Summative 8 4TH

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4TH SUMMATIVE IN MATHEMATICS 8 8. JK studies the triangles in the figure carefully.

Which should
I. Choose the letter that you think is the correct answer to the be his final conclusion?
questions and write it on your answer sheets. Please answer all
items. a. TM ≅ TM c. IM ≅ EM
1. Which of the following is not an inequality theorem for one b. ET > IT d. ∠EMT > ∠ITM
a. Triangle Inequality Theorem 1 (SsAa)
b. Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3) 9. Which theorem justifies JK’s conclusion in no. 8?
c. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem
d. Hinge Theorem a. Hinge Theorem
b. Converse of Hinge Theorem
2. Which of the following angles is an exterior angle of ΔRPY? c. Triangle Inequality Theorem 1 (SsAa)
d. Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3)

10. In ΔGUD, GU = DU and GD > DU. which of the following

statements may NOT be true?
a. GU < GD − DU b. m∠U > m∠D
c. m∠U > m∠G d. m∠D = m∠G
a. ∠2 b. ∠3 c. ∠4 d. ∠7
11. What theorem proves the following?
3. Study the figure in no. 2. Notice that m∠5 > m∠3 and m∠5
> m∠1. Which theorem justifies these observations?
a. Given a line and a point on
a. Triangle Inequality Theorem 1 (SsAa)
the line, there is only one line
b. Triangle Inequality Theorem 2 (AaSs)
through the given point that is
c. Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3)
perpendicular to the given line.
d. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem
b. In a plane, if two lines are
perpendicular to
4. RM forms triangles by bending a 16-inch wire. Which of the
the same line, then the two
following sets of wire lengths successfully form a triangle?
lines are parallel.
I. 4 in, 5 in, 6 in III. 4 in, 5 in, 7 in
c. Two lines are parallel if they do not intersect.
II. 4 in, 4 in, 8 in IV. 3 in, 4 in, 9 in
d. Two lines are perpendicular if they intersect at right angles.
a. I, II b. III, IV 12. Lines m and n are cut by transversal q. What value of x will
c. II, IV d. I, III make m || n, given that ∠1 and ∠4 are corresponding
angles and m∠1 = 5x -11 and m∠4 = 3x + 5?
5. From the inequalities in the triangles shown, V concluded that a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12
∠OHM > ∠EHM. Which theorem on inequalities in triangle 13. AB ⊥ CD at point E. If m∠BEC = 2x + 3, then what is the
justifies his answer? value of x?
a. 43.5 b. 55 c. 77.5 d. 90

14. In the figure below, AR || CE and

CA || RE. If m∠1 = 110°, then what is
the measure of ∠ERA?
a. 10° b. 20° c. 70° d. 180°
a. Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3)
b. Triangle Inequality Theorem 1 (SsAa) 15. All of the figures below illustrate
c. Converse of Hinge Theorem parallel lines except,
d. Hinge Theorem

6. Jimin has proved that IS > IW. Which of the following

statements is NOT part of his proof?

16. A contractor tacked one end of a string to each vertical edge

of a window. He then handed a protractor to his apprentice to
find out if the vertical edges are parallel. What should the
apprentice do?
a. Measure the angles formed by the string and the vertical edge on both ends.
a. ES ≅ EW c. EI ≅ EI b. Measure the length of the string and the edge of the window.
b. ∠WEI + ∠SEI = 180 d. ∠W < ∠S c. Measure the length of the string and the horizontal edge of the window.
d. Measure the diagonal of the window and the angle formed by the edges of
the window.
7. What theorem should Jimin use to justify his proved statement
in no. 6? 17. As a design expert, a certain furniture shop invited you to
a. Hinge Theorem conduct a mini-seminar on a topic entitled: “Ensuring Stability of
b. Converse of Hinge Theorem Furniture.” This seminar aims to orient the workers of the
c. Triangle Inequality Theorem 1 (SsAa)
d. Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3)

furniture shop on how they will ensure the stability of their 0 1 5 5
product. Which one should you give emphasis in your talk? a. or 0 cb. c. d. ∨¿1
6 6 6 6
a. accuracy of measures, parallelism, and perpendicularity of parts 26. In a 500-ticket draw for an educational prize, Ana’s name
b. attractive colors and accuracy of measures
was written on 41 tickets. What is the probability that she would
c. parallelism of parts and quality of materials
d. perpendicularity of parts and quality of materials
a. 0.082 b. 0.122 c. 0.41 d. 0.82
18. You are tasked to divide a blank card into three equal
rows/pieces but you do not have a ruler. Instead, you will use a 27. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. Answering a true/false-type question has one possible outcome.
piece of equally lined paper and a straight edge. What is the b. Flipping a coin thrice has 3 possible outcomes.
sequence of the steps you are going to undertake in order to c. The probability of getting a head when a coin is tossed can be
apply the theorem on parallel lines? expressed as ½ , 0.5 or 50%.
d. The probability of rolling 7 in a die is 1/7.
I – Mark the points where the second and third lines intersect the card.
II – Place a corner of the top edge of the card on the first line of the paper.
III – Repeat for the other side of the card and connect the marks. 28. The weather forecaster has announced that Region 1 has
IV – Place the corner of the bottom edge on the fourth line. rainy (R), partly cloudy (PR) and cloudy (C) weather. If the
a. I, II, III, IV b. II, III, IV, I chance of having R is twice as the probability of PR which is 2/7
c. I, III, IV, II d. II, IV, I, III what is the correct table for probability?

19. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

a. Chance b. Interpretation
c. Possibilities d. Uncertainty

20. All the possible outcomes that can occur when a coin is
tossed twice are listed in the box. What is the probability of
having a head?
29. A glass jar contains 40 red, green, blue and yellow marbles.
1 1 3 The probability of drawing a single green marble at
a. b. c. d. 1 random is 1/5. What does this mean?
4 2 4
a. There are 5 green marbles in the glass jar.
b. There are 8 green marbles in the glass jar.
21. The local weather forecaster said that there is a 20% chance c. There are more green marbles than the others.
of rain tomorrow. What is the probability that it will not rain d. There is only one green marble in the glass jar.
a. 0.2 b. 0.85 c. 20 d. 80% 30. In a restaurant, you have a dinner choice of one main dish,
one vegetable, and one drink. The choices for main dish are
22. A quiz contains three multiple choice-type questions and two pork and chicken meat. The vegetable choices are broccoli and
true/false-type questions. Suppose you guess the answer cabbage. The drink choices are juice and water. How many
randomly on every question. The table below gives the choices are possible?
probability of each score.
a. 8 b. 10 c. 12 d. 14

31-40: Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write the

What is the probability of failing the quiz (getting 0, 1, 2, or 3 LETTER of the correct answer.
correct) by guessing?

a. 0.047 b. 0.575 c. 0.773 d. 0.953

23. A spinner with three equal divisions was spun 1000 times.
The following information was recorded. What is the probability
of the spinner landing on RED?

a. 27% b. 29% c. 45%

d. 73%

24. Suppose you toss two fair coins once, how many possible
outcomes are there?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 8

25. A number cube is rolled. What is the probability of rolling a

number that is not 3?
Extra Credits: 5 points : If you divide 30 by
half and add ten, what do you get ?

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