Removal of Heavy Metal in Gold Mine Waste Water

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Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold

mine wastewater

Article in Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology · May 2010

DOI: 10.1002/jctb.2358


73 869

3 authors:

Mike Acheampong Roel J W Meulepas

Kumasi Polytechnic Wetsus


P.N.L. Lens
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education


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Received: 4 October 2009 Revised: 15 December 2009 Accepted: 16 December 2009 Published online in Wiley Interscience: 23 February 2010

( DOI 10.1002/jctb.2358

Removal of heavy metals and cyanide

from gold mine wastewater
Mike A. Acheampong,a,b∗ Roel J.W. Meulepasa and Piet N.L. Lensa

This paper reviews the technology and biotechnology to remove heavy metals (such as copper, arsenic, lead and zinc) and
cyanide from contaminated wastewater. The paper places special emphasis on gold mine wastewater and the use of low cost
materials as sorbent. Various biological as well as physicochemical treatment processes are discussed and compared on the
basis of costs, energy requirement, removal efficiency, limitations and advantages. Sorption using natural plant materials,
industrial and agricultural waste has been demonstrated to have the potential to replace conventional methods for the
removal of heavy metals because of its cost effectiveness, efficiency and the local availability of these materials as biosorbent.
The parameters affecting sorption, such as initial ion concentration, pH, sorbent dosage, particle size and temperature, are
discussed. The overall treatment cost of metal and cyanide contaminated wastewater depends on the process employed and
the local conditions. In general, technical applicability, cost-effectiveness and plant simplicity are the key factors in selecting
the most suitable treatment method.
c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: removal; sorption; heavy metal; cyanide; gold mine wastewater

NOTATION generally contains heavy metal pollutants (such as Cu, As, Fe,
C Metal ion concentration (mg L−1 ) Zn, Pb, etc.) and cyanide at elevated concentrations. The toxicity
Ceq Metal ion concentration at equilibrium (mg L−1 ) of both metals and cyanide pollution is long lasting as these
Ci Concentration of component i in solution (mg L−1 ) pollutants are non-biodegradable.4,5
q Uptake capacity (mg g−1 )
qi Uptake capacity of component i Gold mine wastewater production
q0 i Phase concentration of a single adsorbed component in
Gold is generally extracted from ores or concentrates by the
equilibrium with C 0 i (−)
alkaline cyanidation (Elsner) process (Fig. 1). The gold-bearing ore
qmax Langmuir maximum uptake capacity (mg g−1 )
is crushed and ground to approximately 100 microns. Next, it is
qt Uptake capacity at time t (s)
transported to a leaching plant where lime, cyanide and oxygen
a,b Langmuir isotherm parameters for single component
are added to the ground and slurried ore. The lime raises the pH,
system (−)
while the oxygen and cyanide oxidize and complex the gold:):
ai , bi Langmuir isotherm parameters for multicomponent
system (−)
4Au + 8NaCN + O2 + 2H2 O −−−→ 4 Na[Au(CN)2 ] + 4NaOH (1)
K, n Freundlich isotherm constants (−)
k Boltzmann constant (J K−1 )
Yi Solute concentration of component i in the solid The cyanide solution thus dissolves the gold from the crushed ore.
phase (−) Next, the gold-bearing solution is collected. Finally, the gold is
CIL Carbon-in-leach precipitated out of the solution.
The common processes for recovery of the dissolved gold
from solution are carbon-in-pulp, the Merrill-Crowe process, elec-
INTRODUCTION trowinning and resin-in-pulp (Teeter S and Houck T, unpublished).
The term heavy metal refers to metallic elements with relatively
high densities that are toxic at low concentrations. Heavy metals

have atomic weights between 63.5 and 200.6, and specific gravity Correspondence to: Mike A. Acheampong, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water
higher than 5.0.1 Heavy metals are classified into three main groups Education, Department of Environmental Resources, Pollution Prevention and
Control Core, Westvest 7, 2611 AX, Delft, The Netherlands.
as toxic metals (such as Hg, Cr, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, As, Co, Sn etc.), E-mail: [email protected]
precious metals (such as Pd, Pt, Ag, Au, Ru, etc.) and radionuclides
(such as U, Th, Ra, Am, etc.).2 Contamination of wastewaters a UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Department of Environmental
by toxic metal ions is a worldwide environmental problem. The Resources, Pollution Prevention and Control Core, Westvest 7, 2611 AX, Delft,
The Netherlands
main sources of pollution are mining and electroplating industries
discharging a variety of toxic metals such as Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn, As, b Kumasi Polytechnic, Department of Chemical Engineering, P. O. Box 854,

and Cd ions into soils and water bodies.3 Gold mine wastewater Kumasi-Ashanti, Ghana

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the cyanidation process of gold extraction.

Figure 2. Experimental set-up and results of different stages of industrial wastewater treatment including hybrid electrocoagulation/microfiltration.30

In the carbon-in-pulp (CIP) technique, the gold cyanide complex

Table 1. Composition of a typical gold mine wastewater from Ghana
is adsorbed onto activated carbon (Fig. 1) until it comes to equi-
librium with the gold in solution. Because the carbon particles Typical gold mine Wastewater standards
are much larger than the ore particles, the coarse carbon can be Parameter wastewater (Ghana EPA8 )
separated from the slurry by screening using a wire mesh. The PH 7.40 6-9
gold-loaded carbon is then removed and washed before under- Conductivity (µS cm−1 ) 5600 750
going ‘elution’ or desorption of gold cyanide at high temperature TDS (mg L−1 ) 2900 50
and pH. The rich eluate solution that emerges from the elution TSS (mg L−1 ) 22 50
process is passed through electrowinning cells where gold and Temperature (◦ C) 31.3 <40
other metals are precipitated onto the cathodes. Smelting of the Cyanide (mg L−1 ) 9 0.2
cathode material further refines the gold and produces gold ingots As (mg L−1 ) 7.350 0.2
suitable for transport to a refinery.6 Fe (mg L−1 ) 0.114 2.0
Mercury amalgamation and gravity concentration are the other Pb (mg L−1 ) 0.140 0.1
processes for obtaining gold concentrate from gold ore. Cu (mg L−1 ) 5.063 1.0
The tailings (Fig. 1), contaminated with metal and cyanide Zn (mg L−1 ) 0.042 2.0
ions, are usually stored in tailings ponds, with the potential for
groundwater contamination and high risk of failure, which can
lead to spillage of the toxic metals and cyanide-bearing solution
into the environment. The types of heavy metals present depend acid generation beyond the natural buffering capabilities found
on the nature of the gold ore. Acid mine drainage is another type of in host rock and water resources. Collectively, the generation of
mine effluent, which is produced when sulphide ores are exposed acidity from sulphide weathering is termed acid mine drainage
to the atmosphere as a result of mining and milling processes (AMD). Concentrations of common elements such as Cu, Zn, Al, Fe,
where oxidation reactions are initiated. Mining increases the As and Mn all dramatically increase in waters with low pH.7 Table 1

exposed surface area of sulphur-bearing rocks allowing for excess shows the characteristics of a typical goldmine wastewater.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens

Wastewater P

Me2+ Me2+ Me2+
Ca2+ 2+ Wastewater Purified
Ca Me2+ Me2+
Ca2+ Me2+ H2O water
Me2+ Concentrate Me2+
Me2+ Ca2+
Ca2+ C
Me2+ Ca2+ Me2+ +
- + Me2+
Me2+ -
Me2+ Anode Me2+ Me2+ Me2+ Cathode
Me2+ + - + +
Me2+ - Me2+ -
Me2+ Me2+
Ca2+ Me2+
Ca2+ - Me2+ +
Me2+ + -
water Purified
Concentrate Concentrate

Figure 3. Schematic representation of physicochemical process to remove metals Me2+ from solution: ion-exchange (A); reversed osmosis or ultrafiltration
(B); and electrodialysis (C).

SO42- + 4 H2 + H+ → HS- + 4H2O

Me2+ + HS- → ZnS + H+

Wastewater containing
sulphate and dissolved metals MeS
(e.g. Cu2+ , Pb2+, Zn2+ or Cd2+)

Electron donor and carbon

source, e.g. H2 & CO2

Figure 4. Schematic representation of a hydrogen-fed sulphate-reducing gas-lift bioreactor and settler treating wastewater polluted with heavy metals.

