Construction Equipments & Material Management: Assignment
Construction Equipments & Material Management: Assignment
Construction Equipments & Material Management: Assignment
Your company has been awarded a contract of developing and constructing a new
International Airport 30 K.M. away from a city. You have been appointed as
Planning Engineer (Materials and Equipment). Project is to be implemented in
phases. In Phase I, one strip of landing of 100 m width is to be constructed in 100
days. The scope of work for this assignment is only as follows –
REG NO: 26-05-14-2624-271
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Construction of 100m wide airstrip for landing in 100 days i.e. 30 km away from
Data Given:
Volume of earth - 100,000 cum
Agv. Ht. - 075 m
Width of Airstrip - 100 m
Length of Airstrip - 1333.33 m
Assume 50% of normal soil is filling & 50% of normal soil is cutting as per
standard mass design.
Excavator is a self-propelled crawler or wheel mounted machine, with an upper
structure, capable of a minimum of 360° rotation, which excavates, elevates,
swings and discharges material, by the action of a bucket fitted to the boom and
arm or telescopic boom, without moving the chassis or under-carriage, during
any part of the working cycle, of the machine.
Hydraulic excavator is a multipurpose earthmoving machine, which can perform
many duties, in the field, such as digging earth, mining, loading, quarrying,
etc., apart from other activities like well-digging, material handling. The excavator
Is the only "Earthmoving" machine, capable of, working in three dimensions?
and in all directions.
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Below Ground Level Applications: The hydraulic excavators, can be used
(primarily with backhoe attachment) for digging below ground levels.
Applications are:
Canal excavation
Channel making
Trench digging
Pipe laying
Burrow pit excavation
Land leveling
Below or Above Ground Level in Vertical Plane: These are accomplished by
Clamshell attachments. Applications are:
Well sinking
Handling of loose materials
Above Ground Level Applications: These are mainly done by using a shovel
attachment, either bottom dumping, or forward dumping. Applications are:
Bulk earthmoving against face
Under Ground Applications: These are generally handled by shovel or backhoe
attachment or hydraulic hammers. Applications are:
Tunnel making
Special Applications: By using special attachments, a hydraulic excavator can be
used for other applications, such as:
Rock breaking, demolition
Wood handling (Forestry)
General construction - vibratory pile drivers, extractors, etc.
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Scrap handling
Specialized Mounting Applications: Depending on work requirement, excavator
can be -mounted on barge and pontoon for swamp, river and marine excavation or
dredging operations; mounted on railcar for route maintenance activity of railway
Excavator is a self propelled crawler or wheel machine, with an upper structure,
capable of a minimum of 360 degrees rotation which excavates, elevates, swings
and discharges materials, by the action of a bucket fitted to the boom and arm or
Telescopic boom, without moving the chassis or under-carriage during any part of
The working cycle of the machine (IS: 12138-1987).
Excavators are primary earthmoving machines and equipments used to excavate
earth and related materials and to lift items frequently used in construction
operations. They are called by different names and put to different uses,
depending upon the implements and attachments required. Excavator comprises
of fair basic machines namely backhoe, shovel, dragline and clamshell. All
Four are manufactured in India, along with the necessary implement and
attachments. They are made of various sizes and capacities to suit the need for
light, medium or heavy duty applications where as backhoe and shovels may be
either hydraulic or mechanical, the draglines and clamshells are only of the
mechanical type. Hydraulic excavator is a multi-purpose earthmoving machine,
which can perform many duties in the field such as digging earth, mining, loading,
quarrying etc., apart from other activities like well-digging, material handling the
excavator is only "earthmoving" machine capable of working in three dimensions
and in all directions. Unrivalled versatility is the main reason, for hydraulic
excavator's domination, of today's world construction equipment scene. Thirty five
years ago, when the hydraulic excavator was first introduced in Europe, it was
considered as an agricultural loading tool, but today, it can perform functions
frames from pile-driving to hedge trimming, often, just as efficiently as purpose
built equipment.
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the bucket & do not address the bucket loading motion of a specific machine for
bucket’s than 3 cg. Capacity, rating in ¼ cy intervals and 1/8 cy intervals for
buckets less than 3 cy in size.
Struck Capacity – The volume actually enclosed by the bucket with no allowance
for bucket teeth is the struck capacity.
Heaped Capacity: Both PCSA and SAE use a 1:1 angle of repose for evaluating
heaped capacity. CECE specifies a 2:1 angle of repose.
Fill Factors: The amount of material actually in a bucket compared to its volume
is a vital factor in determining shovel production. Materials that are easy to dig
and that can be described as flowing (sand, gravel, or loose earth) should easily fill
the bucket to capacity with a minimum of void space. At the other extreme are the
hard, rocky materials that will have lots of void spaces. If the material dug has a
significant amount of oversize chunks or is extremely sticky, the average bucket
load will be reduced. Rated heaped capacities represent a net section bucket
volume, therefore they must be corrected to average bucket payload based on the
characteristics of the material being handled. Manufacturers usually suggest
factors, commonly called “fill factors” for making such corrections. Fill factors
are percentage that, when multiplied by a rated – heaped capacity, adjust the
volume by accounting for how the specific material will load into the bucket. It is
best, when possible; to conduct field tests based on the weight of material per
bucket load to validate fill factors.
