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Course Book

Language for Success

Carrot Language Research and Development
by Carrot Language Teaching & Research Lab
Copyrightⓒ 2008 by Carrot Korea Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing
of Carrot Korea Inc.

GET UP-TO-SPEED Conversation Course Book 1

Published by Carrot Korea Inc. (
9th Fl., Daenam Building, 199, Nonhyun-dong
Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea 135-827
Tel. (02)518-5486 Fax. (02)518-5469

First published February 22nd 2007 Fourth published May 26th 2008
Second published June 12th 2007 Fifth published March 11th 2009
First Editing February, 2008 Sixth published July 29th 2009
Third published February 26th 2008 Seventh published February 18th 2010

Publisher: James Roh

Second Author: Susan Park
Editing Supervisor: Rachel Park
Proofreader: Douglas M. Phelan

Carrot Language Teaching & Research Lab

Carrot Language Teaching & Research Lab ( suggests efficient

and sheer solution of language learning for learners who want to improve their overall
English skills by providing various systematic English programs, such as English
conversation, business English, preparation courses for English Tests, or preparation
courses for the entrance exam for specialized high schools.

‘Productive English’, the ultimate goal of Carrot English, is aimed at improving learners’
proficiency in speaking and writing. Carrot Language Teaching & Research Lab also
develops special business skills courses-Business Basics, Presentation, Negotiation,
Conference and Meeting, Business Writing Skill, and other business-related courses? for
business people so that they can enhance not only their productive English skills but also
their professional business skills. We promise to be the stepping stone for you to step up to
be fully qualified in this competitive global society.

캐럿하우스는 당근영어 ㈜캐럿코리아 언어교육연구소의 출판부문 임프린트입니다.

CK Methodology:
Andragogical Approach & Productive English
The teaching of children (pedagogy) and adult learning (andragogy) are distinctively
different. Pedagogy is akin to training and encourages convergent thinking and rote
learning. It is compulsory, centered on teacher and the imparting of information with
minimal control by the learner. Andragogy, by contrast, is about education as freedom. It
encourages divergent thinking and active learning. It is voluntary, learner-oriented and
opens up vistas for continuing learning. Adults need to feel independent and in control of
their learning. Therefore, CK curriculum is based on andragogy and is designed to involve
learners’ participation and engagement by providing more task-based activities and
opportunities to frequently interact in the classroom.
People want to achieve communicative competence when they learn other languages.
However, English education in Korea has been rather focused on receptive skills of English-
listening and reading-which just increase learners’ knowledge about language, not the
competence of using them. If people are well-equiped with productive skills-speaking and
writing-they will be competent in English communication. This is why CK curriculum is
designed to enhance learners’ productive skills throughout the course.

This andragogical approach and productive English of CK curriculum will enable learners’
achievement in communication skills and, ultimately, the global competence. CK curriculum
pursues ‘language for success’ as its teaching philosophy!

This communicative interaction, the essential component of language acquisition, does not
occur in a typical non-meaningful fun-oriented conversation with native speakers. It occurs in
a negotiated interaction through which a well-trained teacher provides the comprehensible
input that is appropriate to the learners. The learners at the same time actively utilize these
opportunities given to them by the teachers. For this end, the Communicative Language
Learning (CLL) method is employed in the field of Second Language Acquisition. The CLL
provides the activities that are geared toward using language pragmatically, authentically
and functionally with the intention of achieving meaningful purposes. Business Basics series
are designed based on the CLL method. Through the process of CLL, Carrot English aims at
the improvement of the learners’ communicative competence, that is speaking, and writing;
and considers it as our ultimate goal.

Course Objectives
GET UP-TO-SPEED Conversation Course Book series are designed to improve learner’s
productive proficiency in English-speaking and writing-and to help learner’s communicate
in English with confidence by providing as many opportunities as possible through constant
classroom interactions and systematic self-study.
Unit Composition
This book, GET UP-TO-SPEED Conversation Course Book 1, consists of 16 units, and each unit
is composed of 11 sub-sections. Each unit is divided into two parts: class study and self-study.
Class Study
Warming Up: Learners are presented with a picture and 3 questions that are related to the topic of the unit.
Useful Expressions: Sentences that contain useful phrases or expressions for the topic of the unit are
Conversation 1: This section deals with a real-life dialogue related to the unit topic, followed by
comprehension questions to check the learners’ understanding. In conversation practice, learners
practice a short conversation which is based on the given dialogue by substituting the words or phrases
in brackets.
Activity 1: Learners are guided to participate in a rather small English activity, mostly in pairs.
Conversation 2: This section includes another set of topic-related conversation and followed by
comprehension questions.
Activity 2: Learners are led in an activity, which is aimed at letting them use their own words to
complete the task.
Situational Practice: Learners work in pairs to play a role in a given situation.
Reading: Reading material relevant to the unit topic is given followed by comprehension questions.
Word with Idiomatic Uses: This section allows learners to learn hidden meanings of useful phrases
and idiomatic terms.
Humor Power: This section allows learners to have a break with a short humorous story where they
can work on a blank through understanding the context of the story.

Self Study
 ocabulary Exercise: Learners have a chance to review some of the words from the dialogues and
the reading section.
 rammar Exercise: Learners have a chance to work on some basic grammar skills by reviewing a
few sentences also from the dialogue and the reading section.

Here are Ten Commandments for the best results in language learning:
1. Fear not.
2. Dive in.
3. Believe in yourself.
4. Seize the day.
5. Love thy neighbor.
6. Get the big picture.
7. Cope with the chaos.
8. Go with your hunches.
9. Learn from your mistakes.
10. Set your own goals.
Language R & D Department
Carrot Korea Inc.
Conversation Course Book 1

Unit 1. Meeting new people…………………………………………………………… 9

Unit 2. Getting to know other people……………………………………15

Unit 3. Family…………………………………………………………………………………………21

Unit 4. Unexpected meetings… …………………………………………………29

Unit 5. In the past………………………………………………………………………………37

Unit 6. Planning……………………………………………………………………………………45

Unit 7. M
 aking appointments and sch… ………………………………53

Unit 8. Weather……………………………………………………………………………………61

Unit 9. Shopping… ………………………………………………………………………………67

Unit 10. Paying

 and getting a refund… …………………………………75

Unit 11. Looking for places… ………………………………………………………83

Unit 12. Health… ………………………………………………………………………………… 91

Unit 13. Good news… ……………………………………………………………………… 99

Unit 14. Asking for information…………………………………………… 107

Unit 15. At a restaurant…………………………………………………………… 115

Unit 16. Unique experience… ………………………………………………… 123

Meeting New People Unit 1

Unit Meeting New People

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ greet someone and introduce yourself to others
+ ask and tell about basic personal information

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. What kind of people do you like?

2. How important is the first impression of someone to you?
3. What do you usually do when you meet someone for the first time?

Conversation Course Book 1 9

Unit 1 Meeting New People

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. Where are you from? 1. I’m from Columbia.

2. I’m so pleased to meet you in person. 2. The same here.

3. What do you do? 3. I work for a consulting company.

4. Do I know you? 4. Yes, we‘ve met before.

5. You look familiar. 5. I’m afraid I don’t know you.

6. What is your hobby? 6. I collect model cars.

7. Sorry, what’s your last name again? 7. It’s Jefferson.

Conversation 1 I'm a new member of the club

David: Hello, I’m David Garza. I’m a new member of the club.
Elizabeth: Hi, my name is Elizabeth Silva, but please call me Beth.
David: OK. Where are you from,
Elizabeth: Brazil. How about you?
David: I’m from Mexico.
Elizabeth: O h, I love Mexico! It’s
really beautiful.
David: Thanks. So is Brazil!
Elizabeth: Oh, good. Sun-hee is here.
David: Who’s Sun-hee?
Elizabeth: S he’s my classmate. We
are in the same math class.
David: Where’s she from?
Elizabeth: Korea. Let’s go and say hello. Sorry, what’s your last name again? Garcia?
David: Actually, it’s Garza.
Elizabeth: How do you spell that?
David: G-A-R-Z-A.

Meeting New People Unit 1

Comprehension Questions

1. David is from Mexico. (True / False)

2. Sun-hee is Elizabeth’s roommate. (True / False)
3. Where is Beth from?
4. What does David think of Brazil?
5. Who are the two people that are in the same class?
6. Who does Elizabeth want to meet?

Activity 1 Icebreaking
Answer the questions below on your own. Then pair up and ask your partner the
same questions.

Questions Me My Partner

What’s your full name?

Where are you originally from?

Where do you live now?

What do you do in your spare time?

What do you do for a living?

What is your favorite food/sport?

Have you ever been to a foreign country?

Conversation Course Book 1 11

Unit 1 Meeting New People

Conversation 2 What do you do?

Brad: Would you like to read this magazine?

Debbie: Sure. Thanks. Did you already read it?
Brad: I read most of it. Besides, you look pretty
Debbie: I suppose I am. I don’t like flying much.
Brad: Neither do I. Unfortunately, my job makes
me travel a lot, though.
Debbie: Oh, really? What do you do?
Brad: I’m a computer consultant.
Debbie: That sounds interesting.
Brad: Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. What do you do?
Debbie: I’m a dentist. Nothing exciting about that, I’m afraid.
Brad: Exciting or not, dentistry’s an important field. Oh, by the way, I’m Brad Sherman.
Debbie: Nice to meet you, Brad. I’m Debbie Tates.

Comprehension Questions

1. Where is the conversation taking place?

2. What does Brad do a lot because of his work?
3. What does Debbie think of Brad’s job?

Activity 2 Interviewing classmates

Interview your classmates using the questions below and fill out the chart below and
report your findings to the class.

1. What season do you like best?

2. What did you study in college?
3. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
4. How do you come to work?

Name Season Major Family Transportation





Meeting New People Unit 1

Situational Practice
Suppose you and your partner are on an airplane, and you’ve met for the first time.
Talk with your partner to find out what your partner does and where s/he is going.

Example sentences

Where are you from?

Do you like flying?
Where are you going?
What do you do?
It sounds interesting.

Reading Let's find out about Jack

Jack Grubb works at night. He has a part-time job downtown.
Jack isn’t married and he doesn’t have a family. He lives alone
in a small apartment on Bond Street. Jack has an easy life; he
has a lot of free time and no responsibilities. He spends most of
his free time at the park across the street from his apartment. He
likes the park because there are always a lot of people there. He
never feels bored or lonely when he’s at the park.

Comprehension Questions

1. Does Jack work during the day?

2. Where does he live?
3. Does he have an easy life? Why?
4. Why does Jack like the park?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Bad

1. bad news: a person, often with criminal tendencies, who brings troubles to others.
Example Sentence) Take care, Nancy! That man is bad news!
2. go from bad to worse: deteriorate still further.
Example Sentence) Business is going from bad to worse, we may have to close down.

Conversation Course Book 1 13

Unit 1 Meeting New People

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Mark Twain once visited a famous artist's studio. When he started to touch one canvas,
the painter cried, "Don't touch that! Don't you see it isn't dry yet?" "I don't mind," said
Mark Twain, "I have ___________ on."

Vocabulary Exercise

magazine / feed / bored / dentistry / field / spelled / responsibility

1. ___________ is changing rapidly, creating many opportunities and challenges.

2. After a while I got _______ and left.
3. You've _____________ my name wrong.
4. Peter's an expert in his _____________.
5. She glanced over the _____________________ racks.
6. It’s your turn to _____________ the cat today.
7. Kelly's promotion means more money and more _____________________.

Grammar Exercise

Choose the right one in each sentence below.

1. It’s really (beauty / beautiful).

2. (How/What) do you spell that?
3. Would you like to (read / reading) this magazine?
4. My job makes me (travel / to travel) a lot.
5. I’m a computer consultant. That sounds (interested / interesting).

Getting To Know Other People Unit 2

Getting To Know
Unit Other People
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ ask basic questions to know others
+ talk with someone for the first time

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. When do you introduce yourself to new people, what kind of things do you usually say?
2. What are some good topics to break an ice?
3. What are some topics that you should avoid?

Conversation Course Book 1 15

Unit 2 Getting To Know Other People

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. Do you speak any other foreign language? 1. I speak Chinese.

2. What do you do in your free time? 2. I watch TV dramas.

3. Who is your favorite movie star? 3. M y all time favorite actor is Arnold


4. Don’t you recognize me? 4. Let me see. Oh, you’re Susan from high


5. Does Korean food agree with you? 5. Sure. I have no problem eating Korean food.

6. How often do you see your parents? 6. I see them twice a month.

Conversation 1 What time do you go to work?

Daniel: So, do you usually come to the

gym in the morning?
Helen: Yes, I do.
Daniel: Really? What time do you go to
Helen: I work in the afternoon. I start
work at five.
Daniel: Wow, that’s late. When do you
get home at night?
Helen: I usually get home at midnight.
Daniel: Midnight? That is late. What do
you do, exactly?
Helen: I’m a TV announcer. I do the
weather report on KNTV. Don’t
you recognize me?
Daniel: Oh! You’re Helen Black. I love your show! By the way, I’m Daniel.

Getting To Know Other People Unit 2

Comprehension Questions

1. When does Helen usually come to the gym?

2. Where does Helen work?
3. When does Helen get home?
4. What time does Helen start work?
5. What does Helen do?
6. How does Daniel like what Helen does?

Activity 1 Finding out about your partner

Add one more question to the list, and take turns asking the questions to each other.
Then introduce your partner to the class.

1. How often do you exercise?

2. What time do you set your alarm for?

3. What do you do on weekends?

4. What is your favorite food?

5. How many days do you work per week?

6. What kind of books do you like to read?


Conversation 2 What kind of music do you like?

Marvin: What kind of music do you like, Young-eun?

