Nortronics Magnetic Tape Heads Specifications

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NORTRON ICS magnetic tape heads are designed to offer the highest
quality performance and long dependable service. The many features
of NORTRONICS heads include:
Fine laminated, precision-lapped, low loss core structures - deposit­
ed quartz gaps, resulting in exceptionally clean sharp gap edges ­
hyperbolic face contours for intimate tape-to-gap contact without
the need for pressure pads, but designed to allow use with pressure
pads as well - highly polished faces to greatly reduce oxide
bu ild-up and the need for frequent head cleaning - compatible
mechanically and electrically w ith older model NORTRONICS
heads - superb shielding against external magnetic fields .
NORTRONICS, the chief exponent and largest manufacturer of audio,
instrumentation and digital heads, offers a complete line of heads
laminated versions. Included are "COMBO" heads which combine
Record/Play/Erase into one case, and the new CASSETTE heads
offering all of the features above.
NORTRON ICS' continued research and development into magnetic
tape head design improvements, has resulted in the introduction
of the 9000 SE R I ES of Professiona I Heads.
PROF ESSIONAL heads in the 9000 Series are designed with wider
poles for increased frequency response, and deeper gaps for extened
wear life. Record/Play heads with Alfenol cores are available for high­
speed duplicating applications requiring extended wear life without loss
of performance . Erase heads with Ferrite cores are available for increas­
ed efficiency and longer wear life. Also introduced in the 9000 Series,
are 3, 4, 8, 12 and 16 Channel Studio heads for 1/2-inch to 2-inch tape
The PREMIUM heads are a fully professional line of tape heads,
giving unsurpassed performance for broadcast, studio and exacting
semi-professional applications. Long life and extended high frequency
response at slower tape speeds are among the benefits.
The STANDARD versions offer improved high frequency performance
over that of the conventional solid-core heads. The added features
of hyperbolic all-metal faces provide intimate tape-to-gap contact
and reduce oxide build-up.
The wide variety of available mounting styles, track types and im­
pedances make it possible to find a NORTRONICS head to suit
almost any application. NORTRONICS heads are supplied in two
basic mounting styles, NO MOUNT and REAR MOUNT. REAR
MOUNT heads have a rear mounting stud with 12-inch shielded
wires. NO MOUNT heads have no brackets, screws or wires attached
to them and are used directly in several popular brands of tape
recorders. When required, NO MOUNT heads may be quickly adapted
to SIDE MOUNT and BASE MOUNT styles by using the proper
NORTRONICS Ouick -Kits,available where NORTRONICS tape heads
are sold . Complete, detailed instructions are included with each
Ouick -Kit.
NORTRONICS heads are the ideal selection for replacement of existing
heads, converting to 2 or 4-track stereophonic sound or 4 or 8-track
quadrasonic sound, and for installation on new tape equipment.
In the majority of cases, replacements will be made on a direct
basis. It is often possible to interchange head types to modernize
equipment. An example of this would be substituting a 4-track stereo
head for a 2-track stereo head to bring the recorder up to date,
or substituting a Full-track monophonic head for a 2-track monophonic
head to make a recorder suitable for broadcast purposes.

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340 2000 1100


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Prem HJm 3 Channel R e co rd / Plav 6 100 55 1070 60 0.9 0 2. 7 18 1'"IWi
57 03 ' p · F'!:'IndR R eco rd Onlv 8 50 400 25n 260 0 . 5 55 10.65 7.5 -i 7
04 3 In T 'ack W ,d 'h 60 lil 4nn
57071 PB30llK
100 In . C . to C . T rack Spacing Re co7di Plav 5 200 1300 12 0 d"O : O. I 5 5 10.40 12 0 50 1.3 II ? :J ?f\ 400
5 710 P -B30SR
Re c ord O nlv 7 10 70 500 iDa
10. 5 55 I 1. 7 3 .3 200 8.0 9 400
A -T raCk Ste r eo 1 58 00 R ec m d / Pla 400 1 2 5 00 . lOa -700 10. 1
3 55 10.44 12 7 20 0 .9 4 T2 18 16Oci'
1020 ' 5 8 0 01 .02 2158 10 13 1 1n . Tr . W . 1 58 10 PB2UiA" R ec ord On lv 7 10 75 750 - 42 0 .5 5 5 111 2 .6 150 4.0 f\ 400
_12 7 In . C . to C . T rack SuaclnQ 1 58 1 3 P -B2L"4R R ecor d O nl v 8 50 400 125 0 22 0 0 .5 55 105 8 40 1.B 10 400
58 32 ~ ~rd /Plav 3 O~
200 1400 150 s on O. I 35 10 3 5 125 35 0 1 _" 14 i600
8 T rack 4 Channe l 5 833 RAc o;-dlPlav 6 100 7no 15 0 2 50 0 . 1 35 10 . 55' 125 ' 50 o~ 0 2.3 10 1600­
021 I n. T ra c k W id th 5834 P Rnl dR Re co rd Onlv 8 50 300 -'300 250
O~ 35 10 .6 12 4 50 2. 3 10 400
.0 635 In . C . '0 C T rack Spa c ing 58 3 5 P BOLRR A e o crrl Onlv 7 10 65 500
6 0 0:5 35 12 . 5 110' 15 0 4.0- f\ 400
58 36 P - BOL 14R R ec Qrrl Onlv j 2 .5 'M RM 10. 5 ""i6 35 14 ' 4 . 5' 300 - R.O 4 40n­
( t ) Add 50 10 numb er for Rea r M o un' ( .) @ 100 KHz