Basic Parts and Operation:
The basic parts of a front shovel include the mounting, cab, boom, stick, and
bucket. With a shovel in the correct position, near the face of the material to be
excavated, the bucket is lowered to the floor of the pit, with the teeth pointing into
the face. A crowding force is applied by hydraulic pressure to the stick cylinder at
the same time the bucket cylinder rotates the bucket through the face.
There are four elements in the production cycle of a shovel:
1. Load bucket
2. Swing with load
3. Dump load
4. Return swing
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It should be noted that a shovel does not a travel during the digging and loading
cycle. Travel is limited to moving into or alone the face as the excavation
progresses. One study of shovel travel found that on the average it was necessary
to move after about 20 bucket loads. This movement into the excavation took an
average of 36 sec.
mounted winch or a ripper. For long moves between projects or within a project,
the track dozer should be transported. Moving them under their own power, even
at slow speeds, increases track wear and shortens the machine’s operational life.
Dozers are classified on the basis of running gear;
1. Crawler (track laying) type
2. Wheel type
Crawler dozers are actually track laying machines. They have a continuous track
of linked shoes that moves in the horizontal plane across fixed rollers. At the rear
of the machine, the track passes over a vertically mounted sprocket drive wheel.
As the sockets turns, it forces the track forward or back, imparting motion to the
dozer. In the front of the machine, the track passes over a vertically mounted idler
wheel that it’s connected to a recoil device having adjustable tension. The idler
wheel maintains the proper tension in the track and enables it to absorb heavy
shocks. The linked shoes are made of heat treated steel designed to resist wear and
abrasion. There are several companies that now offer tracks having rubber-covered
steel shoes. The usable force available to perform work is often limited by
traction. This limitation is dependent on two factors:
1. Coefficient of traction of the surface being traversed.
2. Weight carried by the drive wheels
An advantage of a wheel-type dozer as compared with a crawler dozer is the
higher speed possible with the former machine – in excess of 30 mph for some
effort. Also, because of the lower coefficient of traction between rubber tire and
some ground surfaces, the wheel dozer may slip its wheels before developing its
rated pulling effort.
Manufactures provide dozers with a variety of transmissions, but primarily the
options are
Direct drive.
Torque converter and power-shift transmission.
Some less-than-100-hp dozers are available with hydrostatic power trains. The
smaller, lesss-than-300-hp, diesel-powered machines are commonly available with
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Wheel Dozer
Most wheel dozers are equipped with torque converter and power-shift
transmissions. illustrates the performance curves for a wheel dozer equipped with
a power-shift transmission. Wheel dozers exert comparatively high ground
pressure, 25 to 35 psi (172-241 kpa).
Pushing Material
General Information
A dozer is a tractor power unit that has a blade attached to the machine’s
front. The blade is used to push, shear, cut, and roll material ahead of the dozer.
Dozers are effective and versatile earthmoving machines.
Dozer is used as both support and as production machines on many
construction projects. They may be used for operations such as
1. Moving earth or rock for short haul (push) distances, up to 300 ft (91 m) in
the case of large dozers.
2. spreading earth or rock fills.
3. Bank-filling trenches.
4. Operating up pilot roads through mountains or rocky terrain.
5. clearing the floors of borrows and quarry pits.
6. Helping load tractor –pulled scrapers.
7. clearing land of timber, stumps, and root mat.
A dozer blade consists of a moldboard with replaceable cutting edges and side
bits. Push arms and tilt cylinders or a C-frame connect the blade to the dozer.
Blades vary in size and design based on specific work applications. The hardened
steel cutting edges and side bits are bolted on because they receive most of the
abrasion and wear out rapidly. The bolted connection enables easy replacement.
The design of some machines enables end of the blade to be raised or lowered n
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the vertical plane of the blade, tilt. The top of the blade can be pitched forward or
backward varying the angle of attack of the cutting edge, pitch. Blades mounted
on a C-frame can be turned from the direction of travel, angling. These features
are not applicable to all blades, but any two of these may be incorporated in a
single mount. Figure 6.6 illustrates tilt, pitch, and angling. Tilt. This movement is
within the vertical plane of the blade. Tilting enable concentration of dozer driving
power on a limited portion of the blade’s length.
Pitch. This is a pivotal movement about the point of connection between bottom
edge moves back, and this increases the angle of cutting edge attack.
Angling. Turning the blade so that it is not perpendicular to the direction of the
dozer’s travel is known as angling. Angling causes the pushed material to roll off
the trailing end of the blade. This procedure of rolling material off one end of the
blade is called side casting.
