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The factors affecting The Waste management system of Mary Help of Christians

Boarding School Students for S.Y. 2019-2020


This study aims to identify the factors affecting waste management system of

Mary Help of Christians Boarding School Students for S.Y. 2019-2020

1.What are the situations showing waste management system that students encounter in

the following.

A. Home

B. School

C. Public places

2.What are the effects of waste management to the students of MHCBS?

3.What are the other advocacy that students suggest in waste management system?



Nowadays, global warming, flash floods, landslide and etc. are the environmental

dilemma that nature are suffering. The misbehavior of the people towards waste

management is one of the cause of this problem. Improper waste disposal, illegal

logging, coastal littering and etc. are the activities done by man affecting nature

The responsibility of managing their waste properly should every individual take.

For environmental protection public awareness campaigns are one of the essential tools.

Thus, we really need to encourage everyone to be part of this objective; through proper

waste management we can protect our sick world and also our environment.

The collection, transport, processing of disposal, managing and monitoring of

waste materials is Waste human activity the term usually relate to

materials they produced and to reduces their effect on health, the process is generally

undertaken. The environment or aesthetics. The rate of consumption of natural resources

is a distinct practice from resource is a distinct practice from resource recovery which

they focus on delaying. Whether they are solid, liquid, and gaseous or radioactive within

the remit of waste management are all waste materials. For developed and developing

nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers the waste

management practices can differ in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of

local government authorities and management of non- hazardous waste residential and

institutional waste, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial

waste is the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international


Furthermore, this is not just a study it also helps the schools and community,

proper management of waste becomes a very common problem in countries where there

is rapid growth and increase of population and industrialization. Proper-ways of

disposing waste is very important as far as public health and the welfare of the

environmental concerned. While reducing the chances of spreading any type of disease.

This can help maintain, cleaner and more attractive environment. Proper waste

management is also one way of reducing the possibility of contaminating ground water

and soil,


This study aims to identify the factors affecting Improper Waste management

system of Mary Help of Christians Boarding School Students for S.Y. 2019-2020.

It specifically seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the situations showing waste management system that students encounter in

the following.

A. Home

B. School

C. Public places

2. What are the factors affecting the improper waste management system of MHCBS?

3. What are the other advocacies that students suggest in waste management system?

The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting Waste management

system of Mary Help of Christians Boarding School Students for S.Y. 2019-2020.

Specifically the study aimed to identify the following:

1. To know the situations showing waste management system that students encounter in

the following.

A. Home

B. School

C. Public places

2. To identify the effects of waste management to the students of MHCBS?

3. To know what are the other advocacy that students suggest in waste management



The results of this study would be great help to the Government, Students,

Community, Readers and Future Researcher, in the following ways:

The Government: This study would help the government to know what policies and

regulations they will implement when it comes to proper waste management

The Students: This study would help them to know the ways of the proper garbage

disposal inside and outside the campus. In addition, it will give them an idea in managing

their own waste

The Community: This study would encourage every members of the community to take

the responsibility of their own wastes

The Readers: This study would help the readers to know how to manage their wastes

and also, how to segregate their garbage

The Future Researcher: This study would help the future researchers as their basis of

their study and additional literature for their future investigations


This study is delimited in knowing the factors affecting the waste management system of

the junior and senior high school students of Mary Help of Christians Boarding School

for S.Y. 2019-2020 Thus; it is also delimited in identifying the materials they are using in

managing their wastes.


For clearer understanding of this study, the following terms were defined conceptually

and operationally.

Waste- any solid, liquid and gaseous wastes emitted by the people, it could be

biodegradable or non- biodegradable

Waste management- the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and

monitoring of waste materials

Waste segregation- the division of garbage and waste product.

Factors- circumstance, fact or influence that contributes to a result or outcome

Garbage- waste to be thrown out

Improper – not in accordance with accepted standard



This Chapter presents some foreign and local literatures and studies which the

researchers deem relevant with the present study. Such literatures and studies cited paved

the way in determining the extent of how far researchers have gone through along the

area under investigation. Also, this chapter presents the classification of wastes varies and

depends country by country. Waste can be divided into many different types. The

physical, chemical, and biological characteristics is the common method of classification.

