B.Sc. Environmental Science Syllabus Upload
B.Sc. Environmental Science Syllabus Upload
B.Sc. Environmental Science Syllabus Upload
Books Recommended:
Vanikar R. and Palia K.K.(2001) Interface Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Limited New Delhi
Dhamija and Sethi (1993) Spoken English Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited
New Delhi
Wren and Martin (revised by Prasada Rao N.D.V.) (2002) English Grammer and Composition
S. Chand and Co. New Delhi
Tandon, J.N. (revised by Seth and Agrawal) (2007) A new approach to English Grammer.
RatanPrakashanMandir, Agra
Krishna Mohan and Banerjee (1999) Developing Communication Skills Macmillan New
Books Recommended:
Valdiya K.S.(2003),Geology, Environment And Society, University press.
Basu S. K. (2003), Hand Book of Oceanography, Global Vision Publishing House.
Lal. D. S. (2009), PhysicalGeography. Shardapustakbhavan, Alhabad.
SavindraSingh.S.(2001),PhysicalGeography.,PrayagPustakBhavan ,Alhabad.
Huggett R and Lindley S. (2004), PhysicalGeography. Oxford UniversityPress.
Books Recommended:
Gangulee H.C., Das K.S and Dutta A.C. (2006) College Botany,New Central Book Agency,
Pandey S.N. & Trivedi P.S.(2006) , A Textbook of Botany Vol-1. Vikash public. Pvt.Ltd New
Pandey B. P. (2007) Botany for degree students,S.Chand& Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
Chapman & Reiss (2000), Ecology Principles and Applications. Cambridge University Press.
Books Recommended:
PelczarM.J. Chan C.S. Jr. & N.R. Krieg (2004).Microbiology.Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co.Ltd. New Delhi.
Chapman & Reiss (2000) Ecology Principles and Applications. Cambridge University Press.
P. C. Trivedi.(2009), Microbes Application & Effects., Avishkar Publ.& dist.
Begon M. Harper, J.L. & Townsend, C.R. (1996): Ecology, Individuals, Population &
Communities. Third Ed., Blackwell Science Pub.
Schlegel, H.G.(1993): General Microbiology. Cambridge University Press
Books Recommended:
Jordan E.L. &Verma P.S (2006).Chordate Zoology. S.Chand&Co.Ltd,New Delhi.
Jordan E.L. &Verma P.S (2006).Invertebrate Zoology, S. Chand &Co.Ltd,New Delhi.
Books Recommended:
Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. & Larson, A.: Biology of Animals.
Mayr,E.: Principles of Systematic Zoology
Newell, R.C.: Adaptations to Environment.
Rastogi, V.(1990). Animal ecology and distribution of animals. Slonim, N.B.: Environmental
Smith, R.L.: Ecology and Field Biology.
Tomar& Singh: General Zoology.
Villie, Solomon, et al: Biology.
The earth as a cartographic problem. Geocentric and heliocentric mapping of the solar system.
Types of maps & and their uses. Map scales.
Geographic coordinates. The grid system.
Map projections - their types & uses. Graphical construction of simple conical & simple
cylindrical projections.
Geodetic and plane surveying. Mapping procedures with survey instruments.
Drawing of contours and identification of landforms.
Study of topographical maps. Identification of conventional signs and symbols.
Identification of land forms from topographical sheets.
Determination of 'g' by compound pendulum.
Moment of inertia of a Flywheel.
Magnetic field along the axis of a coil.
Magnetic field of a Solenoid.
Book Recommended
VanikarR.andPalia K.K.(2001) Interface Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Limited New Delhi
Dhamija and Sethi (1993) Spoken English Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited
New Delhi
Jones, L. and Alexander R. (1996): New International Business English. Cambridge.
Kaul A.(2000) Effective Business Communication Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, New Delhi
Krishna Mohan and Banerjee (1999) Developing Communication Skills Macmillan New
Books Recommended
Merritts, Dorothy, De Wet, Andrew and Menking, Kristen: Environmental Geology
Keller :Environmental Geology
Valdiya, K.S.:Environmental Geology
Arthur Bloom.(2002).,Geomorphology., Prentice Hall Inc.
