Internship Project Final

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Prachi Bhardwaj

MBA Class of 2020

Under the Supervision of

Dr. R. Sujatha

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Business Administration – Human Resource





………………………………… LIMITED………………………………………………………

I declare

(a) That the work presented for assessment in this summer internship Report is my own, that it

has not previously been presented for another assessment and that my debts (for words, data,

arguments and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged.

(b) That the work conforms to the guidelines for presentation and style set out in the relevant


(c) The Plagiarism in the report is _4_ %( permissible limit is 15 % )

Date: …22nd July 2019…

Prachi Bhardwaj
` A0102318022
MBA – HR (Class of 2020)


This is to certify that Prachi Bhardwaj student of Masters of Business Administration – HR at

Amity Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed the summer internship
Report on “A study to understand the onboarding process at Havells India Limited”, under my

The report has been checked for Plagiarism and is within limits of acceptance.

Dr. R. Sujatha



I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my industry guide
Mr. Niraj Kumar for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement
throughout the course of this internship. Without his guidance and support I would not have been
able to complete this internship successfully.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Dean of Amity Business School, Dr. Sanjeev
Bansal and my faculty guide Dr. R. Sujatha for providing me with the opportunity and resources
to learn more.


The project titled “A Study to understand the on boarding procedure at Havells India Limited”
was conducted to understand the ongoing process of welcoming new candidate on board by the
HR Department of Havells. The study and project were more focused on the joining process. It
explains how the new hires are required to fill in the formality which varies in cases of Head
office, Branch and other transfer cases. It further tells about the importance of onboarding and
the procedure of documents verification. The study took place at the head office of Havells India
Limited, Noida.


(i) Declaration
(ii) Industry Guide Certificate
(iii) Faculty Guide Certificate
(iv) Acknowledgement
(v) Abstract

Chapters Page No.

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction of the Company…………………………..

1.2 Purpose of the Study

1.3 Context of the Study

1.4 Definitions

1.5 Summary

2 Review of Literature

3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Objective

3.2 Research Design

3.2.1 Type of Research

4 Data Analysis

4.1 Joining Procedure at the Head Office

4.2 Joining Procedure for Branch


4.3 Joining Procedure for Transfer Cases

4.4 SWOT Analysis of Havells India Limited

5 Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendations

5.3 Limitations


Havells India Limited is one of India’s leading Fast Moving Electrical

Goods Company. As an emerging trend leader, Havells, also provides the
Power Distribution Equipment Industry with end to end solutions. The
company was found by Qimat Rai Gupta in 1958 with just an investment
of Rs.10,000 and since then it has made a mark in the industry.

Havells caters the need of industrial as well as domestic market and has
various major manufacturing units in Baddi, Faridabad, Haridwar,
Alwar, Noida and Neemrana. The company enjoys enviable market
dominance for its high quality low voltage electrical equipments like-
Water Heaters, Modular switches, Modular switches, motors, cables and
wires, domestic circuit protection devices, power capacitors, CFL
Lamps, Luminaires and various other products.

The company has desirable business, not only in the domestic market,
but also in international markets like UK, Malaysia, Singapore,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Dubai, Africa, Iran and Iraq. The company is
presently exporting to over 50 countries globally.

Havells owns prestigious brands like-

 Standard
 Crabtree

 Promptec
 Reo
 Lloyd

VISION: To be globally recognized corporation that provides best

Electrical & Lighting Solutions, Delivered by best in class people.

MISSION: To achieve our vision through fairness, business ethics,

global reach, technological expertise, building long term relationships
with all our associates, customers, partners, and employees.


The purpose of this study is to understand the on boarding procedure that

takes place at Havells India Limited. An on boarding program is a very
important stage which helps the newly hired or transferred employees to
develop the required skills, knowledge and behaviors to become valuable
contributors to an organization.


The aim of the Onboarding process is to build up a long-term

relationship between the organization and its workers while endorsing
the candidate’s decision of joining the company.

Every business is distinct, so there is no single water-tight approach that

companies follow to handle the onboarding process of new candidates.
As indicated by the Society for Human Resource Management, “On-
boarding is the process by which new hires get acclimatized to all

aspects of their jobs rapidly and easily, and learn the KSA and behaviors
needed to operate effectively within an organization.”

