Bab 10 Segel Behavioral Accounting
Bab 10 Segel Behavioral Accounting
Bab 10 Segel Behavioral Accounting
from comparing actual performance results with budget allowances set for
an activity level that is different titan the one actually attained. The ACC
Company’s dilemma is a case in point.
it is therefore quite clear that the information provided by traditional cost
systems is incompatible with modern control objectives. They also provide
little useful information for managerial planning and decision making. Their
greatest weakness is the inherent danger of inducing unwanted and destructive
behavioral responses when used in evaluating the performance of the
individuals charged with carrying out the various activities within budgetary
not always lead to desirable results since many performance measures have
built-in biases that motivate managers to select action alternatives that may
not be in the best operating and/or financial interest of the company.
Through its authoritative bodies. the accounting profession is presently
reexamining accounting‘s basic concepts. principles. and practices in the light
of their possible behavioral implications.
In the process of their reexamination. questions such as the ones asked
by David Hawkins seem appropriate:
Cost Control
Dividing costs into variable and fixed components provides a better basis
for cost control. It enables the preparation of contribution margin income
statements. which emphasize cost behavior patterns and provide management
with details as to engineered. committed. and discretionary costs. This dis-
tinction is important to management since each type of cost requires different
control procedures.
Engineered costs include direct material, direct labor, and variable over-
head costs such as fuel and electricity. According to Charles Homgren they
have an “explicit. specified relationship with a selected measure of activity.”
They are readily controllable at the lowest organizational level through the
use of flexible budgets and standards; their feedback time is short and they
Chapter 10 Behavioral Aspects of Accumulating and Controlling Costs loS
are physically observable by the managers responsible for the activity that
causes their occurrence.
Committed fixed costs or capacity costs "are all those organization and
plant costs that continue to be incurred (regardless of the activity level) and
which cannot be reduced without injuring the organization‘s competence to
meet long-range goals."5 Controlwise. they are the least responsive fixed costs
and they can be controlled in the short run only by attempts to improve the
utilization of the committed facilities.
Dircrefianan' costs (also called managed or programmed costs] are those
costs “(I) that arise from periodic (usually yearly] appropriation decisions
regarding the maximum amounts to be incurred and (2) that do not have a
demonstrable optimum relationship between inputs (as measured by costs) and
outputs (as measured by revenues or other objectives)"6 They include costs
such as advertising. auditing and management consulting services and human
resource training. in cunu-ast to committed fixed costs. they can he reduced
or even entirely avoided in dire times and they are controlled by negotiated
static budgets.
Decision Making
Besides stressing the distinction between variable and fixed costs and
providing differential cost infomtation, in certain decision situations. direct
or variable costing provides managers with another important piece of infor-
mation. We are referring to contribution margins of products. product lines.
service activities. divisions. and the like. Knowledge of differential or van-
able costs and of contribution margins will influence the behavior of managers
and will lead them to better decisions. Some typical decision situations fol-
Product Mix Decisions. When faced with product mix decisions. sales
managers who know the contribution margins of their products will be better
able to decide which product to push and which to dcemphasize or to tolerate
only because of its sales benefits to other products. in case of limited resources
te.g.. machine time. materials. etc), the contribution margin will provide
management with information for choosing the desirable mix. which would
result in the largest total contribution to profit. Knowledge of the desired
contribution margin for a product line will enable management to price a
certain product below full cost. as long as the complementary products can
be priced to yield sufficient profit to keep all products in the product line.
New Product Pricing. New products are generally accepted in the market
only after they are extensively tested by reputable firms in the industry. To
enCourage companies to use the product on a trial basis. management may
sell it at variable costs. Once the product is sufficiently tested and accepted
176 Part Two Behavioral Implications of Management Accounting
repetition is coupled with intrinsic or extrinsic rewards. The type and degree
of response to specific rewards differ from individual to individual and may
vary over time. (For more details see Chapter I I on Performance Evaluation.)
