Education As A Social Process

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Submited by
M Rajamathangi
II B.ed ‘B’ section


Education is a social process, because it cannot be limited to some

books and speeches.Education contain all about life experince.The concept of
human civilisation is highly complex and does not lend itself. man is rational
animal, his reason teaches him not to give a free play to his animal instincts.


“Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not a

preparation for life; education is life itself.” —John Dewey |


Education stands for deliberate instruction or training. Man does not behave in
society impulsively or instinctively He behaves in a way according to which he is
trained. Some thinkers have equated it with socialisation. A few others regard
education as an attempt to transmit the cultural norms of the group to its younger
Firstly, education, viewed as socialisation, is continuous. Socialisation is social
learning. This social learning is not intermittent but continuous. Perfection in social
learning is rarely achieved.


In other words, education does not and should not stop once and individual has
attained academic degrees and comes out of the portals of a school or university.
Education is the process of changing human character for the better. It is a life-
long process and real character building often takes place after a person leaves his
schooling and plunges into the rough and tumble of life. Education is, therefore, a
continuous process from the cradle to the grave. Education in world citizenship is
an uphill task. It requires imagination, initiative, resources. Above all, it needs
peace and prolonged persevering effort on the part of every man and woman

Classification of Social Process or Types:

Sociologists are not unanimous regarding the classification types or forms of social
processes. It has been classified differently by different sociologists. Some
sociologist classified it into two types such as:

(i) Conjunctive social process

(ii) Disjunctive social process

Conjuctive process--- draws people together …….eg: cooperation

Disjunctive process--- pull people apart… conflict


 The existence of different entities

 The interaction between those entities

Forms of social process:

 Person to person
 Person to group
 Group to group

Functions of Education in Society:

Acquisition of knowledge and development of the personality of an individual is

no longer presumed to be the main function of education. Functions are assumed to
occur without directed effort. From the sociological point of view, education has
the following functions:

 Assimilation and transmission of culture/traditions:

Education should help in

Acquisition/clarification of personal values

 Self-realization/self-reflection: awareness of one‘s abilities and goals

 Self-esteem/self-efficacy

 Thinking creatively

 Cultural appreciation: art, music, humanities

 Developing a sense of well-being: mental and physical health

 Acquisition/clarification of values related to the physical environment

 Respect: giving and receiving recognition as human beings

 Capacity/ability to live a fulfilling life

 Development of new social patterns:

Today the world is changing very fast due to development of technology

and communication. So along with preservation of traditional values, new values,
social patterns need to be developed where: Citizens rooted in their own cultures
and yet open to other cultures are produced.

 Global outlook is fostered.

 Knowledge is advanced in such a way that economic development goes hand in

 hand with responsible management of the physical and human environment.

Citizens who understand their social responsibilities are produced.

 Citizens who can evaluate information and predict future outcomes are

 – in short who can take part in decision-making Who have the capacity/ability to
seek out alternative solutions and evaluate them

 are trained – those who are trained in problem solving

 Activation of constructive and creative forces:

Education should help to build up a qualified and creative workforce that
can adapt to new technologies and take part in the ‗intelligence revolution‘ that is
the driving forceof our economies. It should Ensure capacity/ability to earn a
living: career education Develop mental

 and physical skills: motor, thinking, communication, social, aesthetic Produce

citizens who can adapt, adjust according to social environment

 Produce citizens who can contribute towards the progress of society

 Produce citizens who will live democratically,

 Create individuals who will make proper use of leisure time,

 Train individuals to adapt to change or prepare for change, better still initiate

 change in the society, Develop individuals who are open to others and mutual
understanding and the

 values of peace, Promote knowledge of moral practices and ethical standards

acceptable by

 society/culture Develop capacity/ability to recognize and evaluate different

points of view

One can use sociology as a basis for understanding human behavior in every day
life whether it be on an individual basis or group. As John Donne is quoted as saying
"No man is an island unto himself," individual behaviors can not be separated from
group behavior because we carry society within us. But, one can concentrate on one
aspect more than the other.


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