(Course, Unit) Lesson Plan

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1. To The key to successful teaching is good planning. it serves as a Lecture LCD By asking
introduce guidance for the teacher as well as for the student in creating the cum question
the topic atmosphere conductive for worthwhile learning and purposeful discussion
course activities. good teacher install in her student urge to learn and the
planning sincerity of purpose in all activities
 State the objective in behavioral terms, which are to be Explanation LCD By asking
To achieved. question
2. describe  Established sequence in order of succession, the content
the materials has to be organized, e.g in teaching bed making, plan
principle teaching of simple open bed first, admission next ,post
of course operative bed, fracture bed, renal beds etc
planning  The teacher should kept In mind;
 What should the student learn from the course.
 What should be the sequence of topics/units?
 How much time is to allotted
 Ensure logical and psychological continuity to organize
continuity in to fewer Its, easy understanding and to avoid
atomized learning and repitation
Organize the course focusing around the students. it should be
adopted to the level of the students, individual difference has
to be allotted, should encourage logical memory and problem
solving, combining logical and psychological requirements
 Provide cumulative learning by reinforcement
 Plan for integration
 Unity curriculum
 Select an approach that is acceptable to all teachers
 Provide variety in modes of learning, e.g group discussion,
independent study modules, problem solving approach that
facilitate better learning. thought provoking assignment should
be given.
3. To explain 2 kind of planning involved:
the 1.identify the kind of element and which specific learning are to be Lecture LCD By asking
structure organized(knowledge and understanding) question
of course 2.The selection of specific organizing centers on which as much as
plan possible of the learmer’s entire being is to be focused(specific content
and teaching activites to be involved in the learner’s inquiry)
 Mention the objective or outcome to be achieved through the
4. To given course. Lecture LCD By asking
describe  Specify the level of learners cum question
the  Brief course description discussion
content of  Mention the placement of the course within the curriculum
course  Organize the organization, content topic wise, unit wise.
plan  Describe the resource materials and method of teaching.
 Give the plan of learning activity for students.
 Describe the procedure for ongoing and terminal evaluation.
 Mention place, length of experience record, observation,
procedure, plan of rotation with field experiences,supervised and
guided practice
5. Describe  The staff for concerned for teaching the course must discuss lecture LCD By asking
the and agree on the general principle of organization of the course question
process of for its smoth implementation.
organizing  Agreement should be made regarding the general principles of
learning organization i.e contiuity,sequence and integration.
 The basic unit should be included,
 Flexible plans should be developed which can be handled by
each teacher.
 The plan should be used for a particular course.
6. Describe  The extent, to which a teacher will plan courses individually, Lecture LCD By asking
the will vary from institution to institution. cum question
various  The general objective, general area of subject matter, discussion
teacher’s evaluation measures for each course will be determined at the
role in institutional or faculty or institutional level to insure continuity
course and progression in learning, to avoid gaps and nonproductive
planning repetition in subject matter context and to provide the
reinforcement of previous learning
These all depand on;
1. teacher’s own self-appraisal.
2. attitude towards student teaching and learning
3. knowledge and skill related to the area of teaching.
4. composition of learner’s group
5. teacher insight and skill sound ideas and understanding known
 Basis of planning.
 Units of work.
 Select materials and learning activity
 Set up working group.
 Arrange the teaching-learning environment.
Planning is essential to good teaching,but itself does not affect
mastery of teaching, teacher make plan, plan do not make teachers
To The teacher has to recognize the content of the textbook on the
7. introduce subject in to suitable unit. unit is developed psychologically in the lecture LCD By asking
the topic student as a mean of integration, unitary teaching necessitatives the question
unit plan interlocking of ideas in order to achieve full understanding.
A large sub division of the subject matter, where a principle of a topic
8. To define or a properly is central to the well organized matter. lecture LCD By asking
the term Planning the units is known as ‘unit planning’ cum question
unit plan A unit consist of a comprehensive series of related and meaning discussion
activity to achieve the purpose, educational objectives by providing
significant educational experience that would result in appropriate
behavioural changes in the learners.
9. To explain 1.unit planning recognizes that learning take place most effectively in
the term of whole rather than on fraction ,i.e. emphasis is placed on
charact- significant and comprehensive problem, concept and activites rather
erstic of than on fragmentary pieces Lecture LCD By asking
unit plan 2.unit planning recognizes the learning is developmental and cum question
therefore provide for vertical and horizontal organizing of learning discussion
Here the nurse student is given opportunity to relate and integrate
her learning experiences in a specific unit with her total learning
experience from her life activites, outside the curriculum as well as
activites with in curriculum.
3.unit planning recognizes that learning take place most effectively
when there is an understanding and acceptance of goals to be
achieved and when there is full and free participation in planning for
the attainment of these goals.
4. unit planning recognize the necessity for providing for individual
differences in rate of learning and interest, therefore, variety of
assignment such as project field trips ,conference and other similar
activity are planned by and for individual and groups.
5. unit planning recognizes that true learning renders the learners
increasingly skilled in self-directions, therefore opportunities are
provided for the student steadily and gradually assume more
responsibility for the selection, organization and evaluation of many
of her own learning experience.
6.unit planning provides sound basis for evaluation.
10 T0 explain  The need, capability and interests of the students should be
. the kept in view
criteria of  A variety of experience should be planned for better learning, Lecture LCD By asking
a good e.g field trips, experiment, demonstration, demonstration, cum question
plan project, etc discussion
 The previous experience and background of the students should
be taken in to account
 The length of the unit should be based on interest of the
 Provide an opportunity for new experience.
 Familiar and related topics should be included in the unit
 It should be related to physical social and physical environment
of the students, help anticipate and satisfy some of the future
needs of the students
 Unit should be a part of sequence that’s permits growth ar from
year to year.
 Unit planning should be the result of cooperative planning of
teacher and students.
 Signifies the unity or wholeness of learning activities related to
some problem or project.
 Psychological principle, learning by whole is followed.
 Important has to be given to integrate learning outcome.
 Organize the subject matter and learning experience as well.
 It achieve a set of specification and objective.
 Teacher should have through knowledge about subject content
so that she has decide the difficult units.
The availability of periods should be considered


