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Teacher•s Guide

(Foreign Language)

yeii rs

Collective work desig ned, crea ted, produced and
directed by:

Erllta Ojeda Zañartu

Ph D in l::duca tion
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Actiue Engtish is a teaching -

learning approach that it is known

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as Neues Lernen in Europe. It was

been deueloped in Liechtenstein. It .

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has been constantly supported by f, lnte¡/'-!t,
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Liechtenstein Office of Education. 'í'ífa,©W@O¡¡¡;

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This method is based on brain and

pedagogical research and is regularly

updated . It' s used in the European

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Uni on Research Deue lopment Projects

to opt im ise teaching and learning. Suggesto ' i-'

(Dr. Lo:
In America, Actiue English started

in Cost a Rica in elementary schools

w it h the support of the Ministry of

Ed ucatio n. Then it carne t o Peru with

t he bad<ing of IESP P CR EA. Brain Research

Actiue En g lish respects indiu idual learn ing sty les , multiple intelligences and learners' strengths and

pot e ntial It enhances acad emic resu lts, self - esteem, irnagination, creatiuity. team building and self

- expressi on Besi d es. it fa c ilit.ot.es clear uerba l ; non - uerbal communication, teaching / learning in a

supportiue a nd m otiuating atmos phere and t he remoua l of learning barriers.

Actiue Engli s h is a s upportiue . brain - friend ly teaching approach, inuoluing the learner as a whole. mind.

body , and emotion.s. lt includes impo rtant l<e y e le m e nt s from : (Fletc her, 2000)

o English / 3 yeors old COREFO


1. Brain Gym

Physical exercises designed to encourag e

better hemispheric integration , and thus
improue learning . Students deuelop
abilities in visual and auditory perception
and improued motor skills.

2. Mind Mapping

A non - linear method of note taking which links key words and ideas showed by colour coding or

COREFO Engllsh / 3 yeo rs old

r" 3. Sugestopedia
• ~ l
A method which fosters positiue psychological growth
in addition to sharing information. Learning is facilitated
or inhibited by psychological or enuironmental factors.
It was deueloped by Dr. Georgi Lozanou.

A Suggestopedic class has the following cycle:

Introduction: The subject is presented using pictures,

props, acting. mime and inuoluing the students.

The Session: presented through

- Actiue Concert - The teacher plays a tape of classical music while reading a text ..

- Passiue Concert - The teacher reads with clear pronunciation and at a normal speed while
Baroque music is playing.

Elaboration: This is r ich in games with specific teaching points.

~- Total Physical Response

La nguage lea rning in a uery supportiue group

dynamic through mouement and gestures . Learners
absorb and assim ilate information by responding
to commands wh ich the teacher models . It was
d euelo ped by .Ja mes Asher. •
• ·iH)i C!Me

5. Learning Styles - M odel YAK

This refers to the fact that while we Learn something w e use our own set of strate . .
specific strotegies
. uory according. to . whot. a nd how we learn. each of us tends to deuelog,es Wh,Le
preference. It ,s known a s Ne u ro lingu1 st1c Programming Bandler a nd G rin P Aa ct·
• d e r .s Nod e l (v 1sual
· global

and Kínesthetíc model). · u 1tor~

Engl,sh / 3 years al d

6 . Multiple Intelligences

It was deueloped by Howard Gardner. He discouered eight

intelligences: musical, bodily - kinaesthetic, spatial, logical
/ mathematical, linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal,
naturalistic. He stated that each person is capable to
deuelop each intelligence in different leuels. Spencer and
Miguel Kagan proposed a new way to apply the Multiple
Intelligences in a class.

They soy that there are three uisions far education and
these are: Matching , Stretching and Celebrating.

It is important to use clear, direct language that is free of sarcasm. With words, tone of uoice. facial
expression and body posture, you can communicate calmness and respect. In this way , you will auoid
shaming and judging children, keep the facus on the positiue behauiour you want to see, and reduce
the likelihood of power struggles. Reinfarcing language identifies and affirms students' specific positiue
actions and encourages them to continue their appropriate behauiour.

Creating a positiue learning enuironment in your classroom will allow your students to feel comfartable,
safe and engaged and students will be more open to actiuely participating in class.

The fallowing guidelines will help you use this kind of language to highlight a uariety of student
strengths: their skills, their attitudes, or the process they used to do an assignment (Northeast
Foundation far Children, 2013)

Name concrete and specific behauiour

Use a warm but professional tone.

Emphasize description ouer personal approual.

Affirmations help eliminate doubts and negatiue thoughts that can create tension, confusion and fears
about learning capabilities. Affirmations replace stale, worn - out or negatiue mind chatter with more
positiue ideas and concepts.

When you are writing affirmations. remember to keep them simple. It can be one phrase or a simple
sentence in the present tense.

COREFO English / 3 yeors old

o c.,
~ There are sorne affirmations that improue Le arning Attitudes: (Wyler, 1990)
'· Learning is fun .
I learn uery easily .
I enjoy learning .
I am reaching all my goals .
Learning is a relaxing e xperience.
I c an learn whateuer I wish.
Learning and remembering are easy for me.
I r emember perfectly.

