Ee6502 MM QB2

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To study the Architecture of uP8085 & uC 8051
To study the addressing modes & instruction set of 8085 & 8051.
To introduce the need & use of Interrupt structure 8085 & 8051.
To develop skill in simple applications development with programming 8085 &
8051 To introduce commonly used peripheral / interfacing
Hardware Architecture, pinouts – Functional Building Blocks of Processor – Memory
organization – I/O ports and data transfer concepts– Timing Diagram – Interrupts.
Instruction -format and addressing modes – Assembly language format – Data transfer,
data manipulation& control instructions – Programming: Loop structure with counting &
Indexing – Look up table - Subroutine instructions - stack.
Hardware Architecture, pintouts – Functional Building Blocks of Processor – Memory
organization – I/O ports and data transfer concepts– Timing Diagram – Interrupts-
Comparison to Programming concepts with 8085.
Study on need, Architecture, configuration and interfacing, with ICs: 8255 , 8259 ,
8254,8237,8251, 8279 ,- A/D and D/A converters &Interfacing with 8085& 8051.
Data Transfer, Manipulation, Control Algorithms& I/O instructions – Simple
programming exercises keyboard and display interface – Closed loop control of servo
motor- stepper motor control –Washing Machine Control.
Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic circuits.
To understand and apply computing platform and software for engineering problems.

1. Krishna Kant, “Microprocessor and Microcontrollers”, Eastern Company Edition,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi , 2007.
2. R.S. Gaonkar, „Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Application‟, with
8085, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
3. Soumitra Kumar Mandal, Microprocessor & Microcontroller Architecture,
Programming & Interfacing using 8085,8086,8051,McGraw Hill Edu,2013.
1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi & Janice Gilli Mazidi, R.D.Kinely „The 8051 Micro
Controller and Embedded Systems‟, PHI Pearson Education, 5th Indian reprint, 2003.
2. Valder – Perez, “Microcontroller – Fundamentals and Applications with Pic,” Yeesdee
Publishers, Tayler & Francis, 2013.

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EE 6502 / Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Unit I- 8085 Processor

PART-A (2-Marks)

1. What is meant by Level triggered interrupt? Which are the interrupts in 8085 level triggered?
Triggering is used to enable the signal to make circuit active or to do its function. It is normally
by using the clock signal . It can be a negative level triggering in which the circuit is active when the clock
signal is low or a positive level triggering in which the circuit is active when the clock signal is high.

RST 6.5 ,RST 5.5 INTR, TRAP are the level triggered interrupts

2. To obtain a 320ns clock what should be the input clock frequency? What is the frequency of clock
signal at CLK OUT?

The input clock frequency must be 6.25 MHZ to obtain 320ns.The input clock signal frequency
at CLK OUT is 3 MHZ.

3. What is TRAP interrupt and its significance?

TRAP is a Non Maskable Interrupt. It means that it is unaffected by any mask or interrupt
enable. It has the highest priority. It is edge and level triggered which means it must go high and remain
high until it is acknowledged.

4. Define the function of parity flag and zero flag in 8085? May/June 2012

Parity flag is defined by the number of ones present in the accumulator. After an arithmetic or
logical operation if the result has an even number of ones. i.e. even parity the flag is set ,if the parity is
odd flag is reset.
Zero flag sets if the result of operation in ALU is zero and flag resets if result is non zero.

5. What is the function of program counter in 8085? April /May 2013

It is a special purpose register which at a given time stores the address of the next instruction to
be fetched. It acts as a pointer to the next instruction.

6. Write down the control and status signals of 8085. Nov/Dec 2012

Two Control signals and three status signals

Control signals: RD and WR Status signals: IO/M, S1, S2

7. Specify the size of data, address, memory word and memory capacity of 8085 microprocessor.
8085 operate 8bit data. The 8085 has 16 address lines, hence it can access (2 )
64 Kbytes of memory

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8. Draw the schematic of latching low order address bus in 8085 microprocessor. (N/D’11)

9. What are the flags used in 8085? NOV/Dec 2013

Sign, Zero, Parity, Carry and Auxiliary Carry

10. What is ALE? ? NOV/Dec 2013

ALE is Address Latch Enable.

The ALE signal goes high at the beginning of each machine cycle indicating the availability of the
address on the address bus, and the signal is used to latch the loworder address bus.

11. Specify the function of Address bus and the direction of the information flow on the address
bus? Nov./Dec 2012 (R 2004)

The address is an identification number used by the microprocessor to identify or access a

memory location or I / O device. It is an output signal from the processor. Hence the address bus is

12. What do you mean by masking the interrupt? How it is activated in 8085?

Masking is preventing the interrupt from disturbing the current program execution. When
the processor is performing an important job (process) and if the process should not be interrupted
then all the interrupts should be masked or disabled. In processor with multiple 'interrupts, the
lower priority interrupt can be masked so as to prevent it from interrupting, the execution of
interrupt service routine of higher priority interrupt

13. What are the two limitations of the 8085 that may not allow it to qualify entirely as a μP?

i. The lower order address buses (AD7-AD0) need to be demultiplexed

ii. Appropriate control signals need to be generated to interface peripherals
14. Define T-state and in which T-cycle the ALE signal is activated?

T-State is defined as one subdivision of the operation performed in one clock period. These
subdivisions are internal states synchronized with the system clock, and each T-State is precisely equal
to one clock period.

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15. What is a flag?

The data conditions, after arithmetic or logical operations, are indicated by setting or
resetting the flip-flops called flags.

16. Differentiate Software and Hardware interrupts.

The Software interrupt is initiated by the main program, but the hardware interrupt is initiated by
the external device. In 8085, Software interrupts cannot be masked or disabled, but in hardware
interrupts except TRAP all other interrupts can be masked.

17. Define i) Instruction cycle ii) Machine cycle

i) The sequence of operations that a processor has to carry out while executing the
instruction is called Instruction cycle. Each instruction cycle of a processor indium consists of a
number of machine cycles.
ii) The processor cycle or machine cycle is the basic operation performed by the
processor. To execute an instruction, the processor will run one or more machine cycles in a
particular order.
18. What is the need for a timing diagram?
The timing diagram provides information regarding the status of various signals, when a
machine cycle is executed. The knowledge of timing diagram is essential for system designer to
select matched peripheral devices like memories, latches, ports, etc., to form a microprocessor

19. Why are the program counter and the stack pointer 16-bit registers?
Memory locations for the program counter and stack pointer have 16-bit addresses. So
the PC and SP have 16-bit registers.

20. List the main applications of 8 bit microprocessors?

(i) LCD (ii) Microcomputer (iii) Keyboard display

21. Explain the instruction SIM and RIM?
RIM: Read Interrupt Mask- It is a single byte instruction. This Instruction Copies or loads the
accumulator with eight bits indicating the current status of the interrupt masks. It also reads the
serial data through the SID pin.
SIM: Set Interrupt Mask- It is a single byte instruction. This instruction read the content of the
accumulator and enable or disable the interrupt according to the content of the accumulator. It
also sends out serial data through the SOD pin.
22. What is the use of an Instruction Decoder?
The processor first fetches the opcode of instruction from memory and stores this opcode in the
instruction register and then to the instruction decoder. The instruction decoder decodes it and
accordingly gives the timing and control signals which control the register, data buffers, ALU and
external peripheral signals depending on the nature of the instruction.

23. What do you mean by stack pointer

The stack pointer is a reserved area of the memory in the RAM where temporary information
may be stored. A 16- bit stack pointer is used to hold the address of the most of the stack entry.
24. State the machine cycle of 8085?
Opcode fetch, Memory Read, Memory Write, I/O Read, I/O Write, Interrupt acknowledgement
and Bus idle

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25. State the five interrupt signals of 8085

26. Explain the General Purpose Registers?

There are six general purpose registers – B, C, D, E, H & L. These registers can be used as
separate 8 bit registers or 16 – bit register pairs as BC, DE and HL. When used in register pair
mode, the higher order byte resides in the first register and the lower order byte in the second
register. HL pair also functions as a data pointer or memory pointer. These are used to store the
data and retrieved during any arithmetic and logical operation.
27. What is meant by Enable interrupt and disable interrupt?
Enable interrupt ( EI) – it is a single byte instruction which is used to set the interrupt enable flip
flop and enable the interrupt process
Disable Interrupt ( DI) - it is a single byte instruction which is used to reset the interrupt enable
flip flop and disables the interrupt process
28. What is the function of Data transfer?
These instructions perform the following six operations:
  Loads an 8 bit number in a register 
  Loads 16 bit number in a register pair 

  Copy from a register to another register 

  Copy between register and memory 

  Copy between I/O and accumulator 

 Copy between registers and stack memory 

29. Difference between Memory mapped I/O and peripheral Mapped I/O?
Characteristics Memory mapped I/O peripheral Mapped I/O
Device address 16 bit 8 bit
Control signals for input/ _____ _____ ___ ___
output MEMR / MEMW IOR / IOW
Instructions used STA, LDA, ADD M, SUB M IN & OUT
Data transfer Between any registers and Between I/O and the
I/O accumulator
Maximum number of I/Os The memory map (64k) is The I/O map is independent of
possible shared between I/Os and the memory map, 256 input
memory devices and 256 output
devices can be connected
Execution Speed 13 T states ( STA, LDA) 10 T states
7 T states ( MOV M, R)

30. Define CLOCK OUT and RESET OUT?

CLOCK OUT: this signal can be used as the system clock for other devices
RESET OUT: This signal indicates that the MPU is being reset. The signal can be used to
reset other devices.

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1. What is the different control machine control instructions used in 8085 microprocessor? M/J 2013

EI-Enable Interrupt
DI-Disable interrupt
NOP- No operation
HLT- Halt, SIM, RIM.

2. What is the function of stack? M/J 2013

Stack is s portion of Read /Write memory location set aside by the user for the purpose of
storing the information temporarily. When the information is written on the stack the operation is PUSH
and when the information is read from the stack it is POP. The type of operation performed in stack is
LIFO( last in first out)

3. Mention the similarity and difference between compare and Subtract instructions (M/J 2014)
This instruction compares the given numbers by subtracting it and gives the result if the number
is greater than, lesser than or equal to the status of sign and carry flag will be affected.
This instruction subtracts the two given numbers and the flag registers will not be affected.

4. State the purpose and importance of NOP instruction. M/J 2014

NOP – No operation This instruction does not perform any operation. It can also be used to
make the clock signals to go in wait state that is delay time can be increased.

5. What are the types of addressing modes of 8085.M/J2012, N/D 2013?

1. Immediate
2. Direct
3. Register
4. Indirect
5. Implied

6. What is the use of branching instructions? Give examples. M/J2012

These instructions allow the processor to change the sequence of the program either
conditionally or unconditionally or under certain test conditions. These include branch instructions,
subroutine call and return instructions.
7. State the function of given 8085 instruction: JP, JPE, JPO, JNZ. (A/M’11)

JP – 16 bit Address – Jump on Plus JPE – 16 bit Address – Jump on Even Parity

JPO – 16 bit address – Jump on Odd Parity JNZ – 16 bit address – Jump on No Zero

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8. How is PUSH B instruction executed? Find the status after the execution (A/M’11)

This instruction decrements SP by one and copies the higher byte of the register pair into the memory
location pointed by SP. Then decrements the SP again by one and copies the lower byte of the register
pair into the memory location pointed by SP.