Since there is a psychological feedback effect between the various factors
of the control policy and future performance. the ideal control policy will have
to be tailor-made and will vary from situation to situation. The investigation's
premise that cost variances are independent of the control policy is therefore
untenable. it is no surprise that VlD models are not applied more frequently
in practice.
would be held responsible. This. she hoped, would remove the reasons for
the production manager‘s frustrations and might even induce him to pay more
serious attention to the performance variances in the future. The only costs
that would be exclusively controlled through the budget would be tlte selling
and administrative expenses. and for those she hoped to find a special solution.
After securing the president‘s permission for the new system and his
commitment, lverson met with the members of his management team and
explained the reasons for her choice and the benefits it was to provide. She
told them that she considered her role in the construction of the new system
as that of an advisor and technical expert and that they. as the future users.
had to make the various decisions that would determine the structure and the
output of the system. She then assigned to the controller and the production
manager the task of setting standards for direct material, direct labor. and
factory overhead use per pound of cement produced. The overhead was to be
broken down into fixed and variable components on the basis of historical data
from the past five years. At that meeting. she also instructed the two managers
to involve the foremcn of the various production departments in the standard-
setting process. The foremen were to make sure that the final control and
performance evaluation standards were perceived by the controlled individuals
as realistic and attainable. It was decided to use pounds of output as the basis
for rate determination and absorption of the overhead in the product since
ACC's production process was highly automated and people performed only
minor supporting tasks.
At the meeting. it was further decided to charge the sales and produc-
tion departments for all centrally provided services such as data processing.
accounting. legal services. product development. and quality control. The
fixed portion of the total service costs was to be allocated on the basis of
assets employed. The variable portion was to be absorbed by the users on the
basis of actual use. Through such allocations. it was hoped that the providers
would exercise special care since declines in service quality or timeliness
would undoubtedly cause immediate user complaints. People pay more atten-
tiott to the quality and the timeliness of services for which they have to pay
and that affect their own performance evaluations. The allocations were used
as proxies for transfer prices since it was believed that the costs of a full-
fledged transfer-price system would nor be justifiable for a company of their
After a heated discussion. it was decided to zero-base all major selling
and administrative expenses at least once every other year to insure more
realistic budgeting. The sales department's efficiency was to be evaluated.
in addition to the present budget variance analysis. on the basis of industry
averages for sales generated per dollar of selling expenses.
All executives were to have their assigned tasks completed by mid-
August. at which time a progress meeting was to be held. At this meeting,
Chapter It) Behavioral Aspects of Accumulating and Controlling Costs ”9
lverson hoped to receive the agreed upon cost standards and the various chosen
allocation bases for corporate indirect cosm so that she could start constructing
the system.
Everything proceeded according to schedule. lverson presented her
report to the president and his management team and asked them to study
the new system carefully and report any omissions or ambiguities to her
within a weelt. She also insisted that all employees affected by the new
cost accoanting and reporting system were to be carefully educated on its
objectives and structure and that training sessions were to be held to ensure
proper use and maintenance. She offered lter services in the education
process and promised to be available at the budgeting time if any unforeseen
implementation problems should surface.
Back in her office at PW, lverson reflected on her completed assignment.
She was convinced that she had performed well and that she had solved the
problems that had caused such animosity within the top management team. By
working together in the standard cost system design stage. they had learned to
understand each other's needs. They realized that they all shared one goal—
the growth and Well-being of the organization that provided their livelihood.
In this chapter, we demonstrated the behavioral aspects of accumulating and
controlling costs. We showed that traditional (historical) cost systems are
behaviorally unsound and may induce unwanted and destructive responses
when used in controlling and evaluating individual perfonnance. Although
standard cost systems have the potential to increase motivation and goal
congruence, they may also be used to achieve high levels of autocratic
and coercive control. The behaviorally superior method is direct (variable)
costing. which. by isolating product cost and period cost. provides the most
relevant information for controlling the various types of costs and in leading
management to more profitable decisions. We also analyzed the behavioral
aspects of cost accounting steps and suggested approaches that could induce
desirable employee behavior.
lEdwin H. Caplan. Management Accounting & Behavioral Science (Reading.
Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, l97l ). 60.
2John A. Bekett. "An Appraisal of Direct Costing," NACA Bulletin Sect.l (Dc-
cember l95l): 407—415.
David Hawkins. “Behavioral Implications of Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles." California Manage-meal Renew (Winter 1969). l3-2l.