Ritual Do Mestre Escocês - Santo Andre

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Rectified Scottish Rite - Grand Priory of England and

Ritual of Scottish Master of St. Andrew


Reception of Candidates

After the MC and candidates have withdrawn, Wardens, Secretary and Orator move
simultaneously to illuminate candles of 4 4-branch candelabra, using tapers, and taking light
from candles around TB. Second TB is placed in front of SW's pedestal, bowl, etc, are removed
by AMC revealing Third TB.
MC knocks ** * * from outside Lodge Room.
JW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
JW: Worshipful Deputy Master, there is an alarm.
WDM: Brother Junior Warden, see who seeks admission and report to me.
JW goes to doors of Lodge Room, and knocks (with sword pommel) ** * *.
JW: Who comes and what do you seek? (Loudly, through door.)
MC: Scottish Masters seek to be re-united with their Brethren and promise to aid them in the
completion of their labours. (Loudly, through door.)
JW turns to face East, stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
JW: Worshipful Deputy Master, Scottish Masters seek to be re-united with their Brethren and
promise to aid them in the completion of their labours.
WDM: Brother Junior Warden, enquire their names, their ages and on what labours they have
been engaged.
JW opens the door partly.
JW: What are the names of the Brethren, what ages have they reached and what labours have
occupied them?
MC: Their name is N...A. They are nine years and over. They have worked in the Porch and the
Sanctuary upon the plans for the reconstruction of the Temple.
JW closes door of Lodge room, turns to face East, stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade
JW: Worshipful Deputy Master, the name of these Brethren is N...A. They have passed the age
of nine years. They have worked in the Porch and the Sanctuary upon the plans for the
reconstruction of the Temple.
WDM: Enquire whether they will continue the Great Work with the Brethren and will perform it
with zeal and perseverance.
JW turns, to partly re-open the door of Lodge room.
JW: Will these Scottish Masters covenant to undertake the Great Work with the Brethren and to
pursue it with zeal and perseverance?
MC: They ardently desire to assist the Brethren in all of their labours.
JW closes door of Lodge room, turns to face East, stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade
JW: Worshipful Deputy Master, the earnest desire of these Brethren is to aid us in all of our
WDM: In that case permit these Scottish Masters to enter, in order to prove whether they are
worthy to partake in the perfection of the work of reconstruction in which they have already
JW turns to door of Lodge room, knocks ** * * on door (with sword pommel) and JW opens
doors fully.
JW: Brother Master of Ceremonies, the Worshipful Deputy Master authorises you to introduce
the Scottish Masters.
Music is played loudly. MC conducts candidates into Lodge Room and halts them, in file,
between the Wardens. The candidates carrying their swords correctly, JW returns to his
pedestal. MC instructs each candidate, in turn, to advance towards TB with steps of a Scottish
Master of St Andrew so that they end in a line across Lodge room facing East. As the last
candidate takes the steps, PB closes doors. Music ceases. MC stands on South side of TB.
MC: Brethren, the diagram before you calls for your solemn attention.
MC remains by the Tracing Board.

