62 kg K ha−1, the availability of P
bulb yield in sandy soil of Egypt with potassium sul-
was a limiting factor. Agronomic efficiency (kg/kg)
phate at the highest rate (292 kg ha−1 of K) compared
was calculated [Increased yield (kg) ÷ nutrients
to 0 or 146 kg ha−1 K. Soil available K was low
applied (kg)]. The soil was low in nitrogen, phos-
(12.1 mg kg−1).
phorus and organic matter.

Table 2. Relationships between N fertilisation, yield, N use efficiency, C:N ratio, soil type, P and K availability in soil.
Bulb yield
with and without Soil
NPK application NPK NPK C:N Soil
References (kg ha−1) (t ha−1) NUE (%) (ppm) (ppm) ratio Type
Syed et al. (2000) 120:100:90 14:5 75 0.02 5 0.31 24 Clay loam
Khan et al. (2001) 90:26:66 16:12 44 0.05 7.2 240 9 Clay loam
Lee et al. (2003) 120:35:100 30:26 38 0.00 97 273 2 Silt loam
Khokhar et al. (2004) 100:33:42 34:18 167 0.04 6.8 74 10.8 Sandy loam
Aliyu et al. (2007) 100:18:0 36:16 201 0.65 0.52 698 12.3 Sandy loam
Amin et al. (2007) 100:80:50 15:7 76 0.16 1.84 172 9.4 Silty clay loam
Nasreen et al. (2007) 120:39:75 17:7 87 0.05 10 70 12.4 Silty clay loam
Abdissa et al. (2011) 69:0:0 38:32 83 0.15 16.02 737 8.5 Clayey
Bagali et al. (2012) 162:32:148 42:36 34 0.01 5.17 148 40 Medium black
Lee et al. (2012) 192:13:213 58:41 90 0.00 728 152 3 Silt loam
Falodun et al. (2013) 18:8:15 14:9 278 0.05 18.9 74 8 Sandy loam
Sultana et al. (2014) 120:43:90 10:6 33 0.08 19.72 66 6 Silty clay loam
Fatema (2015) 120:50:75 23:11 97 0.08 0.002 0.005 6.7 Sandy loam
Kamble and Kathmale (2015) 100:22:42 22:14 80 0.01 6.9 206 34 Clayey
Al-Fraihat (2016) 180:39:50 33:15 100 0.11 8.2 473 7 Clayey
Atanda and Olaniyi (2016) 60:0:100 2:1 17 0.26 6 121 10 Sandy loam
Rabari et al. (2016) 100:75:75 13:12 10 0.02 25.8 81 10 Loamy sand
Dilpreet et al. (2016) 100:22:42 24:18 60 0.01 13.45 35 32 Sandy loam
Gebremichael et al. (2017) 69:0:0 26:19 102 0.17 23.7 133 7 Clay loam
Gateri et al. (2018) 104:39:0 23:14 87 0.05 55 312 9.2 Sandy clay loam
Gebretsadik and Dechassa (2018) 100:0:0 33:16 163 0.08 43.62 605 16 Sandy loam
Gupta and Kushwah (2018) 150:80:60 38:22 106 0.01 3.63 98 20 Sandy loam
Mahala et al. (2018) 100:50:100 31:19 120 0.006 9.86 42 13 Loamy sand
Nigatu et al. (2018) 105:52:0 21:11 103 0.11 18.02 NM 10 Heavy clay
Sharma et al. (2018) 100:50:100 20:17 30 0.01 11.22 43 23 Loamy sand
NUE = agronomic nitrogen use efficiency, NM = not mentioned

Table 3. Influence of NPK on onion bulb yield. yield and nutrient use efficiency. Yield of onion bulbs
NPK Bulb yield Increased yield Agronomic efficiency on clay loam soil with available P and K 27 mg kg−1
(kg ha−1) (tonnes ha−1) (kg ha−1) (kg/kg)
and 191 mg kg−1, respectively can be enhanced sup-
0:0:0 17.6 d - -
50:33:21 24.3 c 6700 64.4 plying 35 kg ha−1 of P, 70 kg ha−1 of N and 108 kg
75:33:21 25.1 c 7500 58.1 ha−1 of K before transplanting and 130 kg ha−1 of N
and 116 kg ha−1 of K during growth of crop (Caruso
100:33:21 28.1 bc 10500 68.2
125:33:21 27.2 bc 9600 53.6
50:33:42 31.0 ab 13400 107.2 et al., 2014). In Japan, Hayashi and Hatano (1999)
75:33:42 32.8 a 15200 101.3
100:33:42 34.3 a 16700 95.4
calculated that the N leached annually from an onion
125:33:42 33.6 a 16000 80 field could correspond to 58% of applied N.