11 To explain Caswell and Campbell (1985) classified the type of unit into two main
. the type categories Lecture LCD By asking
of unit 1.subject matter units cum question
planning A) topical discussion
b) generalization unit
c) the unit based on significance aspect of environment or culture
2) experience unit
a) unit based on center of interest
b) unit based on student purpose
c) unit based on student need
3) resource units
subject matter unit- in this unit student attain their wholeness
integration through the learning activities. the source of unit is the
outside the leaner. The primary goal of this unit is the phase of aspect
of the culture or a major division of subject matter
experience unit- this unit student attain their wholeness through
experience of learner needs, purpose and interest are essential
element in determining whether a series of activities or body of
content has real unit.
Since there is wide applicability of all types of all type of unit plans in
nursing course, the term teaching learning unit”has been used to
describe the unit planning in nursing courses.

Essential activity which involved while planning and develop teaching

To learning units including the following
describe 1. selection and statement of objectives Lecture LCD By asking
12 the 2. selection of type of unit to be used. cum question
. essential 3. selection of learning situations Discussion
activity 4. selection of knowledge components
which 5. selection of the organizing center-learning and teaching activities
involved 6. selection of method of evaluation
while These activity are interrelated and one activity influences the
planning others..therefore, in reality they cannot be carried out independently
in nursing of each other.
courses 1. Selection and statement of objective
Definition of objective-educational objective are the statement
of those changes in behavior which are desired as a result of
specific learner and teacher activity. they define not only the
behavior sought in learner but also the area of human
experience through which this behavior is to be developed.
Categories of behavior changes
The following broad categories are example of behavior likely
to be included in most courses.
Knowledge –refer to the ability to recall specific and /or universals, to
recall method and/ or process, to recall a pattern, structure or setting.
this may be in the nature of memorization of routines to an
extensive knowledge manifested in deep understanding
Comprehending- refer to a type of understanding such that the
individual knows what is being communicated.
Understanding-refer to the ability to comprehend or apprehend the
meaning or to the impart of something .one test of understanding is
the ability to apply the learning to a new situation.
Applying principle- refer to the ability to apply knowledge in the form
of generalization to new problems situation explicitly as well as
implicitly. This means that individual can identify and explain the
relevant principles.
Psychomotor skill – is the ability to perform some type of movement
which involve the muscular system as well as nervous system, such as
writing, carrying out a nursing procedure.etc.
Attitude – refer to the tendency or predisposition to look at things in
particular way.
Interest- refer to a feeling or concern for or curiosity about
Objective may be classified in numerous ways
CENTRAL OBJECTIVE- it is the core of the unit of teaching and learning.
it gives clarity, design, meaning and unity to the learning activities
when properly selected. It determine the contributory objectives and
the activity which will take place. It can be called is ‘’ general
CONTRIBUTORY OBJECTIVE-the attainment of the central objective is
the dependent of certain understanding, skill, attitudes, and
appreciation, which are known as contributory. These should be
considered not as mere steps toward the central objective but as
related elements. it can be called as ‘’ specific objective’’
INDIRECT OBJECTIVES- these objective are concomitant with the
attainment of the central and the contributory objectives. However
indirect objective are important and should always be keep in mind.
They are the idea understanding
Appreciation, attitude, and the like which are gradually build up .
They are the unifying agents that integrate the fragments in to a
whole pattern of life for the individual.
Teacher-centered objective- objective may be stated in the forms of
activities which the teacher has to do. For example, to demonstrate a
bed bath. To discuss the special nutritional needs of the premature
Objectives may be stated in the forms of topics, concepts,
generalizations or other elements of content to be taught. Thus,in an
the medical and surgical course the objective state as; the symptom
of diabetes, insulin shock. These objectives state the area of content
to be learned it not what the student is to do it.
Objectives may be stated in the forms of desired behaviors changes.
frequently, Such statements of objectives indicate desired change in
behaviors indicate desired change in behavior pattern in such
generalized pattern of behavior that they do not serves as guides in
the selection of learning activities. For example, sometimes
objectives are stated thus, to attain skill in communication , to
develop skill in health teaching,
Since the real purpose of education is to bring about certain changes
in the students behavior pattern that is, in her knowledge and
understanding her appreciations and attitudes, her abilities and skills,
they can serve as excellent guides to the teacher in the selection of
the learning activities needed to bring about the desired changes.
Selection of the unit plan
The type of unit selected will be influenced by the purpose of the
school, the aim of the curriculum, the objective of the course. the
education and ability level of the student and type of learning activity
The selection of the type of unit to be used by a specific teacher will
be influenced by the ability and experience of that teacher. some type
of unit teaching require greater teaching skill and experience and
consequently cannot be used equally well by all teacher.
Selection of the learning situation
The learning situation most commonly used in the teaching and
learning of basic nursing are; 1.the classroom 2.the laboratory