Head Description 8c:
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L amIna t ed Cores

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4 T rack St ereo
.04 3 I n . Tr ack Widt h

• Special Heads

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Hea d D esc ripti o n e .~ III

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• Record/Play, Playback Only, and Record Only Heads

Head Description
.8E ,~
Hyperbolic Metal Face

Lam inated Cores

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Standard 4·Track Stereo

.043 In. Track Width

136 In . C. to C . Track Spacing

Premium 4-Tra c k Stereo

.043 In . Track Width

136 In . C. to C . Track Spacing

Premium 2- Track Stereo

.080 In. Track Width

.160 In. C. to C . Track Spacing

Premium 2 -Track Mono

.080 In . Track Width
Track .040 In . Off Center

Standard 2 T rack Mono

Premium 2-Track Mono

.080 In . Track Width

Premium Full · TrC'tck

Cassette 4 -Tr8ck-4 Ch annel

IQuadr.sonic Sound)

Premium 4-Track 4 -Channel

.037 In. Track Width

.071 In. C . to C. Track Spacing

(Quadrasonlc Sound)

Head Oescription
t;; NO AD
Full Metal Face u;

f-'.,4",0",,-01-j",S-FS,"",SIE",0!.Jl,--=N,-,9'--_f--'-'-j~80 0000 21 0 90:1 5 0' 3 ·5
1400L L LSEOI - N2 80 0000 270 0·150' 3·5
14011 S SSE04 - N9 10 2800 40 8 ·42' 1015 RIP
1401L L LSE04 - N2 .. 10 2900 40 8·42' 10· 15
.~ Trac k. Ste r eo
1402 S!;SE02 N9 . . 0.13 40 2 3·6' 80 · 140
1404 S SSE0 3 N9 55 17000 200 0120' 4 ·8
1401 555E 07 N9 30 8000 72 50· 85' 1·11
1408 S 55E08 . N9 2.0 500 6 15 ·25' 30·50
22001 555EHI NO 80 25000 205 lOOISO' 4.5·7 .0
2200L L L5EH 1 N2 _+_+~ 80=--t=-2::.50::.0::.0=t-.":.20::.5=-+-I:.::00
22011 5 5SEH4 - N9 8 2000 35 32 ·48' 16·24
2-Tr3ck STereo 2201 L L LSE H4 N2 8 2000 35 32·48' 16 ·24
020 I
.12 2202 SSS EH2 - N9 0 .20 50 2 5·8' 100·150
2203 S 55EH9 N9 4 800 11 2030' 20·25
36001 5 5MEH 1 - N9U 80 25000 205 100 ISO' 4 .57 .0 ADD 50 TO USE OK-38 USE OK ' 66
3600L L L M EH 1 - N4 80 2500 205 l00 ·ISO' 4 .5 · 7.0 NO-MOUNT NO. ,
36011 5 SME H4 . N9U 8 2000 35 3248' 16·24
2 ·Tr<lck. Mono
3601L L LMEH4 ­ N4 8 200 35 3 2· 48' 16·24
3602 S 5MEH 2 . N9 U 0 .20 5 2 5 ·8' 100­ 150
3604 S5MEH9· N9U 4 800 17 20· 30 ' 20·25
1 ,4::4",0",0c:I--I'S,+"5",M,,E=,F~I,-,J,--,-Nc:9,--+_-+- 40 12000 88 100 ·150' 10· 15
4400L LLMEFI N2 40 1200 88 100 ISO' 10·15
Full-T rack 44011 5 SMEF4J N9 3 .6 1000 25 32·48' 32·48
4401 L L LMEF4 N2 3 .6 1000 25 32·48' 32 ·48