50:33:62 30.4 ab 12800 88.3 Assessments of the right amount and time of applica-
75:33:62 30.7 ab 13100 77.1
100:33:62 33.5 a 15900 81.5 tion, therefore, may help to decrease the risk of
125:33:62 32.5 a 14900 67.7 nutrient losses. Nitrogen application late in bulb
Means sharing same letters do not significantly differ at 1% probability development may cause poor ripening and thick-
level. Khokhar et al. (2004)
necked bulbs, but its application early in crop growth
accelerates bulb maturity. It is also important that
Time of application phosphorus is available early in the season in order
to encourage growth, particularly of the root system,
Onions use very little N (less than 5% of the total for better bulb development (Mahala et al., 2018).
requirement) before bulb initiation and then use the
remaining N demand during rapid bulbing (bulb
formation). It is important to apply nitrogen at the Method of application
right time to optimise the use efficiency of N during
specific periods of crop growth. In fact, this nutrient Split applications of N are used more effectively by
plays an important role in the development of bulbs, the plant than a single preplant application.
primarily by controlling leaf growth (Drost et al., Sidedressing of N at bulb initiation can help to
2002), and plants may benefit from increased supply avoid leaching hazards compared to broad cast appli-
of N fertiliser at stage of leaf growth (Buwalda & cation and a well developed root system can take
Freeman, 1987; Westerveld, McKeown, Scott- maximum advantage of the N provided (Salo, 1999).
Dupree, & McDonald, 2003). Thangasamy (2016b) Preplant applied N is not used as effectively as N side
reported that peak N, P, K, and S uptake occurred dressed after onions are well established and the root
during 15 to 60 days after transplanting (DAT) of system has begun to develop. Banding high rates of P
45 days old seedlings grown from seed and fertilisers with the seed during seeding, especially ammonium
should be applied before 60 DAT for increasing bulb phosphate fertilisers can cause seedling damage. In

soils with low P availability, placement of P-fertilisers single application of farm yard manure or mineral N
in the soil near to the plant would be the most at 100 kg N ha−1 (Yohannes, Belew, & Debela, 2013).
efficient in terms of P use efficiency in onion plants Application of farm yard manure at 10 tonnes ha−1
(Brewster, 2008; Henriksen & Hansen, 2001). Islam et and vermicompost at 2.5 tonnes ha−1 increased bulb
al. (2008) reported highest bulb yield in silty clay soil yield compared to farm yard manure alone applied at
with three split applications of 120 kg ha−1 potassium 10 tonnes ha−1 rate (Kumar, Garhwal, & Sharma,
applying 1/3 as basal dose followed by 1/3 each as top 2017). Combined application of NPK + S + Zn
dressing at 20 and 40 (DAT). This may depend on the (100:50:100:20:10 kg ha−1) as the inorganic source
soil characteristics like clay content due to role of clay significantly increased bulb yield of onion compared
minerals in K+ fixation. to NPK alone applied at 100:50:100 kg ha−1 (Kumar
et al., 2017). Azospirillium at 500 g ha−1 along with
NPK at 100:22:42 kg ha−1 increased bulb yield com-
Irrigation method
pared to only NPK applied at 100:22:42 kg ha−1
Flooding irrigation can decrease N availability to (Dilpreet et al., 2016). This is a commercial product
onions due to nitrate leaching to deeper soil layers. which was dissolved at the rate of 500 g ha−1 in small
Drip irrigation system keeps the water or nutrient quantity of water and onion seedlings were dipped in
solution around roots in the upper soil zone for the inoculum for one hour and transplanted in the
longer period than other systems, so it is more field. The positive effect was due to nitrogen fixation.
