March 6, 2020

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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 13


The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 52 Friday, March 6, 2020 90 cents plus tax

An Early
A Warm Place For Pets

Break I n the event Minnedosa

experiences a commu-
nity-wide emergency or
disaster, our pets will defi-
By DARRYL HOLYK nitely be looked after.
Handling the pet and
livestock portion of the
S taff and students in
Rolling River School
Division had a bit of an
nah Emergency Social
early taste to their upcom- Services plan are sisters,
ing spring break this past Karen Bramley and Ingrid
week. Currah. Karen is the lead
RRSD Administration with Ingrid being second
made the decision to close in command. After work-
all schools and bus routes ing on the plan for a num-
in the Division not once, ber of years, the pair found
but twice this week. The that there was a deficiency
first shut down came on in what would happen to
Tuesday, March 3rd fol- pets when people have to
lowing icy road conditions, evacuate to an emergency
in some areas, which were response reception cen-
created Monday night and tre. Most places that could
early Tuesday morning. be used for such an event
Then, following Wednes- would not be one that al-
day afternoon and eve- lows pets.
nings dump of snow, roads This issue got the sis-
were again deemed unsafe ters brainstorming ideas
by school division officials that could be utilized to
who closed all schools and address this issue. Ingrid
bus routes again yesterday, felt that she wanted to do Photo submitted
Thursday, March 5th. something to benefit the
These decisions, made community emergency Sisters Karen Bramley and Ingrid Currah with a trailer they will use as a warm
to ensure the safety of stu- plan, and decided to pur- place for pets in the event of a distaster or major emergency.
dents and staff travelling chase a 12-foot-long utility
from rural areas, were en- trailer. This mobile emer- The trailer can be hooked trailer would not be easily supplies, etc. which will nels. If anyone has a plas-
joyed by most students gency response trailer up to a generator and used accessible. make the trailer multifac- tic or metal kennel which
excited for a stay-home could be brought to any in any location. There is While Ingrid’s trailer is eted and a huge asset to measures approximately
day. However, some work- location required. The already a similar emer- mostly for her own person- the local emergency com- three feet square, that they
ing parents and caregiv- unit could be used for pet gency response trailer that al use, she has graciously mittee. are willing to part with
ers were left scrambling to owners to utilize if they are the Emergency Coordina- offered to donate it in the The trailer will be fur- or donate temporarily in
find last-minute child care waiting in adverse weather tors does have access to, event of a local emergency. nished with a table and needed, please reach out
for the day as they still had and are in need of a place however it is located in St. If the trailer is not need- chairs and portable ken- to Karen at the Minnedosa
to go to work. for their pets to warm up. Pierre-Jolys, three hours ed specifically for pets/ nels. Karen would like to Vet Clinic by calling 204-
Actual Spring Break The trailer has been away and if roads are animals, it can be used in reach out to the commu- 867-3917.
for RRSD will be the week retrofitted with 30amp ser- blocked in a major win- other factors such as food nity, as the committee is
of March 29th. vice, lighting and shelving. ter storm emergency, this prep or storage, hauling in need of additional ken-

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2 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Home Hardware Staff Changes at

Supports Daycare Services to Seniors

Photo by Karen Mitchell

Linda Braun, Corrine Betteridge and Brandi Thompson.

By KAREN MITCHELL ing the Minnedosa Home bringing in the remaining
Hardware Ladies Night $600 of the donation.

O n Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 26th staff from
Minnedosa Home Hard-
Out in November and the
sales of a John Deere fam-
ily farm game. Throughout
“We wanted to put on
these events in order to
help out local community
Jody Boyd, Maxine Woodcock and Alyse Richards.
Photo by Karen Mitchell

ware presented a cheque the months of December projects,” expressed Home By KAREN MITCHELL New employees com- and different backgrounds
for $1,600 to the Minnedo- and January $10 from ev- Hardware employee, Cor- ing into the Services to and cultures. Jody is plan-

sa Community Child Care ery $20 game sold was do- rine Betteridge. “We value fter eight years as Seniors position are Jody ning on brining some new
Co-op. nated to the daycare. The community and just want- Minnedosa’s Service Boyd and Alyse Richards, energy and ideas to this
The donation repre- Ladies Night Out raised ed to be able to give back.” to Seniors Resource Coor- who will each hold a .5 po- position and is eager to see
sents money raised dur- $1, 000 with the game sales dinator, Maxine Woodcock sition. The office, located what this new chapter has
has said goodbye. Max- in the 50+ Centre, will con- in store for her.
ine has decided to make a tinue to be open Monday Alyse Richards, lives
We have many people to thank for your support change in her career and to Friday and the offices with her husband Andrew
branch out to other things. contact number and email and kids in Minnedosa.
and acts of kindness during the loss of Sharon. “The time here has been will remain the same. Alyse has been a stay at
To Sharon's loyal customers who supported her in good and I’ve met some Jody lives with her hus- home mom for the last
great people throughout band Kevin and kids north five years. During this
her business Sharon's Town and Country the years,” recalled Maxine of Clanwilliam. Jody has time Alyse ran a home
fondly. “I will take with me been a stay at home mom daycare and prior to that
Insurance and Destination Plus. She loved what a lot of great memories and for the last few years, after she worked for BDO in ac-
she did and looked forward to doing business experiences.” working with the Mani- counting. Alyse is excited
Although no longer toba Government for 15 to work with the public
with you. To her staff who she could always count with Services to Seniors, years. Jody has a Bachelor and meet new people in
Maxine will continue to of Arts degree with a major the area along with starting
on. To all those who called, sent messages and look after the Handivan in physiology and a minor something new and excit-
services for Minnedosa in sociology. She has ex- ing.
dropped in to visit her during her hospitalization. and can be reached at 204- perience in working with The ladies will be on
To the Doctors and Nurses in Neepawa and 868-8164. people with disabilities hand at next week’s An-
nual General Meeting to
Brandon who made her as comfortable as introduce themselves and
answer any questions you
possible, We Thank You. Thanks to all of those who Thank you to the community and all our may have.
send food, to the Sorority Club for lunch, to those friends and customers for the kind words, We welcome Jody and
Alyse to their new journey
who sent cards, dropped off food and made calls to thoughts and support you have shown us
during this difficult time.
and wish the best to Max-
ine on her new adventure.
check in on us and who continue to do so.
We can not put into words how much your We want you to know it is business as
usual at Sharon’s Town and Country Running on
support means to us. Empty?
Insurance. We are here to help with
Print jobs may take up to
all your insurance needs. 2-3 weeks to complete.
Brian, Jacki, Fill up before you’re out!

Crystal and Steven For the immediate future we will be Minnedosa Tribune
closed on Saturdays until further notice. 867-3816
We are sorry for any inconvenience this
causes and ask for your understanding.

Thank you again.

Jacki, Wendy T., Karen and Wendy R.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 3

Youth Bowlers Secure a Spot at Nationals

By KAREN MITCHELL point lead. Teams from Central, West- male and female singles
Along with Tyler and man and Winnipeg zones champs, along with the

T wo local youth bowl-

ers, Tyler Dyck and
Douglas Dalgarno, along
Douglas, other Minnedosa
youth bowlers included;
juniors Kyle Calen and
competed in an eight-
game playoff. The top three
teams were; Winnipeg
three top male and female
bowlers, to form a mixed
team to represent Mani-
with their coach Alan Tarn, Colin Shaw, seniors Ka- (team 1) with first place toba at the National Open
are headed to Calgary in dence Madden, Justine with 41.5 points, central Championships. These
May, to represent Manito- Haywood, Kody Calen and (team 2) with second place nationals will be held in
ba at the Youth Nationals. Curtis Madden. Kody and with 38 points and central Gatineau, QC at the end of
Team Minnedosa Curtis brought home sec- (team 1) with third place May.
Bantam Boys brought ond place in the Pins Over with 35.5 points. This pro- For the Minnedosa
home the gold medal at Average Category at the vincial event will be send- Bowl’s Club 55, they will
the Bantam Boys Doubles Team Zones Tournament. ing the top two teams to be competing in the next
Provincial Championship In other bowling news, the interprovincial nation- couple of weeks to qualify
which was held in Winni- youth senior bowler Kody al championships held in for one of the spots at the
peg on Sunday, March 1st Kalen is preparing and Winnipeg this April. Rep- provincials being held in
after earning their spot at practicing for his trip to the resenting team Manitoba Winnipeg in May. The top
the Doubles Team Zones Youth Challenge Nation- from Minnedosa bowl are team from the Provincial
Tournament the day be- als in Ottawa at the end of Laurie Kohinski and Scott playoffs will go on to repre-
fore with a team average March. Kody will be join- Adamson. sent Manitoba at the Can-
of 258.5 for four games. ing five other youth bowl- Minnedosa Bowl is ada Cup Club 55 Nationals
The top six teams in each ers from Winnipeg, who all preparing to host the Man- being held in Winnipeg in
division were able to move qualified to represent team itoba “Open Provincials” July.
on to Sunday’s Provincial Manitoba in the upcoming over the Easter weekend in Good luck to all of the
Championship. The boys national event. a three-day bowling event. upcoming bowlers on their
averaged 303 for the five- The Manitoba 220 Pro- Bowlers from Central, journeys and congratula-
game playoff, bringing vincials was held in Car- Westman and Winnipeg tions for making it this far.
home first place with a 28 man on February 15th. will compete to be the top

Icy Roads Cause Havoc If your

By KAREN MITCHELL wheels and the other on drivers, when approach-
its roof. Luckily, neither ing emergency vehicles, be 20/03/31