Ex: SP=2000H, DE=1050H

9. Why do we need look up table? (N/D’11)

To store the complex parameters in the program memory. It reduces computational complexity. Eg:
SIN table.
10. How are the 8085 instructions classified according to the functional categories? (N/D’11)

Data Transfer, Arithmetic, Logical, Branching, Machine Control.

11. What is a stack in an 8085 microcomputer system? N/D 2012
Stack is s portion of Read /Write memory location set aside by the user for the purpose of
storing the information temporarily. When the information is written on the stack the operation I s
PUSH and when the information is read from the stack it is POP. The type of operation performed in
stack is LIFO last in first out.
12. What is indexing? N/D 2012
Indexing allows the programmer to point or refer the data stored in sequential memory
locations one by one.

13. Give two examples for two byte and three byte instruction. M/J 2012 (R2004)
1. MVIA, 08
2. IN CO……..2 byte instruction
1. LDA 4500
2. STA 5000……3 byte instruction

14. What happens when the RET instruction at the end of the subroutine is executed? N/D 2012
This instruction pops the return address (address of the instruction next to the CALL instruction
in the main program) from the stack and loads program counter with this return address. Thus transfers
program control to the instruction next to Call in the main program.

15. What are the instructions associated with the subroutine. N/D2013

CALL 16 bit address: The program sequence is transferred to the address specified by the
operand. Before the transfer, the address of the next instruction to CALL( the contents of the program
counter) is pushed to the stack.

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RET - RETURN: The program sequence is transferred from the subroutine to the calling program.
The two bytes from the top of the stack are copied into the program counter and the program execution
begins at the new address. The instruction is equivalent to POP program counter.

16. What is the significance of ‘XCHG’ and ‘SPHL’ instructions?

‘XCHG’-Exchange the contents of HL register pair with DE register pair ie the contents of register
H are exchanged with the contents of register D and the contents of register L are exchanged with the
contents of register E
SPHL-store the contents of HL register pair to the stack pointer. The contents of H register
provide the higher order address and the contents of L register provide the low order address. The
contents of H and L registers are not altered

17. What do you mean by Looping, Counting and Indexing?

Looping: In this tech the program is instructed to execute certain set of instructions repeatedly
to execute a particular task number of times.
Counting: This tech allows programmer to count how many times the ins of instruction are executed.
Indexing: This tech allows programmer to point or refer the data stored in sequential memory location
one by one.

18. Show the different instruction formats used in 8085. Give examples
(i) One byte instruction –CLR A (ii)
Two byte instruction -MVIA, 00 (iii)
Three byte instruction-STA 5000
19. Define Opcode and operand?
The operation to be performed is called Opcode. The data to be operated is called operand.
20. Give the difference between JZ and JNZ?
JZ change the program sequence to the location specified by the 16-bit address if the zero flag
is set and JNZ change the program sequence to the location specified by the 16-bit address if the zero
flag is reset.
21. Explain the need of software interrupt?
Executing a group of instruction number of times can generate the time delays in few microseconds.
These software timers are called time delay or software delays. It is necessary to keep time delays
between 2 transitions.
22. What is subroutine?
A Subroutine is a group of instructions which performs a particular subtask, which is executed
number of times. It is written separately. The microprocessor executes the subroutine by transferring
program control to the subroutine program. After completion the program control is returned back to
the main program. It is a very important technique in designing software for microprocessor systems
because it eliminates the need to write a subtask repeatedly: thus it uses memory more efficiently.

23. Differentiate between CALL / RET and PUSH / POP?


1 These instructions are used for the These instructions are used to store register data
execution of subroutine temporarily in memory
2 CALL instruction stores the address of the PUSH instruction stores register contents in the
next instruction stack
3 RET instructions loads the address from POP instruction gets the register content from
stack into program counter the stack

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24.What is meant by immediate addressing mode?
In an immediate addressing mode 8 or 16 bit data can be specified as a part of instruction. ‘I’
indicates the immediate addressing mode. Eg; MVI A, 20 H
25. What is meant by register addressing mode?
The register addressing mode specifies the source operand, destination operand, or both to be
contained in an 8085 registers. This results in faster execution, since it is not necessary to access
memory locations for operand. Eg : MOV A, B

26. What is meant by direct addressing mode?

The direct addressing mode specifies the 16 bit address of the operand within the instruction itself.
nd rd
The 2 and 3 bytes of the instruction contain this 16 bit address.

Eg: LDA 2050 H

27. How does the microprocessor know how and when to start?
As soon as the Reset key is pushed, the program counter places the memory address 0000H on
the address bus, the instruction at that location is fetched and the execution of the key monitor
program begins. Therefore the key monitor program is stored on page 00H

28. What happens in a single board microcomputer when the power is turned on and the

Reset key is pushed?

When the power is turned on, the monitor program stored either in EPROM or ROM comes alive.
The reset key clears the program counter and the program counter holds the memory address 0000H.
some system automatically reset when the power is turned ON ( called power-on Reset)
29. What is an assembler?
An assembler is a program that translates the mnemonics into their machine code. It is generally not
available on a single board microcomputer.

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1. Give the memory size of 8051microcontroller. ( April/may -2010)

The 8051 microcontroller consists of

 4096 bytes On-chip program memory(ROM) 

 128 bytes On-chip data memory(RAM) 
2. Give the details of PSW register in 8051. ( April/may -2010, May/June -2012,
May/June -2014)

3. List the alternative functions assigned to Port 3 pins of 8051

microcontroller (April/may -2011)
The alternative functions of PORT 3 pins are:


P 3.0 (RXD) Serial data Input
P 3.1 (TXD) Serial data Output
P 3.2 (INT0) External Interrupt 0
P 3.3 (INT1) External Interrupt 1
P 3.4 (T0) External timer 0 Input
P 3.5 (T1) External timer 1 Input
P 3.6 (WR) External memory write pulse
P 3.7 (RD) External memory read pulse
4. Mention the size of DPTR and Stack Pointer in 8051 microcontroller. (April/may -
The Data Pointer (DPTR) is a 16 bit data Register and Stack pointer (SP) is 8 bit

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5. What are the main features of 8051 microcontroller? (May/June -2012)

The features are:

 Single_supply +5 volt operation using HMOS technology. 

 4096 bytes program memory on chip (not on 8031) 
 128 data memory on chip. 
 Four register banks. 
  Two multiple mode,16-bittimer/counter. 
 Extensive boolean processing capabilities. 
 64 KB external RAM size 

6. What are the addressing modes of 8051? (May/June -2013, Nov/Dec-2011)
The addressing modes of 8051 are:
a. Immediate.
b. Register.
c. Register indirect.
d. Direct.
e. Indexed.
7. What is the function of R register in 8051? (May/June -2013)
The 8051 uses 8 "R" registers which are used in many of its instructions. These "R"
registers are numbered from 0 through 7 (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, and R7). These registers are
generally used to assist in manipulating values and moving data from one memory location to
8. Mention the purpose of PSEN and EA in 8051 microcontroller. (May/June -2014)
 PSEN: 
If external ROM is used for storing program then a logic zero (0) appears on it every
time the microcontroller reads a byte from memory.
 EA: 
By applying logic zero to this pin, P2 and P3 are used for data and address transmission
with no regard to whether there is internal memory or not. It means that even there is a
program written to the microcontroller, it will not be executed. Instead, the program written to
external ROM will be executed. By applying logic one to the EA pin, the microcontroller will use
both memories, first internal then external (if exists).

9. List the interrupt sources in 8051. (May/June -2014)

There are 5 interrupts which occurs in 8051
 3 Internal Interrupts provided by 
Timer flag 0
Timer flag 1
Serial port interrupt (R1 /T1)
 2 External Interrupt provided by 
( PORT PIN 3.2)

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10. List the on-chip peripherals of 8051 microcontroller. (Nov/Dec-2011)
 Program memory 
 data memory 
 4 parallel ports 
  serial port 
 timers and 
interrupt controller
11. How many ports are bit addressable in 8051 microcontroller. (Nov/Dec-
2012) P0, P1, P2 & P3 (all the four ports are bit addressable)
12. Give an example of DA instruction of 8051 microcontroller. (Nov/Dec-2012)

  DA A Decimal Adjust of the accumulator 
 It occupies 1 byte and 
 has 12 Oscillator period 

13. Explain the mode3 of 8051 serial ports? (Nov-2009)
In this mode,11 bits are transmitted(through TXD)or received(through RXD):a start
bit(0), 8 data bits(LSB first),a programmable 9th data bit ,& a stop bit(1).In fact ,Mode3 is
the same as Mode2 in all respects except the baud rate. The baud rate in Mode3 is variable.
In all the four modes, transmission is initiated by any instruction that uses SBUF as a
destination register. Reception is initiated in Mode0 by the condition
RI=0&REN=1.Reception is initiated in other modes by the incoming start bit if REN=1.

14. Write A program to perform multiplication of 2 no’s using 8051? (NOV-

2009) MOV A, data 1

MOV B, #data


MOV DPTR, #5000

MOV @DPTR, A (lower value)




15. What is memory mapping? (may/june 2011)

Memory mapping may refer to: Memory-mapped file, also known as mmap()Memorymapped
I/O, an alternative to port I/O; a communication between CPU and peripheral device using the same
instructions, and same bus, as between CPU and memory Virtual memory, technique which gives an
application program the impression that it has contiguous working memory, while in fact it is physically
fragmented and may even overflow on to disk storage.

16. Write short notes on interrupt priority.

ISR-Interrupt service routine stores all the levels that are currently being serviced.

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17. List the operating modes of 8255A PPI?

(i) Two 8-bit ports (A and B)

(ii) Two 4-bit ports (Cu and CL)

(iii) Data bus buffer

(iv) Control logic

18. What is USART?

USART is an integrated circuit. It is a programmable device; its function and specifications
for serial I/O can be determined by writing instructions in its internal registers.

19. Name any four additional hardware features available in microcontrollers when compared
to microprocessors.
• Two multiple mode
• 16 bit timers/counters
• Four register banks
• integrated Boolean processor

20. Write the steps necessary to initialize a counter in write operations?
• Write a control word into the control register
• Load the low-order address byte
• Load the high order byte



1. What are the different ways to end the interrupt execution in 8259 PIC? (A/M’11)

AEOI (Automatic End of Interrupt) mode the ISR bit is reset at the end of the second INTA
pulse. Otherwise, the ISR bit remains set until the issue of an appropriate EOI command at
the end of the interrupt subroutine.