Third Discourse

WDM: Brethren, on the occasion of your entrance into Freemasonry, emblems and allegories
were offered to you for the exercise of your intelligence in their interpretation. For you, all
instruction by way of symbols has now ceased. Therefore, give your whole attention to the final
images, which will now be presented to you here. This Tracing Board before you may be
studied from two points of view: symbolical and historical, or real and religious. The destiny of
the human race, its history and the practical lessons that may be drawn from it, both for our
personal use and the moral perfection of Man, are and remain the essential object of Masonic
symbols and allegories. At the same time, the symbols with which we are concerned are not
mere myths representing exalted knowledge; they have also a close application to the fortunes
and the progress of Freemasonry.
SW: The Temple of Solomon and its vicissitudes are, for us, the great image of the very life of
the Masonic Order.
The splendour of that sacred building represents the normal state of our great Initiation when
resting on the solid foundation of its sublime principles. But the destruction of the Temple is
also, for us, an emblem of that state of desolation into which Freemasonry falls when,
abandoning its principles of charity, tolerance and disinterest, it permits itself to be borne away
by the promptings of egoism and ambition. It languishes and sinks until the day comes when
workers, once again animated by a firm and upright spirit, come to seek in the tomb of
Hiram for the Lost Word, which is preserved secretly therein. Thus the mysteries of our
fraternity exhibit three epochs: that of the construction of the Temple of Solomon; that of its
destruction by Nebuchadnezzar; and, finally, that of its restoration by Zerubbabel.
WDM: Our Order has had to suffer cruel persecution. Its destruction at times has appeared
inevitable. Pursued in France, Spain, Germany and England, it found refuge in Scotland. There,
IN SILENTIO ET IN SPE, it laboured at the restoration of its destroyed Temple. As in the
previous Grades, the Book of the Law was preserved by Esdras, so there have always been true
Freemasons to perpetuate and transcribe the sacred writings of our Order.
In following, MC indicates with his sword as necessary.
JW: This Diagram may also be studied from the real and religious point of view. The symbol of
Hiram, which is here before you, represents the passage from the Third Grade to the Fourth
Grade, from Craft or ‘Blue' Masonry to the Scottish Masonry of St Andrew. The Grade of
Master Mason ends with the disinterment of the dead body of Hiram and its burial in a
magnificent monument raised to it by human gratitude. The ancient and most secret Word of the
Master was concealed in this place of rest. Like the grain sown in the earth, it germinated in due
Here you behold Hiram rising from the dead, freeing himself from his cerements and issuing
gloriously reborn to a new life. He reappears surrounded by the four Masonic virtues which he
had practised formerly and which we should practise also if we would be true benefactors of
humanity. His eyes are turned towards the true East, discovering new virtues therein - even
those virtues Faith, Hope and Charity, which are called henceforth to vivify the world and lead it
to supreme felicity.
MC comes forward to indicate symbol.
WDM: This new star, with all that it encloses, will be the torch that will guide you on your
appointed way henceforth and the jewel, with which I am about to decorate you, will represent
the same object.
WDM: Brother Master of Ceremonies, conduct the new Scottish Masters to the East where I
shall administer the Obligation.
Solemn music is played. MC quietly conducts the candidates to the Altar; removes their swords,
instructs him/them to stand before the Altar and to place their right hands on the Holy Gospels
and the sword, and gives them a card with the text to hold in their left hands.
WDM gavels *.
WDM: Brethren, to order.

Obligation of the Candidates

Music ceases. All Brethren stand, and give sign of the Grade with right hands, those with
swords in their left. The 3rd TB is removed by AMC to its place in front of the Secretary's desk.
MC: Brethren, say your own names individually and read your Obligations from these cards
aloud in unison.
CANS: I, …, Scottish Master, placing my hand on the sword and on the Holy Gospels, do
hereby renew before God and my Brethren the engagements which I have undertaken since my
entrance into Freemasonry and especially those that I have pronounced in the Grade of Scottish
Master. I further promise and pledge myself never to reveal or communicate anything which
concerns the Grade of Scottish Master of St Andrew lawfully received. May God help me to
keep my engagements and never to swerve there from.
WDM: Amen!
All Brethren dismiss Sign. MC takes cards and disposes of them, the WDM places one point of
compasses gently on left breast of each candidate and taps gently ** * * on hinge of Compasses
while addressing each candidate, as follows.
WDM: In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe, by the authority of the Grand Priory
of England & Wales and by the power vested in me, I create you a Scottish Master of St
WDM repeats for each candidate and in turn, taking them by both hands, moves them back from
the Gospels about two paces. WDM then addresses candidates as follows.
WDM: Brethren, you are now bound even more closely to the Order and to your Brethren. In
this new capacity you are about to pursue those labours necessary for the construction of that
Holy Temple which we are seeking to erect to the glory of the Great Architect of the World and
for the reunion therein of all men in one common sentiment of love and fraternity. Before
beginning, receive from my hands the Jewel and the particular Signs of the Grade, which you
have just acquired.
WDM: Brethren be seated, (All sit with the exception of Candidate/s MC and SB if required).
MC collects cushion bearing collars and Jewels for candidates. WDM invests candidates with
collar and jewel of Grade.