\ I am suprem el'd calm and confident.

M':J mind is alert. m'd memor'd is powerful.
The material I om learning is useful to me.
The more I learn, the better I am at learning .

Other kinds of Affirmations which can be utilized throughout the class are Posit iue Suggestions for:
(W':J le r. 1990)

Elim ination of fatigue, strain and stress .

Rest. renewal of energ':J .
Improuement of motiuation and ability to work.
Improuement of self - e steem.

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It is one of t he si n e qua non condit ions for meoningful long term learning as it enab les the n eo-cortex t o
function . Moreouer it s timulates the d es ire to learn (os well as the des ire to teach!), e li m inates learning
blocks , and improues relationships in t he classroom a s well as generating an o uera ll feeli ng of ease.

To be achieued, ph1.:J s ical, os w e ll os psycho logical, com for t s are uer'.:l impor tont.

Affirmotions con be written on pos ters ond placed oro und t he room in obu ious ond n ot - so - obu io us
locotions. and thereb1.:J f unction os positiue s ublimina l influences . (Instituto Neues Lernen , n / d )

Students thriue in enuironments where they fee l s afe. nurtured o n d respected . All s tud ents, euen
those who houe leorning diffi c ulties ond extroordinory personal cholle n ges . can do well when th ey are
ph1.:J s icolly comfortoble , m e ntolly motiuoted ond emo tionally s upported .

Creoting positiue leorning e nuironme nt wi ll optimize s tudent le arning , he lp y o u b 'ld .

O ui cohes1ue ª
nitu and creo te o pleos ont work e nuiro nment fa r both yo u ond 1 ' O U t d
c lossroom Commu :i ::i r s u ents.

o ~
E11gl1sh / 3 years old
• •
It is especiolly criti c o[ t hot y o u wor l-< prooctiu e ly to c re ote o pos itiue learning enuironment when you
houe students who ore foste r c hildren , ho u e s uffe r e d abuse or n eg lect, houe tronsferred sc hools multiple
times . come from di s oduontog e d boc l-<ground s or houe se u e r e o codemic. social or emotionol difficulties .

This is on e xt rem e ly impo r tont - ond fu n - port of c r e oting o p ositiu e leorning enu ironme nt.

Your clossroom should be o dynom ic ond e ngaging place to be for your s tudents .

If you ore a f fo r d e d your own classroom . thi s is muc h eas ie r t han if you houe to go from closs to class
- although it 's still possible . In your own classroom . res e ru e a p o r t ian of the woll for eoch closs thot
y ou teach . This allows them to feel that they belong in the classroom. Yo u c an olso use the w a lls to
reenforce y our core ideols . such as community. by posting photos of s tudents . gro up photos and student
w o rk

If yo u haue to moue from room to room. haue o portoble poster for each group you teac h . ond t h is
w ill estab lish a s im ilor sense of belonging . Keep their post projects so that they 1-<now that the ir wor k is
uo lued.

Anot her aspect of ombience in the classroom is how it is physicolly set up. Agoin. this should r e flect
your core ideols . Desks orronged in rows does not allow for o uery communal otmosphere. so you may
w o nt to come in just before your class and rearronge the desks in o circle. groups or pairs. Remember to
moue them bacl-< when you·re finished in the room. (Create o Positiue Leorning Enuironment, n/d)

Wh e n students feel respected . supported, appreciated and ualued, learning comes much more easily .
These steps will help you create a positiue enuironment in your classroom that helps each child reach
t he ir full potential: (McFarland . 2012)

1. Get t o kn ow each student as a person as soon as possible after meeting them. Haue each student
com plete o suruey and/or write o biogrophy . This con giue you ualuoble information that w ill he lp
y ou find out who he or she is o s o person ond how you con best teach ond support them .

2. Spend t ime with s tudents indiuiduolly euery doy . It's crucial to make personal connections w ith yo u r
s tudents . The y n eed to know they ore importont to you.

3. Fill your clossroom with positiue messoges ond quote s. Mol-<e it impossible for s tude nts in your
clossroom to not fe e l thot they ore eoch destined for greotnes s .

LI . Prouide frequent positiue feedback Let stude nts 1-<now that the y are doing a good job. Tell them that
you notice their efforts ond oppreciote t heir ha r d work P r oise is o powe rful positiue rnotiuationol

COREFO Enql,sh / 3 yeor s o ld

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--" 5. '
Giue students outlets for expression. Create a special place to display student art and writing .
Prouide a box for students to place slips of paper with concerns written on them. Set up a mailbox
where students can send you either signed or anonymous notes about classroom issues.

6. Conduct a daily community meeting with students.

Allow students to make appointments with you to talk priuately about ouerwhelming problems.
issues and dilemmas.

8 . Make it clear that eueryone in your classroom is to conduct themselues in a respectable manner.
t reat others w ith respect and respect the property of others.