(Zerbock,2003) Waste management is broadly defined as including non-

hazardous industrial, commercial land domestic refuse including household organic trash,

street sweepings, hospital and institutional garbage, and construction wastes; generally,

sludge and human waste are regarded as a liquid waste problem outside the scope of

MSW. Materials that contains less than 70% water are waste. The domestic or household

garbage, some industrial waste, some mining wastes and oil field waste such as drill

cutting are example of type of waste, waste waters that contain less than 1% is a liquid

waste. High concentration of dissolved salts and metals are another example of type of

waste. The sewage and toxic waste are classified as a liquid waste. generally, in urban

centers there are various types of liquid waste generated, human excreta, domestics

wastes produced in households, hospital wastes, industrial effluents, agricultural liquid

wastes and nuclear waste. when improperly handled disposed of liquid wastes posearious

threat to human health and environmental because of their ability to enter watersheds,
pollute ground water and drinking water. An example of a class of waste between liquid

and solid is sludge (us epa, 2009)

According to Schidmit (2012) in his book entitled “Zero Waste Management”

cited that the present rubbish includes synthetic materials that keep piling up unlike

natural ones that degrade and eventually return to earth. Thus, disposal becomes a

problem. Aside from this, garbage is also a health hazard- being a melting pot of all sorts

of disease. As today’s throwaway society consumes more and more products, we also

generate more and more waste. Much of this waste gets burned in incinerators or buried

in landfills, causing a series of environmental problems including water pollution and

loss of open spacee.

Between 3% and 25% solid and the rest of the material is dissolved water. By

themselves or after coming into contact with other wastes are hazardous waste. they have

characteristics such as chemical reactivity, corrosiveness or a tendency to explode, that

pose a risk to human health or the environment. A wide range of industrial, commercial

and agricultural where hazardous waste that are generated. They make the form of solids,

liquids or sludges, and can pose both acute and chronic public health and environmental

risks bye lining and contouring the fill, compacting and planting the uppermost cover

layer, diverting drainage, and selecting proper soil in sites not subject to flooding or high

groundwater levels. Clay is less permeable than other types of soil. It is the best soil for a

According to Duran (2012) in his book entitled “Waste Management Disposal”

cited that waste is a visible face of inefficiency in terms of material utilization. Waste

handling is a major concern, especially since improper waste treatment causes increased

environmental deterioration. The last few decades have seen the emergence of new

measures to handle waste effectively, but most of them are not flawless. “Zero waste”, an

innovation of the 1990s in waste handling, emphasizes planning for the elimination of

waste rather than managing waste.

Zero Waste Management Group (2012), Environmental sustainability and waste

management are the most important issues of our time. An important step towards

achieving environmental sustainability and responsible waste management involves

reducing our impact on the environment. It is through the successful implementation of

our waste management and diversion programs that we commit ourselves to continually

satisfy our client's needs. The main principals that are employed by Zero Waste

Management Group involve resource preservation and waste reduction. These are the

core fundamental components of the 'Zero Waste Philosophy'. This is done by means of

recycling all potential waste and reusing those materials in different ways, creating a

circular system of use and re-use. Implementing this philosophy, bring solutions to all

segments of society. This is demonstrated by our commitment to work with and provide

efficient solutions to individuals, groups and municipalities.

According to Serbanto (2012) in his book entitled “Waste Management Disposal”

said that Zero Waste is a critical stepping-stone to other necessary steps in the efforts to

protect health, improve equity and reach sustainability. Zero Waste can be linked to

sustainable agriculture, architecture, energy, industrial, economic and community

development. Every single person in the world makes waste and as such is part of a non-

sustainable society. However, with good political leadership, everyone could be engaged

in the necessary shift towards a sustainable society. Good political leadership in this

matter involves treating citizens as key allies to protect human health and the

environment and in making the transition to a sustainable future. Governments need to

“govern” rather than attempt to “manage” this change to sustainable resource

conservation practices. This includes a significant investment in public outreach and

education so that citizens can help communities make the most informed choices.

