ICSE Class 2 Science Paper.

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Class I,
Sample Paper

Class :II Marks : 80

I. Name the following:- 5

a. The first man landed on moon _______
b. The solid form of water ________
c. Hardest Mineral________
d. The green pigment on leaves ________
e. Main source of water ________

II. Fill in the blanks:- 5

a. Small woody plants with leafy branches____________
b. Body building food help us to ______________
c. _____________ comes from fire
d. _________ is the soft white rock used for writing on the black board
e. The ____________ make the food for the plant

III. Write True or false, Rewrite the false statement by changing the first or last
word only: 5
a. Ponds and lakes dry up in winter ( )
b. Ice is the gaseous form of water ( )
c. Rocks have many colours ( )
d. The moon gives us light and heat ( )
e. Fruits have seeds inside them ( )

IV. Match the following: 5

a. Graphite Jewellery
b. Slate red fort
c. Gem stones Pencil lead
d. Coal roof
e. Sandstone fuel


V. Give two examples:- 10

a. Shrubs _________________________
b. Hard rocks ____________________________
c. Sources of water __________________
d. Gem stones ______________________
e. Energy giving food ______________________
VI. Give scientific reasons:- 10
a. We should have proper time between our meals
b. We should boil water before drinking
c. Shadows at noon are the shortest
d. We should breathe clean air
e. Leaf is called the kitchen of plant

VII. Circle the odd one:- 5

a. Coal , chalk , slate , diamond
b. Money plant, watermelon, Pumpkin, tomato
c. Butter, milk, Meat, Fish
d. Ruby, chalk, Emerald, Sapphire
e. Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Water, Sunlight


VIII. Differentiate the following on the Basis of what is given in the brackets 10
a. Energy giving food and protective food (Explain)
b. Herbs and trees (Explain)
c. Sources of water and purification of water (Name them)
d. The sun and the moon (what are the uses and when do they appear )
e. Climbers and creepers (Explain)

IX. Observe and identify the type of plants given below:- 5

X. Answer the following:- 10
a. What are the use of white marbles?
b. Why there is no life on moon?
c. Why do farmers dig wells?
d. How do we get affected with the smoke in the environment?
e. Why do we need food?

XI . Explain water cycle with the help of a diagram 10

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