9. Make d iscipline about accountability and growth instead of punishment. Giue students who
exhibit inappropri ate behauiours a place to cool off and calm down. Haue them reflect about the
unacceptable behauiour they engaged in. discuss other ways they could haue handled the situation
and c ommit t o t a king action steps to insure that it will not happen again.

10 . Do euer'.:lthing '.:! º u can t o make the ph'.:lsical enuironment of your classroom as comfortable and
cheerful as possible. Prou ide floor cushions. beanbag chairs and inspiring artwork Clean out your
attic . basement or garage. Yo u will probably find tons of items to enliuen your classroom collecting
dust in those spaces.

lliiilll Ita - ~~•IU~~ ~ 1

Neues Lernen kaleidoscope comprises the presentation phase, including the introduction and concerts,
actiuation, and creatiue transfer. The t erm kaleidoscope was selected in order to reflect the fact that
the phases ouerlap creating "colourful" c ombinations rather than clearly occurring one after the other.
(Instituto Neues Lernen, n /d)

A ctiuities Crea t iue Transfer

C . Transfer

Multi - sensory


Learning actiuities

o ~
English / 3 yea rs old
I. • •
Presentation. - We need to create a pos itiue learning e nuiro n me nt and to re moue IJO Ur learning
barriers. Start w ith relaxation actiuities . Negatiue emotions hinde r lear ning .

a . Multi- sensorlj.-We integrate the different learning c hanne ls: ui s ual. a ud itor lj. kinesthetic. gus tator'd
and olfactorlj. We call VAKOG. With our multi sen sorlj teaching m ethod t he ph1j si cal enuironment
will be positiue.

b. Texts.- Texts are based on dialogues with their respectiue translations to facilitate understanding of
the message and that the student feels free stress.

II. Actiuation. - We haue a uariety of actiuities. You know we need good balance between passiuity and
actiuity . It is called "learning by doing". It is based on learning styles and multiple intelligences .

a . Learning Actiuities . The games are wonderful tools that help a ssimilating the target material
and learning . They are also real skill builders. enhance uerbal fluency . reduce stress. deuelop
organizational skills. and extend long term memory.

b. Atmosphere . Music in the background. posters on the wall. the chairs in a semi-circle fac ilitate the
communication, eye contact with euerybody. and the uisibility of the posters and cards. (Instituto
de Desarrollo Profesional - Uladislao Gámez Solano, 2009)

III .Creatiue Transfer. - Each learner actiuely creates his own knowledge . The actiuities used in the
creatiue transfer phase including drama. creatiue writing . etc. facilitate this process leading to
natural. spontaneous communication.

a . Actiuities. - Wide range of actiuities: Sketches. role plays. drama. creatiue transfer.

Drama. This creatiue process releases energy while fostering linguistic and intellectual
deuelopment. Drama is definitely a motiuator. interactiue. authentic. consolidate knowledge. and
integrate experiences.

Creatiue writing . It is and effectiue means of ouercoming writing blocks. It enhances

self- esteem. Creatiue writing actiuities generate concrete awareness. ownership of new structures.
meta- cognitiue process. and achieuement awareness .

b. Internalization. - You put the information into your own words. added it to -your experience. and
drawn IJOUr own conclusions. (Instituto de Desarrollo Profesional -Uladislao Gámez Solano. 2009)

Suc.c.ess Br-eeds 4
Suc.c.ess 4
COREFO English / 3 yeors old

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We should know that euery brain is unique and constantly changes as we interpret and re - assess
experience. This suggests that if we use lesson plans which engage and stimulate seueral of these brain
oreas. our students will become more effectiue learners because this is how the brain itself naturally
operates. (Fletcher. 2001)

Two Hemispheres

Each hemisphere has specific strengths. The left

hemisphere seems to be, analytical. logical, time -
sensitiue processing. The right seems to be more holistic .
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intuitiue. inuolued with sensory perception rather than
with abstract cognition.

fl,ex tgAlf As teachers. we will be interested not just in the

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different strengths of the two hemispheres . but in how
they engage together in the learning process by us ing
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music, uisuals and uisualization. (Fletcher. 2001)

The Cross - Over Principle

The Corpus Colossum is a thick bond of white tissue (nerues fibres) lying below and connecting the two
hemispheres. It acts a s a bridge between them . Most sensory input to the brain swiftly crosses uia The
Corpus Colossum. This applies to visual. touch and auditory input. (Fletcher. 2001)

The Brain Stem

This is formed fro m the nerue cells running from the body uia the spinal column. It is sometimes called
the repti lian or reflex broin. Various clumps of cells in the brain stem determine the brain's general leuel
of alertness . and regulate heartbeat. blood pressure. and breathing.
Mouement built into the lesson . sorne fresh air. the o pportunity for the reflex brain to raise the heart
beat ond get o x1::Jgen to where it is needed. wi ll re lieue the stiffn ess and tension caused by s itting still
and great l1::J improue concentratio n leuels. (Fletcher. 2001)

