Week 10 by Grp2

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THREAT 3. VERBAL ABUSE (Velasco, Karen D.)

- Also called verbal attack or verbal
FORMS OF ABUSE assault, it is when a person forcefully
criticizes, insults, or denounces
Psychological/Emotional Abuse (Morales, someone else. Characterized by
Julius Christian) underlying anger and hostility, it is a
destructive form of communication
- Characterized by a person intended to harm the self-concept of
subjecting or exposing another to the other person and produce
behavior that may result in trauma, negative emotions. Verbal abuse is
including anxiety, chronic a maladaptive mechanism that
depression, or post-traumatic stress anyone can display occasionally,
disorder. such as during times of high stress
or physical discomfort.
All forms of abuse are illegal and these
includes the following: 4. ELDER ABUSE (Enriquez, Matthew
1. PHYSICAL ABUSE (Federis, Yuri
Laine) - Elder Abuse is defined by the World
- Also known as domestic abuse or Health Organization as “a single, or
domestic violence. Physical abuse is repeated act, or lack of appropriate
any intentional act causing injury or action, occurring within any
trauma to another person or animal relationship where there is an
by way of bodily contact. expectation of trust which causes
harm or distress to an older person.”
2. SEXUAL ABUSE ( Dalago, Jadine - Elder abuse often occurs when there
Kyzle R.) is an imbalance of control. The
abuser either limits or takes control
- Also referred as molestation, is an over the rights and freedoms of the
unwanted sexual activity, with senior. The abuse/violence is used
perpetrators using force, making to intimidate, humiliate, coerce,
threats or taking advantage of frighten or simply to make the senior
victims not able to give consent. feel powerless.
Most victims and perpetrators - Elder abuse or elder mistreatment is
know each other. a multidimensional phenomenon,
that encompasses a broad range of
- Generally defined as contacts behaviors, events, and
between a child and an adult or circumstances. Unlike random acts
other person significantly older or in of violence or exploitation, elder
a position of power or control over abuse does not always occur as an
the child, where the child is being isolated incident; rather it is
used for sexual stimulation of the recurrent in up to 80% of cases.
adult or other person. -
or offensive environment. It can be carried
out by an individual or group of individuals
5. SPIRITUAL ABUSE (Lupig, Jeaf who make/s an inappropriate behaviour
Roseminh D.) based on race, colour, ancestry, place of
origin, political belief, religion, marital status,
- It may refer to psychological family status, sexual orientation, physical or
manipulations and harm inflicted on mental disability, gender, age, and criminal
a person by using the teachings of or summary conviction.
religion by certain religious groups.
This is perpetrated by members of
the same or similar faith, and
includes the use of a position of BULLYING (Daduya, Reinniel)
authority within the religion. It is
most often directed at children and Bullying is physical or verbal abuse that
emotionally vulnerable adults, and occurs repeatedly and involves a power
motivations behind such abuse vary, imbalance. In other words, it’s one
but can be either well-intentioned or individual, using social power, or physical
malicious. strength, to dominate another in a way that
really makes the target miserable.
- Spiritual abuse happens when a bullying is comprised of the following key
spiritual authority, such as a cult elements: the intent to harm; an imbalance
leader or abusive pastor, seeks to of power; repeated aggression and/or the
control individuals and ensure threat of further aggression.

An example case is that: FIVE TYPES OF BULLYING (De Jesus,

A spiritually abusive group might claim that Patrick)
they are God’s sole channel of
communication and that they alone can • Physical bullying - which includes hitting
rightly interpret God’s Word. They might or otherwise hurting someone, shoving or
claim that salvation depends upon intimidating another person, or damaging or
belonging to their church and that, since stealing their belongings
God speaks through them alone, there can
be no further discussion on what the leaders • Verbal bullying - which includes name
say. calling or insulting someone about physical
characteristics such as their weight or
height, or other attributes including race,
sexuality, culture, or religion
HARASSMENT (Perez, Vera Anne C.)
• Relational aggression/bullying -
Harassment is an unwanted conduct that sometimes referred to as emotional bullying,
occurs with the purpose or effect of violating relational aggression is a type of social
the dignity of an individual or creates an manipulation where tweens and teens try to
intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating
hurt their peers or sabotage their social

• Cyberbullying - is when a tween or a teen

uses the Internet, a smartphone, or other
technology to harass, threaten, embarrass,
or target another person.

THREAT (Puertollano, Kyd Joshua D.C.)

- A sign that an event that may inflict

pain or cause a person’s death may
- A form of intimidation that a person
would make another person do out
of fear.

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