Cambridge Primary Is Good
Cambridge Primary Is Good
Cambridge Primary Is Good
We have collaborated with a number of Cambridge Global Perspectives schools to develop the
programme. This is to ensure it delivers appropriate progression, assessment of skills and to
make sure it is easy for our many diverse schools around the world to incorporate into their
existing curriculum.
Research says that the earlier students start to develop and practise their skills, the greater the
impact on their learning. Making Cambridge Global Perspectives available to younger students
will develop and embed cross-curricular skills at an earlier age, supporting them in their studies
as they progress to Cambridge Lower Secondary and beyond.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Challenge - Stage 1 Growing and growing up (PDF, 499KB)
Cambridge Global Perspective Challenge - Stage 6 If I was a world leader (PDF, 503KB)
The programme is flexible so schools can choose how they organise teaching, either as one-hour
blocks or as a full day, allowing teachers to focus on the Challenge from start to finish. Flexible
delivery options is a key characteristic of the programme.
Each Challenge is six hours long, subdivided into a range of activities, and covers a range of
skills. The skills are taught through a wide range of topics using a personal, local and global
perspective. Teachers help students to look at a variety of global issues or topics that give a range
of contexts.