CaSS(HUl 2 Track 5 210 C W2E R3·A 12 20 16
2 Channe l 15211 C W2E A4-A 12 100 53 6.1
M lnloltu re ROilr Mounl 5350 L4 2E6U 5 120 38 32 ·48' 28 ·4 2
, Itti d 5 0 to nuOlllcr fo r roar mOu ll1 • @ 60 J(Hl
•• F or 60 db erasu re of S,lIIur alod tap e REAR-MOUNT SIDE - MOUNT
50 25000 160 100 ISO' 4.5 7 .0
-~ ~~:Jt~tr--

\Vffl:)co r
lL Tr<tck
l a d· M()11U

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Stereo Bas e Me
74 08
75 00
7708 5 SSEC2



100 ISO'

40·6 5'
4 .51.0

t, - 17
r~ _
4 ·T rack Mono Ba se Mt 7720 R E · 50K IT 10 300 38 28·42' 10-15

-nut-t:. L • I , _ ~l
@ GO KH l
8101 B l E F 1J NO 40 12000 88 160 ·200 10 15
8 102 81 E F2J NO 0085 2 1.3 10·14 ,50350
~ _~ l E_~ 4 .J NO 3.5 100.0. 25 5010 3,48
FuJI Track 8105 B 1E F 5 J NO 0.6 250' 4 2030 80100
81 0 6 81 EF5J ·NO 6 1800 30 15 ·95 30·40
8109 81EF 9 J NO 2.6 500' ,0 4357 42·57
8110 81EF9 3 N2 2.6 600' 20 50-70 42·52

8301 B2EH 1 NO 50 20000 205 160·200 4.5-7 .0
2 Tr 8302 82EH2 NO 0., 50 2 8 · 15 10(}150 t;-I
i ' .I, ~ 8304 B2EH4 . NO 8 2000 35 50· 70 15 ·24
2 ·Track Stereo
I i, I
8306 82EH6 NO 0.7 250' 3.6 20-30 40·70
8307 82EH4 3N2 8 2000 35 16·24 REAR - MOUNT SIDE-MOUNT BASE-MOUNT

8 309 B2EH9 NO 5 1000 100 3763 21 38 ADD 50 TO FOR "5" CASE FOR "s" CASE

NO -MO UNT USE QK - t 8 USE OK - 19

8501 BIEH 1 NO 50 205 160·200 4 .51 .0

.08 ' 2000 35 50· 70 16 ·24
8504 81EH4 NO 8
:2 Track Mono
850.6 81EH6 NO 0.7 251)' 3 .6 20·30 40·70
8509 81EH9 NO 5 100 100 37 ·63 21·38 1. High Inlp~<luncc q n l)cr,J1 pLlr lJ o~e R P or PI ,·I V Oll l y for Vd L' II I Hll
870.1 82E04 NO 10 280.0 40. 45-60 10 15 tuh(~ (II L UII S

8702 82E 0 2 · NO 0 . 13 40 2 5 12 80140 2 PI ;lyl),~ {"" lJ rlly f ( l f V , II'l llJ ln lul)e Llr' r ll lt').
4 TrClck S tAroo 8104 82EOI NO 80 3000. 270 150200 3 ·5 3. I\'1 P 4lluin Irll ped,llH.e Ri P for V •.h . lI I u-n ruI1( ! or ltanSI<;lor
8 707 8 2E02 B I ll 1 1\ 0. 13 L- . 4 O :> 5 12 8014 0 en. l il tS.
8 708 8,E08 NO 2 .0 SOO' 6 20·30 30-50
4 . Mt:'dl \ 'n l· lnll )t~ clan Le R(!(.'orrj On l y f or vrl Clll lm Itlbe C ! Ci l i t s
9125 PRB1EF4 ·N O 1.2 3.8 55 88
40 125
5 . MenllJm 10'.'\.' un p e dall c e R . P fur transis tor c irellltS.
Full Trac k 9127 Pfl81 EF 1 5 N O 0 .5 0 3
.. 6 . Lo w Ifn p e r /.-l n Cf! R P for trcJn Slstor ci r c uit s.
Ferr ite Cores 9128 PR ·BIEF17 NO 0 . 12 0 .7 21 210
PR 81E.F 17 818 lA 0.12 0 .1 21 270 S Pf'f l,ll l ow IInpediIlH.l! R t- cord O nly fOf vaC lIl lll 1 tube or
9<21 PR·82EH 14818 lA 0.2 4 14 130 lI rlflSl s tU f I i rC- t llts III cJUpllL Ll t o r Sdn r l profe SS lorl a l fc ..... O I<!er<:;