The Cere bellum

Th is little brain is also connect e d w ith mouement. Our broins ore som e how connected in O uery basic
WO'::J to the concept of mou e m e nt . We will meet thi s fa sc inating on.d apparently uery basic connection
between mouíng and learníng aga in when we c ons ider leorning s ty les ond bodily _ kinesthetic _
íntellíg ence. (Fletcher. 2001)

G ~
li ~
Eng lish / 3 yeors ald COREFO
The Limbic System
• •
Emotions are generated in this region . The li mbic s y s t e m c ompri ses a n umbe r o f closely connected
elements. At a basic leuel. students n eed t he s ec urity of l<no wing w here they are going and the s urety
that if they miss something it will be recycle d later on . The role of the limbic s y stem will be ue ry euident
when we look at the impact of e motion on memory , and think abo u t self - e s teem and c onfidence.
(Fletcher. 2001)

PACE (It means: Positiue, Actiue, Clear and Energetic) is good the first thing in the morning . ofter breol<s.
before sports. or wheneuer we need to refocus before o test.

It inuolues the following exercises:

Cross Crawl

Cross Crawl accesses both brain hemispheres simultaneously , ond stimulates receptiue os w e ll os
expressiue hemispheres of the brain. facilitating integration.

Brain Buttons

The Brain Buttons (soft tissue under the collar bone to the left and right of the breastbone) ore
massaged deeply with one hand while holding the nauel with the other hand.

Cook' s Hook - ups

Cook 's Hook - ups connect all the energy circuits in the body at one time and get the electrical energy
in the body mouing when it is blocked. (Dennison, 1989)


Water is an excellent conductor of electrical energ'.:j. The human bod'.:J is made up of 2/ 3 (about 70%)
water. In a relaxed state, with proper water and nutrition, the bod'.:J is h'.:jdrated. Water is essentia l to
proper lymphatic function . (Dennison, 1989)

The Wlor-e ways you

the. WlOr-e. stude.nts
you r-eac.h

COREFO English / 3 yeo rs old

~ ..., PACE Song ~
(Tune: Frere Jacques)

Reference: Cohen. Isabel and Goldsmith. Marcelle; Hands On. How to use Brain Gym in the classroom;
based on the work of Paul and Gail Dennison.

Let 's drink water,

r When I rub on '"
I loue water. my brain buttons.
It giues me I see clear -

energy . Far and near.

Haue sorne water too. Do your buttons too.

It is good for you . It is good for you.

Dri n k it up ! They clear you and

Drink it up ! relax too.

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This is how I How I loue to

do the cross crawl: do my hook-ups .
Hand to knee . Calms me down.
Hand to knee.
Cheers me up.
You can cross crawl
Do your hook-ups too.
11 too.
It is good for you.
It is g ood fo r you
Actiuates and Helps us liue more
Integrate s. positiue.
.....~ ~ .)

\. - • e:..-:. - ----. -~ - ....,,ce,

Are you in PACE yet?

Are you in PACE yet?
Let's go see.
Let's go see.
We'll do PACE together!
We'll do PACE together!
Come with me .. .
Come with me . . .

s t~
r :~ '\~
English / 3 years old
8::o 3 YEARS


BRAIN GYM ACTIVITIES Posit iue, Act ive. Clea r, Energetic

-< How are you?
n:: Wha t's the weather t oday?
It's (sunny).

What' doy is today?

Today is (Monday).

Classroorn Farnily Boy- girl, parts Food, fruit, Places of the Farrn anirnals. The weather. ParD:J it erns.
objects. colour, rnernbers. of the body, drinks, colours cornrnunity. land anirna ls , clothes. Christrnas
shapes parts of the parts of the workers, water a nirna ls. colours. objects. toys.
house. colour, face, ernotions, places of work, wild a nirna ls tempera tu res. colours.
shapes. objects senses, rneans of nurn bers nurnbers
VOCABULARY REVIEW of the house nurnbers transportation




1 Hearing and repeating rhyrning words that finish with -able : stable- table: -on: crayon- dragan; -a ir/ ear: chair- bear, -ook: cook- book

2 Hearing and repeating rhyrning words that finish with -ed: red- bed; -ue: blue- glue; -ow: yellow - pillow; -een: green- queen

3 Hearing and repeating rhyrning words : head- bed: nose- rose; leg - bed; feet - sweet

~ Hearing and repeating rhyrning words: one- sun; two - glue: three- tree

s Hearing and repeating rhyrning words that start with C: car, can, cap, cat and P: park, plane, pilot, painter, pan

6 Hearing and repeating rhyrning words that start with CH: chick, chair, cheese, children and SH: sheep, s ha rk, ship, s hell