3.the clinical situation and 4.health and social agencies. the
classroom and the laboratory in the school of nursing are of
course similar to those of any other educational institution and
need no elaboration here, except to say that the laboratory
situation in the school of nursing commonly include the science
laboratory and nursing art laboratories. The clinical situation
include the hospital wards and all other services of the hospital
which may be used in the education of the nursing student.
Health and social community agencies utilize through field trip
for observation and through participation in nursing services to
patient in home.
Selection of the content and knowledge component
The content of knowledge component of the unit plan refers to
the knowledge in the form of fact, principles etc which is required to
attain the objective of the unit.
some educators consider subject matter to be text book material only.
Other think of it as a body of materials composed of fact, information,
principle and generalization which are organized into field of
Teaching learning unit drawn upon many sources of it knowledge
component-textbook, reference book, periodicals, audiovisual media
Study of client at home, hospital or clinic or any other real life
situation which may serve as an education resource.
Pretest has to be administered to test the knowledge ,understanding
and skill in the area being studied can be assessed and then this
information used as a base of the planning and development of the
unit .
Distribution of time- the time allotment for the course and the
distribution of time is another factor influencing the type and content
of the unit. For example, there is considerable difference in planning
for a 2 semester-hour course as compared with a 3 semester- hour
course, planning for the course which has a specified number of
laboratory periods and lastly planning for a laboratory period in the
class room as compared to one in a clinical setting
Organization of content of the unit
The content of units of a course should be organized that is related
vertically and horizontally resulting in a systemic body of ideas and
skills that expanded continuously in to large and more meaningful
patterns .this means the instructional materials and learning
experiences should be organized and develop in such way that they
satisfy the criteria of continuity, sequence and integration
Selection of organizing center-(teaching learning activity)
The purpose of both teaching learning activities are in the essence
selected to effect desired behavioral change in the learner in order to
achieve the desired objectives
Teaching learning activities should have provide student with the
opportunity to practice the behaviors sought.
It provide opportunity for the developed of independent study, good
judgement, intellectual resourcefulness, self discipline and integrity of
purpose, as well as the mastery of different kinds of knowledge and
The organizing centers for a unit occupies a segment of time and
space being intended for identifiable learners in a specific
instructional setting
An organizing center may be a clinical conference ,a lecture
demonstration and educational motion picture, a film , a programmed
unit, a field trip, a book to read and a like.
Selection of method of evaluation.The selection of adequate method
of evaluation and their use as a prime important in teaching and
learning. Even though learning experience are selected in term of
psychological principles, many factor may interfere with the
attainment of objective. Therefore it is necessary to determine the
various stage of educational process how far the important objective
are being attained.
Selection of method of evaluation
Evaluation aspect reveals to the teacher and the student what
difficulties the student is having in mastering the desired learning
outcomes and the what judgement should be made, or the assistance
given, so the necessary outcome will be attained
Six basic steps, essential in the development of an evaluation program
1) definition of the changes in behavior expected as educational
2) obtainment of evidence of behavior in situations which evaluation
3) selection of the appropriate tool of evaluation
4) collection of an adequate sample of behavior reactions,
5)summarization of results in terms meaningful to the purpose of
evaluation .
6)development of method of interpretation of the result of appraisal
Selection of reference
Reading of relevant books, article, journals is necessary. The school
should have a good library equipped with journals, periodicals, books
and library reference material with will aid in teaching learning
Steps in unit planning
A unit should be viewed as whole. Teacher should be thoroughly
To familiar with content before she or he make any attempt to write out Lecture LCD By asking
describe the successive steps. cum question
the steps 1) CONTENT ANALYSIS discussion
13 involve in In unit planning emphasis is placed on analyzing its content in to
. unit terms, concepts, fact, situation , processes generalization, conclusion,
planning principles, laws, relationship, etc, for example, in the language unit, it
should be analysed into new works, new phrases, idioms, facts,
figures of speech, central ideas, concepts, proverbs, word building, etc
The central analysis helps the teacher to have thorough knowledge of
the subject matter.
The teacher again enter the class will full confident since he/she has
mastery over the subject matter. Again because of the content
analysis, the teacher will not be likely to miss any point while teaching
the subject.
The second step is to find out the objective with specification, that
can be realized through the content analysis.
The third step is to organize those activity that will achieve the
specification. To organize learning activities is the most befitting and
beneficial manner is an Art as well as science. Keeping its individual
differences and the psychology of the learner in view, the content,
specification and the learning activities should be planned in the unit
This is the fourth and the last step in the unit plan. Here, the
type of evaluation tools and technique are mentioned through
which the teacher would get evidence of the achievement of
objective on the part of the student