Dozers are excellent machines for stripping, which is the removal of a thin layer of
material. On most projects, this is a term used to describe the removal of topsoil.
As with all dozer earthmoving operations, stripping should be conducted in such a
manner that push distances are minimized. Dozers are economical such a manner
that push distances are minimized. Dozers are economical machines for moving
material only about 300 ft in the case of large machines. The economical push
distance decreases as dozer size decreases, but economical push distance also
depends on the material being handled. A material exhibiting cohesion (clay
content) is easier to push than a granular material (sand), which tends to run in
front of the blade. In situation where material must be moved a distance grater
than 300 ft. scrapers should be considered. Dozers can be very effective support
machines for long-haul stripping situations when used to create windrows of
stripped material that can be easily picked up by the scrapers.
Side hill Cuts
It is very difficult to develop the initial working table for excavations made on
steep ground. Usually, the excavated material from such a cut is pushed over the
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side of the hill. The first passes are made perpendicular to the long direction of the
project. Starting on the uphill side, short passes are made to push the material
across the centerline and over the side. Pushing downhill takes advantage of
gravity. Because these perpendicular passes are short, the dozer usually is not able
to develop a full-blade load. Therefore, once a bench is establish, the dozer should
push in the long direction of the project, develop a full-blade load, and them use
turns to push material over the side.
A dozer can be used to accomplish ditching, but this is practical only for very
rough ditch sections. Small shallow ditches are usually cut with a motor grader.
Large deep ditches are either cut with excavators or, if the cut is made before
water enters the ditch. Scrapers can be used. A dozer will follow the scrapers and
perform the final dressing of the slopes. If a dozer is used to cut rough ditches, the
machine pushes the material out of the cut by working perpendicular to the line of
the ditch.
A dozer can efficiently accomplish backfilling by drifting material sideways with
an angle blade. This enables forwards motion parallel to the excavation. If a
straight blade is used, the dozer will approach the excavation at a slight angle and
then, at the end of the pass, turn in toward the excavation. No part of the tracks
should hang over the edge of the excavation. Caution must be exercised in making
the initial pass completely across pipes and culverts. As a minimum, 12 in. of
material should cover the pipe of structure before accomplishing a crossing. The
diameter of the pipe, the pipe type, the distance between the sidewalls of the
excavation, and the number of lines of pipe larger excavation dictate the minimum
required cover. Larger diameter pipe, larger excavation widths, and multiple lines
of pipe are factors that all dictate more cover before crossing the structure.
Rocks or Frozen Ground
With proper attack techniques, a dozer can move rocks or frozen ground. In both
cases, the blade must be worked under the material to be moved. This can be
accomplished by tilting the corner of the blade. To maximize the driving force of
the blade, hook only the titled end under the rock or ground. It may be necessary
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to use the blade as a pry bar to lift the rock. Once the blade is in contact beneath
the rock and the dozer is driving forward, the operator lifts the blade to pry up the
rock Weak formations of soft rocks, such as shale and sandstone, can be attacked
in a similar manner. Work under the outcrop and lift. Once a plane of weakness
slides, a track machine can often crush the material by running over it. Is should
be remembered that dozer work in rocky areas increase track wear.
The spreading of material dumped by trucks or scrapers is a common dozer task.
Ordinarily, project specifications state a maximum loose lift thickness. Even when
lift thickness limits are not stated in the contract specifications, density
requirements and proposed compaction equipment will force the contractor to
control the height of each lift. Uniform spreading is accomplished with a dozer by
keeping the blade straight and at the desired height above the previously placed fill
surface. The dumped material is forced directly under the blade’s cutting edge.
Fairly uniform spreading can be achieved, even by semiskilled operators, if two
complete passes are made across the dump area; with the second pass made
perpendicular to the first. Today laser blade controls are available for this type of
Slot Dozing
Slot dozing is the technique whereby the blade end spillage from the first pass or
the sidewalls from previous cuts are used to hold material in front of the dozer
blade on subsequent passes. When employing this method to increase production,
align cuts parallel, leaving a narrow uncut section between slots. Then, remove the
uncut sections by normal dozing. The technique prevents spillage at each end of
the blade and usually increases production by about 20%. The production increase
is highly dependent on the slope of the push and the type of material being pushed.
Blade-to-Blade Dozing
Another technique used to increase bulldozer production is blade-to-blade dozing.
the technique is sometimes referred to as side-by-side dozing. As the names imply,
two machines maneuver so that their blades are right next to each other during the
pushing phase of the production cycle. This reduces the side spillage of each
machine by 50%. The extra time necessary to position the machines together
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increases that phase of the cycle. Therefore, the technique is not effective on
pushes of less than 50 ft because of the excess maneuver time required. When
machines operate simultaneously, delay to one machine is in effect a double delay.
The combination of less spillage but increased maneuver time tends to make the
total increase in production for this technique somewhere between 15 and 25%.
