2 - Erich Fromm

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ERICH FROMM: BRIEF BACKGROUND - Although some may say that Fromm can be accurately

called Marxian personality theorist, he prefers to be

- Erich Fromm was born on March 23, 1900 in Frankfurt, labeled as a dialectic humanist

- His father was a business man and, according to Erich,

- His mother was frequently depressed
"Human personality can be understood only in the
- He came from a very religious family light of human history"
- In his autobiography, Beyond the Chains of Illusion, he - Fromm proposes existential dichotomies which are
talked about two events in his early adolescence that rooted in everyone's existence and cannot be done
started him along his path away with
- He received his PhD from Heidelberg in 1922 and - People can only react to these dichotomies
began a career as a psychotherapist
 Life and Death
- He moved to the U.S. in 1934 and settled in New York
City -Self-awareness and reason tell us that we are going
to die but we negate this by believing in an after life
- Toward the end of his career, he moved to Mexico City
to teach  Self-actualization and the Shortness of life

- He had done considerable research into the - Some negate this by assuming that their own
relationship between economic class and personality historical period was the greatest in humanity while
types there others believe in development after life

- People would describe Fromm in opposing ways. He  Being alone and intolerance to isolation
would be described by many as authoritarian, gentle,
pretentious, arrogant, pious, autocratic, shy, sincere, - Aware of themselves as separate individuals but
phony, and brilliant believe that their happiness comes when uniting
with other human beings
- He died in 1980 in Switzerland.

- From was heavily influenced by the writings of Karl

Marx and Freud. He attempted to note contradictions in VIEW ON HUMAN NATURE
ideas of both people and attempted a synthesis
- To be human is to be isolated and lonely
between the two
- Loneliness represents the condition of human
- As Freud saw humans as being determined by
experience that separates humans from animals
biological drives, Marx saw humans as determined by
society and economic systems - From believed that humans, unlike other animals,
were torn away from their prehistoric union with nature
- Contrary to the deterministic views of both, Fromm
and are separated from other people
added an idea of Freedom in his theory. This allowed
people to transcend the determining of biology and - Because of our facility to reason and our awareness of
society being torn away from nature (people as isolated beings)
and from other people, we experience what Fromm
calls the human dilemma

- As people gained more and more freedom throughout

the ages, they come to feel increasingly more isolated
(e.g., a serf who eventually secures his freedom only to
find himself adrift in an “alien” world)

- This burden of freedom leads to what Fromm calls

basic anxiety- the feeling of being alone in the world

- He described this phenomena in his book Escape from

Freedom (1941)

- People can attempt to deal with this burden in two


(1) A healthy strategy of uniting with other

people in the spirit of shared love and work

(2) An unhealthy strategy of attempting to

“escape from freedom”

- People escape from freedom in 3 ways:

1. Authoritarianism

2. Destructiveness

3. Automaton Conformity


1. Authoritarianism

- giving up independency to fuse oneself with somebody

either through masochism or sadism

2. Destructiveness

- escape from powerlessness by destroying social agents

and institutions that produce feelings of helplessness
and isolation

3. Automaton Conformity

- adopting a pseudo-self based on others expectations.

Becoming what others want them to be.

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