adapted for shallow rooted plants like onion (Shock Integrated use of organic, inorganic and biofertilisers
et al., 1995). Drip irrigated onions typically are ferti- (Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Phosphate Solubilizing
lised with N through the drip system (fertigation Bacteria) as nutrient sources has been advised to
system). Results from Malheur Experiment Station, achieve higher yield and to improve the physical,
Oregon State University suggest that N is used more chemical and biological properties of soil (Jat,
efficiently with fertigation system as compared to Garhwal, & Singh, 2018). Biofertilisers usually are
fertiliser applied broadcast, sidedressed, or water not expected to significantly improve plant nutrition
run in a furrow irrigated field (Shock et al., 1995). due to direct input of mineral nutrients like with
Dawelbeit & Ritcher (2004) observed that a drip green manure, but rather due to functional modes
fertigation system in onion produced higher yields of action like biological nitrogen fixation, phosphorus
compared to flooding irrigation with fertiliser broad- solubilisation, improved root growth or improved
casting. Rajput and Patel (2006) reported that appli- mycorrhisation (Calvo, Watts, Kloepper, & Torbert,
cation of 56.4 cm irrigation water and 1.6 kg ha−1 N 2017; Vessey, 2003).
per fertigation (daily) increased the bulb yield signif-
icantly compared to monthly fertigation frequency
and reduced nitrate leaching to deeper soil layers.
Mishra, Singh, and Yadav (1990) reported that appli-
cation of ZnSO4 (0.5%) and FeSO4 (1.0%) as foliar
Integrated use of manures and fertilisers
spray significantly influenced the yield and quality of
Combined application of K at 250 kg ha−1 and cow- onion. Application of boron can increase bulb size
dung at 10 tonnes ha−1 increased bulb yield com- and yield of onion (Smriti, Kumar, & Singh, 2002).
pared to only K at 250 kg ha−1 and only cowdung Foliar application of 0.5% boron significantly
applied at 10 tonnes ha−1 (Barman, Siddiqui, increased bulb yield and quality of onion (Dake,
Siddique, Roni, & Nuruzzaman, 2013). Lee (2012) Hiwale, Patil, & Naik, 2011; Manna & Maity, 2015).
reported that application of 44 tonnes ha−1 of cattle Babaleshwar, Koppad, Dharmatti, and Math (2017)
manure plus NPK at 80:11:43 kg ha−1 gave the high- reported that foliar application of zinc sulphate
est onion bulb yield compared to only NPK at (0.5%) at 30 and 45 DAT increased yield and
80:11:43 kg ha−1. Application of mineral N at 80 kg improved bulb quality of onion. Fresh, dry weight
ha−1 plus 40 kg N ha−1 substituted by cowdung sup- and bulb yield of onion as affected by application of
plied as in total 120 kg N ha−1, increased bulb yield NPK and micronutrients are represented in Table 4
compared to no fertiliser application or only mineral (Fouda, 2016). Significantly higher bulb yields were
fertiliser (Sultana et al., 2014). Gebremichael et al. obtained with NPK applications at 107:72:57 kg ha−1
(2017) reported that application of vermicompost at or NPK at 214:143:114 kg ha−1 compared to control
5 tonnes ha−1 plus 35 kg N ha−1 as mineral fertiliser (without application of NPK). Furthermore, com-
gave the highest marketable onion bulb yield com- bined application of NPK at 107:72:57 kg ha−1 and
pared to no fertiliser application and only vermicom- foliar application of micronutrients (Fe + Zn + Cu) at
post applied at 5 tonnes ha−1. Combined application 300, 100 and 50 ppm, respectively significantly
of mineral N at 100 kg N ha−1 and 45 tonnes ha−1 of increased bulb yield compared to only application of
farm yard manure increased bulb yield compared to NPK at 107:72:57 kg ha−1 (Fouda, 2016). The soil

Table 4. Fresh, Dry weight of bulb and bulb yield as affected Table 6. Interpretation of soil test values for micronutrients.
