Den ry
ISSN: 2161-1122
Dentistry Al-shibri and Elguindy, Dentistry 2017, 7:12
DOI: 10.4172/2161-1122.1000464
Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the effect of endocrowns and glass fiber post-
retained crowns on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated maxillary premolars made of different ceramics
Materials and Methods: Thirty sound maxillary premolars were endodontically treated. They were randomly
assigned into 3 groups (n=10), in which, teeth were prepared to receive all- ceramic restorations. GP: fiber post and
resin core and ferrule with all-ceramic (IPS E-max CAD, Ivoclar-Vivadent) conventional crown. GE: Endocrown with
butt joint finish line design made of (IPS E-max CAD, Ivoclar-Vivadent). GC: Endocrown with butt joint finish line
design made of hybrid nanoceramic (CERASMART, GC Dental, USA). The lithium disilicate (IPS E-max press,
Ivoclar-Vivadent) and hybrid nanoceramic (CERASMART, GC Dental, USA) all-ceramic restorations were made by
CAD/CAM system (CEREC MC XL SW 4.0) and adhesively cemented with dual-cure resin cement (BisCem Bisco,
Inc, USA). Specimens were mounted in a universal testing machine (Model 3345; Instron Industrial Products,
Norwood, MA, USA). Each specimen was loaded to failure at a crosshead speed of 5.0 mm / min. Mode of failure
was also examined. Data were analyzed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc
significance difference tests. Differences were considered significant at P<0.05.
Results: One way ANOVA test showed that group (GC) recorded statistically significant (p<0.05) highest mean
value (1522.64 N) followed by group (GP) (1301.34 N) then group (GE) (725.73 N). Group (GE) recorded the lowest
statistically significant (p<0.05) mean value (725.73±137.89 N). Pair-wise Tukey’s post-hoc test showed non-
significant (P>0.05) difference between GP and GC groups.
Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, all fracture resistance loads obtained in this study were far
beyond the maximum masticatory forces and the presence of hybrid nanoceramic increased the fracture resistance
of endodontically treated maxillary premolars restored with endocrown than those restored with lithium disilicate
endocrowns, in failure mode hybrid nanoceramic showed favorable fracture pattern than lithium disilicate.
Keywords: Endocrown; Lithium Disilicate; Hybrid Ceramic; Different from conventional approaches using intraradicular posts,
Cerasmart; CAD/CAM; Fiber Post; Fracture Resistance endocrown restorations are anchored to the internal portion of the
pulp chamber and on the cavity margins, thereby resulting in both
Introduction macro- and micro mechanical retention, provided by the pulpal walls
and adhesive cementation, respectively. In addition, endocrowns have
Rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth with large coronal the advantage of removing lower amounts of sound tissue compared to
destruction is still a clinical challenge, especially due to the loss of other techniques, and with much lower chair time needed.
strength characteristics associated to the removal of pulp and
surrounding dentin tissues. Coronal retention of the restoration is Also, the masticatory stresses received at the tooth/restoration
usually compromised, thus intraradicular posts combined or not with interface are more properly dissipated along the overall restored tooth
core materials may be required. Despite all clinical success achieved structure when endocrowns are placed. Depending on the material
with the use of intraradicular posts, one disadvantage of this system is chosen, ceramic or resin composites, the system may become more
the additional removal of sound tissue needed for fitting the post into rigid than the dental structure (in case of ceramics) or biomechanically
the root canal; additionally, this procedure was revealed to affect the similar to the tooth (in case of resin composites) [4-6].