PR 82EH5 . - NO 2 .0 11 46 42 8 L( )I.. v Ill l p e(j " IlL(~ Rp.L.urd On l y fo r vaCULllll lu h e Of Tr , n.., l \ l nl

2 · Track Stereo 9223 PRB2EHI4 ' NO 0 .2 .. 4 14 130 Clr C4)l t s

F=errtta Cores 9226 PR ·B2 EH4 · N O 6 50 70 25 Q. Extencl ecJ lr i'JCk hedrJ for lise on super 8mrn filn) - rear mount.
9221 PR82EH15 NO 0 .5 6 24 85
10. Allenol ext e n dp.u t rac k hean Wit h sp ecia l IJasc ,nuun! for
• (u) 80 KHl
l G mrn f,l ll ) St rll) ( RCA TPG6)
11 . Fl li sh fa c e for t;tpe O I)(~ r,:Hlon. R naI' mount.
1Ll " 3 Channel 9370 STE·3S4·E 11 4A 0 .11 .­ 2 .2 12 110
12. Flush· f ..} {;e tor MO v l o la ~ 3G lS 1.
9470 5TE ·4B6 · E5 4A 0 . 17 .­ 3 10 100
1 / 2 " 4 C~I,Jnne l 9411 S TE · 4S6 - N!J4 SA 0 . 17 J 10 100 13 Relie v ed fa ce for Mav .a l a 11 361 55.
9412 STE·486 - E51 6A 0 . 17 3 1 100 14 . Impr ove d cr'o sstalk for use on dupli c ating equipment and
," 8 Channel 9890 ST E-88S ·E 75 4A 0.17 3 10 100 other critical applications.
I " 12 Chan nel 9986 STE · 12U19· E76 4A 0 . 17 4.5 10 BO
2 " 16 Chann el 9996 5TE 1686 E77 4A 0 . 17 3 10 100 1A Spec ia l moun ll ng hlu c k fO r" SClil ly recorders Ir){.:lu(h~ll.
Specifications subjec t to change without IIOtlce. 2A S pecltll rernllflal pill c.:UllflglH8t l on for alet lO G 13 nlug
The nl!w sta nda rd 01 t he Industry int:luued . Spt.' c l,iI RCA 1 ~i1se 9r!n rj for tr ac k h Clqlli
H z - c ycles / sec & KHZ· kc / sac. Irlclucleet .
Your L oca l D istri butor :
3A Not r \" ; ummel)<ll ~ d l or w rit e
h p.<1d h l:! C dtl S~ of h l qh mrlt l c t d fl C f' .
p.xcep r l ow reoutl[ l ('In r .1tcs, ( 1000 BP !) o r I(> we r l

4A Sp(' cl al Scu ll y hdse plitt!! mOlln linq I ncl ud ed.

SA No muunt ~v lth t . lppe( 1 7 4G holes ,n l)else.
6A Spe {" l rJI Arnn(!x 3 00 typ e In lJurll Il lt · I u( l ed.


6140 Wayzata Blvd.
rnn,," I\ln ""l'(1-,n, nnlTrt.I..-r:n , ... I. C" A. ~ r n o ..... DIr.:UT 107(1 Minneaoolis. M innesota 55416 Phone: (612) 544-0381
NORTRONICS brand tapelhead cleaner is a fluoro· AT-200
carbon solvent spe c ially formulated for professi onal Alignment Tape for Alignment Tape for
Reel-to-Reel Recorders. Cassette Recorders.
to clean completely without leaving

residue. There is no silicon lubricant,

7.5 ips, 14" alignment tape A splice-free, first genera­
allowing use on capstans and pressure for full - track, two-track tion master recording
and four-track mono ­ which provides zero refer­
rollers. Safe for plastics, rubber, metals,
phonic and stereophonic ence, azimuth alignment
painted surfaces and elastomer parts. recorders . Provides zero and frequency response
Meetsallstandardsof MSFC No. 237A. reference, azimuth align­ tests to "DIN" standards.
ment and frequency re· Each tape is tested on a
OM108 8 oz. liquid can sponse tests on a single, precision torque analyzer.
splice-free master re­ For use with all track
OMl16 16 oz. spray can cording. configurations.


