Rubric For The Matrix of RRL

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Group: _______________

Rubric For the Research Report

Adapted from
Criteria 20 15 10 5 Score

Catchy Exceptional Proficient Basic introduction Weak or no  

Introduction introduction that introduction that is that states topic introduction of
grabs interest of interesting and but lacks interest. topic.
reader and states states topic.

Credible Exceptionally Information Information Information has  

researched. relates to the main relates to the little or nothing
topic/thesis/objec main topic, few to do with the
Details and accurate tives. details and/ or thesis.
information. examples are
Well-researched in given. Information has
Information clearly detail and from a weak or no
relates to the thesis variety of sources. Uses limited connection to the
questions/objectives. sources. thesis.

Well- Exceptionally critical, Consistent Some Limited or no  

explained relevant, and connections made connections connections
consistent between evidence made between made between
connections made and thesis. evidence and evidence and
between evidence thesis. thesis.
and thesis. Good analysis.
Some analysis. Lacks analysis.
Excellent analysis.

Well- Exceptionally clear, Clear and logical Somewhat clear Lacks

organized logical, mature, and order that and logical development of
thorough supports the topic development ideas with weak
development of the with good with basic or no transitions
topic with excellent transitions transitions between and
transitions between between and between and within
and within within paragraphs. within paragraphs.
paragraphs. paragraphs.

Well- written Good control of Contains few Contains several So many spelling
grammar, usage, and spelling, spelling, punctuation and
mechanics. punctuation, and punctuation, and grammatical
grammatical grammatical errors that the
Almost entirely free
of spelling, errors. errors that paper cannot be
punctuation, and detract from the understood.
grammatical errors. paper’s


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