Second Periodical Exam MAPEH 8

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Second Quarter Examination- MAPEH Grade VIII

Direction : Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of your answer. Write the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.


1. How is Chinese music described?

a. It is gentle and lyrical c. It is meditative and highly ritualized
b. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful d. It is slow and melancholic
2. What meter is used in the Japanese song “ Sakura”?
a. Quadruple b. Triple c. Duple d.Compound
3. Which of the following is one of the China’s most popular instruments?
a. Haegum b. Koto c. Erhu d. Shamisen
4. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Tsuzumi b. odaiko c. Taiko d. Changgo
5. How does Japanese vocal music differ from western vocal music?
a. Because it has slow tempo than the western vocal music
b. Because it is sung in falsetto
c. Because it is base on the intervals of human breathing rather than mathematical timing
d. Because it is usually solo rather than choral
6. Which of the following statements about the changgo is correct?
a. It is single headed drum whose tone is altered by squeezing its laces.
b. It is a Japanese drum that has become the central instrument of percussion ensemble
c. It is large barrel drum
d. An hour glass- shaped double headed drum made from animal skin.
7. Which Japanese instrument is the counterpart of kayageum?
a. Kotob. geomungo c. Shamisen d. zheng
8. What melody is used in the folk song “Mo Li Hua”?
a. Melodic b. Pentatonic c. Diatonic D. Harmonic
9. How is the “ Arirang” song classified?
a. Welcome songb. love song c. Song for spring d. parting song
10. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Kayagum b. Geomungo c. Haegum d. tsuzumi
11. If you hear a song consisting of a single melodic line, that song is ___.
a. Monophonic b. pentatonic c. hetrophonic d. homophonic


12. What is the highest form of Chinese Painting?

a. Haiku b. calligraphy c. landscape painting d. ukiyo- e
13. Why do asian temples and houses have sweeping roofs?
a. Because they want their temple to be stylish
b. Because sweeping roofs is more durable specially during storm
c. Because they believe that it will protect them from evil spirits and from elements of water, fire and wind.
d. Because it symbolizes the level of person living under that roof
14. What is the art of beautiful handwriting in Chinese?
a. hieroglyphics b. alibata c. legograph d. calligraphy
15. Which of the following is NOT a part of the six principle of Chinese painting?
a. observe rhythm and movement c. all space must drawn and be maximized
b. Use clors correctly d. Use brush in calligraphy
16. Guan Ju is one of the face painting use in peking opera, what color is dominates the painting which symbolizes courage and bravery?
a. Red b. Blue c. green d. White
17. If the character of Peking Opera has a character of being Upright and cool- headed, What should be the color of his face painting?
a. red b. Green c. Purple` d. Yellow
18. What type of Kabuki makeup is applied to most actors?
a. Standard b. Kumadori c. Xiaohualian d. lian pu
19. What was the greatest contribution of ancient China in the development of arts?
a. Calligraphy b. logograph c. origami d. Paper
20. What is the term of Japan for knot tying?
a. Maedeup b. Zhongguo c. Lu ban d. Hanamusubi
21. What country was considered to have the largest international kite festival on earth?
a. China b. Korea c. Japan d. Philippines
22. A type of roof in traditional Chinese architecture that is used for common Chinese architecture.
a. Straight Inclined b. Multi inclined c. Sweeping d. Pointed


