Oedipus Rex Part One Quiz

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Oedipus Rex Part One Quiz

Essay Questions
Answer the following questions in essay format (2+ paragraphs each)

One of the major themes in Greek literature is the tragic flaw – the major failing of the hero that is the
source of his hubris, and eventually his downfall. In order for the tragic flaw to exist, it would have to
have been a source of strength for the character at one point, but will be the instrument of his downfall
now. Use this basis to answer the following questions:

1. What is the tragic flaw in Oedipus? What evidence in the story makes you think so? How has this
flaw served him well in the past? Based on the events so far, how could this flaw serve as
downfall? Explain your reasoning.

2. When looking at The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses, can an argument be made that the guard
suffered from a tragic flaw? If so, what was it, and how did it contribute to his downfall? If not,
what was the cause of his downfall, and why could he not prevent it? Explain your reasoning.

Another major theme in Greek literature is fate; the idea that all people have a preordained path that
they travel, and although smaller decisions are ours to make, the results are inevitable. This is seen in
the use of oracles and prophecies in Oedipus, but the themes can be found in many other works as well.
This is the source of much dramatic irony in fiction – where trying to prevent something from happening
leads to it happening. Use this framework as a basis to answer the following questions.

3. In Oedipus, the king summons the oracle to ask him where to find the man responsible for the
murder of Laius. Looking back over the conversation, are themes of fate and dramatic irony
present? If so, where? If not, what themes do you think are present there instead? Explain your

4. In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne is imprisoned for the murder of his wife, even
though he is innocent. Is the story of his eventual escape an example of dramatic irony? Explain
your reasoning.

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