Pages From Sophie Goldie - Pure Mathematics 1 - Cambridge International As & A Level-Hodder Education (2012) - 2

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6 h+4r= 100,

Chapter 2 (ii) (a) -3
2nrh+2nr2= 1400n
(b) (
Activity 2.1 (Page 40)
(ii) 6000n or ------:n- cm
980001t 3
(c) .JlO
7 (i) (3x+ 2y)(2x+ y) m 2 2' B·. -1·, C·• O·, D·. 00
A.. !. (d) !

(iii) 1 1 (iii) (a) 0

2>Y = 4
G (Page 40) (b) (0, 3)
No, the numerator and denominator
Exercise 1 H (Page 37) (cl 12
of the gradient formula would have
1 (i) a> 6 the same magnitude but the opposite (d) Infinite
sign, so m would be unchanged. (iv) (a)
(ii) b ,;;; 2

(iii) c > -2
Activity 2.2 (Page 41)
(b) -3)
(iv) d ,;;; - 3
(cl JWJ
(v) e> 7 3
ldl -IO
(vi) f > -1 (v) (a)
(vii) g ,;;; 1.4
(b) ( 3,
(viii) h< 0
(c) .J13
2 (i) 1< p < 4
X 2
(d) - 3
(ii) p ,;;; 1 or 4
An example of L 2 is the line joining (vi) (a) Infinite
(iii) -2 ,;;; x ,;;; - 1
(4, 4) to (6, 0). (b) (1, 1)
(iv) x < -2 or x > -1
m1 = m2 = -2 =::} m 1m2 = -1. (cl 6
(v) y < -1 or y > 3
(d) 0
(vi) -4 ,;;; z,;;; 5
Activity 2.3 (Page 41) 2 5
(viil q i= 2
.6.ABE .6. BCD 3 1
(viiil y < -2 or y > 4
4 -
( 11 AB· 1 BC · 3 CD· .!
(ixl -2 < x< "2' "2' "2 ' "2
L AEB = L BDC (iil Parallelogram
L BAE = L CBD (iii)
(xi) 1 ,;;; x ,;;; 3 Triangles ABE and BCD are y
congruent so BE= CD and AE =BD.
y > 53
1 ;
(xii) y < -2or 8 --
t- c
3 (i) k < '8l.
r11= AE;mz=-CD
t- y V-
(ii) k > -4
=}"1mz = - AE x CD= -1
BD 6 -f-
n . . . .- V V y
(iii) k > 10ork < -10 4 - 1- 7
J J.Lv B

_L1 V
(iv) k < 0 or k > 3 Exercise 2A (Page 44)
4 (i) k> 9
2 Jt.Y - t---
(i) (a) -2 A I _, - 1--+-- t -
(ii) k < -i (b) (1,-1) I I
0 2 4 6 8 X

(iii) -8 < k< 8

(cl ..JiO 5 (i) 6
(iv) O< k < 8
(d) !
2 liil AB = ..Ji.O, BC = .J5
(iiil 5 square units
6 (i) 18 Exercise 28 (Page 49) (viiil y
(ii) -2 y=!x+ 2
1 (i) y
(iiil 0 or 8

0 X

7 nI y
X n
B -2 1 - - - - - : : -
y- - 2 y=2x+4
A !--r 1--r-- !

1\ v (ii) y
4 X

Uil AB== BC ==JliS

x= 5
(iii) ( -3i, i)
(ivl 17.5 square units

8 (i) qX
(ii) (2x, 3y)

(iii) 4x2 + 16y2 y = --4x + 8

9 (i) y (xi) y y= 4x - 8

y = - 3x
BC== gradient AD

(ii) gradient
! (vi
2 y= 3x + 5 (xiil

(iii) (6, 3)

10 (i) 1 or 5
(ii) 7

(vi) y y=-x + I
(iv) 1
(xiii) y
11 Diagonals have gradients and y =x - 4

are perpendicular.
Mid-points of both diagonals are X

(4, 4) so they bisect each other.