23. Who invented then game Basketball?

a. Luther H. Gulick b. James Lebron c. Michael Jordan d. James Naismith
24. If a player commits a disruptive physical contact, what violation has been done?
a. Personal foul b. travelling c. technical foul d. Goal tending
25. If you are the tallest member of the basketball team, what will be your position?
a. power forward b. shooting guard c. point guard d. Center
26. if an offensive player is fouled while shooting the ball, what will be awarded to him?
a. personal foul b. Technical foul c. free throw d. goal tending
27. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running. This skill is what we called ____.
a. Passing b. Shooting c. Travelling d. Dribbling
28. Every free throw has an equivalent score of ____.
a. 1 2. 2 c. 3 d. 4
29. Which of the following is the objective of basketball?
a. To shoot the ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score a point.
b. To pass the ball over the net.
c. To shoot the ball through a basket positioned horizontally to score a point while following a set of rules.
d. To score a point by shooting the ball into the ring as you run together with the ball.
30. A player holds the ball with both hands then resumes dribbling, therefore that player commits _____.
a. Travelling b. Double dribble c. backing d. free throw
31. If you are just starting learning basketball, the first skill that you should learn is ______.
a. Dribbling b. Passing c. Running d. Shooting
32. How many seconds are given to the team who has the possession of the ball to pass the ball to the center line?
a. 6 b. 3 c. 8 d. 24
33. It is the ability of a player to jump with power to gain the possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim after a a failed shot before it touches
the floor.
a. offensive play b. rebounding c. baseball pass d. drive
34. What violation is done when a player deflects a ball that is on the downward path to the basket or that is already on the rim of the basket?
a. offensive play b. technical foul c. goal tending d. Backing
35. Basket ball starts with ___.
a. toss coin b. Duce c. free throw d.jump ball
36. He keeps the record , in numerical order, names and numbers of all players.
a. Referee b. Lines men c. Scorer d. committee


37. The smallest unit of society.

a. Friendship b. Family c. School d. Church
38. Why do people want to have children?
a. Because religious institutions require it
b. because they want to prove everyone that they are capable of reproduction
c. Because society expects couples to have children
d. Because children helps couple to strengthen their relationship
39. Which among the statements given below upholds the responsibility of parents to their children?
a. Choose their course in college c. choose their religion
b. Choose their husband and wife d. Teach them values
40. Which of the following duties and responsibilities shows that parents should provide opportunities for their children to develop their ability
to manage money and their assets in a manner that is considered productive and in the best interest of the individual or family?
a. Guide Children to grow spiritually c. Train children to become good citizens
b. Provide education d. Teach children to be financially responsible
41. What term refers to the state of the body with refers to each nutrient and to the overall state of the body weight and condition.
a. Mortality C. Morbidity c. Nutritional status d. BMI
42. If you are living together with your Tito and Tita, Lolo and Lola, therefore you have _____ family.
a. Couple family b. nuclear family c. Blended family d. extended family
43. This is the period when a new cell is during fertilization grows and develops in a woman’s uterus
a. Labor b. fertilization c. pregnancy d. Lactation
44. The first thick yellowish fluid that comes out from second to the fifth day after delivery us called _____.
a. Colostrums b. prolactin c. testosterone d. Mammary glands
45. Which of the following should be avoided by a pregnant woman?
a. Drinking milk b. Taking over- the- counter drug c. going for walks d. taking vitamin B daily
46. This is the stage when the placenta is delivered.
a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th
47. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. Teens at 15 and younger face 60% lower risk of death during pregnancy and child birth.
b. Teen mothers are twice more likely to have low birth weight infants.
c. Teenage mothers are more likely to have premature labor and to deliver low birth weight babies.
d. Young teen mothers are likely to drop out of school and face high risk of unemployment and poverty.
48. Why is it important for couples to undergo courtship?
a. It allows couples to decide whether they are ready to be committed.
b. It allows couples to see the negative sides of one another and use it against each other.
c. It gives chance to misunderstandings.
d. It gives them the chance to plan for their wedding,
49. This is also known as the Family code of the Philippines.
a. Executive Order No. 902 b. R.A. 209 c. Executive Order 209 d. R.A. 902
50. Why do pregnant women need to guard their diet?
a. So as to maintain their body figure after birth.
b. Because their maternal nutrition affects the offspring’s health development.
c. Because they need to have enough energy during giving birth.
d. so they can be pregnant again soon after birth.

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