Young-eun: I like rap very much. I’m a big fan of Seo Tae-
Marvin: I think I know him. Does he play the piano?
Young-eun: The piano? Maybe. He is a singer.
Marvin: Oh, I guess I don’t know much about rap.
Young-eun: So, what kind of music do you like?
Marvin: I really like pop music. My favorite singer is
Mariah Carey.
Young-eun: Oh, I know a couple of her songs. She has a
nice and soft voice.
Marvin: Yes, she does. I listen to her songs a lot.

Conversation Course Book 1 17

Unit 2 Getting To Know Other People

Comprehension Questions

1. What kind of music does Young-eun like?

2. Does Marvin know about rap well?
3. What does Young-eun think of Mariah Carey’s voice?

Activity 2 What time do you...?

Answer the the questions about yourself, and interview four of your classmates.
Then introduce one of them to the class.


What time do you…………….? Times

get up during the week

get up on weekends

leave for work or school

get home from work or school

have dinner

go to bed

Situational Practice
You and your partner are talking about movie actors. Talk with your partner to find
out what movie actor your partner likes and why s/he likes him/her.

Example sentences

What kind of movie do you like?

Who is your favorite movie star?
I’m a big fan of Tom Hanks.
My favorite actress is Julia Roberts.
Why do you like Jennifer Lopez so much?

Getting To Know Other People Unit 2

Reading Sarah's daily routine

What is your daily routine? Let me explain mine
to you. I am very much a night person. I get up
around 1.00pm and sit down at my PC with a
coffee and go through all of my emails that came in
during the morning. Around 4.00pm, I take a
shower, get dressed and go to the local cafe or into
the city center to eat. From 6.00pm - 11.00pm is
more general work stuff. I then take a break for a
couple of hours to watch some TV and then get
back to work at 1.00am until about 3.00am. I then
watch more TV until I finally fall asleep around

Comprehension Questions

1. What is the first thing Sarah does when she gets up?
2. Where does she eat?
3. How long is the break between work?
4. About how many hours does she work?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Big

1. a big hit: something / someone very popular with others.
Example Sentence) By the way, your new flat is a big hit with your parents.
They think it's perfect for you.
2. a big noise/shot: (informal) an important person with influence (implies arrogance,
Example Sentence) There's some big noise coming up from head quarters tomorrow,
so we'll have to get things tidied up in here.

Conversation Course Book 1 19

Unit 2 Getting To Know Other People

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Patient : Nurse, I think I'm in love with you. I don't want to go home soon.
Nurse : Don't worry, you won't. The doctor is in love with me, too, and he saw you
________me yesterday.

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

announcer brush local dressed explained

1. He is a radio __________________ .
2. She was __________________ in a two-piece suit.
3. While I was in my hometown, I went to a ______________ hospital.
4. We should not forget to ______________ our teeth.
5. He carefully ______________ the procedure.

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. I work in the afternoon. I start work in five.

2. I do the weather report on KNTV. Don’t you recognized me?
3. My favorite singer are Mariah Carey.
4. Let me to explain mine to you.
5. I take a shower, get dressed and going to the local cafe or into the city center to eat.

Family Unit 3

Unit Family
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ introduce your family members and describe family life
+ discuss roles in the family

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. How often do you get together with your family?

2. What is your current marital status?
3. Who do you have the most close relationship in your family?

Conversation Course Book 1 21

Unit 3 Family

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. I’m from a small family. 1. I have a big family.

2. H ow many brothers and sisters do you 2. I have one brother and one sister.


3. How old is your sister? 3. My sister is three years older than me.

4. This is my brother, Tom. The one, who’s in 4. How’s it going, Tom?

high school.

5. What does your sister do? 5. I’m not sure. She is working a secret project

right now.

6. What does your brother look like? 6. He looks like a movie star.

Conversation 1 And you remember my sister, Grace, right?

Joe: Well, let me introduce you to

Jane: That’d be great.
Joe: This is my brother, Tom. He’s in
high school.
Jane: Hey, Tom. How’s it going?
Joe: This is my brother, Leo. He’s
majoring in biology.
Jane: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Joe: And you remember my sister,
Grace, right?
Jane: Oh, hi, Grace. Long time no see.
I hardly recognized you.
Joe: She sure looks different with those new glasses, doesn’t she?
Jane: That’s for sure.
Joe: And this is my mother.
Jane: Hello, Mrs. Smith. I’ve heard so much about you.

Family Unit 3

Comprehension Questions

1. What is Joe doing?

2. Who goes to high school?
3. What is Joe’s mother’s name?
4. What is Leo studying in college?
5. Who did Jane hardly recognize?
6. How many people did Joe introduce to Jane?

Activity 1 Asking about family

With your partner take turns asking and answering the questions below. Then report
the findings to another partner.

Who is the oldest person in your family and who is the youngest?

In your family, whom do you have the closest relationship with?

Whom do you resemble in your family?

How many times do you eat meals with your family a week?

Conversation 2 Tell me about your brother and sister

Rita: Tell me about your brother and sister,

Sue: W ell, my sister works for the
Rita: Oh, what does she do?
Sue: I’m not sure. She’s working on a very
secret project right now.
Rita: Wow! What about your brother?
Sue: He’s a wildlife photographer.
Rita: W hat an interesting family! Can I
meet them?
Sue: Uh, no. My sister’s away. She’s not working in the United States this month.
Rita: And your brother?
Sue: He’s traveling in the Amazon.

Conversation Course Book 1 23

Unit 3 Family

Comprehension Questions

1. Who does Sue’s sister work for?

2. When does Sue’s sister return to the United States?
3. Where is Sue’s brother now?

Activity 2 Find people with "Yes"

Add one more question of your own to the list. Go around the room and find
someone who answers “Yes”. Write the names of the classmates in the table and
ask follow-up questions.

Example sentences Name What kind of…../Who…..?

A: Does your family play cards? 2.
B: Yes, they do. 3.
A: W hat kind of cards do they
B: They play Blue Marble.

Comprehension Questions

1. Does your family play cards?

2. Does anyone in your family play two instruments?
3. Does anyone in your family have an unusual job?
4. Does your family listen to the same music?
5. Do you have any brother or sister who is married to someone you know?

Family Unit 3

Situational Practice
You and your partner are asking about each other’s families. Talk with your partner to
find out at least three things about the families of your partner.

Example sentences

Tell me about your family.

My sister works for a computer company.
What is your brother studying in college?
When is your sister coming back to Korea from Canada?

Reading Mr. Brown is a family man

David Cameron today uses Fathers’ Day to say that his
family and children will always be more important to him
than becoming prime minister. This British politician says
that his family is “the most important thing” in his life and
that nothing gives him “greater satisfaction” than raising
his children. “For all children and most adults, our family
is the most important thing in our lives,” he writes. “I love
my job, and I passionately want to have the chance, as
prime minister, to help to improve people’s lives. But the
fact is that whatever I do or don’t achieve in politics,
nothing matters as much as my family.”

Comprehension Questions

1. What is David Cameron comparing his family with?

2. What gives him the greatest satisfaction?
3. What does David want to do as prime minister?
4. Does anything matter as much as his family to David?

Conversation Course Book 1 25

Unit 3 Family

Word with Idiomatic Uses Dead

1. dead drunk: extremely drunk

Example Sentence) I've never seen Henry in such a state. He was dead drunk.
2. dead on time: exactly on time, punctual
Example Sentence) The train arrived dead on time, so we didn't have to wait long on
the platform.

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Mom : "I've just looked in the mirror, and I've got two gray hairs!"
Girl : "Why is that, Mommy?"
Mom : "Because you're such a bad girl to me, I guess."
Girl : "Gosh, Mom, you must have been awful to __________ !"

Family Unit 3

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

wildlife / recognize / majoring in / satisfaction / passionately

1. I didn't __________ you in your uniform.

2. She got great __________ from helping people to learn.
3. We have to prevent the destruction of __________ habitats.
4. He kissed her __________ .
5. He's __________ Political Science.

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. This is Leo, my brother, who’s majored in biology.

2. Long time no see. I didn’t hardly recognize you.
3. She’s worked on a very secret project right now.
4. She’s not working in the United States on this month.
5. For all children and most adults, our family is a most important thing in our lives.

Conversation Course Book 1 27

Unit 3 Family


Unexpected Meetings Unit 4

Unit Unexpected Meetings

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ inquire after (a person, a person’s health)
+ express amazement and gladness

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. Have you ever met someone on the street by chance at unexpected

2. If someone calls you on the street and you don't recognize him/her, how
would you respond to that situation?
3. When you met someone on the street unexpectedly, what do you usually do?

Conversation Course Book 1 29

Unit 4 Unexpected Meetings

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.

1. Long time no see. How have you been doing?

2. How are things with you these days?

- Things are fine with me. How about you?

3. What brings you here?

- I’m visiting my relatives here.

4. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.

- Sorry. I misplaced your phone number, and I couldn’t get hold of you.

5. Let me give you my phone number.

Conversation 1 How's it going?

Su-jin: Hey, David. How’s it going?

David: Fine, thanks. How are you?
Su-jin: P retty good. So, are your
classes interesting this
David: Y es, they are. I really love
Su-jin: Chemistry? Are you and Beth
in the same class?
David: No, we aren’t. My class is in
the morning. Her class is in
the afternoon.
Su-jin: Listen, I’m on my way to the
cafeteria now. Are you free?
David: Sure. Let’s go.

Unexpected Meetings Unit 4

Comprehension Questions

1. David is doing fine. (True / False)

2. Su-jin is going to class now. (True / False)
3. David is busy. (True / False)
4. What subject does David like very much?
5. Who is in the chemistry class besides David?
6. What are they going to do?

Activity 1 Meeting an old friend

You come across your old friend on the street on your way home from work. Talk with
your partner to find out about the things in the table below and fill out the table.

Job Example sentences

When was the last time we met?
Are you married yet?
Do you still have the same job?
Living area
Where do you live now?
Let’s get together next week!
Our next meeting

Conversation Course Book 1 31

Unit 4 Unexpected Meetings

Conversation 2 What a surprise to see you here!

Todd: Amy! Hey, how’s it going?

Amy: Todd! What a surprise to see you here.
Todd: I didn’t even know you liked art.
Amy: Well, there’s special exhibit going on,
so I thought I’d check it out.
Todd: Oh, yeah, the ancient textiles exhibit,
Amy: That’s the one.
Todd: Y ou know, we should really get
together for a coffee or something one
of these days.
Amy: I’d like that.
Todd: Let me give you my phone number.
Here you go.
Amy: Thanks. Here, this is my card.
Todd: I’ll give you a call sometime.
Amy: Yeah, give me a call.

Comprehension Questions

1. What kind of exhibition are they at?

2. What will they do someday later?
3. What did Amy give to Todd?

Unexpected Meetings Unit 4

Activity 2 Class Reunion

You and your partner have met at a class reunion and are talking about Lucy Morgan.
You two have different sets of information on her. Fill out the tables below by asking your
partner. Person A use Table A and Person B use Table B. Table B is on page 35.

Table A
Where or not she is married Married Example sentences
How she met her husband
A: Is Lucy married yet?
How many kids she has 2 kids
B: Yes, she is married to
Where she works An advertising agency
a millionaire.
What her husband does
Where she lives Washington D.C.

Situational Practice
Suppose your friend that you haven’t met for a long time is visiting your town at the
moment and you both meet accidentally. First, write the job title of Person B. Second,
complete the short possible conversation below. Then practice it with your friend.

Person B’s job:

Possible Conversation
A: Long time, no see. What brings you here?
A: What are your other plans here?
A: I hope you have a good time while you are here.

Conversation Course Book 1 33

Unit 4 Unexpected Meetings

Reading We are in touch all the time

Eileen Rogers is my best friend. We’re both from
Chicago, but now I live in San Francisco and Eileen
lives in Atlanta. We don’t see each other very often,
but we are in touch all the time. We talk on the
telephone once a week, either on Saturday or Sunday
morning. We also email each other any time we want.
We are really lucky. In this new age of communication,
there are so many ways we can keep in touch with
each other. We live in different cities on different
coasts, but we’re in touch all the time.

Comprehension Questions

1. Why can’t they see each other often?

2. When do they talk on the telephone?
3. How can they keep in touch any time they want?
4. In what kind of age are they living?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Flat

1. flat out: with all one's powers or energy; as much or as quickly as possible
Example Sentence) I've been working flat out all day trying to get the last chapter
of the book finished.
2. tell someone flat: tell someone in a very positive and definite manner
Example Sentence) She told him flat that she had no intension of lending him any

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Fortuneteller : “You'll be poor until you are 30.”

Customer : “And then?”
Fortuneteller : “Then you'll get ________ to it.”

Unexpected Meetings Unit 4

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

ancient / age / email / exhibit / textile / get together / in touch

1. We must ________ for a drink.

2. What was the religion of ________ Egypt?
3. The ________ date from the 17th century.
4. Don’t forget to ________ me tonight.
5. They’ve been keeping ________ for 5 years.
6. We are living in the ________ of technology.
7. Their main exports are ________, especially silk and cotton.

Grammar Exercise

Choose the right one in each sentence below.

1. Are you and Beth in (a/the) same class?

2. I (wasn’t/didn’t) even know you liked art.
3. There’s special exhibit going on, so I thought I (would/will) check it out.
4. Let me give you my phone number. (Here/There) you go.
5. We talk on the telephone once a week, either on Saturday (and/or) Sunday

Table B
Where or not she is married Married
How she met her husband Blind date
How many kids she has
Where she works
What her husband does Business consulting
Where she lives

Conversation Course Book 1 35

Unit 4 Unexpected Meetings


In The Past Unit 5

Unit In The Past

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ describe experiences you had in the past using ‘past tense’
+ ask and answer questions about past experience

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. When was the happiest moment in your life?

2. What makes you to think about the past?
3. Do you think that pictures that you've taken before help you to keep your
past memories?

Conversation Course Book 1 37

Unit 5 In The Past

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. W hat did you like to do when you were 1. I like to mimic comedians on TV.