Investiture and Entrusting of Candidates

WDM: Receive from my hands, Brethren, the Jewel of your Grade, suspended from a green
Collar, which is bordered with red. This Jewel will remind you of that which is due from you to
the Creator, to yourselves, to the Order, to the Brethren and to all men. The green colour of the
Collar symbolises the hope that you may expect everything as a result of your efforts if you
remain faithful to the Laws of the Order and to your solemn pledges. The red colour with which
it is bordered is the token of Charity and Beneficence, which are the bases of the Rectified
Scottish Rite.
MC disposes of cushion after investitures. MC collects candidates' swords and hands one to
each. MC, SB and PB stand close to a candidate each.
WDM: The Grip of a Scottish Master of St Andrew is given in four stages.
WDM, MC and SB each demonstrate Grip of Grade with one of the new Scottish Masters of St
WDM: Firstly, the left hand is placed on the handle of your sword to show that the work is
accomplished. Secondly, you clasp a Brother's right hand using the Master Mason's grip.
Thirdly, you slide your right hand up to the Brother's right elbow, which you press three times.
Fourthly, you again grip his right hand with yours using the Master Mason's grip. The Word of
the Grade is H...M. You will receive an explanation of it soon. The knocks of the Grade are ** *
WDM resumes his seat.
WDM: You will now observe the symbol, which is before you in the East, and the picture,
which accompanies it.
MC comes forward to reveal "Lion" tableau, and to point at each item as WDM speaks.
WDM: The first is the particular symbol the Grade of Scottish Master of St Andrew, which you
have just received. The picture represents a lion under a stormy sky, lying beneath a rock and
guarding three mathematical instruments. The two words are MELIORA PRAESUMO, that is
to say, "I Look For Better Things To Come". Reflect on this device that, by your fidelity to your
pledges, you may merit to behold a day when the proof that you have not looked in vain for
those things, which are most truly better, will shine forth brightly before you.
MC resumes his place.
WDM: Brother Master of Ceremonies, conduct the new Scottish Masters of St Andrew to the
West where they will receive the rest of their instruction.
MC conducts candidates to stand in line across Lodge room at West end of the 4th TB facing
East, and points with his sword at TB as required during following Addresses.