Health and environmental risks of heavy metal and cyanide Other heavy metals (such as Hg, Cd, Se, Pb, Ni, Zn, etc.) produce
Heavy metal pollution is one of the important environmental similar health effects when injected in significant quantities.
problems today.2 These heavy metals are of special concern Cyanide is acutely toxic to humans. Toxicological studies have
due to their toxicity, bioaccumulation tendency and persistency indicated that short-term exposure to high levels of cyanide
in nature.1,9,10 The removal of heavy metals from water and causes rapid breathing, tremors and other neurological effects;
wastewater is important in terms of protection of public health and while long-term exposure causes weight loss, thyroid effects,
environment due to their accumulation in living tissues through nerve damage and death.17,18 Skin contact with liquids containing
the food chain as a non-biodegradable pollutant.11,12 Heavy metals cyanide may produce irritation and sores. Clearly, heavy metal and
(such as lead, copper and arsenic) are toxic to aquatic flora and cyanide pollution of the environment is of paramount concern
fauna even in relatively low concentrations.13 due to their health risk to humans and threats to the ecosystem.
The excessive intake of copper by man leads to severe mu-
cosal irritation, widespread capillary damage, hepatic and renal Regulatory discharge limits for wastewater containing heavy
damage, central nervous system problems followed by depression, metals and cyanide
gastrointestinal irritation and possible necrotic changes in the liver Gold mining operations result in contamination of soils and water
and kidney.14,15 Arsenic dissolved in water is acutely toxic and leads with tailings that release toxic metals such as Cu, As, Pb, Mo, Fe,
to a number of health problems, including disturbances to the car- Ni and Zn.19 Various regulatory bodies have set the maximum

diovascular and nervous system functions and eventually death.16 prescribed limit for discharge of toxic heavy metals into the 
c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Figure 5. Comparison between the equilibrium concentrations of metal hydroxides and metal sulphides.69

Figure 6. Schematic diagram of a two-stage process for heavy metal removal by sorption.

aquatic ecosystem. Table 2 shows the maximum contaminants Scope of this paper
level (MCL) values set by the US EPA and the position in the The purpose of this paper is to review the relevant parts of
Comprehensive Compliance Environmental Response, Compen- technology and biotechnology to remove heavy metals and
sation and Liability Act (CERCLA), 2005 list of priority chemicals of cyanide from wastewater. The paper places special emphasis on
some of the toxic heavy metals.20,1 Nevertheless, metal ions are gold mine wastewater and the use of low cost materials as sorbent.
discharged into water bodies at much higher concentrations than Biosorption is giving prominence as an emerging technology that
the prescribed limit by industrial activities such as gold mining, has been shown to be effective in removing contaminants at very
thus leading to health hazards and environmental degradation.21 low levels.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens

Figure 7. MERESAFIN concept: schematic presentation of metal binding and precipitation to biofilms on sand grains, and biofilm regeneration, in an
Astrasand moving-bed sand filter.219

Figure 8. EMB–SRB system.220

TREATMENT OF GOLD MINE WASTEWATER of electrocoagulation and membrane filtration (MF) to remove
The undesirable effects of heavy metals and cyanide pollution can heavy metals from industrial wastewater. Figure 2 shows the ex-
be avoided by treatment of the wastewater prior to discharge.22 In perimental set-up and a summary of the results of their study.
view of their toxicity and in order to meet regulatory safe discharge Although these treatment methods can be employed to remove
standards, it is essential to remove heavy metals and cyanide from heavy metals from contaminated wastewater, they have their
gold mine wastewater before it is released into the environment. inherent advantages and limitations in application (see Table 3).
This helps to protect the environment and guarantee quality public Figure 3 shows the schematic representation of physicochemical
health. The available treatment methods are reviewed below. process to remove metals from solution by ion-exchange, reverse
osmosis, ultrafiltration and electrodialysis.
Heavy metal removal and recovery Precipitation is most applicable among these techniques
Physicochemical heavy metal removal methods and considered to be the most economical.22 However, this
The conventional methods for removing heavy metal ions technique produces a large amount of sludge precipitate that
from wastewater include chemical precipitation, coagula- requires further treatment. Reverse osmosis and ion-exchange can
tion–flocculation, flotation, filtration, ion-exchange, reverse os- effectively reduce the metal ions, but their use is limited due to a
mosis, membrane-filtration, evaporation recovery and electro- number of disadvantages such as high materials and operational

chemical technologies.23 – 29 Mavrov et al.30 used a hybrid process cost, in addition to the limited pH range for the ion-exchange 
c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Figure 9. (A) Schematic diagram of cyanide recovery from wastewater in an integrated gas-filled coagulation–membrane reactor.225,226 (B) Illustration
of cyanide recovery by gas-filled membrane absorption.225,226 (C) Bioprocess flow diagram for algal treatment of cyanide contaminated wastewater from
cyanidation process of gold extraction (Gurbez et al.18 )

resin.23,31 Table 4 gives performance characteristics of some a wide range of electron donors, including hydrogen, formate,
conventional heavy metal removal and recovery technologies methanol, ethanol, fatty acids and sugars.64 Sulphate reduction
while Table 5 summarizes research work on heavy metal removal only occurs when electron acceptors with a higher redox potential
using physicochemical techniques. (e.g. oxygen and nitrate) are absent. In nature, such conditions are
found in marine and fresh-water sediments.65
Biological heavy metal removal methods Sulphate reduction in anaerobic bioreactors treating organic
In recent years, research attention has focused on biological wastes has long been regarded as an unwanted side process due
methods for the treatment of metal- bearing effluents. There to the loss of electron donor and inhibition of the methanogenic
are three principal advantages of biological technologies for the process by sulfide.66 However, currently biological sulphate
removal of pollutants. First, biological processes can be carried out reduction is an established biotechnological process for the
in situ at the contaminated site. Second, bioprocess technologies treatment of inorganic wastewaters containing oxidized sulphur
are usually environmentally benign (no secondary pollution). compounds and heavy metals.67,68 The wastewater and an
Third, they are cost effective.60 – 62 electron donor are fed into a reactor containing immobilized
sulphate-reducing microorganisms. In this bioreactor, sulphate is
Sulphide precipitation combined with biological sulphate reduction. reduced and the dissolved metals precipitate with the biologically
Sulphate reduction is mediated by a diverse group of prokaryotes produced sulphide (Fig. 4). The formed insoluble metal sulphides
that can gain energy for growth and maintenance from the can subsequently be separated from the water phase in a
reduction of sulphate to sulphide.63 For sulphate reduction an settler. Figure 5 compares the equilibrium concentrations of metal

electron donor is required. Sulphate reducers are able to use hydroxides and metal sulphides.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens

