Final Exam English 10

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12. " The winds of heaven mix forever with a sweet emotion", this line means that _____.

1) A practical joke is not something which is said but nothing which is done and it is usually intended to
a. People regardless of race are blessed with a free air to breathe. make people laugh at somebody. 2) So long as the person upon whom a joke is played is not hurt, or not
b. Air from heaven is sweet and fresh. put in danger of being hurt, practical joking is only for fun. 3) You may hide a friend’s books, and be amused
c. Air that people breathe makes people emotional. when he loos everywhere for them. 4) But if you pull a chair away just as he is sitting down, or put
d. God regardless of race recognizes people as His children and blesses them with life. something for him to pull over, he may seriously injure himself. 5) Such practical jokes are foolish.
13." No sister flower could be forgiven if it disdained its brother", this line connotes that_____. 1. To what/whom does the pronoun “he” refers to in sentence 3?
a. Law of God and man shall prevail if one sinned. a. book b. everywhere c. friend
b. No matter how beautiful one is, if sinned, should be punished. 2. Why do people joke?
c. Brothers and sisters should not be forgiven if erred. a. to hurt people b. to make people laugh c. to injure someone
d. Relatives should be helped. 3. Which statement is not true?
14. "Through your loving existence and non - existence merge. All opposite unite." These lines reflect a. pulling away a chair hurts b. practical jokes are foolish c. jokes are fun at all times
_______. 4. Sentence 1 which is a topic sentence is a/an ____
a. Possibility of love everywhere. a. explanation b. definition c. result
b. Diversity is good. 5. The best title for the selection is _____.
c. Oneness of nature and all other beings a. jokes are foolish b. joking is part of friendship c. practical jokes
d. Unity of enemies
15. Which type of plot starts the action in the middle of everything? II. Literature (The Little Prince and A Martian Sends a Postcard Home) Directions: Write C if the statement is correct
a. frame story b. figure eight c. circular d. en medias res and M if the statement has a mistake.
16. Which is not true about a theme? It _____. 1. The fox immediately becomes a friend of the Little Prince.
a. comments upon the reality of existence. 2. The Little Prince is willing to tame the Fox.
b. is described as the significant truth about life. 3. Once a person tames something, it becomes special.
c. is the general point that the story attempts to make. 4. There is no connection between the author of the story "The Little Prince" and his writing.
d. should be a specific portion about life. 5. Craig Raine is the author of the story "The Little Prince".
17. What act uses another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person? 6. The technique used in the poem "A Martian sends a Postcard Home" is defamiliarization.
a. plagiarism b. stealing c. intellectual property d. libel 7. Defamiliarization was proposed by Victor Skhlovsky.
18. What speech which goal is to poke fun without hurting feelings? 8. Antoine Saint-Exupery is the author of the poem "A Martian sends a Postcard Home".
a. dedication speech b. toast speech c. roast speech extemporaneous speech 9. A Martian creates pictures of the objects that he sees.
19. " Fyolka, a little beggar-girl of six, is running through the village, looking for Terenty the cobbler. 10. The poem seeks to describe human behavior and objects as if they are being seen for the first time by a visiting
Her eyes are wide-open, her lips are trembling" Martian.
a. calm b. hopeful c. anxious d. excited III. Paraphrasing
20. " I am minded to build me an IGLOO," he said one day to Klosh-Kwan and a number of the hunters. Identify the best paraphrase of the following passages. Choose only the letter.
"It shall be a large IGLOO, wherein Ikeega and I can dwell in comfort." 1. " The sun heats the sea and some of the water become vapor, leaving the salt behind."
a. doubtful b. determined c. mysterious d. calm a. The water becomes the salt.
b. The salt leaves the sea and becomes the salt.
c. The sun heats the salt from the sea.
d. The action of the sun to the sea leads to the formation of vapor.
I. Comprehension: Directions: Read the selection carefully. Then, answer the following questions. Choose the letter of 2. " A smile is no earthly good to anybody until it is given away".