Fourth Discourse

WDM: Brethren, this last Diagram before you represents new objects. Symbols have practically
disappeared. Truth is offered to your view, though veiled slightly under allegorical forms; but
the instruction, the precepts and the counsel, which you have received already, are more than
sufficient to explain it. St Andrew of Scotland, whom you now behold, is our Patron. Indeed, he
is regarded as the symbol of Ecossais Freemasonry. A disciple of John the Baptist, he only left
that Master to follow Jesus Christ. He went into Scotland to carry there the doctrine of his new
Master. There he sealed the faith which he held and the love, which he bore to his kind with his
blood. Our great exemplar, Hiram, pictured rising from the tomb is, for us as much the symbol
of moral philosophy passing into the higher sphere of religion as he is a symbol of humanity,
liberated from oppression and with eyes turned towards the ideal and perfection. So also is St
Andrew a symbol of the transition from the Old Law, proclaimed by Moses, to the Universal
Law of Love and Brotherhood, proclaimed by Christ.
In following, MC indicates with his sword as necessary.
SW: In the Chamber of Reflection before your Reception into the Grade of Scottish Master, the
Bible was open at the fortieth and forty-first chapters of the Book of Ezekiel giving a description
of a prophetic Temple. In this Tracing Board you now discern the final symbol: the apocalyptic
Temple, the heavenly Jerusalem, the Church Invisible, for which we have been shaping the
stones. In the midst of this Temple you behold the victorious Lamb of God raising the standard
of His Victory. It is the symbol of the triumph of the True Light in the heart of humanity,
regenerated by that fraternal love which should unite all men. To cultivate, with care, that which
is spiritual within us; to strive towards the attainment of an absolute perfection; to cherish a
hope in new things, a faith in a better future and a will to do all in order to reach that point; to
manifest, before the eyes of humanity, the bright forecast of a better future; to increase men's
faith in the eternal principles of Truth, Progress and Fraternity; finally, to fortify our will to
persevere, even at the price of the greatest sacrifices, as workers for the Light - such is our aim
in Freemasonry and no other is possible! This last truth, this capital Truth, is contained in the
word H...M, which is equivalent to H...O J...S R...X A...S M...I.
WDM: When the prophets sought to modify the sense of the Grade Word J...H.
He Who subsists by Himself, Who was, Who is and Who is to be, the Immutable - so as to give
it a meaning in closer correspondence to Mankind, they added to it the Hebrew letter SHIN,
equivalent to the English letter S. Thus they obtained the word JEHOSHUA and, by
abbreviation, JESHUA or JESUS which signifies ‘Liberator’, ‘Saviour’, ‘Redeemer’. From
this you can see that the word JEHOSHUA is synonymous with our word in the Fourth Grade
and it agrees equally, but in a more universal sense, with the Sacred Word INRI – JESUS
NAZARAENUS REX JUDAEORAM, which is used in several corresponding Masonic Grades.
As you may see also, Freemasonry teaches only that which is taught by virtue and the moral
It does not convey its instruction in the manner of the wise of this world. Its nature is such that it
can unite men of the most diverse opinion and beliefs in one sentiment of fraternity and of
common effort towards the end, which is to be obtained.
In following, MC indicates with his sword as necessary.
JW: The three Craft Grades presented, under the guise of symbols, emblems and allegories, a
certain summary of the past, the present and the future. In the First Grade you were regarded as
seekers. You advanced in darkness and you had to strive against the material elements, which
represent those bonds and limitations wherein the spirit of Man, at one time free, is now, as it
were, imprisoned. You were told that self-knowledge is the first step, which leads to true
wisdom. You were invited to study your imperfections and your faults. Taking rough ashlars as
emblems of your hearts, you were impressed with the necessity of working unceasingly thereon,
of concentrating your forces to refine and polish them.
The Second Grade, that of Perseverance, represented that period of this rough working. It
showed the difficulties which we experience in the correction of our imperfections amid the
temptations and obstacles of our lives, so full of struggle and contradictions. While inviting you
