Branch Less Banking

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focus note Branchless Banking 2010:

Who’s Served? At What Price?

What’s Next?
E xcitement around branchless banking is rapidly
turning into action by the private sector. Of the
79 live mobile money deployments tracked by the
• Are prices for branchless banking lower than prices
for traditional banking for the kinds of transactions
low-income and unbanked people want to do?
GSM Association (GSMA), two-thirds have launched
• What other services do these customers want from
in 2009 and 2010. Nokia and Paypal are investing branchless banking?
in mobile payment platforms available to any client
regardless of his or her mobile network or bank, a The answers to these questions have implications
development that could shake up markets. And early 2
for the business case, customers, and those who
branchless banking leaders are launching out in new hope that branchless banking can boost financial
directions. Brazilian banks are increasingly eager to inclusion.
use agents equipped with point-of-sale (POS) devices
to originate loans. In Kenya, Safaricom has teamed The data offer some answers. On the question of
up with Equity Bank, the country’s largest bank, to scale, branchless banking can reach large numbers
offer M-Kesho, a service that uses M-PESA’s mobile of the unbanked relatively quickly. CGAP looked
payments platform to offer a full range of Equity’s at the outreach of eight providers globally for
bank products. which good data were available by drawing on 13
studies that surveyed 16,708 branchless banking
Will these sizeable investments pay off? Many in the clients.4 The eight providers average 3.73 million
private sector believe reaching large numbers of mass active registered users, of which 37 percent or
market clients is a precondition to large-scale profits, 1.39 million were previously unbanked.5 Five of the
but at the same time, they are uncertain about how providers reach more previously unbanked clients
quickly branchless banking will gain traction with the than the largest microfinance institution (MFI) in the
unbanked, low-income clients who make up the mass provider’s country­—on average, 79 percent more.
market. In other words, the prospects of branchless
These five branchless banking providers grew quickly,
banking are still unclear. surpassing the largest MFI in number of customers
within three years. This is not to suggest branchless
This Focus Note evaluates the evidence from 18 banking is replacing or eclipsing MFIs. The services
branchless banking providers with a collective total branchless banking typically provides (payments)
of more than 50 million customers (see Table 1) to are complimentary to MFI microloans: both meet a
answer three questions: widespread need for which clients are willing to pay.

No. 66 • Does branchless banking reach large numbers of On the question of prices, branchless banking
September 2010 low-income and unbanked clients? is cheaper than traditional banking, but the price

Claudia McKay
and Mark Pickens

1 GSMA is the global trade association for the mobile communications industry. Its Mobile Money Deployment Tracker is viewable at http://
2 Nokia is the world’s largest handset manufacturer. PayPal is a global e-commerce payment processor.
3 In this paper, “branchless banking” is defined as the delivery of financial services outside conventional bank branches using information and
communications technologies and nonbank retail agents, for example, over card-based networks or with mobile phones. An individual who
is “unbanked” does not have access to affordable, convenient, secure financial services. According to Financial Access 2009 (CGAP 2009),
there are 2.7 billion unbanked adults worldwide. By “low-income,” we mean something broader than the poverty line of US$1.25 per day
commonly used by the World Bank. We mean the majority of consumers in developing countries who are economically active and may earn
up to US$10 per day. The “mass market” in most developing countries is comprised of low-income, unbanked people, who make up the
majority of the population.
4 Five of these studies were conducted by CGAP; eight were conducted by others. See Annex 1 for details.
5 There is often a large gap between the number of registered users and active users. We focus on active clients to avoid overstating outreach.
We used providers’ own definitions of “active”, which range from conducting one transaction per month to conducting a transaction once
every three months.

Table 1: Branchless Banking Services Analyzed

Country Branchless Banking Outreach Pricing

Afghanistan M-Paisa X
Brazil Banco Postal X
Bradesco X
Caixa Economica X
Cambodia WING Money X X
Cote d’Ivoire MTN Mobile Money X
Orange Money X
India Eko X
Kenya M-PESA X X
Zap X
Pakistan Easypaisa X
The Philippines GCash X X
Smart Money X X
South Africa WIZZIT X X
MTN Mobile Money X
Tanzania M-PESA X X
Zap X

advantage may not be as wide as one might test new products that meet the needs of low-income
anticipate. On average, branchless banking is 19 clients before going full scale to market. We propose
percent cheaper than comparable products offered several ways to do this in the final section of this
by banks via traditional channels. Branchless banking paper.
is particularly cheap (50 percent cheaper) if clients
use it for medium-term savings and bill payment. The Reach of Branchless
These findings are based on analysis of the prices Banking
of 16 branchless banking services and 10 traditional
banks.6 Branchless banking does reach substantial numbers
of unbanked consumers, as evidenced by data from
Finally, there is clear evidence that low-income clients eight branchless banking pioneers. Expectations
demand more from branchless banking providers, about branchless banking have been colored by the
particularly products and services that go beyond experiences of Kenya and Brazil. In Kenya, nearly half
payments. In mature markets like Brazil and Kenya (45 percent) of the adult population is registered for
where branchless banking has reached millions of M-PESA, double the number of those with a bank
clients, providers and third parties are responding account (23 percent) (FSD Kenya 2009). In Brazil,
to client demand and linking new products like banks operate 71,000 deposit-handling agents
loans and insurance to the basic electronic wallet or in every municipality of the country (Jayo 2010).
prepaid card. However, in these cases it took years According to CGAP research from 2007 (Siedek), at
for branchless banking to develop products beyond least 75 percent of Brazilians use branchless banking
payments. To speed this development in other agents, compared to 43 percent who have a bank
markets, a process is needed to rapidly and cheaply account.

