Deck Operational General Cargo Vessel

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Wrong answer summary

Installation: CES version: CES 5.3.3

Name: Test date: 01.06.2018
User ID: Test type: STCW
Time used: 1
Nationality: Department: Deck
Academy: Level: Operational
Batch: Vessel type: General cargo vessel
Show only wrong answers with negative score: No

Question asked (wsHISJkg):

The vessel is sailing with Master and Pilot on the bridge. What are the duties of the
Officer of the Watch?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Assist the Master and Pilot as well as carrying out normal watch keeping duties

Question asked (J#6YpTi$):

When a ship is lying at anchor in a tidal area using both forward anchors, to what
particular aspect should the officer of the watch be paying special attention?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
When the ship swings to the tide the direction of swing should be controlled to avoid the
anchor cables becoming wrapped round each other

Question asked (9L5ul5t8):

What sound signal shall be used on ship's whistle when there is a man overboard?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
3 long blasts repeatedly

Question asked (9h2Ne7Yb):

What device can be used by a tug to get a line aboard a disabled vessel in bad weather,
when it is dangerous for the tug to get too close?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
A rocket line

Question asked (TyVZlMOb):

What is the correct understanding of the term 'a ship with good Directional Stability'?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
A ship moving forwards with the rudder amidships, will continue in a straight line

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Question asked (FpjAFVp#):

What is the best way to avoid pollution from small oil-spills aboard a ship?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Contain any oil-spill onboard the ship

Question asked (k#vTsh2n):

What should you do with the ashes from your vessels incinerator which had burned
garbage containing plastics?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Discharge to a shore facility only

Question asked (BuchX74M):

A casualty suddenly loses consciousness and falls to the ground letting out a strange cry.
The pasient is red-blue in the face and froth may appear around the mouth. You are
witnessing a major epileptic attack. What should you do?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Loose tight clothing, ask all unnecessary bystanders to leave and carefully place
something soft under the head. If casualty is unconscious, place the person in Recovery

Question asked (9xsTMGVR):

You have an important navigational or meteorological warning to transmit. What call
should proceed this message when made on the radio telephone?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Securite Securite (3 times)

Question asked (XK7YW2r7):

On what wave band does the search and rescue radar transponder operate?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
9 GHz

Question asked (gq5LtmSu):

If a person has been overcome by fumes from toxic cargoes such as acetone
cyanohydrin and has ceased breathing, you would:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Wait for a resuscitator to be brought from the ship's first aid locker and use it?

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Question asked ($ySkZIgV):

The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpa
radar is set on a range 12 miles on a course of 314 degrees and own ship has a vector as
shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
True vectors

Question asked (ODPYHSLT):

Which of the four figures shows the correct construction of an Intercept Terminal Point
(ITP) after a morning sight reduction? Bearing of the sun: 135°, Intercept: 2' Towards.
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Figure 2 is correct

Question asked ($uSqBlen):

Which of the following figures drawn on the plane of the Meridian is correct for an
observer in Latitude 30°00' North; when observing the sun on the meridian, if the sun's
Declination is 15°00' South?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Figure 4 is correct

Question asked (cnfOfWuV):

What is the correct setting of the "Anti sea clutter" control on the radar?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
A few sea returns remaining around the own-ship position

Question asked (YA3w68oM):

From which locations is it normally possible to close watertight doors?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Watertight doors can be closed adjacent to the door and remotely from bridge and also
one emergency remote control station

Question asked (xcvlFHJY):

What is "LENGTH OVERALL", in the figure?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Length overall is indicated by B, in the figure

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Question asked (VIghMnNb):

What is "AIR DRAUGHT", in the figure?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Air draught is indicated by C, in the figure

Question asked (i8fwyX1T):

What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Embarkation ladder

Question asked (HFI9WAvv):

What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Line-throwing appliance

Question asked (3zsaYV9p):

When should a gangway safety net be rigged?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Whenever the gangway is deployed

Question asked (S2YVdCPR):

After confirmation that there is no other radio-traffic, we call on a VHF working channel of
a coast-station. When you don’t get any reply:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
You must wait 3 minute minimum before repeating your call

Question asked (iSBX9Pra):

If a coast-station doesn’t answer a call on VHF working channel or doesn’t send a reply
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
You must call on another working channel

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Question asked (h5ZUaiss):

With what system is a NAVTEX-message transmitted?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (vGVe6DhR):

A message is sent to a fax-machine. However the message cannot be delivered by the
land earth station. The land earth station will:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Automatically send a non-delivery notification (NDN) to the sender

Question asked (TWM5XSj4):

“RECEIVED MAYDAY” is used in a:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Receipt of a distress alert

Question asked (h44p8yMs):

A wire aerial for an MF/HF –transmitter must be suspended between isolators:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
To prevent contact with earth

Question asked (au1XM8YV):

When onboard channel 16 is used for a shore radio-connection, you always work:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (nkR5Rc7K):

By the degree of selectivity of a receiver is meant:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Ability to make weak stations audible

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Question asked (c2g26urK):

The accuracy of an Inmarsat-E positioning-system is:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
200 meters

Question asked (S5fuBGvA):

What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert
is received?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency
that is associated with frquency band on which the distress alert was received.

