Design and Implementation of IOT Based R PDF

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 6 Issue: 3 159 - 161

Design and Implementation of IOT Based Real Time Monitoring System for
Aquaculture using Raspberry Pi

Dr.M.S.Chavan1, Mr.Vishal P.Patil2, Sayali Chavan3,Sharikmasalat Sana4,Chailatli Shinde5

Associate Professor1, Assistant Professor2,U.G. Scholer3 ,U.G. Scholer4,U.G. Scholer5

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication engineering P.V.P.Institute of Technology Budhgaon
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],shi
[email protected]

Abstract— Internet of things is one of the rapidly growing fields for delivering social and economic benefits for emerging and developing
economy. The field of IOT is expanding its wings in all the domains like medical,industrial,transportation,education,mining etc.Now-
adayswiththe advancement in integrated on chip computers like Arduino, Raspberry pi the technology is reaching the ground level with its
application in agriculture and aquaculture. Water quality is a critical factor while culturing aquatic organisms. It mainly depends on several
parameters like dissolved oxygen,ammonia, pH, temperature, salt, nitrates, carbonates etc.
The quality of water is monitored continuously with the help of sensors to ensure growth and survival of aquatic life. The sensed data is
transferred to the aqua farmer mobile through cloud. As a result preventive measures can be taken in time to minimize the losses and increase the

Keywords:- Raspberry-Pi, Sensors, (IoT), WSN

continuously expand their application field. This trend also
I. Introduction: increases their use in IoT applications for versatile low cost
data acquisition and actuation.
Aqua culture is one of the flourishing sectors in India as it
contributes nearly 1.07% of the GDP. It is estimated that II. Literature Survey:
fish requirement of the country by 2025 would be order of
The method suggested by K.Raghu Sita Rama
16million tones but due to over fishing natural fisheries have
Raju, “Knowledge Based Real Time Monitoring System for
been depleted as a result commercial aqua culture came into
Aquaculture Using IoT,” help the farmers for accurate
existence. But in recent years commercial aquaculture is
reliable monitoring of water quality parameters because
facing many problems due to sudden climatic fluctuation
manual testing can consume time and water quality
which leads to changes in water quality parameters. At
parameters may alter with time being and it helps to take
present aqua farmers are depending on manual testing for
pro-active measures before necessary damage was done.
knowing the parameters of water. This will consume time
Further there is no need for manual testing periodically. It
and inaccurate because water quality parameters may alter
saves time and energy. [1]
with time. In order to overcome this problem, technology
should be brought to aqua culture which increases the The method suggested by Jui-Ho Chen,Wen-Tsai
productivity and minimize the losses by constant monitoring Sung and Guo-Yan Lin, “Auotomated Monitoring System
of water quality parameters. for the Fish Farm Aquaculture Enviornment” The central
system is equipped with a Wi-Fi transmission module that
For monitoring Aquaculture system different
can be used with most popular android mobile devices
parameters come into picture like PH, Ammonia, dissolved
connected directly to increase the overall system
oxygen, temperature, Nitrates, Salt, Carbonates, Bi-
convenience and timeliness.[2]
carbonates. These sensors are mounted to sense the data and
the data is transferred to the aqua farmer through IoT. This The method suggested by Mihai T. Lararescu
project uses an integrated on chip computer Raspberry Pi “Desing of WSN Platform for Long-Term Enviornment
which has an inbuilt Wi-Fi module which makes it unique Monitoring for IoT Applications”IoT has reached the
on IoT platform. farmers for reducing the risk from climatic fluctuations and
ensure growth and health.[3]
Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN) is well situated
for long term environmental data acquisition for IoT
representation.WSN solutions already cover very broad
range of applications, research and technology advances
IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 159 - 161
III.Related work
These project is already implemented by
microcontroller for monitoring the aquafield but raspberry pi
is more advanced when compared to microcontroller as it
has inbuilt wi-fi module,reprogrammable capability,on-chip
system. Initialize the Raspberry Pi
The central system is equipped with a Wi-Fi
transmission module that can be used with most popular
android mobile devices connected directly to increase the
overall system convinence and timeliness.
Sensed data from the sensors is uploaded to
Water parameter are automatically detected under the the cloud database
control of single chip microcontroller all day . The single
chip gets the data, and then processes and analyzes them.