6 Annex 2 describes CGAP’s methodology. A PowerPoint and CGAP Web article are also online at

The situation is beginning to change. CGAP pulled

Box 1: Summary—Outreach of together results of field research with 16,708
Branchless Banking Providers
branchless banking clients (see the annex for
1. In eight branchless banking pioneers, 37% (on details) from eight of the earliest branchless banking
average 1.39 million) of active clients were
pioneers: Banco Postal (Brazil), FINO (India), GCash
previously unbanked.
(the Philippines), M-PESA (Kenya), M-PESA (Tanzania),
2. In five of the eight cases, the branchless banking Smart Money (the Philippines), WING (Cambodia),
provider reaches more previously unbanked and WIZZIT (South Africa).
people than the largest MFI in the same country:
on average 79% more.
Together, these eight institutions have more than
3. The same five providers grew rapidly, needing on 50 million registered users, 29.9 million of which are
average three years to acquire more unbanked active. If we calculate a weighted average for these
clients than the largest MFI in the same market.
institutions, 37 percent of their active clients were
previously unbanked (see Figure 1). Clients who did
However, these experiences are outliers. Beyond not previously have a bank account represent half
Brazil and Kenya, no other developing country can or more of active clients in four of the eight services
claim such widespread usage of branchless banking. that were studied: FINO, GCash, Smart Money, and
We have known this for some time. In 2008, CGAP WING.7
estimated less than 10 percent of all branchless
banking clients are poor, and new to banking, and are Reach to the unbanked is more limited in the other
using these channels for activities other than paying four institutions. For M-PESA in Kenya, 72 percent of
bills, purchasing airtime, or withdrawing government clients lived in households with at least one account
cash benefits (Ivatury and Mas). The estimate was with a formal financial institution, indicating significant
conservative enough to be true, but very little data overlap between the user base of M-PESA and banks
were available to fine tune it. (Jack and Suri 2009). This was true in 2008 at the

Figure 1: Percentage of active branchless banking clients who were

previously unbanked
Figure 1: Percentage of active branchless banking clients who were previously unbanked





50 Weighted avg




Postal (Cambodia) (India) (Kenya) (Philippines) Money (S. Africa) (Tanzania)
(Brazil) (Phil)

Source: Bosch and Anson (2008), Bowen and Goldstein (2010), Consulta (2010), FSD Tanzania (2009), Jack and Suri
(2009), Leishman (2009), Morawczynski et al. (2010), Morawczynski and Pickens (2009), Pickens (2009), and CGAP
interviews with senior managers of Banco Postal, FINO, and WING. See Annex 1 for additional detail.

7 Calculations for FINO are conservative, based on discussions with FINO staff and CGAP analysis. .

time the research was conducted, though the pace and low-income clients. Branchless banking has
of client acquisition means that this has probably been widely deployed in Brazil for a decade.
changed by now.8 In Tanzania, the 2009 FinScope But the providers we analyzed in India, Kenya,
study showed approximately 11 percent of registered the Philippines, and South Africa have operated
M-PESA clients had no other access to formal or on average for 4.5 years. WING, a start-up, has
semi-formal finance. Data on Banco Postal suggest
operated for less than two years. We may be trying
one-quarter of accounts are held by the previously to reach conclusions about branchless banking
unbanked (Bosch and Anson 2008). Three-quarters of before it hits its stride.
WIZZIT clients had another bank account at the time
they signed up for mobile money (Consulta 2010); Second, concentrating on the unbanked misses
this has not changed greatly from four years earlier branchless banking’s substantial benefit to the
(Ivatury and Pickens 2006). underbanked—those who nominally have access,
but find the quality of service falls short, either in
Somewhat less data are available about income levels cost, convenience, security, or functionality. Many of
of clients: we can speak about the poverty level of the world’s banked are underbanked. To take one
clients of five branchless banking services. 10
Low- example, 92 percent of Kenyan bank clients use at
income people represent a clear majority of clients in least one informal financial instrument (FSD Kenya
only one instance—Brazil. M-PESA is not one of the 2009). In other words, nearly all Kenyan bank clients
providers with a majority of low-income clients, at least find they must still resort to unregulated, informal
at the time data were gathered in mid-2008. According means of meeting their needs. The quality of service
to Jack and Suri (2009), the average Kenyan M-PESA can be even worse in accounts that banks are required
user reports household assets equal to US$13,350, or to provide to low-income consumers: for example,
21 percent higher than that of nonclients. They also no-frills accounts in India (Ramji 2009) or Mzansi in
report annual individual expenditures of US$4,252— South Africa (BFA 2009).
67 percent higher than those of nonclients. This
translates to a daily expenditure of US$11.64 per Third, the data show that branchless banking
person, showing that while these clients are not providers can expand their outreach to the previously
wealthy, they are definitely better off than many in unbanked at least as fast as MFIs have. Three of the
Kenya. Low-income consumers make up just one- branchless banking services have yet to overtake
quarter of the active clients of three other branchless the largest MFI in their market in terms of outreach
banking services—WIZZIT, GCash, and Smart Money numbers (GCash, WING, and WIZZIT). In five of the
(Pickens 2009 and Consulta 2010). eight institutions we looked at—Banco Postal (Brazil),
FINO (India), M-PESA (Kenya), M-PESA (Tanzania),
To summarize, in cases for which data are available, and Smart Money (the Philippines)—branchless
branchless banking does reach large numbers of the banking has on average 79 percent more active,
unbanked and low-income clients, but they are still previously unbanked clients than the largest MFI in
the minority. Does this mean branchless banking has the same country has among its microcredit clients
a poor track record on financial inclusion? (see Table 2). They also grew faster than the MFIs.
On average, the five branchless banking providers
No. First, branchless banking services may simply needed three years to amass a base of active,
need more time to attain their full reach to unbanked previously unbanked clients that surpasses that of the