overall biomechanical behavior of the restored teeth. Alternatively, The type of material may also have influence on the performance of
other restorative approaches have been suggested, including but not endocrowns, with wide collection of ceramic material has been
limited to the well-known endocrown restorations [1-3]. available for CAD/CAM technology, ranging from weak feldspathic
Endocrowns assemble the intraradicular post, the core, and the ceramic and Lucite glass ceramic to high-strength lithium disilicate
crown in one component, thus representing monoblock restorations. glass ceramic and zirconium oxide. Most recently, a resin nanoceramic
has been introduced for permanent CAD/CAM fabricated
Page 2 of 9
restorations. Ultrastructure and mechanical properties of available maxillary premolars has not been clearly established. In this vitro
CAD/CAM material vary widely, their and, accordingly, their study, there were two-null hypothesis, the first; Endocrowns would
mechanical behavior in the tooth restoration complex is expected to have more fracture resistance than IPS e.max CAD crowns retained
vary as well. With the intent of increasing the amount of information with fiber posts and composite core, the second; Endocrowns
about the behavior of these material when used for endocrowns, I was restoration made of hybrid ceramics CERASMART material would
found worth to evaluate the fracture resistance, and the failure modes show more fracture resistance than endocrowns made of IPS e.max
of CERASMART and E.max CAD endocrowns restoration compared CAD (Figures 1 and 2).
with conventional crowns retained by glass fiber posts and core of
maxillary premolars teeth when compressive force was applied [7,8]. Materials and Methods
Teeth selection
Thirty caries free of recently extracted human maxillary premolars
were selected for the study. The teeth were inspected under high light
condition with magnifying lens (2*magnification). The anatomic
crowns were selected to be with average dimensions after measuring
the bucco-lingual (9 ± 1 mm) and mesio-distal (7 ± 0.5 mm) using a
caliper (MarCal 16 DN, Germany).
Teeth mounting
All teeth were mounted in epoxy resin block using a custom-made
round teflon shape sample holder (2 cm length, 2 cm internal
diameters) in a vertical direction using parallel meter, teeth are
embedded in the epoxy resin block up to 2 mm below the CEJ
(simulated bone level) and hold in position till complete
polymerization of the resin.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram illustration Endocrowns preparation
design. Preparation of the teeth
Decapitation of teeth: The crowns of the collected teeth were
removed 2 mm above the cemento-enamel junction from the proximal
surfaces using a diamond disc and a sufficient coolant. After crowns
separation sample teeth, were stored in 0.9% sterile saline solution to
avoid dryness.
Endodontic treatment: The access cavities of the teeth were
performed a round bur followed by an ENDO-Z bur (Dentsply,
Switzerland) using high speed hand piece under copious water coolant.
The working length of each tooth determined by using K-file size 15
with radiograph than teeth canals were treated using rotary system Ni-
Ti (Protaper, Dentsply, Switzerland) with lubricant (MD-Chelcream,
METABIOMED, Korea) till files size F3 with working length 1 mm
before apical foramen with irrigation using sodium hypochlorite 4.2%
in between files, after intermittent irrigation, the root canals were dried
with paper points.
With matched tapered single cone (Dentsply, Switzerland)
obturation technique. A size F3 master cone was tried to fit the
prepared canal and reaching the full working length with tug-back
Figure 2: Schematic diagram illustration post & core the
preparation with 2mm ferrule. Gutta-percha point were coated with resin sealer (ADSEAL,
MetaBiomed, korea) and placed in root canal till to the working length.
Excess gutta-precha was removed using heated instrument (cherry red)
Endocrowns were revealed to fail more when fixed to premolars, and the coronal part was compacted with a plunger vertically.
probably due to their smaller adhesion area and greater crown height
compared to molars. In addition, premolars receive more horizontally Classification of the samples
(non-axial) directed forces than molars, which may also influence
fracture resistance [9]. Strong bonding between the indirect restoration The teeth were randomly divided in to 3 main groups (10n) in each
and tooth structure increases the durability and longevity of the group, according to the type of restoration and material used as shown
prosthesis [10]. The influence of different crown material on fracture in Table 1:
resistance of ceramic crowns placed on endodontically treated
Page 3 of 9
Group (GP): Endodontically treated teeth with 2mm ferrule effect straight hand-piece perpendicular to surveyor platform, Teeth were
restored with glass fiber posts retained lithium disilicate crowns. prepared with 2 mm circumferential ferrule axial wall heights, and
with 10o convergence. All axial walls had circumferential 90o shoulder
Group (GE): Endodontically treated teeth restored with Lithium
margin 1 mm wide with rounded internal line angle, the teeth were
disilicate endo-crowns with butt joint finish line.