L-5 Universal type, for use with side

TG-7 Precision guide for posi­

TG-8 Stainless steel, for use
mount heads. Made of easily worked

aluminum. Includes hardware for mount­ 'l\ tioning and contrOlling the path
'.Nith side mount heads when

[III of tape travel. Special chrome space prohibits using a TG-7


ing. Base Size: 13/32" W, 314" L.

plated brass finish for long guide post or when replacing
L-6 Plated steel bracket with slotted

base. Has left hand bend for installing life. In c ludes a variety of
side mount heads with a built­
side mount heads in locations not accep­ mounting hardware. in tape guide. Can be used
ting the L-5, or where a longer, narrow with L-5 or L-6 brackets. Slot­
ted holes provide variable ad­
base is required. Mounting hardware In­
justment. Size : 21/32" H
cluded. Base Size : 1-1/31" W, 11132" L. PRESSURE PAD STRIPS 25/32" W.
L-7 A right hand bend version of L·6 PP-5 Pressure pad strips 5/pkg.
PP-50 Pressure pad strips 50/ pkg.

BIAS OSCILLATOR TRANSFORMERS " OK-74 Unique design achievement by Nortronics en ·
gineers! F or general purpose use, this versatile assembly
T70-T2 - For transistor type circuits, 50-120 KHz can't be equalled' A few of its features : alignment of
and 40, 80 or 120 volts, RMS. head for height, face and azimuth is provided . . .
T70-T5 - For transistor type circuits, 150-200 KHz two TO - 7 Guide Posts can be added if desired. . or, if space does not
T70-T6 - For transistor type circuits , 230-500 KHz permit, tabs for guide posts can be snapped off. Base has hole for mounting
and 70 VOlts, RMS. on recorder. For all Nortronics no mount record, play. record / play and
T60-T2 - For transistor type circuits, 60-110 KHz combo heads except 3000 thru 3299 ser i es and minature heads. Will also
T-60 SER IES fit special "8 " case erase head. 8ase Size (with tabs): 1-1/16" W , 1-27 / 32"
and 40, 80 or 120 volts, RMS.
T60-T6 - For transistor type circu i ts , 230-500 KHz L. Without tabs : 1-1116" W, 1-7/32" L.
and 70 volts, R MS . OK-75 Identical to Quick Kit 74, plus two TG-7 Guide Posts included .
T60-E - For vacuum tube type circuits, 40-70 KHz QK-77 Identical to.Quik-Kit 74 (including dimensions) but for no mount heads
and 7 or 120 volts, RMS. in 3000 thru 3299 Series.

T60-F - For vacuum tube circuits , 60-100 KHz

OK-78 Identical to Quik - Kit 74 (including dimensions) but for no mount
for chass i s and 60 or 150 VOlts, RMS. er ose heads. Does not fit specia,"B" case or "L" case heads.


PIN CLIPS HEAD OK-35 Mounting hardware to replace
most Brush Heads with Nortronics Heads.
TC-54 Gold plated beryllium copper (supplied in packages OK -76 Mounting hardware to convert
CH-3 N I B Contactor Head No/Mt.
of 100). many Ampex nests to Nortronics Heads.
CH-3 R Contactor Head Rear Mt.


OK-110 - 3-head cartridge mount for stereo R I P or Combo
PIN CLIPS AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES heads ("B" size). Supplied unassembled .

CC-55 - 9'" Terminal clip and shielded cablp. assembly OK-111 - 3 - head cartridge mount for Mono R I P heads

(red - orange) 2 / pkg. ("'G" size). Supplied unassembled .