8 Vodafone says it believes the profile of M-PESA clients has changed and at least 50 percent of clients are unbanked. Since mid-2008,
M-PESA has added more than 2 million clients; most of them are reportedly from low-income segments of the population. M-PESA is almost
certainly reaching further down the income ladder in 2010 than before, though how far is still unclear and is ripe for rigorous research.
9 Communication with Ian Robinson and Annette Salter, FSD Tanzania, based on FinScope 2009, a nationwide representative survey.
10 Data on the income level of users are available for five services: branchless banking for Brazilian clients GCash and Smart Money (the
Philippines), M-PESA (Kenya), and WIZZIT (South Africa). Different studies used different yardsticks to measure income. One team of
researchers (Jack and Suri) attempted a detailed counting of client income sources and assets but did not provide a yardstick with which to
contextualize the findings (e.g., comparing their findings to those in the Kenya Integrated Budget Household Survey). In the Philippines
and South Africa surveys, income was compared to the national poverty line. The Brazil survey applied income and several psychosocial
indicators to five consumer segments from A (affluent) to E (poorest).

Table 2: Active, unbanked clients of eight branchless banking pioneers and largest MFI in
same country

Country Branchless Branchless banking: Largest MFI MFI: active

banking active, previously in the same microloan
provider unbanked clients market clients
Brazil Banco Postal 1,461,850 Banco do Nordeste 528,792
Cambodia WING 56,000 Amret Microfinance 226,262
India FINO 6,050,667 SKS 5,300,000
Kenya Safaricom 1,866,896 Equity Bank 700,000
Philippines Globe 247,500 CARD 987,435
Philippines Smart 1,320,000 CARD 987,435
South Africa WIZZIT 27,375 Capitec Bank 638,616
Tanzania Vodacom 108,820 PRIDE Tanzania 106,082
Source: Bosch and Anson (2008), Bowen and Goldstein (2010), Consulta (2010), FSD Tanzania (2009), Jack and Suri (2009), Leishman (2009),
Morawczynski et al. (2010), Morawczynski and Pickens (2009), Pickens (2009), MIX for active microcredit borrowers, and CGAP interviews
with senior managers of Banco Postal, FINO, and WING. See Annex 1 for additional detail.

largest MFI, which has been in operation an average in some countries. This section explores the prices
of 15 years. branchless banking providers charge in relation with
each other and with traditional bank products.
Branchless banking and microlending are quite
different services: payment services (e.g., money In 2008, CGAP predicted that branchless banking
transfer, bill payment) dominate the branchless could offer basic banking services to clients at a cost
banking space, and the market for payment services of at least 50 percent less than what it would cost
may well be larger than for credit. Anecdotally to serve them through traditional channels (Ivatury
speaking, it is also possible some microlenders have and Mas 2008). Bank branches require considerable
approached market saturation, simply because the investment in infrastructure, equipment, human
number of entrepreneurial individuals willing to take resources, and security. By contrast, branchless
on the risk of a loan is probably a fraction of the banking leverages existing infrastructure (agent
total number of unbanked in a country. Further, the shops) and equipment (in many cases, mobile
countries in our sample do not include those with
the world’s most successful MFIs (Bangladesh, for
Box 2: Summary—Branchless Banking
example). Additional research is needed to track Prices
how other branchless banking services perform in
1. The average monthly price to use a bundle of
more markets. Microcredit and micropayments are
branchless banking services is US$3.90.
complimentary, and no doubt there is room for
growth of both branchless banking providers and 2. Branchless banking is 19% cheaper than
traditional MFIs. comparable bank services overall and 38%
cheaper at lower values at which poor people
are likely to transact. The lower the transaction
Branchless Banking Prices value, the cheaper branchless banking is in
Branchless banking services in 10 countries are 19
3. Branchless banking is half the price of informal
percent cheaper than comparable bank services
options for money transfer.
and half the price of informal options.11 So far in this
paper, we saw that branchless banking is able to 4. Client usage is influenced not only by absolute
reach large numbers of unbanked, low-income clients prices but also by the way prices are structured.

11 The methodology used for the price comparison analysis is explained in Annex 2. The full results of CGAP’s pricing work are available at
“Study Finds Branchless Banking Cheaper than Banks,” In addition, a spreadsheet with
details on each provider’s pricing and a tool to compare prices of other services with those of 16 pioneers are available at http://technology.

