Grade 5 DLL SCIENCE 5 Q1 Week 8a

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: Grade Level: V

Teacher: File Created by Ma’am EDNALYN D. MACARAIG Learning Area: SCIENCE

Teaching Dates and
Time: JULY 24-28, 2017 (WEEK 8) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A.Content Standards Materials undergo changes due to Materials undergo changes due to Materials undergo changes due Materials undergo changes Materials undergo changes
oxygen and heat oxygen and heat to oxygen and heat due to oxygen and heat due to oxygen and heat
B.Performance Standards The learner uses local, recyclable The learner uses local, recyclable The learner uses local, recyclable The learner uses local, The learner uses local,
solid and /or liquid materials in solid and /or liquid materials in solid and /or liquid materials in recyclable solid and /or liquid recyclable solid and /or
making useful products making useful products making useful products materials in making useful liquid materials in making
products useful products
C.Learning Identify local, recyclable materials Infer useful products that can be Collect local, recyclable solid/or Organize the Design a product out of
Competencies/Objectives found in the community formed out of local, recyclable liquid materials steps/procedures in designing local, recyclable solid and
S5MT-Ih-i-4 solid/liquid materials. S5MT-Ih-i-4 a product /or liquid materials in
S5MT-Ih-i-4 S5MT-Ih-i4 making useful products
II.CONTENT Changes that materials undergo Changes that materials undergo Changes that materials undergo Changes that materials Changes that materials
undergo undergo
1.Teacher’s Guide pages CG p.30 CG p.30 CG p.30 CG p.30 CG p.30
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Science Spectrum Work Text in Science Epectrum 6, Rebecca R.
Science and Health for Elementary Fallaria pages 135-136
6, Rebecca R. Fallaria, pp. 133-135
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource activity sheets, shoe or cereal box, Real /pictures of products out of Cut-out of pictures copy of the project template flashcards, pictures of
glue, paper towel roll, scissors recyclable materials. Real Objects and the steps recyclable products, copy of
marking pen, manila paper powerpoint presentation powerpoint presentation the template
powerpoint presentation
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Review about recyclable liquid Review Prior Knowledge(APK)/Review Review about the past lesson Checking of Assignment
presenting the new lesson material Name examples of recyclable Distribute a cut out of trash can 2. Review
materials that can be found in to each learner. Arrange the steps in
school and community Say: In two minutes, write, as designing a product. Drag
many as you can, them from top to bottom.
examples of solid/liquid
recyclable materials
B.Establishing a purpose for the Motivation Prepare the class for a trip within Providing Situation Show pictures of products
lesson The pupils will play Minute to Win Show a sample product out of local, the school premises Let the pupils think of made out of recyclable
It recyclable solid/liquid materials something or a situation materials
Divide the class into five groups. wherein they need something
Provide each group with set of to use or to have.
jumbled letters of recyclable Say: I have a problem in
material. Give one minute to organizing my school supplies
arrange the jumbled letters. The like pencils, ball pens, scissors
group who can form the letters of and pins. Some of my things
recyclable materials will be are misplaced whenever I
declared as the winner. need them. Can you help me
with my problem? What
would be your suggestions to
keep my things in order?
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Preparation Preparation Activity Guide the pupils to select a What recyclable materials
the new lesson a. Group the pupils into five. a. Group pupils into 4 groups. 1. Materials: local waste good project based on their were used to produce these
b. Recall the norms to be followed b. Set the standard in doing a group materials in school objective (what they need) products?
in performing the activity. activity. 2. What to do:  What materials are you
c. Say: The materials you brought c. Give pupils the activity sheets to a. Collect waste materials found interested to collect?
are needed for the activity we will be used. in school.  What do you want to
be performing today. b. Classify the collected materials create?
d. Remind the pupils to take and show their abundance by  What can you do?
necessary precaution in handling making a pictograph
the materials
e. Go around and inspect what the
pupils are doing. Ask or answer
question if necessary.
D.Discussing new concepts and Let the pupils do the activity Activity Proper Learners will show the waste 1. Setting of standards. Now that you already know
practicing new skills #1 Activity Proper products that they have gathered Time management and how to organize the steps or
Trash to Cash Guide questions: resourcefulness procedures in designing a
1. Talk about the common local a. Do you need them? 2. Tell the pupils to listen product, it’s about time for
recyclable solid materials that are b. Are they useful? attentively to the PowerPoint you to design your own
common in your community. Then c. Can you reuse them? presentation. product out of recyclable
think of other products that can be d. Can you recycle them? 3. Give them guide questions materials in
made out of these materials. e. Can you recover them? to be answered while having making useful products.
2. Record these on the table. f. Are these materials also the powerpoint presentation 1. Let the pupils bring out
available in your community? a. What are the the copy of your template
Original File Submitted and steps/procedures in designing with answers A-E.
Formatted by DepEd Club a product?
Member - visit b. Describe the content of
for more each step.
4. Let the pupils jot down
important details and be able
to ask questions regarding the
slides presented so that the
teacher can tell whether the
pupils are listening attentively
of not.
5. Using the sample template,
discuss the content of each
procedure through
brainstorming, question and
answer and show and tell.
E. Discussing new concepts and 1. Discuss group outputs. Let each 1. What local recyclable materials Planning 1. Let the pupils explain
practicing new skills #2 group present their work in class. did you consider on your list? The pupils should do the their designed product
2. Why are these material common planning with the teacher as 2. Let them enumerate the
to your place? guide. steps/procedure in making
3. Can these materials be turned or Discuss the steps and their
made to other useful products? procedure in designing a designed product as written
How? product by showing the in the template.
4. Do you think is it possible to turn sample template 3. Make revisions if
these trash to cash? How? necessary.
4. Teachers will check the
content of the template