The HR is not solely responsible for the success of the onboarding

process in the company; every forefront manager ought to participate in
this procedure from the primary stage. Companies should
comprehensively undertake the onboarding process rather than
considering it as merely a routine activity. This step may help in
improved joining of new candidates with the complete system.

Onboarding programs are typically managed by an organization’s human

relations or training departments. These programs can embody a broad
range of training-related activities including workshops, formal classes,
informal coaching, assessments and evaluation. The length of time
required to undertake the onboarding process may vary and several
factors including the company’s size, the industry and job function may
act as the agents of variance.

The onboarding process serves two major purposes for the company.
With the help of the onboarding process organizations can quickly train
their freshly hired staff to be productive and simultaneously influence
their first impressions of the organization they have just agreed to work
for. These first impressions are important in building and enhancing the,
as aforementioned, the employer-employee relationship.

Organizations which are engaged in competitive industries where

enticing, filling and maintaining proficient top positions is arduous
benefit from the second purpose that onboarding serves.

As mentioned earlier, the onboarding programs established differs with

the type of organization. Onboarding, carried out only on a superficial
level, inform about the specification of the job, workplace milieu,
corporate ethos and the company’s stance in the market field. On the

other hand, a more thorough onboarding program would yield broader

and more benefits such as such as corporate trainings and activities tying
the goals of the newly hired to that of the central goals of the company.

Some basic practices which increase efficiency and goal alignment and achievement

 Leadership Involvement: support of top management before, during and after

 Constant Evaluation: make sure the training is effective and
updated, and upgrade accordingly
 All-Inclusive: ensure involvement of all departments in the process
 Organized Layout: lay out business goals at the very beginning,
and align the onboarding training accordingly
 Consistency: establishing an array of consistent onboarding and coaching


 HUMAN RESOURCE: The term human resource was coined in

the early 1900s, and then more widely in the 1960s, to describe
the people who work for the organization. In short, Human
resources or HR is the company department responsible for
finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, and
administering employee-benefit programs. HR plays a very
important role in helping the companies to deal with the fast-
changing environment and the greater demand for quality


management with an emphasis on those employees as assets of
the business.’ Here, employees are referred to as human capital.
The goal is to make effective use of employees, reducing risk and
maximizing return on investment.

 ON-BOARDING: Also known as organizational socialization,

onboarding refers to the process through which new hires acquire
knowledge, skills, behavior, culture in order to become the
effective contributor for the organization. It is a process which
helps the employees to be familiarized with the products, services
and a lot more about the organization they will be working in.


This Summer Internship report is intended to study about the Joining

process of new employees at Havells India Limited. The onboarding
process helps new hired employees to adjust to the performance and
social aspects of their jobs so they can be efficient, productive and are
majorly able to contribute to the organization.

When an employee joins an organization, it is essential to provide the

employee with a positive joining experience. Therefore, an onboarding
plan prior to their joining is to be prepared.

As a part of my 6 weeks internship, I was a part of the Joining team

which was responsible for conducting and fulfilling joining formalities of
new candidates at the Head Office in Noida. Whereas, the joining
formalities at various branches over India also were to be registered at
the head office for further document verification and audit purpose.

This report will include the procedure of joining that took place at the
Head office and the branches. It will further also elaborate the joining of
the transfer cases from one program to other within the organization.



Kammeyer- Mueller &Wanberg, 2003: The purpose of on boarding is

not solely about exchanging information, but the process is extremely
important for determining retention rates and commitment of employees
towards the organization. Employees who are absolutely clear about their
job, they tend to experience more positivity towards the organization
which indicates the positive relationship between job role clarity and
organization commitment.

Stein & Christiansen (2010, 24): Onboarding brings a lot of experience

for the new hires that tend to synthesize as per the experience and
responds within the first year of employment, but only the few that are
managed by centralized HR functions.

Little (2015): An effective onboarding must give the feeling of

confirmation to the new hires to of becoming a contributing member of
the organization in the shortest period, while engaging the employee to
enhance productivity and improve the opportunity for the company to
retain the employee.

Kauhanen (2010, 151): Onboarding helps the employee to know his or

her working community, work place and actual work, which includes
knowing the organization’s business idea, vision, mission, values and
practices. This also includes understanding or knowing other people,
such as new colleagues, customers and other important stakeholders.
Work guidance means receiving an induction to the new job role and
expectations related to the new role.