further. The height of the prepared teeth was 6 mm from the finish line
Group (GS): Endodontically treated teeth restored with Hybrid to the buccal cusp (2 mm ferrule, 4 mm core) and 5 mm from finish
ceramic (CERASMART) endo-crowns with butt joint finish line. line to the central groove of occlusion (2 mm ferrule, 3 mm core).
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Figure 5: Tin foil was placed between the tooth and the loading
stainless steel tip.
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The dual cure resin cement BisCem cement (BisCem, Bisco Inc, compartment of testing machine traveling at cross-head speed of 0.5
USA) was applied on the prepared surface of teeth. Then each crown mm/min with two layers foil sheet in-between to achieve homogenous
and endocrown was bonded to its corresponding tooth with finger stress distribution and minimization of the transmission of local force
pressure, excess cement was removed immediately with a microbrush. peaks.The load at failure manifested by an audible crack and confirmed
A customized loading device then used to apply constant load 3 Kg by a sharp drop at load-deflection curve recorded using computer
parallel to the long axis of each restoration to prevent rebounding of software (Bluehill Lite Software Instron® Instruments). The load
the restoration during cementation, then light activated at each surface required to fracture was recorded in Newton. (Figures 4, 5 and 6) Data
for 20 seconds according to manufacturer’s instructions. recorded were collected, tabulated and statically analyzed.
Descriptive Statistics
Fracture MODE
Results In this group the most common pattern of fracture was fracture
above the CEJ which recorded (60% repairable) (Figures 2 and 4) and
One way ANOVA showed statistically significant differences the fracture below the CEJ which recorded (40% irreparable).
between studied groups and post hock test showed significant
differences between GP (1301.34 ± 177.12) and GE (717.33 ± 198.59) The fracture patterns in group GE (IPS e.max CAD endocrown
and between GE (717.33 ± 198.59) and GS (1522.64 ± 352.52) while crown): In this group the most common pattern of fracture was below
between GP and GS there was no statistical significant difference. the CEJ which recorded the highest percentage of the fracture pattern
(80% irreparable), and the lowest percentage of the fracture pattern
The highest mean value of maximum load (Fracture resistance) was was recorded for the fracture pattern occurred above the CEJ (20%
found in GS (CERASMART) (1522.64 ± 352.52) followed by GP (Fiber repairable).
post) (1301.34 ± 177.12), the lowest mean value of maximum load
(Fracture resistance) was found in GE (E.max) (717.33 ± 198.59). The fracture patterns in group GS (CERASMART endocrown
crown): In this group the most common pattern of fracture was
Fracture mode fracture above the CEJ which recorded the highest percentage (70%
repairable), and the lowest percentage fracture pattern was recorded
The fracture patterns in group GP (IPS e.max CAD with fiber post for the fracture pattern occurred below the CEJ (30% irreparable).
and core retained crown):
Page 6 of 9
Discussion surface easily and their stress absorbing properties, for all this
advantages CERASMART were selected in this study on other hands
Premolar teeth with extensive loss of coronal tooth structure have the previous study didn’t evaluated the mechanical performance of the
traditionally been restored by means of a cast metal or fiberglass hybrid ceramic CERASMART endocrowns in maxillary premolars
reinforced composite post and Crown [12]. Concerns regarding such a [25].