Todd.D.K,(1980).,Groundwater Hydrology., John Wiley & Sons ltd.
Books Recommended:
Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M and Brock J. P(1997). Biology of micro-organisms. 8th edition.
Prentice Hall International, Inc.
Sugart H.H (1998). Terrestrial Ecosystems in changing environments. Cambridge
University press.
Stilling P. D.(1999) Ecology theories and applications. Prentice- Hall, Inc.
M.C.Dash.,(2001)., Fundamentals Of Ecology., Tata Mc Garth Hill Publication
J.L. Chapman &M.J.Reiss.,(1992)., Ecology.,Cambridge University Press
SVS Rana.,(2003)., Essentials of Ecology and Environmental Science., Prentice
Hall of India
Books Recommended:
Tortora, Funke Case (2004). Microbiology an Introduction. Pearson Education
Agrawal And Parihar(2008)., Industrial Microbiology Fundamental &Application.Agrobios,
P. C. Trivedi.( 2009), Microbes Application & Effects., Avishkar Publ.& dist.
PelczarM.J. Chan C.S. Jr. & N.R. Krieg (2004).Microbiology.Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co.Ltd. New Delhi.
Unit I:
Structure of atom, Bohr's model. Concepts of orbital, electronic configuration, classification of
elements on the basis of electronic configuration, periodic tables and periodic properties.
Nature of chemical bonds, ionic compounds, Unit Cell, structure of binary diatomic compounds,
covalent bond, hybridization.
Introduction to molecular orbital theory, coordinate linkage, structure of complex compounds.
Chemistry of alkali and alkaline earth metals.
Comparative accounts of main group & transition elements & occurrence of their compounds in
hydrosphere & lithosphere
Unit II:
General states of matter, properties of gases and gas laws
Kinetics & thermodynamics and thermo chemistry of chemical reactions
Polymers: classification, process of polymerisation and some important polymers (PVC, PS, Ny
6, PE, Polybutadiene).
Chemistry involved in volumetric and gravimetric methods of estimations. Role of metal
complexes in chemical analysis and in biological systems
Unit III:
Chemistry of dyes; colour & constitution, types of dyes, criteria of good dyes, process of dyeing.
Chemistry of drugs; anti-malaria, sulfa, analgesic
Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Preparation and reactions of alkanes,
alkenes and alkynes. Structure, properties and reactions of benzene, phenol, aniline.
Books Recommended
Gladstone S. & Lewis D. (1960),Elements of Physical Chemistry, Princeton, N. J., D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc.
Jain D.V.J. & Jauhar S.P. Physical Chemistry- Principles & Problems.
Lec,J.D.: Concise Inorganic Chemistry. Chapman & Hall, IV th ed.
Mahan, B.H.: University Chemistry. Indian Book Co.2nd ed.
Morrison, R.T. & Boyd, R.N.(1994): Organic Chemistry. Prentice Hall of India, 6th ed.
Pine, S.H.(1993): Organic Chemistry. McGraw Hill, 5th ed.
Puri B. R., Sharma L.R., Pathania M. S.,(1962), Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Books Recommended
Ghosh Ashish(2003), Natural Resources Conservation &Environment management, APH
Publishing New Delhi
PrithiPal Singh,(2007), Biodiversity Conservation & Systematics, Scientifics publisher
K.S.Valdia,( 2004), Geology environmental and society., University Press.
Singh.M.P,Singh.J.K, MohankaReena, Sah R.B (2007), Forest Environment and Biodiversity,
Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
Dadhich .L.K and Sharma .A.P (2002),Biodiversity, Strategies and Conservation, APH Publishing
Corporation, New Delhi
Sharma .P.D (2009), Ecology and Environment ,Rastogi Publications, Meerut
Profiles- Serial, superimposed, projected, composite
Altimetric frequency curve and graph; hypsometric curve
Basin contour map, basin slope map
Stream ordering by Strahler's, Horton's &Shrave's methods
Longitudinal profile & transverse profile
Identification of rocks & minerals - hand specimens & microscopic
Ground water testing and data analysis
Books Recommended:
Daniel, M. (1990) Basic Biophysics for Biologists. Agrobotanical Publishers, Bikaner
Berlyn, G.P. and Miksche, J.P. (1976) Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry.