metals across the cell membrane, the microorganisms need to

Table 2. Ranking of heavy metals in the CERCLA list of priority
chemicals (2005), according to their health and environmental risk, and be alive and metabolically active.93 Biosorption is the binding of
discharge standards for industrial wastewater in the USA metals to organic mater; it is a passive metabolic independent
process. In the case of microorganisms, metals are mainly bound
Heavy metal Rank Standards (USA) (mg L−1 ) to functional groups on the outside of the cells wall. These
Arsenic (As) 01 0.01 functional groups include carboxyl, amine, phosphonate and
Lead (Pb) 02 0.015 hydroxyl groups.94
Mercury (Hg) 03 0.002 The following binding mechanisms contribute to biosorption:
Cadmium (Cd) 08 0.005 ion exchange, complexation, adsorption, electrostatic interaction,
Chromium (Cr (VI)) 18 0.01 and precipitation.95,96 Non-viable microbial biomass frequently
Zinc (Zn) 74 5.0 exhibits a higher affinity for metal ions than viable cells, probably
Manganese (Mn) 115 0.05 due to the absence of competing protons produced during
Copper (Cu) 133 1.3 metabolism.97 Sorption capacities of unaltered microorganisms
Selenium (Se) 147 0.05 exceeding 100 mg g−1 have often been observed. Potent metal
Silver (Ag) 213 0.05 biosorbents under the class of bacteria include species from the
Antimony (Sb) 222 0.006 genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Streptomyces; and important
Iron (Fe) – 0.3 fungal biosorbents include Aspergillus, Rhizopus and Penicillium.63
Due to the high presence of alginate in the cell wall, algae (single
or multicelluar) form excellent biosorbents as well. The sorption
capacity of a microbial sorbent can be increased by chemical
Due to the low equilibrium concentrations of sulphide pre- pretreatment or by genetic modification.98 Chemical pretreatment
cipitates, most metals can be removed to very low concentra- can remove impurities blocking binding sites or introduce new or
tions (Fig. 4).69 In addition, the high volumetric conversion rates enhanced binding groups into the cell wall.
(Table 6) allow for compact treatment systems. Moreover, the In addition to sorption by the cell wall, metals can bind to
metal sulphide content of the produced sludge is high −95%.70 Of- inorganic compounds (e.g. sulphide, bicarbonate or phosphate)
ten this metal sludge can be reused in the metallurgical industry.69 or extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), compounds excreted
The gas-lift bioreactor (Fig. 3) is the most suitable bioreactor type by metabolically active microorganisms.
for sulphate reduction with gaseous electron donors. In this sys-
tem, the transfer of gas to the liquid is optimized and the sludge
is partly retained in the bioreactor by a three phase separator. At Sorptionusingnon-livingbiomass. Most of the biosorption studies
a zinc refinery in Budel (the Netherlands) and at the Kennecott have been and continue to be carried out on microbial systems;
cupper mine (Utah, USA), hydrogen-fed sulphate-reducing gas-lift chiefly bacteria, microalgae and fungi, and with toxic metals and
bioreactors are applied to remove metals from wastewater.67 radionuclides.90 However, practically all biological materials have
an affinity for metal species. The process of biosorption using
non-living biomass is a rapid phenomenon and involves a solid
Heavy metal sorption and biosorption phase (sorbent or biosorbent; biological material) and a liquid
The search for new technologies involving the removal of toxic phase (solvent, normally water) containing dissolved species to
metals from wastewaters has directed attention to biosorption, be sorbed (sorbate, metal ions). Due to the higher affinity of the
based on the metal binding capacities of various biological sorbent for the sorbate species, the latter is attracted and bound
materials. Biosorption has been demonstrated to possess the there by different mechanisms.99 The degree of sorbent affinity
potential to replace conventional methods for the removal for the sorbate determines its distribution between the solid and
of heavy metals,62 because of its cost effectiveness, efficiency liquid phases.
and availability of biomass as biosorbent.90,91 Wang and Chen2
and Gadd and White92 defined biosorption as the removal of Sorption using inorganic and natural sorbents. Both industrial by-
metal and metalloid species, compounds and particulates from products and natural materials locally available in certain regions
solution by biological material. Ahluwalia and Goyal28 overviewed can be employed as low-cost adsorbents. Due to its metal-binding
the major advantages and disadvantages of biosorption over capacity, natural materials such as zeolite and clay have been
conventional treatment of heavy metal contaminated wastewater.
explored for treating metal-contaminated wastewater. Babel and
Natural and plant materials, industrial and agricultural wastes are Kurniawan100 studied Cr(VI) uptake from artificial wastewater
receiving attention as low cost sorption materials. Figure 6 shows using natural zeolite. According to them, NaCl treated zeolite
a schematic diagram of a two-stage process for heavy metal had better removal capabilities (3.23 mg g−1 ) for Cr(VI) ions than
as-received zeolite (1.79 mg g−1 ) at an initial Cr concentration of
20 mg L−1 . These results suggest that the Cr adsorption capacities
Sorption by microorganisms. Microorganisms include all prokary- of zeolite varied, depending on the extent of chemical treatment.37
otes (archaea and bacteria) and some eukaryotes (fungi and The results were significantly lower than those of Peric et al.101
microalgae). Like all organic matter, microbial cells can take up (Table 7). They also noted that metal removal by zeolite was a
dissolved metals. However, the sorption capacities and affinities complex process, involving ion exchange and adsorption.
can differ greatly between non-microbial and microbial biomass Another low-cost mineral that has a high cation exchange
and between the microorganisms themselves.62 capacity (CEC) in solution is clay. There are three types of clay
Two microbial metal-uptake processes are distinguished: relevant for sorption: montmorillonite, bentonite and kaolinite.
bioaccumulation and biosorption. During bioaccumulation, the Of the three, montmorillonite has the highest CEC.106 A number

metals are accumulated intracellularly. For the transportation of of studies on metal uptake using montmorillonite have been 
c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Table 3. Advantages and limitations of physicochemical treatments of industrial wastewater

Type of treatment Target of removal Advantages Disadvantages References

Reverse osmosis Organic and inorganic High rejection rate, able to High energy Potts et al.32 , Kurniawan
Compounds withstand high consumption due to et al.33
temperature high pressure required
(20–100 bar),
susceptible to
membrane fouling
Electrodialysis Heavy metals Suitable for metal Formation of metal Bruggen and
concentration less than hydroxide, high Vandecasteele34 ,
20 mg L−1 energy cost, can not Ahluwalia and Goyal28
treat a metal
concentration higher
than 1000 mg/l
Ultrafiltration High molecular weight Smaller space requirement High operational cost, Vigneswaran35
compounds prone to membrane
(1000–10 000 Da) fouling, generation of
sludge that has to be
disposed off
Ion exchange Dissolved compounds, No sludge generation, less Not all ion exchange Vigneswaran35 ,
cations/anions time consuming resins are suitable for Ahluwalia and Goyal28 ,
metal removal, high Kurniawan et al.33
capital cost
Chemical precipitation Heavy metals, divalent Low capital cost, simple Sludge generation, extra Ahluwalia and Goyal28 ,
metals Operation operational cost for Bose et al.36 ,
sludge disposal Wingenfelder et al.37
Coagulation–flocculation Heavy metals and Shorter time to settle out Sludge production, extra Shammas38 , Semerjian
suspended Solids suspended solids, operational cost for and Ayoub39 , Ayoub
improvedsludge settling sludge disposal et al.40
Dissolved air flotation Heavy metals and Low cost, shorter hydraulic Subsequent treatments Lazaridis et al.41
suspended Solids retention time are required to
improve the removal
efficiency of heavy
Nanofiltration Sulphate salts and Lower pressure than RO Costly, prone to Ahn et al.42
hardness ions such as (7–30 bar) membrane fouling
Ca(II) and Mg(II)
Electrochemical precipitation Heavy metals Can work under both acidic High capital and Subbaiah et al.43
and basic conditions, can operational costs
treat effluent with a metal
concentration higher than
2000 mg/l
Membrane electrolysis Metal impurities Can treat wastewater with High energy Kurniawan et al.33 (2006)
metal concentration of consumption
less than 10 mg L−1 or
higher than 2000 mg L−1

conducted. The adsorption of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Ni(II) and A large quantity of materials has been investigated extensively
Zn(II) ions on Na-montmorillonite using column operations was as biosorbents for the removal of heavy metals or organics.
investigated by Abollino et al.105 The results of this and other Tables 8, 9 and 10 summarize the research works on metal uptake
works are shown in Table 7. by agricultural waste and plant materials, bacterial and algal
biomass, and industrial waste sorbents respectively.
Biosorbent for heavy metal removal. Since all biological materials Cost is an important parameter for comparing the sorbent
have affinity for metals, and indeed other pollutants, the kinds materials. A biosorbent is considered low cost if it requires little
of biomass potentially available for biosorption purposes are processing, is abundant in nature, or is a by-product or waste
enormous. All kinds of microbial, plant and animal biomass, and material from another industry.90,27 Some of the reported low
derived products, have received investigation in a variety of forms cost biosorbents includes sawdust, bark/tannin-rich materials,
and in relation to a variety of substances.90,107 Strong biosorbent coconut husk and shells, peat moss, seaweed/algae, dead biomass
behaviour of certain micro-organisms towards metallic ions is a etc.27 Perhaps research should employ those biomass types
function of the chemical composition of the microbial cells. This that are efficient, cheap, easy to grow or harvest. Attention
type of biosorbent consists of dead and metabolically inactive should be given to biomass modifications and/alteration of
cells. A common rationale for such studies is to identify highly- the bioreactor configuration and physico-chemical conditions to
efficient biosorbents that are cost-effective, i.e. cheap. This will, in enhance biosorption. In this regard, the potential of plant materials
theory, provide new opportunities for pollution control, element and agricultural wastes as biosorbents should be exploited much

recovery and recycling.90 more.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens

Table 4. Performance characteristics of some conventional heavy metal removal and recovery technologies44

Performance characteristics

Influence of Tolerance to Metal working

Technology pH change Metal selectivity suspended solids organic molecules level (mg L−1 )

Adsorption (e.g. Limited tolerance Moderate Fouled Can be poisoned <10

GAC∗ )
Electrochemical Tolerant Moderate Can be Can be >10
engineered to accommodated
Ion exchange Limited tolerance Some selectivity (e.g. Fouled Can be poisoned <100
chelating resin)
Precipitation as Tolerant Non-selective Tolerant Tolerant >10
Solvent Some tolerant Metal-selective Fouled Intolerant >100
extraction systems extractants
∗ Granular activated carbon.

