Organizational Skills

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The passage discusses 10 tips for improving organizational skills, including maintaining a clear workspace, using folders and a planner, scheduling time for assignments, and taking breaks while studying.

The passage recommends clearing unnecessary materials from your workspace, using folders to organize classes and assignments, and keeping track of important dates in a planner.

The passage suggests scheduling time for assignments based on their deadlines and estimated completion time, dividing study time into 30-45 minute blocks with short breaks in between, and creating a to-do list.

Organizational Skills

10 Organizational Tips:

1. First start off by creating a “clear area”

- Clear your work space of all unnecessary materials not related to the assignment that
you are working on at the moment. By maintaining a neat and clear work space, you will
waste less time struggling to locate what you need and more time focusing on what you
are working.

2. Use folders and an academic planner to keep track of your assignments,

deadlines and appointments.
- Use a folder to organize all your different classes and have all your work for one class
separate from another. Use a two section folder to organize assignments that are being
worked on and as well as pass assignments that have been graded. By using this
system of organizing you can be able to find locate all your work for your one class or for
your job (if employed).
- In your planner, be sure to write important dates such as due dates, tests and quizzes
that are coming up and extra things that you find important. This is a good form to track
your days and while you keep a record of what you need to do, set goals that you want
to accomplish such as “What assignments you want to have done” or “How long will I set
to studying versus going out?”

3. Schedule time to complete your assignments based on anticipated time on task

and urgency.​
- Once you know all the assignments that you need to complete , determine their
deadlines and estimate how long it would take you to finish one assignment. Be realistic
when generating a time schedule that you need to complete an assignment.

4. Divide your study time into blocks separated by quick breaks.

- It is the most effective to have 30 to 45 minute study blocks per exam or assignment,
allowing you to have a 5 to 10 minute gap in between blocks. This approach gives you
time to focus on the task at hand while giving you breaks in that’ll help you be able to
rest and not stress to much or get over worked.

5. Creating a “To Do List”

- After you set up your workstation, create a to do list that contains all the assignments or
tasks that you need to get done. This is similar to a shopping list, except you won’t have
to worry about if your check got deposited, #college! The main result of having writing
down all your things, is it helps you keep track of what needs to be done and it prioritizes
each assignment by the most important being at the top.
6. Plan Tomorrow
- After you complete all your assignments, take some time to relax and collect yourself
having working so hard and plan the next day. In doing this, it may seem like a lot to do
but it allows you to know what to expect for tomorrow or the next day. Also this relieves a
level of stress that you might have because you are unsure as to what you got going
coming to you.

7. Balance
- In this world there are two types of college student, one who is on top of their academics
like white on rice or those who prefer a little liquid courage in their diets. Neither of them
are bad until a certain extent, creating a balance between fun and serious is important to
have. The reason why is because it keeps to stress down and it helps calm down the
addiction that some may have. For example, from Sunday until Thursday focus on
school and assignments and Friday and Saturday nights go out and have fun with a
group of friends.

8. Personal Limits
- Know your limits, for example while you are studying for an exam or working on a paper,
make sure you know how much you can handle. While you are working on anything in
life make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself.

9. Reward Yourself
- Positive reinforcements is an amazing thing. When you have completed tasks, reward
yourself in small ways. This can be anything from taking a 15 minute break to treating
yourself to some Haagen Daz Ice Cream and some netflix. This method can help you
avoid procrastinating but might add a few pounds but hey “know your worth”

10. Develop an organizational system that will work for YOU!

- NOT all organizational systems will work for all students. You should choose the ones
that will work best with your schedule and needs. Remember, though, that learning to be
organized takes time and practice allow with patience. If a system doesn’t work the first
time you try it, try again or something new. You may just need more time to become
accustomed to it or to them.

Words of Wisdom

“ Having a clear mind and a clear space allows you to think and act with a purpose”

“ If you work with intention of setting yourself up for success, there is a very good chance you
will succeed. ”

“ Organization isn’t about perfection, it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter. Saving
time and money and improving your overall quality of life. “ - Christina Scalise
Organizational Assessment

Below is a list of questions with a simple “yes or no response”. Please answer the following

Yes No

Do you have problems finding a clean, organized place to study?

Do you have all the tools you need to complete your task? (i.e - Rubrics)

Do you have a planner? If so do you use it?

Do you keep track of your assignments on a daily basis?

Do you write down assignments and test dates prior to the week of?

Do you have enough time to study and prepare for exams?

Do you ask your professors and or other peers for assistance?

Do you have a set time to focus on what you need to do?

Do you take time to organize your notes to create study guides?

Based on your answers you’ve provided, are you fine with the results? If no, how
do you plan on changing?
My Agenda for the Week
The things that I need to do

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________

Things I need to know

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

Things that can wait

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

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