2.What is the function of Scan section in 8279 programmable keyboard/Display controller?


Scan section which has two modes (i) Encoded Mode (ii) Decoded Mode
Encoded Mode: In this mode, Scan counter provides a binary count from 0000 to 1111 the
four scan lines (SC3 – SC0) with active high outputs.
Decoded Mode: The internal decoder decodes the least significant 2 bits of binary count and
provides four possible combinations on the scan lines (SC3- SC0) : 1110,1101,1011 and

3. Draw the ‘mode word’ format of 8251 USART. (N/D’11) (N/D’12)

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4. State the use of ISR and PR registers in 8259 PIC. (N/D’11)

ISR- Interrupt service Register Stores all the levels that are currently being serviced.
PR– Priority Resolver determines the priorities of the bits set in the IRR (Interrupt Request
register). The bit corresponding to the highest priority interrupt input is set in the ISR during
the INTA input.
5. What are the salient features of INTEL 8259 Programmable interrupt controller? M/J

1. It manage eight Priority interrupt request.

2. The interrupt vector addresses are programmable.
3. The8259 are programmed to accept either the level triggered or edge
triggered Interrupt request.
4. The interrupt can be masked or unmasked individually.
5. 8259 helps to get the information of pending interrupts, in-service interrupts
and masked interrupts
6. How data is transmitted in asynchronous serial communication? M/J ‘14
Data is transmitted by setting transmission enable bit in the command
instruction. When transmitter is enabled and CTS =0 the transmitter is ready to transfer data
on Tx D line. The data bits is framed with one start bit and stop bits and then transmitted.

7. What are the applications of D/A converter interfacing with 8255? M/J ‘12
Generating square, triangular and sine waveform, used in automatic process control

8. What is keyboard interfacing? M/J 12

Keyboard interfacing is interfacing an input device. Push button switches are
simple keyboard interface one input line is required to interface one key and this number will
increase with number of keys. It is in the form of matrix with rows and columns and at the
intersection a switch is present.

9. What are the different peripheral interfacing used with 8085 processor? M/J 13

8255PPI, 8279 Keyboard and display controller, 8251 USART, 8259 PIC and
8254 - timer
10. What are the output terminals in USART 8251? M/
J 13 RD, WR
11. What is the need for 8259 PIC?
It is necessary to solve multiple interrupt requests (more than five) we use an
external device called a PIC. It is possible to increase the interrupt handling capacity of
the microprocessor. When executing an interrupt an ISR can be serviced.

12. What are the basic modes of 8255? N/D 2013

1. BSR mode
2. I/O mode which is operated in mode 0, mode 1 and mode 2
13. What are the operating modes of IC 8253 / 8254 Timer?
There are 6 operating modes in IC 8254 Timer they are
Mode 0: Interrupt on Terminal Count

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Mode 1: Hardware – Triggered one shot

Mode 2 – Rate Generator
Mode 3 – Square wave generator
Mode 4 – Software triggered strobe
Mode 5- Hardware triggered strobe

14. What is key de bouncing?

The push button keys when pressed, bounces a few times, closing and opening the
contact before providing a steady reading. The reading taken during the bouncing period may
be wrong. Therefore, microprocessor must wait until the key reach to a steady state known as
key debounce.

15. What is the difference between A/D and D/A converters?

Digital-to-analog is used to get a proportional analog voltage or current for the digital
data given out by the microprocessor. An ADC converts the input analog voltage levels to the
corresponding discrete digital signals.

16. Define the following terms for D/A converters.

i) Resolution: Resolution of a converter determines the degree of accuracy in
conversion.It is equal to 1/2n.
ii) Accuracy: Accuracy is the degree to which information on a map or in a digital
database matches true or accepted values. Accuracy is an issue pertaining to the quality of
data and the number of errors contained in a dataset or map.

iii) Monotonicity : If a clock has monotonicity, then each successive time reading from that
clock will yield a time further in the future than the previous reading.
iv)Conversion time: The time required by an analog to digital converter to fully convert
and analog input sample.

17. List the features of 8279.

(i) It has built in hardware to provide key debounce.
(ii) It provides two output modes for display interface : Left and Right entry
(iii) It provides three input modes for keyboard interface: Scanned keyboard
Mode, Scanned sensor matrix mode and strobed input mode.
(iv) It provides multiplexed display interface with blanking and inhibit options.
18. How is DMA initiated?

When the IO device needs a DMA transfer, it will send DMA request signal to the
DMA controller. The DMA controller in turn sends a HOLD request to the processor.
When the processor receives a HOLD request, it will drive its tristated pins to high
impedance state at the end for current instruction execution and send an acknowledge
signal to the DMA controller. Now the DMA controller will perform DMA transfer

19. What are the different types of DMA?

Cycle stealing (or Single transfer) DMA, Block transfer (or Burst Mode)
DMA and Demand transfer DMA.

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20. What is Cycle stealing DMA?

In Cycle stealing DMA, the DMA controller will perform one DMA transfer in
between instruction cycles (i.e. in this mode, the execution of one processor
instruction and one DMA data transfer will take place alternatively).

21. What is the function of the GATE signal in timer 8254?

In timer 8254, the GATE signal acts as a control signal to start, stop or
maintain the counting process. In modes 0, 2, 3, and 4 the GATE signal should
remain high to start and maintain the counting process. In modes 1 and 5, GATE
signal has to make low to high transitions to start the counting process and need not
remain high to maintain the counting process.

22. What is meant by doubling the baud rate in the 8051?

We can double the baud rate in 8051 using two ways
i) By doubling the crystal frequency.
ii) By making SMOD bit in the PCON register from 0 to 1.

23. What is the function of C/T bit in TMOD register in timer in 8051?
C/T bit in the TMOD register decides the timer/counter functioning as a counter or a
timer. When C/T = 0, the timer mode is selected and the crystal is used as a source of
frequency. When C/T =1, the counter mode is selected, it gets its pulse from outside the
8051. The counter counts up for each clock pulse applied at the pins of port 3

24.What is meant by Handshake signals in 8255 PPI?

The MPU and peripherals operates at different speed; signals are exchanged prior to data
transfer between the fast responding MPU and slow responding peripherals such as printer
and data converters. These signals are called Handshake signals.
25.What is meant by Over Run error (OE), Parity error (PE) and framing error (FE) in
8251 PCI?
Over Run Error: The OE flag is set when the CPU does not read a character before the
next one becomes available. It is reset by the Error reset (ER) bit in the command instruction.
OE does not inhibit operation of the 8251. However the previously over run character is lost.
Parity Error (PE): The PE flag is set when a parity error is detected. It is reset by
the ER bit of the command instruction. PE does not inhibit operation of the 8251.
Framing Error: The FE flag is set when a valid stop bit is not detected at the end of
every character. It is reset by the ER bit of the command instruction. FE does not inhibit the
operation of the 8251.

26.How does a serial communication classified?

The serial communication are classified according to the direction and data
flow as Simplex transmission- data transmitted in only one direction, eg –
transmission from a microcomputer to a printer.
Duplex Transmission – data flows in both direction. If data gets transmitted one
way at a time called as half duplex and if data gets transmitted in both direction called as
full duplex. Eg transmission between two computers, between a computer and a terminal.

27.What are the types of priority modes in 8259 PIC?

Fully Nested Mode, Automatic rotation mode, specific rotation mode and end of

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28.What is meant by two key lockout and N key roll over in 8279?
The keys are automatically de bounced and the keyboard can operate in two modes:
i) Two key Lock out – In this mode if two keys are pressed almost simultaneously,
only the first key is recognized.
ii) N key roll over- In this mode simultaneous keys are recognized and their codes are
stored in the internal buffer; it can also be set up so that no key is recognized until one
key remains pressed.

29.Explain the mode3 of 8051 serial ports? (Nov-2009)

In this mode, 11 bits are transmitted (through TXD )or received (through
RXD):a start bit(0), 8 data bits(LSB first),a programmable 9th data bit ,& a stop bit(1).In fact
,Mode3 is same as Mode2 in all respects except the baud rate. The baud rate in Mode3 is
variable. In all the four modes, transmission is initiated by any instruction that uses SBUF as a
destination register. Reception is initiated in Mode0 by the condition RI=0 &
REN=1.Reception is initiated in other modes by the incoming start bit if REN=1.

30.List the operating modes of 8255A PPI?

(i) Two 8-bit ports (A and B)
(ii) Two 4-bit ports (Cu and
CL) (iii) Data bus buffer
(iv) Control logic

31.Compare between Synchronous and Asynchronous Data transmission?

S.NO Synchronous Data Transmission Asynchronous Data transmission

1 In this transmission, both transmitter In this transmission, both transmitter and
and receiver are synchronous with the receiver are not synchronous with the
common CLK signals common clock (CLK), they use separate clock
2 In this mode, the framing bits are sent Framing bits are sent along with each
along with block ( at the beginning of character ( at the beginning and end of the
block) character)
3 The speed of the synchronous data The speed of the asynchronous data
transmission is higher than 20K bauds transmission is less than 20K bauds.
4 Framing information is SIM character Framing information is start and stop bits
5 It is always implemented through It is implemented through software




1. List the different types of 8051 instructions. ( April/may -2010, Nov/Dec-

2011) The different types of 8051 instructions are:

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a. Logical Instructions
b. Arithmetic Instructions
c. Data transfer Instructions
d. Branch Instructions
e. Jump & CALL Instruction

2. What are the various operations performed by Boolean variable instructions of 8051?

Boolean variable instructions perform the following operations

AND(AND logical) ANL
OR(OR logical) ORL
XOR(Exclusive OR logical) XRL

3. What is the operation of the given 8051 microcontroller instructions: XRL A,

direct? (April/may -2011)
XOR each bit of A with the same bit of the direct RAM address and the result is stored in
A (Acc).

4. Draw the flow chart for the programming of serial port of 8051 (May/June -2012)

5. What are the applications of 8051 microcontroller? (May/June -2012)

The applications of 8051 microcontroller are:
• Automobile
• Aeronautics
• Mobile communication
• Robotics
• Remote sensing etc.,

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6. How is the pulse generated from microcontroller for stepper motor control (May/June
- 2013)
To cause the stepper to rotate, we have to send a pulse to each coil in turn. The 8051
does not have sufficient drive capability on its output to drive each coil, so there are a number
of ways to drive a stepper, Stepper motors are usually controlled by transistor or driver IC like
ULN2003. Driving current for each coil is then needed about 60mA at +5V supply.

7. Why do we need opto-isolator circuit between microcontroller and the stepper

motor? (Nov/Dec-2011)
Opto-isolator are widely used to isolate the stepper motor’s EMF voltage and keep
it form damaging the digital microcontroller system.