Jensen, W.A. (1962) Botanical histochemistry.
Southworth, H.M. (1982) Introduction to Modern Microscopy.
Willard, H.H., Meritt, L.L., Dean, J.A. and Settle, F.A. (1986) Instrumental Methods of Analysis.
Plumer, D.T. (1979) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry.
Winson, K. and Walker, J.M. (1996 ) Principles & Techniques of Practical Biochemistry
ENV1312. Basics of Chemistry II (Credits 03)
Unit I:
Chemistry of alkali and alkaline earth metals
Comparative accounts of main group and transition elements and occurrence of their compounds
in hydrosphere and lithosphere.
Marine Chemicals.
Unit II:
Ionic equilibrium and chemical equilibrium. pH, buffer, hydrolysis, acids and bases, solubility
Classification of natural products: alkaloids, steroids, proteins, pigments and their isolation,
biological effects and side effects.
Petrochemicals: cracking of crude oils, some important products (acetylene, acetic acid,
acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene) and their uses.
Unit III:
Toxicity of organic compounds.
Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of organic compound.
Photochemical reactions in nature. Colloids and emulsions and their role in nature.
Adsorption: Preliminary treatment of Freundlich and Langmuinisother. Application of Adsorption
Books Recommended:
Morrison, R.T. & Boyd, R.N.(1994): Organic Chemistry. Prentice Hall of India, 6th ed.
Pine, S.H. (1993): Organic Chemistry. McGraw Hill, 5th ed.
Puri B. R., Sharma L.R., Pathania M. S.(1962), Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Sawyer C. N. , McCarty P. L. Parkin G. F.,(2003), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd
ENV1313. Nature of India’s Environment II (Credits 03)
Books Recommended:
Centre for Science & Environment1982.The state of India's Environment: - A Citizen's Report
Centre for Science & Environment1998:The state of India's Environment: - A Citizen's Report
ValdiyaK.S(2004): Geology Environment and Society. University Press (India)Pvt Ltd.
Dave.B.S (2002): Environmental Studies. Pranam Publishers, Vadodara.
Shafi, M. & Raza, Mehdi (1994): Geography & Environment. Rawat Publication, Jaipur
Nag,P., Kumra,V.K. & Singh, J. (1997): Geography & Environment. Concept Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
Mandal.R.B(2000): Urban Geography. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi
ENV 1314.Environmental Botany (Credits 03)
Books Recommended:
Begon, M., Harper, J.L. & Townsend, C.R.(1996): Ecology, Individuals, Population &
Communities. Third Ed.,Blackwell Science Pub.
Brock, et al: Microorganisms. 8th Ed.
Daubenmire, R.F.(1968): Plant Communities. Harper Publication
Odum, E.P. (1971): Basic Ecology. Saunders Pub.
Roberts, R.D. & Roberts, T.N. Eds.(1984): Planning & Ecology. Chapman & Hall.
ENV 1315.Environmental Microbiology (Credits 03)
Books Recommended:
Booth, C. (1971) Methods in Microbiology, Vol. 4. Academic Press.
Gregory, P. H. (1973).The Microbiology Of The Atmosphere.2nd Edition Leonard Hill, U.K.
Mehrotra, R. S. & Agrawal A. (2000): Plant Pathology, TMH Publication, Delhi.
Pelczar, M.J., Chan, E.C.S. & Krieg, N.R. (1993): Microbiology. Tata McGraw Ltd., New Delhi.
Schlegel, H. G. (1993): General Microbiology. Cambridge University Press.
Stanier, R.Y. et al (1992): General Microbiology. Macmillan Edu. Ltd., New Delhi.