by NPK application and micronutrients. Boron Copper Zinc Manganese Iron
Fresh Total Fertility (B) (Cu) (Zn) (Mn) (Fe)
Treatments weight of Dry weight yield level ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
NPK: kg ha−1 bulb of bulb (tonnes Low <0.5 <0.25 <0.25 <0.5 <2.5
Micronutrients: Foliar spray (g plant−1) (g plant−1) ha−1) Medium 0.5–1.0 0.25–0.5 0.25–0.5 0.5–1.0 2.5–5.0
Control 113.54e 10.12e 19.10e High >1.0 >0.5 >0.5 >1.0 >5.0
NPK (107:72:57) 116.67d 13.13d 24.62d Horneck et al. (2011), Westerman (1990)
NPK (214:143:114) 138.68b 15.61b 29.26b
NPK (107:72:57) + Fe 300 ppm 131.83c 14.84c 27.81c
NPK (107:72:57) + Cu 50 ppm 120.41d 13.55d 25.41d
NPK (107:72:57) + Zn 100 ppm 127.26c 14.32c 26.86c P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, S, and Zn), the Mehlich
NPK (107:72:57) + (Fe + Zn + Cu) 144.49a 16.26a 30.50a 3 test is used extensively. The majority of laboratories
LSD at 5% 5.36 0.61 0.48
that test soils for B use some modification of the hot-
Fouda (2016)
water extraction procedure originally developed by
Berger and Truog (1939) although the Mehlich 3
extractant is receiving more interest (Shuman et al.,
texture was clayey with available NPK 78.2, 7.7 and
1992). The modified Morgan extract is also used to
296 kg ha−1, respectively and fertility level was med-
routinely test for B. Approaches to diagnosing leaf
ium for N and K and low for P, determined according
nutrient status include the Critical Value Approach
to the standard methods reported by Van Reeuwijk
(CVA) (Bates, 1971), the Diagnosis and
(2002). Applications of micronutrients are not
Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS)
recommended unless a reliable soil or plant tissue
(Walworth & Sumner, 1987), and Compositional
test indicates a need. Macro and micronutrients in
Nutrient Diagnosis (CND) (Parent, Cambouris, &
soils are commonly measured with the multi-element
Muhaweniman, 1994; Parent & Dafir, 1992). Onions
test extracts Mehlich 3, Morgan and Modified
are sensitive to zinc deficiency. Deficiencies usually
Morgan (Wolf & Beegle, 1995). The Mehlich 3 test
occur on white, high lime subsoils. Application of
(Mehlich, 1984) has shown promise as a soil test for P
manure or compost to onions might reduce or elim-
that is suitable for a much wider range of soil proper-
inate deficiencies of Zn and other micronutrients.
ties than the current, regionally oriented soil P tests.