To understand the joining process at Havells India Limited

Research Design-

The report will be based on qualitative research. Data sources are

Primary and Secondary data. PRIMARY DATA-

The primary data is collected from a source of origin where the data is
generated. In this report, the primary source is observation. The joining
procedure at Havells is observed closely for 6 weeks.


Secondary data is collected from the source of reservation storage where

the data is collected by one person and is used by other person or agency.
This type of data is collected as primary data and used by other as
secondary data.

For this study, in order to have a proper understanding of the onboarding

procedure a depth study was done from the various sources such as
internet, a lot of data is collected from the official website of Havells and
the articles from various search engines like Google.



On boarding a candidate is one of the most important procedures that HR

takes well care of. When a new candidate joins the company, he/she
comes across various feelings and expectation from the organization and
its working environment. The very first day in the new office is always
filled with curiosity, nervousness, questions, joy and confusion.
Therefore, it is important the new employee is made comfortable within
the environment. The person who is responsible for on boarding new
joiners plays a very important role.

Havells India Limited is one of the fastest electrical goods company in

India. The company has over 6000 employees working in various
divisions. The Human Resource Department is responsible for hiring the
potential workers who can contribute for the betterment of the

When an employee joins the company, it is important to provide a

positive joining experience to the new employee.

The Talent Acquisition team of Havells handles the recruitment part and
conducts interviews to find potential candidates for the available vacancy
in the organization. If the candidate is selected, a pre-joining verification
of the employee is conducted. It includes the verification of the previous
or one before the previous company the employee was working for. The
rest is handled by the on boarding team.




 The joining at the Head Office takes place at 8:30 A.M.

 As soon as the candidate arrives, an approval mail is sent to the
reporting head. After the respected reporting head approves
through digital signature, the joining docket of 21 pages is
 The joining docket includes- a checklist which includes the following-
 Welcome note
 Joining Report
 Employee Information Form
 I Card Form
 PF Form 11 (PF Declaration Form)
 PF Form 2 (PF Nomination Form)
 ESI Form 1 ( ESI Declaration and Nomination Form)
 Gratuity Form F (Nomination Form )
 Confidentiality Agreement
 Any other Agreement standard for employees

 While the candidates sign the joining docket, the TA team is

requested for the LOI kit which is assembled as per the LOI
 The LOI kit is basically the bundle of candidate form, CV,
educational documents, salary slips and pre-joining verification
reports. All these documents are followed by the LOI letter with
the CTC and are signed by the General Manager, Mr. Niraj
 After the candidate has gone through the guidelines and has
signed it, the documents are assembled as per the checklist and

the LOI kit is attached behind the joining kit.

 The copy of the documents is verified with the originals and the
relieving letter from employee’s previous employer or the
affidavit is accepted to consider the joining of the candidate.
 Post this procedure, the employee is welcome on board by the
General Manager of the HR department and later with his/her
respected team.

 For Verification, Havells has support of outsource services named- RefCheck.

 The highest qualification and the latest salary slip copy is
scanned and sent for the verification.
 If by any chance, there is any major discrepancy in the
documents of the candidate, the employee is put on hold and is
asked to specify the reason. If he/she fails to provide strong
reasons then he/she is relieved from their services immediately.
 Meanwhile, the final kit is sent to the Finance department to
create the employee ID and for specifying the proper break-up of
the salary and the final CTC.
 The kits are sent back to the HR department and are cross
checked and signed by the General Manager himself.
 The kits are further filed and saved in the department as per the Employee IDs.


 Usually the actual on boarding procedure takes place at the

respective branch and is handled by the Branch HR itself.
 After the employees have signed and gone through the joining
kit, the Branch HR scans the kit and sends it to the concerned
person of the HR department in the head office.
 The branch joining come into work after 1 PM at the head office.
 The LOI kit is requested from the TA team.
 The scanned copy of joining kit is assembled as per the checklist
and combined with the LOI kit.
 The required documents are then sent to the company for verification.
 Meanwhile, the final kit is sent to the Finance department to
create the employee ID and for specifying the proper break-up of
the salary and the final CTC.
 The kits are sent back to the HR department and are cross
checked and signed by the General Manager himself.
 The kits are further filed and saved in the department as per the
Employee IDs and locations.


There are various departments in Havells India Limited. In the duration of 6

weeks of Internship, there were around 70 cases of transfers from Parishram
to HIL.