Blade Load
The load a blade will carry can be estimated by several methods;
1. Manufacturer’s blade rating.
2. Previous experience (similar material, equipment, and work
3. Field measurements.
Manufacture’s blade ratings Manufactures may provide a blade rating
Based on SAE practice J 1265
Vs = 0.8 WH2
Vu = Vs + ZH (W-Z) tan x0
Vs = capacity of straight or angle blade, in lcy
Vu = capacity of universal blade, in lcy
W = blade width, in yards, exclusive of end bits
H = effective blade height, in yards
Z = wing length measured parallel to the blade width, in yards
X = wing angle
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The formula to calculate dozer production in loose cubic yards per a 60-min hour
is presented below:
Production Formulas
Equipment manufactures have developed production formulas for use in
estimating the amount of material bulldozers can push. Equation is a rule-of-
thumb formula proposed by International Harvester (IH). This formula equates the
horsepower for a power-shift crawler dozer to lcy production.
Trucks are hauling units that provide relatively low hauling costs because of their
high travel speeds. The weight capacity of a truck may limit the volume of the
load that a unit may haul. The productive capacity of a truck depends on the size
of its load and the number of trips it can make in an hour. The number of trips
completed per hour is a function of cycle time. Truck cycle time has four
components: (1) load time, (2) haul time, (3) dump time, and (4) return time. Tires
for trucks and all other haul units should be suitably matched to the job
In transporting excavated material, processed aggregates, and construction
materials, and for moving other pieces of construction equipment, trucks serve one
purpose; they are hauling units that, because of their high travel speeds. Provide
relatively low hauling costs. The use of trucks as the primary hauling unit provides
a high degree of flexibility, as the number in service can usually be increased or
decreased easily to permit modifications in the total hauling capacity of a fleet.
Most trucks may be operated over any haul road for which the surface is
sufficiently firm and smooth, and on which the grades are not excessively steep.
Some units are designated as off-highway trucks because their size and weight are
greater than the permitted on public highways. Off-highway trucks are used for
hauling materials in quarries and on large projects involving the movement of
substantial amounts of earth and rock. On such projects, the size and costs of these
large trucks is easily justified because of the increased production capability they
Truck can be classified by many factors, including
1. The method of dumping the load – rear-dump, bottom-dump, or side-dump.
2. The type of frame- rigid-frame or articulated.
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problem of unloading sticky materials; one manufacturer is equipping its truck bed
with an ejector.
in the dump area. When an excavator is used to load earth into trucks, the size of
the trucks may introduce several factors, which will affect the production rate and
the cost of handling earth.
a. The cost of truck time at loading is grater, especially with small excavators.
b. The heavier loads may cause more damage to the haul road. Thus
increasing the cost of mechanical maintenance to the trucks and requiring
more support equipment for maintenance of the haul road.
c. It is more difficult to balance the number of trucks with the output
of the excavator.
d. The largest size may not be permitted to haul on highway.
Balancing the capacities of hauling units with the excavator bucket size is
important. When loading with excavators such as hydraulic hoes or shovels,
dragline, or loaders, it is desirable to use haul units whose load body volume is
balanced with the bucket size of the excavator. If this is not done, operating
difficulties will develop and the combined cost of excavating and hauling material
will be higher than when balanced units are used. A practical rule-of-thumb
frequently used in selecting the size of trucks is to use trucks with a minimum
capacity of four to five times the capacity of the excavator bucket. The
dependability of this practice is discussed in the following analysis.
that a fewer number of bucket loads be placed on the truck, i.e., the load size is
adjusted if haul roads are in poor condition or if trucks must traverse steep grades.
The truckload in such cases will equal the bucket volume multiplied by the
number of bucket swings. For the case where the number of bucket loads is
rounded down to an integer lower than the balance number of swings or reduced
because of job conditions:
Load time = Number of bucket swings X bucket cycle time
Truckload (volumetric) = Number of bucket swings X volume of the bucket
If the division of truck body volume by the bucket volume is rounded to the next
higher integer and that higher number of bucket swings is used to load the truck,
excess material will spill off the truck. In such a case, the loading duration equals
the bucket cycle time multiplied by the number by bucket swings. But the volume
of the load on the truck equals the truck capacity, not the number of bucket swings
multiplied by the bucket volume.
Number of bucket loads rounded up to next higher integer above the balance
number of swings:
Load time = Number of bucket swings X bucket cycle time
Truckload (volumetric) = Volumetric capacity of the truck
Always check the load weight against the gravimetric capacity of the truck.
Truckload (gravimetric) = Volumetric (Icy) X unit weight (loose vol. Ib/lcy)
Truckload gravimetric < Rated gravimetric payload?
Based on the gross weight of the truck with the load, and considering the rolling
and grade resistance from the loading area to the dump point, haul speeds can be
determined using the truck manufacturer’s performance chart.
