Satisfaction High School Student's To The Condition and Service of School Canteen

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Customer satisfaction plays an important role within a business. Not only it is the

leading indicator to measure customer loyalty and identify unhappy customers, it is also a

key point of differentiation that helps to attract new customers in competitive business

environments. Therefore, satisfaction is a person’s feeling of disappointments resulting

from comparing a products perceived performance relation to his/her expectations. If the

performance falls short of expectation, the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance

matches the expectation customer is satisfied.

According to the Department of Education is strongly committed to support

student’s health and well-being through its curriculum in schools and range initiatives

that offer opportunities for physically fit individuals who love eating healthy food.

Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-being programs,

including food and nutrition education. They help eliminate malnutrition and serve as a

venue for the development of desirable eating habits among students. By virtue of Dep.

Ed. Order No 14. S, 2005, the Instruction to Ensure Consumption of Nutritious and Safe

Foods in Schools that all schools must have school canteens is indicated. This is

reiterated by Dep. Ed Order No. 8 s of 2007 implementing guidelines on the school

canteen. Canteens should serve as venue for the development of eating habits.

They should serve as a laboratory for Home Economics, retail trade and in

incidental teaching of health and nutrition. They shall provide hands-on training for

students on planning, purchasing, handling and storage, preparation, serving and storage

of safe and nutritious meals.

With this, preparation of food requires attention to raw materials, personal hygiene,

kitchen hygiene and especially in controlling the temperature at which foods are kept in

all food handling operations, including cooking, cooling, reheating and distribution.

Proper hygiene standard for rural school cafeterias should be developed in order to

improve hygiene and promote students’ health.

As stated under Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation of the Philippines,

a food establishment should include sanitation requirements for food service structure

and facilities. It describes the requirements for food handlers as well as regulation after

using toilet and washing facilities, and disposal of refuse and vermin control. Knowledge

and compliance with the requirements of the sanitation code by the food service operators

will ultimately result to their own benefit since customers prefer eating in clean and

sanitary premises. The maintenance of high standards of sanitation in the food service

operation cannot be compromised by the management. Sanitation should be treated as a

way of life in food service because laxity in sanitation rules can mean illness for

customers. To maintain high standards sanitation, management must be familiar with

sanitation laws and ordinances that govern the operation of food service business.

All canteens have the responsibility to provide safe food. Safe food means that it is

prepared, cooked, transported and served in a way that it will retain nutrients and

minimize bacterial contamination and growth.

This code is further emphasized on Article 8 of the Local Government Code that

the duty of the health officer is to direct the sanitary inspection of all business

establishments selling food in accordance with the sanitation code. School canteen is an

indispensable unit which is primarily constructed for the benefit of the learners in all

levels of schooling. Hence, school canteen plays an important role in promoting good

nutrition because it can give students a taste for healthy food, support nutrition messages

taught in class and show better choices for lunch and snacks. Good food gives students all

the nutrients to grow and to develop to be able to concentrate and learn well in school.

Handling food poorly can also reduce the quality of the food being served. With

this information, there is a need to look into such practices for its effective and efficient

functioning, as well as the services being offered in distributing the foods to learners as

customers. It is then the canteen manager who is responsible for ensuring food safety for

the welfare of the students as customers. Therefore, to determine the safety of food being

served in school canteens one should know everything about food safety and hygiene.

Canteens have responsibilities to provide safe food.

Food should always be handled with care under the most sanitary condition.

Otherwise, it may be exposed to microorganisms that can cause illnesses. A food handler

should always be conscious of proper hygiene.

Food safety must be observed and strictly implemented in schools where students

buy their snacks and lunch during the break time at the school canteen and street vendors

near the school campus. Proper sanitary requirements must be complied by 5 food

establishments to ensure safety of the students and avoid or prevent cases of food

poisoning and spread of food borne diseases (Sun Star Bacolod News Paper, 2010).

This study focused on the school canteen of Father John Karash Memorial High

School, the services and foods that they are offering. Father John Karash Memorial High

School support student’s health and physical well-being. The saying goes, “Healthy body

is a healthy mind.” The establishment and operation of a school canteen is important.

Therefore, the Father John Karash Memorial High School canteen management should

offer healthy food at affordable prices. Thus, greater effort must be exerted in its

operation, either by the school administration or hired entity who handles the operation.