2. When did you graduate from college? 2. I graduated from college in 1996.

3. I went backpacking when I was in college. 3. I wanted to go backing, too but I wasn’t

thinking about it much.

4. How many times did you go swimming last 4. I went swimming three times last week.


5. How did you manage to finish it in time? 5. I asked some people for help.

Conversation 1 What did you do last weekend?

Lisa: So, what did you do last weekend,

Meg: O h, I had a great time. I went to a
karaoke bar and sang with some
friends on Saturday.
Lisa: That sounds like fun. Did you go to
Meg: No, we didn’t. We went to that new
place downtown. How about you? Did
you go anywhere?
Lisa: No, I didn’t go anywhere all weekend.
I just stayed home and studied for
today’s Spanish test.
Meg: Our Spanish test is today? I forgot all
about that!
Lisa: Don’t worry. You always get an A.

In The Past Unit 5

Comprehension Questions

1. What kind of place is Lucky’s?

2. What is Meg good at?
3. What kind of test are they going to take today?
4. What did Meg do last weekend?
5. Why did Lisa stay home all weekend?
6. What did Meg forget?

Activity 1 We both did last night....

Write four to five things you did last night, and take turns asking your partner what s/
he did last night.

Example sentences

Q: What did you do last night?

A: I cooked for my wife, then helped her do the dishes, and then listened to the radio.

What I did last night What your partner did


Conversation Course Book 1 39

Unit 5 In The Past

Conversation 2 What a surprise to see you here!

Nancy: Why are you so late, Jim? It’s a quarter to eleven.

Jim: I stopped by the grocery store on my way home
from work.
Nancy: What did you buy there?
Jim: Remember you gave me a shopping list? I
bought everything on the list.
Nancy: Oh, thank you. When did you get off work?
Jim: I had to work a little overtime, so I left work at
eight thirty. And then I went to the store.
Nancy: You had such a long day today. You must be so
tired and hungry.
Jim: Yeah, I’m starving.
Nancy: OK, let me prepare something for you, Jim. You
just sit there and rest.

Comprehension Questions

1. When did Jim get home?

2. Where did Jim go before he got home?
3. What is Nancy going to do?

Activity 2 Talking about last year

In groups of three, ask your classmates about last year, filling out the chart below.
Then pick one person with the most interesting answers who will present about his/
her last year.

Example sentences

What was your goal of last year? My goal was to get a job.
Where did you spend your vacation last year? I spend my vacation in a cave.
What was the best thing you achieved last year? I got married.

Name Goal Vacation Biggest achievement

Mee Sun Kim Get a job Vacation in a cave Marriage

In The Past Unit 5

Situational Practice
You and your partner are a husband and a wife. The husband gets home very late
and the wife is asking him why. Find out three reasons the husband is so late.

Example sentences

Why are you so late?

I had to work overtime. * Reason for coming home so late:
When did you get off work?
I was finished at nine.
I had to

Reading Vacation postcard

Dear Julia,

How are you doing, my friend? Alaska is terrific! I just

returned from a trip to the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge. There were six people on the trip. We camped
outside for ten days. Then we took rafts to the Arctic
Ocean. I saw a lot of wildlife, including some caribou.
I’m tired, but I loved every minute of my trip. Now, I’m
going to Anchorage.

See you soon!


PS: I’m bringing a surprise gift for you.

Comprehension Questions

1. Where did Terry go on a trip to?

2. What did he do on his trip?
3. How did Terry like his trip?
4. What does Terry want Julia to look forward to?

Conversation Course Book 1 41

Unit 5 In The Past

Word with Idiomatic Uses Good

1. for good: forever, permanently

Example Sentence) Edward's gone to England for good. He is not coming back.
2. good for nothing: having no good qualities; lazy, unreliable, worthless etc.
Example Sentence) I've never liked Charles. He's good for nothing.

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

A Latin American Immigrant followed a PARK sign in Los Angeles and found a lot of
cars instead of people. "America sure is a country of cars," he said to himself. "they even
have ____ for cars."

In The Past Unit 5

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

stopped by / get off / terrific / rest / refuge / camp

1. We'll ________ by the river for the night, and move on tomorrow.
2. That's a ________ idea!
3. Daniel ________ the store on his way home.
4. A huge oak tree provided a ________ from the storm.
5. I usually ________ at six o'clock.
6. If you're tired, we'll stop and ________ for a while.

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. I went to a karaoke bar and sing with some friends on Saturday.

2. I just stayed in home and studied for today’s Spanish test.
3. Remembering you gave me a shopping list? I bought everything on the list.
4. You must are so tired and hungry.
5. I saw a lot of wildlife, included some caribou.

Conversation Course Book 1 43

Unit 5 In The Past


Planning Unit 6

Unit Planning
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ talk about what will happen next
+ explain and ask about future plan

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. How do you plan your schedule?

2. Do you use daily planner to keep schedule?
3. Do you usually make a note your schedule or try to memorize it?

Conversation Course Book 1 45

Unit 6 Planning

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. What are you going to do? 1. Let me see what I should do.

2. When will you be back here? 2. I’m not sure yet. Let me think.

3. What is he doing tomorrow? 3. He is helping his wife around the house.

4. W ho are you going to appoint as sales 4. I haven’t decided yet. Can you recommend

manager? anyone?

5. I’m planning to start my own business. 5. That’s great. What kind of business will it


6. You’re scheduled to meet the client at 4. 6. Thank you for reminding me.

7. She has someone to meet after work. 7. That’s too bad. I was going to ask her out.

Conversation 1 What are you going to do?

Julia: I’m so excited! We have two weeks off!

What are you going to do?
Nancy: I’m not sure. I guess I’ll just stay home.
Maybe I’ll watch a few DVDs. What
about you? Any plans?
Julia: Yeah, I’m going to relax at the beach with
my cousin for a couple of weeks. We’re
going to go surfing every day.
Nancy: Sounds like fun.
Julia: Say, why don’t you come with us?
Nancy: Do you mean it? I’d love to! I’ll bring my

Planning Unit 6

Comprehension Questions

1. How many weeks do they have off?

2. Where are they going?
3. How does going surfing sound to Nancy?
4. What was Nancy’s first plan?
5. Who’s going to the beach besides Julia and Nancy?
6. What will Nancy do?

Activity 1 Vacation plans

Have you ever thought about your next vacation? Answer the questions on your own
and ask your partner the same questions.

You Your partner

1. What kind of vacation do you want?

2. Where are you going to go?

3. When are you going to take your vacation?

4. How long are you going to be on vacation?

5. Is anyone going to travel with you?

Conversation 2 I'll probably stay home and study English

Brian: What are you going to do this weekend?

Vicky: I’m not sure. I’ll probably stay home and
study English. How about you?
Brian: I don’t know. I might go to a museum, or
I might spend some time with my
grandparents. I’m not sure yet.
Vicky: Speaking of grandparents, I have to go to
my grandparents’ this weekend. My
grandpa is turning 75 this weekend.
Brian: Oh, that’s great! I hope you have a great
time there. I’ll keep thinking what to do
Vicky: OK. See you later, then.

Conversation Course Book 1 47

Unit 6 Planning

Comprehension Questions

1. Who might study at home this weekend?

2. What kind of party will be at Vicky’s grandparents’ house?
3. How old is Vicky’s grandpa now?

Activity 2 What will happen next?

First in groups of three, choose a situation, and talk about what will happen next.
Then one in each group tells the class the story.

Example sentences

Bill is supposed to meet his girlfriend in an hour, and he just remembered that today is
her birthday. What will he do?

What will happen next?

He will call his girlfriend to suggest meeting one hour later. He will buy two movie
tickets and reserve a table with a cake at a nice café. He will buy a bundle of roses to
give her when he meets her to see a movie together.

Your group’s situation: 1( ), 2( ), 3( )

What will happen next?

Planning Unit 6

Situational Practice
Begin and end a conversation with your partner about weekend plans. And find out
three plans of your partner’s for the weekend.

Example sentences

What are you going to do this weekend?

Do you have any plans for the weekend?
I might go to a museum.
I will probably stay at home.
I hope you have a great time.

*Your partner’s plan:

Reading Angelina Jolie

There’s a big crowd of people at the

Grauman’s Chinese Theatre tonight. They
are waiting anxiously for Angelina Jolie, the
famous Hollywood actress. She’s going to
attend the premier of her new film, Salt.
Everyone is very excited. Ms. Jolie is
coming now. She’s waiving happily to the
crowd. The man next her is a television
announcer. He’s going to ask Ms. Jolie
some questions about her new film. There
are some photographers following the
actress. They’re going to take pictures of her
for the newspapers and magazines. She’s a
very popular star. After the film, Ms. Jolie
is going to sign autographs and talk to the

Conversation Course Book 1 49

Unit 6 Planning

Comprehension Questions

1. Why is Angelina Jolie at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre tonight?

2. Who is the man next to Ms. Jolie?
3. Who are the men following the actress?
4. What is Ms. Jolie going to do after the film?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Hard

1. be hard on someone: treat someone in a strict, harsh manner
Example Sentence) I think Bill is being unnecessarily hard on his son. He won't
allow him any of the freedoms and pleasures that other boys of his age have.
2. hard cash: notes and coins, not a cheque or credit card
Example Sentence) I've heard that Palmer pays all his bills in hard cash, even if they're
for thousands of dollars.

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

A woman guest in a New York hotel scolded the bellboy when he entered her room
without knocking.
“Suppose,” she said, “I had been dressing when you came in like that?”
“Not a chance of that happening, ma’am,” the bellboy said, “I always look through the
________ before going in.”

Planning Unit 6

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

autograph / off / relax / anxiously / turned / premiere

1. She waited __________ by the phone.

2. Can I have your __________ ?
3. Rossini's work had its __________ at the Paris Opera.
4. What Robyn needed was a drink to __________ her.
5. You look tired. Why don't you take tomorrow __________ ?
6. My son's just __________ 18.

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. I’m so exciting! We have two weeks off!

2. I’m going to relaxing at the beach with my cousin for a couple of weeks.
3. I might goes to a museum, or I might spend some time with my grandparents.
4. Mine grandpa is turning 75 this weekend.
5. They are waiting anxious for Ula Hackey, the famous Hollywood actress.

Conversation Course Book 1 51

Unit 6 Planning


Making Appointments and Scheduling Unit 7

Making Appointments
Unit and Scheduling
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ make an appointment and a schedule
+ make a list of things to do

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. How often do you meet people after work?

2. How many days in advance do you usually make schedule?
3. Do you often meet people for lunch?

Conversation Course Book 1 53

Unit 7 Making Appointments and Scheduling

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. What time does it start? 1. It starts at 4. So, let’s meet at 3.

2. When is she supposed to show up? 2. She is supposed to show up soon.

3. I have an appointment with my friend from 3. Can I join you guys?


4. When are you and your boyfriend getting 4. In 30 minutes. Why do you ask?


5. I’ve got to be at the hospital by 7 o’clock. 5. Then you must be in a hurry.

6. Do you have a previous engagement? 6. No, I don’t. Let’s meet up after work!

Conversation 1 Would you like to go?

Dave: I have tickets to the soccer match on Friday night. Would you like to go?
Susan: Thanks. I’d love to. What time does it start?
Dave: At 8:00
Susan: That sounds great. So, do
you want to have dinner at
Dave: Uh, I’d love to, but I have
to work late.
Susan: O h, that’s OK. Let’s just
meet at the stadium before
the match, around 7:30.
Dave: OK. Let’s meet at the gate.
Susan: That sounds fine. See you

Making Appointments and Scheduling Unit 7

Comprehension Questions

1. What kind of tickets does Dave have?

2. When does the game start?
3. Where are they going to meet?
4. On what day is the match scheduled to take place?
5. Why does Dave want to meet later than 6?
6. When are they going to meet?

Activity 1 Making an appointmet

You want to make an appointment to see a concert with your partner. Fill out your
schedule chart for Saturday. Then check out the concert schedule. Talk with your
partner and decide when to meet to go the concert.

Concert schedule for Saturday Your schedule for Saturday

1st concert: 10 A.M. Time What to do

2nd concert: 1 P.M.

3rd concert: 4 P.M.

4th concert: 7 P.M.

*Time to meet:
*The concert you are going to see:

Conversation Course Book 1 55

Unit 7 Making Appointments and Scheduling

Conversation 2 Do you have to do it now?

Otis: Can you go out today, Gloria?

Gloria: I don’t think so, Otis. I have to
paint my room today.
Otis: Do you have to do it now?
Gloria: I ’m afraid so. I’m expecting
some guests this weekend.
Otis: I can help you. I’m pretty good
with a brush. We can go out
Gloria: T hat’s nice of you. But I’m
supposed to meet my brother
after that.
Otis: That’s too bad. Maybe we can go out together next time.
Gloria: Yeah, I’m sorry, though.

Comprehension Questions

1. Why dose Gloria have to paint her room?

2. Why does Otis want to help Gloria?
3. What is Gloria supposed to do after painting her room?

Activity 2 Things to do list

Ask your partner what they have to do at home and at work/school during next week.
Then fill out the to-do list below. Also find out when/why your partner has to do them.

Example sentences Your partner’s to-do list

A: What are you going to do at At home At work/school

home next week?
B: I’m going to do the dishes.
A: When are you going to do it?
B: I’m going to do it tonight.
A: Why?
B: Because my wife is sick.

Making Appointments and Scheduling Unit 7

Situational Practice
With your partner, take turns asking about yesterday’s and today’s activities so that
you can fill out the table.

Example sentences

What did you have to do yesterday?

I had to finish my report on the new project.
What do you have to do today?
I have to fix the toilet in my home

Your partner’s schedule

Yesterday Today

Reading Kevin just wanted to have fun!