to go down into the depths of your hearts to discover their faults and vices, you were
recommended moderation in all things. The knowledge of yourselves was again pointed out to
you as alone assuring you of your efforts in doing good. The Third Grade was that of suffering
and also of the moral ordeal through which you passed while correcting your imperfections,
which a more exact knowledge of yourselves had successively discovered for you.
The Third Grade places Man at the threshold of pain and suffering. It brought you to the
entrance of a tomb. All light seemed extinguished and the Sacred Word profaned. At the same
time, the finished ashlar gave light. In the symbolical death through which you were caused to
pass, you still retained the principle of Life and the powerful aid of the Master was enlisted to
accomplish your restoration.
WDM: This Fourth Grade completes your initiation in the symbolic Degrees. It presents the
same truths but with new developments tending to the same end. It is still the history of
Mankind, which is the sole object of primitive Freemasonry. The destroyed Temple and all of its
other symbols indicate, in a broad line, the progress of the human race in general and of
Freemasonry in particular. These are allegories of a state of degeneration, of a lapse into the
abyss of the material and profane world. They are symbols of doubt, of human fragility, of the
difficulties to which Man is exposed when, by his own strength, he would reconquer his
primitive dignity. The Fourth Grade does not merely confirm the moral instructions contained in
those Grades, which have preceded. It tends to replace a belief, which is wanting in
confirmation, by a true Faith. It causes us to discern a gradual and uninterrupted ascension of
humanity towards a state of perfection symbolised in the apocalyptic Temple of St. John. This
progress is further marked by the change in the number of lights illuminating the Temple. The
four candles around the Tracing Board during that period of sadness and mourning has now
been supplemented by four times four, that is the square of the original number, symbolizing the
change towards a state of resurrection and hope. The number of lights is further referred to in
the Catechism at the end of the ceremony. But its primary lesson is in the comparison, which it
institutes with the legend of the Third Degree. The Temple of the Old Law has given way to the
New Jerusalem and, on the summit of the Mystic Zion, is shown the Lamb of God bearing the
Standard of Omnipotence acquired by His atoning Immolation.
(Pause.) The time has come to announce to you, Brethren, that our Order is Christian - in the
largest and highest sense of that word. As such, it calls and seeks to unite in its labours all those
who, whatever their creed and belief and without mental reservation, aspire to the fulfilment of
the chief Christian maxim: "Glory to God in the highest and on Earth Peace, Goodwill toward
men!" (Pause.) Brethren, the completion of our mystery is in the exercise of the goodwill, which
it inculcates. With this object in view, the Master of Ceremonies will lead you now to the
Almoner so that you may deposit with him such offerings as you may feel disposed to make.
Music is played quietly. MC conducts candidates to Almoner to make their donations to Charity.
MC then conducts them back to WDM who presents each of them with copies of The Statutes,
By-Laws of the Lodge and a Ritual. Music ceases.
WDM: Brethren, in the full working of the original ceremonies of the Fourth Grade, there were
four lengthy Discourses. The Ritual, which I have presented to you today, is the approved
abbreviated version, which is in use by Lodges within this Prefecture. Brother Master of
Ceremonies, you will now present our new Scottish Masters of St Andrew to the Wardens who
will welcome them with the Word, Sign and Grip of the Fourth Grade and the fraternal embrace
Afterwards, you will conduct them to places in the Lodge.
MC conducts candidates first to SW, then to JW to exchange with each, the Word, Sign and Grip
of Scottish Masters of St Andrew and customary fraternal embrace, (gripping right hands, left
hands on opposing shoulder, kiss on each cheek only)
MC: Brother S.W. (J.W.) by command of the W.D.M. I present to you these (this) newly
admitted Scottish Master(s) of St. Andrew.
Music is played quietly throughout the exchanges. Then MC leads them to take their places in
either of columns. MC retakes his seat. Music ceases. At this point the Orator may address the


