Performance Management (SRAN13.1 - 01)
Performance Management (SRAN13.1 - 01)
Performance Management (SRAN13.1 - 01)
Issue 01
Date 2018-04-10
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1 Change History.............................................................................................................................. 1
2 About This Document.................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Applicable RAT.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Features in This Document.............................................................................................................................................2
2.3 Differences Between Base Station Types....................................................................................................................... 3
4 Technical Description...................................................................................................................8
4.1 Basic Concepts............................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Performance Counter................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.2 Measurement Object....................................................................................................................................................9
4.1.3 Function Subset......................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.4 Function Set............................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.5 Measurement Period.................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Performance Counter Statistical Methods.................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 Performance Counter Statistical Types......................................................................................................................12
4.2.2 Performance Counter Aggregation Types................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Counter-based Performance Measurement Process......................................................................................................13
4.4 Performance Counter Help Documents........................................................................................................................ 16
4.5 Northbound Interface....................................................................................................................................................17
4.5.1 Northbound Interface Overview................................................................................................................................ 17
4.5.2 Recommended Interconnection Solution...................................................................................................................17
4.5.3 Related Documents....................................................................................................................................................18
4.6 Schemes for Adding or Deleting Performance Counters and Object Type Parameters............................................... 18
5 Related Features...........................................................................................................................20
6 Network Impact........................................................................................................................... 21
7 Parameters..................................................................................................................................... 22
8 Counters........................................................................................................................................ 23
9 Glossary......................................................................................................................................... 24
10 Reference Documents............................................................................................................... 25
1 Change History
This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes:
l Technical changes
Changes in features of a specified version
l Editorial changes
Changes in wording or addition of information
SRAN13.1 01 (2018-04-10)
This issue does not include any changes.
Added the support for NB-IoT by LampSite base stations. For None
details, see 2.3 Differences Between Base Station Types.
3.1 Definition
Performance management is a function defined by the Telecommunication Management
Network (TMN). This feature provides a method of efficiently monitoring network
performance, while facilitating network evaluation, optimization, and troubleshooting.
3.2 Benefits
Performance management helps you:
l Check whether product-related features are effective.
l Detect networks whose performance deteriorates, enabling telecom operators to take
measures to improve network quality.
l Troubleshoot network faults and provide suggestions on network quality improvement.
l Monitor and optimize wireless and transport networks. This improves user experience
and helps telecom operators maximize the usage of existing device resources.
l Offer network planning engineers detailed information required for network expansion.
3.3 Architecture
Performance management includes measurement management, measurement data collection,
real-time performance monitoring, and performance threshold alarms. The NEs, OSS, mAOS,
and NMS jointly provide these functions. Figure 3-1 shows the architecture of performance
NMS: network management system mAOS: mobile agile operation for service
XML: Extensible Markup Language MRF: measurement result file
MML: man-machine language FTP: File Transfer Protocol
SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol FTPS: File Transfer Protocol over SSL
NE: network element
The following describes the functions of each component in the performance management
NEs in the performance management architecture include:
l BSC and eGBTS on the GSM network
l RNC and NodeB on the UMTS network
l Macro and micro eNodeBs on the LTE network
l MBSC and multimode base station on the SingleRAN network
After receiving performance measurement result subscription from the U2000, NEs collect
performance counters indicating the performance of physical and logical resources on the
network based on the subscription information, generate corresponding performance data after
each counter statistical period, and report the data to the U2000.
l After each measurement period for periodical performance measurement, the NEs store
the performance data in measurement result files (MRFs) and send the MRFs to the
l After each measurement period for real-time performance monitoring, the NEs send
measurement results in binary messages to the U2000.
GBTSs are not presented, because the BSC generates GBTS performance statistics and
reports them to the U2000.
If the NE reset period includes the end time of a measurement period, the NE cannot report the
measurement result file. This will lead to the absence of performance counter measurement data between
the start of the current measurement period and the restoration of an NE reset. When the next
measurement period ends after the NE reset, the NE can normally report the measurement result file.
The U2000 is the platform to execute performance management. Users can register
performance measurement tasks, and process and monitor performance data through the
graphical user interface (GUI). The U2000 provides the following performance management
l Performance data collection and storage
The U2000 periodically obtains measurement results of performance counters from NEs
based on measurement settings and saves them to the U2000 database. Users can modify
the measurement settings and save them as a template. Users can also view measurement
status, synchronize measurement data, and view synchronization task status.
l Performance data query
On the U2000, users can query performance data saved in the database. The U2000
displays the query results in a table, line chart, or bar chart. The U2000 also allows users
to print and save query results, to query templates and missing data, and to subscribe to
performance data.
l Performance threshold alarms
Users can set alarm thresholds for measurement counters. When a counter value exceeds
a specified threshold, a performance threshold alarm is generated. When the counter
value falls below the threshold, the performance threshold alarm is cleared automatically.
l Performance data export
U2000 performance management provides source data for the NMS and mAOS. For
details of the U2000 performance management subsystems, see the OSS document
Performance Measurement Management.
After obtaining the performance data from the U2000, the mAOS parses and stores the data in
the mAOS database and regularly aggregates the data. The mAOS can store key data for an
extended period, query data flexibly in multiple dimensions, and manage, generate, and
distribute reports.