IV.Proposed Method Yes

1. Determine the required functionality for the work- Check whether the
Temperature sensor, Dissolve oxygen sensor, pH parameters are
sensor, Ammonia sensor assigned different within the range?
2. Determine what user modules are necessary to
realize the required functionality With the help
of wi-fi technology we upload the data from
Raspberry pi on industrial website
3. Determine the analog or digital blocks resources
that each user configuration uses. Send Alert message to mobile with feasible
A block schematic (fig.a) and flowchart (fig.b) of proposed solution
system is as shown below
Fig.b Flowchart of Proposed System

Power Module 1) Sensor module:

The sensor module comprises of several sensors

such as Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonia, pH, Temperature.
Sensor These sensors are mounted on Raspberry pi and are used for
Modul sensing the water quality parameters from time to time.
Raspbe Output
e 2) Raspberry Pi:
Sens rry Pi Modul
or 1 e It is considered as heart of this architecture.
Raspberry pi is a low cost, small computer board with Linux
or 2
as operating system. It has several advantages when
compared to other micro-controllers such as inbuilt Wi-Fi
or n
module. The Program for collecting the sensor data is
written in python language and sends that data to the cloud
Fig.a Block Diagram Of Proposed System

IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 159 - 161
2) Improved environmental control
3) Reduced losses caused by major disasters
4) Reduced management environment

for the aquatic life. Further the collected data can be

analyzed using big data analytics and preventive measures
can be taken before the water quality parameter crosses the
threshold range. The aqua system can be made automation
using IoT which reduces the energy consumption and labor
cost. [3]

[1]. K.Raghu Sita Rama Raju, “Knowledge Based Real Time
Monitoring System for Aquaculture Using IoT”2017 IEEE 7th
International Advance Computing Conference
Fig c.Raspberry pi 3 [2]. Jui-Ho Chen,Wen-Tsai Sung and Guo-Yan Lin, “Auotomated
Monitoring System for the Fish Farm Aquaculture
3) Output module: Environment” 2015 IEEE International Conference On
System, Man And Cybernetics
Output module consists of a circuit to store data on [3]. S Kayalvizhi, Koushik Reddy G, Vivek Kumar P,
a cloud and to send a message to aqua farmer in a critical VenkataPrasanth N, “Cyber Aqua Culture Monitoring System
Using ArdunioAnd Raspberry Pi,” International Journal of
condition. Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 5,Pg:2320- 3765;
Facilities required for proposed work: May 2015.
Hardware: Raspberry Pi, Sensors [4]. Pradeep Kumar M,Monisha J,Pravenisha R, Praiselin V,
Software: Python Suganya Devi K, “The Real Time Monitoring of Water
Quality in IoT Environment,” International Journal of
Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and
Technology,Vol -5,Issue-6, March-2016.
[5]. Akanksha Purohit, UlhasKumar Gokhale,“Real Time Water
Quality Measurement System based on GSM,” IOSR Journal
of Electronics and Commnication Engineering,Vol. 9,Issue
3,PP 63-67,May-2014.
[6]. Sheetal Israni ,Harshal Meharkure , Parag Yelore,
“Application of IoT based System for Advance Agriculture in
India,”International Journal of Innovative research in
Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 3,Issue.
11,November 2015.
[7]. Nikesh Gondchawar , Prof. Dr. R. S. Kawitkar, “IoT based
smart Agriculture, ” International Journal of advanced
research in Computer and Communication Engineering,
Vol.5,Issue. 6, June 2016.
[8]. Changhui Deng, YanpingGao, Jun Gu, Xinying Miao,
“Research on the Growth Model of Aquaculture Organisms
Based on Neural Network Expert System,” Sixth International
Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2010);
1812-1815, SEPTEMBER 2010.

Fig d. Raspberry pi 3 GPIO

V. Conclusion:-

Now a days commercial aquaculture is facing many

problems due to sudden climatic fluctuation which leads to
changes in water quality parameters. At present aqua
farmers are depending on manual testing for knowing the
parameters of water. This will consume time and inaccurate
because water quality parameters may alter with time.
By using automated farming systems allow the following
1) Origin of production close to the market demand

IJRITCC | March 2018, Available @

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