2010 - Third Sunday of Advent

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Third Sunday of Advent

Christmas Schedule 2010 Third Sunday of Advent

This week's Gospel continues our Advent reflection on the
CHRISTMAS: THE NATIVITY OF THE person and message of John the Baptist. Last week we
heard John speak about his relationship to the coming
Messiah, Jesus. This week, we hear Jesus' message to John
Friday 24 December the Baptist, now in prison, about the signs of the kingdom
5:00 pm Christmas Vigil Mass found in Jesus' ministry and Jesus' assessment of John's
4:30 pm Carols role in the Kingdom of God.
In today's Gospel, John sends word to Jesus from prison,
asking if Jesus is the Messiah for whom he has been
8:00 pm Night Mass
waiting. Jesus responds by pointing to the miracles that he
7:30 pm Carols & Choir has worked and invites John and the other hearers to make
their own determination. In his next breath, however,
11:00 pm Night Mass Jesus praises John for his role in preparing the way for
10:30 pm Choral Office of Readings Jesus. Jesus says that all who work for the kingdom of
Saturday 25 December God will be as great as John & even greater.
8:15 am Cantor Jesus' message to John about the signs of the kingdom
being performed recalls the salvation described by the
9:30 am Children’s Choir
prophet Isaiah. This passage is a reminder that the
11:00 am Chorale beginning of salvation is already mysteriously present to
12:30 pm Choir us, but also yet to be fulfilled. Salvation is already in our
midst as manifest in the miraculous deeds of Jesus and in
HOLY FAMILY the Church. But salvation is also to be fulfilled in the
coming reign of God. Even as we observe our world
No Anticipated (5:15 pm) Mass today, we can find glimpses of God's work among us.
Sunday 26 December Even more, we help to prepare the way for God's kingdom
Regular Sunday Mass Schedule by our words and our deeds. This message is indeed a
8:15 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm cause for rejoicing.

NEW YEAR’S: Solemnity of the Mother of God Mass Intentions This Week
December 13th - 19th
Friday 31 December
5:00 pm Vigil Mass Please join us as we pray for the following,
Saturday 01 January in our “Announced Mass” Intentions
Mon.:(9 am) +Tom Moclair - Paul & Peggy Hughes
9:00 am & 11:00 am
(7 pm) Advent Mass (Religious Education)
Tues.:(9 am) +Tom Moclair - Gail Weiler & David Tyrrell
THE EPIPHANY Wed.:(9 am) +Tom Moclair - Coba Clancy
Thurs.:(9 am) +Lorraine Redmond - Family
No Anticipated (5:15 pm) Mass
Fri.:( 9 am) +Tibor & Elizabeth Varkonyi
Sunday 02 January - George & Gabriel
Regular Sunday Mass Schedule Sat.:(9 am) +Tom Moclair - Ursula & John Matthews
8:15 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm (5:15 pm) +Nicole Nardi - Family
Sun.:(8:15 am) +Tom Moclair - Narozenski Family
(9:30 am) +Edward & Veronica Berringer - Family
The Christmas Season ends with the Feast of the Baptism (11:00 am) +Patrick Guillemette - Family
of the Lord on Sunday, January 9th. (12:30 pm) For Our Parishioners
December 12, 2010

Letter from “I was a stranger and you

Most Reverend Gary M. Gordon, welcomed me.”
Matthew 24:35
Bishop of Whitehorse, Yukon
Dear Fr. Nino,
Today, during all Masses, we will give
It was a grace and privilege to preside and preach at the you a brief update about our Iraqi Sponsorship Ministry.
Sunday Masses on the feast of Christ the King. The Many of you have enthusiastically responded to our initial
welcome and hospitality you and the parish showed to me
announcement. Because of that, we are well on our way to
during my stay in Toronto was a special Christmas giving our refugee family the opportunity to start all over
present, Thank you. again in peace and security.
For me it was a special joy to share with the parish the Now is also the time that we need to broaden our appeal
great work of Catholic Missions in Canada. The so that everyone of our faith community can reach out to
experience of being in Our Lady of Sorrows parish and the this family.
Toronto Archdiocese once again, confirmed in my heart Attached to this week’s bulletin you will find an envelope
the beauty of our One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith. especially designated for the Iraqi Sponsorship Ministry.
We are Family!! There is also a cut-out pledge form below.
May your Advent preparation and prayer for the feast of
Christ’s birth be a time of renewed grace, peace and love You can help through any of the following options:
from our God, made visible in Christ Jesus. T Make a onetime donation. Please use the attached
In Communion, envelope: complete with your name and envelope number;
Most Reverend Gary M. Gordon T Make a monthly donation through postdated cheques
Web site: www.whitehorsediocese.org for up to 12 months. Please use the attached envelope:
complete with your name and envelope number;
T Pledge a monthly donation by using the pledge form.
Vocation Seeds No void cheque is required; it is a matter of trust. A small
reminder will be placed in the bulletin each month.
“See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way before you.” When everybody helps, the family will be truly welcomed,
If God is calling you to be sent as a priest or religious, not by just a few, but by all the members of our Parish.
contact Fr. Hansoo Park at [email protected] or by Please place your donation/post-dated cheques/pledge
calling 416-968-0997. form in the regular collection next Sunday, December 19th .

Christmas Concert
Name: ______________________________________
Friday, Dec. 17 - 8 pm - St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Hosted by the Daughters of Isabella Address: _____________________________________
The concert will feature singer-songwriter Rosanna Riverso
and her special guests. For tickets call the Parish Office:
Please include postal code
416-787-0369. The net profits from the concert will be
donated to the Sisters of Charity Orphanage in Haiti. Tel: _________________________________________

Amount of
OLS School Kindergarten Registration Env #: _____________ monthly pledge $ ___________
JK & SK registration will take place the week of Jan. 10.
Appointments can be made starting Mon., Jan. 3 by calling
the school at: 416-393-5246.

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