1 Hearing and repeating rhyrning words that finish with - y: rainy - tiny : sunny - funny : cloudy - oldy: windy - tidy

8 Hearing and repeat ing rhyrning words that start with A: ant, apple; C: c up, cat; M: rnouse, rnoon





He or she listens actiuely and ldentify greeting s a nd farewell s Greetings and fa rewells (C11 Identify greetings and farewells through a song.(Cl.1)
understands correctly words (Cl.1) Personal introduction (Cl. 2: C2.1: C2.5) Recognize the sequence of a story about personal
...J information sequencing pictures. Cl.2)
and/or simple expressions
o related to his or her
Recogni se the sequence of a story Rhyming words (Cl.3: C2.2)
o enuironment. (Cl)
about personal introduct,on. (C12)
Classroom objec ts (Cl.3: C2.2: C2.3:)
Match pictures according of personal presentation
J: Express simple phrases from the say ing a story .(C2.1)
He or she expresses using story. (C2 1) Colours (C2 4:)
Identify rhyming words completing and colouring
words and/or simple classroom objects. (Cl.3)
Identify pictures that rhyme with
~ expressions related to his or her
classroom objects. (Cl.3)
w enuironment to communicote Name classroom objects t hat rhyme with other
z (C2) Neme pictures that rhyme with pictures (C2.2)
>- classroom objects. (C2.2) Complete. colour and neme classroom objects (C2.3)
Neme classroom objects. (C2.3) Describe classroom objects and colours following the

0 Describe classroom objects and

colours (C2 4)
Ask for and answer personal
inforrnation. (C2 5)
cat's footpr ints .(C2.4)
Ask for and answer personal inforrnation using a
puppet. (C2 5)

He or she listens a ctiuely and Identify family members. (Cl.1) Family members. (Cl.1: C2.5: C2.6) Identify family members matching with a line. (Cl.1)
understands correctly words Identify rooms of the house.Cl.2) Rooms of the house (Cl.2: C2.1) Identify rooms of the house sticking stickers. Cl.2)
and/or simple expressions Put in arder pictures and neme rooms of the house.
related to his or her Express words about rooms of the Colours (Cl.3: C2.2: C2.3: C2.5: C2.6)
house and /or simple expressions (C21)
Shapes (C2.3:)
enuironment . (Cl)
from the story . (C2.1) ldentify and match pictures that rhyme. (Cl.3)
He or she expresses using Objects of the house (C2.4:)
:I: Identify rhyming words (Cl.3) Point to the pictures and soy rhyming words. (C2.2)
words and/ or simple
~ expressions rela ted to his or her Express nemes of colours that Neme colours and shapes of the parts of a house.
enuironment to communica te . rhyme. (C2 2)
1 ~ (C2) Neme colours and shapes. (C2.3)
Match objects and rooms of the house and describe

~- them saying short sentences. (C2.4)

Describe objects of the house.
.. Paste photographs and describe his or her family tree
(C2.4) (C2.5)
Describe his ar her family tree .

He or she Listens actiuely and Identify his or her genre. (Cl.1) Mole - female (C11) Identify and color children according to thei r genre.
understands correctly words Identify feelings .Cl.2) Feelings (Cl .2: C2.1) (CU)
¡¡¡ and/or simple expressions
l: Express words about feelings. (C2 1) Parts of the human body. (Cl.3: C2.2: Identify and put in arder a story. (Cl.2)
related to his or her
<Q. ~ enuironment. (Cl) Identify rhyming words. (Cl.3) C2.5:) Colour a path and express a boy·s feelings. (C21)
ii, ::> Neme rhyming wo rds (C2.2) Parts of the face (C2.3:) Identify. c ut and paste pictures that rhyme. (Cl.3)
o He or she expresses using
word s and/or simple The senses (C2.4)
a:i Describe parts of the fa ce. (C2.3) Trace. colour and neme pictures that rhyme. (C2.2)
-;¡; < expressions related to his or her
o Express actions related to senses Cut. paste and neme parts of the face . (C2.3)
;¡¡ ...J enu ironment to communicate.
o ...J (C2.4) Put in arder a domino and soy sentences. (C2.4)
a: <

Describe hi s or her body (C2.5) Cut. paste and neme parts of the body. (C2. 5)

o:o >
He or she listens octiuely ond
understonds correctly words
Identify fru it ond food. (C1.1) Fruit and food (Cl.1: Cl.2: C2.1: C2 .7) Identify and poste pictures into the containers. (C1.1)
f11 l: Identify the sequence of o story. Colours (C1.2: C2.1: C2.11: C2 6) Identify and put in order scenes.(Cl2)
ond/or simple expressions (Cl 2)
"TI l:
o ::, reloted to his or her
Describe fruits from the story. (C2.1)
Rhyming words (CU: C2 2) Match, colour ond describe fruits. (C21)
> enuironment. (Cl) tvl(C2 3: C2.LL C2.6:) Identify ond match pictures that rhyme. (Cl.3)
He or she expresses using
Identify rhyming pictures. (C1.3) Numbers (C2.Ll;) Soy numbers ond objects thot rhyme. (C2.2)
words ond/or simple Soy rhyming words. (C2.2) Drinks (C2.5:)
l: Circle and name food he or she likes. (C 2.3)
¡¡; expressions reloted t o his or her
:::r ::, Describe food he or she likes. (C2.3) Desc ribe food soying colour ond quanti ties. (C2.Ll)
w > enuironment to communicote.
Express how mony food he or she Describe his or her lunchbox using high freq uency
ro >
(C2) sees. (C2Ll) words. (C2 5)
ul Describe his or her lunchbox. (C2 5)
o l:
ci: ::,