Presentation of the catechism is at the option of the WDM and only the section identified must
be given, should time not allow the full text to be read WDM gavels * (Repeated by both
Wardens, in turn.)
WDM: Brother Wardens, are you Scottish Masters of St Andrew?
SW & JW: We are, Worshipful Deputy Master. We have seen the glory of the restored
Temple. (Together.)
WDM: Brother Senior Warden, how will you prove that you have attained this dignity?
SW: By our zeal and perseverance for the good of the Order and of our Brethren.
WDM: Brother Junior Warden, where were you received?
JW: On the ruins of the First Temple and afterwards before the Portal of the Sanctuary.
WDM: How did you enter?
SW: Plunged in mourning and bearing the marks of our servitude.
WDM: Did you remain like that for long?
JW: No, because we were aware that the rebuilding of the Temple had been started. We had the
honour of being admitted among the workmen and the happiness of helping them in the
completion of the task.
WDM: What was the result of your labour?
SW: It furnished us with the signs of the ancient splendour of the Temple.
WDM: What are those signs?
JW: The recovered Sacred Word of the Masters, the Sacred Fire of the Temple which was
concealed at the time of its destruction and a six-pointed blazing Star.
WDM: What does the Star represent?
SW: A double triangle enclosed within a circle and, in its centre, the initial letter of the Word of
a Scottish Master of St Andrew encompassed by four Masonic instruments.
WDM: What is the Word of that Grade?
JW: H...M, the father and model of Freemasons, especially of Ecossais Freemasons.
WDM: Why is H...M the Word of a Scottish Master of St Andrew?
SW: It reminds us unceasingly of the firmness, the discretion and all the virtues of which he was
the example.
WDM: What is the distinguishing name of a Scottish Master?
JW: N...A.
WDM: What does this name signify?
SW: It symbolizes, under the veil of an anagram, the name of one of the principal preservers of
the Rites in Scotland.
WDM: When you requested admission into membership of your Lodge of Scottish Masters of St
Andrew, why did you say that you came from the Isles of Scotland?
JW: Because it was in. that country that Freemasons, when they were persecuted in other places,
found an asylum where they meditated peaceably for a long time on the fundamental principles
and rites of Freemasonry before proceeding to France and Germany.
WDM: What did you behold in the Lodge?
SW: At first we beheld the ruins of the Temple, which was destroyed by the Assyrians and
afterwards we saw the Temple, which was re-built by Zerubbabel.
WDM: How did you co-operate in its reconstruction?
JW: We were armed with a sword in one hand for our defence and with a trowel in the other for
the re-building.
WDM: How did you reach the Sanctuary?
SW: By four steps at the four doors of the Temple.
WDM: What do those four steps signify?
JW: The universality of Freemasonry, spread though all the world, which is designated by the
four parts of our Temple and by the four torches which illuminate its extremities.
WDM: How was the eastern pedestal illuminated?
SW: By the three invariable lights, which are exhibited in all Grades.
WDM: Why is this number invariable?
JW: Because the Worshipful Deputy Master is in relation to the Lodge as the great Architect is
in relation to the universe, which He governs by His thought, Will and Activity. These are
signified in our Lodges by the Worshipful Deputy Master and the Wardens.
WDM: What did you see on entering your Lodge?
SW: We saw a great light.
WDM: From where did this great light originate?
JW: From a triangular plate of gold, which we discovered, which was engraved with the Holy
Name and which radiated great splendour, and from a luminous double triangle, which formed a
blazing Star with six points in the East.
WDM: What does this blazing double triangle represent?
SW: It expresses the double nature of He who is the True Light of the world and of man who is
in His image. The circle, which surrounds it, is an emblem of His eternity.
WDM: Why do you wear this symbol on your breast suspended by a ribbon?
JW: We are decorated with this sign to recall the conditions of our Reception into the Rectified
Scottish Rite, and to remind us that he who does not make his conduct and his conversation
conform to that which he has declared to be his desire is the most inconsequent of beings and
deserves no further confidence being placed in him.
WDM: How many Tracing Boards did you see upon the floor of the Lodge during your
SW: We saw four.
WDM: Brother Junior Warden, reveal the significance of the First Tracing Board.
JW: Representing the ruins of the destroyed First Temple, it shows the decadence of
Freemasonry, which has been enfeebled too often by assaults, which false Brethren have
directed against it. Yet its foundations, which are still preserved, prove that they cannot destroy
it because it rests upon a firm and invariable basis.
WDM: Brother Senior Warden, explain the significance of the Second Tracing Board.
SW: It depicts the restored Temple and Sanctuary, thereby signifying the rebirth of Freemasonry
restored to its original laws and unencumbered by those false doctrines which had crept into it
and which had dishonoured it.
WDM: Brother Junior Warden, give an explanation of the Third Tracing Board.
JW: It represents our venerable Master Hiram rising gloriously from the tomb and surrounded
by those virtues, which procured for him a crown of immortality. It recalls to our memory the
Just One triumphing over all persecutions and that state to which all who imitate his courage and
virtue may also aspire.
WDM: Brother Senior Warden, give an explanation of the Fourth Tracing Board.
SW: It represents the precincts of the new heavenly Jerusalem, as described by Saint John the
Evangelist, the second Patron of Freemasonry. It shows also the immolated and victorious Lamb
of God raising His standard of Omnipotence and Victory over the new Zion.
WDM: What is the purpose of this last Tracing Board?
JW: To bring before the Brethren in this Grade the analogies which unite the Old Law, figured
in the Temple of King Solomon, with the New Law of Love and Charity which we are pledged
herein ever to put into practice and to transmit from one to another.
WDM: Did you see anything else in this Tracing Board?
SW: In the lower part we saw St Andrew stretched upon the instrument of his martyrdom and
surrounded by those signs, which are emblematic of the three virtues that are necessary for
every man who would perfect himself and who would work for the good of his fellow men.
WDM: What are those three virtues?
JW: They are Faith, Hope and Charity.
WDM: Why are Freemasons of the Fourth Grade called Scottish Masters?
SW: They are so called because Freemasonry was preserved in a remote part of the Isles of
Scotland and it spread elsewhere from there.
WDM: What is the particular virtue ascribed to the Fourth Grade?
JW: It is F...E, that strength of will, without which the Freemason is often deficient in the
courage that is necessary for the constant practice of the three other virtues.
WDM: What is the symbol and device of a Scottish Master of St Andrew?
SW: It is a picture showing a lion under a tempestuous sky, sheltering beneath a rock and
guarding three mathematical instruments. The picture bears two words: MELIORA
WDM: What is signified by this picture?
JW: We have been invited to meditate upon it but it has not yet been explained to us.
WDM: What are your ages as Scottish Masters of St Andrew?
SW: Our age is sixteen years, or four times four, represented by the sixteen lights, which
illuminate the four quarters of our Lodge.
WDM: In each Grade, why is there always a fixed and determined number of lights for the
illumination of our Lodges?
JW: Because the numbers employed in these Grades have an intellectual value, alluding to
things which remain still veiled.
WDM: What is signified by the twenty-five lights which we use for the illumination of an
Ecossais Lodge?
SW: The number twenty-five characterises the spiritual action which presides invisibly over
Masonic labours when they are directed regularly and properly - as was requested in our prayer
at the opening of our Lodge.