phones). CGAP expected that this would result in and (viii) average Kenyan bank client.14 Prices were
lower prices for customers. Has this happened? adjusted for differences in purchasing power among
countries to reflect that the value of US$1 varies
To answer this question, CGAP compared prices widely between the poorest country in the sample
charged by 16 branchless banking providers across (Afghanistan, US$800 GDP per capita) and the richest
10 countries and by 10 traditional banks in five (Brazil, US$10,200 GDP per capita).15
countries (see Table 3; details of the methodology
can be found in the annex). 12 We found that The average monthly cost (across all eight use cases)
branchless banking is cheaper than traditional of using a branchless banking service is US$3.90.
banking, but the price advantage may not be as big There is a large cost range among branchless banking
as one might anticipate. providers, from just US$1.00 a month for Zap in
Kenya to US$8.20 a month for easypaisa in Pakistan
CGAP chose banks that specifically target the (see Figure 2).
mass market and picked the lowest cost product
with functionality similar to branchless banking As a group, the costs of using branchless banking
products to include in the analysis. Eight different providers are 19 percent cheaper than those of banks.
use cases, or ways that clients use a service, were The average monthly price across all eight use cases
examined: (i) sending money transfers, (ii) receiving is US$4.80 when using traditional banks compared
money transfers, (iii) short-term safekeeping, (iv) with US$3.90 when using branchless banking
medium-term savings for an asset, (v) bill payments, providers. Once again, these overall averages belie a
(vi) high-frequency transactional account (as a broad variation among use cases. Branchless banking
proxy for financial inclusion), 13
and two real life is particularly cheap (50% cheaper) if clients use it
transaction bundles (vii) the average M-PESA user for medium-term savings and bill payment. In one

Table 3: Branchless banking providers and banks included in CGAP’s pricing analysis

Country Branchless banking provider Bank

Afghanistan M-Paisa
Brazil Bradesco Expresso/Banco Postal Bradesco Expresso/Banco Postal
Caixa Eletrônico Caixa Eletrônico
Cambodia WING Money
Côte d’Ivoire MTN Mobile Money Ecobank
Orange Money United Bank of Africa
State Bank of India
Kenya M-PESA Equity Bank
Zap K-Rep Bank
Pakistan easypaisa
Philippines GCash
Smart Money
South Africa MTN Mobile Money ABSA Mzansi
WIZZIT Standard Mzansi
Tanzania M-PESA

12 Prices are accurate as of 15 April 2010. Prices in branchless banking change frequently.
13 The high-use scenario is designed to reflect a monthly bundle of transactions if a client did most of his or her financial transactions via the
branchless banking service. It includes two each of deposits, transfers, withdrawals, airtime-top ups, bill payments, and balance enquiries.
14 Data on M-PESA users from a 2008 survey of 3,000 households by FSD Kenya and MIT. Data on Kenya bank clients from Central Bank
of Kenya (2007). All branchless banking services provide the same functionality except Bradesco and Caixa Economica, neither of which
provide airtime top-up, and Eko, which did not offer bill pay or airtime top-up at the time of research.
15 World Bank (2005). This study is conducted only once every five years, with the 2005 numbers being the most recent available. GDP
numbers are from the Central Intelligence Agency (2008).

Figure 2: Monthly branchless banking price across 16 providers (average

across eight use cases)

(US$ 9.0
PPP) 8.0
Average 4.0 8.2
3.0 6.3
2.0 3.7 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.4
1.0 2.2 2.3 2.8 2.9
1.0 1.5

Zap (KN)


GCash (PH)


Smart Money (PH)

Caixa (BN)
Vodafone M-PESA

Bradesco (BN)
MTN Mobile

MTN Mobile

M-Paisa (AF)
Orange Money

Zap (TZ)


easypaisa (PK)
Money (ZA)
WING Money

Money (CI)


case (short-term safekeeping), using banks is cheaper higher than originally expected for them to remain
(43%) than using branchless banking pioneers (see motivated. Third, pricing tactics come into play; some
Figure 3). branchless banking providers have indicated that
they want to leave room to come down on prices as
But why isn’t the gap wider? There are several reasons. more competitors enter the market. Fourth, CGAP’s
First, the new study specifically examined banks that study counted only one component of overall cost:
actively target low-income clients and selected the the fees charged by the provider. When clients
cheapest comparable accounts for these clients. Most make a special trip to conduct financial transactions,
banks in developing countries target a more affluent branchless banking with its wider network of service
clientele. Second, it is possible that establishing a points could be saving clients considerable time and
successful branchless banking service could be more money in transport costs. In one rural community in
expensive than CGAP estimated. Some branchless the Amazon in Brazil, clients traveled 12 hours by
banking providers are spending several million dollars boat to the nearest bank branch or paid someone
in marketing costs alone in the first few years, and US$5–US$10 to make the trip prior to the arrival
many are finding that agent commissions must be of banking agents in the community. Now, there

Figure 3: Prices for banks and branchless banking across eight use cases
Figure 3: Prices for banks and branchless banking across eight use cases

% BB cheaper
than banks
AVERAGE 4.8 19%
Sending 2.8 12%
Receiving 2.8 24%
Short-term safekeeping 3.7 –43%
Medium-term savings 3.3 50% Banks
Bill payments 6.9 50% Branchless Banking
High usage 8.4 12%
M-PESA customer 3.3 12%
Kenya bank customer 7.5 14%
0 2 4 6 8 10 (US$

are five agents in the community, and clients save patchwork of informal options like borrowing and
significant time and money. Safaricom in Kenya says
lending among family and friends, savings groups,
47 percent of M-PESA clients save an average of and savings in cash and kind. It is difficult to put a
three hours in transport time and US$3 in transport price on many of these informal options with the
costs per transaction.17 exception of money transfers. In Cambodia, India,
and Tanzania, people use couriers, money changers,
Banks charge fixed fees whether a person transacts post office money fax services, and bus companies to
with $1 or $100, while branchless banking providers send money across the country.19 On average, these
charge tiered or percentage-based fees for many services cost 6.7 percent of the value of the transfer,
transactions. So, the lower the transaction value, the while sending the same amount via a branchless
cheaper branchless banking will be compared with banking service costs just 3.1 percent (i.e., branchless
banks. At a low average deposit amount of US$23, 18
banking is 54 percent cheaper). Furthermore,
using branchless banking providers is 38 percent informal methods may take several days (compared
cheaper than using banks. This means that using with branchless banking instantaneous transfers), and
branchless banking will be significantly cheaper than the risk of losing money is much higher than with
using bank alternatives for low-income, previously branchless banking.
unbanked clients who are likely to transact at this
lower end. However, the same logic holds true on Ultimately, a client will weigh the price of a service
the other end of the spectrum. Branchless banking against how much value he or she derives from it
providers are 45 percent more expensive than banks to make a final purchase decision. The annual cost
at high amounts (see Figure 4). of US$47.44 as an average of all eight use cases is
0.60 percent of an economically active, low-income
Most potential branchless banking clients who are household’s GDP in the 10 countries.20 This varies
currently unbanked manage their finances via a from just 0.2 percent in Brazil to 1.3 percent in