CC-56 - as above · coded (yellow - blue) OK-112 - Individual cartridge head mount bracket for

CC-57 - as above ­ coded (white ­ black) stereo R I P or Combo heads ("S" size).
CC-58 - as above - coded (red - black) OK-113 - Individual cartridge head mount bracket for Mono
R I P heads ("G" si ze).
CC-78 - 24'" Terminal clip and shielded cable assembly OK-114 - 2-head cartridge mount for stereo R I P or Combo
(red - orange) 2/pkg. heads ("B" size)QK-114 is supplied assembled.
CC-79 - as above - coded (yellow - blue) OK-115 - 2-head cartridge mount for Mono R I P heads
CC-80 - as above - coded (white - black) ( " G" size). QK·115 is supplied assembled.
CC-81 - as above - coded (red - black) OK-117 - 2-head cartridge mount for one stereo R I P head
("S" size) and one Mono head ("G" size). QK-117 is
supplied assembled_


CONVERSION WR-35 - Converts Wollensak and Revere recorders from
2-track stereo to 4-track stereo playback only.
KITS WR-40 - Converts all Wollensak and Later Revere Mono­
phonic tape recorders to 4-track stereo playbac k only_
COMPLETELY WR-60 - Converts all Wollensak and Later Revere Mono­
CC-70 - 18" plug and shielded insulated cable assembly for
new model Nortronics heads (exceot Mono Combo). WIRED phoniC and 2-track stereo recorders to 4-track stereo record
CC-77 - 18" plug and shielded insulated ca ble assembly for and playback.
Nortronics Mono Combo heads. AND W-2 & W-6 Converts Web cor Tape Recorders to 4-track stereo
CC - ll0 - 4"' plug and unshielded cable assembly for Mono
W-2 Conversion Kit for models 210,2020 ,2100,2600 & 2700
heads. ASSEMBLED Series. W-6 Conversion K it for models 2800,2900 , and
CC·111 - 4" plug a'ld unshielded cable assembly for Stereo
2000 Series lexcept 2020),

·Consult your Nortronics Represent a tive for specific application. or mounting

A .. e'. '.15 rPS Con " .. n l L....U f flnl ~"~. D.....
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Head Description GE-