A t 6:42 a.m. on Tuesday

March 3rd the Rapid
City Emergency Services
driver received serious in-
juries. Icy road conditions
were believed to be the
sure to slow down and fol-
low all directions from the
traffic controllers.
It’s time to
renew your
were called out to a two- case of the accident. Photo submitted
vehicle accident, approxi- Ryan English, Rapid Call 867-3816
mately three miles north City Fire Chief, noted the Tyler Dyck (L), Douglas Dalgarno (R) and
of the intersection of High- assistance of Minnedosa their coach, Alan Tarn (C) are headed
ways #10 and #24. and Rivers EMS along with to bowling nationals in Calgary.
Upon arrival, two RCMP for their assistance
vehicles were located in with the incident. English
the west ditch, one on its would also like to remind

2020 Schedule
Sunday, March 15th
Minnedosa United Church, 48 Main St. S.
1:30 p.m. Piano, Grades 3, 8 and some 9 & 10
Ê 6:15 p.m. Piano, Grades 9 & 10
Monday, March 16th – Minnedosa United Church
9:00 a.m. Piano, Beginners & Grade 1
The Minnedosa Figure 1:00 p.m. Piano, Grades 5, 6, 2, 4  

Skating Club Presents: Wednesday, March 18 - Please Join us for our annual
Minnedosa Comm. Conference Centre - 63 Main St.N Scholastic book fair
9:15 a.m. School Choirs, Speech Choirs
At Tanner’s Crossing School
Wednesday, March 18th –
Minnedosa Hockey Arena Minnedosa United Church in “the Pit”
1:30 p.m. Vocal Solos Monday, March 16th 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
2:00pm start
6:30 p.m. Vocal Solos
Tuesday, March 17th 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Special Guests: Ice’PrecIce- Thursday, March 19th – Minnedosa United Church Wednesday, March 18th 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Neepawa Synchro Team 9:30 a.m. Speech Arts Solos, Duets, Trio
Thursday, March 19th 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
***Friday, March 20th – Riverdale Community Centre, *** Friday, March 20th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Canteen Will be available 101 Main Street, Rivers, MB
9:00 a.m. Dance
1:30 p.m. Dance Open to the public during these hours!!
Programs are available for sale at Minnedosa Debit & Credit accepted!
Pharmacy, Rivers Home Hardware, and at the door.
Everyone is welcome to attend any and all sessions!
All proceeds go directly back
Admission is $2/session or $5/season pass to benefit our school.
4 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around No Grant Funding for 150 Celebration

Letters to the Editor
Town... Dear Editor, ebration Grant process.
We all should be very proud of our community.
By Darryl Holyk
T he Minnedosa Manitoba 150 Steering Commit-
tee would like to inform all of the social groups,
service organizations and citizens that participated
Thank you to the following: Agricultural Society,
Communities in Bloom, Lions club of Minnedosa,
Minnedosa and Area Community Development Cor-
in our grant application process that the Town of poration, Minnedosa and District Foundation, UCT,
Provincial curling... Minnedosa was unsuccessful in securing funding Men’s Shed, Minnedosa Tourism, Minnedosa Bomb-
It’s curling week in Minnedosa as our commu- for the Minnedosa Fun Fest 150 Celebration. Don’t ers, Town of Minnedosa (Mayor Pat Skatch, Deputy
nity hosts the much anticipated Asham U18 Provincial worry; the 2020 Fun Fest will be just as great this year Mayor Frank Taylor and Councillor Mark Blais), Fun
Championships. The bonspiel opened Wednesday night as it has always been thanks to the hardworking Fun Fest Committee, Minnedosa Métis Federation, pri-
and runs until Sunday with finals scheduled to begin at 4 Fest committee! vate citizens and apologies for many others we may
p.m. Head on down to the curling club to cheer on these Our goal was to request additional funding, have missed for their contribution. It was a real plea-
young curlers as they compete in the provincials! through the Manitoba 150 Celebration grant process, sure to see all of the groups working in cooperation
to allow the various organizations currently partici- on the very worthwhile project.
pating in Fun Fest, as well as to establish new initia-
Love Local Showcase... tives and activities for the 2020 festival in celebration Sincerely,
Minnedosa’s Magen Swift will showcase her Boho of our Province’s 150th anniversary.
Soul Kombucha in Winnipeg at the Love Local Manitoba We would like to say a special thank you to our Tom Dowsett,
event in Winnipeg tomorrow, Saturday, March 7th. Swift MLA, Greg Nesbitt, for being a sounding board for Minnedosa Manitoba 150
is one of 42 vendors appearing at the event which focuses our disappointment, knowing that the Manitoba Steering Committee Chair
on locally-made food and drinks. Other Westman ven- Government had no input into the Manitoba 150 Cel-
dors will include Neepawa’s Farmery Estate Brewery and
Killarney’s Rugby Orchards winery.

Spring FOrward...
It’s here again! Daylight Saving Time starts this week-
Picture of the Week...
end. The official time change comes into effect at 2 a.m.
on Sunday, March 8th at which time we move our clocks
forward by one hour.

Have pictures?... The walls are

We are working on the design for the 2020 edition of coming down in
our local tourism guide, The Minnedosa Beachcomber the old medical clinic
and are again inviting residents to submit their amazing on 2nd Avenue S.W.
photos that showcase our community. All entrants will as interior work gets
be entered into a draw to win a one year subscription to
underway at the new
The Tribune. Email your photos to adsales@minnedosatri
community daycare,
Valley Life Beginnings.
This picture was posted
Go to the game… on the groups facebook
We have a pair of tickets to give away for the March page Tuesday.
13th home game of the Bandon Wheats Kings who will
welcome the Regina Pats to Brandon ice. To win these
tickets, be the first caller to The Tribune and tell us how
much a brand new truck cost four decades ago, as listed
elsewhere in today’s edition.
Facebook photo

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
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All contents copyright 2020
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 5

Study Manitoba, Welcoming the World

SUBMITTED munities that students en-
joy: playing on the school
dren all over the world that
they can visit. Students
ents, empty nesters, retired
couples. The program is
Ye O l d
I n 2008, five school divi- sports team, ice fishing, promise to come back seeking families who will

sions in Southwestern winter sports, harvest and visit their Canadian support and encourage
Manitoba formed a con- meals in the fields or wel- “Moms and Dads”. the student and treat them
sortium with the intention coming newborn animals Are the matches al- like a member of their fam-
of starting a program to ac- in the spring. Families also ways successful? No, not ily. A monthly stipend is is
tively recruit and welcome appreciate knowing that always. In those cases, the provided to each homestay
students from around the their children are com- Program Coordinator pro- family to support addi-
world to come to South- ing to a community where vides support to both stu- tional expenses associated
western Manitoba to study they are safe. dents and families to find with hosting. Applicants
and learn about a new cul- Homestay families are solutions. Communica- must meet program quali-
ture. Thus, Study Mani- a very important piece of tion and mediation of the fications, including record 1890 – There will be a good demand for bricks in
toba School Divisions was the program. An amazing issue is the first course of checks. Minnedosa the coming season. In fact, there has been
born. In the past 11 years, network of families have action. If a solution can’t To learn more about talk of putting up brick buildings if the materials can
over 700 students from 23 opened their hearts and be found, then other op- the Study Manitoba School be secured. Now is a favourable time for the establish-
countries have attended in homes to these young peo- tions are assessed. Divisions program, please ment of a brick yard.
schools in Beautiful Plains, ple. Students are matched Each year, new fami- visit: www.studymani-
Fort La Bosse, Rolling Riv- with families based on lies are encouraged to To find out how to 1900 – Rapid City is to have a new steel bridge at a
er, Southwest Horizon, and profile information they join the homestay net- become a homestay fam- cost of $2,000. The bridge will be open to traffic in May.
Turtle Mountain School provide. Active students work. Homestay families ily, please contact Danette
Divisions. are matched with active come in many different Lockhart: danette@study- 1910 – An alarm of fire got the people out on Saturday
Students in grades families, passionate mu- forms: parents with chil- night. It appeared that two electric wires had become
9-12 come to improve their sic students with families dren at home, single par- crossed in the Palace Theatre, which caused the blaze.
English skills, to have aca- who can support their pas- Minnedosa’s up-to-the-minute fire brigade was quick-
demic experiences and to sion, students who wish to ly on the spot however, and soon put everything right.
learn about Canadian cul- continue on their religious
ture. For many, it is their practices with families
first time away from home. who are like-minded, that 1940 – Rink association officials have enlisted the
Attracting students to kind of thing. support of Town Council in the hopes of a new skating
small town Manitoba was a Hosting a young per- and hockey rink for Minnedosa.
challenge at first. There is son from abroad is a life
a different way of life here. changing experience for 1960 – Minnedosa has been advised by the Barton
As our program has grown, both sides. Friendships Distilling Company of Chicago that owing to a sudden
so has our reputation for are formed that can be change of heart of the Bank of Nova Scotia, the con-
offering an experience that maintained long after the struction and operation of a distillery in Minnedosa
is different from that of departure date. Many has been indefinitely postponed.
large city programs. There families are still in contact
are many unique oppor- years later and they tell us 1970 – Fire broke out in the rear of the Eaton’s Cata-
tunities in our small com- that now they have chil- logue Sales office, just north of St. John’s Law Office on
Sunday. Smoke, water and intense heat destroyed the
entire stock of the Robinsons store immediately north
of Eaton’s.

1980 – Ted Temple Chev-Olds Ltd. advertises a brand
new, 1980 Chevrolet half ton including H.D. battery,
block heater and radio for $5,580.