Figure 4: Average branchless banking and bank prices across low, average,
and high values

($US 8.0 BB 45%
PPP) more
7.0 expensive

BB 38% BB 19%
cheaper cheaper

4.0 Branchless Banking

3.0 Banks
4.8 4.8 4.8
2.0 3.9

0.0 Transaction Value

Low Average High

16 For more information on the case of Autazes in Brazil, see “Banking Agents Fuel Economic Growth in the Amazon Basin,” http://www.cgap.
17 Safaricom’s Pauline Vaughan, presentation at “Branchless Banking: What’s the Score So Far?” organized by CGAP, Nairobi, 17 May 2010.
18 CGAP analyzed the eight use cases across low (US$23), average (US$69), and high (US$207) average deposit amounts. The average
deposit amount of US$69 comes from actual deposit averages of five services (Bradesco (Banco Postal), EKO, M-PESA KN, MTN ZA, and
Smart Money). This is the key number (along with airtime top-up value) from which other transaction values are derived. The low deposit
value is the average value divided by three, and the high value is the average value multiplied by three.
19 Cambodia—WING Money internal research 2009; India—Microsave (2010); Tanzania—M-PESA internal research and Post Office Money
Fax Web site (
20 GDP purchasing power parity (PPP) adjusted per capita data are from World Bank (2009) (2008 values). Although GDP is not a measure
of personal income, it is often used as such as it is measured frequently, widely, and consistently. We then looked at the share of income for
the 2nd 20th percentile in each country (i.e., not the poorest 20 percent in the country, but those in the 20th to 40th percentile for income who
would tend to be economically active poor people in a developing country). We then multiplied this number by the number of people in
each household (average 5.3) to come up with household GDP for the 2nd 20th percentile in each country.

Afghanistan. Households spend more than this on of eight different financial instruments primarily to
airtime (0.65 percent ). Of course, the best test of
move money over time, and quite intensively: the
whether clients consider the price worth the value average household moved more than US$1,000
received from the service is actual client usage. The through the instruments over the course of a year.
rapid uptake of M-PESA in Kenya suggests that this
service is worth the price for a large segment of the Even where branchless banking services have not
population. There is still substantial work to do to been designed or marketed as ways to save and
better understand client sensitivity to price and other manage funds across time, clients are adapting them
dimensions of quality. The next section begins to to these ends. This is particularly true with savings.
address this and suggests several ways for providers,
donors, academics, and others to better understand In Kenya, 75 percent of clients say they store funds in
client priorities and design better products. their M-PESA wallet. Twenty-one percent say M-PESA
is their most important saving instrument; 90 percent
The next frontier: Meeting say it is one of the three most important. The most
client needs for products popular suggestion for what clients would like to
beyond payments see added to M-PESA is the ability to earn interest
(Pulver 2009). In Kibera, a slum of 1 million people in
Clients want products that go beyond payments. The Nairobi, one-fifth of unbanked clients use M-PESA to
conundrum is how to design and test effective new save up to a week’s worth of wages in their electronic
services. In this section we review the evidence of wallet, either in preparation for sending it home to
demand among low-income, unbanked consumers the countryside, as a safer alternative to carrying
for a wider range of products, look at some of the cash, or for emergencies (Morawczynski and Pickens
limitations to the typical product development 2009). Data from the Philippines and Brazil suggest
methods, and suggest some new directions for that this isn’t peculiar to Kenya.
In the Philippines, without any marketing and with
Most branchless banking services help clients move a weak network of agents in many areas, one in 10
money over distance: a money transfer to a family unbanked mobile money clients already stores an
member in the countryside, a bill payment to the average of US$31 in his or her mobile wallet. Clients
utility company, a social benefit from the government. report that this amounts to one-quarter of their
Clients also want products that move money over household savings. When asked what additional
time. People periodically need access to sums of services they would be likely to try beyond mobile
money that exceed the stock of cash they typically money, more than half (54 percent) of existing mobile
keep on hand—for school fees, for example, or a money clients said savings (Pickens 2009). In Brazil,
health emergency. Savings build up a usefully large deposits and withdrawals to and from bank accounts
lump sum, to borrow Stuart Rutherford’s term, at a make up a much larger proportion of transactions
future point. A loan is the same process in reverse: in rural locations (38 percent) than in urban ones (8
the lump sum today, with a stream of repayments into percent) (CGAP and FGV 2010).
the future (Rutherford 2001).
If the data increasingly show branchless banking
New research shows the poor not only have these clients want more than just payments, we are
needs, but they are very active managers of their still a long way from understanding how those
money in pursuit of satisfying these needs. Financial products should be configured to intersect with
diaries used by Collins, Morduch, Rutherford, the latent demand to yield profitable new product
and Ruthven (2009) show low-income families in opportunities. There is some evidence that the
Bangladesh, India, and South Africa used an average market is already trialing new products, at least in

21 This number is based on a monthly average of US$4.3 (average from M-PESA in Kenya, Smart Money in the Philippines, and WIZZIT in
South Africa).