Sorption mechanisms. Biosorption is made possible by the groups including carboxylic, hydroxyl, sulphate, phosphate,
ability of biological materials to accumulate heavy metals from amides and amino groups can be considered possible for sorption.
wastewater through metabolically mediated or physico-chemical Among these groups, the amino group is the most effective
uptake pathways. Due to the interaction of several factors for removing heavy metals, since it does not merely chelate
on specific biosorbents, it is almost impossible to propose a cationic metal ions but also absorbs anionic species through
general mechanism. Although, several metal-binding mechanisms the electrostatic interaction or hydrogen bonding. As they are
have been put forward, e.g. chemisorption by ion exchange, negatively charged and abundantly available, carboxyl groups
coordination and/or chelation, complexation, physical adsorption actively participate in the binding of metal cations.163
etc., the actual mechanism of metal biosorption is still not fully According to Ahalya et al.126 , in the biosorption of Fe(III) by the
understood.156,157 husk of Cider arientinum, carboxyl as well as amino groups were
involve in the metal uptake. Golag and Breitenbach164 indicated
Chemisorption mechanism. Ion-exchange is an important con- that carboxyl groups on the cell wall peptidoglycan of Streptomyces
cept in biosorption, because it explains many observations made pilosus were responsible for the binding of Cu(II). The contribution
during heavy metal uptake experiments.98 Ion-exchange is a of amine groups in the Cu(II) adsorption by Mucor rouxii was
reversible chemical reaction where an ion within a solution is verified by Majumder et al.165 Altun and pehlivan166 revealed that
replaced by a similarly charged ion attached onto an immobile chelation and ion-exchange were mainly behind Cu(II) adsorption
solid particle.158 Romero-Gonzalez et al.159 claimed that cadmium from aqueous solution by walnut, hazelnut and almond shells.
biosorption on Saccharomycescerevisiae followed an ion-exchange Agricultural and plant waste materials, such as coconut husk
mechanism. Tan and Cheng160 examined the mechanism involved and shell, are usually composed of lignin and cellulose as the
in the removal of five heavy metals, namely, Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), main constituents. Other components present in the metal
Pb(II) and Cr(III) by Penicillium chrysogenum, and concluded that binding process are hemicellulose, lipids, proteins, simple sugars,
ion-exchange was the dominant mechanism. starches, water, hydrocarbons and many more compounds that
Ahmady-Asbchin et al.3 noticed that in the biosorption of contain a variety of functional groups.21 The presence of these
copper ions on Fucus serratus, the bond between the copper functional groups and their complexation with heavy metals
ions and the surface functional groups of the biomass formed during biosorption has been reported by different researchers
as soon as calcium ions were released from the surface. This using spectroscopic techniques.167
ion-exchange process is one of the well-known surface reactions,
which represents a great degree of complexity, primarily due to its Sorptionisothermsandmodels. Among all phenomena governing
multi-species nature. Kuyucak and Volesky161 reported that ion- the mobility of substances in aqueous porous and aquatic
exchange plays a role in the biosorption of cobalt by marine algae environments, the transfer of substances from a mobile phase
(Ascophyllum nodosum). In bacterial biosorption, the bacterial cell (liquid or gas) to a solid phase is a universal phenomenon.
wall is the first component that comes into contact with the metal, That is the reason why the ‘isotherm’, a curve describing the
where the solute can be deposited on the surface or within the retention of a substance on a solid at various concentrations, is a
cell wall structure.62 Since the mode of solute uptake by dead or major tool to describe and predict the mobility of this substance
inactive cells is extracellular, the chemical functional groups of the in the environment.168 These retention/release phenomena
cell wall play vital a role in biosorption. are sometimes strongly kinetically controlled, so that time-
dependence of the sorption isotherm must be specified.
Involvement of functional groups in metal binding. Another Models have an important role in technology transfer from a lab-
frequently encountered metal binding mechanism is chelation, oratory scale to industrial scale.168 The equilibrium of the sorption
which can be defined as a firm binding of metal ions with an organic process is often described by fitting the experimental points with

molecule (ligand) to form a ring structure.156 Various functional models (Table 10), usually used for the representation of isotherm 
c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Table 5. Summary of heavy metal removal data by physicochemical treatment methods

Initial metal Removal Power
Treatment method Metal conc. (mg L−1 ) pH efficiency (%) consumption (kWh m−3 ) References

Chemical precipitation Zn(II) 450 11.0 99.77 NA Cherernnyavak45

Cd(II) 150 11.0 99.76 NA
Mn(II) 1085 11.0 99.30 NA
Cu(II) 16 9.5 80 NA Tünay and Kabdalsi46
Electrochemicalcoagulation/ As 442 99.90 NA Mavrov et al.31
Membrane Filtration
Se 2.32 98.70 NA
Ultrafiltration Cu(II) 78.74 8.5–9.5 100 NA Juang et al.47
Zn(II) 81.10 8.5–9.5 95 NA
Cr(III 200 6.0 95 NA Aliane et al.48
Nanofiltrattion Ni(II) 2000 3–7 94 NA Ahn et al.43
Reverse osmosis Cu(II) 200 4-11 99 NA Mohammad et al.49
Cd(II) 200 4-11 98 NA
Froatation Cu(II) 3.5 5.5 98.26 NA Rubio et al.50
Ni(II) 2.0 5.5 98.6 NA
Zn(II) 2.0 5.5 98.6 NA
Zn(II) 50 7-9 100 NA Matis et al.51
Electrodialysis Ni(II) 11.72 NA 69 NA Tzanetakis et al.52
Co(II) 0.84 NA 90 NA
Membrane electrolysis Cr(VI) 130 8.5 99.6 7.9 × 103 Martınez et al.53
Ni(II) 2000 5.5 90 4.2 × 103 Orhan et al.54
Electrochemical Cr(VI) 570-2100 4.5 99 20 Kongsricharoern and Polprasert55
Cr(VI) 215-3860 1.5 99.99 14.7–20 Kongsricharoern and Polprasert56
Ni(II) 40 000 NA 85 3.43 × 103 Subbaiah et al.44
Ion exchange Ni(II) 100 90 NA
Cr(III) 100 3-5 100 NA Rengaraj et al.57
Ni(II) 100 90 NA Sapari et al.58
Cu(II) 100 100 NA
Cr(VI) 9.77 NA 100 NA Kabay et al.59

NA=Not Available.

sorption equilibrium. Appropriate models can help in under- spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy,
standing process mechanisms, analyze experimental data, predict electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption
answers to operational conditions and process optimization.62 As spectroscopy (XAS), which includes X-ray absorption near edge
an effective quantitative means to compare binding strengths and (XANES) and extended X-ray fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy,
design sorption processes, employing mathematical models for and X-ray reflectivity.90 Most of these techniques have been used,
the prediction of the binding capacity can be useful.60,168 Exami- but only in a small number of biosorption studies. Evaluation of
nation and preliminary testing of the solid–liquid sorption system equilibrium sorption performance needs to be supplemented with
are based on two types of investigations: (a) equilibrium batch process-oriented studies of its kinetics and eventually by dynamic
sorption tests and (b) dynamic continuous flow sorption studies. continuous flow tests.
The two widely accepted and linearised equilibrium adsorption
isotherm models for a single solute system are the Langmuir and
Parameters affecting sorption. The investigation of factors affect-
the Freundlich isotherms (Table 11).
ing the efficiency of heavy metal sorption is of great interest for
Surface complexation models provide molecular descriptions
the industrial community. The efficiency is strongly influenced by
of metal adsorption using an equilibrium approach that defines
the physico-chemical characteristics of the solutions, such as pH,
surface species, chemical reactions, mass balances and charge
temperature, initial metal concentration, presence of other ions
balances. Such models provide information on stoichiometry
and sorbent dosage.156 These factors are important in evaluating
and reactivity of adsorbed species.173 In order to use a surface
the maximal sorption performance of any sorbent.
complexation model, the adsorption mechanism and types
of surface complexes must be specified for all adsorbing
metal ions. This may necessitate independent experimental pH. The solution pH is a crucial factor in heavy metal sorption.
determination of the adsorption mechanism using spectroscopic The pH value significantly influences the dissociation of the

techniques, including Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) sorbent and the solution chemistry of the heavy metals, i.e.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens

Table 6. Sulphate reduction rates achieved during different reactor runs with various electron donors
Volumetric activity
e-donor Temp (◦ C) Reactor concept (gSO4 2− L−1 day−1 ) Reference