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Hyperbolic Metal Face 0
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Laminated Cores
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-6 0 "
)0 .-
8200 WP -B2H2K Play 800 5000 380 0 . 16 55 -- -- -- 3.5 0 1.3 72 1600
)0 8201 P-B2H8A Rec ord -- 10 72 27 0.5 55 1.7 6 200 -- -- 9.0 12 400
)0 8202 WP-B2H6K Play -- 200 1300 190 0 . 16 55 0 .40 30 60 1.8 +1 2.7 36 1600
)0 8203 P-B2H3A Record -- 30 200 72 0.5 55 0 .9 15 100 -- .- 4. 0 20 ~O()
)0 8204 P·B2H4A Record .- 50 320 130 0 .5 55 0.7 18 75 .- -- 3. 4 24 · 400
2- T rack Stereo
.080 In. Track Width
8205 WP ·B2H7K 12 - 3N2 Plav .. 400 2500 2 50 0. 1 55 -. -- .. 2. 1 0 1. 8 48 1600
)0 8206 P·B2H37A 12· 3N2 Rec ord . - 3 .7 25 16 0.5 55 4 .3 5.5 2 50 .. .. 14 9 400
.160 In. C. to C. Track Spacing
)0 8208 WP·B2H7F Plav -- 450 3300 410 0 .05 55 .- -- .. 2 .2 +2 1.8 48 1600
8209 I WP ·B2H7K Record / Play .. 400 2 500 410 0.1 55 0 . 33 60 40 2.4 +2 1.8 48 1600
8210 WP · B2HBK Aecord/Play . 20 150 24 0.1 55 2 .4 13 135 .4 0 9 .0 12 1600
8214 P-B2H 14A Record - . 2.0 15 5 .5 0 .6 55 5 .0 3 .5 250 -. -- 18 7 400
8215· AP·B2HI4A· Record -. 2 .0 15 5 .5 0 .5 55 5 .0 3.5 250 -. _. 18 7 400
.. .. _.
B400 . WP-~. Pia 800 5000 380 0.16 -- ..
3.5 0 1.3 72
8401 P·BIHY8A R ecord -- 10 75 14 0 .5 -- 1.7 6 200 -- -- 9.0 12-
B407 WP·B HY8K Pia _. 20 150 . . 0.1 .. _ . -- _. 0. 5 0 9.0 12 1600
8403 WP· BIHY7 K Aacord / Plav ·. 400 2500 165 0.1 ·. 0 .33 60 40 2 .4 +1 1.~ _ _ ~Il 1600
2 -Track Mono 8404 P-BIHY4A Record -- 50 320 70 0.5 -- 0.7 18 75 -. .. 3 .4 24 1400
.OBO In . Track W idth B406 WP · BIHY7F Pia" .. 500 3300 1"5 0 .05 . . .- -- .. 2.2 +3 1.8 48 1600
8408 P· BIHY6K24 Aecord / Play -. 200 1300 110 0. 1 .. 0.4 30 60 1.8 +1 2. 7 36 1600
8409 WP·8IHY9K Aecord / Play -- 10 65 20 0.1 65 3 .0 60 300 .37 0 16 8 1600
8414 P·8IHYI4A Record - . 2.0 15 5 .5 0 .5 .. 5.0 ·3 . 5 250 . - _. 18 7 400
8600 WP-B202K Play / Recor d .. 800 5000 700 0. 1 55 -.
2 .6 +1
.- '
1. 1 52
8601 WP· B207F P l oy -- 500 3300 390 0 .05 55 1.8 +2
8602 P· B203A Record ·. 30 200 60 0.5 55 0 .80 12 78 ·. _. 3.0 15 400
8603 P· 8204A Rec ord ·. 50 400 160 0.5 55 0 .65 15 60 ·. .. '2: 7 18 400
4 -Track Stereo 8604 P·B208A Rec ord . - 10 70 32 0 .5 55 1.3 60 140 -- -- 6.2 9 400
.043 In . Treck Width
. 136 In. C. to C. Track Spac ing
WP -B206K
R ec o rd / Play
Record / Plav
390 0.1
0. 1 55
55 0.25
0 .4 40
60 35
50 1.3
1600- .
• 8610 WP·B208K Aecord / Plav ·. 20 140 32 0.1 50 1. 5 10 100 .35 .- 6.2 8 1600
8614 P·82014A Record · - 2.0 15 6.0 0.5 5 5 3.8 2. 5 250 -- -- 13 4 400
8619 P · B2Q18R-B18 lA 4 .2 28 8. 5 0 .5 50 2 . 5 2 .9 18 0 · - ..
.- .- . -- .
8620 WP ·B2Q2K · B 18 Plav lA 1000 -- 700 0.1 55 . . .- -- 2 .6 1 .. -- --
9100 PA ·8IF 12N ·B18 Plav IA 650 4000 275 0.20 - . _. 5 '2 3 120 800
9 101 PR -RIFIIR-818 Aecord IA 4 27 :l . :l 0 .50 · . 9 14 540 -. 22 14 400
9102 PA·BIF 12N ·NO Play 650 4000 275 0 .2 . - 5 +2 3 120 800
9103 PR·BIF8R·NO Record 10 70 10 0 .5 · . 5 22 350 -. 14 22 400
910 4 PA · BIFIIA·NO Record 4 27 3.3 0 .5 9 14 "<in .. 22 14 400
9 '105 PA·8IF4A ·NO R ec ord · - 50 320 60 0 .5 1 \ 45 150 6 50 400
9 106 PA · BIF9K ·NO Plav · . 10 66 15 0.1 0 .5 +2 25 12 1600
910 7 PA -BI F 3R 12·:JIj2 Rec ord 2A 30 200 19 0.5 ·- 1.6 35 200 .. 8 40 400
Full Track
9 108 PA·BIF7K 12.JN2 Play 2A 400 2500 195 0.1 .. 3 .5 '2 4 90 1600
. 240 In . TrlOCk Width
9 109 PA ·BIF5N ·NO Re cord / Plav · . 5 33 2 .5 0 .2 12 16 650 0 .5 +2 26 12 800
iO 9110 PA ·BIF4N -NO Ae co rd/Plav 100 650 60 0 .2 · . 1.9 18 150 2 .4 +2 6 50 800
9 111 PA ·8IF6N ·NO PI'!Y_ 200 1300 170 0 .2 .- 3. 3 0 5 75 800
9 11 2 PA -BIF3R -NO Reco rd 30 200 19 0 .5 1.6 35 200 8 40 400
9113 PR - ~JE1 4R..l:LQ_ ~ r d · . 2 13 2.4 O .~ 12 11 900

9114' APR · BIF 14R · NO R ec ord 2 13 2.4
~ 12 11 9 00
91T5' APRBIF11R · NO Re cord .. 4 .6 27 3 .3 0. 5 7. 6 1 0 .8 6 00 .
yTi'S'" ~ BTFgR: NO- - - P l ay ·- 10 66 '10 U. l
9 200 PA ·B2HI2L ·BI8 Play lA 700 4400 570 0 . 16 50 3 .0 +2 1.6 75 8o~