Kevin Henderson is a college student in New
York City. Last weekend he was supposed to
study for an exam, but he didn’t really want to
study. On Saturday morning he played tennis
with his friend Keith. On Saturday afternoon his
friends called, and they all had a picnic together
in Central Park. On Saturday evening he went to
a party at his friend Roger’s apartment. On
Sunday he went to see a movie. Finally on Sunday night, Kevin studied for the exam. On
Monday morning Kevin went to school and took the exam. He was tired, and he wasn’t at
all prepared. Naturally he did very badly on the exam.
Kevin was sorry he didn’t study for the test. He just wanted to have fun!

Conversation Course Book 1 57

Unit 7 Making Appointments and Scheduling

Comprehension Questions

1. What was Kevin supposed to do last weekend?

2. What did Kevin do on Saturday afternoon?
3. How did Kevin do on the exam?
4. How did Kevin feel about his test result?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Hot

1. a hot line: direct, secret telephone link between two important people
Example Sentence) Throughout the entire crisis there was a hot line between the
two heads of state.
2. a hot potato: (informal) an issue that is dangerous, highly controversial or
embarrassing to deal with
Example Sentence) If this is a government cover-up then it's a real hot potato and
New York Times won't touch it!

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Professor : “What do you think is the main cause of prolonged life expectancy?”
Student : “Inflation, sir. People live longer these days because _______ costs too

Making Appointments and Scheduling Unit 7

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

prepared / match / supposed/ expected / stadium

1. The new baseball ______ was packed with people.

2. I wasn't ______ for all their questions.
3. It's our last ______ of the season.
4. What time are you ______ to be there?
5. You’re ______ to smoke here.

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. I have tickets to the soccer match on Friday night. Would you like go?
2. Uh, I’d love to, but I have to work lately.
3. I’m pretty good with a brush. We can go out afterward.
4. Maybe we can go out together last time.
5. Kevin was sorry he didn’t study for the test. He just wanted have fun!

Conversation Course Book 1 59

Unit 7 Making Appointments and Scheduling


Weather Unit 8

Unit Weather
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ express about weather and understand weather forecast
+ use weather vocabular

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. Is daily weather forecast helping you to plan your day?

2. What’s your favorite season and why?
3. What do you usually do when you get caught in the rain?

Conversation Course Book 1 61

Unit 8 Weather

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. What is the weather like? 1. It’s sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy.

2. It’s supposed to be colder tomorrow. 2. I know it’s going to be freezing for a few


3. Tokyo is extremely humid in mid-summer. 3. That’s why I avoid going to Japan during


4. What kind of weather do you like? 4. I like a cool shower when it’s hot.

5. It might snow tomorrow. 5. Yeah, I heard it on the radio.

6. We’ve had enough of this kind of weather. 6. I hope it’ll clear up soon.

Conversation 1 Don't you like snow?

Sue: I heard on TV it might snow

Tim: Oh, no.
Sue: What? Don’t you like snow?
Tim: N o, I don’t. It makes the
roads dangerous.
Sue: But you have snow tires and
chains, don’t you?
Tim: Yes, but it’ll still be slippery.
Sue: I don’t care. I love the snow.
Tim: Why?
Sue: It’s beautiful. Plus, the first
snowfall is very romantic.
Tim:  If you like snow so much, you can shovel the front walk.
Sue: I’d be glad to. Maybe I’ll make a snowman.
Tim: You do that.

Weather Unit 8

Comprehension Questions

1. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

2. Is Tim’s car prepared for snow?
3. What will Sue make?
4. Why doesn’t Tim like snow?
5. What does Sue say about the first snow?
6. What does Tim want Sue to do?

Activity 1 What do you like to do on

Ask your partner the questions below and write your partner’s answers.

What do you like to do….. I like to do….….

on a rainy day?

on a sunny day?

on a cold day?

on a snowy day?

on a windy day?

on a cloudy day?

Conversation Course Book 1 63

Unit 8 Weather

Conversation 2 Raining hard?

Jenny: It's raining.

Alex: Raining hard?
Jenny: Yes, it's pouring! Only a few minutes ago it was only
Alex: It should be a passing shower, then.
Jenny: Are we leaving on our trip tomorrow?
Alex: Yes, we are, weather permitting.
Jenny: You mean we're not going to leave if it rains?
Alex: Yeah. I hate to drive in the rain.

Comprehension Questions

1. How did the weather change?

2. What if the rain doesn’t stop?
3. What does Alex hate?

Activity 2 Forecasting Weather

Make a pair. Look at the weather related words and chart below. Try to make
weather report for next week. Then share the story with the class.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
sun, sunny
cloud, cloudy [Morning]
- sunny
rain, rainy (10 C°)
sunshine, shiny
snow, snowy
- light rain
rain, light, shower (3 C°)
cold, hot
warm, cool - cloudy
temperature (5 C°)

Weather Unit 8

Situational Practice
You and your partner are talking about the weather and the plan for a picnic this
weekend. Find out your partner’s picnic plan and the weather for the weekend.

When are you going to go on a picnic?

Who are you going with?
Where are you have in mind?
What will the weather be like during the weekend?

*Your partner’s picnic plan: Day: With whom: Where:


Reading In case of a thunderstorm

If there is a thunderstorm, it’s important to:
get into a building or a car.
protect windows with boards, shutters, or tape.
secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
not handle any electrical equipment or telephones
because lightening could follow the wire. Television
sets are particularly dangerous at this time.
avoid tall structures such as towers, tall trees, fences, telephone lines or power lines.
stay away from river, lakes, or other bodies of water.

Comprehension Questions

1. Where should we be during a thunderstorm?

2. What should we do about outdoor objects if there’s a thunderstorm?
3. What shouldn’t we touch during a thunderstorm?
4. What should we do if we are close to a body of water during a thunderstorm?

Conversation Course Book 1 65

Unit 8 Weather

Word with Idiomatic Uses Long

1. go a long way: be successful, make a career for oneself
Example Sentence) The new assistant manager seems to be very bright young
man. He should go a long way.
2. in the long run: over a long period of time
Example Sentence) We've had to put a lot of work into the improvements of the house,
but we're hoping that it will pay off in the long run.

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.
Overheard at a bar : “Last summer, it was so hot here, burglars broke into______-
conditioned apartments only.”

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

thunderstorm / secured / slippery / handle / shoveled / avoided

1. Warm, humid conditions are very favorable for _________ development.

2. The workmen _________ gravel onto the road.
3. Harry's palms were _________ with sweat.
4. The company _________ a $20 million contract.
5. We teach the children to _________ the animals gently.
6. Alan narrowly _________ an accident.

Grammar Exercise

Choose the right one in each sentence below.

1. I heard on TV it (snow / might snow) tomorrow.
2. If you like snow so (many / much), you can shovel the front walk.
3. Only a few minutes (before / ago) it was only drizzling.
4. You mean we're not going to leave if it (rains / will rain)?
5. If there’s a thunderstorm, it’s important to secure outdoor objects or bring (it /
them) indoors.

Shopping Unit 9

Unit Shopping
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ learn how to purchase items in different stores
+ know basic ways to buy things

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. What is your favorite store and why?

2. How often do you go shopping?
3. Do you usually prefer to shop online or offline?

Conversation Course Book 1 67

Unit 9 Shopping

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. May I help you? 1. I’m just looking around. Thanks.

2. Are you being helped? 2. No, I am not. I’m interested in some earings.

3. Can I try these on? 3. Yes. The fitting room is in the corner.

4. Can you come down with the price a little? 4. How about a 10% discount. That’s the best I

can offer.

5. It looks good on you. 5. But it doesn’t fit me.

6. Could you measure my neck? 6. Here you go. I’ll get you another bigger one.

7. I’ll take this. Could you wrap this up for me? 7. Sure. Is there anything I can get for you?

Conversation 1 How many do you have there?

Customer: Excuse me! Can I try these on?

Clerk: Sure. How many do you have there?
Customer: Two shirts and a pair of pants.
Clerk: Okay, right this way. Holler if you
need anything.
Customer: Thanks.
Clerk: How are you doing in there?
Customer: Fine, but could you get me a larger
size in these pants?
Clerk: Sure. I’ll be right back. Here you are.
Customer: Thanks.
Clerk: So, how did you do?
Customer: The pants just didn’t fit right, but I’ll
take the shirts.
Clerk: Wonderful. I’ll ring them up for you.

Shopping Unit 9

Comprehension Questions

1. What store are they in?

2. What does the customer want to do first?
3. What does the customer buy?
4. What does the clerk want the customer to do if he needs anything?
5. What does the customer ask the clerk to do?
6. What problem does the customer have with the pants?

Activity 1 Buying a shirt

With your partner, one will be a customer and the other is a sales clerk. The
customer chooses a shirt and tries to buy the shirt at a discounted price. Reverse the
roles and fill out the chart below.


A: H ow much is the blue

B: It’s $30.
A: That’s kind of expensive.
$30 / blue / silk / small 35$ / white/polyester / middle What’s it made from?
B: It’s made from silk.
T-shirt color Bargained price A: OK. I’d like to buy that if
you give me a 10%
Your partner

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Unit 9 Shopping

Conversation 2 I need a dinette set

Clerk: May I help you?

Customer: Yes. I need a dinette set.
Clerk: How do you like this one? It’s only $699. It’s on
Customer: This is out of my price range.
Clerk: What price range do you have in mind?
Customer: Around four hundred dollars.
Clerk: All right, ma’am. How about this one, then?
Customer:  T hat looks all right. Does the price include
delivery and installation charges?
Clerk: Yes, it does.

Comprehension Questions

1. What kind of store are they in?

2. About how much does the customer want to spend for a dinette set?
3. What is included in the price of the dinette set?

Activity 2 Do you have....?

Talk to different classmates. Find somone who answers “Yes” to your “Do you
have…..?” question. Write the person’s name and ask two more questions in the
box. You should write your own second question in the box first.

Example Q1. How much was it(were they)?

A: Do you have a heavy coat? Q2.

B: Yes, I do.
A: How much was it?
B: It was 40,000 won.
A: Where did you buy it?
B: I bought it at Hyundai Department Store.

Shopping Unit 9

Find someone who has… Name Q1 Q2

A coffeemaker
A vacuum
A toaster
A humidifier
A leather jacket
A cowboy hat
An answering machine
A dish washer

Situational Practice
You and your partner are in a home appliance store. One person is a customer and
the other person is a clerk. Find out what item your partner wants to buy and the
price of the item.

Example sentences

I need a TV set.
How do you like this one?
What price range do you have in mind?
Does the price include delivery and installation charges?

*The item your partner wants to buy: *Price of the item:

Reading Let's Go Shopping!

Famous shopping streets in US
Rodeo Drive & Beverly Hills' Golden
Triangle (California) -- Everyone knows
about Rodeo Drive, the city's most famous
shopping street. Couture shops from high
fashion's Old Guard are located along
these 3 hallowed blocks, along with plenty
of newer high-end labels.
Union Square (New York) -- The hottest shopping/eating/hanging-out neighborhood in
the city may be Union Square. Of course, the beating heart of Union Square is the 4-days-a-
week Greenmarket, the biggest farmers' market in the city.

Conversation Course Book 1 71

Unit 9 Shopping

Here are few useful expressions while you are shopping;

1. Can we go to the mall or a department store? 7. Loose-fitting clothes are much more comfortable.
2. Where can I find a cheaper one? 8. Wow! I feel like a million dollars! What do you think?
3. Which clothes are on sale? - Everything is on sale. 9. Three for fifty. / Two for one.
4. I don't think that's your color. 10. Can I get a refund for this dress?
5. Do you have it in my size? 11. Can I try on this shirt?
6. Can I try some other skirt on? 12. I'll pay for credit card.  

This is the time for final markdowns on spring clothes.
 t the end of the summer, garden supplies go on sale. This is a good time to buy plants
and outdoor furniture.
 he first big sales of fall clothing begin in October. Don’t get too excited, because prices
will get a lot cheaper in January.

Comprehension Questions

1. Where are two famous shopping streets in US?

2. Which states are those streets located?
3. What are some useful expressions in shopping?
4. If you have chance to visit one of the streets in US, which one would you like to go?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Short

1. at short notice: with warning, shortly before something has to be done etc.
Example Sentence) You can't expect me to translate ten pages of a difficult
contract at such short notice.
2. in short: briefly, in a few words, in summary
Example Sentence)The weather was good, the hotel was first rate, and we had
lots of fun. In short,
the holiday was most enjoyable.

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Teacher: ” What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer
Student: “A__________.”

Shopping Unit 9

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

range / installation / delivery / includes / fits / markdown/ supplies

1. The uniform _______ her perfectly.

2. Do you have to pay extra for _______ ?
3. We're offering a 10%_______ on selected items.
4. We have toys suitable for children in the pre-school age _______ .
5. We get two _______ of mail a day.
6. The refugees are urgently in need of food and medical _______ .
7. The bill _______ tax and service.

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. Excuse me. Can I try on these?

2. The pant just didn’t fit right, but I’ll take the shirts.
3. How do you like this one? It’s only $699. It’s for sale.
4. Do the price include delivery and installation charges?
5. Smart shoppers know that “off-season” clothes are 60-80% fewer than the original

Conversation Course Book 1 73

Unit 9 Shopping


Paying & Getting a Refund Unit 10

Paying & Getting

Unit a Refund
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ deal with the cashier at the cash register
+ discuss reasons and procedures for returning

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. Do you usually prefer to use cash or credit card? Why?

2. Have you ever gotten a refund? Why and what was the item?
3. When you go on a date, do you prefer to treat him/her, or to go Dutch?

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Unit 10 Paying & Getting a Refund

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. How much do I owe you? 1. It comes to $56 including the tax.