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Because the cost of the excavation equipment is usually greater than the cost of a
haul truck it is common practice to use a greater number of trucks than the
balance number derived from the ratio of the loader and truck cycle times. When
considering this decision the mechanical condition of the trucks should be
considered. Another consideration is the availability of standby trucks. These are
not necessarily idle units but could be trucks assigned to lower priority tasks from
which they can easily be diverted. After the job has started, the number of trucks
required may vary because of changes in haul-road conditions, reductions or
increases in the length of hauls, or changes in conditions at either the loading or
dumping areas. Management should always continue to monitor hauling
operations for changes in assumed conditions.
The use of truck as the primary hauling unit provides a high degree of flexibility,
as the number in service can usually be increased or decreased easily to permit
modifications in the total hauling capacity. When estimating what a truck will
carry both the rated gravimetric load and the rated –heaped volume must be
examined. The heaped capacity is the volume of material that the truck will haul
when the load is heaped above the sides. The actual heaped capacity will vary with
the material that is being hauled. Critical learning objective include:
An understanding of the necessity to achieve balance between excavator
bucket volume and truck load volume.
An ability to use performance charts to calculate truck speed.
An understanding of the job site constraints that affect dump times.
An ability to calculate the number of trucks required to keep the excavating
equipment working at capacity.
These objective are the basis for the problems that follow.
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cannot be selected until the soils are identified. It provides guidance for selecting
compaction equipment based on the type of material that must be compacted. As
seen in the table, if the required density is not achieved within four to eight
coverage’s, a different type of compactor should be considered. Appropriate
project compaction equipment based on material type
Material Lift Number of Compactor type Comments
thickness passes
Gravel 8-12 3-5 Vib. padfoot Foot psi 150-200
Vib. smooth -
Pneumatic Tire psi 35-130
Sheepsfoot Foot psi 150-200
Sand 8-10 3-5 Vib. padfoot -
Vib. smooth -
Pneumatic Tire psi 35-65
Smooth static Tandem 10-15
Silt 6-8 4-8 Vib. padfoot Foot psi 200-400
Tamping foot -
Pneumatic Tire psi 35-50
Sheepsfoot Foot psi 200-400
Clay 4-6 4-6 Vib. padfoot Foot psi 200-400
Tamping foot -
Sheepsfoot Foot psi 200-500
are most effective on granular materials, with particle sizes ranging from large
rocks to fine sand. They can be used on semi cohesive soils with up to about 10%
of the material having a PI of 5 or greater. Large steel-drum vibratory rollers can
be effective on rock lifts as thick as 3 ft.
An asphalt paver consist of a tractor, either track or rubber-tired, and a screed. The
tractor power unit has a receiving hopper in the front and a system of slat
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conveyors to move the mix through a tunnel under the power plant to the rear of
the tractor unit. At the rear of the tractor unit, the mix is deposited on the surface
to be paved and augers are used to spread the asphalt evenly across the front of the
trailing screed. Two tow arms, pin connected to the tractor unit, draw the screed
the tractor. The screed controls the asphalt placement width and depth, and imparts
the initial finish and compaction to the material. There is one manufacturer that
offers a paver having two sets of twin screws to move the mix through the tunnel
to the rear of the paver. The use of the screw conveyors is said to reduce mix
segregation. Pavers can receive mix directly into their front hoppers or can pick up
a windrow of material placed in front of the paver. The traditional method for
directly loading the hopper has the truck directly dump the asphalt concrete into
the paver hopper. Push rollers mounted on the front frame for the paver, and
extending beyond the hopper, push against the wheels of the truck, or a bar on the
paver pushes the pusher bar of the truck. The material is then transferred to the
hopper by raising the truck bed or by activating the live bottom. Loading the
hopper with individual truckloads often requires that the paver stops
intermittently. This can cause problems with construction a smooth pavement
since frequently the paver must wait between truckloads, and mating up to the
truck can bump the paver, causing the screed to release material.
The “floating” screed is free to pivot about its pin connections. This pin connected
tow arm arrangement allows the screed to be self-leveling and gives it the ability
to compensate for base surface irregularities. The paver’s ability to level out
irregularities is controlled by the tractor’s wheelbase length and by the length of
the screed towing arms. Greater lengths of these two components mean smooth
transitions across irregularities and therefore a smooth riding surface. Mat
thickness, which is controlled by the screed, can be maintained by using grade
sensors tracing grade by the use of sensors tracing a stringline. When all the forces
acting on the screed are constant, it will ride at a constant elevation above the
grade or follow the stringline. However, there are factors that can cause the sensor
regulated screed height to vary:
The screed angle of attack.
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Paver Production
Continuous paving operations depend upon balancing paver production with plant
production. The critical choke points in the operation, which must be analyzed and
managed, are the plant load-haul unit and the haul unit-feed paver links.