 As it is just the transfer case, there is not a long procedure for

transferring an employee from one department to another.
 Joining kit is signed by the employees and the documents are set up as per the
check list
 Educational documents are sent for the verification
 A new CTC breakup is prepared by the finance department
 The final document is checked and signed by the General Manager
 The files of the employees are saved and stored under Havells India Limited



 High Loyalty: Havells has a high brand loyalty and owns many
prestigious brands. The company has 12 manufacturing plants in
India which are located at Faridabad, Baddi, Alwar, Assam,
Neemrana, Haridwar.
 Huge Product Range: Havells produces a huge range of
products that range from kitchen and home appliances,
commercial appliances, domestic lightening, modular switches,
fans, motors, water heaters and many more high quality products
which are also offered in the international market.
 Global Presence: Havells has strong business operations and
networks at the international level.
 Strong Acquisition History: Havells had acquired a lightning
business of a Frankfurt- based company, Sylvania, which is the
global leader in the lighting business.
 Strong Leadership Position: Havells high quality and variety of
products has helped the company to achieve a leading position in
the marketing.


 High Debt Ratio: The biggest weakness of Havells business

success is that the company is estimated to possess high debt
 Impact on performance due to poor economy: Due to the dip

in the real estate, Havells has said to perform low due to the
impact on the economy.
 High replacement cost: Few employees are responsible for
company’s base knowledge and replacing them will be extremely
difficult and costly for Havells.


 Increase in Customer Market: The customer market is

expected to grow by 15-20%. This may ensure stronger revenue
for the company.
 Expanding Business Operations: By focusing on the weaker
segments, Havells has higher chances of expanding its business
 Chinese Firm Acquisition: The Company sees a better
opportunity of acquiring low- cost manufacturing of Chinese
 Technological Advancement: Technology is improving
industrial productivity which allows suppliers to manufacture
various types of products and services.


 Government Policies: Frequent changes in government policies

are a serious obstacle to industrial sales.
 Dependency on Economy: The Company’s maximum business
comes from India and thus its revenue depends solely on the
situation of Indian economy.

 Delay in executing power projects: Havells delay in executing

the power projects mayt result in damage to the reputation and
business revenue.
 Intense Competition: There is a very intense competition when
it comes to electrical goods. Companies like- Bajaj Electricals,
Crompton Greaves are some competitors of Havells.



Human Resource department is mainly responsible for various

responsibilities, out of which, welcoming the new employee on board is
the most important.

It is essential for the people of the HR department to make the right

environment for people to work in a manner to gain optimum utilization
of resources within limited time. As an intern on my duration 6 weeks
internship at Havells India, I was able to get as much exposure as
possible. As an intern I was not permitted to use the software for seeking
approvals from the concerned reporting heads during the joining process
but I was allowed to assist and was given responsibility to complete the
manual process only.

Following are the points that I observed from my internship-

 There are around 15-20 total joining everyday at Havells India Limited
 Havells India is still under the process of implementing various
new strategies and gradually welcoming the concept of
 There is comparatively more manual work in the joining process.
 For verifying documents of the employees, a pre and post joining
verification takes place by an outsource company.
 Formal Induction sessions by HR are delayed frequently.
 The company has a concept of proper Lunch service at the head
office, where all the employees including the peons and the
Directors share the same facility at the same place. There is no
 Havells India has a very well corporate environment and strict working hours.


 There should be proper formal induction sessions even when it is just for few numbers of
new employees.
 Employee Engagement Activities should be considered.
 Implementation of digitization should be on priority.
 The joining formalities should also be digitized.
 Temporary Ids to be provided to the interns for better understanding of the system.


 As an intern, usage of SAP for seeking approvals from reporting head was not permitted.
 Interns were not allowed to go through any data because of confidentiality.


 Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., & Wanberg, C. R. (2003). Unwrapping the Organizational

Entry Process: Disentangling Multiple Antecedents and Their Pathways to Adjustment.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 779-794.

 Stein, M., & Christiansen, L. (2010). Successful onboarding: strategies to unlock hidden
value in the organization. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. 41, 673-679.

 Little, S. 2015. What is Employee Onboarding -- And Why You Need It? February 26.
Accessed: 15.9.2017.

 Kauhanen, J. 2010. Henkilöstövoimavarojen Johtaminen. WSOYpro. Helsinki. 151


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