Question asked (l6WunuSN):

Which of the following is a ship MMSI ?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (bkxugahg):

" On area A3 the function "" Transmission and reception of on scene communications"" is
mainly based on:"
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The use of MF and/or VHF R/T

Question asked (uoheOA0J):

What is the term used to identify the division that stops the flames until the end of the first
half hour in a standard test of fire exposition, taking into account that the average
temperature of the non-exposed face doesn't rise more than 139ºC above the initial
temperature, and also that the temperature at any place does not rise more than 140ºC
above the initial temperature in the interval of 15 minutes?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (ikkCJp2j):

On general cargo ships, the fire hydrants must be located in such a manner that:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

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Correct answer:
At least two jets not coming from the same hydrant may reach any part of the ship
normally accessible to the crew while the ship is being navigated, with one of these jets
coming from a single length of hose (the other jet may come from two hoses joined

Question asked (wmZT28OR):

Where is it compulsory to place a portable extinguisher in an engine room containing an
internal combustion machinery?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
In such locations that no point in the engine room is more than 10 m walking distance
from an extinguisher

Question asked (BCwGlfeu):

For how long and at what speed is a fully loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm
weather ?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
6 knots for 24 hours

Question asked (ewlNx9rR):

*The freeboard of a lifeboat, measured from the waterline to the lowest opening through
which the lifeboat may become flooded:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Should exceed 1.5 % of the lifeboat length when loaded with 50 % of the number of
persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, these persons being seated to one
side of the centreline

Question asked (o1Xg7Ow4):

How many Radar Transponders (SART) are required to be carried onboard a ship for use
in survival crafts?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
One on each side of the ship

Question asked (#2$6WKU#):

The “inner bottom” of a general cargo vessel is also known as the:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Tank top.

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Question asked (murev$g0):

With respect to the ISM, what training in additional to lifeboat and fire drills must be
carried out?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Familiarization, and other drills identified as necessary by the ship

Question asked (6uGRu6KP):

Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (vATTV8vh):

Which of the following ear protection devices is most effective?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Ear muffs

Question asked (qEpHgzeW):

A ship in distress should transmit the appropriate alarm signal followed by the distress
call and message on one or all of the international distress frequencies. Which of
frequencies is in accordance with the present recommendations?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
500 kHz, 2182 kHz and 156.8 MHz

Question asked (D63UPSDG):

What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF's for
survival craft?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Channels 6, 13 & 16

Question asked (JO1KkQNX):

With a pilot ladder, the lowest spreader shall be the 5th step from the bottom. At what
interval should there be further spreaders upwards on the ladder?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
At intervals not exceeding 9 steps.

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Wrong answer summary

Question asked (k2RRdCLK):

What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.

Question asked (rhZOFY6m):

Which statement about IED’s is true?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
All IED’s have four common components.

Question asked (E6Yy$wfT):

On a General Cargo ship, the rose box is fitted:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
At the suction ends of cargo hold bilge pipes.

Question asked (oSpjwh1w):

What should be clearly marked on the cowl ventilators of a General Cargo Vessel?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The Open and Closed positions with the last date of testing

Question asked (#xTKv8oE):

The group of dangerous goods that is generally considered as being the most hazardous
for marine transportation on a General Cargo Vessel is:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Organic peroxides.

Question asked (3yL6uKiF):

Which part of the magnetic compass error changes with a change in the course steered?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

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Question asked (xEQBDYTh):

How can the error of the Gyro compass be determined?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
By taking a transit bearing with the gyro compass of two prominent fixed shore objects
and comparing it with the bearing of the same objects on the chart

Question asked (ovazUlUm):

What is the correct understanding of the term "Lapse Rate" when used in Meteorology?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The change of the temperature in the atmosphere with height above sea level.