8. Why interfacing is needed for 1/0 devices? (Nov-2009])

Generally I/O devices are slow devices. Therefore the speed of I/O devices does not match with
the speed of microprocessor. And so an interface is provided between system bus and I/O

9. What is the operation carried out when 8051 executes the instruction MOVC A,
@ A + DPTR? (Nov-2007)
This instruction loads the accumulator from the contents of program memory whose address
is given by the sum of the contents of accumulator and contents of DPTR register (A) ‹— ((A)
+ (DPTR))

10. Write program to load accumulator, DPH, &DPL using 8051? (Nov-2007)
MOV A,#30

11. Write a program to perform multiplication of 2 numbers using 8051? (NOV-

MOV A,#data 1
MOV B,#data 2
MOV DPTR,#5000
MOV @DPTR,A(lower value)

12. Write a program to mask the 0th &7th bit using 8051? (APRIL-2009)
MOV A,#data
ANL A,#81
MOV DPTR,#4500

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14. Write a program to subtract 2 8-bit numbers &exchange the digits using
MOV R0,#40

15. Explain PUSH and POP instructions in 8051.

PUSH-The stack pointer is incremented by one. The contents of the indicated
variable is then copied into the internal RAM location addressed by the stack pointer.
POP-Reverse of PUSH operation.

16. How many ports are bit addressable in an 8051 microcontroller?(N/D ‘12’)
In 8051 there are many bit-addressable registers such as A (ACC), B, SCON,
PCON, TCON, p0, p1, p2, p3.

17. Write a program to find the 2’s complement using 8051?( NOV-2008)

18. Explain rotate instructions of 8051.


19. Explain DAA instruction of 8051.

Decimal adjust accumulator for addition bytes

20. What does the mnemonics “LCALL” and “ACALL” stands for? (Nov/Dec-2012)
There are two subroutine CALL instructions. They are LCALL (Long CALL)
ACALL (Absolute CALL). Each increments the PC to the 1st byte of the instruction
& pushes them in to the stack.

21. What are the use of PWM in motor control using microcontroller?
The speed of the dc motor depends on the applied voltage. The average applied dc
voltage and power can be varied using a technique called pulse width modulation. In this
technique the dc power supply is not a voltage of fixed amplitude ie it is a pulsating DC
voltage. By changing the pulse width we can change the applied power.

22. Calculate the reload value of timer1 for achieving a baud rate of 4800in 8051 for a
crystal frequency of 11.0592MHz?
TH = 256 – k * Oscillatory frequency
384 * Baud rate

= 256 – 1*11.0592*10E6 / 384*4800

= 250 = FAH

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23. List the features of ADC0804?

i) 8-bit successive approximation ADC
ii) Access time is 135ns
iii) Conversion time is 100µs
iv) It has an on chip clock generator
v) It does not require any zero adjustment
vi) It operates on single 5V power supply.

24. What is the output of the program?

XRL A, # 3F H
The contents of A register will be 3F H and the contents of R0 will be the initial contents of A

25. What are the different addressing modes of microcontroller 8051? ( A/ M -2008)
i) Register addressing
ii) Direct byte addressing
iii) Register indirect addressing
iv) Immediate addressing
v) Register specific
vi) Index

26. Give the PSW setting for making register bank 2 as default register bank in 8051
microcontroller ( M / J 2007)
MOV A, R0 ; (A) ‹— (R0) FROM BANK 2
SUBB A, R1 ; A ‹— A- (R1) FROM BANK 0

The above program is to subtract the contents of R1 of BANK0 from the contents of RO
of Bank 2.



1. Describe the functional block diagram of 8085. (M/J 12) ,(A/M’11)

Architecture of 8085:
The 8085 is a single chip N-MOS device implemented with approximately 6200
transistors, 40 pin dual inline package. It consists of various functional blocks as listed below.

a) Registers
b) Arithmetic and Logic Unit

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c) Instruction decoder
d) Address buffer
e) Address / Data buffer
f) Increment / Decrement address latch
g) Interrupt control
h) Serial I/O control
i) Timing and control circuitry
a) Registers:
It has eight addressable 8-bit registers (A, B, C, D, E, H, L, and F) and two 16-bit
registers (SP, PC). Registers are further classified as four types.
i. General purpose register:
B, C, D, E, H and L – 8 bit registers
BC, DE and HL – 16 bit register pair. For storing and reading data from the
register, bus access is not required.
ii. Temporary register:
Temp. Data register, W and Z register. These temporary data registers are used
to hold 8-bit data during the execution of some instructions.
iii. Special purpose registers:
1) Register A (Accumulator):
Tristate 8 bit register used in arithmetic, logic, load and store equations and
I/O operations. Mostly the result of ALU may stored in register A
2) Flag register:
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
of bit 3 i.e. Carry from lower nibble to higher nibble. (D3 bit to D4 bit)

P – Parity flag Parity is defined as the number of ones present in

CY –Carry flag Carry flag is set if there is an overflow out of bit 7. The carry
flag also serves as a borrow flag for subtraction.

It is the reserved area of memory in the RAM where temporary information

may be stored. A 16-bit SP is used to hold the address of the most recent stack
b) ALU:
It performs arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction and logical
operations such as AND, OR, EX-OR, Complement etc.

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2. 2. Describe the functional pin diagram of 8085. (M/J 12), (May/June 2014)


The signals of 8085 can be classified into 7 groups according to their functions.
i. Power supply and frequency signals
 VCC +15V

  VSS Ground

  X1 & X 2 clock signals
  Clock out
ii. Data bus and address bus
  AD0 – AD7
  A8 – A15
iii. Control and status signals
  ALE (Address Latch Enabled)

  & 
  IO / , S0 & S1
 Ready

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If IO / =1 I /O operation is performed.

If IO / =0 Memory operation is performed.
IO / S1 S0 Operation
0 0 1 Memory Write
0 1 0 Memory Read
0 1 1 Opcode Fetch
1 0 1 IO write
1 1 0 IO Read
1 1 1 IO Acknowledge

iv.Interrupt signals
  TRAP
  RST 5.5
  RST 6.5
 RST 7.5

v. Serial I /O signals
  SID
  SOD
vi. DMA Signals
  HOLD
  HLDA
vii. Reset signal
3. How address decoding is done in memory interfaces. (N/D’11)

Memory Interfacing:
While executing a program, the microprocessor needs to access memory quite frequently
to read instruction codes and data, which are stored in memory, the interfacing circuits enable
that success. Both memory and microprocessor require a set of signals to read and write data
from register and memory respectively. The interfacing process involves designing the circuits
that will match the memory requirements with microprocessor signals.

Concept of memory interfacing:

 If microprocessor can access 64 KB memory since it needs 16 address buses (216 ~
 64 KB). Usage of memory depends on application.
 Normally EPROM as a program memory and Ram as a data memory. It also depends on
 application.
 We can select the number of RAM‟s and EPROM‟s as per the requirements of

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 If we implement 32 KB of program memory, but we have 4 KB of EPROM‟s only,
in such case connect 8 EPROM‟s in parallel.

 The memory interfacing requires to
1. Select the chip
2. Identify the register
3. Enable the appropriate buffer

1. Absolute or Full – decoding

2. Linear or Partial decoding
1) Absolute decoding:
Here all the higher order lines are decoded to select the memory chip, and memory chip
is selected only for the specified logic levels on these higher orders address lines, this technique
is used for large memory system.

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4.Draw timing diagrams for the OP code fetch and I/O read machine cycles. May/June 2012

i. Opcode fetch cycle:

Each instruction of the processor has one – byte opcode. The opcodes are stored in
memory. The opcode fetch machine cycle is executed by the processor to fetch the opcode from
memory. The time taken by the processor to execute the opcode fetch cycle is either 4T or 6T

In T4 state, microprocessor decodes the opcode, on the basis of instruction received; it

decides whether to enter state T5 or T1 of the next machine cycle. Generally 1 – byte instructions
those operate on 8 – bit data are executed in T4.
Example: MOV A, B; ANA D; ADD D; RAL and etc.
During T5 and T6, microprocessor performs STACK write, internal 16 – bit write and
conditional write operations depending upon the type of instruction.
Example: PCHL, SPHL, INX H and etc. these are 1 – byte instructions those operate on 16 – bit

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5. With timing diagram, explain the memory read operation in 8085 microprocessor
(A/M’11) (M/J 12)

ii. Memory read cycle:

In this machine cycle, processor places the address and the address lines from the PC, and
through the read process, reads the data from the addressed memory location. The length of
the machine cycle is 3T states (T1, T2 and T3).

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iii. Memory write cycle:

In this machine cycle, microprocessor by the memory write control signal, writes the data
in the memory from accumulator or any specified 8-bit or 16-bit register. The length of the
machine is 3T states (T1, T2 and T3).

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6. Draw the timing diagram for IN and OUT instruction of 8085 and explain. (N/D’11)

I/O read cycle:

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. I/O write cycle:

3. Explain in detail the 8085 interrupt structure. (N/D’11) (M/J 12)


Need for interrupts:

When one or more I/O devices connected to a microprocessor system, any one of them
may demand service at any time. The microprocessor can service these devices in one of the
two ways. One way is to use the polling routine. The other way is to use an interrupt.

Types of interrupts:
The 8085 has multi level interrupt system. It supports two types of interrupts.
  Hardware
 Software

Some pins on the 8085 allow peripheral devices to interrupt the main program for I/O
operations. These types of interrupts, where MPU pins are used to receive interrupt requests, are
called “Hardware Interrupts”.

In software interrupts, the cause of the interrupt is an execution of the instruction.
These are special instructions supported by the microprocessor.

Hardware interrupts in 8085:

The 8085 has 5 hardware interrupts. They are

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2. RST 7.5
3. RST 6.5
4. RST 5.5

Interrupt Structure

When any of these pins, except INTR is active, the internal control circuit of 8085 produces a
CALL to a predetermined memory location. This memory location, where the sub routine starts
is referred to as vector location and such interrupts are called vectored interrupts. The INTR is
not a vectored input. It receives the address of the sub routine from the external device. In 8085,
all interrupts except TRAP are maskable. When logic symbol is applied to a maskable interrupt
input, the 8085 is interrupted only if that particular interrupt is enabled.

This interrupt is a non- maskable interrupt. It has the highest priority. This must go high
and remain high until it is acknowledged since it is edge and level triggered. The positive edge of
TRAP signal sets the D flip-flop. However, due to AND gate, it is necessary to sustain high level
on the TRAP input.

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RST 7.5:
The RST 7.5 interrupt is a maskable interrupt. It has the second highest priority. It is
positive edge triggered and this is stored internally by the D flip-flop until it is cleared by
software reset using SIM instruction or by internally generated ACKNOWLEDGE signal.

RST 6.5 and RST 5.5:

The RST 6.5 and RST 5.5 both are level triggered. This has the third and fourth
priority respectively.

It is a maskable, non-vectored interrupt. In response to the signal, external logic
places an instruction opcode on the data bus. In case of multi byte instruction, additional
interrupt acknowledge machine cycles are generated by the 8085 to transfer the additional
bytes into the microprocessor.