Hydrogen 30 Gas-lift bioreactor 25 van Houten et al.71

Hydrogen 30 Gas-lift bioreactor 30 van Houten et al.72
Hydrogen 55 Gas-lift bioreactor 8 van Houten et al.73
Hydrogen 30 Gas-lift bioreactor 13 van Houten et al.74
Hydrogen 30 Gas-lift bioreactor 5 Bijmans et al.75
Synthesis gas 30 Gas-lift bioreactor 7 van Houten et al.76
Synthesis gas 35 Packet bed reactor 1.2 du Preez et al.77
CO 35 Packet bed reactor 2.4 du Preez et al.77
CO 50-55 Gas-lift bioreactor 0.2 Sipma et al.78
Formate 30 Membrane bioreactor 29 Bijmans et al.79
Methanol 65 Expanded granular sludge bed 15 Weijma et al.80
Ethanol 35 Fluidized bed 5 Kaksonen et al.81
Ethanol 8 Fluidized bed 0.6 Sahinkaya et al.82
Ethanol 33 Expanded granular sludge bed 21 de Smul and Verstraete83
Acetate 35 Packed bed 65 Stucki et al.84
Acetate 33 Expanded granular sludge bed 10 Dries et al.85
Molasses 30 Upflow anaerobic sludge bed 4.3 Annachhatre and Suktrakoolvait86
Molasses 31 Packed bed 6.5 Maree and Strydom87
Sucrose 55 Upflow anaerobic sludge bed 1 Lopes et al.88
Sucrose 30 Upflow anaerobic sludge bed & 1 Lopes et al.89
Completely stirred tank reactor

Table 7. Heavy metal uptake by natural materials through sorption

Initial Metal Adsorbent Adsorption
Sorbent Metal Conc. (mg L−1 ) dosage (g L−1 ) pH Capacity (mg g−1 ) Reference

Natural zeolite Zn(II) 65.4 10 6.5 13.06 Peric et al.101

Kaolinite Cd(II) 200 20 6.0 3.04 Ulmanu et al.102
Cu(II) 200 20 6.0 4.47
Betonite Cd(II) 200 20 6.0 9.27 Ulmanu et al.102
Cu(II) 200 20 6.0 18.16
Pyrite fines Cr(VI) 100 20 5.0–6.5 10.00 Zouboulis and Kydros103
Ball clay Ni(II) 100 20 6.0 0.41 Chantawaong et al.104
Cu(II) 100 20 5.0 1.60
Cd(II) 100 20 6.5 2.24
Zn(II) 100 20 6.5 2.88
Cr(III) 100 20 4.0 3.60
Na-montmorillonite Cd(II) 112 1274 5.5 5.20 Abollino et al.105
Cr(III) 52 1274 5.5 5.13
Cu(II) 63.5 1274 5.5 3.04
Ni(II) 58.7 1274 5.5 3.63
Zn(II) 65.4 1274 5.5 3.61

metal speciation, hydrolysis, complexation by organic and/or increased from 69% at pH 4 to 98% at pH 7. Cu(II) adsorption
inorganic ligands, redox reactions and precipitation are all pH onto activated rubber and wood sawdust was found to be pH-
dependent.156,120,174,175,176 Competition between cations and dependent and maximum removal was observed at pH 6.109 The
protons for binding sites means that sorption of metals like Cu, Cd, optimum pH for As(III) removal (96.2%) by activated alumina was
Ni, Co and Zn is often reduced at low pH values.90,177 Due to the reported to be 7.6.179 Yu et al.110 showed that the greatest increase
importance of pH in sorption; many researches were conducted in the sorption rate of Cu(II) on sawdust was observed in the pH
on its effect on the removal of various heavy metals. range 2 to 8. During the biosorption of Cu(II), Pb(II), Zn(II), and
Nuhoglu and Oguz178 reported that the removal of Cu(II) from Cd(II) by Nile rose plant, Abdul-Ghani and Elchaghaby180 found out
aqueous solution increased as pH was increased, and that the that the sorption efficiencies were pH-dependent, increasing with
maximum adsorption occurred at a pH of 7.7. Pino et al.169 noted increasing pH from 2.5 to 8.5, except for Pb(II). Other researchers,

that the removal of cadmium and arsenic by green coconut shell including Anurag et al.,23 Pehlivan et al.,130 Sari and Tuzen144 and 
c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Table 8. Data on biosorption of heavy metals using different agricultural and plant biosorbents
Initial metal Optimum Temp Adsorption
Biosorbent Metal conc. (mg L−1 ) pH (◦ C) capacity (mg g−1 ) Reference

Calcinated wheat by-product Cu(II) 10.0 6 20 8.40 Gherbi et al.108

H3 PO4 -activated rubber wood Cu(II) 20 6 30 3.75 Kalavathy et al.109
Sawdust Cu(II) 10 8 23 1.90 Yu et al.110
Coconut coir Cr(VI) 6.30 Gonzalez et al.111
Submerged aquatic plant Cu(II) 10.00 5-6 25 10.37 Keskinkam et al.112
(Myriophyllum spicatum)
Pb(II) 46.49
Zn(II) 15.59
Melon seed husk Cd(II) 10-50 NA 29 23.30 Okieimen and Onyenkpa113
Cu(II) 11.40
Zr(IV)-loaded orange waste gel As(III) 9-10 30 130.00 Biswas et al.114
As(V) 2-6 88.00
Agarose Cu(ii) 25-200 2 35 238.00 Anurag et al.23
Coconut shell carbon (CSC) Cr(VI) 20 6 NA 2.18 Babel and Kurniawan115
HNO3 -Treated CSC Cr(VI) 20 4 NA 10.88 Babel and Kurniawan115
Sawdust Cr(VI) 100 2 NA 15.82 Dakiky et al.116
Banana peel Cu(II) 25 6.8 NA 4.75 Annadurai et al.117
Zn(II) 5.80
Rice husk Cd(II) 50 NA NA 2.00 Ajmal et al.118
Crab shell Cu(II) 500 6 NA 243.9 Vijayaraghavan et al.119
Co(II) 322.6
Grape stalk Cu(II) 5-300 5.2 20 ± 1 42.92 Vijayaraghavan et al.119
Ni(II) 38.31
Lignin Pb(II) 0.2–2.5 5.5 20 1293.75 Guo et al.120
Cu(II) 0.2–2.5 22.86
Cd(II) 0.2–2.5 25.43
Zn(II) 0.2–2.5 11.18
Ni(II) 0.2–2.5 6.00
Moringa As(III) 1-100 2-12.5 NA NA Kumari et al.121
Cassava waste Cd(II) 112.4 4-5 NA 18.05 Abia et al.122
Cu(II) 63.5 56.82
Zn(II) 65.4 11.06
Peanut hulls Cu(II) 32 NA NA 10.17 Brown et al.123
Cd(II) 32 6.00
Peanut hulls Cu(II) 80 6-10 NA 65.57 Periasamy and Namasivayam124
Cocoa shell Cd(II) 28.10 2 NA 4.94 Meunier et al.125
Cr(III) 13 2 2.52
Cu(II) 15.9 2 2.87
Ni(II) 14.7 2 2.63
Zn(II) 16.4 2 2.92
Bengal gram husk Fe(III) 25 2.5 NA 72.16 Ahalya et al.126
Pecan shell Cu(II) 500 3.6 95.00 Shawabkeh et al.127
Orange peel Ni(II) 1000 6.0 158.00 Ajmal et al.128
Fish scale As(III) 20-100 4.0 20 2.48 Rahaman et al.129
As(V) 2.67
Barley straws Cu(II) 10 NA 25 ± 1 4.64 Pehlivan et al.130
Pb(II) 10 23.20
Lessonia Nigrescens As(V) 50-600 2.5 45.20 Hansen et al.131
Sawdust Cu(II) 10 6.3 23 7.50 Larous et al.132
Unmodified coconut husk As(III) 2000 5.0 30 944.00 Igwe and Abia133
Modified coconut husk As(III) 2000 5.0 30 952.5 Igwe and Abia133