1990 – The Miscow residence in Newdale was gutted

by fire Saturday evening. Fortunately, the home was
The Minnedosa Fire Department received a grant of $7,000.00 unoccupied at the time of the blaze as the homeown-
for a Turnout Gear Dryer. Board Member Cheryl Johnson ers have been visiting Western Canada this winter.
presents the grant to fire fighters Jason Cooper and Matt Saler.
These volunteers provide a vital service to our community and 2000 – Close to 200 people attended the first Library
deserve the proper equipment. Expansion fundraiser which included a banquet din-
For more info or to make a donation to the Foundation go to ner, auctions and musical entertainment.
2010 – Over the last two weeks, local residents
cheered on their hometown hero, Kyle Parrott, as he
competed in speed skating events at the Vancouver

Winter Olympic Games. Parrott is now off to Germany
to compete in the World Cup.

Rubber or
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6 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Celebrating Five Years at Clanwilliam Store

By KAREN MITCHELL decades. The original Mc- used appliances, until 1989
Quarrie’s Store opened when Philip and Helen

M onday, March 9th

was a day of cel-
ebration for Maxine Mut-
on February 19th, 1903
by Robert A. McQuar-
rie and W.A.B. Hassett of
Humphries purchased the
grocery store. Humphries
ran the business until 2002
ter as she celebrated her Minnedosa. Stock items when Larry and Dorothy
fifth year of business for during that time consisted Syslak purchased it and
the Clanwilliam Store. The of groceries, clothing, fur, renamed the business The
old brick building that sits shoes, crockery, hardware, Clanwilliam General Store.
dead centre Clanwilliam’s dry goods and furniture. At this time the building
Main Street was filled with Unfortunately, this build- underwent extensive reno-
patrons helping her mark ing burned down on Sep- vating and the Post Office
tribute to the day. tember 21, 1921, however was brought back. Follow-
Coffee and snacks only three months later, on ing the Syslak’s, Sherrilou
were available to anyone December 10th, the store Pollon and Sandra Syslak
who took part in the day re-opened in the new brick operated the business be-
and there was a crossword building that people are fa- fore selling to Maxine five
challenge during the after- miliar with today. years ago.
noon where the winning In 1953, Robert re- If only the walls of
team received gift certifi- tired, and his son Archie this old store could talk,
cates for Maxine’s home- took over operations. Ar- the memories I’m sure it
made lunches and a box of chie operated the general would share after all this
chocolates. store until the early 1960’s time would be fascinating.
The Clanwilliam Store when he decided to close If you haven’t already, be
is open Monday to Friday the doors, due to lack of sure to take a drive out to Photo by Karen Mitchell
and always has an array of customers and business. Clanwilliam and experi-
fresh homemade baking to The building was used ence all this little gem has A store full of people helped Maxine Mutter celebrate her
be had. Maxine is able to for a woodworking shop to offer. fifth anniversary as owner of the Clanwilliam Store.
take special baking orders for years after until 1974,
if you let her know what when the building was tak-
you need and the word on
the street is that her made
from scratch lunches are
en over by Walter and Mary
Skogstad. The building was
back open for business
Uncovering Buried Treasure
both filling and delicious. and offered a Post Office,
The ground on which groceries and appliances. By DARRYL HOLYK
the store is located has Skogstad’s continued
seen its fair share of busi-
nesses throughout the
to run the store, with a
large selection of new and myCommunity
Neighbours Indeed
R ecently, during a wa-
ter break dig here in
Minnedosa, Town em-
Be a Neighbour... ployee, Marty Moyer found
And announce a unique buried treasure
20031HH0 these special events – a Manitoba license plate
to your community from 1912!
●Birth of Child At 108 years of age,
●Wedding the license plate is still in
●Wedding Anniversaries remarkably good condi- Photo submitted
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th tion with only a little rust
●New home residency on it. The plate measures license plate 1481 was car- plates were ceramic cov-
You may qualify for a approximately 4.5 inches ried on a Ford automobile ered metal and the first
personalized keepsake wide by 10 inches long and registered to Martin N. year of Manitoba plates
gift offer compliments features white lettering Pederson. Born in Nor- were blue with white let-
of local business and and numbering on a black way in 1866, Pederson had tering and numbering.
professional sponsors background. come to Canada in 1887 The second year, 1912, saw
Minnedosa Pharmacy The plate number is and became a Canadian a black background with
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd. 1481 and Marty recalled citizen in 1891. He farmed white lettering and num-
Minnedosa insurance Services reading about Dr. Gor- at SE 34-16-18-W1, a few bering, as found with the
Kim’sQuality Foods don Goldsborough of the miles north of Minnedosa, recently uncovered Peder-
Integra Tire
Heritage Co-op Manitoba Historical Soci- northwest of Clanwilliam. son plate.
Minnedosa Tribune ety undertaking a Mani- He was married with eight According to the
Gateway Motel toba 1912 License Plate children, two sons and six Minnedosa history book,
project. Moyer reached out daughters. Valley Views, published
Be part of your Community! to Goldsborough for addi- How Pederson’s li- in 1983 during our com-
Contact Tillie Johnson tional information. cense plate ended up munity’s centennial year,
Dr. Goldsborough’s buried in Minnedosa is the first reference to an
research determined that somewhat of a mystery. automobile in Minnedosa
However, Dr. Goldsbor- was in 1905 when two cars
ough’s 1912 License Plate passed through town. That
Buying or selling real estate? Project found that in the must have been quite a
early 20th century, it was spectacular sight to see
Helping you is what we do.™️ common for waste met- at the time! In 1912, the
Dave Burgess als, including old licence
plates, to be used as fill.
same year as the recently
unearthed license plate,
Sales Representative
A year before this li- the Minnedosa Auto As-
204-730-8181 cence plates issue, in 1911, sociation was formed and
the Manitoba government our community’s first car
began issuing standard- accident was reported in
ized plates to automo- 1915 when a car rolled off
bile owners. Early licence the dam into the lake.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 7

Remembering Pat With a Full Day of Yoga

By KAREN MITCHELL share stories of her and The sessions on the benefits of
Dancing Fish Yoga Studio,” yoga.

F our years to the day,

after her passing, lo-
cal resident Pat Graham
recalls McLennan. “When
I heard that Pat passed
away on a leap day the idea
People from Brandon,
Alexander, Neepawa, Er-
ickson and Onanole came
was honoured in a way she popped into my head that to Minnedosa to take part
would have truly loved. we could honour this great in the event. Although the
Saturday, February 29th, lady on the anniversary of event was free, there was a
2020 (Leap Day) saw ap- her death. I casually men- selection of Karma Cards
proximately 60 people tioned the idea to a group that was available upon
gather at the 50+ Centre for at the end of November donation. Attendees could
a celebration of Pat’s mem- and the reaction was very make a donation, select a
ory. The day was filled with positive. So, as they say in card and have their Karma
mediation, yoga and dis- yoga, I set the intention read to them. The money
cussion. and took one step at time, raised will be used to pur-
The free 12-hour event leading toward our special chase 20 yoga practices
was hosted by a group of day.” for men and boys with
ladies who practiced un- Following her un- instructors Jean Olenick,
der Pat and were inspired timely passing, several of Trish Mcbratney, Erin Al-
by her soul and teachings. Pat’s students decided to exander and Solange La- Photo by Karen Mitchell
Nancy McLennan only carry on the teachings of belle. Approximately 60 people gathered on Leap Day to celebrate
practiced under Pat a cou- the craft. Many of these “Pat’s influence was to yoga and remember the spirit of Pat Graham.
ple of times, however the former students were on give it forward,” explained
impact of those sessions hand throughout the day McLennan. “So, there are to participation, which is more about yoga and what ebration in honour of Pat,
stayed with her long af- to guide sessions in medi- also plans to offer free Intro lack of knowledge.” These it has to offer. which will occur in four
ter. “We speak of Pat often ation, active physical yoga, to Yoga sessions in order to sessions will be available The group is already years on February 29th.
during Yoga sessions and along with informational address one of the barriers for those who want to learn planning the next cel-

Expressions Concert Series NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, under the provisions of The Municipal Act,
S.M. 1996, c.58 and The Municipal Board Act, R.S.M. 1987, c. M240, that
the Municipal Board will hold a public hearing for the purpose of hearing
any presentations in objection to or in support of the proposed By-law.
T he final Expressions
Concert for the 2019
- 2020 season was held
The public hearing will take place on Monday, March 30, 2020 at 6:30
p.m. at the Rural Municipality of Minto-Odanah, 49 Main Street
South, Minnedosa, Manitoba.
on Monday, March 2nd at
Tanner’s Crossing School. The By-law proposes to levy a Special Service Tax on all 40
The duo, Chelsey June and benefitting properties in the Village of Clanwilliam within the
Jaaji, hail from Ottawa and Rural Municipality of Minto-Odanah.
filled the halls of TCS with The levy is for the purposes of Special Service - Garbage/Recycling
a variety of music genres Services Plan No. 1. The Special Service proposal is for weekly
and instruments. garbage/recycling collection and transportation services, for
Earlier in the day the all affected properties in the Village of Clanwilliam, Manitoba.
pair performed in front of The Plan proposes to establish a per parcel rate of $201.60 to be
the grades seven to twelve levied in each of the years 2020 to 2023 inclusive.
at MCI. This is nothing
new for Chelsey and Jaaji A copy of the By-law is available for review at the Municipal Office and at
as both see the value in at- The Municipal Board.
tending schools through- In addition, the Board requires that any party who intends to submit as
out their tours to spread evidence at the hearing any written material or other documents, shall
a lesson of communica- file four (4) copies of that material with the Board and one (1) copy with
tion, acceptance, love and the Municipality for public review, at least 10 working days prior to the
Photo by Karen Mitchell
understand of the human hearing.
race. No matter what our her handheld drum or oing. “Their ability to im- comes to a close, The If a party wishes to have service in French, or requires assistance because
colour, background or cul- flutes and Jaaji his guitar, part their knowledge and Minnedosa Performing of disability, they must notify this office 15 days prior to the hearing.
ture, the message is to ac- the two sang in unison to experience of life in Can- Arts Committee are grate-
cept one another and allow teach the language of Inuk- ada as Metis and Indig- ful to their many sponsors Dated at Minnedosa, in Manitoba, this 2nd day of March, 2020.
everyone to be themselves. titut. The students watched enous made an impression and season ticket holders Brenda Loewen
The pair spoke of Jaaji’s up- with intent and after a few on us as a committee. Roll- for supporting live music Secretary
bringing in a far northern songs could be seen toe ing River School Division and theatre performances. The Municipal Board
fly-in community where tapping and swaying to the has made cultural profi- Coming this fall will be the 1144-363 Broadway
the price of groceries and music. ciency a major priority and Expressions Concert Se- Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3N9
items were sky high. The “We were so im- we felt that since we were ries 30th anniversary, with 204-945-4014
importance of hunting, pressed and inspired by already bringing the duo a line up that won’t disap- (52-2)
not only to feed family but the positivity that Twin to Minnedosa, this would point. The season will in-
also to utilize every part of Flames displayed when be a great opportunity for clude; Bouey-Doucet Duo,
the animal to make musi-
cal instruments, furniture
they showcased for the the school to learn more Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra, TRIBUNE
Manitoba Arts Network about Indigenous experi- Royal MTC and Double the
and/or jewelry was of the
upmost importance.
in Portage in 2018,” stated
Expressions committee
ences from other parts of
our country.”
While Chelsey played member, Nathalie Lem- As another season Tuesday at 12 Noon
8 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Basswood News Cadurcis News Off to Nationals