Software interrupts:
The 8085 has eight software interrupts from RST 0 to RST 7. The vector
address for these interrupts can be calculated as follows.
Interrupt number * 8 = vector address


1. Explain the Different types of instruction in 8085. (M/J 12) (A/M’11) (M/J 12)

Instruction Classification:

An instruction is a binary pattern designed in a microprocessor to perform a

specified function. The entire group of instructions is called instructions set. Determine
the function microprocessor can perform. The instructions can be classified as,
a) Data transfer group or data transfer operations
b) Arithmetic operations
c) Logical operations
d) Branching operations
e) Stack, I/O & machine control operations

Instruction Format:

Each instructions has two parts, one is the task to be performed called
operation code (opcode) & other is the data to be operated is called the operand.
Instructions format are further classified into
1. one byte instruction

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Eg: Mov A, B
2. two byte instruction
Opcode operand Eg:
MVI B, 02
3. three byte instruction
Opcode Operand Operand
Eg: JMP 6200H

Opcode Format:

8085 microprocessor has 8 bit opcodes. The opcode is unique for each
instruction about operations, registers to be used, and memory to be used.
Register Opcode
B 000
C 001
D 010
E 011
H 100
L 101
M(memory) 110

A 111

Register pair Code

BC 00
DE 01
HL 10
SP 11

There are different codes for each operation. Some of the codes operations are
given below. function Operation code

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
1 MVI r, data 0 0 D D D 1 1 0
2 LXI rp, data 0 0 D D 0 0 0 1
3 MOV rd, rs 0 1 D D D S S S

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r 8 bit register
rp 16 bit register pair
rs Source register
rd Destination register
DDD Destination register
SSS Source register
DD register pair

2. What are the different addressing modes in 8085? Explain with example. N/D 2012,M/J
2012, (A/M’11) (M/J 12)

Addressing Modes:
The ways that microprocessor can access data ate referred to as addressing modes.
a) Immediate addressing modes
b) Register addressing modes
c) Direct addressing modes
d) Indirect addressing modes
e) Implied addressing modes

8055 Instruction Set:

a) Data Transfer Group:
Here load the given data into register and copy data from register and
copy data from register to memory location and vice versa

1) MVI r, data(8):

Move 8 bit immediate data to register r(r A, B, C, D, E, H,
and L)

Operation : r 8 bit data
No of bytes : 2
Addressing modes: Immediate
MVI B, 60H
This instruction will load 60Hdirectly into B register.
Before execution

MVI B, 60H

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After execution
B 60 C

2) MVI M, data(8):
Move 8 bit data immediate to memory whose address is in HL
register pair.
Operation : M8 bit data
No of bytes : 2
Addressing modes: Immediate

If H=20H and L=50H
MVI M, 40H
This instruction will load 40H into memory whose address is 2050.
3) MOV rd, rs:
Move data from source register to destination register. The content
of source register remains unchanged after execution of the instruction.
Operation : rdrs
No of bytes : 1

4) MOV M, rs:
Move data from source register to memory whose address is in HL
register pair.
Operation : Mrs
No of bytes : 1
Addressing modes: indirect

If HL=2050 and B=30H

5) MOV rd, M:
Move data from memory location specified by HL register pair to rd.
Operation : rdM
No of bytes : 1
Addressing modes: Indirect
6) LXI rp, data(16):
Load 16 bit data immediate to
specified register pair.

rp data
Operation : (16)
No of bytes : 3
Addressing modes: Immedi

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8) LDA addr:
Load data into A register directly form the address given within
instruction. The contents of memory remain unchanged.
Operation : A  addr
No of bytes :3
Addressing modes: direct
If STA 2000H=30H
LDA 2000H

3. Give two examples for data transfer, arithmetic, logic instructions

and branch instructions. N/D2012

Data Transfer Group:

1) MVI r, data (8)
2) MVI M, data (8)
3) MOV rd, rs
4) MOV M, rs
5) MOV rd, M
6) LXI rp, data (16)
7) STA addr
8) LDA addr
9) SHLD addr
10) LHLD addr
11) STAX rp
12) LDAX rp
13) XCHG
Arithmetic group:
In this group addition, subtraction, increment, decrement data in registers (or) in
memory operations to be performed.
1. ADD r: add register „r‟ to accumulator [A, B, C, D, E, F, H, L=>r]

Operations; A A+r
No. of bytes: 1
Address modes: register
E.g.: if A=20H, C=30 ADD C

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2. ADD M: add data in memory to accumulator.

Operations; A A+M
No. of bytes: 1
Address modes: register indirect
E.g.: if A=30H, HL=2050=20H
Before execution after execution

A 30 20 20
A 50
H 20 L 50
H 20 L 50
3. ADI data (8): add immediate 8 bit data to accumulator.

Operations; A (A + data)
No. of bytes: 2
Address modes: immediate
E.g.: if A=50H
Before execution after execution
A 50

4. ADC r: add register r with carry to register

A. Operations; A (A + r + CY)
No. of bytes: 1
Address modes: register
E.g.: if A=50H, B=20H, CY=1
Before execution after execution
CY 1
CY 0

A 50 A 71
B 20 B 20

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1. ADD r
2. ADD M
3. ADI data(8)
4. ADC r
5. ADC M
6. ACI data(8)
7. DAD rp
1. SUB R
2. SUB M
3. SUI data(8)
4. SBB r
5. SBB M
6. SBI data(8)


This instruction is used to adjust accumulator to packed BCD after adding of 2
BCD numbers.

If lower order 4 bit i.e.(D3-D0) in the accumulator is greater than 9 or if auxiliary
carry flag is set, the instruction adds 06(0110) to the lower order four bits.

If higher order 4 bit i.e. (D7-D4)in the accumulator is greater than 9 0r if carry flag
is set, the instruction adds 06(0110) to the higher order 4 bits.
No of bytes: 1
Ex: if A=39
0011 1001
0001 0010

0100 1011 4B BCD

4BH here D3-D0 i.e. lower order nibble in accumulator is greater than 9.

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Since 1011>9
Add 0110 in lower order four bits.
0100 1011

0101 0001 51 BCD
This is the actual result store in accumulator.
Ex: if A=96, D=07
1001 0110
0000 0111



1. INR r r r+1 1 Register

2. INR M M M+1 1 Register

3. INX rp rp rp+1 1 Register

4. DCR r r r-1 1 Register

5. DCR M M M-1 1 Register

6. DCX rp rp rp-1 1 Register

This group instruction allows the microprocessor to change the sequence of the program,
either unconditionally or under certain test codes. The instructions are
1. Jump instruction
2. Call & return instruction
3. Restart instructions

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1. JC Jump on carry CY=1
2. JNC Jump on no carry CY=0
3. JP Jump on positive S=0
4. JM Jump on minus S=1
5. JPE Jump on parity even P=1
6. JPO Jump on parity odd P=0
7. JZ Jump on zero Z=1
8. JNZ Jump on not zero Z=0

In this group, instructions perform logic operations such as
„AND‟,‟OR‟,‟X-OR‟. These instructions „compare data between registers (or)
between register and memory‟, ‟rotate and complement data in register‟.

1) ANA r: AND specified register with accumulator.

Operation: A<-A r No of
bytes: 1 Addressing
mode: register
Flags: all flags are affected. After execution cy=0,ac=1

Ex: If A=AAH; B=0F H

AA= 10101010
0F = 00001111

00001010 =0A

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2) ANA M: AND specified memory with accumulator.

Operation: A<-A r
No of bytes: 1
Addressing mode: register indirect
Flags: all flags are affected. After execution cy = 0, ac=1

Ex: If A=AAh; and (2050) =20;

AA= 10101010
0F = 00100000

00100000 =20

3) ANI data (8): AND the given data immediate with accumulator.

Operation: A<-A r
No of bytes: 1
Addressing mode: immediate
Flags: all flags are affected. After execution cy=0, ac=1

Ex: If A=AA H;
ANA 20
AA= 10101010
0F = 00100000

00100000 =20


4) XRA r A<-A 1 Register All flags
are affected
5) XRA M 1 Register cy=0,ac=1
6) XRA data(8) 2 Immediate cy=0,ac=1
7) ORA r 1 Register cy=0,ac=1
8) ORA M 1 Register cy=0,ac=1
9) ORI data(8) 2 Immediate cy=0,ac=1

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4. Describe with a suitable example the operation of stack. (M/J 12)

Stack Operations:
STACK is a part of read write memory that is used for temporary storage of binary information
during exe of a program.
PUSH and POP are the instructions which are used to write and read the data from
stack respectively.
. In general, stack operation is lightly “last in first out” manner. This stack is
implemented with help of special memory pointer register is called stack.

1. PUSH rp: write the contents from register pair to stack

sp <- sp-1
(sp) <- rph
sp <- sp-1
(sp)<- rpl
If sp = 2200, (DE) = 1050

Push D
SP 2000 1FFD
D 10 E 50 1FFF
H L 2000

B C 1FFE 50
D 10 E 50 1FFF 10
H L 2000

2) PUSH PSW: write the data from accumulator and flag reg to stack

sp <- sp-1
(sp) <- A
sp <- sp-1
(sp) <- F

SP 2000
A 10 F 50

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A 10 F 50 1FFE 50
D E 1FFF 10
H L 2000

3) POP rp: read the content from stack and store on specified reg pair op:
rpl <-(sp)

sp <- sp+1
rph <- (sp)
sp <- sp+2
Ex: If sp = 1FFE, (1FFE) = 50, (1FFF) = 10

B C 1FFE 50
D E 1FFF 10
H L 2000

SP 2000 1FFD
B C 1FFE 50
D 10 E 50 1FFF 10
H L 2000

4) POP PSW: read contents from stack and store in A and flag op:
F <- (sp) Sp <-
sp+1 A <- (sp)
Sp <- sp+2

Ex: If (sp = 1FEEE), (1FFE) = 50 , (1FFF) = 10

A F 1FFF 10

SP 2000 1FFE 50
A 10 F 50 1FFF 10

5) SPHL: copy the contents of HL reg pair into the stack pointer op:
(sp) <- HL

6) XTHL: Exchange the contents of stack and HL reg pair

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H <-(SP+1)

Ex: If (HL) = 3040, sp = 2700

(2700) = 50H
(2701) = 60H


2701 60
2700 50

SP 2700 2701 30
A F 2700 40
H 60 L 50
SP 2700
H 30 L 40

5. Compare the similarities and differences of CALL and RET instructions with PUSH and POP
instructions. (N/D’11)

Branch Operations:
1) Call Instructions

1. CALL addr: call unconditionally a sub routine whose starting addr is given within the
(sp-1) <- pch
(sp-2) <- pcl sp<-
(sp-2) pc <- addr
No of bytes: 3
Addr mode: Immediate reg indirect

2. C condition addr: call the subroutine conditionally at the given addr

if the condition is true
(sp-1) <- pch
(sp-2) <- pcl
sp <- (sp-2)
pc <- addr

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pc <- pc+3

Instruction Description Condition for CALL

CC Call on carry CY =1
CNC Call on no carry CY =0
CP Call on positive S=0
CM Call on negative S=1
CPE Call on even parity P=1
CPO Call on odd parity P=0
CZ Call on zero Z=1
CNZ Call on not zero Z=0