Among the factors to be considered is the quality of service offering to the

student’s and other customers. Therefore, it is imperative that service quality be given an

utmost importance since will result in recognizing the amount of approval from the

student’s and the furtherance of their support.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the Satisfaction of Father John Karash Memorial

High School Student’s to the condition and service of school canteen, School Year 2019-


Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What is the condition of school canteen in terms of:

2.1 Food & Safety

2.2 Service & Condition

2.3 Price

3. What is the best way in order to improve school canteen services?

Conceptual Framework

The figure 1 represents the research paradigm of the study wherein the input

contains some information about the Satisfaction of Father John Karash Memorial High

School Student’s to the condition and service of school canteen during the school year


On the other hand, the process of the study is done with the aid of questionnaire

survey and statistical treatment of data. After gathering all the information and data

needed the results of their study will be presented in Statistical Treatment such as table

showing the percentage on how the respondents answer each and every question.

The output of the study, the researchers found out the factors affecting the

satisfaction of students to the school canteen. The outcomes are revealed by obtaining the

information gathered from students.

Research Paradigm


1. What is the profile of the  Descriptive The researcher

respondents in terms of:  Questionnaire found out the factors that
 Statistical
1.1 Age Treatment of poor service and high food
1.2 Gender price affect the satisfaction

2. What is the condition of of students to the school

school canteen in terms canteen


2.1 Food & Safety SATISFACTION OF

2.2 Service & Condition

3. What is the best way in STUDENT’S TO THE

order to improve school
canteen services? CANTEEN, SCHOOL
YEAR 2019-2020.

Figure 1. Research paradigm shows the input, process and output of the study.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the status of the school canteen, particularly

identifying the aspects in the operation that should be improved. Likewise, it was the

objective of this study to evaluate the difficulties encountered by the Father John Karash

Memorial High School Student’s as to the kind of service that they received. Finally, this

research may provide opportunities for reflective thought and thereby enhance

professionalism among members of the cooperative, so that they improve efficiency and

offer delicious yet affordable food.

To the students, this research would help to have a detailed analysis of satisfaction

of the canteen service and food. The results would give knowledge and ideas about their

schoolmates’ level of satisfaction and they would be able to evaluate on their own.

To the parents, this research would give the parents knowledge about their

children’s level of satisfaction in the canteen’s service and food. They would be aware of

how the canteen staffs treat their children and how the food that their children consume

affects them.

To the teachers, this study would give the teachers knowledge about the student’s

level of satisfaction in the canteen’s service and food.

To future researcher, the proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher

as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research attempts to determine the student’s satisfaction in the terms of the

canteen service provided: such as Service and Condition, Taste of Food, Price and

Cleanliness of the Canteen. After considering these, the study also attempts to identify

the best action to be undertaken to improve Father John Karash Memorial High School

canteen services.

The researcher limited this research to the Father John Karash Memorial High

School Students by the use of sampling method. It consists of 10 respondents each from

the student’s from Grade 7 to Grade 12. Questionnaires were distributed to Students of

Father John Karash Memorial High School for the S.Y 2019-2020.

Definition of Terms

Canteen - is a place where food is provided in a military camp, college or other

organization, or a small container for holding drinking liquids.

Students – refer to the respondents of the study or the main character of the study

Questionnaire – refers to the printed material used to gather material

Service Attributers - the serving approach of a server towards its customer.

Condition – refers to something such as an additional service provided by an organization

or an extra feature on a machine which is useful but not essential

Food - refers to any substance taken into and assimilated by a plant or animal to keep it

alive and

Variety - refers to different choices among products

Satisfaction – refers to contentment/fulfilment of one’s wants/needs.

Price – refers to the value of the canteen’s product in exchange for currency

Product - refers to anything that the canteen may sell to the students.



This chapter reviews related literature and studies which serves as frame of

reference for this study. Related literature and studies, foreign and local, are presented

such that some of the present study’s variables have been tackled.

Local Literature

According to Arboleda (2010), food industries are inevitable especially in a

country of endless works. We need a place where we can eat while we work and study. A

school is a place where there are many activities that uses up its student’s energy. A

school provides a canteen as a place where students can eat and relax and regain the

energy for the rest of the day. She also said that ambiance and atmosphere is a very

important attribute that a canteen must have.

According to Tamano , 2011, a canteen not only matters in its function to sell

different kinds of food, but its ability to make students socialize and develop friendships,

to be a study place for people where they can maintain mental power, and a place to just

sit back, relax and take a break from all the school works.

Foreign Literature

According to Dana (2016) , Nutrition is very relevant in improving a student’s

ability to learn. It is very important to choose the right and proper equipment’s to be used

in preparing the food for the students as well as the equipment’s the students will use.

Having properly prepared food will boost the satisfaction of the student.