2. Can I pay by credit card? 2. I’m afraid we only take cash.

3. Do you want to pay in full? 3. No, I’ll pay in three installments.

4. I’d like a refund on this. 4. Do you have the receipt with you?

5. What’s wrong with it? 5. There’s a huge tear in this shirt.

6. How can I help you, ma’am? 6. I’d like to exchange this black jacket for a

blue one.

Conversation 1 Sir, I can take you over here at this register

Cashier: Sir, I can take you over here at this

Customer: Oh, thanks. It’s busy in here today.
Cashier: Yes, it is. Is this all?
Customer: Yeah, just a tie and a belt.
Cashier: Okay, your total comes to $27.98. Will
that be cash or charge?
Customer: Do you take personal checks?
Cashier: No, I’m sorry, we don’t.
Customer: Oh, well. How about Visa? Do you take
Cashier: We certainly do. Thank you. Sign right
here, please.
Customer: Do I keep the yellow copy?
Cashier: Yes, that one’s yours. Thank you and
have a nice day.

Paying & Getting a Refund Unit 10

Comprehension Questions

1. How is the customer paying?

2. Who keeps the yellow copy?
3. What does the customer buy?
4. How much should the customer pay?
5. What doesn’t the store accept?

Activity 1 Buying a shirt

Think about an item you bought recently and fill out Table A. Ask your partner
questions to fill out Table B.

Table A: What I bought Table B: What my partner bought

Item: Item:
Price: Price:
Cash or charge: Cash or charge:
Satisfied or not: Satisfied or not:

Conversation 2 I'd like to return these soup bowls

Cashier: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I’d like to return these soup bowls.
Cashier: What’s your reason for returning them?
Customer: T hey were a wedding present. We got the
same bowl set from two different people.
Cashier: I see. Do you have the receipt?
Customer: Yes. Here it is.
Cashier: Okay. I can’t offer you a refund, but I can give
you store credit.
Customer: I’d really rather have a refund.
Cashier: I’m sorry, it’s the store’s policy.
Customer: I understand.
Cashier: Why don’t you take a look at our home
furnishings department?
Customer: Alright, I’ll do that.

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Unit 10 Paying & Getting a Refund

Comprehension Questions

1. Why does the customer want to return the soup bowls?

2. What does the cashier ask the customer for?
3. Why can’t the customer get a refund?

Activity 2 Survive a week!

Suppose you have only 12 dollars to live for a week. What would you buy from the
list below with that money to survive for a week? Create your shopping list and take
turns asking why your partner wants to buy the items on his/her list.

Dairy Case Meat Case

A bottle of fat-free (skim) milk / $1.00 600grams of white meat chicken (skin off) /
A container of low-fat cottage cheese / $1.00 $4.00 per
A container of fat-free cottage cheese / $1.50 600grams of fish (not battered) / $4.00
600grams of beef, round or sirloin / $5.00

Breads, Muffins, and Rolls Fruit

Bread, bagels, or pita bread / $2.00 An apple / $0.50
A small bag of English muffins / $3.00 A banana / $0.50
A big bag of yeast bread / $4.00 A peach / $0.50
An orange / $0.50
A pear / $1.00

Shopping list

*What to eat for a week

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Paying & Getting a Refund Unit 10

Situational Practice
You and your partner are in a home appliance store. One is a customer and the other
is a cashier. The customer wants to return a TV, but the store only allows exchange.
Talk with your partner using the expressions in the box.

Example sentences

I’d like to return this TV.

What’s your reason for returning it?
Do you have the receipt?
I can’t offer you a refund, but we can exchange it for another item.
I’d really rather have a refund.

Reading What you should do before you buy an item

Check out the item carefully.
Don't buy something if it looks like someone
smashed it with a hammer. Also be on the look out
for more subtle signs that the item may be broken.
Make sure the packaging is not damaged and still
has the factory seal.

Ask about the refund or cancellation policy.

Most states require stores to post their return
policies by the cash register or print it on the receipt.
Make sure you know what the policy is, and stay
within the time limit if you decide to return the item.
Service contracts, usually give consumers a three
day right to cancel.

Get a receipt
You'll need it to prove that you actually paid the company. Don't buy anything without
getting a receipt. If you spend more than $100.00, you are entitled to an itemized receipt in
some states – get one!

Comprehension Questions

1. What kind of packing should you avoid buying?

2. What should customers make sure about the item they’re buying?
3. Within how many days can the customer cancel?
4. What do customers need to do to prove that they paid the company?

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Unit 10 Paying & Getting a Refund

Word with Idiomatic Uses Thick

1. have / grow a thick skin: become insensitive to criticism, rebuke, reproach; not
be hurt by these.
Example Sentence) As a politician in the public eye, you quickly learn to grow thick skin
2. lay / pie it on thick: (informal) exaggerate, especially when praising or criticizing
Example Sentence) John gave a good talk at the conference, but Dawson was
piling it on thick when he spoke of "an unforgettable experience."

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Teacher : “Why are you late for class again?”

Betty : “The boy who was following me walked very ________ .”

Paying & Getting a Refund Unit 10

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

returned/ smashed / policy / personal / subtle / offered / require

1. She has her own _________ secretary.

2. Firemen had to _________ the lock to get in.
3. They _________ him a very good job, but he turned it down.
4. The pictures are similar, but there are _________ differences between them.
5. The new TV broke so they _________ it to the shop.
6. What is your party's _________ on immigration?
7. Campbell's broken leg will probably _________ surgery.

Grammar Exercise

Choose the right one in each sentence below.

1. Your total comes to $27.98. Will that (is / be) cash or charge?
2. Do I keep the yellow copy? Yes, that one’s (your / yours).
3. We got the same bowl set from two different (people / peoples).
4. I’d really rather (have / to have) a refund.
5. If you spend more than $100.00, you (entitled / are entitled) to an itemized receipt
in some states.

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Unit 10 Paying & Getting a Refund


Looking for Places Unit 11

Unit Looking for Places

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+  xpress the way to find out the location of places in the community
+ ask and give directions to others

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. Are you good with directions?

2. When you are lost, is it easy for you to ask others for directions?
3. What are few advantages and disadvantages of a Navigation System?

Conversation Course Book 1 83

Unit 11 Looking for Places

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. Is there a Laundromat nearby? 1. There’s Laundromat on LKH Street, across

from the movie theater.

2. Can you show me the way to the library? 2. Pass the park on the left. Then turn right. It's

the second building on the left.

3. C ould you tell me how to get the bus 3. Walk that way. The bus station is on the

station? right, next to the museum.

4. C an you show me the directions to the 4. Drive that way three miles. Then take the

Lincoln Memorial? East Side Expressway and get off at Exit 12.

5. Is there a clinic in this neighborhood? 5. There is a clinic between the post office and

the drug store.

6. Does this bus go to Westville? 6. No, it doesn’t. You’re on the wrong bus!

Conversation 1 You look lost. Can I help you?

Robert: You look lost. Can I help you?

Mandy: Oh yes, thank you. I could use some
Robert: Where are you trying to go?
Mandy: I’m trying to get to Kangnam Station.
Robert: Well, you have two choices.
Mandy: Yes?
Robert: You can get on the green line here
and just stay on it.
Mandy: Or?
Robert: Or you can get on the orange line here and transfer at Kyodae Station.
Mandy: Transfer to the green line, you mean?
Robert: Right. That’s what I would do, if I were you.
Mandy: Thanks for your help.

Looking for Places Unit 11

Comprehension Questions

1. What’s the problem with Mandy?

2. Where is Mandy trying to go?
3. On what subway line is Kangnam Station?
4. How many ways are there for Mandy to get to Kangnam Station?
5. What does Mandy have to do if she gets on the orange line?
6. How would Robert go to Kangnam Station?

Activity 1 What does your bedroom look like?

Draw your bedroom in the box. Pair up and describe it to your partner so that s/he can
draw it in the next box and change the roles. Then compare the pictures with each other.


The door is on the bottom left of the bedroom. The bed is in the middle of the room.
The desk is attached to the wall on the right. There’s a small window on the upper
right of the room.

My room My partner’s room

Conversation 2 Can you please tell me how to get to the museum?

Keith: Excuse me. Can you please tell me how to get the museum?
Linda: Yes. Walk that way to Second Avenue and turn
Keith: Uh-huh.
Linda: Then, go two blocks to Grove Street.
Keith: Okay.
Linda: Then, turn left on Grove Street and look for the
museum on the right. Have you got that?
Keith: Yes. Thank you very much.

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Unit 11 Looking for Places

Comprehension Questions

1. Where does Linda have to turn left?

2. How far does Linda have to walk from Second Avenue to Grove Street?
3. On which side of Linda will the museum be?

Activity 2 How can I get to.....?

You are at Point A. Select two places you want to go to. Then ask your partner for
directions to those locations one by one. Reverse roles.

Post Laundromat

office Drug
2nd St.
1st St.


Alexander Ave.

Movie shop
2nd St.
1st St.


Lincoln Ave..

store Clinic
2nd St.

2nd St.

Looking for Places Unit 11

Situational Practice
With your partner, practice the short conversations using the expressions in the box.

left right
next to across from

A: Where’s the parking garage? B: It’s on the ______ .

A: How do I get to the bank? B: Walk that way. It’s on the ______ , __________ the clinic.
A: Where’s the movie theater? B: It’s on the ______ , __________ the train station.
A: How do I get to the drug store? B: Walk that way. It’s on the______ , __________ the
police station.
A: Where’s the __________ ? B: __________________________________________________
A: Where’s the __________ ? B: __________________________________________________

Reading How to get Lorentz Center

How to get to the Lorentz Center from Leiden train station by bus
For the bus station near Leiden train station, leave
the train station by the exit marked for the town
center. You will see the bus station immediately at
your right. You board bus No. 57. This leaves from
the station every half an hour and the trip takes
about 5 - 10 minutes. Make sure that you board the
bus for the correct direction.
Get off the bus at the stop called "Snellius" just
before a sharp bend in the road to the right. The
Oort building is the grey slanted building in front of you. The Lorentz Center occupies the
3rd floor of the Oort building, a slanted building of 5 floors next to the Huygens laboratory,
a tall cubic-like building, in the Bio-science park.

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Unit 11 Looking for Places

Comprehension Questions

1. By which exit should you leave Leiden train station to go to the bus station?
2. How long does it take for a bus to get to the Lorentz Center?
3. What is the Oort building like?
4. What is located next to the Oort building?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Thin

1. from nowhere: from nowhere
Example Sentence) The story I told you about Roger didn't just come from thin air,
you know. There's some truth in it.
2. a thin excuse: an unconvincing excuse
Example Sentence) So you couldn't find your pen. Isn't that a rather thin excuse
for not doing your homework?

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

"We are going to move. We're gonna live in a better neighborhood."

"So are we."
"Oh, are you also moving?"
"No, we're _________ here."

Looking for Places Unit 11

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

transferred / get / slanted /marked / blocks / immediately / occupied

1. The ________ fence must be charged in winter or else the snow may pull it down.
2. The telephone rang, and he answered it ________.
3. What time does he normally ________ home (from work)?
4. I've ________ the pages you need to look at.
5. After a year he ________ to University College, Dublin.
6. The museum is just six ________ away.
7. He ________ the house without paying any rent.

Grammar Exercise

Find and correct the wrong parts in the sentences below.

1. You can get on the green line here and just stay on them.
2. You can get on the orange line here and transfer at the Kyodae Station.
3. To walk that way to Second Avenue and turn right.
4. Then, turn left on Grove Street and look for the museum on the right. Did you got
5. For the bus station near Leiden train station, leave the train station by the exit
marking for the town center.

Conversation Course Book 1 89

Unit 11 Looking for Places


Health Unit 12

Unit Health
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+ tell about an experience with a health problem
+ compare and contrast good and bad health practices

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. Are you health conscious?

2. What do you do to stay healthy?
3. How do you usually get rid of your stress?

Conversation Course Book 1 91

Unit 12 Health

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. You don’t look very well. Are you feeling OK? 1. No. I feel dizzy and light-headed.

2. I think I’m coming down with a cold. 2. I’m feeling under the weather myself, too.

3. Are you allergic to cats? 3. Yeah. Their hair makes me cough.

4. He shouldn’t eat too much greasy food. 4. I agree. He’s going to be so out of shape.

5. I see some bruises on his arms and legs. 5. He had a fight with his friend. And he also

What happened to him? has a sprain and a small cut.

6. Your eyes are blood shot. What’s the matter 6. I ’ve been up all night preparing for the

with you? exams today.

Conversation 1 You should be in bed at home

Joan: Hi, Craig! How are you?

Craig: Not so good. I have a terrible cold.
Joan: Really? That’s too bad! You should be at
home in bed. It’s really important to get a lot
of rest.
Craig: Yeah, you’re right.
Joan: And have you taken anything for it?
Craig: No, I haven’t.
Joan: Well, it’s sometimes helpful to eat garlic soup.
Just chop up a whole head of garlic and cook
it in chicken stock. Try it! It really works!
Craig: Yuck! That sounds awful!

Health Unit 12

Comprehension Questions

1. Why is Craig feeling not so good?

2. Has Craig taken any medicine?
3. What does Joan recommend Craig to eat?
4. What does Joan advise Craig to do?
5. What does the man agree on?
6. What does Craig think about what Joan’s recommendation?

Activity 1 Health problems

Choose several piece of good advice for each problem. Then take turns asking and


A: I’ve got a sore throat.

B: It’s a good idea to get some medicine from the drug store and it’s important to
drink lots of liquids.

1. sore throat 2. a cough 3. a fever 4. a toothache 5. a bad headache
6. a burn 7. the flu

a. take some vitamin C b. put some ointment on it c. drink a lot of liquids
d. go to bed and rest e. put a heating pad on it f. put it under cold water
g. take some aspirin h. see a dentist i. get some medicine

Conversation Course Book 1 93

Unit 12 Health

Conversation 2 That's because you're overweight

Doctor: How are you, Albert?