By ZElDa FIrBy By DorEEn TroTT thy also to Cathy and Chris
Brown and family on the

W ord has been received of the passing of Lloyd Lamb

of Winnipeg, son of the late Harold and Marie
Lamb. The Lambs owned and operated the hardware
O ur sympathy is ex-
tended to Robert and
Tanis Boyd and family on
loss of a brother and uncle.
Visitors last week with
Malcolm and Shirley Rose
store in Basswood from 1945 to 1955 before selling to the recent passing of their were Kianna Rose of Bran-
Stan and Gertie Podruski. father and grandfather, don and Linda Wilson of
Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Don Donald Genung. Sympa- Erickson.
Genung and Don’s sister’s Cathy, Sherrie, Maxine and
families on Don’s passing on Friday.
Mark and Sylvia Firby and Duane and Jean LaCoste
returned home last week after spending time in Arizona.
Jordyn Firby and friend Maddie Huculak spent reading
Bridge Club Results
week in Arizona with the Mark Firby’s. 1st - Doug Thiessen /  Boyd Grant
2nd - Lois Phillips / Carol Lonsdale
3rd - Wilma Jones / Lois Campbell
4th – Judy McFadden / Val St. John

Photo submitted

A bby Krzyzaniak, daughter of Jim and Kelly of the San-

dy Lake area, is off to Prince Edward Island to com-
pete in hockey nationals. Abby is a former Yellowhead
Chief who now plays as part of the University of Alberta
Pandas. After winning the Canada West Championship
for a second year in a row, the Pandas are headed to the
U Sports National Women’s Hockey Championships in
Charlottetown which begin on March 12th and will wrap
up with the Gold Medal game on March 15th.

55+ Bowling League


B owlers of the week of March 2nd were Debbie Tarn

and Alan Tarn.
Other good games were Ava Harris 131, Rosemary
Hamilton 241, Jim Clark 187, Debbie Tarn 200, 194, 233,
Bev Chapski 216, 192, Alan Tarn 220, Vicky Bugg 173, 162,
Ray Criddle 234, Freda Woychyshyn 136, Russ Pettigrew
133, Harvey VanDamme 214, Bev VanDamme 147.

Friday, March 13th

vs. Regina Pats
For tickets call 204-726-3555 or visit Visit the Wheat
Kings online at
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 9

It’s National Employee Appreciation Day!

N ational Employee Appreciation Day on the first erally more productive, engaged and loyal to their com- ployees who want to take advantage of this during their
Friday in March each year focuses attention on panies.  lunch break. This may also allow for creative juices to
employees in all industries. Employers across the How does a business provide a happy work atmo- flow, profiting your company and bottom line.
sphere though?
country in business and organizations plan employee
Create a career pathway - Provide developmental
recognition and celebrations. Employee achievement
Make employees part of the big picture – allow your support, such as training opportunities and career men-
and contributions are honoured.
employees the opportunity to make a difference through toring. Have regular career-planning discussions with
Employees are one of a company’s greatest as- their work and help guide the course of the company, your employees. As part of training and development,
sets. Recognition and appreciation are known as one where it is able. Benefits such as clear and frequent com- make sure employees are aware of the different types of
of the key motivational factors in the workplace. An munication on company happenings, individual and de- career paths or job opportunities throughout your com-
employer may show their gratitude for an employee’s partment direction, and big-picture company direction pany.
efforts and contributions to the goals of the company can make all the difference in employee happiness.
in a variety of ways. Many organizations include em- Promote a positive work environment – Saying
ployee appreciation as part of their business structure. Be transparent and honest – Allow your employees thank you, good job or well done goes a long way with
It shows how much they value their employees and to provide feedback and address their concerns with you. employees. Acknowledging a good job or idea can make
keeps morale high in the workplace. Employers who Once you receive this information though, it is important someone feel valued and respected. Don’t always wait
express employee appreciation tend to increase em- to be transparent with results and a plan of action. This until everyone is gathered around to say the words, be
ployee job satisfaction as well. will show your staff that you value their feedback and sure to do one on one acknowledgment as well. Let that
take it seriously. employee know you notice their work.

By KAREN MITCHELL Make work-life balance a priority – creating an en- Set the example – A boss can make or break a busi-
vironment where the demands of personal life and pro- ness or organization. Being positive, upbeat and walking

A s the old saying goes, “An employee who feels appre-

ciated will also do more than is expected.”
In this ultra-competitive recruitment and hiring en-
fessional life are of equal importance. Do not have con-
stant expectations that employees must arrive early and
leave late. Understanding that sometimes things come
around with a smile will allow your employees to feel like
you are approachable. Very often employees don’t leave
jobs, they leave bosses.
vironment, retaining current employees is an essential up that can’t be helped, and this does not make for a bad
factor of overall business success. Not only is a low turn- employee. However you choose to value your employees, re-
over rate good for your bottom line, but it also means you member that you can’t survive alone and good employ-
are creating and building upon a firm foundation for your Allow breaks throughout the day – Allowing em- ees are essential for you and your business growth. Little
company’s future. ployees to move around, take their eyes of the computer things can go a long way, so start somewhere and see the
Retaining employees does not always come down to screen, fill their coffee cup and maybe take a breath of gains right away.
paying them more than anyone else. Several studies have fresh air will aid in employee production. Where it is able,
shown that employees with high job satisfaction are gen- provide outdoor spaces or exercise areas for those em-

We often take for granted the

very things that most deserve
our gratitude.
We can’t spell
Great employees are like
a four leaf clover,
hard ot find and lucky to have S C C E S S
On behalf of myself and
council, Thank you to
our employees.
without U
Mayor Pat Skatch
Thank you to all our employees for
your dedication and great work, you

Thank You Employees!

are the reason we stand strong and are
moving in the right direction.

Whether working in food, fuel, ag or home stores, we’re

fortunate to have dedicated employees that put our customers
first, letting everyone know that you’re at home here.


Building a brighter future together®

10 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Honouring Our Veterans

ON, where they guarded assault boats that made it managed to keep the little thought about him many burg, which they reached
the steel mills from any came back for Alex’s 7th group together to make times after the war and around V.E. Day.
air attack. In August 1943, Brigade, and they were it to Brigade HQ. As Alex wished they could have In listing the 18th Bat-
they were posted to Bran- on the Canadian sector said, “This was the only met. He was in the British tery accomplishments,
don, MB. After a session of Normandy beach by time I was ordered to do a hospital over a week, then Alex said, “I think it’s only
of advanced training, they 10 a.m. All soldiers who task like this – Thank the was posted to Aldershot, fitting to mention that the
were drafted overseas on were part of this Operation Lord, as our chances for and from there went to 18th Battery of approxi-
the Queen Mary in late Overlord knew they were survival weren’t great.” France. He was posted to mately 100 men had 18
September. After arriving part of one of the largest Near the end of July, the 18th Bty. 2nd Antitank Panther tank kills to its
in Scotland, they went by military operations of their Alex was posted back to Regiment 2nd Division at credit and numerous self-
train to Aldershot. Alex time. the 18th Bty. 2nd Antitank Dunkirk. From Dunkirk propelled guns and ma-
took his driver’s training The first few days Regiment 2nd Division the Battery moved to Ant- chine gun posts. Of all the
there. on the beach were very around Verrieres. He had werp, Belgium, where the gallant members of the
In January 1944, he uneasy. The first night, developed a very bad in- 2nd Division was given 18th Battery, 2 officers and
was posted to the 18th Bty. Alex was on guard duty fection in his right hand, the task of clearing the en- 29 other ranks made the
2nd Canadian Antitank at midnight. Some Ger- caused from some fine emy from the harbor area. supreme sacrifice. A large
Regiment, 2nd Division. man planes came in and shrapnel, so he reported to On one particular occa- number were wounded.
England provided still fur- dropped anti-personnel the Battery M.O. expecting sion, their Battery greatly No fewer than three Mili-
ther training and employ- bombs on a row of trees to have it treated, but in- assisted the 4th Infantry tary Crosses, one Military
ment on the south coast about 100 yards from stead was sent back to the Brigade. The enemy had Medal, one Mentioned in
in an anti-invasion role in where Alex was. The Ger- field hospital on August dug in machine gun posi- Dispatches, and many C
Alexander defence of Great Britain. mans killed 24 men and 3rd. tions underneath railway and C Certificates were
In April 1944, Alex be- wounded many others. Two days later, Alex box cars loaded with coal. won by the battery.”
Brigham Abel came part of the 7th Bri- About the third day, a boarded a hospital ship The 18th Battery brought Shortly after the war
gade 3rd Canadian Divi- lieutenant picked out ten and set sail for England up two 17-pounder guns ended, Alex was posted
Gunner, sion, and all leaves were of Alex’s group to help him early in the morning. The and fired directly into the to the 38th L.A.A. Bat-
Royal Canadian Artillery cancelled. look after about 800 Ger- ship was torpedoed, and enemy position, killing 60 tery of Winnipeg for the
On June 2nd, 1944, in man prisoners. This task by the time he made it up Germans and wounding homeward journey on the

