Liquidating Dividend
Liquidating Dividend
Liquidating Dividend
Note that ABC records only its share of XYZ's distributed earnings and makes no
entry for the undistributed portion. The carrying amount of the investment is still the
original cost of $100,000.
of dividend income recognized by Investor each year under the cost method. and the
reduction of the carrying amount of Investor's investment in Investee when appropriate
are as follows:
(3) Cash
lnvestment in Investee i,000
Dividend Income 'l 1,000
Record receipt of 20X3 dividend from Investee.
$12,000: $120,000 x 0.10
$1,000 = ($310,000 $3oO,O0o) + 0 10
$1 1,000 = ($120,000 -
gjo,0O0) + o.1O
Once the investor has recorded a liquidating dividend, the comparison in future periods
between cumulative eamings and dividends of the investee stroutA be based on the date
of the last liquidating dividend rather than the date the investor acquired the investee's
stock. In this example, Investor Company records liquidating clividends in 20X3 and
20X4' In years after 20X4, Investor compares earning.s and dividends of Investee from
the dalte of the most recent liquidating cliviclend in 20X4 rather than comparing from
January 2,20X1. Inve stor considers the entire dividend paid in 20X5 to be a distribution
of earnings.
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