F.Developing Mastery 2. Give feedback on the results of 1. Report the output by group. Presentation of group work
the activity. 2. Guided Questions:
How did you feel in doing the What local recyclable materials did
activity? you consider on your list?
What are the materials did you Why are these material common to
used to come up with an output? your place?
What did you do to have an Can these materials be turned or
output? made to other useful products?
How did you follow the How?
procedures? What other useful products can be
What is the importance of made out of those materials
recycling in the community? aside from
the one given or inferred
Do you think is it possible to turn
these trash to cash? How?
Is recycling important/ Why?
G.Finding Parctical application of The pupils will go outside the Application Group Activity:
concepts and skills in daily living classroom and look for materials Your family’s business is bakery. List down at least 5 products
that can be recycled. You have observed that many that can be made out of the
Identify materials that can be flour sacks and lard containers are following recyclable
found inside the school premise. used. How are these materials can materials:
Complete the chart below and be recycled?
write what could you do out of Why is recycling very important?
those materials 3. Pinoy Henyo
Play a game by guessing the recycle
H.Making generalization and What are the local recyclable Have pupils generalized by asking: To get 100% involvement in Ask the pupils to conclude the Ask the pupils to complete
abstraction about the lesson materials that can be found in the What did you learn from the waste management we should day’s lesson by saying: the phrases below:
community? activity? include the learners’ The steps in designing a 1. My product
What other materials can we used participation. We may ask them product are: is______________________
in order to recycle? to collect the materials and 1. Project Objective ________.
identify if they can use the 5Rs to 2. Title of the Product 2. I feel ______________
manage them. 3. Materials Needed while designing the product.
4. Time Needed to Finish the 3. I felt ______________
Product after finishing the designed
5. Methodology/Procedure product
6. Results and Discussion
7. Conclusion and
I.Evaluating learning Directions: Complete the table Identify useful products that can be Use your pictograph to answer Directions: Read each item Write 2 products that can
below. Put a check mark ( / ) if the made out of the given the questions: and choose the correct step in be made out of recyclable
material is common in the recyclable materials. Write you 1. What are the kinds of waste designing a product being solid materials such as
community and ( x ) if not. Write answer opposite each. materials that you have described by each statement. plastic, paper, metal, glass,
the possible product if it will be 1. empty milk box collected? Choose the answer from the metals and cartons
recycled 2 . old junk food canister 2. What is the most numbered word bank.
3. lotion/shampoo bottle materials have you collected?
4. old newspaper/magazine 3. What is the least numbered
5. disposable plastic glass materials have you collected?
4. Which of these materials are
not found in your community?
5. What do you usually do with
the materials that you have
J.additional activities for application Observe the materials at your 1. Observe common recyclable Think of useful product that you 1. Think of something you Collect and bring the
or remediation home. List down at least five (5) materials you have at home/ make out of local recyclable need for a project. Collect the materials you will be
items that community. Infer other products materials. Draw your design, materials you need. needing in constructing
need to be recycle. Opposite the that can be formed out of these. write the steps and the materials 2. Copy the template and fill your designed product.
item, write the way how you could Record them. to be used even the expenses. up A-E.
recycle it. 2. Write a three to five sentence State your product objective
paragraph about the topic- cash for
every trash. Give your own title of
the paragraph
A.No. of learners who earned 80% ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on
in the evaluation next objective. next objective. the next objective. to the next objective. to the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got
mastery mastery mastery mastery 80% mastery
B.No.of learners who require ___Pupils did not find difficulties ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
additional activities for remediation in answering their lesson. answering their lesson. in answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering
___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in lesson. their lesson.
answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the answering their lesson. in answering their lesson.
because of lack of knowledge, because of lack of knowledge, lesson because of lack of ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the
skills and interest about the skills and interest about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
lesson. ___Pupils were interested on the about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest knowledge, skills and
___Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties ___Pupils were interested on about the lesson. interest about the lesson.
lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in answering the the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested
encountered in answering the questions asked by the teacher. difficulties encountered in the lesson, despite of some on the lesson, despite of
questions asked by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson answering the questions asked by difficulties encountered in some difficulties
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used the teacher. answering the questions encountered in answering
despite of limited resources used by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson asked by the teacher. the questions asked by the
by the teacher. ___Majority of the pupils finished despite of limited resources used ___Pupils mastered the lesson teacher.
___Majority of the pupils finished their work on time. by the teacher. despite of limited resources ___Pupils mastered the
their work on time. ___Some pupils did not finish their ___Majority of the pupils finished used by the teacher. lesson despite of limited
___Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary their work on time. ___Majority of the pupils resources used by the
work on time due to unnecessary behavior. ___Some pupils did not finish finished their work on time. teacher.
behavior. their work on time due to ___Some pupils did not finish ___Majority of the pupils
unnecessary behavior. their work on time due to finished their work on time.
unnecessary behavior. ___Some pupils did not
finish their work on time
due to unnecessary