WDM gavels * (Repeated by Wardens, in turn.)

WDM: Brother Wardens, ask the Brethren of your columns if they have anything to propose for
the good of Ecossais Freemasonry in general, or this Lodge, in particular.
Wardens stand to order and salute WDM with Grade Sign, simultaneously.
SW: Brethren in the South Column, have you anything to propose for the good of Ecossais
Freemasonry in general, or this Lodge in particular?
JW: Brethren in the North Column, have you anything to propose for the good of Ecossais
Freemasonry in general, or this Lodge in particular?
Wardens each make suitable reply, in turn, to WDM then sit. MC invites any visiting Brethren
who wish to give their greetings to stand and do so.
WDM: Brother Senior Warden, what hour is it?
SW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
SW: The close of day, Worshipful Deputy Master.
WDM: Brother Junior Warden, is it time to conclude our labours?
JW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
JW: It is, Worshipful Deputy Master. The Temple is rebuilt and the workmen need repose.
WDM gavels ** * *.
WDM: To order, Brethren.
All Brethren rise, stand to order and salute WDM with Grade Sign and then discharge.
WDM: Brethren, let us form the Chain of Fraternal Union, by which alone we are made strong.
Music is played quietly. MC instructs all Brethren to drop sign and remove their gloves, leave
their swords and form Chain of Union - holding hands with their arms outstretched with their
neighbour but one forming a circle. WDM leaves pedestal and joins circle. Music ceases.
WDM: Let us give thanks to God for the signal favours which He has granted us. Let us also
strive daily to deserve his protection more and more. (Pause.)
Orator: O Great Architect of the Universe, sole Source of Goodness and Perfection: we give
Thee thanks for all benefits conferred by Thy divine Fatherhood. Humbly we adjure Thee to
vouchsafe them still. May Thy heavenly Light be poured upon us and upon all our Brethren.
Strengthen in our hearts the love of Truth and all our duties so that we may observe them
faithfully. May our assemblies be strengthened in their union by our desire to please Thee and
make ourselves useful to our fellow men. May our Lodges ever be the abode of peace and
virtue. May the Chain of Perfect Friendship be so strong between us, henceforth, that nothing
shall ever weaken it!
All: Amen! (All move joined hands up and down four times to the beat of the Knocks of the
MC instructs all Brethren to resume their places but to remain standing to order.
While this is done, music is played quietly.
WDM: Brother Wardens, advise the Brethren that I am about to close the Lodge of Saint
SW: Brethren, by command of the Worshipful Deputy Master, I bid you prepare for the closing
of our labours and of the Lodge of Saint Andrew.
JW: Brethren, by command of the Worshipful Deputy Master, I bid you prepare for the closing
of our labours and of the Lodge of Saint Andrew.
WDM: To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe, in the name of the Order and under
the authority of the Grand Priory of England and Wales, I close this Lodge of Scottish Masters
of St Andrew.
WDM knocks ** * * (followed by the Wardens in turn).
WDM: Let not the light, which has enlightened us during our labours, be exposed to the glances
of the profane.
Music is played quietly. WDM leaves dais and using candle snuffer, extinguishes candles
around TB proceeding clockwise. The candles of each of the 4-branch candelabras are
extinguished in turn, when the WDM turns from each corner of the TB as he passes round, and
signals by a court bow, for the 4-branch candelabra in that adjacent corner to be extinguished
at the same time. Carried out by the following officers or Brother as available.
While WDM in South East, Orator extinguishes 4-branch candelabrum in South East;
While WDM in South West, Senior Warden extinguishes 4-branch candelabrum in South West:
While WDM in North West, Junior Warden extinguishes 4-branch candelabrum in North West;
While WDM in North East, Secretary extinguishes 4-branch candelabrum in North East;
WDM returns to his seat and remains standing.
MC closes VSL on alternate Altar.
SW extinguishes candle on his pedestal.
JW extinguishes candle on his pedestal.
WDM extinguishes 3 candles of candelabra on altar.
WDM gavels *.
WDM: Brethren, before we part, let us lay aside our swords and express our joy by joining
together in the Masonic applause of a Scottish Master of St Andrew.
All Brethren, led by WDM, clap hands ** * * (4 times).
WDM: To order for the National Anthem (All Brethren stand to attention for the National
MC: Brethren you will remain standing in your places while the Worshipful Deputy Master,
distinguished Grand Officers of the Grand Priory, visiting Worshipful Deputy Master's of our
sister Lodges and Wardens retire from the Lodge room.
Music is played during formation of procession by MC.
When procession is formed, MC opens doors to Lodge Room fully.
MC: Forward, Brethren. (Procession moves out of Lodge room. Remaining Brethren leave.
Music ceases.)

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