Table 4: New Products Riding the M-PESA “Rails”

Provider Service
Credit Direct Kenya Limited Cash advance over mobile
Equity Bank M-Kesho savings account
Equity Bank Personal accident insurance
Equity Bank Loan over mobile
Kilimo Salama Weather insurance
National Jua Kali Association Mbale pension plan

Kenya. We do not mean simply connecting M-PESA • The Mbale pension product has 18,000 informal
wallets to existing accounts, which is interesting from sector workers who had opened a pension account
a point of view of interoperability, but is not the in the plan’s first three months. Clients can deposit
creation of a new product. 22
At least four Kenyan as frequently as they like in amounts as small as
providers are offering entirely new products that go US$0.25 via M-PESA and Zap (with Zap offering
beyond payments and are exclusively delivered via heavily discounted transaction fees to make small
mobile money (see Table 4). pension payments economical for Mbale clients).

• Credit Direct Kenya Limited is piloting a loan It is far from inevitable that these kinds of experiments
product using ATM transaction data from will be successful, in Kenya or elsewhere. First,
Kenswitch. M-PESA and Zap clients can apply and the very qualities that endowed mobile network
receive a cash advance of up to US$30 over their operators (MNOs) with a head start in branchless
handset in approximately 10 seconds. banking may work against their capacity to field
• In May 2010, Equity Bank and Safaricom a more complex suite of products. The common
announced a product partnership around mobile money product of a liquid, electronic wallet
M-Kesho (“Kesho” is Swahili for “future”). with various money transfer options is quite simple,
M-Kesho is an interest-bearing savings account very much akin to the pre-existing airtime wallet and
at Equity Bank that can be opened at M-PESA infrastructure MNOs have to debit and credit client
agents. Value can be moved to and from balances when they make calls. MNOs know little
M-Kesho accounts and M-PESA wallets, and from about credit, savings, and insurance. They also lack
M-Kesho to other Equity Bank accounts. In effect, regulatory room to do more. Mobile money has often
Safaricom’s 14,000 M-PESA agents have become fallen between the regulatory cracks, and MNOs
agents for Equity Bank account holders. Equity in several countries are offering mobile payments
is also offering a personal accident insurance without being regulated as banks. Simply put, MNOs,
policy to M-Kesho holders and, once six months which have often led the first wave of innovation in
of transaction data are available, an instant loan branchless banking in some countries, are not well-
product based around a credit scoring model. positioned on their own to lead a new wave if it
• Kilimo Salama (Swahili for “safe farming”) is a entails offering a broader range of products. Finally,
partnership among the Syngenta Foundation some MNOs will find mobile payments do everything
for Sustainable Agriculture, UAP Insurance, and they want them to do: increase loyalty among voice
Safaricom. The project offers 11,000 farmers clients and decrease the cost of distributing airtime.
insurance policies to shield them from significant In other words, they may have no motivation to do
financial losses when drought or excess rain more.
threatens crop yields. A network of solar-powered,
mini-stations collects weather data, and affected But even those institutions with appetite and
farmers receive payment via M-PESA. permission to do so may face barriers. First, it is

22 Several banks (including Kenya Commercial Bank and Family Bank) allow clients to transfer funds between their savings accounts and
M-PESA, or initiate a request for a salary loan that previously had to be done in person at a bank branch. In addition, MFIs (including the
two largest in Kenya, Kenya Women’s Finance Trust and Faulu Kenya) are using M-PESA to collect loan repayments and deposits.

not easy to identify actionable opportunity for Safaricom, for example, announced M-PESA earned
an entirely new product. One way is to find the US$94.4 million for the company in the last fiscal year
interesting outliers among current clients—those (Safaricom 2010) and has become the single biggest
doing something so radically different that they lead driver of new profits (Pickens 2010). In short, there
to ideas for new products, rather than suggest simple are powerful reasons why the private sector may not
tweaks to existing ones. Market research studies experiment in any substantial way with branchless
often yield averages or descriptions of the “typical banking products that go beyond payments.
client.” Providers should instruct researchers to also Branchless banking could head down the same path
look for the atypical. that microfinance did in the 1970s and 1980s when
most MFIs did only credit: primarily dominated by
The insight for Bank of America’s innovative Keep the one type of product, even as the evidence shows
Change campaign—which rounds debit purchases consumers want more.
up to the nearest dollar and moves the excess into
a separate savings account, as a way to help clients Those interested in the financial inclusion potential
save—was stumbled upon when researchers from of branchless banking can invest in helping private
IDEO encountered a client who carried a plastic bag
sector players probe their client bases and identify
full of change that she would laboriously tote with her opportunities for new products, perhaps by backing
until she manually counted the coins and took them more of the kind of financial diaries and ethnographic
to the bank (Brown 2009). IDEO and Bank of America analysis that has already yielded useful insights, but
posited, correctly, that there may be more clients like with more of a focus on delivering actionable product
her willing to go to extra lengths to save but who ideas to the industry. Lowering the cost threshold of
had largely been hidden from view until researchers experimentation is also needed. Most private sector
went looking for the unusual. Keep the Change has players will see a risky proposition if the only way to
led to US$3.1 billion in new deposits in 12 million test new products is to go to market full scale, with
new accounts, with 90 percent client retention after all the cost of internal product design cycles, training
one year. staff, and marketing to clients. Donors and investors
could craft a “product incubator” that combines
A small but growing number of researchers are new research approaches with financial support
employing new research methods to uncover insights for rapid iterations of one or even several product
like these. The kinds of financial diaries done by configurations, to take some of the guesswork out
Collins, Morduch, Rutherford, and Ruthven (2009) of how to design new products that will gain traction
could be deployed in a relatively quick and cheap basis with many low-income, unbanked clients.
to understand how low-income households manage
their money.24 Ethnographers and anthropologists Conclusion
are beginning to probe the financial services space.
For example, the Institute for Money, Technology Branchless banking has great potential to reach vast
and Financial Inclusion at the University of California numbers of low-income, unbanked people at affordable
(Irvine) released a preliminary study with 11 principles prices with a wide range of products to meet their
for designing financial services that use technology to complex financial needs. Yet early experience suggests
get to low-income clients (IMTFI 2010). that although the potential is indeed strong, it is by
no means guaranteed that branchless banking will
At day’s end, using existing payment products deeply penetrate low-income, unbanked segments
appears less risky to industry than pioneering entirely with appropriately designed products. Indeed, in
new ones, if only because there are now some data most countries, the challenge is still getting branchless
illustrating the revenue potential of mobile payments. banking started at all. But branchless banking in its early