Sullia, S.B. &Santharam, S. (1998): General Microbiology. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New
Sullia.S.B and Shantharam.S (2006): General Microbiology. Oxford & IBH Publishing
ENV1316. Environmental Zoology (Credits 03)
Books Recommended:
Brown, G.W.: Desert Biology (Vol. II)
Gould, J.L.: Biological Science.
Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. & Larson, A.: Biology of Animals.
Mayr,E.: Principles of Systematic Zoology
Newell, R.C.: Adaptations to Environment.
Odum, E.P.: Fundamentals of Ecology.
Rastogi, Veer Bala: Developmental Biology and Evolution.
Slonim, N.B.: Environmental Physiology.
Smith, R.L.: Ecology and Field Biology.
Tomar& Singh: General Zoology.
Villie, Solomon, et al: Biology.
ENV1317.Practical: Basics of Remote Sensing and Land Use Studies (Credits 02)
Principles and basic concepts of remote sensing
Determination of photo scales, heights and slopes
Mapping of physical and cultural features from stereo pairs of photographs
Extraction of thematic information from satellite data and land use/ land cover mapping
Books Recommended:
Freund, J.E. (1977)Modern Elementary Statistics.
Goveday R. (1978)A first Course in Statistics.
Rangaswamy, R. (1986) A Text book of Agricultural Statistics.
Daniel, M. (1990) Basic Biophysics for Biologists. Agrobotanical Publishers, Bikane
Southworth, H.M. (1982) Introduction to modern microscopy.
Willard, H.H., Meritt, L.L., Dean, J.A. and Settle, F.A. (1986) Instrumental Methods of Analysis.
Plumer, D.T. (1979) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry.
Winson, K. and Walker, J.M. (1996 ) Principles & Techniques of Practical Biochemistry
Unit I:
Demographic attributes, demographic transition, growth, distribution, density, movement, events
responsible for population change
Population and resources- optimum population, over-population, under-population, Ackermaan's
population resource regions
Human activities and changing environment
Unit II:
Food production, agricultural change, fertilizer, irrigation, pests, biotechnology, sustainable
agriculture, aqua agriculture.
The built environment: location, type and patterns of urban and rural settlements, problems of
urban and rural environment
Unit III:
Mining: global economic aspects of mineral production, environmental impact on mining, habitat
destruction, geomorphological impact, pollution, rehabilitation and reduction of mining damage,
War: direct war time impacts, nuclear war, indirect war time impacts, limiting the effects of war,
environmental causes of conflicts
Industrialization: global patterns of industrial development, consequences of industrialisation on
Environmental effects of transport on land, biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere
Books Recommended:
Goudie, A. (1990): The Human Impact of the Natural Environment. Basil Blackwell
Shafi, M. & Raza, M. (1994): Geography & Environment. Rawat Publication, Jaipur & New
Anonymous (1974): The Built Environment. The Open University Press, Great Britain.
Tolba, M. K. (1982): Development Without Destruction: Evolving Environmental
Middleton,N. (1999): The Global Casino-An Introduction to Environmental Issues. Arnold Pub.
Books Recommended:
Chatterji, M.M.M (1998): Environment & Health in Developing Countries. APH Publication Co.,
New Delhi.
Goudie, A. (1990): The Human Impact of the Natural Environment. Basil Blackwell.
Johnson, W.H. &Steere,W.C.(19 ): The Environmental Challenge.
McMichael, A.J.(1993): Planetary Overload. Cambridge University Press.
Middleton,N. (1999): The Global Casino-An Introduction to Environmental Issues. Arnold Pub.
Nag,P., Kumra,V.K. & Singh, J. (1997): Geography & Environment. Concept Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
Shafi, M. & Raza, M. (1994): Geography & Environment. Rawat Publication, Jaipur & New
Anonymous (1974): The Built Environment. The Open University Press, Great Britain.
Tolba, M. K. (1982): Development Without Destruction: Evolving Environmental Perceptions.