According to Dante’s (2013) cited that the dumping and burning of garbage

generated in cities, towns and villages in wetlands and water bodies, have resulted in

serious air, soil and water pollution. Zero Waste Management is a new system of

managing solid waste, which strives for maximum waste recovery through recycling and

reuse, aiming at ‘zero’ waste to be disposed onto dump yards and landfills. All over the

world, Zero Waste Management has been accepted (and is being practiced) as the best

solution to the problem of waste, for the following reasons. Waste is segregated and

resources are recovered through composting of organic waste and recycling of inorganic

waste. Compost generated through Zero Waste Management is used to promote organic

farming, bringing down the use of chemicals in agriculture. Zero Waste Management

helps reduce the rate of virgin raw material extraction and resource depletion. Zero Waste

Management minimizes waste disposal at dumpsites and reduces pollution of air, ground

water and soil that result from dumping.



In this chapter, research instrument for data collection and statistical tool for data

analysis was presented.


This study used a descriptive type of research that described the factors affecting

the waste management disposal of MHCBS students. To furtherly gather data, it used a

survey questionnaire as shown below


Name: Age: Code:

Grade level: Sex:

I. DIRECTION: Please answer the following questions, by putting check (/) mark on the

space provided.

1. Do you practice proper waste segregation?


2. Where do you practice waste segregation most of the time?



3. What are the practices that you do showing waste management system?



1. Burning of any disposed

waste and plastic materials

2. Sorting garbage into few

different bins

3. Flushing unfinished food in the


4. Store leftover foods in reusable

containers instead of single use
plastic bags

5. Proper garbage disposal

6. Throwing candy wrappers at

chalk box

7. Keep two bags for dry waste

collection paper and plastic and
for the rest of the household

8. Proper segregation of paper,

plastic cups and water bottles

4. The following statements shows the factors of waste management, check (/) the
column which corresponds to your answer.


1. Proper segregation is not impose

2. Implementation of recycling
3. Misbehavior in throwing garbage

4. Laziness

5. Unaware of the consequences

5. Check (/) which among the specified advocacy you suggest on the ways

___ Recycling ___ Self-discipline ___ Materials recovery facility (MRF)

___ no single use of plastic policy ___ Clean up drive ___ Others please specify:

After all the necessary modifications, the questionnaires were administrated directly to

the sample for the study. One hundred seventeen (117) copies of the questionnaires given

out were successfully completed and returned. The possibility of retrieving back all the

questionnaires was a result of the researchers’ classmates who offered a helping hand.


The data collected from the field were analyzed on the next chapter. Thus, it used

the weighted mean formula was used in answering the research questions. Weighted

mean formula was presented below

∑ fx
WM =

Where: f= frequency

x= level of population

N= number of population
Frequency counting and percentage was also used in this study for data analysis

and interpretation.



This chapter presents the data gathered from the previous chapter. Data were

displayed by the use of table, chart and graph as shown on the figure below.
GRADE... 11

GRAD... 14

GRADE... 13

GRA 26

GRA 27

GRA 26

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

FIGURE 4.1 Number of MHCBS Respondents

Figure 4.1 shows the the number of respondents of MHCBS. There are 117

respondents of this study of Mary help of Christians boarding school Inc. from Grade 7 to

Grade 12 for the school year 2019-2020. It consists of 26 grade 7 students, 27 grade 8

students, 26 grade 9 students, 13 grade 10 students, 14 grade 11 students and 11 grade 12


The next figure illustrate the percentage of MHCBS students that practices proper

waste segregation.




FIGURE 4.2 Percentage of MHCBS Students Practicing Proper Waste Segregation.

In figure 4.1: There are 37% students who practiced proper waste segregation,

62% SOMETIMES practiced proper waste and segregation and only 1% of the students

does not practiced proper waste segregation. Most of the students of the Mary help of

Christians Boarding School, Inc. SOMETIMES practiced proper waste segregation.

Figure 4.3 displays the places where students practice waste segregation


9% 9%



Figure 4.2 Percentage of the places where the MHCBS students practiced proper

waste segregation.