COURSE DESCRIPTION ; This course is designed to assist students to develop a broad

of Fundamental Principles, concepts, trends
and issues related to education
and nursing education. Further, it would
provide opportunity to students to
understand, appreciate and acquire skills in
teaching and evaluation,
curriculum development, implementation,
maintenance of standards and
accreditation of various nursing educational

COURSE OBJECTIVE ; At the end of the course, students will be able to :

1. Explain the aims of education,
philosophies, trends in education and
health: its impact on nursing education.
2. Describe the teaching learning process.
3. Prepare and utilize various instructional
media and methods in
teaching learning process.
4. Demonstrate competency in teaching, using various instructional
5. Critically analyze the existing nursing educational programs, their
problems, issues and future trends.
6. Describe the process of curriculum development, and the need and
methodology of curriculum change, innovation and integration.
7. Plan and conduct continuing nursing education programs.
8. Critically analyze the existing teacher preparation programs in
9. Demonstrate skill in guidance and counseling.
10. Describe the problems and issues related to administration of nursing
curriculum including selection and organization of clinical experience.
11. Explain the development of standards and accreditation process in
nursing education programs.
12. Identify research priorities in nursing education.
13. Discuss various models of collaboration in nursing education and

14. Explain the concept, principles, steps, tools and techniques of

15. Construct, administer and evaluate various tools for assessment of
knowledge, skill, and attitude.

1, 10 Understand Education :Definition, aims, concepts, philosophies Lecture cum Dr.BT Unit test
The concept & their education implications, demonstration BASAVAN .oral
􀂉 Impact of Social, economical, political &
of education technological changes on education: THAPPA .objective
• Professional education ‘’nursing .essay type
• Current trends and issues in education education’’
• Educational reforms and National Educational KP NEERJA
policy, various educational commissions-reports ‘’textbook of
• Trends in development of nursing education in
India nursing

Lecture ---do--------- Unit test

Teaching – Learning Process
2. 20 Understand 􀂉 Concepts of teaching and learning: Definition,
Discussion .oral
the concept of theories of teaching and learning, relationship Seminar .objective
teaching between teaching and learning. presentation .essay type
learning 􀂉 Educational aims and objectives; types, domains, .presentation
process and levels, elements and writing of educational objectives
􀂉 Competency based education(CBE) and outcome
instruction based education(OBE)
strategies 􀂉 Instructional design: Planning and designing the
lesson, writing lesson plan : meaning, its need and
importance, formats.
􀂉 Instruction strategies – Lecture, discussion,
demonstration, simulation, laboratory, seminar,
panel, symposium, problem solving, problem based
learning (PBL), workshop, project, role-
clinical teaching methods, programmed
instruction, self directed learning(SDL), micro
teaching, computer assisted instruction(CAI),
computer assisted learning (CAL)
3. 10 Develop Lecture
Instructional media and methods
instructional 􀂉 Key concepts in the selection and use of media in
Discussion ---do---------[ Unit test
media and education Seminar .oral
teacher role in 􀂉 Developing learning resource material using presentation .objective
instructional different .essay type
aids 􀂉 Instructional aids – types, uses, selection,
preparation, utilization.
􀂉 Teacher’s role in procuring and managing
instructional Aids – Project and non-projected aids,
multi media, video-tele conferencing etc
4. 10 Develop an Lecture cum ---do---------[ Unit test
understanding discussion .oral
of Measurement and evaluation: .objective