A lex joined the army,

Royal Canadian Artil-
lery, on January 16, 1942.
preparation for the Nor-
mandy invasion, they
were loaded onto a ship at
took place in an open field
with no cover. They were
two hours on duty, two off,
to the main deck, the back
half of the ship was already
under water. Alex had the
30 more, thus allowing the
4th Brigade to advance.
In November 1944, the
Queen Elizabeth. He ar-
rived home in November
1945 and was discharged
He took his basic and ad- Southampton. The Royal but were always there. The presence of mind to pick Battery arrived in Nijme- January 10th, 1946.
vanced training at Bran- Winnipeg Rifles were on only time they took their up a life jacket. After at- gan, Holland and took up Back home, Alex re-
don, MB. the ship as well. The lieu- shoes off was to change tempting to get life rafts a defensive position with turned to the family farm
After a period of inten- tenant told them they socks. off the boat, Alex noticed the 4th Canadian Infantry and bought it from his
sive training, most of his would be first-line rein- The first week in July, a badly injured fellow who Brigade along the Holland- mother and stepfather
group left for England ex- forcements wherever they a lieutenant from the was having trouble putting Germany border. They in 1948. On December
cept Alex and three others were needed. Queen’s Own Rifles came his life jacket on. Alex took remained there until the 30th, 1950, he married
who were only 18; and you In the early morning into camp. Some German his boots off and used his big Allied drive was made Verna Gibson from Was-
had to be 19 to go overseas. of June 6th they were or- snipers had managed to laces and belt to secure into Germany through the kada. They had three sons
In June 1942, he and dered to be ready to man get in behind the lines and the man’s life jacket so it Reichwald Forest in Febru- and a daughter. In 1989,
his troop were posted to the assault boats. They had were causing trouble. The would keep him afloat. Be- ary 1945. Alex was in “C” Alex and Verna retired
heavy anti-aircraft battery watched the Royal Win- lieutenant picked Alex, fore the ship went under, Troop. Seven enemy Pan- to Minnedosa, where he
(ATT) at Sault Ste. Marie, nipeg Rifles depart. The a soldier named Sinese, Alex jumped in far enough ther tanks were destroyed became a life member of
and two German prison- to be out of the drag. He in two separate attacks, Legion Branch #138 and
ers to go between them never saw the man again. with no casualties to the remained a member until
to help act as cover. They From the time the hospital Canadians. his death in 2018.
were told to keep one ship was torpedoed and it After some consid-
pace apart, wait twenty sank took only 20 minutes. erable time, the Battery MEDALS: Canadian
minutes until the lieuten- As it went down the Welsh started its long campaign Volunteer Service Medal
CERTIFIED CLOSED CELL ROOFING FOAM AND COATINGS ant got into position, then patients sang “Nearer My through Germany, then and Clasp; Defence Medal;
SPRAY FOAM go down the road. If they God to Thee”. back again to Holland France and Germany Star;
POLYUREA FAST SET made it, they were to keep Alex was in the water to take part in the lib- 1939 – 45 Star; War Medal
going to Brigade HQ about half an hour before being erating of the northern 1939 – 45; French Legion of
For more information call: three miles away. They did picked up by an American part of Europe. They re- Honour Medal (awarded
204-867-7264 or 204-212-0232 draw sniper fire, but Alex sub chaser. A young Amer- turned to Germany where in 2017 by Government of
Email: [email protected] ican sailor helped pull things were very active on France).
him out of the water. Alex the approach to Olden-

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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 11

Beyond Beaches Report Lazy Day

SUBMITTED tributes to plastic waste, teers on the tour, enlisting sic from the much-loved
Oatmeal Cake
but these plastics become them in the distribution musical. Of course, we in
1 cup uncooked rolled oats (instant or regular)
H ola! from Mazatlan.
The city and resorts
are teeming with vaca-
part of what these men can
recycle and the lunch sac is
compostable. On a few oc-
of the food and water. It is
good experience for our
“First World” youth to see
the audience were happy
to sing along. I was truly
amazed at the dedication
1 1/4 cups boiling water
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 cup granulated sugar
tioners escaping frigid casions there is an orange. how “Third World” fami- these kids have to their
1 teaspoon vanilla
weather in Canada and the Twice a week, 300 lunch lies sometimes live. Vol- newly learned music in-
2 eggs
Northern States. Activities sacs are made.   These unteers hold and admire struments, and as each was
1 1/2 cups flour
that appeal to vacation- lunches are also distrib- babies, tickle and tease introduced, their shyness,
1 teaspoon baking soda
ers, are also harnessed to uted to the local Colo- little children, and of- yet pride and accomplish-
1/2 teaspoon salt
lend support to the vari- nias, where women and fer an encouraging smile ments, shone through.
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
ous charities here. Tour- children live in very poor and hug to impoverished These kids are not adopt-
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
naments, Fiestas, Dining, conditions, often without mothers, who are grateful able, and, if lucky, will
and performances com- reliable power or water. Al- for the nourishing lunch. spend their lives, growing
bine to provide holiday though the main volunteer And all this takes less than up at this caring and en-
1/4 cup butter or 1/4 cup margarine, melted
fun, as well as enrich the force is Snowbirds, there a morning’s time, leaving couraging orphanage, and
1/2 cup brown sugar
local community. are frequently families plenty of the day for relax- gain the confidence to pur-
3 tablespoons cream or 3 tablespoons milk
Volunteers gath- with children, who are in- ing at the beach. sue an independent and
3/4 cup flaked coconut
er twice a week, in the corporating volunteerism We took in “The Sound productive life. As always,
1/3 cup chopped nuts (optional)
kitchen of a local church, into their vacation sched- of Music” featuring the “It Takes a Village...” and
to prepare a bag lunch, ule. How fun to work on the Salvation Army Orphan- the Salvation Army Or-
for men who glean recy- sandwich assembly line, age Band, at the Surf’s Up phanage has a dedicated
In a shallow bowl, soak oats in boiling water for 20
clables at the local dump with young children open- restaurant, owned and op- cadre of Volunteers to en-
minutes. Meanwhile, measure butter and sugars into
(cardboard, bits of wire, ing the cheese packets or erated by Canadians, and rich and sustain these kids.
beater bowl and beating until light. Beat in eggs and
beverage cans, clothing dropping in the biscuit. As a faithful supporter of the (Oh yes, - the Menu was
vanilla. Sift and measure flour, sifting again with the
and even food.)The lunch the assembly line turns out Orphanage. A wonderful “Schnitzel with Noodles”
soda and spices. By this time the oats will be soaked
is a crusty roll with ham , bunwiches, conversations man, who missed music and “Crisp Apple Strudel”)
and cool. Remove beaters from creamed mixture and
cheese and mayonnaise, lead to finding someone too much to give it up in Google your Vacation
fold in soaked oats. Sift flour mixture over and fold in.
sometimes a Digestive Bis- who knows someone, etc. retirement, leads the band Destination plus Volun-
Turn in a buttered 9×9 pan and bake at 350°F for 40
cuit, and a bottle of clean Until home-towns and and personally re-wrote teering, to see what’s going
to 50 minutes.Mix all the topping ingredients. Do not
water, not purchased but people in common are the music so that the en- on.
remove cake from pan, but while still hot spread top-
filled from the potable wa- shared and friendships thusiastic kids’ band (two
ping over and put under the broiler until bubbly and
ter source, into donated formed. The Church fills a years) were able to per-
tinged with gold. Watch carefully.
new bottles. Yes, this con- bus, and takes these volun- form several pieces of mu-