Albert: Not very well, Doctor. I feel tired all the
Doctor: You should get more sleep.
Albert: I get plenty of sleep. But I don’t seem to
have any energy.
Doctor: That’s because you’re overweight. You
shouldn’t eat so much.
Albert: You mean I should go on a diet?
Doctor: T hat’s right. And also you should
exercise more.
Albert: Well, I guess I have no other choices.

Comprehension Questions

1. Is Albert thin?
2. What does Albert feel nowadays?
3. What are the two things that doctor recommends Albert to do?

Health Unit 12

Activity 2 Ask Uncle Pete

With a partner, read and discuss this letter. Think of some advice to Angelina and
write a reply from Uncle Pete. Share the letter with the class.

Dear Uncle Pete,

Hello, How are you today?
I hope you are doing well.
Uncle Pete, the reason that I am writing
this letter is because of my father. As you
know, he's in hospital for his lung cancer
which cost my family a lot of money. My
mother said we had not much money left
and cried.
I don't know what to do!
Please help my family.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you,
Best regards,

Situational Practice
With your partner, one will be a teacher and the other is a student. The student doesn’t
feel good today and wants to stay home. So, s/he tells the teacher the symptoms and the
teacher gives him/her some advice.

Example sentences

I’m not feeling well, so I’d like to stay home, please.

What seems to be the problem?
I have a headache and a fever.
You should take some aspirin and see a doctor.

Conversation Course Book 1 95

Unit 12 Health

Reading How to exercise in a fun way

We are all different in our likes and dislikes and,
therefore, exercise in different ways. It is important that
you find an activity that is enjoyable and accessible for

Here are a few fun ways to exercise.

Twirl a Hula-Hoop: It's a great ab toner and heart-rate raiser
Make cookies from scratch. Instead of the cui sin art, use a wooden spoon, it takes major
arm strength
Play with toys: Get colorful exercise balls, bands and weight that you'll want to use.

Comprehension Questions

1. Why do people exercise in different ways?

2. What kind of activity should we find for ourselves?
3. What are some fun ways to exercise?
4. How is making cookies be a fun way to exercise?

Word with Idiomatic Uses End

1. at the end of the day: when one has considered everything
Example Sentence) I know Chris has his fault, but at the end of the day he's the
only man who can do his job properly.
2. in the end: finally, at last, after other things have happened
Example Sentence) Ruth didn't want to chair the committee, but at the end we
were able to pursuade her.

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Overheard at a hospital waiting room : “I had an operation and the doctor left a
sponge in my stomach.”
“Got any pain?” “No, but I get _______ all the

Health Unit 12

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

overweight / shape / accessible / chop up / single / commercial / awful

1. The resort is easily ________ by road, rail and air.

2. I've got to get into ________ before summer.
3. Can you ________ some carrots for me?
4. You haven't been listening to a ________ word I've been saying.
5. The last six months have been ________ for her.
6. For some reason I like the soap powder ________ .
7. Sally was fifty pounds ________ .

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. Well, it’s sometimes helpful to eating garlic soup.

2. Just chop up a whole head of garlic and cook it in chicken stock. Try it! It really
3. I get plenty of sleep. But I don’t seem have any energy.
4. That’s because of you’re overweight. You shouldn’t eat so much.
5. Consider using an exercise bicycle in your living room while watch your favorite

Conversation Course Book 1 97

Unit 12 Health


Good News Unit 13

Unit Good News

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+  now how to express happiness
+ share the happiest moment with others

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1.What was the most recent good news for you?

2. When you look back the past, which was the happiest news that you've heard?
3. What kinds of things make you happy?

Conversation Course Book 1 99

Unit 13 Good News

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. You keep smiling. What’s going on? 1. I ’m going to be a father. My wife got


2. Guess what? I have passed the test! 2. Congratulations. That calls for a toast!

3. Can you believe she accepted my proposal? 3. That’s great news. I’m so happy for you.

4. Honey, I won the lottery! 4. You must be kidding!

5. The good news is that tomorrow will be fine 5. That’s good to know. We’ll have a lot of fun

and sunny. during the trip.

6. I’m glad to get the exams over with. 6. Me, too. Let’s paint the town red tonight!

Conversation 1 No wonder you're happy

Sydney: Hello, Andre!

Andre: You seem to be in a good mood.
Sydney: Is it that obvious?
Andre: Well, you are grinning from ear to ear.
Sydney: So I am.
Andre: Your smile is blinding me! Turn it off.
Sydney: I can’t help it. I swear, I’m on cloud
nine right now.
Andre: Are you going to tell me why?
Sydney: My new product idea won top prize!
Andre: No wonder you’re happy.
Sydney: Happy? Happy doesn’t even cover it.
I’m ecstatic!
Andre: Well, let me be the first to congratulate


Good News Unit 13

Comprehension Questions

1. How does Sydney feel now?

2. How does Andre know she is in a good mood?
3. What makes Sydney so happy?
4. Did Sydney tell about her prize-winning to anybody else besides Andre?
5. Find all the words that describe Sydney’s happiness.

Activity 1 Happiest moment

With your partner, title the pictures and ask the questions below.

1. Which people in the three pictures look the happiest?

2. Which situation would make you the happiest?
3. Which picture of people do you think has the longest story to share about their happiest
4. If something good happens to you, who will you tell first?

Conversation Course Book 1 101

Unit 13 Good News

Conversation 2 Tired, but happy

Richard: How do you feel?

Olivia: Tired. Tired, but happy.
Richard: It doesn’t hurt?
Olivia: Not anymore. And anyway, it
was all worth it.
Richard: She’s so beautiful! I can hardly
believe I’m a father.
Olivia: And I’m a mother! Wow!
Richard: T hank goodness you’re both
Olivia: Ten fingers, ten toes, and the
lungs of an opera singer. She sure sounds healthy!
Richard: That’s for sure. And look at you. You’re positively glowing.
Olivia: Glowing? I just gave birth. I’m sure I look horrible.
Richard: You’ve never looked more beautiful to me.

Comprehension Questions

1. Why is Olivia tired?

2. Is the baby a boy or a girl?
3. How many kids do Oliva and Richard have now?


Good News Unit 13

Activity 2 Picture drawing and describing

Decide your news story you want to share. Draw a picture about it. Then show the
picture to your group members. The group members should ask questions to find out
what the picture is about.


Where are you in the picture?

What are you doing in the picture?
How old were you?

Situation Practice
With your partner, one is a reporter and the other is a lottery winner. The reporter
asks various questions to the lottery winner.

Example sentences

How do you feel?

I can hardly believe I won the lottery.
What are you going to do with all the money?
I’m going to donate some of it to charity.

Conversation Course Book 1 103

Unit 13 Good News

Reading What makes you happy?

I replaced my black cycle helmet with a bright pink
one. People used to look a bit scared when I cycled
up to them. Now the sight of a fat lady on a bike
makes them smile.
Sue, Wales

I'm a 49-year-old company director with far too

much to worry me. I went for a mind-clearing walk
through a wood the other day and, in a clearing, I
spotted a home-made swing slung from the high
branches of an old oak tree. After a quick check to be
sure no one was watching, I got on board and had the
best 10 minutes of fun I've had all year. I left feeling
astonishingly happier. I hope it's still there this
Neil Hardie, Scotland

Comprehension Questions

1. What did Sue do to make people smile?

2. What does Neil Hardie do?
3. What did Neil Hardie find in a clearing while walking?
4. What does Neil Hardie hope to find this weekend?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Line

1. the bottom line: the essential result / outcome / conclusion of a matter; the sum
of money that has paid, etc.
Example Sentence) No explanations, please, just give me the bottom line.
How much did we lose the deal?
2. read between the lines: understand or sense more than the actual words say;
have insight
Example Sentence) She didn't tell me directly, but reading between the lines I
think she intends to settle in Canada.


Good News Unit 13

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Two friends met on the street. “Long time no see, Jack. You are on crutches. What
happened?” “A car accident.” “When did it happen?” “Oh, about two months ago.”
“And you still have to use crutches?” “Well, my doctor says I could walk without them,
but my _______ says I can't.”

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

grinning / covered / ecstatic / replacing / worth / horrible / obvious / glowing

1. Dan _________ his face with his hands.

2. It's _________ that she doesn't like him.
3. The red tip of his cigarette was_________ in the dark.
4. The new president was greeted by an _________ crowd.
5. He walked out of the pool, _________ widely.
6. The weather has been really _________ all week.
7. Do you know how much the ring is_________ ?
8. I'm _________ Sue on the team.

Grammar Exercise

Choose the right one in each sentence below.

1. Your smile is blinding me! Turn (it/them) off.

2. Well, let me be the first (who / to) congratulate you.
3. She sure sounds (healthy/healthily)!
4. People (used/was used) to look a bit scared when I cycled up to them.
5. I'm a 49-year-old company director with far (too/so) much to worry me.

Conversation Course Book 1 105

Unit 13 Good News



Asking for Information Unit 14

Unit Asking for Information

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+  now how to ask the right questions
+ get the information you’d like to know

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions
1. W
 hen a stranger asks you something, would you willing to answer kindly?
2. When you need to ask stranger information, do you feel comfortable or feel
3. While you are in abroad, how do you get information that you need?

Conversation Course Book 1 107

Unit 14 Asking for Information

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. Would you mind if ask you some questions 1. Not at all. Go ahead.

about the exhibition?

2. D id you say you know a lot of business 2. Yes. Are you interested in meeting some of

men? them?

3. I was wondering when the concert starts. 3. It starts right after the movie play.

4. C ould you tell me where your office is 4. It’s located right in the center of the town.


5. Can you tell me how long the bus ride will 5. It’ll take at least 30 minutes, so it’s a good

take to get to the City Hall? idea to have something to listen to for the


6. May I ask how many tickets to the movie 6. The tickets are almost sold out, so you’d

are available? better hurry.

Conversation 1 How high are the mountains?

Jeff: I’m going to Australia next year. Aren’t

you from Australia, Beth?
Beth: Actually, I am from New Zealand.
Jeff: Oh, I didn’t know that. So what’s it like
Beth: Oh, it’s beautiful. It has lots of farms, and
it’s very mountainous.
Jeff: Really? How high are the mountains?
Beth: Well, the highest one is Mount Cook. It’s
about 3,800 meters high.
Jeff: Hmm. How far is New Zealand from Australia?
Beth: Well, I live in Auckland, and Auckland is about 2,000 kilometers from Sydney.
Jeff: Well, maybe I should visit you next year, too!


Asking for Information Unit 14

Comprehension Questions

1. Where is Beth from?

2. Where does Beth live?
3. How far is Auckland from Sydney?
4. Where did Jeff think Beth was from?
5. According to Beth, how is New Zealand?
6. What does Jeff want to do next year?

Activity 1 Quiz show

Make a pair. One is a show host and the other is a participant in a quiz show. The
show host asks the questions below and the participant answers the questions.
Refer to the boxes.
1. A: _________ is Mount Baekdu? Show host
B: Mount Baekdu is __________________ . How long/big/warm/high……?
2. A: _________ is Seoul?
B: Seoul is __________________.
3. A: _________ is the Han River?
605.52 square kilometers
B: The Han River is ___________ .
514 kilometers long
4. A: _________ is Daegu in summer?
2744 meters
B: I n summer Daegu gets up to about
40 degrees Celsius

Conversation 2 Could you tell me where the bank is?

Helen: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the

bank is?
Clerk: There’s one upstairs, across from the duty-
free shop.
Helen: Do you know what time it opens?
Clerk: It should be open now. It opens at 8:00 A.M.
Helen: Oh, good. And can you tell me how often
the buses leave for the city?
Clerk: You need to check at the transportation
counter. It’s right down the hall.
Helen: OK. And just one more thing. Do you know where the rest rooms are?
Clerk: Right behind you. Do you see where that sign is?
Helen: Oh, Thanks a lot.

Conversation Course Book 1 109

Unit 14 Asking for Information

Comprehension Questions

1. Where is the duty-free shop?

2. Where should Helen go to find out the bus schedule?
3. Where are the rest rooms?

Activity 2 Play schedule

Work in pairs. One is a box office clerk and the other is a manager of the box office.
The box office clerk accidentally erased some information of the play schedule
below. So, the clerk calls the manager to find out the erased information and the
manager gives the clerk the missing information using the information on page 113.
The clerk uses Table A and the manger uses Table B.

Play A: Antony and Cleopatra Play B: Julius Caesar

Date Time Date Time
Tuesday, October 24 7:30 pm _______, October 27 7:30 pm
_______, October 25 7:30 pm Saturday, October 28 _______
Saturday, October 28 _______ Sunday, October 29 1:30 pm
Saturday, November 4 7:30 pm Friday, November 3 1:30 pm
Wednesday, _______ 7:30 pm Saturday, November 4 _______
Thursday, November 9 _______ Thursday, _______ 7:30 pm


I accidentally erased some information for the plays information. Could you help
What information do you have missing?
What day is October 28?
What is the play time for November 4?
I want to know the last play date of Julius Caesar.


Asking for Information Unit 14

Situational Practice
With your partner, one is an information clerk and the other is a tourist at Seoul
Express Bus Terminal. Find out where the tourist is going, her bus schedule, and
boarding gate.

Example sentences

Is there a bus that goes to Jindo?

Could you tell me where the bus leaves?
Could you tell me how often the bus leaves?
Do you know how much the bus fare is?
Can you tell me when the next bus is available?

Reading What makes you happy?

It is important to ask the right questions to get the
right answers and therefore the right results. Wrong
questions turn your focus away from what you want
and towards more of what you don’t want. And since
we ask and answer mental questions every day, our
questions produce great power over our results. Here
is an example of a bad question vs. a good question at
the end of a workday.
Bad: Is this a good time to stop? Can I finish this tomorrow?
Good: What’s next? How much more can I get done today?
Good questions keep you focused on solutions, on what you can control. When you focus
on what you can do, you avoid falling into analysis paralysis. Ultimately the way out of any
negative situation is right thinking. Wrong thinking leads you in circles. Right thinking
leads to action.