The State Government of Victoria (2016) , school canteens and other school food

services are important educational resources. They have an important role in the

provision of food to students and the school community as well as being an integral part

of the school environment. The school canteen should reflect the educational goals of the

school and support and complement student learning. When consumed daily, the food

provided through the school canteen may comprise a third of a student’s total daily intake

and have a significant influence on their health and nutrition. This show how important

the school canteen is and how it plays its role on the students’ daily lives. It is said the

canteen reflects the educational goals of the school, so it means the more the canteen is

well managed then the more its goals and values are being uphold.

According to the State Government of Victoria (2016), the proper ways of

managing a school is by properly determining the product, price, place, and promotion.

Place means it is the environment of the canteen in which the foods and drinks are

arranged in order to be sold properly. The demeanour of the canteen must be properly

upheld in order to maintain the canteen’s image in a positive or good way. The canteen

must be an attractive place. It must be appealing to the people in order to attract more

customers. It must be well maintained in order to remain its ambiance and make the

people who visits it enjoy their time. In creating the layout, design and appearance of the

canteen, consider if it has plenty of room and space, it is easily accessed by the people,

and must be well maintained. One of the most looked factors of a canteen is the price.

Price is the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something.

The canteen must ensure that they offer a selection of low-cost items that can fill the

hunger of the students and ensure their vitamin needs. They must offer students products

that they can buy with their small change/pocket money. Promotion is the further

development or growth of something. The school canteen must promote by properly

communicating with the customers and encourage them in buying foods that are healthy.

Promotions can be simple and positive that is concerned only with the health of the

students. When we consider a certain product, we must also include the image of the

canteen as a whole and not just the sold item itself. We consider the canteen’s

environment, way of product promotion, and the relationship of the canteen to the school


Local Studies

According to Cartagena (2014), schools are the best places in implementing

solutions to the problems in nutrition since the students, teenagers, and young adults

spend more time in school than being at home. This means they eat more in school rather

than at home. This statement shows how important that the canteens must satisfy the

students because it shows that they spend more time eating in school than at their own


According to Yumul, et. Al , (2014), in the research conducted by the students

Tarlac State University, the authors recommended that good ambience, cleanliness, and

taste of food are the main satisfactory condition that students look for. The factor that

most students are dissatisfied with is the price. They recommended that the school

canteen understand the situation of the students that they cannot afford the price of their

food on a regular basis and offer the “AMBULA” to give the students an option for their


Foreign Studies

According to Bhardwaj, (2011), Canteen service is one of the welfare activities

that the Government of India provided to its defence forces and their families. The

canteen has many effects on the living standard of the defence personnel. The idea of

canteen is founded way back in the early twentieth century. Its sole purpose was to

provide food and a facility to the British Troops stationed in India. The canteens played

their role in uplifting the standard of living of the defence personnel by giving their 50

percent of the remaining profit towards providing safe and secure environment for

shopping, lowering market product prices, and boosting the morale by making them

exclusive consumer of largest retail network of India. The canteen had many different

importance back then. They not only sell food buy they helped the society to function

more properly in order to grow and develop more.



This chapter shows the methods and techniques of the study, the population and

samples the data gathering procedure, and also the statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The researcher used descriptive design and gathered information through the use

of survey questionnaire as an instrument in collecting data.

Population of the study

The subject of the study will be taken among Senior High School Students of

Father John Karash Memorial High School.

There are 60 respondents that will be randomly selected from Grade 7 to Grade


Locale of the study

The study was conducted at Father John Karash Memorial High School involving,

60 students from Grade 7 to Grade 12.

Sampling Procedure

To assure the validity and reliability of the result of the study, the researcher

made used of random sampling specifically the fishbowl technique where in all the

students have equal chances to be selected as respondents.

Research Instrument

Questionnaire, this instrument is used to determine the Satisfaction of Father John

Karash Memorial High School Student’s to the condition and service of school canteen

during the school year 2019-2020.

The questionnaire was divided into three parts. Part 1 contained the background

information of the respondents while Part 2 elicited data about Satisfaction of Father John

Karash Memorial High School Student’s to the condition and service of school canteen

and the Part 3 best way to improve the school canteen services.

Statistical Instrument

After the questionnaires were retrieved, the data gathered were tallied,

tabulated and interpreted using the formula of the weighted mean and were percentage.



This chapter shows the data gathered by the researcher were tabulated, analyse

and interpreted.

The table shows that the majority of the respondents are age 15 with 13 or 21%

and the least is age 19 with 1 or 1.67%.

Table 1: Age of the Respondents


12 10 17%

13 11 18%

14 6 10%

15 13 22%

16 7 12%

17 10 17%

18 2 3%

19 1 2%

TOTAL 60 100%

The table 3 shows the majority in gender is female with 33 or 55% and the least

with 27 or 45% is male.