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12 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: BATTERIES FOR EVERY- Services to Seniors AGM. Shevchenko dance en-
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. THING. Automotive, farm, March 11th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. semble trivia night. Saturday,
construction, ATV, mar- at the 50+ Centre. All wel- March 14th. Doors open at
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ine, motorcycle, golf carts, come. (51-2) x 6:30 p.m. Games start at 7:00
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, phones, tools, radios, com- p.m. at Sandy Lake Commun-
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 puters etc. Reconditioned, Minnedosa Health ity Hall. Hot lunch and cash
BY FAX 204-867-5171 obsolete and hard-to-find District Auxiliary Quarterly bar. To register a team contact
batteries. SOLAR equipment. meeting will be held at the Shauna at 1-204-868-5722.
BY E-MAIL [email protected] The Battery Man. Winnipeg. Minnedosa Hospital Board (52-2) x
1.877.775.8271 www.battery- Room on Monday, March 9th at 1:30 p.m. (51-2) x Build a Birdhouse, Build
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to
a Community. Minnedosa
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa Gold Leaf Event’s Cel- JUSTIN USUNIER
SPRING IS COMING! Lions Club in conjunction
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any ebrating Women in Busi- AND
ARE YOU READY FOR SUC- with the Men’s shed would
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be ness. March 11th from 6:30 CAROLINE GUSCOTT
CESS? Advertise NOW, to get like to invite all interested
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at Minnedosa along with their parents
the jump on SELLING, HIR- children and their parents to
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear United Church. Here from Denys and Val Usunier of
ING and PROMOTING YOUR a birdhouse building project.
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in our panel of local ladies as Neepawa, MB and
EVENTS! The Blanket Clas- Take a birdhouse home after
any advertisement which is published. they discuss their journey Richard and Nikki Guscott of
sifieds reach over 400,000 assembling a supplied kit!
in business, what motivates Clanwilliam, MB, are
Manitoba readers weekly. Let Wren and Bluebird kits will
RATES us work for you. Get results! them and more! Our panel in- be supplied. Refreshments
pleased to announce their
cludes: Jennifer Stiglitz, Hus- engagement and upcoming
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. For as little as $189.00 + GST, and snacks are free. Join us
ky Energy; Meaghan Cann, marriage on July 18th, 2020.
you could book now! People on March 28th, 2020 at the
Repeat ads - Half Price. Farmhouse 50; Shannon Al- A wedding shower
rely on these classifieds to Minnedosa United Church
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & exander, Dari Isle. There will is taking place Saturday,
find what they need in your from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. (52-4) x
bolding, and centering). be local businesses on display March 14th, 2020 from
area and across the province.
all evening for attendees to Minnedosa United 2 - 4 p.m. at the Rapid City
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & Catch them looking at YOUR
meet and learn more about. Church Spring Meat Pie Sale Senior’s Centre (south side of
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. material in our 48 Weekly
Enjoy a glass of wine or a - Hamburger or Turkey. Small the Legion Hall)
Community Newspapers.
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. Call this newspaper NOW or signature cocktail and have $5.00 / Large - $12.00 Pies in Rapid City, MB.
a great night celebrating our will be ready on March 27th, A social will be held that
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 email [email protected]
local Minnedosa women in 2020. To place your orders - evening from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. at
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 for details. MCNA (204) 947-
business! Tickets are $15 and call 204-210-2111 Deadline the Royal Canadian Legion
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. are available from Lisa Dawn for order - March 21st, 2020. in Rapid City, MB.
Office supplies available Buchanan, Krista Powell, by (52-3) x Come out and help them
Deadlines at The Minnedosa Tribune. 14 emailing goldleafevents@ celebrate!
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later 3rd Ave. S.W. Open Monday to or online at WEDDING Please Drink Responsibly
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 SHOWER
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE p.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 204-867- celebrating-women-in-busi- TENDER
insertion. 3816. ness-tickets-95273859679.
Find out more on Gold Leaf
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for Bethany Community
Event’s Facebook page!
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor LIVESTOCK Centre is accepting tenders
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of The Manitoba Commu- for scraping and painting
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. nity Newspapers Association of soffits, facia, trim boards,
Two Year Old Black An-
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit will be holding their 101st An- doors and other wood ex-
gus Bull Sale March 20th. Wa-
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. nual Better Newspaper Com- terior surfaces. Paint for the
wota, SK. 306-577-9141. www. petition Awards Gala in May project has been donated by
2020, and is now seeking Cor- Heritage Co-op. Work must
AUCTIONS FOR SALE porate Sponsorship/Partners. be completed by June 30th.
COMING EVENTS To become a sponsor of the Tenders will be accepted
event, please call 204-947- You’re invited to a come until April 30th. Please send
McSherry Auctions 1691 or email classified@ and go wedding shower for tender to Bethany Commun-
12 Patterson Dr. , Stonewall, MB Minnedosa United for more details on Emily MacDonald, bride elect ity Centre, Box 7, Bethany,
Quality Fancy Antique Church AOTS Pancake Sup- how you can become a part of of Josh Saler on Saturday, MB R0J 1E0. For further infor-
Auction Along with per on Friday, March 13th the 101st Premier Gala Event. March 7th, 2020 at the Minne- mation contact Lynne at 204-
Estate & Moving from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Adults dosa Community Conference 865-2244. (52-2) x
Sat March 7th @ 10 AM $7.00, 12 and under $3.50. Let our readers know Centre from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Spring Gun Auction (51-3) x about your upcoming event This will be a no wrap shower.
Have an
Sat March 28th @ 9:30 AM and boost your attendance! If you choose, come with your upcoming event?
Vintage Service Station & Minnedosa Adult Learn- Simple word ads starting at favourite ‘egg-less’ recipe to Let people
Coca Cola Sign Sale ing Centre’s March registra- $9.00. Contact the Minnedo- share with the bride-to-be.
Sun April 5th @ 10 AM tions start the week of March sa Tribune 204-867-3816 or know through
Hope to see you there! So-
Consignments Welcome! 2nd. Computer classes start [email protected] cial evening to follow at the The Classifieds!
Call For Free Consultations the week of April 13th. Con-
Minnedosa Community Con-
on 2020 Farm Sales! tact: Val Gawel at 131 Main ADVERTISE FOR
ference Centre. “Please drink
(204) 467-1858 or St. South or call 204-867-2519 AS LOW AS $9.00
(204) 886-7027 responsibly”
email: [email protected] (51-2) x
[email protected]
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 13


SHARON LYNN GWYER Gladys Ruff and families

October 12th, 1958 – February 9th, 2020 would like to thank those who
expressed their sympathy,
It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that the family sent cards, flowers and food
announces the passing of Sharon Lynn Gwyer at Brandon at the time of my sister Sharon
Hospital on February 9th, 2020 after a short illness. Gwyers passing. Deeply Ap-
Sharon was born at Minnedosa Hospital on October 12th, preciated.
Rural Municipality of Minto-Odanah 1958, the sixth child to Henry and Marion McManus. She began
Water Treatment Plant Operator her education at Cameron School where she completed Grade HEALTH
one. The family then moved to Minnedosa where she carried out
The Rural Municipality of Minto-Odanah is accepting applications for the remainder of her schooling. Sharon moved to Brandon after
a part time Water Treatment Plant Operator. This position is part-time high school and worked at Bakers Insurance. She then moved to HIP/KNEE
and scheduled to start immediately. Duties to include operation and Flin Flon where she had Crystal Dawn Gwyer with John Gwyer. Replacement?
maintenance of a Class 1 Water Treatment Plant and Class 1 Water They lived in Flin Flon for a few years where she worked at Northern Other medical
Distribution System and other general duties as assigned. Agencies. She later moved back to Minnedosa and worked for Nancy conditions causing
Taylor Insurance Agency Ltd. Sharon later acquired the insurance business TROUBLE WALKING
Applicant should have a Class 1 Water Treatment and Class 1 Water in 1988, the same year her second child with Wendal Usick, Jaclyn Rae Usick was born. In 2001, or DRESSING?

Distribution Designation or be willing to obtain them. Sharon acquired her second business, Destinations Plus, a travel agency which she enjoyed im- The Disability Tax
mensely. She then began doing bus trips to Casino’s all over, Folklorama. Celebrations Dinner Credit allows for
Class 5 drivers license. Be mechanically inclined. Theatre and fun little day trips. $2,500 yearly tax
credit and $20,000
This opportunity will remain open until a suitable candidate is She is predeceased by her brothers Richard, Donald and Raymond and her mother and
Lump sum refund.
father Henry and Marion McManus.
selected. She will be sadly missed by her two daughters Crystal and Jaclyn, her two grandchildren Take advantage of
this offer.
Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. Skyla and Phoenix, sister Gladys, brother Gordon, partner Brian Fisher and her many nieces,
Apply NOW; quickest
nephews, cousins and great friends.
Please send resume: with 3 references to: refund Nationwide!
Her celebration of life was held on February 14th at the Minnedosa Community Conference
Centre, interment will be held at a later date. Expert Help:
R.M. of Minto-Odanah - Water Treatment Plant Operator 204-453-5372
If friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to Cancer Care or one of your own
49 Main St., Box 1197, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 choice.
Phone: 204-867-3282 Get up to
Fax: 204-867-1937 DONALD CRAIG GENUNG $50,000
Email: [email protected] April 12th, 1957 - February 27th, 2020 from the Government
of Canada.
Our beloved dad, grampa, brother and dear friend,
All ages & medical
Erickson, MB. Live in Donald Genung aged 62, passed away peacefully at Minnedosa
Care (support) worker or per-
HOMES Hospital with his son Curtis and daughter Tanis at his side - after a
conditions qualify.
Have a child under 18
son to come in required for FOR SALE busy day of visiting and the sounds of a room full of company led instantly receive more
male stroke victim. Individ- into the quiet, later hours of the day.  money.
ual must have first aid certifi- 1648 SqFt Donald was born in Hamiota, MB and the first born to
Call Manitoba Benefits
cate, common sense, be reli- RTM Murray and Marlene Genung (Burt), both of whom predeceased 1-(800)-211-3550
able, caring, CRC work with Showhome their only son. He went to school in Oak River where he was or send a text message
little supervision and have a For Sale raised, and then continued his education in Rivers. After school, with your name and
valid driver’s license. Job will 3 Bedrooms
he worked in the coal mines in Snow Lake for two years before re- mailing address to
require making some meals, (ensuite), Maple turning to Minnedosa to raise his family. From there he drove truck 204-808-0035 for your
helping into bed, washroom, Kitchen, Quartz for Trans X before his true calling led him to the agricultural field; free benefits package.
etc. Contact Christine at 204- Countertops, Walk-in working through the turnover of Agricore to Viterra out at Basswood. He
spent his last years at Redferns, hauling fertilizer and using his skilled hands to help out wherever
571-0891 or email chearn@ Pantry, Island. James
Hardie Siding, Huron he was needed. (52-2) x
Tripane Windows.
Pictures available
Don had a strong love for horses growing up and enjoyed visiting his grandparent’s farm THE BUILDING
at every available chance. He loved to laugh and did so loudly. The sound was contagious and
ANNOUNCEMENTS www. allowed him to make friends everywhere he went. His children were his world and he provided BLOCKS TO
or phone
them with enough memories to last a life time. The most fond - going to Little Jack Fish Lake
where he taught them how to fish. Just the three of them - the fresh air and sunshine, a tin of min-
204-346-3231 nows and a few rods. Quality time well spent, never leaving without a feast for that nights supper.
He was always worried about his grandchildren and beamed with pride at their accomplish-
ments. He was kind hearted and compassionate, helping take care of his own father in the com-
Response Builder NOTICES fort of his own home for 12 years, after he suffered a massive stroke. If you ever needed anything,
Advertising Don was the man to go to. 
WORKS! Advertisements and
Donald is survived by his two children, Curtis and Tanis (Rob); grandchildren Damon,
Brooklyn, Ashley and Hudson; sisters Sherrie (Clark), Cathy (Chris) and Maxine (Cam) along
• GET SEEN by over statements contained herein with many aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. 
400,000 Manitoba are the sole responsibility of As per Donald’s request, a private family service will be held at a later date. Donations can
Homes! the persons or entities that be made in Donald’s honour to Cancer Care Manitoba.
• Create instant top of post the advertisement, and White’s Funeral Home, Minnedosa in care of arrangements.
mind awareness the Manitoba Community Let them know you are
• Showcase your info,
Newspaper Association and
business, product,
membership do not make
job, announcements