Boron (B) is a micro mineral nutrient required for
The interpretation for concentration of mineral
normal plant growth and optimum yield of crops. Its
nutrients in the soil (low, medium, high and exces-
deficiency is widespread in alkaline/calcareous,
sive) is represented in Table 5 (Horneck, Sullivan,
coarse-textured and low organic matter soils in
Owen, & Hart, 2011). Soil P is considered adequate
many countries of the world (Borkakati & Takkar,
if soil test shows 10 ppm available P by Olsen sodium
2000; Razzaq & Rafiq, 1996; Takkar, Chibba, &
bicarbonate extractant method (Brown, 2000). Soil K
Mehta, 1989). If the soil test shows B levels are low,
is considered adequate if soil test shows 100 ppm
apply 1.1 kg of B ha−1 as broad cast with soil incor-
available K by Olsen extraction method (Brown,
poration prior to transplanting or seeding (Boyhan &
2000). Interpretation of Soil test values for micronu-
Kelley, 2007). Boron levels are low at soil test values
trients is presented in Table 6 (Horneck et al., 2011;
less than 0.5 ppm using hot water extraction method.
Westerman, 1990). A Zn soil test value <0.25 ppm
Do not exceed the recommended amount (1.1 kg of B
using the DTPA extraction method indicates low
ha−1) since boron can be toxic to onions.
concentration. Copper soil test value <0.25 ppm
using the DTPA extraction method indicates low
concentration. Manganese (Mn) soil test values <0.5
Bulb quality
ppm using the DTPA extraction method indicate low
concentration. The soil test level of hot water extrac- Under sub-optimal supply of N, onions can be
table boron (<0.5 ppm) indicates low concentration. severely stunted leading to decreasing bulb size and
Sulphur fertilisers are applied if soil test values are <5 marketable yields. By contrast, too much nitrogen can
ppm. Because of its flexibility in P testing, as well as result in excessive vegetative growth, delayed matur-
the fact that it is a multi-element extract (i.e. used for ity, increased susceptibility to diseases, increased

Table 5. Interpretation of soil test values for macronutrients.

Bray P1 Olsen K Ammonium acetate or sodium bicarbonate extraction Sulfate sul- Extractable
Fertility test test method fur Mg
level P (ppm) P (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Low <20 <10 150 2–5 <60
Medium 20–40 10–25 150–250 5–20 60–100
High 40–100 25–50 250–800 >20 >300
Excessive >100 >50 >800
Horneck et al. (2011)

double centres in onions, reduced dry matter con- pungency is a negative characteristic in marketing of
tents and storability, and thus decreased marketable most onions (Sullivan et al., 2001).
yield and quality of onion bulbs (Batal et al., 1994;
Brewster, 2008; Brewster & Butler, 1989; Henriksen &
Hansen, 2001; Singh & Dankhar, 1991; Sorensen & Summary of work
Grevsen, 2001). Excessive and late-season application
The production of 60 tonnes of harvested bulbs
of nitrogen, even during the period of onset of bulb
removes from the field 108 kg ha−1 of N, 21 kg ha−1
formation, increases the growth of leaf blades
of P, 120 kg ha−1 of K and 9 kg ha−1 of Mg, while 5
(Brewster, 2008) and adversely affects storability of
tonnes of harvest residues remaining on the field
onion bulbs (Brewster, 2008; Brown, Hornbacher, &
contain 15 kg ha−1 of N, 1 kg ha−1 of P, 9 kg ha−1
Naylor, 1988). Nitrogen application late in bulb
of K and 1 kg ha−1 of Mg. Positive responses of N
development may cause poor ripening and thick-
application have been reported on onion cultivars, up
necked bulbs but its application early in crop growth
to doses of 200 kg ha−1. However, application of
accelerates bulb maturity. Too much nitrogen pro-
nitrogen at 200 kg ha−1 increased the number of
moted excessive vegetative growth and delayed
thick-necked bulbs. Depending on soil status, P appli-
maturity (Brewster, 2008; Sorensen & Grevsen,
cation rates from 8 to 100 kg ha−1 were found to
2001). While exogenous N application is known to
maximise onion yield. Application of K fertilisation
increase yield of onions, many researchers on the
up to 271 kg ha−1 resulted in the highest yield of
other hand, found that high levels of nitrogen fertili-
onion bulbs. With intra-row spacing of 15 cm and
sation resulted in reduced onion storage life (Kato,
inter-row spacing of 20 cm, nitrogen at 100 kg ha−1
Yamagata, & Tsukahara, 1987), delayed bulb maturity
resulted in increased yield of onion bulbs. Plant spa-
and resulted in bolting (unwanted flowering), which
cing of 10 cm and row spacing of 15 cm with nitro-
is an undesirable characteristic of onion (Aliyu et al.,
gen at 150 kg ha−1 gave 31.8 tonnes ha−1 bulb yield of
2008). Low application of nitrogen at 69 kg ha−1
onion. Application of N fertilisers through drip irri-
increased the development of splitted bulbs by
gation system increased bulb yield significantly and
about 45%, over the control where no N was applied
reduced nitrate leaching to deeper soil layers.