Q?O 'PR .R.,H,IR.R'R RArMrl IA 4 ~ :l:l ,,, O~ "0 fi '0 :-IBO 16 8 400
920 2 PA -B2HI2L ·NO Plav 700 4400 570 0 . 16 50 -. 3 .0 +2 1.6 75 800
9 203 PA ·B2HRA ·NO Record 10 70 24 0 .5 50 3 .3 14 190 10 12 400
9204 PA · B2HIIA · NO Rec ord 4 .5 33 15 0 .5 50 6 10 360 16 8 400
9205 PA ·B2H4A ·NO Rec ord 50 330 95 0 .5 50 0 .65 30 80 ·. . . I 4 .5 26 400
2 Track Stereo
.082 In . TrllCk Width
9 2 06 WP · B2H9K·NO Play -- 10 70 15 0.1 50 0.4 +2 I 16 8 1600
9209 PA ·B2H5L ·NO Aecord/Play .. 4 28 4 0 . 16 50 8 12 500 0 .25 +2 22 4 . 5 800
. 156 In . C . to C . Track Spacing +2 26 1600
9211 PA·B2H4K -NO Rec ord / Play 100 640 100 0.1 50 O.B 55 100 \.1 4.5
... 9212' APR - B2H14 R -NO .. Rec or d 2 15 5 .5 0 5 _2. 0 3 .5 2 50
t ~-
Rec o r d / Pl ay 8 12 50 1600
921 3 PR · 82H7K·N O
9 2 14 PR-B2H14R - N O Re c o rd
4 00 25 00
2 18
0 .1
50 5
7 .5 6
5 10
2 .0 2 .5

[ 0 9215' APR· B2H9K - NO Play 10 65 20 0. 1 55 3 60 3 00

~ .~

::> '" • A Ifenol Cores

·1 1/ 2" Three Channel 9360 STP -3S9 ·E 13 Play 4A 800 5000 360 0 .2 55 3 .5 +3
. 100 In . Tr . Wd .. 185 In. C. to C. 9361 STA ·3S5·E 12 Re c ord 4A 4 30 9 0 .5 55 5 10 400 ..
·9 9460 STP ·4B8 -E7 Plav 4A 650 4000 53 0 0 .2 55 3.0 +3
: :) 9461 STR ·4BN7 ·EI4 Rec ord 4A 4 47 40 0 .5 55 5 9 380 -.
-3 9462 STP -4B8 -N63 Play 5A 650 4000 530 0 .2 55 3 .0 +3
1/ 2" four Channel
o 1.070) In . Track Width 9463 STA ·4BN7 ·N55 Record 5A 4 47 40 0.5 55 5 9 380
9464 STP ·4B8 -F53 Play 6A 650 4000 530 0 .2 55 3 .0 +3
. 130 In . C . to C . Track Spacing
9465 STA ·4BN7·F64 Rec ord 6A 4 47 40 0.5 55 5 9 3 80
·1 9466 STA ·4BN24·E 16 Rec ord 4A 0. 1 2 .86 0 .5 55 33 1.3 122 00
2 9880 STP ·8B8 ·E68 Play 4A 650 4000 530 0 .2 55 3 .0 .3
I" Eight Channel
·2 9881 STA ·BBN7·E74 Record 4A 4 47 40 0.5 55 5 9 380 - . I
1.070) In . Track Width
.1 .130 In . C . to C . Track Spacing 9883 STP ·8B8 ·N66 Play 5A 650 4000 530 0 .2 55 3 .0 -3
·3 I 9884 STA ·BBN7 ·N65 Record 5A 4 47 40 0.5 55 5 9 '380
1 " Twelve Channel 9980 STP · 12U21 ·E70 Play 4A 650 4000 720 0.2 50 .. 1.7 +2
.038 In. Tr. W . 9981 STA . 12U20 ·E69 Reco rd 4A 6 45 36 0 .5 50 5 10 300 - .
2 " Shu. . n Channel 9990 STP-16B8 ·E73 Play 4A 650 4000 820 0.2 55 -. 3 +3
(,070 ) In. Track W idth 9992 STA · 16BN 7 · E 71 Rec ord 4A 4 47 40 0 .5 55 5 9 380 -
.130 In. C . to C. Track Spac ing

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