Comprehension Questions

1. Why is asking right questions important?

2. What could possibly happen after wrong questions?
3. What do good questions help you do?
4. What’s the difference in the result between wrong thinking and right thinking?

Conversation Course Book 1 111

Unit 14 Asking for Information

Word with Idiomatic Uses Mind

1. be out of one's mind: recall something to one's memory
Example Sentence) The name sounds familiar to me, but I just can't call her face to mind.
2. cross one's mind: (a thought, idea) occur to someone
Example Sentence) "Perhaps Sandra would like to go to the art exhibition with us.
Shall we ask her?" "Yes, the thought has crossed my mind as well."

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

“What did you get for Christmas?”

“A harmonica. It's the best present I ever got.”
“My mom gives me a dollar a week not to _________ it.”

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

result / paralysis / ultimately / negative / mental /

transportation / focus / analysis / lead to

1. His broken leg is the direct _________ of his own carelessness.

2. His physical and _________ health had gotten worse.
3. He needs to _________ more on his career.


Asking for Information Unit 14

4. The snake's poison causes _________ .

5. You're so _________ about everything!
6. Further _________ of the data is needed.
7. _________ , he'll have to decide.
8. The city needs to improve its public _________.
9. A degree in English could _________ a career in journalism.

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. I’m going to Australia next year. Don’t you from Australia, Beth?
2. The highest one is Mount Cook. It’s about 3,800 meters highly.
3. Can you tell to me how often the buses leave for the city?
4. Do you know where are the rest rooms?
5. Wrong questions turn your focus away from what you want and towards more of
that you don’t want.

Table B. Box office manger

Play A: Antony and Cleopatra Play B: Julius Caesar
Date Time Date Time
Tuesday, October 24 7:30 pm Friday, October 27 7:30 pm
Saturday, October 25 7:30 pm Saturday, October 28 1:30 pm
Saturday, October 28 7:30 pm Sunday, October 29 1:30 pm
Saturday, November 4 7:30 pm Friday, November 3 1:30 pm
Wednesday, November 8 7:30 pm Saturday, November 4 1:30 pm
Thursday, November 9 1:30 pm Thursday, November 9 7:30 pm

Conversation Course Book 1 113

Unit 14 Asking for Information



At a Restaurant Unit 15

Unit At a Restaurant
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+  rder a meal in a restaurant
+ read a menu and order at a fast food restaurant

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. Do you enjoy cooking?

2. How often do you eat out?
3. What do you think about light eating? Many experts say light eating is
healthier way to lead your life. Do you agree with them?

Conversation Course Book 1 115

Unit 15 At a Restaurant

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. May I take your order? 1. Yes, please.

2. What would you like, sir? 2. I’d like to have a bulgogi.

3. I ’d like to have a hejangkook. Hold the 3. OK, ma’am. Don’t worry.

bones, please.

4. How would you like your egg? 4. Sunny-side up, please!

5. Let me have a hotdog and a small coke, 5. A ll right, sir. Would you like it with the

please. works?

6. Any restaurant you frequent around here? 6. Yes. There’s a Korean restaurant around that


Conversation 1 What else would you recommend?

Waitress: May I take your order, sir?

Daniel: Sure. What’s your specialty?
Waitress: Galbee.
Daniel: What is it?
Waitress: It’s marinated short ribs broiled right
on your table.
Daniel: Sounds interesting. Let me try it.
Waitress: What else would like, sir?
Daniel: What else would you recommend?
Waitress: Do you like shrimp?
Daniel: Yes.
Waitress: W e have very fresh shrimp today.
How about some fried shrimp?
Daniel: Sounds all right.
Waitress: Would you like anything to drink?
Daniel: Bring some Korean beer.
Waitress: All right, sir.


At a Restaurant Unit 15

Comprehension Questions

1. What did Daniel order?

2. Which seafood does the waitress recommend to him?
3. What drink does Daniel order?
4. How is Juksuk bulgogi cooked?
5. Why does Daniel decide to try Juksuk bulgogi?

Activity 1 Ordering at a restaurant

Look at the menu. And with your partner, take turns ordering food.


A: Are you ready to order, ma’am?

B: Yes, I’d like to have soup of the day for an appetizer and Chicken in a white wine
sauce as an entrée.
A: What would you like to order anything from side orders?
B: No, thanks. Just give me some mineral water.

Disney Hotel Menu

Appetizers Entrees Side orders Beverage
Soup of the day Charbroiled 16 oz. steak Side salad Mineral water
Cheese sticks Chicken in a white wine sauce Green beans Orange juice
Melon with ham Roast beef French fries Soft drinks

* Your partner’s order:

Conversation Course Book 1 117

Unit 15 At a Restaurant

Conversation 2 Welcome to Burger Town

Clerk: Welcome to Burger Town. May I help you?

John: Yes. I’d like a hamburger and an order of French
Clerk: Do you want anything to drink with that?
John: Yes. I’ll have a cup of coffee.
Clerk: OK. That’s a hamburger, an order of French fries,
and a cup of coffee. Is that for here or to go?
John: For here.
Clerk: That comes to three dollars and thirteen cents ($3.
13), please.
John: Here you are.
Clerk: And here’s your change. Your food will be ready in
a moment.

Comprehension Questions

1. What did John order?

2. Where is John going to eat?
3. How much is John’s order?

Activity 2 Ordering at a fast food restaurant

With your partner, looking at the menu below, create a conversation together.

Burgers Sandwiches Side Orders Salads

Hamburger 2.10 Steak 3.50 French Fries 1.50 – 2.50 Garden 1.75 – 3.
Cheesebuger 2.40 Tuna Fish 3.25 Onion Rings 2.00 – 3.00 Tuna 2.00 – 3.50
Double Burger 3.20 Veggie 2.75
Soft Drinks 1.00 – 1.50
Root Beer, Cola, Diet Cola, Orange, Ginger Ale, Coffee&Tea 0.75 – 1.25


At a Restaurant Unit 15


A: Are you ready to order?

B: Yes. I’d like a veggie sandwich and a root bear.
A: What size root beer?
B: Small, please.
A: Do you want some fries with that?
B: No, thank you.
A: Oh, can I change my order? I’d like a steak sandwich instead of the earlier one.
B: OK. That will be $5.50.

*Your partner’s order/price

Situation Practice
your partner, complete the following conversation and practice it.

A: Is everything all right with your meal?

B: Well, actually this __________________ is cold!
A: I’m terribly sorry. I’ll take it back to the kitchen.
B: Could you also take back this __________________ ? It isn’t cooked enough.
A: I see. Anything else?
B: Yes. Could we please have two more glasses of __________?
A: Of course. Can I get you anything else?
B: Yes. We’d like to order ________________________________.
A: Do you prefer _____________ or ______________________?
B: ______________________, please

Conversation Course Book 1 119

Unit 15 At a Restaurant

Reading Tips on tipping

Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and hair salons.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size of the tip usually depends on the
service. People such as parking valets or bellhops
usually get smaller tips. The tip for people such as
taxi drivers and waiters is usually larger. Here are
a few guidelines for tipping in the United States.
- Airport porters or hotel bellhops: $1 or $2 for
carrying each suitcase
- Parking valets: $1 for parking a car
- Hotel maids: $1 to $5 per night
- Taxi drivers: 15 percent of the bill; more if they
help you with bags
- Waiters and waitresses: 15 to 20 percent of the bill

Comprehension Questions

1. How do people usually decide the size of a tip?

2. Who gets larger tips?
3. How much in tips would a parking valet get for parking six cars?
4. When can taxi drivers get paid more than usual?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Point

1. be beside the point: not be relevant to the matter being discussed
Example Sentence) I'm sure Helen will like the present. I don't think she deserves it, but
then, that's beside the point.
2. get to the point: understand what someone wishes to express; understand
someone's purpose in saying something
Example Sentence) Would you say that again, please? I didn't quite get your point.

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.

Upon receiving the bill for the extraction of a tooth, the patient phoned his dentist and
complained, “This is three times what you normally charge!”
“I know,” said the dentist, "but you yelled so loud that you scared away _____ other


At a Restaurant Unit 15

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

recommend / broil / tip / order / marinated / change / specialty / depends on

1. _________ the chicken in white wine for a couple of hours before frying.
2. Which type of oil do you _________ for my car?
3. Oysters are a _________ of the area.
4. I love _________ chicken.
5. Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday _________ the cost.
6. You can always cancel your _________ if you change your mind.
7. She gave me $7 in _________ .
8. Did you _________ the waiter?

Grammar Exercise

Correct the underlined parts.

1. It’s marinating short ribs broiled right on your table.

2. Are you want anything to drink with that?
3. That comes to three dollar and thirteen cent ($3. 13), please.
4. And here’s your change. Your food will be readiness in a moment.
5. Sometimes is hard to know how much to tip.

Conversation Course Book 1 121

Unit 15 At a Restaurant



Unique Experience Unit 16

Unit Unique Experience

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to......
+  iscuss the unique experiences you had
+ describe a certain event in detai

Warming Up
Describe the picture using your own words.

Warm-Up Questions

1. Have you ever been in a dangerous moment in your life?

2. Do you such as extreme sports like bungee jumping or scuba diving?
3. What was the most unique experience you've ever had?

Conversation Course Book 1 123

Unit 16 Unique Experience

Useful Expressions
Practice the expressions below with your partner.


1. One time I got a perfect score on the exam I 1. Really? How could such a thing happen?

didn’t study for at all.

2. W hat was your unique experience when 2. When I was traveling in Europe, I found a

traveling? wallet full of Korean money.

3. Have you met a celebrity in your life? 3. No, I haven’t. I’d be glad to if I do.

4. Did you ever walk into a room and forget 4. Yes. Actually that happed to me many times.

why you walked in?

5. I’ve never been in such a dreadful situation. 5. Me, neither. We should be thankful for that.

Conversation 1 Have you ever tried Nobolito?

Shelly: Hey, Andy! How’s it going?

Andy: Not bad. How about you?
Shelly: I’m bit tired because I just got back
from Mexico last night.
Andy: R  eally? That’s cool! How was it?
Shelly: It was great. Saw many great things
and tried many new food.
Andy: W hat was the craziest food that
you’ve had while you were down
Shelly: Actually, I had this breakfast menu
called ‘Nobolito’. It was made from
thin slices of cooked cactus with
poached eggs and salsas and I heard
it was their traditional food.
Andy: W  ow, that’s red! How was the cactus
Shelly: Well, it was kind of tasted like green
beans but it had its own unique taste,
Andy: G reat! I wish I can have it for my breakfast.
Shelly: You should definitely try it if you ever visit Mexico.
Andy: O kay, I will. Thanks! I got to go, see ya!
Shelly: Alright, bye


Unique Experience Unit 16

Comprehension Questions

1. Why Shelly feels tired?

2. What was the unique food that Shelly tried in Mexico?
3. How was Cactus tasted like?
4. What is Shelly recommending to Andy?

Activity 1 How would you spend your vacation?

Choose a way to spend your vacation on your own and ask your partner which one
they will choose for their vacation and why?

1. One Week 2. Four-Day Heliski 3. One Week Golf 4. Ten-Day

Vacation to any Trip from Canadian Vacation to Luxury Safari to
Intrawest Resort Mountain Holidays Sandestin, Florida Kenya

Experience the S
 pend your days in Discover a golfing Explore Africa’s
magic, from the a playground of a paradise tucked heartland on this
legendary slopes of thousand powdered- along Florida’s unforgettable 10-day
Whistler Blackcomb covered peaks and Panhandle, boasting safari, made even
to the champagne your nights four courses and more extraordinary
powder of Copper. pampered in endless shopping, by Abercrombie &
absolute luxury. dining and adventure Kent’s ultra-
choices. luxurious touch.


A: How do you want to spend your vacation?

B: I want to go on the one week golf vacation to Sandestin, Florida.
A: Can you tell me why?

You Your partner



Conversation Course Book 1 125

Unit 16 Unique Experience

Conversation 2 Have you ever had an accident?

Reporter: I know hang gliding is a dangerous

sport, Rebecca. Have you ever had an
Rebecca: No, I’ve never been hurt. Maybe I’ve
been lucky. Actually, I’ve always felt
that hang gliding is very safe. And it’s
amazing to be able to fly like a bird.
Reporter: Harry, have you ever experienced any
dangers while scuba diving?
Harry: I haven’t. But people can get the bends
if they come up too quickly from deep
under water. Bubbles form in the blood.
The bends can be serious, and can even
cause death. But the condition is rare.
Diving isn’t really that dangerous. And
the great thing is that it lets you explore another world.

Comprehension Questions

1. Why does Rebecca feel about hang gliding?

2. What is amazing about hand gliding?
3. When can people get the bends while scuba diving?


Unique Experience Unit 16

Activity 2 Does any picture bring you any unique memory?

Pick one picture that you can connect with your unique experience. Write 3 - 5
sentences about that experience and read it to your group. Then choose the most
interesting story and share it with the class. If the pictures don’t bring you back any
memory, then draw your own picture in Pic. 4.
Pic. 1 Pic. 2 Pic. 3 Pic. 4


My unique memory
Pic. 2 brings back one of my uncomfortable memories. On my way to work the other
day, an old man stepped on my foot. But he didn’t apologize to me. So, I was angry at
him and we had an argument. Have you ever argued with an old man on the subway?
My unique memory

Situational Practice
Turn asking your partner what unique experience they want to have in the future.

Example sentence

What unique experience do you want to have?

I want to feed a mosquito.
What do you mean?
Next time a mosquito bites me, I’ll let it suck my blood and fly away.