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Planning is very important for selecting the right type of equipment. First the
Planner has to see what type of work he is doing and then he should know various
types of equipments that can be used for the work. He has to see the Various
models and makes of equipments that are available in the market. He should study
the capacity and cost of equipment. He also has to see what type equipment he
possesses. Based on that he can go for similar type, make and model of
equipments so that there will be standardization and minimum inventory cost. He
also has to look into the probable life of equipment and its depreciation. He should
go in for equipment which has minimal maintenance. Experience is one of the
most important pre-requisite for equipment planners.
service roads are not paved, provision must be made for adequate regular
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The efficient performance of any piece of equipment and its service life are
conditioned by the following factors –
i. Strength
ii. Rigidity
iii. Vibration stability
iv. Resistance to wear
v. Heat resistance
vi. Reliability
vii. Maintainability
Any typical construction equipment may be classified in a number of ways:
a) The type of job
b) The nature of the working process
c) The operating conditions
d) The prime mover
e) The type of transmission
f) The output capacity
g) The type of control gear
In terms of the type of job, equipment used for construction operations are
generally divided into the following classes:
i. Horizontal off-track vehicle
ii. Load lifting machines for erection work
iii. Machines for loading / unloading operations
iv. Continuous conveyance machines
v. Material handling machines
vi. Machines for excavation and preparatory works
vii. Drilling and pile driving equipment
viii. Machines for working on stone materials
ix. Materials for preparation, transportation and placement of
concrete and mortar
x. Machines for finishing work
xi. Machines for making reinforced concrete products
xii. Power tools
xiii. Supporting equipment
The following types of prime movers are used as sources of power for operating
the equipment.
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a) Electric motor
b) Internal combustion engine
c) Pneumatic motor
d) Hydraulic motor
e) A combination of two or more sources for example, diesel – electric
Mobility Machines are classified as stationary and mobile. The mobile units can
further be subdivided as self – propelled, semi – trailer and trailer types. Based on
the running gear, machines may be classified as crawler, pneumatic type units, rail
mounted units and walking units.
Selection of Equipment needs careful thought to ensure efficient and effective
performance. Though the actual selection would depend on factors like type of the
work, its magnitude location etc. certain guidelines can be laid down. Basically
the various operations involved are as below:
a) Earth moving
i) Clearing and grubbing
ii) Stripping
iii) Earth work in cutting and embankment
iv) Spreading earth for bank work
v) Providing camber
vi) Watering
The following table shows the suitable equipment for the works mentioned above.
Sr. Operation Suitable Plant Remarks
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1 Cleaning/grubbing a) Tractor mounted Blade to be used in
dozer position. For light
a) Light / scrub & grass scrub
b) Grader motor
a) Clearing debris rubble a) Tractor mounted For large objects
g) Tipping bucket
b) Heavy soil a) Dozer Tractor Upto 90m haul
b) Scraper tractor towed
with pusher tractor to
help loading or
preceded by tractor
towed rooter or tractor Haul 60m. to 300m.
mounted ripper.
c) Motorized scraper
with pusher tractor or
preceded by tractor
towed rooter.
Haul 300m to
d) Grader motor 3000m.
preceded by tractor
towed rooter.
4 Spreading earth for bank a) Scraper tractor towed 60m, to 300m
work b) Scraper motorized
c) Grader motor 300m to 3000m.
- 38 - Construction Materials & Equipment Management
d) Tipping motor
e) Dozer, tractor
5 Providing camber a) Grader motor
b) Dozer, tractor
Data Required:
Basic data required for estimating the equipment are:
i. Quantities of items of work: Road Project is sub divided in operations
like (a) Earthwork, (b) Aggregate production, (c) transporting aggregate to
road, (d) metalling (e) compaction, (f) wearing surface – concrete /
bituminous surface etc. Quantities of items are worked out.
ii. Period of completion of the project.
Period of completion would depend on the duration required for the various
constituent items and the sequence in which they are proposed to be
executed. Normally a given road work has to be completed in a stipulated
period particularly when the work is to be completed on contract. In such
cases the duration of the constituent operations has to be adjusted taking
into consideration the activity interrelation and overall period of
completion. While fixing the activity durations due allowance must be
made for bad weather, monsoon, loss of time due to shifting equipment,
break down, repairs and maintenance of equipment etc.
iii. Normally no work is possible for 3 to 4 months in a year due to
monsoon. Further considering weekly holidays normally 25 days could be
considered to be available for working. Though a working day is
considered to comprise 8 hours, a part is spent in inevitable operations like
shifting, waiting etc. Thus in about 200 days available, working hours
would be about 1200-1500.
iv. From (i) to (iii) above a fair estimate of requirement of equipment can
be done. Over and above this a suitable provision. (to the extent of 10%)
is done as stand by to take care of break down or unforeseen circumstances.