measurement 􀂉 Concept and nature of measurement and .essay type
and .presentation
meaning, process, purposes, problems in evaluation
evaluation. and measurement.
􀂉 Principles of assessment, formative and summative
assessment- internal assessment external
5. 12 Identify the examination, advantages and disadvantages. Lecture cum ---do--------- Unit test
standardized 􀂉 Criterion and norm referenced evaluation, discussion .oral
and non Seminar .objective
standardized Standardized and non-standardized tests : .essay type
test. 􀂉 Meaning, characteristics, objectivity, validity, .presentation
reliability, usability, norms, construction of tests-
• Essay, short answer questions and multiple
choice questions.
• Rating scales, checklist, OSCE/OSPE(Objective
structured clinical/practical examination)
• Differential scales, and summated scales,
sociometry, anecdotal record, attitude scale,
critical incident technique
􀂉 Question bank-preparation, validation, moderation
6. Understand by panel, utilization
Lecture cum ---do--------- Unit test
the 􀂉 Developing a system for maintaining confidentiality discussion .oral
Administrat Seminar .objective
ion, Scoring .essay type
and Administration, Scoring and Reporting
Reporting .presentation
􀂉 Administering a test; scoring, grading versus marks
􀂉 Objective tests, scoring essay test, methods of
scoring, Item analysis.
7. Use of
Develop the transparency, ---do--------- Unit test
standardized Lecture cum .oral
tool discussion .objective
Standardized Tools
􀂉 Tests of intelligence aptitude, interest, personality, .essay type
achievement, socio-economic status scale, tests for .presentation
8. special mental and physical abilities and disabilities. Use of ---do--------- Unit test
Develop the transparency, .oral
nursing Lecture cum .objective
educational discussion .essay type
programs for Nursing Educational programs .presentation
􀂉 Perspectives of nursing education: Global and
the national.
development 􀂉 Patterns of nursing education and training
of nurse programmes in India. Non-university and University
programs: ANM, GNM, Basic B.Sc. Nursing, Post
Certificate B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc(N) programs, M.Phil
9. Develop
and Ph.D) in Nursing, post basic diploma programs,
continuing nurse practitioner programs Lecture cum ---do----------+ Unit test
education in discussion .oral
nursing for Continuing Education in Nursing Use of chart .objective
􀂉 Concepts – Definition, importance, need scope,
nurse .essay type
principles of adult learning, assessments of learning
development needs, priorities, resources.
􀂉 Program planning, implementation and evaluation
continuing education programs.
􀂉 Research in continuing education.
10. Identify the Lecture cum ---do----------+ Unit test
􀂉 Distance education in nursing.
concept of discussion .oral
curriculum Use of chart .objective
development .essay type
in nursing .presentation
education Curriculum Development
􀂉 Definition, curriculum determinants, process and
steps of curriculum development, Curriculum
models, Types and framework.
􀂉 Formulation of philosophy, objectives, selection and
organization of learning experiences; master plan,
11. Organize the course plan, unit plan. Lecture cum ---do----------+ Unit test
􀂉 Evaluation strategies, process of curriculum
teacher discussion .oral
prepration for role of students, faculty, administrators, statutory Use of chart .objective
education in bodies and other stakeholders. .essay type
india 􀂉 Equivalency of courses: Transcripts, credit system. .presentation
Teacher preparation
􀂉 Teacher – roles & responsibilities, functions,
characteristics, competencies, qualities,
􀂉 Preparation of professional teacher
12. Describe the 􀂉 Organizing professional aspects of teacher Lecture cum ---do----------+ Unit test
importance of preparation programs discussion .oral
􀂉 Evaluation: self and peer
guidance and 􀂉 Critical analysis of various programs of teacher
counseling in education in India. .essay type
nursing .presentation