In figure 4.2, the over-all situation of the respondents on waste management

system shows that 59% of the respondents practices proper segregation in all the places

namely: school, home and public places. This indicates that students practice waste

segregation in all places.

Table 4.2 below shows the activities done by students in different places
showing the waste managements system



1. Burning of any disposed waste and plastic

1.35 HOME

2. Sorting garbage into few different bins. 2.55 PUBLIC PLACES

3. Flushing unfinished food in the sink. 1.85 SCHOOL

4. Store leftover foods in reusable containers

instead of single use plastic bags.

5. Proper garbage disposal. 3.09 PUBLIC PLACES

6. Throwing candy wrappers at chalk box 2.14 SCHOOL

7. Keep two bags for dry waste collection paper

and plastic and for the rest of the household 1.92 SCHOOL

8. Proper segregation of paper, plastic cups and

water bottles.

Based on the table shown above, Proper garbage disposal in public places was

strictly implemented with a mean of 3.09. In school, candy wrappers were thrown at

chalk box. This means that no matter the school imposed proper waste segregation,

students still not follow. Burning of any disposed waste and plastic material was also an

improper activity done at home because it affects the environment. Therefore, most of the

students of Mary help of Christian’s boarding school practiced proper waste management

system in Public places. However, in school and at home they practice improper waste


On the next page, the figure shows the factors that affect the improper waste

segregation of students.

1.Proper segregation is not imposed 2.15 SOMETIMES

2. Implementation of recycling 1.74 SOMETIMES

3. Misbehavior in throwing garbage 2.14 SOMETIMES

4. Laziness 2.04 SOMETIMES

5. Unaware of the consequences 2.13 SOMETIMES

TABLE 4.2 Factors affecting the MHCBS students waste management system.
1-1.66 -YES
1.67-2.33 -SOMETIMES
2.34-3.00 -NO

Based on the table shown above, “proper segregation is not imposed” got the

highest weighted mean of 2.15. Followed by the “Misbehavior in throwing garbage” got

the second highest weighted mean which is 2.14. Students are unaware of the

consequences of their actions with a mean of 2.13 is next. Finally, laziness of students are

also considered and the implementing of recycling are also a factor.

On the next page, the graph shows the suggested advocacies to be imposed


MRF 38%



Figure 4.3 Percentage of suggested advocacy in improving proper waste segregation

Figure 4.3 shows the highest percentage aimed was 81% which is the “self-

discipline” followed by the “recycling” which got the second highest percentage of 80%

while, clean up drive got the percentage of 54% and the second lowest percentage was

38% which is the Materials recovery facility and only 28% of the students suggested the

single used of plastic policy. Therefore, the students of Mary help of Christians boarding

school mostly suggests to imposed self- discipline in segregating waste.




The purpose of this study aims to identify the factors affecting Waste

management system of Mary Help of Christians Boarding School Students for S.Y. 2019-

2020. The researchers conducted a questionnaire which was distributed to the 117

respondents. The average mean values for each question were calculated. (see in the


Based from the respondent’s answers, the highest mean value obtained was 3.17

for the question number 2 “Where do you practiced proper waste segregation most of the

time?” Also, the question number 3 in the 5 th statement which is “Proper garbage

disposal” has the highest mean value of 3.09.


Based from the findings gathered, the following conclusions were made.

1. Students has not fully imposed proper waste segregation.

2. Students practiced segregation on public places compared on other places.

3. Students are the ones who throws trashes anywhere because of their misbehavior

and laziness.

4. Self-discipline should instill on students in segregating waste.


The following recommendation are presented based from the results of this study:

1. For students, they should develop proper attitudes and perception towards waste

handling, which should be achieved through both formal and informal education.

2. For students, they should adopt the suitable collection system i.e. separate waste

bins to be kept at the collection point.

3. For teachers, they should adopt a self-help approach to solve the problem and

make sure that they themselves adhere to proper waste disposal practices.

4. For teachers, they should take any and all necessary steps to educate their student

on segregating waste.

5. For future researchers, we recommend to interview a student who practices proper

waste disposal and to a student who don’t do practiced proper waste disposal and

ask them why do you need to segregate the waste.

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