procedure include the risk of root perforation and the need for
removal of sound tissue in the root canal to facilitate the room for the The unique composition of CERASMART allows the material to
post material, thus weakening the tooth-root complex. Moreover, the have modulus of elasticity similar to that of dentin (18 ± 2 GPa) with
benefit of a post in the root canal for the overall retention of the 220 MPa to 240 MPa flexural strength, (150) which is slightly higher
successive reconstruction in general is being questioned in recent years than feldspathic ceramics (151) Convectional ceramics in general are
[13]. exhibited more rigidity with high flexural strength and flexural
modulus, this material tend to be stronger but more brittle than hybrid
Clinical results from long-term studies up to 17 years with crowns ceramic, while hybrid ceramic exhibited high flexural strength and low
cemented on composite core build-ups have failed to demonstrate the flexural modulus to be less brittle and more flexible in order to absorb
merits of a metal post on the tooth survival in the presence of adequate high stress loading [24-26].
ferrule effect [14,15]. The introduction and application of fiber
reinforced composite posts has changed the view on the subject. The In vitro testing was used because it over comes the many limitations
use of glass fiber posts has gained acceptance, particularly on associated with clinical testing such as individual variation by creating
premolars and anterior teeth. Their modulus of elasticity is similar to a controlled environment. These tests provide a guideline about the
dentine, allowing better dissipation of masticatory loads through the load bearing capacity of the different systems on prosthetic restoration
tooth, which does not occur with cast metal posts [16]. The amount of like crowns may provide information that is closer to the clinical
remaining ferrule seems to be the predominant factor for tooth situation than testing material properties on standardized samples
survival in extensively structurally compromised non-vital teeth [17]. [27].
Compared to other indirect restorative alternatives that may require In this study, human teeth were used instead of bovine, metal or
root canal therapy, provision of an endocrown is a relatively easy, cost- plastic teeth because of their bonding characteristics, thermal
effective procedure that requires less chairside time, supragingival conductivity, modulus of elasticity and strength that closer to clinical
margins facilitate plaque control and clinical inspection [18]. In situation [28]. Attention was paid to the selection of teeth with
addition, endocrown allows minimal tooth reduction and thus comparable sizes, in which the teeth were selected to be of approximate
strengthens the tooth, by preserving sound dental tissue and root canal similarity in size and shape with 10% maximum deviation from the
structures [19]. determined mean to eliminate any extreme variation for the maxillary
Endocrown restorations seemed to eliminate the need for posts and
buildups. For Several factors including the differences in Posterior premolar teeth were used on previous studies [9,21]
configuration/design, thickness, and elastic moduli, less expansive, showed non-satisfactory performance of premolar endocrowns in
time saving and more practical that endocrowns have compared to comparison to molar endocrowns in action of occlusal forces, and
conventional systems [20]. bond strength. This may be due to the smaller surface area of the pulp
chamber and using restoration material with less bonding effect to the
By avoiding the ferrule, which is typically found in conventional teeth.
crowns and can be described as a ‘bracing mechanism’ of the
restoration around the cervical tooth structure may cause the loss of Maxillary premolar teeth were chosen because the performance of
sound enamel and dentin tissues that would be important for proper premolar endocrowns with CERASMART hybrid ceramic may
bonding of the restoration. In addition its reduce the need for macro- improve the bonding to the tooth structure and improve the flexure
retentive geometry, and provide a more esthetic result being strength by the stress absorption ability as this not evaluated before in
constructed from ceramic [21]. any previous study.
Today, a large variety of CAD/CAM materials is available, from A specially designed centralizing device was used to embed the
resin composite and silica-based ceramics to high-strength ceramics teeth vertically in the center of the epoxy resin blocks to ensure the
[22]. position standardization. Teeth were embedded in epoxy resin 2 mm
below the cemento enamel junction to mimic the position if the root in
Though various machinable materials are available for all ceramic the bone. Epoxy resin was used as it modulus of elasticity (12 GPa)
restoration using CAD/CAM systems, IPS e.max CAD block was resemble that of the human bone (18 GPa) [29]. All teeth were
selected in this study due to long term clinical success, stability and less decapitated perpendicular to the long axis 2 mm coronal to the
laboratory steps, in addition the good bonding characteristic to the proximal CEJ in order to simulate the compromised condition of
tooth structure as it etchable ceramic [23]. severely damage endodontically treated teeth premolars [29,30].