Table 3: Gender of the Respondents


MALE 27 45%

FEMALE 33 55%

TOTAL 60 100%

Table 4 shows the weighted mean of Food and Safety and ranked them according

to their weighted mean by 1-6, which rank 1 is the cleanliness of the food, rank 2 is the

flavour of food, rank 3 is food choices, rank 4 is the food are based on DepEd standard,

rank 5 is the ingredients used in food and the last rank is the freshness of food, and

weighted accordingly 3.72, 3.63, 3.62, 3.55, 3.53, 3.52 which are SATISFIED.

Table 4: Food and Safety


Food Choices 4 SATISFIED 3

The Freshness of Food 4 SATISFIED 6

The Flavour of Food 4 SATISFIED 2

The Ingredients used 4 SATISFIED 5

In Food

The Cleanliness of 4 SATISFIED 1

The Food

The Food are based on 4 SATISFIED 4

DepEd standards

Table 5 shows the weighted mean of Service and Condition of School Canteen

and Ranked them according to their weighted mean by 1-6, which the rank 1 is the

attitude of canteen staff with 3.65 or Satisfied, rank 2 is the behaviour of canteen staff

with 3.58 or Satisfied, the rank 3 is trashes are properly segregated with 3.52 or Satisfied,

rank 4 is canteen staff are clean and neat with a mean of 3.4 which is NEITHER, rank 5

is decoration re bright and cheerful with a mean of 3.35 which is NEITHER, and the last

rank is Serving line is clean with 3.27 which is also NEITHER, neither satisfied or not


Table 5: Service and Condition


Decorations are Bright 3 NEITHER 5

and Cheerful

Trashes are properly 4 SATISFIED 3


Serving line is Clean 3 NEITHER 6

Canteen staff are Clean 3 NEITHER 4

and Neat

The Attitude of the Canteen 4 SATISFIED 1


The Behaviour of Canteen 4 SATISFIED 2


The table 6 shows the summarize of weighted mean of Price namely the food

prices are affordable, food prices are reasonable for serving, eating in the canteen fits my

weekly budget with 3.75, 3.65, 3.53 which shows that the students are Satisfied with the


Table 6: Price


The food prices are affordable 4 SATISFIED 1

Food prices are reasonable 4 SATISFIED 2

for the serving

Eating in the canteen fits my 4 SATISFIED 3

weekly budget

The Table 7 shows that 43 or 54% is Keep your food service and food display area

and the equipment clean is the best way to improve school canteen, 17 or 22% is A

suggestion box in the counter is a great way for students to give feedback is the best way

to improve school canteen, 11 or 14% is Group similar menu items in section,(e.g. main,

snacks, hot foods, drinks) is the best way to improve school canteen, and the least of 8 or

10% is create a welcoming environment is the best way to improve school canteen

Table 7: The Best way Improve School Canteen Services


Keep your food service and food 43 54%

display area and the equipment clean

Create a welcoming environment 8 10%

Group similar menu items in section, 11 14%

(e.g. main, snacks, hot foods, drinks)

A suggestion box in the counter is a 17 22%

Great way for students to give feedback

TOTAL 79 100%




The study attempted to find out the Satisfaction of Father John Karash Memorial

High School Student’s to the condition and service of school canteen. Specifically, it

aimed to describe student’s profile in terms of age and gender.

Data needs, were gathered using questionnaire which were administrated to 60

samples of the respondents.

The study revealed that most of the respondents are SATISFIED in terms of Food,

Safety, Service, Condition and Price with an Weighted Mean of 3.5 above, and most of

the respondents choose Keep your food service and food display area and the equipment

clean is the best way to improve school canteen with 43or 54%.


Based on the summarized result of this study, the researchers made the following


1. Most of the respondents is FEMALE and the least is MALE, and most of the

respondents is 15 years old and the least is 19 years old.

2. Most of the respondents are SATISFIED in terms of Food and Safety of

School Canteen in all statement.

3. The study shows that respondents are SATISFIED in 3out of 6 statement and

the other is NEITHER in terms of Service and Condition.

4. Most of the respondents are SATISFIED in terms of the Price of Food of

School Canteen in all statement.

5. The study shows that most of respondents are chose Keep your food service

and food display area and the equipment clean as the best way to improve

school canteen


1. The school canteen must improve their Food quality and Safety of their food

to get a higher satisfaction rate.

2. School canteen staff must improve their service and the condition of the

school canteen.