52 square units

C4 0 X

y= l - 2x
(xv) y 2 (i) Perpendicular (iv) 2x+y-2=0
(ii) Neither (v) 3x-2y-17=0
(iii) Perpendicular (vi) x+4y-24=0
(iv) Neither 3x-4y=O
4 (i)
Ill (v) Neither (ii) y=x-3
c (vi) Perpendicular (iii) x=2
(vii) Parallel (iv) 3x+y-14=0
(viii) Parallel (v) x+7y-26=0
(ix) Perpendicular (vi) y=-2
(x) Neither
X 5 (i) y
(xi) Perpendicular
(xii) Neither
(xvii) y

f) (Page 51)
Take (xi' y 1) to be (0, b) and (Xz, y 2 )
to be (a, 0).

X The formula gives =t= = C(6, 2)

which can be rearranged to give
2x +y- 3 = 0 0 X

y liil AC: x+ 3y- 12 = 0,

(xviii) 2y = Sx- 4
BC: 2x+ y-14=0
Exercise 2C (Page 54)
X liiil AB = .fi.O, BC = .fi.O,
1 (i) x=7
area = 10 square units
(ii) y=S
(iv) .JW
(iii) y=2x
6 (i)
(iv) x+y=2 yt
(v) x+4y+ 12=0 6
(vi) y=x
(vii) x=-4
0 6
(viii) y= -4
x+ 3y - 6 = 0
(ix) x+2y=O
(xx) (x) x+3y-12=0 0 2 4 6 X

YJ 2 (i) y=2x+3
(ii) y=x;x+2y-6=0;
(ii) y=3x 2x+y-6=0
(iii) 2x+y+3=0 7 (i)
2 X

(iv) y=3x-14
(v) 2x+ 3y= 10
(vi) y=Zx-3 B
3 (i) x+ 3y= 0
(ii) x+2y=O X

286 1 (iii) x-2y-1=0

(iil AB· 5 BC·
·-u· CD··3·
1 4 (i)
f) (Page 63)
Even values of n: all values of y are
positive; y axis is a line of symmetry.
liiil AB= 13; BC= 13; CD= .J4Q;
Odd values of n: origin is the centre
of rotational symmetry of order 2. C'J

(iv) AB: 5x-12y= 0; ::r

BC: 5x+ 12y-120 = 0;
CD: x- 3y+ 30 = 0; X Exercise 2E (Page 68)
AD: 4x+3y=O
(v) 90 square units
liil A: (4, 0), B: (0, 11), C: (2, 10)

f) (Page 58) (iii) 11 square units

Attempting to solve the equations (iv) (-2, 21)

simultaneously gives 3 = 4 which is 5 (i) (2, 4) X
clearly false so there is no point of
(ii) (0, 3)
intersection. The lines are parallel.
I 3 I 3
6 lil - 2, 4 , - 2, 4 parallelogram 2 y

Exercise 20 (Page 58) (ii) 10

1 m A(l, 1); B(5, 3); C(-1, 10) liiil -t 4x+ 3y= 20

liil BC = AC = J8s (iv) (4.4, 0.8)

2 (i) (vl 40 square units X

y 2x - y =-9
7 (i) -3

(iil x-3y+5=0 3
(iiil x= 1
(iv) (1, 2)

(vi) 3.75 square units

8 (i)

(ii) (-3, 3) liil gradient of AD =

(iiil 2x- y= 3; x- 2y= 0 gradient of CD = h

(iv) (-6, -3); (5, 7)
(iiil x co-ordinate ofD = 16

3 lil y= 1, y= -2x + 6 x co-ordinate of B = -4 • ') I

f i" V
(ivl 160 square units
liil Gradients= and -2 AC X

and BD are perpendicular. 9 M(4, 6), A(-8, 0), C(16, 12)

Intersection= (2, 2) =mid-
10 lil 3x+2y=31
point of both AC and BD.
(ii) (7, 5)
liiil AC =BD= ..fiij
11 lil 2x+3y=20 5 y

(iv) Square
liil C(lO, 0), D(l4, 6)

12 (6.2, 9.6)
13 (i) (4, 6)
(ii) (6, 10)

(iii) 40.9 units X

14 B(6, 5), C(l2, 8)

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