3. RET: return from the subroutine unconditionally op:

pcl <- (sp) pch <-
(sp+1) sp <- sp+2

4. R condition: return from the subroutine conditionally op:

If the cond is true Pcl
<- (sp)
Pch <- (sp+1) Sp
<- sp+2 Else
Pc <- pc+1

Instruction Description Condition for CALL

RC Return on carry CY = 1
RNC Return on no carry CY = 0
RP Return on positive S=0
RM Return on negative S=1
RPE Return on even pairity P=1
RPO Return on odd pairity P=0
RZ Return on zero Z=1
RNZ Return on no zero Z=0

5. Rst n: restart n(0 t0 7) op:

(sp-1) <- pch
(sp-2) <- pcl sp <-
pc <- (n*8) in Hex

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Instruction Vector addr

RST0 0*8 = 0000H
RST1 1*8 = 0008H
RST2 2*8 = 0010H
RST3 3*8 = 0018H
RST4 4*8 = 0020H
RST5 5*8 = 0028H
RST6 6*8 = 0030H
RST7 7*8 = 0038H
RST8 8*8 = 0040H


1. EI: Enable Interrupt
Op: Interrupt enable (F/F) <- 1
2. DI: Disable Interrupt
Op: interrupt Disable (F/F) <- 0
3. NOP: No operation is performed
4. HLT: Halts the processor
5. SIM: Set Interrupt Mask. This instruction mask the interrupt as desired, it also sends out the
serial data through the SOD pin. For this instruction command byte must be loaded in the

Pattern of command byte:

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
SOD SOE X RST 7.5 MSE M 7.5 M 6.5 M 5.5

D0 = Mask RST 5.5 (1- mask, 0 – unmask)

D1 = Mask RST 6.5 (1- mask, 0 – unmask)
D2 = Mask RST 5.5 (1- mask, 0 – unmask0
D3 = Mask Set Enable (1 – make D2 to D0 effective)
D4 = reset RST 7.5 F/F
D5 = not used
D6 = Serial out Enable (0- disable, 1- Enable)
D7 = Serial Out Data (0 or 1)

EX: If A = 0E or A = C0

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
SOD SOE X RST 7.5 MSE M 7.5 M 6.5 M 5.5
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

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6. RIM: Read Interrupt Mask. This instruction copies the status of interrupt into the
accumulator. It also reads serial data through the SID pin.

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
SID I 7.5 I 6.5 I 5.5 IE M 7.5 M 6.5 M 5.5

D0 = set if RST 5.5 is masked

D1 = set if RST 6.5 is masked
D2 = set if RST 7.5 is masked
D3 = set if interrupt enable F/F is set
D4 = set if RST 5.5 is pending
D5 = set if RST 6.5 is pending
D6 = set if RST 7.5 is pending
D7 = serial input data

1. Draw the pin diagram of 8051 microcontroller and explain its port structure. (N/D’11)

PIN-OUT 8051:-
The 8051 is packaged in a 40 pin DIP. It has 32 IO pins configured as 4 8bit parallel ports
like port0 (P0), port1 (P1), port2 (P2), port3 (P3).Each port may consist of a latch, an output driver
and an input buffer.

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 PORT0 (Pin 32 – 39):-

Pins can be used as IO pins, also used to access external memory –lower order byte
of external memory.

 PORT 1(Pin 1-8):-Pins can be used only as IO pins.

 PORT 2(Pin 21-28):-used to access external memory (Higher order byte).If memory
address is 16 bit wide, otherwise acts as simple IO pins.

 PORT 3(Pin 10-17):-
 
Pin 3.7 RD Active low-external data memory is read.
 
Pin3.6 WR Active low-external data memory is written.
 
Pin 3.5 T1 timer/counter 1 external input.
 
Pin 3.4 T0 timer/counter 0 external inputs.
 
Pin 3.3 INT1 Interrupt 1 input pin.
 
Pin 3.2 INT0 Interrupt 0 input pin.
 
Pin 3.1 TXD Transmit data pin.
 
Pin 3.0 RXD Receive data pin.
 PIN 19, PIN 18(XTAL 1, XTAL 2):-external oscillator pin.

 ALE (PIN 30):-Address latch enable pin used to demultiplex AD0-AD7 & for obtaining
lower half of the addresses.

 RST (Pin 9):-used to reset 8051.

 PSEN (Pin 29):-Program strobe enable used to activate the enable signal of the external

  EA(VPP) Pin 31:- external access
  
  of internal ROM (0000H – 0FFFH)
If EA is high +Vcc program fetches address
& address of external ROM (1000H-FFFFH).
   
If EA is low grounded address for external ROM (0000H-FFFFH).

2. Describe the architecture of 8051 with neat diagram. (M/J 12)

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Functional Block Diagram Of 8051:-

Blocks Of 8051
1. CPU:
It consists of 8 bit ALU, registers like A, B and Program Status word (PSW), SP, PC and Data
Pointer (DPTR). Along with it has a set of special function registers.

ALU – Arithmetic and Logic Unit (+, -, /, *) (AND, OR, EXOR, Rotate, Clear, Complement)

An important unique feature of 8051 architecture is that the ALU can also manipulate on bit as
well as eight-bit data types, individual bits may be set, cleared, complement, moved, tested and
used in logical computation.

2. Internal RAM:

 Working registers (Addr 00H to 1FH 32 registers)

 Bit addressable (Addr 20H to 2FH 128 Addr bits)
  General purpose (Addr 30H to 75H)

 In working registers only one register bank is in use at a time. PSW determines which bank of
register is currently in use. On reset, bank 0 is selected.

In bit-Addrarea, forming a total of 128(16*8) addressable bits. Byte
07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
 
Bit addr 00H to 7FH (128)

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 
Byte addr 20H to 2FH (16)
3. Internal ROM:

The 8051 has 4K bytes of internal ROM; it is programmed by manufacturer when the chip
is built. This can‟t be erased or altered after fabrication.
4. Input/Output Ports:
The 8051 has 32 I/O pins configured as eight bit parallel ports; each port consists of latch, an
output driver and an input buffer.
Port 0 outputs and port 2 outputs the lower order and higher order byte of the external
memory address, when the address is 16 bit wide.

3.Explain the interrupt structure, SFR and timers of 8051.(MAY-2012)

Special Function Register (SFR):-

SFR are implemented in the address space immediately above the 128 bites of RAM .All
SFR‟S are accessed to the 4 IO ports, CPU registers, timer or counter & interrupt control register
etc. Address of SFR is in between of 80H & FFH.


IP Interrupt priority B8
IE Interrupt enable control A8
SBUF Serial port data buffer 99
TL0 Timer 0 low byte 8A
TH0 Timer 0 high byte 8C
TL1 Timer 1 low byte 8B
TH1 Timer 0 high byte 8D
TCON Timer /counter control 88
TMOD Timer /counter mode control 89
SCON Serial port control 98
PCON Power control 87

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4.Explain the program memory and data memory structure of 8051 microcontroller.(N/D’11)

Memory Organisation In 8051:-

The 8051 have 4 KB of internal program memory &256bytes of internal data memory. It
can access up to 64KB of both program & data memory.

5.Draw the TMOD register format and explain the different operating modes of timer in 8051
microcontroller. (N/D’11)


The counters are divided into two 8 bit registers called timer LOW (TL0, TL1) & Timer
high (TH0, TH1) bytes. The counter action is controlled by 8bit states in the timer mode control
register (TMOD), the Timer/counter control register (TCON)&certain program instructions. The
counters &timers are used for counting &controlling the external events such as the frequency of a
pulse train &etc.

TCON has control bits &flags for the timers in the upper nibble &control bits &flags for
the external interrupt in the lower nibble as shown below.

TF1 Timer 1 overflow flag

TR1 Timer 1 run control bit

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TF0 Timer 0 overflow flag

TR0 Timer 0 run control bit

IE1 External interrupt 1 edge flag

IT1 External interrupt 1 control bit INT 1

IE0 External interrupt 0 edge flag

IT0 External interrupt 0 control bit INT 0
TMOD is divided into two timers &can be considered to be two duplicate 4bit
register each of which controls the action of one of the timers as shown below.

Bit 7/3(Gate) OR Gate enable bit which controls run/stop of timer 1/0.

6/2(C/ T) set to 1 for counter action
set to zero for timer action
 
5/1(M1) Timer/counter operating mode selection bits 4/0(M0)

M1 M0 Mode
0 0 0
0 0 1
1 0 2
1 1 3

If a counter is programmed to be a timer it will count the internal clock frequency of
8051 oscillator divided by 12d.
In other words the counter is configured as a timer when the timer pulses are gated to the
counter by the run bit AND the gate bit OR the external input bits INTX shown below.


Timer may operate in any of the 4 modes that are determined by the mode bits
a) Timer mode 0
b) Timer mode 1

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c) Timer mode 2
d) Timer mode 3

a) Timer mode 0:-

In this mode the timer register is configured as a 13bit register (TLx-5bits+THx-8bits).The
13 bit register consists of all 8 bits of the THx & lower 5 bits of TLx, the upper 3 bits of TLx are
indeterminate &should be ignored.
As the count rolls over from all one‟s to all zero‟s it sets the timer interrupt flag TFx
(Timer x over flow flag in TCON SFR).The counted input is enabled to the timer when
TRx=1[Timer x run bit in TCON SFR] AND either gate=0 OR INTX=1(Gate is in TMOD SFR).

b) MODE 1:-
This mode is same as mode 0 except that the timer register is being run with all 16 bits.

c) MODE 2:-In mode 2 the timer register as an 8bit counter (TLx) with automatic reload
shown below. Overflow from TLx not only sets TFx, but also reloads TLx with the contents of
THx, which is present by software. The reload leaves THx unchanged.

d) Mode 3:-
Timer 1 in mode 3 simply holds its count &Timer0 in mode 3establishes TL0&TH0 as 2
separate counters.Mode3 is provided for applications requiring an extra 8bit timer or counter.

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6.Explain the interrupt structure with the associated registers in 8051 microcontroller.

Interrupts may be generated by internal chip operations or may be provided by external
sources. Any interrupt can cause 8051 to perform a CALL operation for a subroutine that is located
at a predetermined absolute address in program memory.
Five interrupts are provided in the 8051
1) Timer flag0 (TF0) Generated internally
2) Timer flag1 (TF1)
3) Serial port Interrupt

4) INT0

5) INT1 Triggered by external sources

All interrupt functions are under the control of the program. The programmer is able
to alter control bits in the following register.
1) Interrupt enable register (IE)
2) Interrupt priority register (IP) &
3) Timer control register (TCON)
The program can block all or any combination of the interrupts from acting on the
program by suitably setting or clearing bits in the above register.