3. The school canteen must change their pricing of food for more students to


4. School canteen must keep their food service and food display area and the

equipment clean.


Arboleda (2010, July 13) “Food Service Industry in the Philippines” retrieved from

Bhardwaj (2011) “Canteen Services: A study on the canteen services and its effect on the
living standard of defence personnel” retrieved from

Boriquen (2016), “A research about the canteen satisfaction level of the Grade 9
student’s of Holy Angels School f Caloocan” retrieved from

Cartagena (2014) “Are the foods and drinks in your school canteen healthy? An
Assessment of the Nutritional Value of the Foods and Drinks sold at the School
Canteens of De La Salle Araneta University” retrieved from

Dana (2016, January 7) “The quality of cafeteria equipment is just as importance as the
food itself” retrieved from www.student

Dela Cruz, Sigua, Narciso, Magsilang et. al (2017), “Senior high school satisfaction on
the food services provided by the school canteen of Caluluan High School”

State Government of Victoria (2016). “Healthy Canteen Kit” retrieved from

State Government of Victoria (2016). “Healthy Canteen Policy” retrieved from

Tamano (2011, September 4) “Governance lessons from a canteen” retrieved from

Yumul, Longga, Dimmal, Mariano, Sotto, and Pangilinan (2014) “Level of Student’s
Satisfaction of TSU Cafeteria Services” retrieved from


APPENDIX A: Letter to the Respondents
October 2019
Dear Respondents,

We are grade 12-STEM of Father John Karash Memorial High Schools are

currently conducting our undergraduate thesis as one of the requirements in completing

our lesson.

In this regard, we are conducting a survey about High School Students

Satisfaction on the Food Services provided by the School Canteen of Father John Karash

Memorial High School and you are the one of the chosen respondents of our study.

Please answer this questionnaire honestly and completely. Rest assured that the data or

information to be gathered from you will be treated with confidentiality and will be used

solely for the purpose of the study.

Thank You!!
The Researchers,

APPENDIX B: The Questionnaire
Part 1
Direction: Please fill up the needed information in the space provided.
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
Age: ____
Gender: __________
Grade & Section: ____________________
Part 2
Direction: Please check and rate the FJKMHS canteen based on the Level of Satisfaction
where in:
1 = Very Dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Neither
4 = Satisfied 5 = Very Satisfied
1. What is the condition of school canteen in terms of:
1.1 Food
1.2 Service & Condition
1.3 Safety
1.4 Price

Food & Safety 5 4 3 2 1

Food Choices
The freshness of Food
The Flavor of Food
The ingredients used in food
The cleanliness of food
The food are based on DepEd
Service and Condition 5 4 3 2 1
Decoration are Bright and Cheerful
Trash are properly segregated
Serving line is clean
Canteen staff are Clean and Neat
The attitude of the canteen staff
The behavior of canteen staff
Price 5 4 3 2 1
The food prices are affordable
Food prices are reasonable for the
Eating in the canteen fits my weekly

Part 3
Direction: Please choose in the following statement and check the best way to improve
the school canteen services.
 Keep your food service and food display area and the equipment clean.
 Create a welcoming environment.
 Group similar menu items in section. (e.g. mains, snacks ,hot foods ,drinks)
 A suggestion box by the counter is a great way for students to give feedback.

APPENDIX C: Table 4. Food and Safety


Food Choices 4 SATISFIED 3

The Freshness of Food 4 SATISFIED 6

The Flavour of Food 4 SATISFIED 2

The Ingredients used 4 SATISFIED 5

In Food

The Cleanliness of 4 SATISFIED 1

The Food

The Food are based on 4 SATISFIED 4

DepEd standards

APPENDIX D: Table 5. Service and Condition


Decorations are Bright 3 NIETHER 5

and Cheerful

Trashes are properly 4 SATISFIED 3


Serving line is Clean 3 NIETHER 6

Canteen staff are Clean 3 NIETHER 4

and Neat

The Attitude of the Canteen 4 SATISFIED 1


The Behaviour of Canteen 4 SATISFIED 2


APPENDIX E: Table 6. Price


The food prices are affordable 4 SATISFIED 1

Food prices are reasonable 4 SATISFIED 2

for the serving

Eating in the canteen fits my 4 SATISFIED 3

weekly budget

APPENDIX F: Table 7. The Best way Improve School Canteen Services


Keep your food service and food 43 54%

display area and the equipment clean

Create a welcoming environment 8 10%

Group similar menu items in section, 11 14%

(e.g. main, snacks, hot foods, drinks)

A suggestion box in the counter is a 17 22%

Great way for students to give feedback

TOTAL 79 100%


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