any warranty as to the ac- The Minnedosa

or event
• We format it, to curacy, completeness, truth- Needed for a summer Since 1883

make it look great! fulness or reliability of such operated crusher. Perfect for
• Starting at $239.00 advertisements. For greater individual looking for season- 204-867-3816
(includes 35 lines of information on advertising al contract or for semi-retired. [email protected]
space) conditions, please consult Very good compensation. Ad-
• The ads blanket the
the Association’s Blanket Ad- rian 250-486-0006
province and run in
MCNA’s 48 Manitoba
vertising Conditions on our
community website at
• Very cost effective
means of getting
Do you have a PRESS
Business Cards
We print business cards
your message out to RY that needs to go out? Let
the widest possible us help you with that! Though in all styles and quantities. Colour Cards
we cannot guarantee publica- Stop in today prices starting at
Contact this newspaper tion, MCNA will get the infor- or call us
NOW or MCNA at mation into the right hands 250 500 1000
204.947.1691 or email for details. $45.00 $70.00 $110.00
for ONLY $35.00 + GST/HST.
[email protected] Call MCNA (204) 947-1691 for The Minnedosa Tribune more information, or email Minnedosa, MB ● 204-867-3816
[email protected] for de-
14 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune


Prairie Mountain Ph: 204-867-4657

Independently Owned Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
and Operated Broker Realtor
[email protected]


Parish Backhoe
. Well maintained 2+1 bedroom 1 - Renovated 2 bath home 2 bedroom/ Certified as a Total Electric Gold . Two plus acres - 2 +1 bedroom 2 bath home, most
bath bungalow
. Features central air, updated
ensuite home on a quiet street.
- Features large eat in kitchen with open
Medalion Home this 2 bedroom
1 1/2 bath home is located on a
windows triple pane

. Insulated sunroom that is heated by a pellet stove

George Allard, FCGA* GENERAL ●Septic Systems ●Weeping tiles
Gateway Street
windows on main floor counter to living room. corner lot & features a good sized
kitchen, L shaped dining room/
& electric fireplace.

Onanole, MB
CONTRACTORS ●Water Systems ●Basements
. Vinyl siding, shingles 2013, front
- Mudroom/laundry leads to attached . The attached double car garage offers access to the
living room, mostly newer windows,
step 2017, cold storage insulated, heated oversized single
composite siding, shingles 2016,
insulated 24’x32’ workshop with infloor heat
204-848-7413 ●All types of excavation●
. Outside you will find 2 decks and
storage shed on the open lot
car garage.
- Newly built deck at front door & a larger
single garage with GDO, finished
basement with potential for 2 more
. Non insulated 42’x78’ (‘96)machine shed with
electric 24’x13’ overhead door, 2 storage sheds
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
Residential Certified in waste
one at back door.
& a greenhouse
bedrooms as seller is upgrading
- Beautifully designed deck with pergola windows to be egress compliant. . Lily gardens, above ground flower beds, holding 9-515 4th Ave. water management
and hottub. MLS#1712871 $109,900 Shoal Lake, MB Call: Ian
tank & well. The well services 2 other nearby
MLS#1911282 $149,900
MLS#1908672 $166,900 $99,500 $89,500
MLS#1917399 $279,999 204-759-2680
867-7506 874-2134 or 867-0383
Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie Dauphin Office -
15 1st Ave. S.W.

Phone: 204-638-3005
“Living in your Fax: 204-638-5817
Community” *Denotes Professional Corporation

Proud Supporter Rick Taylor 867-7551

[email protected]
MÊ GijsbersÊ
Chartered Professional DEMOLITION BILL HOPKINS
Accountant Inc. 204-867-0260
SEMI WITH LOW BED &[email protected]
Ê 213Ê Ê 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê
Email:Ê Ê [email protected]Ê


220 - 4TH AVE. N.W. 241 - 1ST AVE. S.W. 185 CENTENNIAL DR.
Minnedosa - 867-3853
- 1,216 sq. ft. mobile home Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
- 1,460 sq.ft. bungalow - 1,060 sq. ft. bi-level
- 3 bedroom, 2 bath Open Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
- 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths - 3 bedrooms, 3 baths All at Competitive
Monday - Friday
- Immaculate condition!
- Near the river on a quiet
street - Close to the lake
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
• Specializing in water & sewer 204-867-0260
$254,900 EXCLUSIVE $124,900 MLS #1931239 $234,900 MLS #202003776 installation & repair
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. • All types of [email protected]
CONTACT RICK • Basements, Demolition
Suite A • Snow removal
110 Main Street South • Gravel, Topsoil
• Sales of septic tanks
Kirk 867-0180
204 867-5550 ● Roofing ● Decks
● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing
● Renovations ● Repairs

AUTO ELECTRICAL [email protected]

204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544
Enterprises Ltd.
330 - 1ST ST, SE 332 - 2ND ST. SE 114 - 2ND AVE S.W.
- 1,100 sq. ft. bungalow - 1,180 sq. ft.bungalow - 1,600 sq. ft. bungalow Refridgeration
Air Conditioning,
- 4 bedrooms and lots of ● AC
- 3 bedroom built in 1984 - 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths 1-204-867-2558 Heating & Electrical
- Many updates incl. sunroom - Lots of updates
inside and out - Single attached garage 30 Years
$244,900 Ex perience!!
MLS #202004693 $264,900 EXCLUSIVE $234,900 MLS #202003726 M&M
Considering listing your Property?
AUTO BODY Bus : 867-3950
All Auto Body Repairs Fa x: 867-2340
Call me today for great service at great rates!
Ph: 867-2083
5 Main St. North
Liz Burton Painting Jon Kowal

Toll Free 844.877.7767 Specializing in

[email protected] Book Farm
#7 � 515 4th Avenue This Spot Solar
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB New Builds
for Fairmount Solar and Electrics Call us today for your
only For All Your Electrical Needs electrical needs
$8.29 204-874-2360 204-281-3394
per [email protected]
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 6, 2020 15


Custom WAHOSKI St. Alphonsus

Fertilizer MECHANICAL LTD. Catholic Church ● Lawn Mowing & Trimming
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. ● Hedge Trimming
Call today to book your Minnedosa,MB
Minnedosa, MB 867-3831
867-3831 ● Aerating & Power Raking
spring floating needs! HEATING  
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ● Licensed Arborist Service
GAS FITTING ● Yard Clean Up
Darvin - 204-868-5869
Glen Burgess Robert - 204-867-7113 AIR CONDITIONING SEPTIC Cory Johnston ● Minnedosa
(204) 476-4705
Electrician 204-867-3121

204-868-5211 204-476-5185
Septic Service People Helping People
- Committed to Caring - Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
Potable water Heating
Book this spot (48-4) HILLSIDE delivery.
Phone (204) 857-6100
Fax (204) 857-8389
Ventilation/Air quality
Air Conditioning
GRAIN Plumbing & Heating Book your portable
$5.52/week toilets.
[email protected]
HAULING Erle Jury & Family
Kitchen Equipment
Call 204-867 3816 Ty Burton Commercial Gas Fitter

204-868-5358 867-2416 Commercial & Residential

Brian Horner Cell: 867-7558
service specialist

Grain & Fertilizer Cleaning Services

Kent Brown

Sewage Service - Commercial LEONA’S

Plumbing & Heating Studio Of Image
Home: 867-3272
• Construction • JIM BEAUMONT
MAIN OFFICE Cell: 210-0818 Family Hair Care
5” AND 6” continuous 476-2483 [email protected] •Eminence Facials
eavestrough [email protected] Owner/OperatorÊÊÊ & Product
Siding Roofing 204-867-7182 PLUMBING & HEATING Cell: 476-6591 • Pedicures & LCN Nails
Soffit Fascia Russ Huyghe • Spray Tanning
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam 204-868-6376 Dennis: 476-2766 • Piercing
Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation INSURANCE CONSTRUCTION • Eyelash Extensions
Cody Huyghe 23 Hour Service
Fire Retardent Coating
204-867-3738 204-210-0502 204-867-2287
Email: [email protected] INSURANCE SERVICES Matt Saler
Drivers Licenses, Autopac 204-868-6886 Book Ê
General Insurance We nowÊ offer Ventures Inc.
Cheri McTavish – Broker
867-3946 Plumbing & Heating UNDER NEW
Spot Call us today for your carpet
Gas Fitting
& upholstery cleaning needs.
LEGAL ph: 867-2084 for (204)476-0002
cell: 867-0346 [email protected]
Minnedosa Alexander only Garbage Bin Rentals
Credit Union SELF-HELP THE

