Integer Project

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Integer Project

You will upload a pdf or sound file in Google Classroom for this project

Choose ONE of the following projects

Cereal Box – Create a cereal box that advertises how integers work. Upload pdf of creation.

Board Game- Create a board game that uses integer knowledge to play the game. Upload pdf of

Song- Create and record a song that demonstrates the rules to solve integer problems. Upload
sound file.

Examples, practice problems, and answer key can be included as separate handout for project.

Demonstrate your knowledge and BE CREATIVE!

Remember the project should demonstrate the following:

_____ The rules for adding integers

_____ Five varied examples of adding a positive and negative with correct answers
_____ Five varied examples of adding a negative and negative with correct answers
_____ Five varied examples of adding direct opposites with correct answers

_____ The rules for subtracting integers

_____ Five varied examples of subtracting integers with correct answers

_____ The rules for multiplying and dividing integers

_____ Five varied examples of multiplying integers with correct answers
_____ Five varied examples of dividing integers with correct answers

_____ Five practice problems each of addition, subtraction, multiplying and dividing integers
for other people to solve (20 total problems)
_____ The answer key to the problems you created

_____ Self – Assessment Reflection: Address your preparation, content understanding, and if
you feel like you have achieved learning objective goals. This will be a short paper separate from


Name: _______________________ Period: __________

Project Chosen: ____________________________

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