Guidance and counseling

􀂉 Concept, principles, need, difference between
guidance and counseling , trends and issues.
􀂉 Guidance and counseling services : diagnostic and
􀂉 Coordination and organization of services. Lecture cum ---do---------- Unit test
13. Understand 􀂉 Techniques of counseling : Interview, case work, discussion .oral
the concept of characteristics of counselor, problems in .objective
administration counseling. .essay type
􀂉 Professional preparation and training for
of nursing .presentation
Administration of Nursing Curriculum
􀂉 Role of curriculum coordinator – planning,
implementation and evaluation.
􀂉 Evaluation of educational programs in nursing
Develop the and program. Lecture cum ---do----------+ Unit test
14. various 􀂉 Factors influencing faculty staff relationship and discussion .oral
techniques of working together.
management .objective
􀂉 Concept of faculty supervisor (dual) position.
of nursing 􀂉 Curriculum research in nursing.
.essay type
educational 􀂉 Different models of collaboration between education .presentation
institution and service

Lecture cum ---do----------+ Unit test

Explain the Management of nursing educational discussion .oral
15. development 􀂉 Planning, organizing, staffing, budgeting,
and recruitment, discipline, public relation, performance .essay type
maintenance appraisal, welfare services, library services, hostel, .presentation
of standards
in nursing
Development and maintenance of standards and
program accreditation in nursing education programs.
􀂉 Role of Indian Nursing Council, State Registration
Nursing Councils, Boards and University.
􀂉 Role of Professional associations and unions.




Explain the concept CONCEPT AND NATURE Lecture cum How will you
and nature of Introduction demonstration charts explain the
measurement of Test concept and
evaluation Measurement nature of
Evaluation measurement
Philosophy of evaluation

Describe the purpose PURPOSE OF EVALUATION AND MEASUREMENT Lecture cum LCD What are the
of evaluation and CHARACTERSTIC OF EVALUATION discussion chart purpose of
measurement  Validity evaluation and
Factor effecting validity measurement
Type of validity
 Reliability
Method of estimating reliability
Factor influencing
Relation between validity and reliability

Explain the principle PRINCIPLE OF EVALUATION

of evaluation

Describe the type of TYPE OF EVALUATION Lecture cum Chart How will you
evaluation discussion describe the type
of evaluation
Formative evaluation
Difference between formative and summative
Lecture cum LCD How will you
Explain the CLASSIFICATION OF EVALUATION discussion explain the
classification of Norm reference technique of
evaluation Criterion reference evaluation

Lecture cum Black board What are different

discussion technique of
Describe the TECHNIQUE OF EVALUATION evaluation?
technique of