Tycooly International Pub. Ltd., Dublin.
World Resource Inst., U.N. Environment Program, U.N.D.P. & World Bank (1998): World
Resources 1998-99: A Guide to Global Environment. Oxford Univ. Press, New York.
Books Recommended:
Cotton, F.A. & Wilkinson, G.: Basic Principles of Inorganic Chemistry. Wiley Eastern, 4th ed.
De, A.K. (2001): Environmental Chemistry. New Age International pvtltd,New Delhi
Gladstone, S. & Lewis, D.: Elements of Physical Chemistry.
Jain, D.V.J. & Jauhar, S.P.: Physical Chemistry- Principles & Problems.
Lec,J.D.: Concise Inorganic Chemistry. Chapman & Hall, IV th ed.
Mahan, B.H.: University Chemistry. Indian Book Co.2nd ed.
Morrison, R.T. & Boyd, R.N...(2007): Organic Chemistry. Prentice Hall of India, 6th ed.
Pine, S.H.(1993): Organic Chemistry. McGraw Hill, 5th ed.
Puri, B.R.& Sharma, L.R(2008).: Principles of Physical Chemistry,Vishal Publishing Company
Puri, B.R., Sharma, L.R. &Kalia, K.C.: Principles of Inorganic Chemistry. Visha Publications,
23rd ed.
Rakshit, P.C.: Elementary Physical Chemistry.
Singh, S.P.& Mukherjee, S.M.(1984): Organic Chemistry. MacMillan India, 3rd ed.
Terney, A.L.(1976): Contemporary Organic Chemistry. W.B.Saunders Co., 2nd ed.
Unit II: Radiation Biology:Units and definition of radioactivity- Radioactivity and radiation of
cosmic origin,Mechanism of Radiation action on living system.Radiation effects and its Mitigation
Books Recommended:
Booth, C. (1971) Methods in Microbiology, Vol. 4. Academic Press.
Gregory, P. H. (1973) : The Microbiology Of The Atmosphere.2nd Edition Leonard Hill, U.K.
Mehrotra, R. S.(2000): Plant Pathology, TMH Publication, Delhi.
Pelczu, M.J., Chan, E.C.S. & Krieg, N.R. (1993): Microbiology. Tata McGraw Ltd., New Delhi.
Schlegel, H. G. (1993): General Microbiology. Cambridge University Press.
Stanier,R.Y. et al (1992): General Microbiology. Macmillan Edu. Ltd., New Delhi.
Sullia, S.B. &Santharam, S. (1998): General Microbiology. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New
ENV1417.Practical: Environmental Chemistry I (Credit 2)
Collection of samples- air, water and soil
Determination of pH from soil and water samples
Adjustment of pH, Prepration of Buffer solution, Turbimetri
Determination of conductivity from soil samples
Preparation of Normal, Molar, Molal, ppm, percentage solutions.
Chemical analysis of soil and plant samples
To detect the presence of different gases.
Estimation of D.O. in water
Books Recommended:
Lillesand T.M & Kiefer R.W. (2003) Remote sensing & image Interpretation. John wiley & Sons,
Inc New York
Jensen J.R. (2000) Remote sensing of the Environment an Earth Resourses Perspective. Pearson
Education, NewDelhi
ENV1512. Environmental Hazards & Disaster Management (Credits - 3)
Books Recommended:
Abbasi, S.A., Krishnakumari, P. & Khan, F.I. (1999): Hot Topics: Everyday Environmental
Concerns. Oxford India Paperbacks.
Valdiya, K.S. (19): Environmental Geology.
ENV1513. POLLUTION I-Air and Noise (Credits - 3)
Books Recommended:
Rao M.N. and Rao H.V.N (19999) Air pollution, TMH PUB. New Delhi
Ramchandra T.V.(2006), Air Pollution Control ,Capital Publishing Company New Delhi.
Anjaneyulu.Y (2006), Air Pollution and Control Technologies, Allied Publishers (P)
Limited,New Delhi.