0_ , He or she listens octiuely ond Identify places in the community. Places of my community (C1.1; C2.5) Identify and match pictures of ploces.(Cl.1)
understonds correctly words (C1.1) Community workers (C1.2; C2.1; C2.5:) Identify and poste community workers .(Cl.2)
ond/o r simple expressions Identify the community workers Initiol sounds with letters C ond p (Cl.3; Describe peo ple using high freq uency words (C2.1)

reloted to his or her
enuironment. (C1)
from o story. (C1 .2) C2.2 ) Recognize ond colour pictures t hot rhyme. (Cl.3)
1-1 Nome community workers from tvleons of tronsportotion (C 2.3 ; c 2 _5;) Classify pictures ond nome them (C2.2)
z He or she expresses using the story . (C2.1) Numbers (C .Ll) Troce ond nome pictures of meons of tronsportotion.
::, 2
words ond/or s imple
l: expressions reloted to his or her
Identify initiol sounds of letters (C2.3)
l: with C ond P. (C1.3) Count ond soy phroses obout objects and numbers
enuironment to communicote.
(C2) Nome objects whose initiol sounds (C2.Ll)
ore C ond P. (C2 .2) Colour, poste ond nome elements of his or her
> Nome meons of tronsportot1on.
. community. (C2.5)

Express phroses using pictures ond
numbers from 1 to Ll {C2 .Ll)
Describe his or her community
elements. (C2.5)

1 Identify ond join farm onimols using pieces of wool

Identify form onimols (C1.1) Form onimols (C1.1)
He or she listens octiuely ond {Cl.1)
underst onds correctly words Recognize elements from the story Lond ond water onimals (C12; C2.1)
ond/or simple expressions Letters Sh ond Ch (Cl.3)
Identify and poste pictures of an imals according to A
obout onimols' hobitot. (C1.2) their hobitot. (C12) W
Ü) reloted to his or her
..J Nome elements from the story Wild onimals (C2.3)
enuironment. (C1) Describe animols match ing with their hob itat (C2 1l
<( obout onimols' hobitot. (C2.1) Numbers(C2.3)
l: He or she expresses us ing Identify ond colour the initial letter of che pictures
1-4 Identify nome of onimols ond Sea onimols (C.Ll) (CU)
words ond/or simple
z expressions reloted to his or her
objects thot stort with s h ond c h
Animols (C2.5:) Nome pictures thot stort with ch or sh ,rntial sounds
initiol s ound. (C1.3)
_j enuironment to communicote. (C2.2)
(C2) Nome onimols ond objects with
<( Count. drow and name zoo animals (C2.3)
initi ol so unds sh ond ch. (C2.2)
1-1 Soy phroses about his or her preferences. (C2.Ll)
Nome numbers ond zoo onimols.
z (C2 .3)
Design his or her fauour ite animal and nome it. (C2.5)
Express likes or dislikes obout sea

0 onimols (C2 .Ll)

Describe his or her fouourite
an imal occ ording to its habi tot.

8 C"•
• He or s he listens a ctiuely and
understands correctly words
· Identif-y di fferent types of weather.
· The weather (C1.1: Cl.2: C2 .6)
• Clothes (Cl.2 : C21: C2 .3: CVl: C2 .5: C2 6)
• Adjec tiues (CU: C2.2)
• Identify and join the weather pictures (CU)
· Identify. cut and paste clothes.(Cl.2)
· Complete. colour and name clothes. (C2.1)
~ and/or simple expressions · Recognize elements from lhe s tory
M obout clothes and weather. (Cl.2) · Identify. match ond colour pictures. (C1.3)
..1 reloted to his or her • Colou rs (C2.3)
enuironment. (C l) · Cut. paste and name pictures that rhyme. (C 2_2)
a: · Name elements from th e story
w · He or she expresses using about clolhes. (C2.1) • Complete. colour and name clothes that he or sh 1.
l: wearing.(C2.3) e s
words ond/ or simple
expressions related to his or her
· Idenlify rhyming pictures. (Cl.3)
· Express odjectiues thot rhyme. · Play a game and soy what he or she is wearing. (C 2_4)
enuironment to communicote.
~ (C2) (C2.2) • Put on clothes to his or her paper doll and d
'b .
eser, e 1t.
w · Describe clothes ond colours.
· Express what he or she is weoring.