After NEs send performance MRFs to the U2000, the NMS can obtain the files from specified
directories on the U2000.
For details of the mAOS, see RAN Statistics Performance Visibility in mAOS Product
4 Technical Description
Each performance counter has a unique ID and name. Table 4-1 describes an example
performance counter.
ID Name Description
These counters are selected by default. If you do not clear these counters, all the measurement
results of these counters are reported to the U2000 and stored in the U2000 performance
database. You can query the measurement results stored in the performance database.
l After you start a measurement task for user-defined performance counters on the U2000 client, the
U2000 automatically enables the measurement of common performance counters and extended
performance counters involved in the user-defined performance counters.
l eNodeBs support the EBC function as of eRAN3.0. RNCs support the EBC function as of RAN15.0.
The measurement period is 15 minutes.
Performance counters are measured for an object. Table 4-2 lists the example object types of
some NodeB performance counters.
Figure 4-1 Relationships between object types, function sets, function subsets, and
performance counters
eGBTS 15 and 60 60
NodeB 15 and 60 60
l Measurement periods are classified into short measurement periods (5- and 15-minute) and long
measurement periods (15-, 30-, and 60-minute). Note that the short and long measurement periods
cannot be set to 15 minutes concurrently.
l A maximum of 1000 counters in a 5-minute or 15-minute measurement period can be selected at a
time for an NE. This helps save storage space of the U2000.
The following table describes the basic process of counter-based U2000 performance
1 Register On the U2000 client, set the measurement counters, object types, and
measurem period, and deliver measurement tasks to the performance management
ent tasks (PM) mediation through the PM server.
3 Generate The NEs generate the performance measurement results based on the
measurem measurement period.
ent results
4 Report The NEs report the performance measurement results to the U2000
measurem server.
ent results The protocol used by an NE to report the performance measurement
results is determined by NE attributes. Different NEs may use different
protocols to report performance measurement results.
6 Import The U2000 server saves the parsed performance measurement results
measurem to the performance database.
ent results
8 Export The performance data in the database can be exported to the NMS
performan through the U2000 northbound interface.
ce data The Nastar can use a data collection tool to obtain performance data
based on the IP address of the U2000 server, user name, password, and
the path for saving performance data.
The mAOS allows you to use the task management function to collect
data from the U2000, save the data in a file on the mAOS, and import
data in the file to the database as scheduled for subsequent query and
The following table describes the basic process of EBC-based U2000 performance
1 Register Users set and activate measurement counters on the U2000 client
measurement and deliver the counters to the EBC management module through
tasks the performance server.
4 Report CHR eNodeBs and RNCs report CHR files to which the EBC
files subscribes to the Trace Server and SAU.
4 Calculate The Trace Server and SAU use the counter-defined script files to
counters process CHR files and generate counter statistical results.
5 Generate result The Trace Server and SAU report counter pre-calculation results
files to the EBC export module which then generates counter result
6 Query counters The mAOS collects counter result files generated by the EBC
export module as scheduled, parses the files, and saves the files to
the database for you to query on the client.
The U2000 opens the northbound interface for performance files to support the capability of
integrating with the NMS manufactured by a third party. It is recommended that the
northbound interface for performance files adopt the XML format, which is defined by 3GPP
protocols for performance measurement result files. File export delay through this interface is
short and the U2000 is least affected.
The file interface can periodically export performance data from the database to files based on
preset export criteria. The NMS can obtain the exported performance files from a specified
path on the U2000 by using the FTP/SFTP. If the NMS provides the IP address of a server and
specifies a path on the server, the U2000 can upload files to the path on the server.
For details of the northbound performance file interface, see U2000 Northbound Performance
File Interface Developer Guide (NE-Based).
If counter IDs meet the interconnection requirements, you are advised to interconnect the
NMS with the U2000 based on counter IDs to reduce the impact of counter name difference
on the NMS.
Counter names are longer that counter IDs and may vary based on NE versions.
If counter names are used to interconnect the U2000 with the NMS, the size of a performance result file
on the northbound interface is large, which affects file transfer and parsing efficiency.
Table 4-6 Schemes for deleting performance counters and object type parameters
Scenario Scheme (N-N+1) Scheme (N
Old performance Old performance counters are reserved, and statistics Old
counters are about these performance counters are reported performance
deleted. properly or are null values. counters are
Old object type l Old object type parameters are reserved and Old
parameters are reported. The parameter value validity depends on performance
deleted or replaced the validity of values for the corresponding counters are
by other parameters in the configuration model. deleted.
parameters due to l New object type parameters are reported properly.
Table 4-7 lists the documents containing information about deleted performance counters and
object type parameters.
Table 4-7 Documents containing information about disused performance counters and object
type parameters
Document Name Description
Disuse Performance This document is released with the NE software and describes all
Counter List deleted counters, and counters and object types to be deleted in this
version. It also provides disuse statements that describe the
schemes and reasons for deleting these counters or object types.
5 Related Features
Prerequisite Features
Impacted Features
6 Network Impact
System Capacity
No impact.
Network Performance
No impact.
7 Parameters
8 Counters
9 Glossary
10 Reference Documents