EA enable interrupt bit (0–disable all interrupt, 1–enable all interrupt)

- Not implemented ET2

Reserved for future use

ES Enable aerial port interrupt (0 – disable serial port, 1 – enable serial port)

ET1 Enable timer 1 overflow interrupt (1 – enable TF1, 0 – disable TF1)

EX1 Enable external interrupt 1 (1 – enable INT 1, 0 – disable INT 1)

ET0 Enable timer 0 overflow interrupt (1 – enable TF0, 0 – disable TF0)

EX0 Enable external interrupt 0 (1 – enable INT 0, 0 – disable INT 0)

- Not implemented

PT2 Reserved for future use

PS Priority of serial port interrupt

PT1 Priority of timer 1 overflow interrupt (set / cleared by program)

PX1 Priority of external interrupt 1

PT0 Priority of timer 0 overflow interrupt (set / cleared by program)

PX0 Priority of external interrupt 0

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The pins INT0&INT1 are used by external circuitry. Inputs on these pins can set the
interrupt flags IE0&IE1 in the TCON register to 1 by 2 different method.
1) The Iex (IE0 (or) IE1) flags may be set when the INTX (INT0 & INT1) pin
signals reaches a LOW level.
2) The flags may be set when a HIGH to LOW transition takes place on the INTX

Flags Iex will be RESET when a transition generated interrupt is accepted by the
processor & the interrupt subroutine is accessed.

The interrupt priority (IP) register which determine if any interrupt is to have a HIGH
or LOW priority.

If bit is 1 HIGH priority

If bit is 0 LOW priority
If two Interrupts have the same priority & occurs at the same time then they will have the
following ranking
1) IE0 (External Interrupt 0)
2) TF0 (Timer flag0)
3) IE0
4) TF1
5) SerialRI (Receive Interrupt flag)(or) TI(Transmit Interrupt flag)

7. Explain how serial communication is performed in 8051 microcontroller. (N/D’11)

Serial Communication:-
Serial data communication is the cost effective way to communicate the datas, send
&receive serially. Serial buffer is physically two register, one is write only which is used to hold
data to be transmitted via TxD & another one is read only &holds received data from external
sources via RxD.

For serial communication, the following two SFR‟s are acting vital role
(i) SCON (Serial port control)-For control data communication
(ii) PCON (Power mode control)-For control data rates

SM2 Multi processor communication bit (For mode 2 & 3, set 1 an interrupt is generated. If
9th bit of received data is a „1‟ otherwise set to „0‟)

REN receive enable bit (1 = enable reception, 0 = disable reception)

TB8 Transmitted bit 8

RB8 Received bit 8 (If mode 1, stop bit, for mode 2 and 3, receive bit 8)

TI Transmit interrupt flag

RI Receive interrupt flag

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 
SMOD Serial baud rate modify bit (If 1 – Double baud rate, 0 – Timer 1 baud rate) GF1
General Purpose user flag (bit 1) set or cleared by program

GF0 General Purpose user flag (bit 0) set or cleared by program
PD Power down bit (1 for C HMOS processor)

IDL Ideal mode bit.
There are 4 programmable modes for serial data communication that are chosen by
setting the SM0,SM1 bits in SCON register(SMX)

SM0 SM1 MODE Description

0 0 0 Shift register, baud=f/12
0 1 1 8bit UART ,baud=variable
1 0 2 9bit UART, baud=f/32 (or) f/64
1 1 3 9 bit UART, baud=variable

Serial Data Transmission Modes:-

Baud rates (or) shift frequency are fixed for mode 0&variable for mode 1, 2 and 3. Using
serial baud rate modify bit (SMOD) in PCON SFR.
a) Mode 0-Shift register mode
b) Mode 1-Standard UART mode
c) Mode 2-Multi processor mode
d) Mode 3-9 bit UART mode

A) Mode 0-Shift Register Mode:-

In this mode serial data enters &exits through RxD. The pin TxS is connected to the
internal shift frequency pulse source to supply shift pulses to external sources. The baud rate is
fixed at 1/12 of the oscillator frequency .Here 8 bits are transmitted &received.

B) Mode 1-Standard Uart Mode:-

In this mode 10 bits are transmitted or received through TxD & RxD pins.

10 bits a start bit (0) + 8data bits (LSB first) + a stop bit (1)

On receive the stop bit goes to RB8 in SCON SFR .The baud rate is variable.
C) Mode 2-Multi Processor Mode
In this mode 11 bits are transmitted &received.

11bits A start bit (0) + 8data bits (LSB first) + a programmable 9th data bit + a stop bit (1) On
transmit the 9th bit [TB8 in SCON] can be assigned the value of zero (or) 1. On receive the 9th data
bits goes into RB8 in SCON SFR. Here the baud rate is programmed to either 1/32 or
1/64 of the oscillator frequency.
D) Mode 3-9 Bit Uart Mode:-
This mode is same as mode 2 in all aspects except that the baud rate is variable.

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1. With neat block diagram explain 8255 PPI. .(M/J 2013)

8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI)

The 8255 is a general purpose programmable I/O device used for parallel data
transfer applications.
It has 24 I/O pins that can be grouped primarily in three 8 – bit parallel ports like
port A, port B and port C. The 8 – bits of port C can be used as individual bits or grouped in two
4 bit ports like CUPPER (CU) and CLOWER
(CL). 8255 block diagram

8255 can be programmed in 2 basic modes. They are

i. Bit set / Reset mode (BSR)
ii. I / O mode
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2.With neat block diagram explain the functions of 8259. (M/J 2013)

8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)

In 8085 microprocessor, we have five interrupts like TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5,
RST 5.5; INTR. Programmable Interrupt Controller is a device to increase the interrupt handling
capacity of the microprocessor (i.e. multiple interrupts – more than 5 interrupts).

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Block diagram

Interrupt operation:
To implement interrupts, the 8259 should be initialized by writing control
words in the control register. The 8259 requires two types of control words.
1. Initialization command words (ICW) – Used to set up the proper conditions and
specify RST vector addresses.
2. Operational command words (OCW) – used to perform masking interrupts,
setting up status, reading operations and etc.

3.Bring about the features of 8251.ii) Discuss how 8251 is used for serial
communication of data.M/J2013

8251 USART (Universal Synchronous / Asynchronous–Receiver / Transmitter)

The 8251 is a programmable chip designed for synchronous and

asynchronous serial data communication, packed in a 28 pin DIP (Dual Inline Package).

It consists of five interrupt sections. They are

i. Read / write control logic
ii. Transmitter
iii. Receiver
iv. Data bus buffer

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Block diagram

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3.Explain the functional block diagram of 8279. (M/J 2013)

8279 Programmable Keyboard Display Interface

Features of 8279
  
64 X 64 matrix keyboards can be interfaced.
  
Three different input modes for keyboard input.
  
Simultaneous interfacing of both key board and display device.
  
Built in hardware to provide key debounce.
  
8 byte FIFO RAM & 16 byte display RAM.
  
Multiplexed display interface.
 
Two o/p modes for display interface
1. Left entry. 2. Right entry.
Pin description
It is a 40 pin device divided into 4 functional blocks.
  MPU interface
  Key data
  Display data
 Scan


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Block diagram of 8279

There are four sections in the block diagram.

1. CPU interface and control section
2. Scan section
3. Keyboard section
4. Display section

4.Draw the control word of 8253 timer/counter and explain the operating modes of
8253 timer/counter. (N/D’11)

8253/54 Timer or Counter

Difference between 8253 and 8254

S.No 8253 8254

1 Operating frequency 0-2.6 MHZ Operating frequency 0-10 MHZ
2 Uses N – MOS technology Uses H – MOS technology
3 Read-back command not available Read back command available
4 Reads and writes of the same counter Reads and writes of the same counter
cannot be interleaved can be interleaved


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  The Intel 8253 is a programmable counter / timer chip.

 It uses NMOS technology with a single +5V supply and is packaged in a 24-pin
 plastic DIP.
  It is organized as 3 independent 16-bit counters, each with a counter rate up to 2 MHz.
  All modes of operation are software programmable.
 Six programmable timer modes allow the 82C54 / 8253 to be used as an event
counter, elapsed time indicator, programmable one-shot, and in many other


  Clock This is the clock input for the counter.

  Out This single output line is the signal that is the final programmed output of the device.
 Gate This input can act as a gate for the clock input line, or it can act as a start
pulse, depending on the programmed mode of the counter.

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5.Why do we need ADC and DAC? Draw the block diagram to interface 8085
microprocessor with ADC and DAC. (N/D’11) (M/J 12)

Digital systems such as microprocessors use a binary system of ones and zeroes. So
for the purpose of processing, transmission and storage, it is often more convenient to
express analog to digital form.

D/A Converter:
D/A converters are used when a binary output from a digital system must be
converted to some equivalent analog voltage or current. It accepts an n-bit input word b1, b2,
b3 … bn in binary and produces an analog signal proportional to it.

D/A Converter devices: (IC 1408)

The IC 1408 is an 8-bit R/2R ladder type D/A converter compatible with TTL and
CMOS logic. It is designed to use where the output current is linear product of an 8-bitdigital


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The IC 1408 consists of a reference current amplifier, an R/2R ladder and high speed
current switches. It has eight input data lines A1 (MSB) through A8 (LSB) which control the
positions of current switches.
It requires 2 mA reference current for full scale input and two power supplies VCC =
+5V and VEE = -15V.
The voltage VREF and resistor R14 determines the total reference current source and
R15 is generally equal to R14 to match the input impedance of the reference current amplifier.
The output current IO can be given as

Block Diagram

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The circuit drawn below shows evidently that it is giving output in the bipolar range.
Here resistor RB (5K) is connected between VREF and the output terminal of IC 1408. This
gives a constant current source of 1 mA.

Important electrical characteristics for IC 1408

 Reference current : 2 mA
 Supply voltage : +5V VCC and -15V VEE
 Setting time : 300 nano seconds
  Full scale O/P current : 1.992 mA
 Accuracy: 0.19%

Interfacing DAC with microprocessor:

The circuit below shows the interfacing of DAC 0808 with microprocessor 8085.
Here programmable peripheral interface, 8255 is used as a parallel port to send the digital
data to DAC.

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6.Show and explain the ADC interfacing with 8085 microprocessor. (A/M’11)

ADC Interfacing

A/D Converters:
The A/D conversion is a quantizing process whereby an analog signal is converted
into equivalent binary word. Thus the A/D converter is exactly opposite function that of D/A

A/D Converter IC’s

ADC 0803 family:
The ADC 0803 and ADC 0805 are CMOS 8-bit successive approximation analog to
digital converters. These devices are designed to operate from common microprocessor
control buses, with tri-state output latches driving the data bus.