~l: (C2 .'-l )

· Express what his or her paper doll 1
~ is weoring. (C2.5)

0 · Porty items (Cl.1:) • Identify ond colour porty items (Cl.1) -

· He or she listens actiuely and · Identify party items. (Cl.1)
• Identify pictures of o story ond post them .(Cl.2)
understands correctly words · Recognize elements from the story · Toys (C1.2: C2.1:)
and/or simple expressions · Name toys following o maze. (C2.1)
z about birthday presents. {Cl.2) · Initial sound with A. C and M (Cl.3: C2.2)
• ldentify and colour the pictures with a. c. m initial
o.... related to his or her
enuironment. {Cl)
· Name elernents from the story · Christmos items (C2.3; C2.'-l : C2.6) sounds. (Cl.3)
about birthday presents. (C2.1)
~ • He or she expresses using · Identify pictures with a. c. m initiol
· Colores (C2.Ll) • Classify and express words with a. c. m. initial sounds
ex words and/or simple (C2.2) .
CD sounds. (C1.3)
w expressions related to his or her • Describe Christmos items noming their colours. (C2.3)
..J enuironment to communicate. Express words with a . e, m initial
w · Soy differences between the two pictures noming
(C2) sounds. (C2.2) colours ond objects. (C2.'-l)
Norne Christrnos items. (C2.3)
< · Express differences narning objects
Drow, colour and name his or her fauourite toy.(C2.5)
~ and colours. (C2.'-l)
.... · Express what is his or her fauourite
toy. (C2.5)

0 1 .





•. .,....... f
~i,..,..... Core o

(Foreign Language)

• years

Collective work designed , crea ted, produced and

directed by:

Erllta OJeda Zañartu

Ph D in Educalion
sou1os·• untas
lt shows the rna in tapie of the un ,t lt
allows students to work in pairs in arde r to
lt helps student to develop their phono logical (
describe the stirnu lating picture.

- " ~'(/, ~
C.001(, 8001( l.Wlm
lf . . I
__ M;~.w•c-1
~ ·"_m
.... . - ,, __,,_)¡ .
~ •,.

I / :1
.-:, .1
. .' tV""


l . .z~
, ,~
;_.lf ~
lt develops listening and speaking
skill s through a story or tal e.
, rn~


lt allows the developrnent of skills such as

observation, ana lysis and reflection .

r~ -
. , '(/,
Hit rM PAU l

.J i . ·
Students learn about sound s by counting,
j oi ning and dividing phonernes.

l n ~ -- ·~
~~ .,·-H
1~~ ~

1 - :-- ~ - ~ o

o~ lt presents new words or expressions.

,g'lishJ:3- ywrs old COREF0
... . tL tlCUSN 11 ICTIOI
lt prorn otes th e lea rning of structures in
The students can apply what th ey learnt

Englis h through mea ningful ac tiviti es. th ro ugh playful activities with concrete
materia l.

:;":": ; ;-



&119 The students consolidate learning in each unit

through meaningful activities like crafts ar


lt develops speaking sk i/Is and it allows to

integrate other area s. (C LIL)

~ w) ® @ ~ ~ ~ ~
My new schooll My family Al/ about me/ Yummy, yummy, My communlty Anlmals, anima/si What's the weather
lt's a celebration

69 85 10 1
37 53 117
5 21
Animals' habitot My clothes My birthdoy presents
Lunchbox time! Com munity workers
Hi 1 /'m Poul My house /'m hoppy

71 87 103
39 55 179

Toble-sroble Blue, glue Leg, egg One, sun C orP Sh or ch Hanny, Andy ond Jenny A,C, M n
75 91 107
27 43 59 123

Community workers Animals' habitar Myclothes My birthdoy present5

Myhouse l'm hoppy Lunchbox time!
Hi rm Pou/

57 73 89 105 121
9 25 41

One, sun CorP Sh or ch Hanny, Andy and Jenny A, C. M

Cook , book 8/ue, glue Leg, egg

13 29 45 61 77 93 109 125

My clamoom objem Building my house This is my face l like Means of transportation Let~ draw anima/si My friends' clothes This is Chrisrmos

15 31 47 63 79 95 111
iJ _)
Helping my car! Whors rhis? Domino senses How many apples? Count and soy l like sea anima/s Picking up rhe clorhes My robot is brawn

17 n ff e 81 97 113 129

Puppets My family tree My body puppet My lunchbox My community Animal cap Paperdo/1 My favourite toy

19 35 51 67 83 99 115 131

English/3 years old COREF0

• •
/iJ Clll G' • Oral Comprehension

CONTENIDOS: Saludos y despedidas

CON TENTS: Greetings and farewells
Aprendizajes Esperados: Identifica saludos y despedidas.
Expected learning outcornes. ldentify greetings and farewells.