How will you

Explain the discussion classification of
classification of
1) Quantitative techniques evaluative
evaluative technique technique
Oral technique
Written techniques
Practical techniques
2) Qualitative techniques

Cumulative records
Anecdotal record
Observation technique
Rating scale

How will you

Describe the internal  Need for internal assessment Lecture LCD describe the
assessment of  How internal assessment should be made internal
evaluation  Component of internal assessment system assessment of
 Weightage of item of internal assessment
 Subjective assessment
 Assessment of cocurricular activities
 Assessment of personality traits
 Validity of internal assessment

Disadvantage of evaluation How will you
Lecture cum FLASH CARD explain the
demonstration advantage and
disadvantage of
Course description
The University of Manchester's School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work is at the forefront of developments in
nursing and was placed top of the table for nursing .
The MSc Nursing Studies programme has been successfully educating graduates since the 1970s. the School was
highly commended on the excellent quality of its teaching and learning provision.
The well established MSc Nursing Studies was redesigned and renamed MSc Advanced Nursing Studies in 2006
and since then has continued to be developed to reflect ongoing developments in nursing and health care. It is
specifically designed for students who wish to prepare for advanced nursing roles.
The programme provides a preparation for a wide range of advanced nursing roles in education, research,
management and clinical practice. The core knowledge and skills required to develop in these advanced roles
make up the compulsory elements of the new programme. the School was highly commended on the excellent
quality of its teaching and learning provision.

Course aims
The course aims to:

 Enable students to critically evaluate and apply aspects of contemporary

nursing and healthcare practice, policy, research and education, fostering
positive values and attitudes that recognise and respect individual and
cultural diversities and challenge discriminatory practice
 Equip students with in-depth knowledge, understanding and skills to
critically evaluate research and the evidence-base for nursing practice that
promote optimal health and involve service users and carers in the delivery
of care
 Develop students' abilities and skills for critically reflective practice,
problem solving and creative ethical decision making
 Contribute to innovation, change and quality improvement in Nursing and
health care practice at both individual and organisational levels by
equipping students with a systematic and critical understanding of relevant
knowledge, theoretical frameworks and advanced skills
 Enhance career development and lifelong learning in students in order to
support safe practice and the maintenance and enhancement of
appropriate standards of Nursing practice and care

Additional aims for the MSc are to:

 Enable students, through the systematic, in-depth, exploration of a specific
area of Nursing practice, policy, research or education to extend their
knowledge, understanding and ability to contribute to the advancement of
Nursing knowledge and practice at an individual and/or organisational level

Benefit of making course plan

Career opportunities
The course prepares helpful for students for advanced nursing roles in clinical management, clinical practice,
teaching and research.

 . Devi, elsa ,sanatombi,(2008) ,manipal manual of nursing education, (first
edition), new delhi, published by: CBS publishers & distributors.
 .Neerja, k.p., (2003), Textbook of nursing education, (first edition), new delhi,
published by :- Jaypee brothers medical publishers (p) ltd.
 .Basvanthappa ,BT, (2004),textbook of nursing education,(first edition), new
delhi, published by: jaypee brothers medical publishers (p) ltd.
@. “Workshop”, http://www. Your dictionary.com


Subject : Nursing education

Unit :
Topic : Course plan and unit plan
Class : M.Sc. Nursing 1st Year
Language : English
Name of the Student Teacher : Ms. Rajni Kaushik
Duration : 01 hrs.
Date :
Time :
Venue : M.Sc. Nursing 1stYear Classroom
Participant No. : 19
Method of teaching : lecture
A.V. Aids : , LCD, , Black Board,

Previous Knowledge :- The Participant may have some knowledge regarding the topic

course plan and unit plan.

General Objective: - At the end of teaching, students will understand about the course

plan and unit plan

Specific Objective:- At the end of the class the student will be able to.

 To introduce the topic course planning

 Define the term course planning.

 To describe the principle of course planning

 To explain the structure of course plan
 To describe the content of course plan
 Describe the process of organizing learning
 Describe the various teacher’s role in course planning
 To introduce the topic unit plan
 To define the term unit plan
 To explain the characteristic of unit plan
 T0 explain the criteria of a good plan
 To explain the type of unit planning
 To describe the steps involve in unit planning
 To describe the essential activity which involved while planning in nursing courses

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