Hybrid materials have recently been introduced to the dental Teeth were prepared according to clinically established preparation
market and form a new class of CAD/CAM materials. The new hybrid criteria for all ceramic endocrowns using a special milling machine to
ceramic CERASMART join the market since 2014, it’s a nanoparticle- ensure standardization of the preparation [31,32]. The development of
filled high-density composite resin, which contains 71% of filler Cerec CAD-CAM systems and software offers several advantages in
particles by weight [24]. clinical practice.
Since CERASMART has particular benefits such as less brittle and First with the change in the grinding system from discs to a stepped
more flexible compared to conventional ceramics, fewer flaws and cylindrical diamond bur and a cylindrical diamond with a tapered tip,
irregularities were observed, the possibility to modify or repair the the more flexible CAD-CAM shaping technique allows custom shaping
Page 7 of 9
and more precise milling of ceramic crowns. Furthermore, the As regards to fracture resistance, the physiologic maximal occlusal
adaptation of the inner surface of a restoration and the replication of force may vary up to (500 N) depending on facial morphology and age
the occlusal morphology are better [33]. [45] study results of serval studies reported that mean loading force
ranged between 222 to 445 N (average, 322.5 N) in the premolar región
Second endocrowns can be produced and seated in one
[46,47]. In this study, the mean fracture loads for different tested
appointment. Despite these advantages, there are clinical problems
groups were beyond the mean reported maximum masticatory forces.
with the depth of the optical impression to record the crown, pulp
Therefore, it can be assumed that all the tested specimens could with
chamber, and sometimes part of the canal [33].
stand the maximum intraoral posterior masticatory forces. The highest
The limited optical depth of Feld might result in a blurred image of mean value of maximum load (Fracture resistance) was found in
the central retention cavity of the endodontic preparation if adjacent (CERASMART) (1522.64 ± 352.52) followed by (Fiber post) (1301.34
teeth limit the position of the camera head. With improvements in the ± 177.12), the lowest mean value of maximum load (Fracture
intra-oral three-dimensional Omnicam camera CEREC 3D unit resistance) was found in GE (E.max) (717.33 ± 198.59).
without need to use reflective medium making the capture images
Regarding to the design, the result obtained in this study showed
easier and faster, while the depth scale is extended to about 20 mm
that post and core with 2mm ferrule effect supported IPS exam cad
through “double triangulation”, thereby, overcoming this limitation
crown recorded a statistically significant higher mean value fracture
[34]. CEREC MC XL milling machine was used for all the restoration
load (1301.34 ± 177.12) than endocrowns made of IPS e.max (717.33 ±
to insure standardization of the restorations.
198.59), this probably due to smaller adhesion area of IPS e.max
A strict adherence to the bonding protocols for each material was endocrown compared to post and core. On other hands, Schmidlin et
followed according to the manufacture recommendations in order to al. [48] indicated the presence of ferrule effect witch distribute the
eliminate variables during the bonding procedures. stresses of the endodontically treated tooth.
The endocrowns were cemented using BisCem (Bisco Inc., Ma et al. [49] reported the value of ferrule which increases fracture
Schaumburg, IL, USA) dual-cure adhesive resin cement as most of strength and minimizes loss of bond of conventional all ceramic
study [35-37] suggested that the resin cement provide chemical and restorations.
micromechanical bonding to the tooth structure. The luting
This result were agreement with Lin et al. [50] and another study 9
procedures followed the clinical total etch protocol to ensure a close
who reported that the stress values on the enamel, dentin and luting
simulation of clinically relevant conditions.
cement for ceramic endocrown restorations were the lowest relative to
Combination between total etch combination between total etch conventional crown restorations supported with fiber posts and
and self-adhesive cement reported to increase the bond strength and composite cores while smaller surface area of premolars for adhesion
provide high retention [38,39] in addition it acts as an inherent and the greater crown height, which compromises the mechanical
buffering layer that is able to absorb stresses during load application properties of the endocrown.