Question asked (SgVrc4WO):

According to 'Buys Ballot's Law', if a person faces the wind in the Northern Hemisphere,
on what side of them is a low pressure centre located?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
On their right side

Question asked (vi#g$b0V):

What radar device assists in the detection and location of a survival craft?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
SART beacon

Question asked (fO$dd$FU):

A ship moving through heavy seas is affected by the water pressure at the bows causing
an effect known as "Panting". What structure in the forward region of the ship combats
the effects of Panting?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Panting beams and stringers

Question asked (sCKzilDF):

On a General Cargo Vessel, under the Hague and Hague-Visby rules, a ship owner must:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Exercise due diligence to maintain his vessel seaworthy at all times.

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Question asked (NbkSxMh5):

With reference to operations on a General Cargo ship, lateral drag refers to:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The sideways movement of a heavy load after its weight has been transferred to the
ship's lifting gear.

Question asked (rGK4hRQ5):

Your vessel is power-driven and making way in open water. This vessel is sighted wide
on the port bow. It's bearing is opening, but its distance is closing rapidly. Which of the
following is a correct assessment of the situation and the action to be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Risk of collision is deemed not to exist and I will maintain my course and speed. I will
continue to monitor the situation

Question asked (wrt1TQhg):

Your vessel is approaching a port in restricted visibility and you hear this signal. What
kind of vessel is it and what is it doing?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties and it is making way through the water

Question asked (mxc5OysT):

The special list of cargo loaded on board a ship that needs to be prepared for reporting
and other administrative purposes, is referred to as:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Question asked (rhYkVELh):

With reference to ship stability, the letters "TPC" stand for:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Tonnes per Centimetre.

Question asked (NgODf#Z0):

You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks. You see this flag hoist on a
vessel moored on a berth ahead. What does it mean?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
You should proceed at slow speed when passing me

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Question asked (7E2UXGAF):

You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders to do so

Question asked (uozSPK5O):

What would be the correct form of response to the question: What is the visibility in your
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The correct form of response would be: Visibility in my position is two hundred meters

Question asked (#CYA8EY#):

Which is the correct term given to the company providing stores and provisions to a ship
in port?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The ship chandler

Question asked (8fe0Q2I1):

The fire integrity of any bulkhead shall be maintained
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
At the openings and penetrations

Question asked (ti5djCU8):

What is the maximum length of a fire zone on any deck?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
40 meters

Question asked (qMk5a$#g):

A general cargo vessel has on board a cargo of fish meal. This cargo is noticed to be self-
heating and liable to spontaneous combustion. The Master of the vessel shall:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Follow guidance in IMO Bulk Cargo Code or IMSBC) and probably declare a port of

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Question asked (C2lqMbu9):

Whilst at sea, the fire detection system on the bridge activates and indicates smoke
present in No 1 Hold of a General Cargo ship. As an OOW, you should:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Call Master , sound General Alarm, muster crew and prepare to investigate.

Question asked (5f6i07f5):

A general cargo vessel has just finished discharging a cargo of vegetable oils from its
deep tanks. Prior to entering the tanks for cleaning purpose, you would check the tank
atmosphere for:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Oxygen, flammable gas and toxic gas levels.

Question asked (Cs5UfIQG):

Whilst loading a consignment of steel drums containing IMDG Class 8 cargo, you notice
that some drums are leaking. You should immediately make sure that:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The cargo consignment shall not be loaded at present and the Chief Officer must be
informed to make final decision if the cargo is to be rejected or accepted.

Question asked (v2030Ijt):

The basic cargo stowage requirements for a small consignment of household cleaning
products when loaded on a General Cargo Vessel, require that the product should be:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Stowed away from foodstuffs.

Question asked (Qejx$ZVk):

A number of standard 20 foot containers are to be loaded on the deck of a General Cargo
vessel. Key considerations when loading are to ensure that these containers are:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Stowed with doors aft, customs and security seals checked intact and clear access to

Question asked (zts9xMSf):

A general cargo vessel best suited for carrying:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

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Correct answer:
Pallets tinned foodstuffs and chemicals in drums.

Question asked (i9xxJjvW):

The Tonnes per Centimetre (TPC) of a general cargo vessel is 30; the present mean
draught is 6.90 m and the maximum summer load draught is 7.00m. The amount of cargo
that can still be loaded is:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
300 tonnes.

Question asked (vhn3FyPy):

When loading cargo in 'tween decks of a General Cargo Vessel, it must be ensured that:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The load is within the maximum allowed loading for the deck.

Question asked (yWk6Bvi9):

When someone is working at height, who is at risk? Select the best option.
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
There are risks to people at height and anyone below them.

Question asked (gQe4a#Uz):

What happens when an ECDIS undertakes a 'geometry check' on a planned passage?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The route is checked to see that it is acceptable for the vessel

Question asked (pGbPoDiJ):

Which option best describes what lies below an isolated danger symbol seen on the chart display of an ECDIS?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
There could be any obstruction that infringes the safety depth settings

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