the correct answer. a. Has no material value whatsoever
b. Has no use unless one smiles at somebody. a. Autumn is in between summer and winter, so there is still a chance to change course
c. Should be given away at random b. The seasons are cycle of events, so nothing is permanent
d. Is a rare and priceless gift c. Autumn is associated with leaves, which symbolize life
3. " In South Africa, under the system of "apartheid" only white people can vote, everyone is d.The seasons represent the cycle of life and when there’s life, there is hope.
regarded as a second class citizen". 7. Which song of the following lyrics can best be related to the theme discrimination?
a. In South Africa, only the second class citizen can vote. a. When will my reflection show who I am inside? ( Reflection)
b. In South Africa, the practice of "apartheid" is solely for the white people. b. You think the only people who are people are the ones who look and think like you. ( Colors of the
c. The right to vote is a privilege granted to the white people under the "apartheid" policy. Wind)
d. "Apartheid" is practiced only in some parts of South Africa. c. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world
4. “Deserts cover one fifth of the surface of the Earth. “ will live as one. ( Imagine)
a. Deserts cover one fifth of the Earth. d. The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky. Are also on the faces of people going by. ( "What a
b. One fifth of the Earth's surface is desert. Wonderful World")
c. Deserts cover one fifth of the Earth. 8. " Dance is a walk that is felt." How can describing something, as if it's the first time that you
d. Deserts cover more than half of the Earth's surface. experienced it, help improve your perception about everything?
5. “A type of shark called a shortfin mako can leap 20 feet above the surface of the water.” a. It will make you very creative.
a. A shark can leap 20 feet out of the water, it is called a shortfin mako. b. It will make you appreciate your world.
b. The shortfin mako shark can jump above the surface of water. c. It will make you see things differently
c. A shortfin mako is a kind of shark that can leap 20 feet out of the water. d. It will make you more poetic
d. A shortfin mako can jump 20 feet above the surface of the water. 9. " The air is warm and fragrant" appeals to the sense of _____.
IV. Reading and Literature a. sight and sound c. hearing and feeling
Read each item carefully and follow directions as indicated. Write the letter of the most b. feeling and smell d. smell and sound
appropriate answer on your paper. 10. How was human nature highlighted when the man attempted to kill the dog but soon decided to relax
1. Who wrote the story " The Little Prince"? and stay aback?
a. James Joyce b. Antoine De Saint Exupery c. Ernest Hemingway c. F. Scott Fitzgerald a. Man is hopeless when problems arise.
2. What is the systematic investigation to contribute an existing body of knowledge? b. Man will do anything just for food.
a. Methodology b. Research c. Conclusion d. Term Paper c. Man is but an animal that base his decisions on instincts.
3. If you would like to show the similarities and difference of the Little Prince and the Fox, what is
d. Man will exhaust all means to survive even at the expense of others.
the most appropriate graphic organizer to use?
11. The following lines signify that _______.
a. Concept map b. Plot Development Triangle c. Problem - Solution Chart d. Venn Diagram
Nothing in the world is single;
4. In the poem, “Song of Autumn”, what line suggests death?
All things by a law divine
a. Farewell, vivid brightness of our short-lived summers!
In another's being mingle-
b. My heart will be no more than a frozen red block.
a. Every being is complement of another
c. That somewhere they’re nailing a coffin, in great haste
b. Interrelationship among entities exists.
d. All winter will possess my being: wrath, hate horror, shivering, hard, forced labor
c. Stimulus triggers a response.
5. " The sea has a laugh/ And the cliff a frown;/ For the laugh of the sea/ is wearing him down".
d. No man is an island
The stanza above demonstrates the use of _____.
a. metaphor b. personification c. simile d. symbols
6. How was the idea of hope exemplified in the poem?
San Ramon, Bontoc, Southern Leyte


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