Vallero.D.(2008),Fundamental of Air Pollution, Elsevier Inc. U.K.
Mahandiyan.V (2006), Environmental Noise Pollution, Deep & Deep Publication Pvt.Ltd.
ENV1514. POLLUTION II-Water and Waste Water (Credits - 3)
Books Recommended:
Peper, Ian L., Gerba, Charles P. & Brusseau, Mark L.(1996): Pollution Science. Academic Press, San
Diego, New York, Boston, London, Sydney.
Cunningham, William,P.(2001): Environmental Science- Global Science. McGraw Hill,
London, New York, Boston, Sydney Toronto, New Delhi.
ENV1515. POLLUTION III – Solid and Hazardous Waste (Credits - 3)
Books Recommended:
Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste Treatment & Disposal, Harry M. Freeman
Solid Waste Management, Behind, NEERI
Guidelines for Transport, Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Waste, MoEF, New Delhi.
ENV1516. Concepts of Environmental Management System & Legislation (Credits - 3)
Implementation problems & role of judiciary in protection of environment- case studies. Public
interest litigation relating to environment protection- case studies.
Books Recommended:
Hosetti, B.B. & Kumar, A. (1998): Environmental Impact Assessment & Management. Dayal Pub.
House, Delhi.
Jain & Jain (1984): Environmental Law in India.
Lal (1990): Lal's Commentary on Air & Water Pollution Laws. Law Publisher, Allahabad.
Mehta, C.S. (1991): Environmental Protection & the Law. Ashish Pub., Delhi.
Rajshekhar, C.V.(Ed.) (1992); Critical Issues in Environmental Management. (Global Environmental
Series). Discovery Publication, Delhi.
Rosencranz, A, Diwan,S.& Noble, M.L.(1995):Environmental Law & Policy in India. Tripathi,
ENV1517. Air Pollution Practical (Credits - 2)
Sampling. - Devices and methods of sampling.
Suspended particulate matter (SPM) determination
SO2, NOX (NO, NO2) determination.
CO and hydrocarbon determination from exhaust of automobiles
Ambient air analysis and industrial stack emission analysis
Examination of water:
Physicochemical Examination. Osmosis, Electromotive forces, Colloid Chemistry,
Biochemistry, Buffers, Radiochemistry, Colour, absorption, Standard Solution, pH, Acidity,
Chemical coagulation, Water Softening, Chlorides, BOD, COD, DO, Solids, TDS, TSS,
Turbidity, Hardness & Water Softening, Iron & Manganese, Nitrogen, Fluorides, Sulfates,
Phosphorus & Phosphates, Residual Chlorine & Chlorine Demand, Grease, Volatile Acids & Gas
Biological Examination of water. Phytoplankton, Zooplankton
Review & discussion, BOD curve (k and L), Electro photometric Determination, Bacteriological
MPN, Feacal coliform, Biological examination, MLVSS, Radiation Instrumentation, Chemical
Coagulation, Aerobic & Anaerobic treatment, Toxicity test (Fish), Cyanide, Stream Survey (DO,
pH, BOD)
Examination of wastewater:
Physico - chemicals (metallic & non metallic ion analysis, Nitrogen, COD), BOD, MLVSS,
estimation, (jar test) Toxicity test (fish) e.g.
Aerobic treatment O2 uptake rate/Respiration.
Anaerobic treatment.
Soil analysis - Moisture, temperature, nutrient concentration, (N, P), pH, infiltration rate, inorganic
and organic matter, water holding capacity
Solid waste & sludge - Solid content (percentage), nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, pH, inorganic,
organic, heavy metals.
Leach ate - pH, total dissolved solids, COD, BOD, acidity, alkalinity, bioassay.
Books Recommended:
Gupta .P.D. ,Jagota. A.(1996) , Beyond The Human Eye, Publication and Information
Directorate (CSIR),New Delhi.
Phondke.B. (1995), Shot In The Arm, Government of India
Anderson.J, Druston .B.Thesis and Assignment Writing, Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd., New Delhi