NA = Not available.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens

interfere with heavy metal ion uptake by biomass. As a general

Table 9. Heavy metal uptake by bacterial and algal biomass
trend, metal uptake is found to decrease with increasing ionic
Adsorption strength of the aqueous solution as a result of more electrostatic
capacity attraction and change of the metal activity.156,185,186,120
Bacterial/Algal species Metal (mg g−1 ) Reference
It was found that uranium uptake by biomass of bacteria,
Bacillus sp Pb(II) 92.30 Tunali et al.134 fungi and yeasts was not affected by the presence of manganese,
Streptomyces rimosus Fe(III) 122.00 Selatnia et al.135 cobalt, copper, cadmium, mercury and lead in solution.187 In
Streptomyces rimosus Zn(II) 80.00 Mameri et al.136 contrast, the presence of Fe2+ and Zn2+ was found to influence
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans Zn(II) 82.60 Celaya et al.137 uranium uptake by Rhizopus arrhizus,193 and cobalt uptake by
Bacillus sp Hg(II) 7.90 Green-Ruiz138 different microorganisms seemed to be completely inhibited by
Bacillus cereus Pb(ii) 36.71 the presence of uranium, lead, mercury and copper.188 Anions
Cu(II) 50.32 like CO3 2− and PO4 2− may clearly affect sorption through the
Enterobacter sp Cu(II) 32.50 Lu et al.139 formation of insoluble metal precipitates. Chloride may influence
Pb(II) 50.90 sorption through the formation of complexes, e.g. CdCL3 − .90
Cd(II) 46.20
Pseudomonas putida Cu(II) 96.90 Usla and Tanyol140 Metal concentration. The initial ion concentration can alter the
Pb(II) 270.40 metal removal efficiency through a combination of factors, i.e.
Pseudomonas stutzeri Cu(II) 22.90 Nakajima et al.141 availability of functional groups on the specific surface and the
Bacillus licheniformis Cr(IV) 69.40 Zhou et al.142 ability of surface functional groups to bind metal ions (especially
Bacillus thuringiensis Cr(IV) 83.30 Sahin and Ozturk143 at higher concentrations). Higher initial concentration of heavy
Inonotus hispidus As(III) 51.90 Sari and Tuzen144 metal ions results in a high solute uptake.156,189 According to
As(V) 59.60 Arief et al.,156 the initial concentration acts as a driving force to
Ulva lactuca Pb(II) 34.70 Sari and Tuzen145 overcome mass transfer resistance to metal transport between the
Cd(II) 29.20 solution and the surface of the biomass.
Spirogyra insignis Cu(II) 19.30 Romera et al.146 A number of studies on the effect of the initial metal ion
Zn(II) 21.10 concentration have been undertaken in the past. Ajmal et al.190
Pb(II) 51.50 found out that when the initial Cu(II) concentration was increased
Cd(II) 22.90 from 5 to 50 mg L−1 , the amount adsorbed increased from 8.8
Ni(II) 17.50 to 96 mg L−1 , showing that adsorption of Cu(II) depends upon
Spirogyra sp Cu(II) 133.30 Gupta et al.147 the initial concentration because the amount of Cu(II) adsorbed
Ascophyllum nodosum Cd(II) 215.00 Holan et al.148 increased with increasing initial concentration. Gulnaz et al.191
also investigated the effect of initial Cu(II) ion concentrations
between 100 and 400 mg L−1 at 20 ◦ C and pH 4. They determined
Rahaman et al.,129 also reported similar trends in pH influence on that the biosorption capacity of dried activated sludge for the
biosorption of heavy metals such as copper, arsenic and lead. <0.063 mm particle size range was 76, 256 and 243 mg g−1 for
100, 200 and 400 mg L−1 initial Cu(II) concentrations, respectively.
Temperature. Depending on the structure and surface functional This indicated that the initial Cu(II) concentration is an important
groups of a sorbent, temperature has an impact on the adsorption parameter for biosorption of Cu(II) by dried activated alumina.
capacity within the range 20–35 ◦ C.181,95 It is well known that a Anurag et al.23 also investigated the effect of initial concentration
temperature change alters the adsorption equilibrium in a specific (25–200 mg L−1 ) on biosorption of Cu(II) by agarose gels at 35 ◦ C
way determined by the exothermic or endothermic nature of a and reported that the removal was highest (70%) at an initial Cu(II)
process.156 Higher temperatures usually enhance sorption due concentration of 25 mg L−1 . They explained that because at higher
to the increased surface activities and kinetic energy of the concentrations, more ions compete for limited binding sites on
solute. However, physical damage can be expected at higher the agarose gels, the rate of adsorption decreases, resulting in a
temperatures.182,183 It is always desirable to evaluate the sorption lower adsorption percentage.
performance at room temperature, as this condition is easy to
replicate. Adsorbent dosage. The amount of biomass in the solution also
The impact of temperature on the adsorption isotherm of Cu(II) affects the specific metal uptake. For lower values of biomass
and Cd(II) by corncob particles at a certain pH was explored concentrations, there is an increase in the specific uptake.91,192
by Shen and Duvnjak184 . They found that the uptake of metal Gadd et al.192 suggested that an increase in biomass concentration
ions increased at higher temperature. Igwe and Abia133 noted leads to interference between the binding sites. By increasing
that temperature and particle size are very crucial parameters in the adsorbent dosage, the adsorption efficiency increases even
biosorption reactions. They investigated the effects of these two though the amount adsorbed per unit mass decreases. In principle,
parameters on the biosorption of As(III) from aqueous solution with more adsorbent present, the available adsorption sites or
using modified and unmodified coconut fibers and found that the functional groups also increase. In turn, the amount of adsorbed
most suitable temperature was 30 ◦ C. heavy metal ions increase, which results in an improved adsorption
Ionic strength. Another important parameter in biosorption is the
ionic strength, which influences the adsorption of solute at the Adsorbent size. The size of the biosorbent also plays a vital
biomass surface. Industrial wastewater often contains ions other role in biosorption. Smaller sized particles have a higher surface

than heavy metal ions, e.g. Na+ , K+ , Mg2+ and Ca2+ , which may area, which in turns favours biosorption and results in a shorter 
c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Table 10. Heavy metal uptake by industrial waste through sorption

Initial metal Adsorbent Adsorption
Sorbent Metal conc. (mg L−1 ) dosage (g L−1 ) pH capacity (mg g−1 ) Reference

Sewage sludge Cd(II) 40 10 5.5–6.0 16.00 Zhai et al.149

Olive cake Cr(VI) 100 2.4 2.0 33.44 Dakiky et al.116
Olive cake Cd(II) 100 NA 2.0–11.0 65.36 Al-Anber150
Bagasse Cd(II) 14 10 6.0 2.00 Gupta et al.151
Fry ash Ni(II) 12 10 6.5 1.70 Gupta et al.151
Fish scale As(III) 20-100 NA 4.0 2.48 Rahaman et al.129
As(V) 20-100 2.67
Iron slags Cu(II) 200 2 3.5–8.5 88.50 Feng et al.152
Pb(II) 200 2 3.5–8.5 95.24
Red mud Ni(II) 400 7 9.0 160.00 Zouboulis and Kydros103
Soya cake Cr(VI) 44 9.3 1.0 0.28 Daneshvar et al.153
Anaerobic sludge Cd(II) 200 20 6.0 5.82 Ulmanu et al.105
Brewery waste Pb(II) 33.1–1656 NA 4 85.49 Chen and Wang154
Ag(II) 17.3–864 NA 4 42.77
Sr(II) 14.1–704 NA 4 72.29
Cs(II) 21.3–1064 NA 4 10.11
Tea factory waste Cr(VI) 50-400 NA 2.0–5.0 54.65 Malkoc et al.155

NA= Not available.