Main Line
Jackson $13.88 LEAN
Roll Off Bins
Brad Ross Law Office A.D.A.M. per
Terry McLenehan B-116 MainSt.St
110B Main S. S Anxiety Disorders
204-867-6363 Minnedosa, MB
Susan Glasgow Association
Debbie Strelczik
867-3981 of Manitoba ● 204-848-0097
Small EnginE REpaiR &
Chris Ridgen
Support Group SELF-HELP ● 204-848-0400 YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
204-867-6359 Meetings are held at • Mowing & Trimming
Burgess Law
Donna Dowsett
204-867-6361 Office
Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of
the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Drug Problem? [email protected]

Snow Blowing
Unwanted Item Removal
Kim Butler
204-867-6352 For more info call: • Handyman Services
Nicole Loewen 51 Main Street S Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550
Anonymous can help • Alum & Stainless Welding
Meetings every
Alayna McTavish
Minnedosa • Reasonable Rates
204-867-6354 Apparel & Promotions
Trisha Paterson
ALCOHOLICS Tuesday & 204-867-2378 204-720-5934
204-867-6362 minnedosa@ [email protected]
Joanne Clarke ANONYMOUS Saturday at 7 p.m.
204-867-6364 If you like to drink and can
at Calvary Temple,
Gaylene Johnson That's your business
204-867-6357 SIMS & COMPA N Y If you want to stop and can't 221 Hamilton Street,
Kathryn Yanchycki
L a w O ffi c e That's our business. Neepawa, MB Potable Water Delivery
Fax Minnedosa and area
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. P.O. Box 36
E-mail 7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h
or 867-3966 Health Inspected
[email protected] Alanon - 210-0433
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717
Alateen - 867-5121 No Job is too small!!! 867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays
16 Friday, March 6, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Newdale News
SUBMITTED Approximately sixteen la- Rink on February 29th. Richard Walker chaired Pederson as she welcomed days ahead as she hasn’t
dies enjoyed the picture Several of the pallbear- the meeting with minutes a tiny new baby boy, Remi been able to be out for

W e’d like to send out

birthday greetings
to several former Newdale
selections this year with
many favourable com-
ments being made about
ers from Newdale were
Lance, Gareth and Peter
Higgott and Logan Clark.
read by Secretary Helen
Caird and financial report
given by Treasurer Barb
Gray Pederson, born to
Darren and Colbi Peder-
son on February 5th. He
cards in several weeks.
We all know she’s not well
when she has to turn down
residents, Stan Marks of all varied twenty choices. Our community sends Pedersen. Several further had spent time in NICU in a card game! The Early
Winnipeg, Bob Jones of There are two selections deepest condolences to items were discussed and Calgary hospital and was Birds send their best wish-
Sandy Hook and finally to from Ruth Wareham of his parents Bob and Myrna decided on. Some discus- moved back to Medicine es Eileen.
Marian Brown of Sooke Shoal Lake, Ruth and her McCutcheon, his girlfiend sion took place on what Hat last Friday. Grandma We’ll have plenty of
BC. Hope you all had a family used to farm at New- Ellie grandparents, aunts, direction our meetings will and Grandpa Rod and curling to watch for anoth-
wonderful day with family dale before retirement. uncles and cousins. take with the retirement Barb Pederson are pretty er week as the Brier takes
and friends. The next coffee afternoon Elgin Hall took the of Elgin at the end of June. excited along with his little over our television sets.
The Travelling Art will be March 12th. Sunday service last week, Elgin has represented the cousin Charlotte, Aunt Ni- Again Manitoba has two
Show arrived last week just Many friends from the first Sunday of Lent, former Presbytery at all cole and Uncle Dwayne rinks there so we hope one
in time for Group 1 to host town attended the funeral with the Church Board our meetings. Hopkins. of them or both make the
coffee and cookies at the for Josh McCutcheon, age meeting following after- Congratulations to We wish Eileen Brad- final game next Sunday!
Drop-In on February 27th. 20 years, held in Strathclair ward in the lower hall. great grandma Shirley ley improved health in the

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $25 minimum order)
MARCH 6TH - MARCH 12TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water


Country Harvest Bagel or Bread assorted ..450g-600g ...... $2.99 FM Brownies Two Bite ............................300g ...... $3.99
PC White Cheddar 2 year old..................................................250g ..............$6.99 FM Muffins assorted ...............................................................110g ............. $4.99
PC 100% Apple/Pineapple Juice................................................ 1lt ..............$1.29 Casa Mendosa Tortillas assorted ............................................640g ............. $3.49
Fruite Drink assorted ................................................................. 2lt ..............$1.29 Breyers Classics ice cream assorted ..................................... 1.66lt ............. $4.49
Campbell RW Soup assorted ................... 274ml ...... $0.89 Popsicle Revello/Fudge bars/Tropical ............................... 720ml ............. $3.99
Ragu Original/Oiginal Ground Beef.................................... 640ml ..............$1.59 Michelina Dinners assorted ........................................... 227-284g ............. $1.29
Aunt Jamima Pancake Mix or Syrup assorted ..........905g-750ml ..............$2.79 McCain DD cakes assorted .....................................................510g ............. $4.99
Lays Chips assorted .................................................................255g ..............$2.99 McCain Super Fries assorted......................650g ...... $2.69
Mr. Clean Liquid or Magic Eraser assorted ..................1.33lt,2ea ..............$3.99 Delissio Pizza assorted .................................................... 519-888g ............. $5.99

PC Maple Brown Oatmeal ......................................................430g ..............$2.29
GM Apple Cinnamon Cherrios ..............................................778g ..............$4.99
Nabob Traditional Coffee Fine Grind CP ..............................930g ............$16.99
Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea ...................................................72ea ..............$3.99
Heinz Tomato Juice .............................................................. 540ml ..............$0.99
Sunrype Juice Boxes assorted .............................................. 200ml ..............$2.29 Freybe Hot or Origianl Pepp Sticks .......................................500g ............. $7.99
V8 Cocktail Vegetable or Welchs Concord Grape ............... 1.89lt ..............$2.99 PC Chicken Spring Rolls .........................................................574g ............. $9.99
Oasis Juice assorted ................................. 960ml ...... $1.49 PC Pub Recipe Chicken Nuggets or Strip ..............................700g ............. $5.99
PC Chocolate Covered Almonds/Raisins/Peanuts...............340g ..............$4.49 NN Wieners Chicken ...............................................................450g ............. $1.49
Christie Dads Oatmeal/Chocolate Chip Cookies305-320g ... $3.29 T-Bone Steak ............................................................................................. $7.49/lb
PC Decadent Cookies assorted ..............................................300g ..............$2.79 Sirloin Tip Beef Roast ............................................................................... $4.99/lb
PC Crackers Crisp Thin Vegetable/English Cream ....... 200-225g ..............$1.79 Pork Shoulder Blade Steaks ..................................................................... $2.49/lb
La Grille Steak Spice assorted ......................................... 148-248g ..............$3.99 Chicken Breast Bone-in ................................... $3.62/lb
Chef Boyardee canned pasta assorted ........................... 411-425g ..............$1.79

Sapporo Noodle Flats Original ...............................................100g ..............$0.79
Erawan Rice Stick Medium .....................................................454g ..............$1.99
VH Sauce Teriyaki Stir Fry.................................................... 355ml ..............$3.49
Uncle Bens Bistro Express assorted .......................................250g ..............$3.29
KD Cup Original .......................................58g ...... $1.49
Knorr Pasta/Rice assorted .............................................. 116-137g ..............$1.79 Cantaloupe............................................................. $2.99
Tabasco Hot Sauce or HP Steak Sauce .......................57ml,400ml ..............$3.69 Raspberries .................................................................................................... $3.99
NN Canola Oil ....................................................................... 946ml ..............$2.99 GH Orange,Red,Yellow Sweet Peppers XL .............................................. $2.99/lb
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Lemon,OXY ..................... 650ml-1.2lt ..............$3.49 Romaine Hearts ........................................3pk ...... $2.99
Lysol Toilet Cleaner regular/Bleach .................................... 710ml ..............$3.49 Royal Gala Apples ..................................................................................... $1.49/lb
Jet Dry/Finish Turbo dry ..................................................... 200ml ..............$5.49 FM Red Potatoes ..................................................................... 10lb ............. $4.99
Resolve Oxi Action................................................................ 650ml ..............$5.49 Cauliflower ..................................................................................................... $3.99
Bounty Paper Towels assorted..................................................4ea ..............$7.99 Navel Oranges ........................................................................................... $1.29/lb
Friskies Dinner canned cat food ............................................156g ..............$0.89 Beefsteak Tomatoes .................................................................................. $2.49/lb
Cat Chow Advanced Nutrition .................................................2kg ..............$7.99
NN Cat Litter Clumping unscented/Scented ..........................7kg ..............$6.49
Alpo Cookout Classics ...........................................................7.2kg ............$15.99
PC Xtra Meaty Dog Food assorted .........................................624g ..............$1.59
Olivina Margarine/Lactantia Omega 3 Margarine 950g ...... $3.99
Pillsbury Rolls Cinnamon Icing/Chocolate Chunk ...... 351-468g ..............$2.79
Tropicana Juice No Pulp 100% ............................................. 2.63lt ..............$6.99
OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK •
Five Alive Citrus/Mango ....................................................... 1.75lt ..............$2.79
Danone Activia Stirred Strawberry/Vanilla ...........................650g ..............$2.99
70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
Yoplait Tubes raspberry/grape .................................................60g ..............$2.79 ALL PRICES ARE PLUS GST, PST & OTHER LEVIES WHERE APPLICABLE
Kettle New York cheddar.........................................................220g ..............$2.99 *WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

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