- 41 - Construction Materials & Equipment Management
The management of materials in project is different from that in an on-going
situation. Some of the differences are described below.
i. Most of the materials in project are bulky and heavy.
ii. The lead time for procurement of materials in most cases is usually
much more.
iii. The principle of E.O.Q. has very limited applicability in project
situations. Usually sequential arrival of material is desired.
iv. The demand of materials in project is by and large highly deterministic.
v. Sufficient care has to be taken in the selection of vendors, as the
performance of vendors has significant impact on the project
In addition many project managers, more so in developing countries (where
procurement of capital equipments is rather difficult), feel a sense of achievement
and progress, when they see the capital equipments physically at site, though these
are required much later for erection. Due to these the classical principal of
Materials Management are not very effective in the project situation. Accordingly
suitable approaches in various of materials management in project are desirable.
The demand of materials in a project situation is highly deterministic. The gross
requirement of various materials is worked out during the detailed project Report
stage. The period at which the demand is to be met is also deterministic and is
known from the project network. The element of uncertainty is incorporated from
the uncertainty in activity realization. The primary concern in material planning
for projects is that the cost of not meeting a demand is very high, as it may lead to
delay in project completion. Hence the RIGHT TIME is the key word in material
planning for projects. The capital equipments are to be planned in such a way that
these are available at the site just before the erection/installation of these. Since
different equipments are to be erected/installed at different periods, a sequential
arrival of capital equipments based on their respective installation period is
- 42 - Construction Materials & Equipment Management
desired, instead of getting all the capital equipments at a time and storing them till
they are installed. This calls for detailed planning and co-ordination with various
agencies like, technical consultants, designers, suppliers, transport contractors etc.
The demand for construction is known as soon as the resource requirement for the
project is finalized. These materials are normally required before the construction
can start and are to be planned for availability prior to the construction phase of
the project. The consumables are used throughout the project duration and the total
requirements are known. However, the consumption rate at different period is
different but deterministic. In order to take into account the varying demand rate
in the planning of consumable materials it is desirable to draw the aggregate
demand pattern of the materials it is desirable to draw the aggregate demand
pattern of the materials may run into hundreds, the analysis of aggregate demand
pattern may be restricted to high consumption value materials only, i.e. the so
called “A” category items. The consumables are procured in several lots and not
in one lot; due to limited storage space at project sites, wastage or spoilage or
certain materials (like cement) when stored for a long period, and to save the
inventory carrying cost. The concept of economic order quantity can be used in
planning for consumables materials taking into account procurement cost,
inventory carrying cost, wastage and spoilage cost etc.
From the user’s point of view the problem arises due to following factors:
a) The lead time in purchase is uncertain and if it delayed it will result in
stoppage of work.
b) There may be unexpected shortage due to scarcity (or total non-
availability) of material or some unexpected difficulties in transportation.
c) The continuously rising prices and small quantities purchased frequently
may make the materials costlier.
Related to the EOQ in the desired protection against stock depletion referred to as
a safety level. The ideal situation is often thought of by the inventory manager as
always avoiding both zero balance and backorder position. The existence of
shortage suggests that some additional stock should be placed on the shelf to
protect against uncertainty of demand during the resupply time. Therefore action
must be taken to adjust for unexpected demands from customer or delays I
delivery from acquisition since shortage can be quite costly interim of unit
readiness. The safety level is an attempt to overcome this problem. However
100% protection is theoretically impossible.
frequencies Q is the least c and hence the intercept OS shows the most desirable
frequency of ordering for which the total inventory cost is minimum. The quantity
of order corresponding to the frequency is known as Economic order quantity
(EOQ)>.We can also plot the graph with quantity per order plotted along x-axis
and costs along y-axis (what will be the nature j the two graph in such a case) Both
the costs when totaled will get the total cost. The intercept on x axis corresponding
to the lowest point on the total cost will now give economic order quantity (EOQ).
This is also known as Economic Lot size.
Procurement is of special significance in a project situation. The net effect of
delay in delivery and supply of inferior quality of material is delay in the
completion of the project. Economic procurement is also important as it is a
determinant for the viability of the project. Because of these considerations
vendor selection plays an important role. In addition contingency procurement
plans are also necessary to minimize the effect of undesirable performance by
vendors. The consumables are standard materials and are usually available from
many sources. Occasionally, there is a scarcity of some of these materials. The
gross demand as well as the demand profile of these materials for the entire
project duration are known, and it is desirable to enter into contracts with the
suppliers (preferably more than, one for each material) for the entire requirement
with staggered delivery. The construction machineries need to be procured before
the construction activity is in full swing. The performance characteristics of these
machineries are important considerations while procuring these materials. It may
be possible to penalize the supplier for poor performance of the construction
machineries, but the cost to the project in terms of delays is much more than the
penalty that a be realized. The suitability of the construction machineries for the
particular construction site should also be evaluated. Another important, factor in
the selection of construction machineries is the maintenance requirement, in many
construction sties extensive maintenance facilities may not be available, specially
due to the limited period for which these construction machineries are to be used.
Keeping in view the severity of the requirements of construction machineries, it
may be desirable to procure these from reputed manufacturers even at a slightly
higher price.