equilibrium time. Simultaneously, a particle for biosorption should work has been done in this respect. Indeed, a large amount of
be sufficiently resilient to withstand the application of pressure biological research on heavy metal removal has focused on the use
and extreme conditions applied during regeneration cycles.196 of microorganisms such as bacteria. There is, therefore, the need
Therefore, preliminary experiments are necessary to determine a to intensify research into the use of agricultural waste and plant
suitable size for a biosorbent. material such as coconut husk, coconut shell carbon, and Moringa
oleifera seeds (MOS) as low-cost and locally available biosorbents.
Another important observation from the literature reviewed so
Desorption far is that most of the studies used laboratory scale batch sorption
Desorption of loaded biomass enables reuse of the biomass, systems. Kratochvil and Volesky198 pointed out that the limited
and recovery and/or containment of sorbed materials, although understanding of the metal uptake mechanism has hindered
it is desirable that the desorbing agent does not significantly the application of biosorption. While batch equilibrium sorption
damage or degrade the biomass.90,197 In some cases, desorption studies can provide useful information on relative biosorbent
treatments may further improve sorption capacities, although in efficiencies and important physico-chemical factors that affect
other cases there may be a loss of sorption efficiency. For operation biosorption, they usually provide no information on the removal
of continuous flow systems, columns in parallel arrangements mechanism. As a consequence, the batch method is very useful
may allow sorption and desorption processes to occur without as a preliminary experiment, but extrapolation to porous or fixed
significant disruption. A successful desorption process requires bed media requires other investigations in a continuous system.
proper selection of eluents, which strongly depends on the type Continuous mode of operation is preferred in large scale
of biosorbent and the mechanism of biosorption. Also the eluent wastewater treatment applications owing to such advantages as
must be non-damaging to the biomass, low cost, environmentally simple operation, high yield, easily scaled up from laboratory-
friendly and effective. scale procedure and easy regeneration of packed bed.199
A variety of substances have been used as metal desorbents Such laboratory continuous column studies, which can provide
including acids, alkalines and complexing agents depending information on the effect of flow rate variation and metal uptake
on the substances sorbed, process requirements and economic mechanism by the biosorbents, have received less attention.
considerations. Akar and Tunali26 studied the desorption of Cd(II) Table 12 shows data on biosorption of heavy metal in laboratory
and Cu(II) using 10 mmol L−1 HCL solution as desorbing agent. fixed-bed columns (FBC) and continuous stirred tank reactors
They reported that more than 95% of the adsorbed metal ions (CSTR).
were desorbed from the biosorbent. In a continuous process, Pümpel et al.219 employed metal
One of the main attributes of biosorption is the potential ability biosorbing or bioprecipitating bacteria to remove heavy metal
to regenerate the biomass. However, most published work aimed from wastewater. The MEtal REmoval by Sand Filter INoculation
to evaluate the binding ability of biomass and factors affecting the (MERESAFIN) process is based on the inoculation of a sand filter
process. Less attention has been paid to the regeneration ability of with metal biosorbing or bioprecipitating bacteria. In this system,
the biosorbent, which often decides the industrial applicability of bacteria grow in a biofilm on a supporting material. During contact
a process. Thus, biosorption studies should emphasize the ability with heavy Zn2+ -containing wastewater, the biofilm in the EMB-
of biomass regeneration to improve process viability. SRB system adsorbs the metals. The metal-loaded biomass is then
From the above review, although abundant natural materials of removed from the supporting material and the residual biomass

cellulosic nature have been suggested as biosorbents, very little on the substratum can be reused, after re-growth, for a subsequent

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry

Table 11. Frequently used adsorption models
Single-component adsorption models

Models Equation Advantages Disadvantages References

qmax bCeq
Langmuir q= Interpretable parameters Not structured: monolayer sorption Pino et al.169
1 + bCeq
Freundlich q = KC eq 1/n Simple expression Not structured: no leveling off Amuda et al.170

q bC 1/n
Combination (Langmuir – Freundlich) q = max 1/n eq Combination of the above equations Unnecessarily complicated Vijayaraghavan and Yun62
1 + bC eq
Radke and Prausnitz 1 1 1 Simple expression Empirical: uses three parameters Gavrilescu171

q = aCeq + bC β
Reddlich-Petterson q= n Approaches Freundlich at high concentrations No special advantage Gavrilescu171
1 + bC eq
Brunnauer (BET) q= BCQ0 Multilayer adsorption: inflection point No ‘total capacity’ equivalent Gavrilescu171
(Cs − C)[1+ (B − 1)C/C ]
Dubinnin-Radushkevich W = exp −k ε 2
β Temperature-independent No limited behaviour in Henry’s law regime Gavrilescu171
Multicomponent adsorption models
bi qmi Ci
Langmuir (Multicomponent) Goel et at.172

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry

qi = N

1+ bi C i

Combination of Langmuir and Freundlich qi = ai C i 1/ni Gavrilescu171

1+ bi C i 1/ni
IAST: Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory 1  Yi
Limousin et al.168
qt = qt 0
SCM: Surface Complexation Model q ≈ f (Ceq ) Limousin et al.168

NA: Not Available.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613

MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens
Table 12. Data on heavy metal biosorption in fixed-bed column (FBC) and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR)
Biosorbent Initial ion Temp Adsorbent Packing Flow rate Uptake
(Reactor type) Metal conc. (mg L−1 ) pH (◦ C) dosage (g) height (cm) (mL min−1 ) capacity (mg g−1 ) % Removal References

Silica-gel matrix (FBC) Ni(II) 100 6.5 25 ± 2 0.08 19.0 0.5-5.0 50.03 NA Akar et al.199
Seaweed (FBC) Ni(II) 10 2.6 NA NA 22.9 ± 0.3 25.0 0.53 ± 0.04 90 Brady et al.200
Zn(II) 10 2.6 NA NA 22.9 ± 0.3 25.0 0.35 ± 0.03 90
Al(II) 10 2.6 NA NA 22.9 ± 0.3 25.0 0.97 ± 0.03 74
Sb(II) 10 2.6 NA NA 22.9 ± 0.3 25.0 0.92 ± 0.09 67
Seaweed (S. ilipendula) Cu(II) 35 5 NA 41 15.0 38.00 NA Volesky et al.201

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613

Poly acrylamide gel Cu(II) 0.1 6 NA 2.00 NA 2.0 250.00 NA Vannela and Verma202
immobilized S.
R. arrhizus (FBC) Cr(VI) 100 2 25 NA 10.0 1.2 85.90 57.7 Sag et al.203

Fe(III) 100 2 25 NA 10.0 1.2 37.80 33.6
Calcium-treated Pb(II) 40 4 NA 11.00 1.5 1.5 160.00 NA Hawari and Mulligan204
anaerobic biomass
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

Cu(II) 40 4 NA 11.00 1.5 1.5 90.84 NA

Cd(II) 40 4 NA 11.00 1.5 1.5 91.90 NA
Ni(II) 40 4 NA 11.00 1.5 1.5 52.65 NA
Residual brewer Cr(III) 300 4.3 61.80 120.0 15.0 48.00 NA Ramirez et al.205
cerevisiae immobilized
in volcanic rock (FBC)
Cr(VI) 200 1.7 61.80 120.0 15.0 60.00 NA

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry

Posidonia oceaica(FBC) Cu(II) 1.02 6.0 22 ± 1 0.90 10.0 0.7 41.50 NA Izquierdo et al.206
1.98 0.96 9.8 0.7 44.83 NA
10.62 1.00 9.9 0.7 55.17 NA
20.07 0.97 10.1 0.7 56.25 NA
41.40 0.87 10.0 0.7 56.02 NA

Sargassum fluitans Cu(II) 2-3 2.5-3.5 NA 20 7.5 75 NA Kratochvil et al.207

seaweed biomass
Quaternized wood chips Cr(VI) 9.07 4.3 28 ± 2 1.10 7.0 50.0 27.03 75.3 Low et al.208
Cladosporium Au 10 4.0 3.00 10.0 0.13-0.4 110.00 80 Pethkar and Paknikar209
biomass beads (FBC)

Table 12. (Continued)

Biosorbent Initial ion Temp Adsorbent Packing Flow rate Uptake
(Reactor type) Metal conc. (mg L−1 ) pH (◦ C) dosage (g) height (cm) (mL min−1 ) capacity (mg g−1 ) % Removal References

Crab shell particles (FBC) Ni(II) 100 4.5 31.00 15.0 5.0 24.74 59.88 Vijayaraghavan et al.210
41.00 20.0 24.77 67.63
51.00 25.0 25.57 71.82
Olive stone (FBC) Cr(III) 10 4.0 25 5.00 4.0 2.0 0.33 40.40 Calero et al.211
25 10.00 8.9 4.0 0.53 25.40
50 15.00 13.4 6.0 0.82 21.50

Sargassum Wightii Cu(II) 100 4.5 NA 7.05 15 5 51.7 61.7 Vijayaraghavan and Prabu212
100 9.38 20 5 51.9 70.9
100 11 73 25 5 52.6 74.7

100 11.73 25 10 51.8 71.3

100 11.73 25 20 48.9 72.4
75 11.73 25 5 49.3 72.1
50 11.73 25 5 48.4 67.3
Marine algae (Gelidium) Cd(II) 25 4.7 20 10.70 15.0 4.1 19.00 ± 2 NA Vilar et al.213
Composite material
Cd(II) 25 4.6 20 9.20 NA 4.0 7.90 ± 0.3 NA