(Abdissa et al., 2011). The soil was heavy clay with
Combined application of 44 tonnes ha−1 of cattle
low organic matter and total N was 0.15%. In con-
manure and NPK at 80:11:43 kg ha−1 gave higher
trast, high application of nitrogen at 200 kg ha−1
bulb yield of 62.7 tonnes ha−1 compared to only
increased the number of thick-necked bulbs (Jilani,
NPK at 80:11:43 kg ha−1. Catch crops are recom-
2004). In onions, phosphorus deficiencies reduce root
mended to catch the surplus N after harvest of onions
and leaf growth, bulb size and yield and can also
to avoid N losses (Magdoff & van Harold, 2009).
delay maturation in soils that are moderately low in
Nitrate leaching can be reduced sowing a fast grow-
phosphorus. Phosphorus deficiency reduces bulb
ing cover crop like winter rye immediately after har-
size and can delay maturation. For 10 ppm available
vest. The combination of hairy vetch and winter rye
P in the soil which is adequate by Olsen sodium
works well in cooler temperate region. The rye com-
bicarbonate extractant method, 20 kg ha−1 of P was
petes well with the vetch when nitrate is plentiful; less
recommended to maximise bulb yield (Brown,
N is fixed; and much of the nitrate is tied up in the
2000). Potassium (K) promotes the growth of the
rye and stored for future use. Deep-rooted crops such
roots and the leaves, increases photosynthetic activ-
as alfalfa, safflower, sunflower or corn as part of
ity so that bulb formation can begin, improves water
rotation can be grown to scavenge the subsoil for
absorption, and protects the crop against diseases
nutrients and water (Magdoff & van Harold, 2009).
and adverse weather conditions. If K is deficient or
Application of farm yard manure at 10 tonnes ha−1
not supplied in adequate amounts, onion plants can
and vermicompost at 2.5 tonnes ha−1 increased bulb
be stunted and have reduced yields (Rizk, 1997;
yield compared to farm yard manure alone applied at
Singh & Verma, 2001). Sulphur application from
the same rate. Combined application of NPK + S
30 to 200 kg ha−1increased dry matter, bulb firmness
+ Zn (100:50:100:20:10 kg ha−1) as the inorganic
and sulphur contents of onion bulbs (Hariyappa,
source significantly increased bulb yield of onion
Halawar, & Hebsur, 2011; Mishu, Ahmed, Rafii,
compared to NPK alone applied at same rate.
Golam, & Latif, 2013; Nasreen, Haq, & Hossain,
Azospirillium at 500 g ha−1along with NPK at
2003; Zeinani, Zarbakhsh, & Khodadadi, 2010).
100:22:42 kg ha−1 increased bulb yield compared to
Application of S fertiliser increased onion pungency,
NPK at same rate of nutrient supply. Application of
but did not affect bulb storage loss. Increased bulb
ZnSO4 (0.5%) and FeSO4 (1.0%) as foliar spray

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Disclosure statement 01904167.2017.1346125
Arora, K., Singh, N., Srivastava, S., & Srivastava, A. (2013).
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author. Evaluation of genotoxic risks due to temporal changes in
soil urea: Using Allium cepa L. root tip bioassay.
Cytologia, 79, 85–93.
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