leading to increasing the fracture resistance values of the restoration
This was opposed by Biacchi et al. [51] who reported that with the
adhesive technique creating a sufficient ferrule might cause loss of
Surface treatment of CERASMART all currently available in vitro tooth structure and result in compromised bonding strength, because
studies found HF acid etching in combination with silane to be a enamel is preferred to dentine bonding, this contradictory finding
superior pretreatment [41]. The application of HF acid partially might be related to the difference in the material and methodology
dissolves the glass phase and provides undercuts in the micrometer between studies. Where Biacchi et al. used Rely X cement to perform
scale for better micromechanical interlocking with a composite their study rather than Biscem.
cement. However, the recently published working instruction of the
Regarding to the materials used for the fabrication of endocrowns
International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry (IAAD) confirms the
with butt joint design, the result obtained in this study showed that
finding of the other laboratory studies and recommends pretreatment
endocrowns made of CERASMART recorded a statistically significant
via HF acid etching and application of a silane [41,42] The silica-based
higher mean value fracture load (1522.64 ± 352.52) than endocrowns
ceramic part of the hybrid ceramic seems to determine the best choice
made of IPS e.max CAD (717.33 ± 198.59). This may be attributed to
of surface pretreatment [43].
the boding strength of CERASMART to the tooth structure and stress
The samples testing was done by applying compressive load using a absorption nature of hybrid ceramic composition with breaking energy
universal testing machine along the long axis of the endocrown using a (2.2 MPa) while the IPS e.max CAD has breaking energy (0.6 MPa).
load applicator in the form of stain less-steel round tip with a 3.4 mm Moreover, due to the low Flexural Modulus of CERASMART (7.9 GPa)
diameter centered in occlusal surface between the buccal and lingual and high Flexural Modulus of e.max CAD (32.3 GPa) [24].
cusp with tin foil sheet in-between to achieve homogenous stress
This results were in agreement with El-Damanhoury et al. [7] who
distribution and minimization of the transmission of local force peaks,
reported significantly higher fracture resistance of hybrid ceramic
at crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min until failure [29].
endocrowns than IPS e.max CAD endocrowns.
Compressive lading until fracture represented a worst-case scenario.
This was opposed by Stona et al. [52] who reported that IPS
It does not replicate what take place in the clinical oral environment, in
Empress CAD and IPS e.max CAD showed higher fracture resistance
which teeth are subjected to masticatory forces over a long period of
compared with CEREC VITABLOCS Mark II. finding might be related
time which may cause fatigue resulting in tooth fracture. However, this
to the difference in the material used in their study.
test would at least detect differences between different treatment
modalities regarding their strength. This method of testing has been Regarding to the materials and design, the result obtained in this
widely used in previous studies [44]. study recorded a non-statistically significant mean value fracture load
between endocrowns with butt joint design made of hybrid ceramic
Page 8 of 9
CERASMART (1522.64 ± 352.52) and post and core with 2mm ferrule Recommendations
effect supported IPS exam cad crown (1301.34 ± 177.12). This may be
attributed to the bonding strength of CERASMART to the tooth In-vivo studies should be conducted to help the clinician predict the
structure and stress absorption nature of hybrid ceramic composition clinical performance of CERASMART endocrowns.
with breaking energy (2.2 MPa) while the IPS e.max CAD has breaking
energy (0.6 MPa) [24]. Acknowledgements
CERASMART endocrowns cemented with All- Bond (Bisco) No acknowledgements
resulted in higher fracture resistance than the controls. It must be
considered that the adhesion of the restoration is dependent on the Conflict of Interest
type of cement used moreover, it can be expected that the greater the
adhesion of the restoration, the better the stress distribution within the No conflict of interest
system, thus resulting in higher fracture resistance. Not less important,
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