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry

S. fruitans biomass (FBC) Cu(II) 35.00 5.0 NA 33.00 38.0 10.0 61.5 NA Kratochvil et al.213
Hydrilla verticillata (FBC) Cd(II) 10.00 5.0 25 ± 2 0.50 NA 10.91 15.00 98.00 Bunluesin et al.215
A. hydrophila (FBC) Cr(VI) 103.9 1.5 30 13.30 19.0 2.0 44.62 78.58 Hasan et al.216
Algae Gelidiun Cd(II) 19.5 5.3 20 10 Not Applicable 35.5 12.40 NA Vilar et al.213
Composite material Cd(II) 20.4 5.4 20 10 Not Applicable 35.5 6.80 NA
Algae Gelidiun Cu(II) 25-6 4.3 NA 10 Not Applicable 35.5 53.9 NA Vilar et al.217
Pb(II) 25.6 4.8 10 35.5 36.4
Composite material Cu(II) 25-6 4.3 NA 10 Not Applicable 35.5 16.0 NA
Pb(II) 25.6 4.8 10 35.5 20.0
Grape stalk (CSTR) Cr(VI) 10 3 30 10 Not Applicable NA Escudero et al218

NA= Not available.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613

MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens
Removal of heavy metals and cyanide from gold mine wastewater

treatment cycle. Figure 7 shows the schematic presentation of is usually stored in tailing ponds.
metal binding and precipitation to biofilms on sand grains,
and biofilm regeneration, in an Astrasand moving-bed sand Cu2+ catalyst
filter. Chuichulcherm et al.220 studied the removal of Zn2+ from SO2 + O2 + H2 O + CN− −−−−−−−−−−→OCN−
wastewater using sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in an extractive + SO4 2− + 2H+ (2)
membrane bioreactor (EMB). The continuous EMB-SRB system
removed more than 90% (w/v) of the Zn2+ ions present in the The primary advantage of the INCO process is in the treatment
wastewater. The concept is illustrated in Fig. 8. of tailings slurry, but it is also widely used for the treatment of
It is also worth noting that considerable information is available process solutions.
on the biosorption of single-component systems, but many
industries discharge effluents contain several components. Thus,
Hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide treatment process
knowledge of how one metal influences another is necessary
chemistry is similar to that described for the INCO process, but
for pilot reactor design. A successful laboratory scale continuous
hydrogen peroxide is used rather than sulphur dioxide and air.
column bioreactor is key to the design and operation of an on-site
With this process, soluble copper is also required as a catalyst and
pilot scale reactor that uses the real gold mine wastewater; and
the end product of the reaction is cyanate:
ultimately, the design and operation of full scale industrial reactors
based on low-cost agricultural/plant waste as biosorbent. Thus,
Cu2+ catalyst
current research must focus on column and pilot scale studies H2 O2 + CN− −−−−−−−−−−→OCN− + H2 O (3)
using multi-component metal ion solutions or actual industrial
The primary application of the hydrogen peroxide process is with
solutions rather than slurries due to the high consumption of
hydrogen peroxide in slurry applications. The process is typically
Cyanide removal applied to achieve effluent cyanide levels suitable for discharge.
The wastewaters from gold ores cyanidation processes are treated It is a simple process capable of operating over wide pH ranges,
by several methods.221 Cyanide treatment processes are classified while producing environmentally acceptable effluents without
as destruction-based process versus physical processes of cyanide increasing total dissolved solids as do other chemical processes.222
recovery and activated carbon sorption. In a destruction process,
either chemical or biological reactions are utilized to convert
Alkaline and breakpoint chlorination. Alkaline chlorination was
cyanide into other less toxic compounds. There are several
at one time the most widely applied of the cyanide treatment
destruction or recovery processes that are well proven to produce
processes, but it has been gradually replaced by other chemical
effluents or slurries with low levels of cyanide.222 – 224 Shen et al.225
processes and is now used only occasionally. The cyanide
and Han et al.226 used gas-filled membrane reactor (see Fig. 9(A)
destruction reaction is a two-step process, the first step involving
and (B)) to recover cyanide from wastewater. They concluded
conversion to cyanogen chloride (CNCl), followed by a second step
that both the feed and membrane side mass transfer coefficients of hydrolysis of the cyanogen chloride into cyanate:
contributed to the overall mass transfer coefficient.
Cl2 + CN− −−−→ CNCl + Cl− (4)
− − +
Chemical cyanide removal processes CNCl + H2 O −−−→ OCN + Cl + 2H (5)
In general terms, cyanide is successfully removed by alkaline
chlorination and oxidation.227 Chlorination of cyanides can result If additional chlorine is added to attain breakpoint, this process
can also oxidize thiocyanate and ammonia to nitrogen gas. In this
in highly toxic intermediates (e.g. cyanogen chloride) and other
event, these two cyanide related compounds must be removed
toxic organo-chlorines that can be formed. These compounds,
from the treated effluent.
together with residual chlorine create additional environmental
Although chemical and physical processes can be employed
problems.3 The process also produces sludge, which requires
to degrade cyanide and its related compounds, they are often
licensed disposal. Another disadvantage is that it is relatively
expensive and require special equipments and maintenance.
expensive due to the quantity of chlorine required.17 Most cyanide
The biological treatment of effluents has been described as an
destruction processes (e.g. sulphur dioxide/air and hydrogen
appealing inexpensive and environmentally friendly alternative to
peroxide) operate on the principle of converting cyanide into
the chemical approach due to a much safer operation, free from
less toxic compounds through an oxidation reaction.
hazardous chemicals and the final effluent is devoid of highly toxic
In order to keep operational costs as low as possible, effluents
are frequently only partially treated to the cyanate (OCN− ) phase
or in many cases non-reacted metal cyanide containing effluents
are directly discharged without treatment.228 Some of the more Biological cyanide removal processes
important chemical processes are discussed in the following Although biological treatment of cyanide is a relatively new
section. phenomenon in the gold mining industry, there are several
literature references to it dating from the 1950s.230,231,229,227,232
Castric and Strobel,233 Mosher and Figueroa234 demonstrated
Sulfur dioxide/air. The sulfur dioxide and air process was cyanide degradation in solutions using a pure culture of Bacillus
developed by INCO in the 1980s.229 The process utilizes SO2 megaterium. The applicability of biological treatment processes
or a derivative and air in the presence of a soluble copper catalyst for cyanide solutions in the mining industry is primarily for waste

to oxidize cyanide to the less toxic cyanate. The resulting effluent streams with temperatures above 10 ◦ C.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2010; 85: 590–613 

c 2010 Society of Chemical Industry MA Acheampong, RJW Meulepas, PNL Lens

Biological treatment processes have recently become more scale plant design and operation. Pilot scale studies are crucial for
widespread in the mining industry due to the success of the scaling the process to industrial level, which is the ultimate aim
plant installed at Homestake Lead (USA) in the 1980s. In this of all biosorption research. The potential of plant materials and
plant, an aerobic attached growth biological treatment is used to agricultural waste as low-cost biosorbents should be exploited
remove cyanide, thiocyanate, cyanate, ammonia and metals from much more.
tailings impoundment decant solution prior to discharge into a For industrial application of biosorption, regeneration of the
trout fishery. The plant has been operating successfully for over biosorbents is important to keep process costs down, and it gives
15 years, producing high-quality effluent.222 At the Homestake the possibility of recovering metal ion extracted from the liquid
Gold Mine in South Dakota, a biofilm process was developed phase. Attention should be given to biomass modifications and
and patented to biologically treat cyanide-containing wastewater alteration of bioreactor configurations to enhance biosorption.
without the addition of carbon. The plant was designed to treat Research should employ those biomass types that are efficient,
20,818 m3 per day of combined mine tailings and impoundment cheap, and easy to grow or harvest. The successful design of hybrid
water using a rotating contactor.207 reactors and the regeneration of spent biosorbents is key to the
Chergui et al.235 studied the biosorption of a hexacyano- commercialization of biosorption.
ferrate(III) complex by dead biomass of Pleurotus mutilus and
observed that biosorption was affected by pH and particle size.
Recent studies by Gurbuz et al.18 have also demonstrated the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ability of Scenedesmus obliquus to biodegrade cyanide from gold The authors acknowledge funding from the Netherlands Fel-
mine wastewater. In this study, gold mill effluents containing WAD lowship Programme (NFP), Staff Development and Postgraduate
cyanide concentration of 77.9 mg L−1 was fed to a batch unit to Scholarship (Kumasi Polytechnic, Ghana) and the Unesco-IHE Part-
examine the ability of S. obliquus to degrade cyanide. The result ner Research Fund (UPaRF). We further acknowledge cooperation
shows a reduction in cyanide concentration to 6 mg L−1 in 77 h. with AngloGold Ashanti (Obuasi, Ghana).
Figure 9(C) shows a schematic representation of the cyanidation
and algal treatment unit. Treatment of cyanide- bearing wastew-
ater by simultaneous adsorption and biodegradation was done REFERENCES
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