23 IDEO is a design and innovation consultancy headquartered in Palo Alto, California, United States.
24 Although the financial diaries work in Collins, Morduch, Rutherford, and Ruthven (2009) took place over 18 months, financial diaries can
be conducted over shorter periods, with some loss of precision but cost and time savings.

stages in some countries is already reaching a large industry lives up to its potential to transform
portion of low-income, unbanked clients. If branchless financial services for low-income, unbanked
banking providers multiply and continue to expand, people. Stakeholders such as social and commercial
they are likely to deliver financial inclusion to many investors must challenge the industry to ensure it
more low-income people. Further, branchless banking pushes the access frontier and creates innovative
prices to consumers are already marginally lower than products that are available even in hard-to-reach
comparable services and will likely fall as branchless locations. Industry providers should experiment
banking matures. Innovative products that move with different models to figure out what works
beyond payments are just starting to take off in Kenya, for this client segment in their particular country.
where M-PESA has operated for nearly five years. Perhaps most important, the industry as a whole
must improve its understanding of low-income
So there is cause for optimism, but there is also clients’ needs and wants to design products and
a lot of work to be done to ensure this fledgling services that truly meet these needs.

Annex 1: Sources and Methodology for Outreach Analysis

Gauging the reach of branchless banking to low- 1 and Table 2, we first multiplied each branchless
income, unbanked clients is not easy. Many providers banking service’s (1) registered user base by (2) the
know little about their clients beyond the requirements percentage of active clients, and then multiplied that
of national know-your-client (KYC) regulations: figure by (3) the percentage of unbanked clients.
name, address, date of birth, and perhaps a national Our method could undercount active, previously
identification number. When firms do have additional unbanked clients of some branchless banking
data, often the data are derived from studies providers. Unbanked individuals with no other access
designed to be inexpensive rather than rigorous and to formal financial services could be more active than
representative of the client base. The gap could be other clients. We also used data that were mostly
filled by academics, but few have turned their gaze collected in 2008 and 2009. Since most branchless
on branchless banking until recently. In short, data on banking providers are growing quickly, the total
branchless banking clients are still relatively rare and number of active, previously unbanked clients may
hard to access. For the analysis presented in the first be higher today for some of the branchless banking
section of this paper, we drew on the results of surveys providers.
that queried 16,708 branchless banking clients. Some
of the surveys were conducted by CGAP, others by To calculate the number of active, previously
CGAP’s partners, and still others by third parties. unbanked microcredit borrowers reported in Table
Table A1-1 provides details. 2, we drew the number of active borrowers from
Microfinance Information eXchange (MIX) or from
For the comparison of the outreach of branchless the MFI’s own reports to stakeholders if these were
banking providers to MFIs, we included only the more recent. This was the case for Banco do Nordeste
eight institutions for which we had reliable figures as reported by ACCION (see http://www.accion.
to conduct the necessary calculations. For Figure org/Page.aspx?pid=675) and CARD (see http://

Table A1-1. Sources

Country Service Sources (by date) Type of data

Brazil Banco Postal 1. Interview with Banco Postal senior managers, June 2010 Company data on clients
2. Bosch and Ansón (2008) Data provided by Banco Postal, the
banking association (FEBREBAN), and
government sociodemographic data
3. Siedek (2007) Survey of 750 clients
Cambodia WING 1. Brad Jones, ANZ Bank quoted in The Philippine Star (2010) Survey of 500 clients
2. Interview with WING senior managers, April 2010
3. Leishman (2009) Company data on clients
India FINO 1. Morawczynski, Hutchful, Rangaswamy, and Cutrell (2010) Interviews with 133 FINO clients
2. Interview with FINO managers, March 2010 Company data on clients
Kenya M-PESA 1. Bowen and Goldstein (2010) Survey of 2000 Kenyans
2. Interview with Vodafone senior managers, February 2010 Company data on clients
3. Jack and Suri (2009) Survey of 3000 Kenyan households
4. Pulver (2009)
5. Morawczysnki and Pickens (2009) Interviews, focus groups and financial
diaries with 350 Kenyans
Philippines GCash 1. Pickens (2009) Survey of 1042 unbanked consumers in
the Philippines
Philippines Smart Money 1. Pickens (2009)
South Africa WIZZIT 1. Consulta (2010) Survey of 738 WIZZIT clients
2. Ivatury and Pickens (2006) Survey of 515 low-income South Africans
Tanzania M-PESA 1. FSD Tanzania (2009) Survey of 7,680 Tanzanians
14 index_mriataglance.php). probably overstate the total number of active,