........... ...... ........ .. .. ... . . ..... .. .. ' .. . ·· ··· ·· ·

: G~ Desarrollo de la clase ~ Actividad para b
~ \ ~~\ Lesson plan 1U
VAK act1v1ties diversidad
o Realizan los movimientos de o Caminan alrededor
o Do Bra in Gym act ivi ties Wa lk oro und the la Gimnasia Cerebral: PACE.
class . del salón de clase.
o Repa san activida des o Escuchan o su
o Rev iew da ily rou t ine Liste n t o the permanentes sentados en el

maestra y saludan
act iv it ies sitt ing on th e te acher and greet pi so.
o se despiden de
fl oor or forewel l t o their o Escuchan la canc ión del sus compa ñeros
o List en to the song from part ners waving enlace de Youtube y cantan moviendo sus
Youtube link and sing their hands. realizando movimientos. monos.
doing movements. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... o Escuchan a la maestra ... .... . ········ · ··· ·· ····
saludarles: Hola. Mi nombre
o Listen to t heir teacher
soyi ng Heli o. My name's ...1 . .. . .. . .. ·· ··· .... ..... . . es .
o Re piten el saludo y dan sus
o Repeat the greet ing and : ~ Uso de TIC
soy the ir nome s :TQ TIC o
Reciben la -ficha de trabajo
o Rece ive t he hondout ond o Canción: Hola.
o Song: Hi. Heli o. Good y describen lo que ven.
describe what they see. Adiós
bye o Escucha n la canción y
o Listen to the song and https/ /wwwyoutube.
https://www.yout ube. señala n las imágenes.
po int to the pictures. com /wotch?v =svS0
com/wat ch?v = svSO o Cantan ju ntos haciend o UikccrY
o Sing tog ether doing
UikccrY movi mientos.
movement s.
... .... ...... ... ... .... .. ....... ..··· ···· ····· ·· ••'
c1 e

.... ... ........ ................ .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

• Observa las imágenes y los describe.

• Look and describe the pictures. • Luego escucha y canto. (CD Trock 01)
• Then listen and sing. (CD Track 01) English / 3 yw-s el,; coREFO
HI! l'M PAUL - • •


' - - - - - - - .... - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - _J

- ·---------- - ------------------· ---··1-~v~-,----------


) ............... _ __.,._ ...... --- - .,... - - -- . . . - - - - - - • • ,,ir,,,-,,¡ .... , . .. , , . . . . , . . . ~ , .... ,,. . ..... :

COREFO English / 3 yeors old

~silliJ • Oral Camprehension
QMI ... N,DOc• Droc:1::>n'[ac1on osrsona

CONTENTS: Personal introduction

Aprendizajes Esperados:
.. 1 Reconoce la secuencia de uno histo
. .

Expected learning out comes: Recognise the sequence of a story
about personal introduction.

.. . .. · ··· · ······ · ·· · · · · · · · ····· · ··············· ····· ·· ...

~ VAK odiv1ties
sobre presentac1on persona .

. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
! G.:J Desarrollo de la clase

.... . ·· ········ · ...
Actíviood pan~ b

\0 L.esson plcm o Realizan los movimientos de

o Dromotize t he lo Gimnasia Ce rebral: PACE o Dramat izan el
o Do Broin Gym activities:
di al ogu e. diálogo.
PAC E. o Repasan activ idad es
o Review da ily rout ine
oct ivities sitting on t he
o Wolk around the
closs while o
permanentes se ntados en el
pi so.
o Caminan alrededor
del salón mientras
fl oor. baroque music o Esc uchan la canción del se oye músico
o Listen to the song from is ploying in the enlace de Youtube y cantan barroc a como
Youtube li nk and sing doi ng background .
real izando movi mientos. fondo musica l.
movements. When it stops
o Recibe n una tarjeta con Cu and o lo músico
they osk quest ions
o Rece ive a tag with their sus nom bres esc ritos en se det iene
to t heir po rtners:
names written on it and ella y los pegan sobre sus pregu nta n o sus
W hot's your nome?
stick on their T shirts. co mpa ñeros: ¿Cuál
/ l'm ... camisetas.
o Stand up in o circle, listen es tu nombre? / Yo
o Parad os en un c írculo,
to their teocher po inting to ·· ··· ············· ·· ····· escuchan a su maest ro
herself and soyi ng Helio. l'm
seña lándose a sí misma ....... . ·· ·· ··· ·· ···· ····
·····- Whot's your nome?
y diciend o: Hol a. Yo soy ...
o Answer the question
point ing to the tog and
;70r1c ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

givi ng their nomes: l'm. ..

o Song: Helio, helio. o Respo nd en lo s pre guntas : {() Uso de TIC
Whot's your nome? se ñaland o la tarjeta y
o Receive the hondout ond o Canción: Hola.
https://wwwyoutube. dando sus nombres: Yo soy ...
describe what they see.
Hola. ¿Cuál es tu
com/ wot ch?v = UvlJ o Rec iben la f ic ha de trabajo
nombre? ~
kBL5728 Y describen lo qu e ven.
https://www.youtube. : I
··········· ········ ····· . com/watch?v =UvlJ

· · · ·· · ·· · ·· ·· ·· ··· ·· ·· ·· ·

Cut the scenes.
··· · ·· · · · ·· · · . .... ... .. .... .. , .. .

Listen and paste the scenes in order in another sheet of paper. (CD
..... .... ··· ·· ... ··· ·· ·· ····· .. ..

Corta las escenas.

y pega

Track 02) • Escucha las escenas en otra hoja de papel. (CD Track 02)

English / 3 years old COREFO



=~ . »·

. .:. -· .
·.:_ :

COREFO English/3 years old

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