*Your partner’s unique experience:

Conversation Course Book 1 127

Unit 16 Unique Experience

Reading A strange experience

It must be about 30 years ago that I was staying
with my (then) husband in Glastonbury at the
George and Pilgrims. We knew the hotel was
reputedly haunted but we also knew that we were
not in the haunted room - to our relief! Our room
was at the front of the building, overlooking the
main street, the inn sign being just outside our
window. During the night I was awoken by the
sound of a horse's hooves outside the hotel, followed
by an urgent knocking on the door. I felt my
husband get out of bed and saw him walk over to
the window, open it and lean out. There followed a conversation in which the rider asked if there was
a room available for the night and my husband replied that the inn was full - "But try the house on the
corner". The rider thanked him and rode off down the street. My husband came back to bed and I
asked him "What was that all about?" But he was already asleep. The following morning I again asked
him about the incident and he did not know what I was talking about. He had no recollection of any
disturbance during the night and was sure he had slept "like a log". I have never found any
explanation for what happened. I was quite definitely not dreaming. I was wide awake and could
recall every word of the conversation.

Comprehension Questions

1. What did they know about the hotel?

2. What woke up the woman during the night?
3. How did the man think he had slept the night before?
4. Why is the woman sure she was not dreaming?

Word with Idiomatic Uses Thing

1. for one thing: one good reason / argument is (often introduces an explanation)
Example Sentence) I really don't think Jason is the right man for the job. For one thing
he's got no specialized knowledge of the problem, and for another he can't speak German.
2. sure thing: (informal) certainly, of course
Example Sentence) "Could you give me a lift to the library?" "Sure thing! Hop in!"


Unique Experience Unit 16

Humor Power
Read and complete the story with a word in the blank.
A teenage girl was taking singing lessons and was practicing at home.
Her younger brother said, “Sis, I wish you'd only sing Christmas carols.”
“Why?” she asked.
“Then you'd only have to sing ________ a year.”

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the best word for each sentence below.

appetizers / explore / decided / haunted /

amazing / rare / scary / bubbles / disturbance

1. Venice is a wonderful city to _________.

2. I have never visited a _________ house.
3. He's an _________ player to watch.
4. At 6:30, everyone gathered for drinks and _________ in the lounge.
5. We arrange the work so there's as little _________ as possible.
6. The museum is full of _________ and precious treasures.
7. The book is both _________ and funny.
8. Have you _________ on a date for the wedding?
9. When water boils, _________ rise to the surface.

Grammar Exercise

Choose the right one in each sentence below.

1. This sounds (strange/strangely) – snails with garlic. Have you ever eaten snails?
2. Fried brains? I’ve never (listened/heard) of that! It sounds scary.
3. Actually, I’ve always (feeling/felt) that hang gliding is very safe. And it’s amazing
to be able to fly like a bird.
4. Diving isn’t really that dangerous. And the great thing is (that / which) it lets you
explore another world.
5. I felt my husband get out of bed and saw him (walk / walked) over to the window,
open it and lean out.

Conversation Course Book 1 129

Unit 16 Unique Experience



Language for Success

Answer Key
Answer Key

Unit 1 Unit 2
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
1. True 1. In the morning
2. False 2. She works for KNTV.
3. Brazil 3. at midnight
4. It’s really beautiful. 4. at five
5. Elizabeth and Sun-hee. 5. She is a TV announcer.
6. Sun-hee 6. Daniel loves her show.

Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions

1. on an airplane 1. rap
2. He travels a lot. 2. No
3. She thinks Brad’s job is interesting. 3. She has a nice and soft voice.

Reading Comprehension Questions Reading Comprehension Questions

1. No 1. She sits down at her PC with a coffee.
2. In a small apartment on Bond Street 2. City center
3. Yes. He has a lot of free time and no 3. 2 hours
responsibilities. 4. 7 hours
4. There are a lot of people in the park.
Humor Power
Humor power kiss
Vocabulary Exercise
Vocabulary Exercise 1. announcer
1. dentistry 2. dressed
2. bored 3. local
3. spelled 4. brush
4. field 5. explained
5. magazine
6. feed Grammar Exercise
7. responsibility 1. at
2. recognize
Grammar Exercise 3. is
1. beautiful 4. explain
2. How 5. go
3. read
4. travel Unit 3
5. interesting
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
1. The man is introducing Jane to his family.
2. Tom
3. Mrs. Smith


4. biology 2. They will get together for a coffee or
5. Grace something
6. 4 people 3. her (name/business) card

Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions Reading Comprehension Questions

1. the government 1. Because they live in different areas.
2. next month 2. either on Saturday or Sunday morning
3. In the Amazon 3. email each other
4. new age of communication
Reading Comprehension Questions
1. becoming prime minister Humor Power
2. raising his children used
3. improve people’s lives
4. No Vocabulary Exercise
1. get together
Humor Power 2. ancient
grandmother 3. exhibit
4. email
Vocabulary Exercise 5. in touch
1. recognize 6. age
2. satisfaction 7. textile
3. wildlife
4. passionately Grammar Exercise
5. majoring in 1. the
2. didn’t
Grammar Exercise 3. would
1. majoring 4. Here
2. hardly recognized 5. or
3. working
4. this month Unit 5
5. the
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
Unit 4 1. a karaoke bar
2. Spanish
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions 3. Spanish test
1. True 4. He went to a karaoke bar and sang with some
2. False friends.
3. False 5. to study for today’s Spanish test
4. chemistry 6. Spanish test
5. Beth
6. They are going to eat at a cafeteria. Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions
1. at 10:45
Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions 2. grocery store
1. The ancient textiles exhibit 3. cook dinner for her husband

Conversation Course Book 3 133

Answer Key

Reading Comprehension Questions 3. They are photographers from newspapers and

1. the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge magazines.
2. He camped outside, took rafts and saw wildlife 4. She will sign autographs and talk to the
3. loved every minute of the trip people.
4. a gift
Humor Power
Humor Power keyhole
Vocabulary Exercise
Vocabulary Exercise 1. anxiously
1. camp 2. autograph
2. terrific 3. premiere
3. stopped by 4. relax
4. refuge 5. off
5. get off 6. turned
6. rest
Grammar Exercise
Grammar Exercise 1. excited
1. sang 2. relax
2. stayed (at) home 3. go
3. Remember 4. My
4. be 5. anxiously
5. including
Unit 7
Unit 6
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions 1. tickets to the soccer match
1. Two weeks 2. at 8:00
2. to the beach 3. at the gate of the stadium
3. Sounds like fun 4. Friday
4. Stay home 5. He has to work late.
5. Julia’s cousin 6. around 7:30
6. Bring her surfboard
Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions
Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions 1. She is expecting some guests.
1. Vicky 2. to go out with her
2. Birthday party 3. She has to meet her brother.
3. 74
Reading Comprehension Questions
Reading Comprehension Questions 1. study for an exam
1. She is a famous Hollywood actress and she is 2. He had a picnic with his friends
in the theatre for her movie premier, sign 3. He did very badly on the exam.
autographs and talk to the people. 4. He was sorry.
2. He is the television announcer.


Humor Power 4. secured
a funeral 5. handle
Vocabulary Exercise 6. avoided
1. stadium
2. prepared Grammar Exercise
3. match 1. might snow
4. expected 2. much
5. supposed 3. ago
4. rains
Grammar Exercise 5. them
1. to go
2. now Unit 9
3. afterwards
4. next time Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
5. to have 1. in a clothes store
2. try some clothes on
Unit 8 3. the shirts
4. holler
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions 5. get her a larger size in those pants
1. It might snow. 6. They don’t fit her.
2. Yes
3. a snowman Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions
4. It makes the road dangerous. 1. They are at a furniture store
5. It’s very romantic. 2. about four hundred dollars
6. shovel the front walk. 3. Delivery and installation charges are included
in the price.
Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions
1. from drizzling to raining Reading Comprehension Questions
2. They are not going to leave. 1. They are Rodeo Drive & Beverly Hills' Golden
3. to drive in the rain Triangle and Union Square.
2. They are located in California and New York States.
Reading Comprehension Questions 3. (You can pick any from the list)
1. in a building or a car 4. (Answer may vary)
Humor Power
2. We should secure or bring them indoors.
3. any electrical equipment or telephones
4. stay away from it.
Vocabulary Exercise
1. fits
Humor Power
2. installation
3. markdown
4. range
Vocabulary Exercise
5. delivery
1. thunderstorm
6. supplies
2. shoveled
7. includes
3. slippery

Conversation Course Book 3 135

Answer Key

Grammar Exercise 4. have

1. try these on 5. are entitled
2. pants
3. on sale Unit 11
4. Does
5. less Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
1. She got lost.
Unit 10 2. get to Kangnam Station
3. the green line
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions 4. There are two ways.
1. The customer is paying with a Visa card. 5. She has to transfer at Kyodae Station.
2. the customer 6. He would get on the orange line and transfer
3. a tie and a belt at Kyodae Station.
4. $27.98
5. The store doesn’t accept personal checks. Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions
1. She has to turn left On Grove Street.
Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions 2. She has to walk two blocks.
1. The customer got the same bowl set from two 3. Right. The museum will be on the right.
different people.
2. The cashier asks for the receipt. Reading Comprehension Questions
3. It’s the store’s policy not to give a refund. 1. The exit marked for the town center
2. It takes about 5-10 minutes.
Reading Comprehension Questions 3. It is a grey slanted building.
1. The package shouldn’t be damaged. 4. The Huygens laboratory is next to the Oort
2. There should be a factory seal. building.
3. Three days is the usual time.
4. A receipt customers need receipt. Humor Power
Humor Power
slowly Vocabulary Exercise
1. slanted
Vocabulary Exercise 2. immediately
1. personal 3. get
2. smashed 4. marked
3. offered 5. transferred
4. subtle 6. blocks
5. returned 7. occupied
6. policy
7. require Grammar Exercise
1. it
Grammar Exercise 2. at Kyodae Station
1. be 3. Walk that way
2. yours 4. Have
3. people 5. marked


Unit 12 Unit 13
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
1. He has a terrible cold. 1. ecstatic
2. No, he hasn’t. 2. She is grinning from ear to ear.
3. She advises him to eat garlic soup 3. Her new product idea won top prize.
4. be home in bed 4. No
5. importance of getting a lot of rest 5. in a good mood, grinning from ear to ear,
6. It’s awful. smile, on cloud nine, ecstatic

Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions

1. No. He is overweight. 1. She had a baby.
2. He feels tired. 2. The baby is a girl.
3. The doctor says he should go on a diet and 3. They have one child.
exercise more.
Reading Comprehension Questions
Reading Comprehension Questions 1. Replaced her black cycle helmet with a bright
1. They are all different in their likes and dislikes. pink one
2. Activity that is enjoyable and accessible for us 2. He is a company director.
3. You can twirl hula hoops, making cookies in 3. He found a swing.
old ways or play with colorful exercise toys. 4. The home-made swing is still there.
4. It takes major arm strength to make dough
with wooden spoon. Humor Power
Humor Power
thirsty Vocabulary Exercise
1. covered
Vocabulary Exercise 2. obvious
1. accessible 3. glowing
2. shape 4. ecstatic
3. chop up 5. grinning
4. single 6. horrible
5. awful 7. worth
6. commercial 8. replacing
7. overweight
Grammar Exercise
Grammar Exercise 1. it
1. eat 2. to
2. works 3. healthy
3. to have 4. used
4. because 5. too
5. watching

Conversation Course Book 3 137

Answer Key

Unit 14 Unit 15
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
1. New Zealand 1. Juksuk bulgogi
2. Auckland 2. shrimp
3. about 2,000 kilometers 3. Korean beer
4. He thought she was from Australia. 4. It’s marinated and broiled right on the table.
5. She thinks it’s beautiful. 5. It sounds interesting.
6. He wants to visit Beth.
Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions
Dialogue 2 Comprehension Questions 1. He ordered a hamburger and an order of
1. The Duty Free Shop is upstairs. French fries.
2. She should go to the transportation counter. 2. He is going eat at Burger Town.
3. The rest rooms are right behind Helen. 3. His order total is three dollars and thirteen
Reading Comprehension Questions
1. to get the right answers and results Reading Comprehension Questions
2. turn your focus away from what you want and 1. People decide the tip according to the service.
towards more of what you don’t want 2. Taxi drivers and waiters receive the largest
3. keep you focused on solutions, on what you tips.
can control 3. A valet would receive six dollars.
4. Wrong thinking leads you in circles. Right 4. Taxi drivers can get paid more if they help
thinking leads to action. customers with their bags.

Humor Power Humor Power

play two

Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary Exercise

1. result 1. Broil
2. mental 2. recommend
3. focus 3. specialty
4. paralysis 4. marinated
5. negative 5. depends on
6. analysis 6. order
7. Ultimately 7. change
8. transportation 8. tip
9. lead to
Grammar Exercise
Grammar Exercise 1. marinated
1. Aren’t 2. Do
2. high 3. dollars, cents
3. tell me 4. ready
4. where the rest rooms are 5. Sometimes it is
5. what


Unit 16
Dialogue 1 Comprehension Questions
1. She just got back from Mexico last night.
2. She tried Mexican food called ‘Nobolito’.
3. It was kind of tasted like green beans but it
had its own unique taste, definitely.
4. She recommends Andy to try Nobolito if he
ever visits Mexico.

Dialogue2Comprehension Questions
1. She feels hang gliding is safe.
2. to be able to fly like a bird
3. If they come up too quickly, people can get the

Reading Comprehension Questions

1. It was reputedly haunted.
2. The sound of a horse’s hooves
3. He had slept like a log.
4. She was wide awake and could recall every
word of the conversation.

Humor Power

Vocabulary Exercise
1. explore
2. rare
3. haunted
4. appetizers
5. disturbance
6. amazing
7. scary
8. decided
9. bubbles

Grammar Exercise
1. strange
2. heard
3. felt
4. that
5. walk

Conversation Course Book 3 139

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