C.Did the remedial work? No.of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
learners who have caught up with above above above 80% above 80% above
the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
require remediation additional activities for additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
worked well? Why did these work? ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who
the lesson lesson the lesson up the lesson caught up the lesson
F.What difficulties did I encounter ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who
which my principal or supervisor require remediation require remediation require remediation to require remediation continue to require
can helpme solve? remediation
G.What innovation or localized Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
materials did used/discover which I ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive well: well:
wish to share with other teachers? Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive
assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples:
studying techniques, and studying techniques, and studying techniques, and assessments, note taking and Self assessments, note
vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and taking and studying
___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: vocabulary assignments. techniques, and vocabulary
Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and Think-pair-share, quick-writes, ___Bridging: assignments.
anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts. and anticipatory charts. Examples: Think-pair-share, ___Bridging:
quick-writes, and anticipatory Examples: Think-pair-share,
___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building: charts. quick-writes, and
Examples: Compare and contrast, Examples: Compare and contrast, Examples: Compare and contrast, anticipatory charts.
jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and jigsaw learning, peer teaching, ___Schema-Building:
projects. projects. and projects. Examples: Compare and ___Schema-
contrast, jigsaw learning, peer Building: Examples:
___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization:  teaching, and projects. Compare and contrast,
jigsaw learning, peer
Examples: Examples: Examples: teaching, and projects.
Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media, ___Contextualizatio
manipulatives, repetition, and manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and n: 
local opportunities. opportunities. local opportunities. Examples: ___Contextualizati
Demonstrations, media, on: 
___Text Representation:  ___Text Representation:  ___Text manipulatives, repetition, and Examples:
Representation:  local opportunities. Demonstrations, media,
Examples: Student Examples: Student created manipulatives, repetition,
created drawings, videos, and drawings, videos, and games. Examples: Student and local opportunities.
games. created drawings, videos, and ___Text
___Modeling: Examples:
games. Representation: 
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly and clearly,
Examples: Student ___Text
Speaking slowly and clearly, modeling the language you want ___Modeling: Examples:
created drawings, videos, and Representation: 
modeling the language you want students to use, and providing Speaking slowly and clearly,
students to use, and providing samples of student work. modeling the language you want games. Examples: Student
samples of student work. students to use, and providing ___Modeling: Examp created drawings, videos,
Other Techniques and Strategies samples of student work. les: Speaking slowly and and games.
Other Techniques and Strategies used: clearly, modeling the ___Modeling: Exa
used: ___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and Strategies language you want students mples: Speaking slowly and
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Group collaboration used: to use, and providing samples clearly, modeling the
___ Group collaboration ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Explicit Teaching of student work. language you want students
___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___ Group collaboration to use, and providing
play ___ Answering preliminary ___Gamification/Learning throuh Other Techniques and samples of student work.
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises play Strategies used:
activities/exercises ___ Carousel ___ Answering preliminary ___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and
___ Carousel ___ Diads activities/exercises ___ Group collaboration Strategies used:
___ Diads ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Carousel ___Gamification/Learning ___ Explicit Teaching
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Diads throuh play ___ Group collaboration
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Answering preliminary ___Gamification/Learning
___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Role Playing/Drama activities/exercises throuh play
___ Lecture Method Why? ___ Discovery Method ___ Carousel ___ Answering preliminary
Why? ___ Complete IMs ___ Lecture Method ___ Diads activities/exercises
___ Complete IMs ___ Availability of Materials Why? ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Carousel
___ Availability of Materials ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Complete IMs ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Diads
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Group member’s ___ Availability of Materials ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated
___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Lecture Method Instruction
collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s Why? ___ Role Playing/Drama
in doing their tasks ___ Audio Visual Presentation collaboration/cooperation ___ Complete IMs ___ Discovery Method
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson in doing their tasks ___ Availability of Materials ___ Lecture Method
of the lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn Why?
of the lesson ___ Group member’s ___ Complete IMs
collaboration/cooperation ___ Availability of Materials
in doing their tasks ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
___ Audio Visual Presentation learn
of the lesson ___ Group member’s
in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual
of the lesson

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