Revision 1

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Name ----------------------------------- Grade : 11 IB

Date ------------------------------------- Subject : Computer Science

1. Draw a sketch of the central processing unit (CPU) and describe the functions of the control unit (CU),
the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), registers, primary and secondary memory, memory address register
(MAR) and memory data register (MDR).

2. Describe the difference between ROM and RAM.

3. Explain the use of cache memory and virtual memory.

4. Explain the machine instruction cycle. Include the role of the data bus and address bus.

5. Identify the need for persistent (non-volatile) storage and provide examples.

6. Describe the main functions of an operating system.

7. Identify common features of application software (make sure to describe WIMP and GUI features).

8. Define

9. Outline the meaning of the terms:

bit Byte
Kilo Mega
Giga Tera
binary denary/decimal

10. Outline the function, memory size/type and I/O for a garage door microprocessor.

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11. List at list 5 components of an operating system (for example - GUI is one).

12. Describe the features of PCs, mainframes, and supercomputers. Include the following -
memory, price, use, i/o devices,

13. Outline the principal characteristics of

● Batch Processing
● Online Processing
● Real-time Processing

14. With two bits, what are the possible bit patterns?

15. With three bits, what are the possible bit patterns?

16. What is the mathematical relationship between the number of bits and the number of

17. If you allow 4 bits for each colour intensity – how many different colours can you create?

18. If you allow 8 bits for each colour intensity – how many different colours can you create?

19. Describe ASCII and Unicode and explain the differences between them.

20. Assume that a graphics file is displayed using a resolution of 120 pixels wide by 300 pixels
high and 12 bits per pixel. Calculate the size of the graphic in terms of bits and bytes.

21. In hexadecimal, what quantities are represented by the letters A,B,E,F?

22. Convert 110112 to decimal (base 10) and hexadecimal

23. Convert 34610 to binary and hexadecimal

24. Convert 3AF16 to binary and decimal (base 10)

25. Convert the 130 to binary using the remainder method.

26. Convert 1011011101102 to hexadecimal.

27. Apply the method of 2’s complement to 010101

28. Write –34 in 8 bits using 2’s complement.

29. Define the terms ‘analog data’ and ‘digital data’ and provide examples of each.

30. How many bits are required to store a RGB pixel if each pixel has a range from 0 to 255.\
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31. 1001 1001 1110 0111
AND 1100 OR 1100 NAND 0110 XOR 0110

32. Create truth tables and the symbol for AND, OR, NOT, and NOR similar to the table

33. A simple home alarm system will sound an alarm only if the system is turned on, and a
door or window (or both) is open. Create a truth table for this scenario and draw the logic
diagram for this system.

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