We assumed that all microcredit borrowers were previously unbanked microcredit clients of the
previously unbanked. Some microcredit borrowers MFIs included in Table 2. This is not entirely bad:
undoubtedly have other accounts. However, reliable it decreases the odds that we overstated the gap
data are not available to estimate what percentage between branchless banking providers and MFIs in
of microcredit borrowers had other accounts prior their outreach to previously unbanked clients.
to taking their current microloan. As a result, we

Annex 2: Methodology of Pricing Analysis

The full explanation of methodology and results of typical Kenyan bank customer) are based on actual
CGAP’s pricing work are available as a PowerPoint and customer usage patterns. Data on M-PESA users
CGAP Web article: “Study Finds Branchless Banking come from the 2008 survey of 3,000 households by
Cheaper than Banks“ ( FSD Kenya and MIT. Data on Kenya bank clients are
template.rc/1.26.13493/). from the “Technical Report: Bank Pricing Study,”
prepared for Central Bank of Kenya, September
In addition, a spreadsheet with details on each 2007. Transactions included in each use case are in
provider’s pricing and a tool to compare prices of Table A2-1.
other services with those of 16 pioneers are available
at Each institution provides all the types of transactions
releases-pricing-tool-for-mobile-banking-for-the- in Table A2-1 except EKO, which does not provide
unbanked/. bill pay and so was not included in use cases 5 and 8,
and several of the banks (Bradesco, Caixa Economica,
To ensure a relevant comparison between branchless Ecobank, ICICI, and UBA) that do not provide airtime
banking and formal bank prices, CGAP chose top-up.
branchless banking and formal bank providers across
a wide range of countries. CGAP chose banks that To come up with the average transaction amounts in
specifically target the mass market and picked the each use case, we started with the average deposit
lowest cost product with functionality similar to amount from five providers (Bradesco [Banco Postal],
branchless banking products. In most cases this was EKO, M-PESA KN, MTN ZA, and Smart Money). In
a savings account (with intrabank transfers), but in these five institutions, the average deposit value
some cases (e.g., bill payments) this was a checking is US$68.6. The average airtime top-up of US$4.3
account. was derived from the averages of airtime top-up
for M-PESA Kenya and Smart Money. These two
Eight use cases were selected representing a variety numbers drive all the other transaction values in each
of ways customers are actually using services today use case.
as well as one hypothetical scenario (medium-
term savings). Each use case represents a bundle For example, starting with a deposit amount of
of transactions that a customer makes in a given US$68.6 Table A2-2 shows how the other transaction
month. Two use cases (typical M-PESA user and values for the sending use case are derived.

Table A2-1: Bundle of Transactions in Each Use Case

Use Case Transactions

1. Sending Money Transfer 1 Deposit, 1 Transfer, 1 Airtime Top-up, 1 Balance Inquiry
2. Receiving Money Transfer 1 Withdrawal, 1 Airtime Top-up, 1 Balance Inquiry
3. Short-term Safekeeping 2 Deposits, 2 Withdrawal, 1 Airtime Top-up, 1 Balance Inquiry
4. Medium-term Savings 4 Deposits, 0.2 Withdrawal, 1 Balance Inquiry
5. Bill Payments 1 Deposit, 3 Bill Payments, 1 Airtime Top-up, 1 Balance Inquiry
6. High-Frequency Transactional Account 2 Deposits, 2 Transfers, 2 Withdrawals, 2 Bill Payments, 2 Airtime
Top-up, 1 Balance Inquiry
7. Typical M-PESA User 1.2 Deposits, 0.6 Transfers, 0.8 Withdrawals, 0.6 Airtime Top-up, 1
Balance Inquiry
8. Typical Kenyan Bank Customer 1.2 Deposit, 1 Transfer, 3.1 Withdrawals, 0.4 Bills, 1 Balance Inquiry

Table A2-2. Average Transaction amounts for Sending Use Case

Transaction Amount (US$)

1 Deposit 68.6
1 Airtime top-up 4.3
Fees (for cash-in, airtime top-up, transfer) 2.4
Amount remaining for transfer 61.9

Table A2-3. Low, Medium and High Transaction amounts for Sending Use Case

Transaction Low (US$) Medium (US$) High (US$)

1 Deposit 22.6 68.6 206
1 Airtime top-up   1.4   4.3 12.8
Fees (for cash-in, airtime top-up, transfer)   1.8   2.4 4.2
Amount remaining for transfer 19.4 61.9 188.8

The values in Table A2-2 represent the medium In some cases, our high values exceeded the
transaction values. Most results of the analysis are based maximum allowable for the branchless banking
on the medium values. In some cases, the analysis service. In these cases, we used the fees associated
included low values (one-third of the medium value) and with the maximum values.
high values (three times the medium value). For example,
the transaction values for the sending use case across
low, medium, and high values are shown in Table A2-3.


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No. 66
September 2010

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The authors of this Focus Note are Claudia McKay and Mark and other technologies and is co-funded by the Bill & Melinda
Pickens, both of CGAP. The Technology Program at CGAP works Gates Foundation, CGAP, and the UK Department for International
to expand financial services for the poor using mobile phones Development (DFID).

The suggested citation for this Focus Note is as follows:

McKay, Claudia, and Mark Pickens. 2010. “Branchless Banking 2010: Who’s Served? At What Price? What’s Next?” Washington, D.C.: CGAP,

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