Apart from the discussion on the technical details and price the negotiation can
centre around the following issues;
a) Delivery Schedule: To match with the project network.
b) Payment terms
c) Liquidated Damages
d) Quality specifications and procedure for checking quality.
e) Inspection at different stages of manufacture at the supplier’s premises.
f) Incorporation of design changes while the manufacturing is in progress.
g) Performance guarantee etc.
- 46 - Construction Materials & Equipment Management
1) Consider we are using
BEML front shovel model No. PC 220-3
Operating weight Tones – 22
Bucket capacity Range cum – 1.26 cum
Time in seconds - 24 secs for 1 bucket
in 1 min = 2.5 buckets
in 1 hr = 60 min x 2.5 bucket
1 hr = 150 bucket will be filled
= 150 x 1.26 cum
1 hr = 189 cum of earth will be filled
Number of Bucket loads
Balanced number of bucket loads = Truck capacity
Bucket Capacity
= 4 Cum = 3.27 = 3 bucket
1.26 Cum
Load time:-
Load time = Number of bucket swing x bucket cycle time.
Load time = 3 buckets x 24 sec.
= 72 sec
Haul Time:-
Hauling should be at the highest safe speed and in the proper gear, to increase
efficient use one way traffic pattern.
Haul time (min) = Haul distance (ft)
88 fpm / mph x Haul speed (mph)
3km = 3000 m = 9840 ft.
Haul speed mph = 25mph
= 9840
88 x 25 mp/h
Haul time = 4.47 min = 287 Sec.
Return time:-
Based on the empty vehicle wt & the rolling and grade resistance from the dump
point to the loading area return speed can be determined using the trucks
manufacturer performance chart.
Return Speed = 48.30 Mph
Return time (min) = Return distance (ft)
88 f pm/mph x Return speed (mph)
= 9840 = 2.32 min
88 x 48.3
= 152 Sec.
- 49 - Construction Materials & Equipment Management
Dump time:-
Approximately 3.5 min = 230 sec.
Truck cycle time:
Truck cycle time = load time + Haul time + Dumpling + Return
Truck Cycle time = 1.20 + 4.47 + 3.5 + 2.32
= 11.50 min
Number of Truck Required. :-
Number of Trucks = Truck cycle time (min)
Loader cycle time (min)
= 11.50
= 10.27 trucks
= 10 trucks
Production (1cum/hr) = Truck load (1cum) x 60 min
loader cycle time (min)
4) Return time
Return Speed = 60 mph
Return time (min) = 65600 = 12.45 min
88 x 60
5) Dump time
Approximately = 4 min
6) Truck Cycle time
= 1.2 + 18.63 + 12.42 + 4
= 36.25 min
7) Number of truck required.
= 36.25 = 32.36 = 33 trucks
8) Production = 214.29 cum hr.
6 hr. = 1285.57 cum.
To transport 3000 cum of sand no. of day required.
= 2.5 day = 15 trips
- 51 - Construction Materials & Equipment Management
Consider we are using dozer of make Catter pillar D9 - tracks
Model No. : CAT (18 Acert (D9T)
3408 Haul (D9R
Gross power: - 346 kW (464 hp) D9T
Tractor 354 kw (475 hp D9R)
Fly wheel power: 306 KW (410hp) D9T
306 kw (410hp) D9R
280 kw (375hp) D9N
343 kw (460hp) D9L
Blade capacities: 13.5 m3 (17.7 d3) 9 sv blade, 16.4 m3 (21.4 yd3) 9 u blade
Suppose dozer is used to push material 90 ft.
Production (1 as per 60 min-hr) = net hp x 330
(D + 50)
= 375 x 330
(90 + 50)
= 883.93 cy/hr
= 675.32 cum/hr
1) Consider we are using “Maxmech” make smooth Drum Vibratory Roller Model
No. MDVA 925 Given
Overall L = 4435 mm
Overall W = 1835 mm
Overall H = 3000 mm (top of canopy
Drum base = 3050 mm = 3.050, cub clearance = 400mm
Drum width = 1675 mm = 1675 mm, Drum Shell thk (machined) = 18 mm
Articulation angle = steering angle = 40, Oscillation angle = 10
Working speed = 0 – 6.5 Kmph = 4.0389 miles per how (mph)
Compacted lift thk = 8 inches, Mumbai of roller panes = 3 nos
Compacted cubic yards per hour = 16.3 x W x SxL x efficiency
W = Compacted width per roller pas in feet
S = average roller speed in miles per hour
L = compacted lift thk. In inches
N = number of roller pass required to achieve the required. Density
= 16.3 x 1.675 x 4.039 x 066 x 50/60
= 15.44 cy/per hour cum/per hour
= 15.44 x 6 = 92.64 = 93 cum per day.
To compact 83000 cum of earth 5376 hrs = 892.47 day i.e. 893 days
- 53 - Construction Materials & Equipment Management