Pin Diagram of ADC 0803/0805

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  8-bit successive approximation ADC
  Conversion time is 100 µs.
  Access time is 135 nano seconds
  It has an ON-Chip clock generator
  It does not require any zero adjustment
  It operates on single 5V power supply
 Output meet TTL voltage level specifications

When the input goes low, the internal successive approximation register (SAR) is
reset. As long as both and remain low, the ADC will remain in its reset state. One to
eight clock periods after or makes a low to high transition and conversion starts. The
signal is hold high during conversion process. After conversion, goes low which
is used as end of conversion signal. By making and signals low, an output can be
read through DB0 to DB7 data signals.

ADC 0808/0809 family:

The ADC 0808 and 0809 are monolithic CMOS devices with an 8 channel
multiplexer. These devices are also designed to operate from common microprocessor control
buses, with tri-stated output latches driving the data bus.

Pin diagram of 0808/0809 ADC

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  8 bit successive approximation ADC
  8 channel multiplexer with address logic
  Conversion time is 100 micro seconds
  It eliminates the need for external zero and full scale adjustments
  Easy to interface to all microprocessors
  It operates on single 5V power supply
 Output meet TTL voltage level specifications
ADC 0808/0809 has 8 input channels, so to select desired input channel, it is
necessary to send 3 bit address on A, B and C inputs. The address of the desired channel is
sent to the multiplexer address inputs through port pins. After at least 50 nano seconds, this
address must be latched. This can be achieved by sending ALE signal. After another 2.5
micro seconds, the start of conversion (SOC) signal must be sent high and then low to start
the conversion process. To indicate end of conversion ADC 0808/0809 activates EOC signal.
The microprocessor system can read converted digital word through data bus by enabling the
output enable signal after EOC is activated.

1.Explain the data transfer instructions and program control instructions of
8051 microcontroller (A/M’11)


1. Data transfer
4.Calls & Jumps
Data Transfer Instructions:-
Main classification:
1. MOV destination, source
2. PUSH source (or) POP destination
3. XCH destination, source
Final (Detailed) classification:
1. MOV
4. PUSH (or) POP
5. XCH

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1.1 MOV destination,Source

1. MOV A,Rr A Rr

2. MOV A,add A (add)

3. MOV A,@Rp A (Rp)
4. MOV A,#n A n
5. MOV Rr,A Rr A

6. MOV Rr,add Rr (add)
7. MOV Rr,#n Rr n
8. MOV add,A (add) A

9. MOV add,Rr (add) Rr

10. MOV add1,add2 (add1) (add2)

11. MOV add,@Rp (add) Rp
12. MOV add,#n (add) n

13. MOV @Rp,A Rp A

14. MOV @Rp,add Rp (add)

15. MOV @Rp,add Rp n

16. MOV DPTR ,#nn nn 16.

2.Write an assembly language program based on 8051 microcontroller instruction set

to perform four arithmetic operations on 2, 8 bit data. (A/M’11)



2. MOVC A,@A+PC A (A+PC)



2. MOVX A,@Rp A (Rp)^
3. MOVX @Rp,A (Rp)^ A



1. POP add (add) (sp)

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2. PUSH add (sp) (add)


1. XCH A,Rr A Rr
2. XCH A,add A (add)
3. XCH A,@Rp A (Rp)
4. XCH A,@Rp Aln (Rp)ln


1. ADD A,Rr A A+Rr

2. ADD A,addr A A+(addr)

3. ADD A,@Rp A A+Rp

4. ADD A,#n A A+n

5. ADDC A,Rr A A+C+Rr

6. ADDC A,addr A A+C+(addr)

7. ADDC A,@Rp A A+C+(Rp)

8. ADDC A,#n A A+C+n


1. SUBB A,Rr A A-Rr-C

2. SUBB A,addr A A-(addr)-C

3. SUBB A,@Rp A A-(Rp)-C

4. SUBB A,#n A A-C-n


1. INC A A A+1

2. INC Rr Rr Rr+1

3. INC addr (addr) (addr)+1

4. INC @Rp (Rp) (Rp)+1

5. DEC A A A-1

6. DEC Rr Rr Rr-1

7. DEC addr (addr) (addr)-1

8. DEC @Rp (addr) (Rp)-1

 
1. MUL AB A AB0-7 ; B AB8-15
 
2. DIV AB A A/B ;B A%B

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1. DAA Adec Abin


1. ANL A,Rr A A AND Rr

2. ANL A,addr A A AND (addr)

3. ANL A,@Rp A A AND (Rp)

4. ANL A,#n A A AND n

5. ANL addr,A (addr) (addr) AND A

6. ANL addr,#n (addr) (addr) AND A


1. ORL A,Rr A A OR Rr

2. ORL A,addr A A OR (addr)

3. ORL A,@Rp A A OR (Rp)

4. ORL A,#n A A OR n

5. ORL addr,A (addr) (addr) OR A

6. ORL addr,#n (addr) (addr) OR n


1. XRL A,Rr A A XOR Rr

2. XRL A,addr A A XOR (addr)

3. XRL A,@Rp A A XOR (Rp)

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4. XRL A,#n A A XOR n

5. XRL addr,A (addr) (addr) XOR A

6. XRL addr,#n (addr) (addr) XOR n


1. CPL A A 00

2. CPL A A A

3. NOP PC PC+1


1. CLR c c 0

2. CLR b b 0

3. CPL c c c

4. CPL b b b

5. SETB c c 1

6. SETB b b 1

7. MOV c,b c b

8. MOV b,c b c

9. ANL c,b c c AND b

10. ANL c, b c c AND b

11. ORL c,b c c OR b

12. ORL c, b c c OR b

a: INC R1
d: SJMP d

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3. Explain the interfacing of Keyboard/Display with 8051 microcontroller. (A/M’11)

Keyboard Interfacing:-
Simple Keyboard Interfacing:-
Keyboard &display are the external devices used to give information to the
Microcontroller &to see the result from Microcontroller respectively. The transfer of data between
keyboard, display to Microcontroller is called I/O data transfer.
Here 8 keys are individually connected to specific pins of port P1.Each port pin gives the
status of the key connected to that pin .When 4th pin is logic 1, key is open, and otherwise key is

The following program is the software routine to get key code with key debounce is given below.
PRO: LCALL Debounce delay
PRO1: LCALL Debounce delay
The above program may check whether all keys are opened with the help of compare
port1 (P1) & data FFH. If all keys are open, instruction compare sets the zero flag &the program
waits for key debounce delay (10ms)

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Key D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
K1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
K2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
K3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
K4 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
K5 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
K6 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
K7 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
K8 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4.How do you interface a 4X4 matrix keyboard using 8051 microcontroller. (N/D’11)

Matrix Keyboard Interfacing:-

Matrix keyboard connections is to reduce the number of connections. Here 16 keys are
arranged in 4 rows and 4 columns. This matrix keyboard requires 8 lines to make all connections
instead of the 16 lines required. If the keys are connected individually, the matrix key board may
require 2 ports –an input &an output port. When any key is pressed it starts corresponding row &
column. When the key is identified by data sent on the output port & input port received from the
input port.

Port1 (P1) output port

Port2 (P2) Input port
 
Rows Logic 0(0V) No key is pressed
 
Columns Logic 1(5V) No key is pressed

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ORG 2000H
Kcode 0: 0,1,2,3
Kcode1 : 4,5,6,7
Kcode2 : 8,9,A,B
Kcode3 : C,D,E,F


MOV P2, FFH Configure P2 as input port

K3: MOV P1, #00H Ground all rows

K1: MOV A, P2 Read columns

ANL A, #0FH Masking
CJNE A, #0FH, K1

ACALL delay Debouncing time
K2: MOV A, P2
CJNE A, #0FH, Over

Over: ACALL delay wait for bouncing delay

MOV A, P2 Read columns

ANL A, #0FH Masking
CJNE A, #0FH Over1

Over1: MOV P1, #FEH Ground row0
CJNE A, #0FH, Row0

MOV P1, #FDH Ground Row1

ANL A, #0F
CJNE A, #0FH, Row1
MOV P1, #FBHGround Row2
CJNE A, #0FH, Row2
MOV P1, #F7HGround Row3
CJNE A, #0FH, Row3
Row 0: MOV DPTR, #Kcode0

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Row1: MOV DPTR, #Kcode1
Row2: MOV DPTR, #Kcode2
Row3: MOV DPTR, #Kcode3
Find: RRC A
JNC MatchIf cy = 0 go to match
Match: CLR A
MOV DPTR, #3000H

5.Write short notes on LCD interface. [May-2009]

Display Interfacing:-
  Usually datas are displayed using LED, LCD&CRT displays.
 For displaying large &small amount of datas we use CRT&LED or LCD respectively. Here
we analyze 7 segment LED&LCD interfacing.

Interfacing 7 Segment Led Displays:-

Here multiplexed 8 digit 7 segment LED display is connected in 8051 system using the
port1&port3.In this circuit port1 provides the segment data inputs to the display and port3 provides
to selecting a display position at a time for multiplexing the displays. Here transistors are used to
drive the LED segments. We have to send the proper 7segment code of a particular digit that is to be
displayed on the port1

MOV R0, #07
MOV R1, #7F
MOV DPTR, #6000H
MOV P3, R1

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R1, A
DJNZ R0, a
b: SJMP b


Liquid crystals are the materials that have the properties of liquid as well as solid crystal.
The term liquid crystal refers to the fact that these compounds have a crystalline arrangement of
molecules, yet they flow like a liquid .According to the operation, LCD may be classified as two

1) Field effect type

2) Dynamic scattering type

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IC 4543 B is a BCD to 7 segments latch/decoder/driver. There are 3 control terminals

which are used to control IC 4543B.These are
 
LD Latch Disable HIGH
 
PH Phase 60HZ square wave
 
BL Blank LOW
The display can be blanked by simply driving the Blank (BL) terminal of the logic HIGH state.
If LD=1BCD inputs are decoded &fed to 7segment display
If LD=1BCD inputs are Latched in to memory &fed to 7segment

6.Explain with a program to rotate the stepper motor in both clockwise and anticlockwise
direction using 8051 microcontroller. (N/D’11)

Stepper Motor Interfacing

A stepper motor is a digital motor. It can be driven by digital signal. Figure shows the
typical two phase motor interfaced using port 1 of 8051. Motor shown in the circuit has two phases,
with centre tap winding. The center taps of these windings are connected to the 12V supply. Due to
this, motor can be excited by grounding four terminals of the two windings. Motor can be rotated in
steps by giving proper excitation sequence to these windings. The lower nibble of port 1 of the 8051
is used to generate excitation signals in the proper sequence.

We know that the stepper motor is stepped from one position to the next by changing the
currents through the fields in the motor. The winding inductance opposes the change in current and
this puts limit on the stepping rate. For higher stepping rates and more torque, it is necessary to use a
higher voltage source and current limiting resistors as shown in figure. By adding series resistance,
we decrease L/R time constant, which allows the current to change more rapidly in the windings.
There is a power loss across series resistor, but designer has to compromise between power and

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MOV R0 #
MOV R1, #04
ORG 3000H
DB 03H, 06H, 09H,

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