Speed Control of DC Motor Using Mobile Phone

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Research Article Volume 7 Issue No. 3

Speed Control of DC Motor Using Mobile Phone

Dr. Anshuman Tyagi1 , Aman Shukla 2 , A mbesh Yadav 3 , Kamran Ah mad 4 , Mohit Gupta 5 , Mohit Shukla 6
Head of depart ment 1 , Student Scholar2, 3, 4, 5 , Assistant Professor6
Depart ment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
PSIT Kanpur, India

Today most widely used systems are wireless because these systems are less in cost and more efficient than wired systems. In
wireless systems we do not use wires so these systems are light in weight and free fro m line losses i.e. losses due to curren t
flowing in the wires. Wires are easily affected by environmental conditions, so wired systems are not so good. In wireless
systems, the data transmitted through the Electro magnetic Waves and these waves are not affected by the environmental
conditions. Also the environment is not affected by these waves. Hence this is a eco -friendly method. Today motors are
everywhere. In every industry motors are playing a great role. In home appliances motors are playing a common role. So the us e
of this project will reduce a number of wires which are being used daily. And the reduction in number of wires will reduce the
electrical losses.

I. INTRODUCTION microcontroller with android application device. The speed of

a DC motor is directly proportional to the voltage applied
This project is all about the wireless operation of a DC Motor. across its terminals. Hence, if voltage across motor terminals is
In this project, we will control the speed of a DC Motor. varied, then speed can also be varied. This project uses the
Direction of the rotation will also be controlled. Wireless above principle to control the speed of the motor by varying
facility is provided with the help of Bluetooth connectivity. An the duty cycle of the pulse applied to it (known as PWM
android handset is required to control the operation. As the Control). Remote operation is achieved by any smart-
name suggests that “Speed Control of DC Motor with Mobile phone/Tablet etc., with Android OS, upon a GUI (Graphical
Phone” is controlling the speed of a DC motor with any mobile User Interface) based touch screen operation. The project uses
phone containing some med iu m of connectivity such as Bluetooth Device, interfaced to the microcontroller, wh ich are
Bluetooth. Various terms related to this project can be used to control the speed of the motor. PWM (Pulse Width
discussed as follows. Since we are concern with the wireless Modulation) is generated at the output by the microcontroller
application that is why we are using here a mobile phone to as per the program. The program can be written in Assembly
control the whole process. Now the question is why should we language or in Embedded C. The average voltage given or the
use a mobile phone? Which is the most suitable mobile phone? average current flowing through the motor will change
So the answer is that mobile is used only for a Bluetooth depending on the duty cycle (ON and OFF t ime of the pulses),
connection. We need not to carry an extra device for so the speed of the motor will change. A motor driver IC is
transmitting the data. This transmitter is already inbuilt in a interfaced to the microcontroller for receiv ing PWM signals
mobile phone. Now co me with the question of most suitable and delivering output for speed control of a small DC motor.
mobile phone, so it can be observed that Android phones are Further the project can be enhanced by using power electronics
the most widely used phones. Android phones are very easy devices such as IGBTs to achieve speed control higher
fro m the operating point of view. I-phones and windows capacity industrial motors.
phones are not as popular as the Android phones. So the
Android phone will be used here. We will use a permanent II. B LOCK DIAGRAM
12V DC motor. In this motor the stator is of permanent magnet
and the rotor consists of winding. A Permanent Magnet DC
Motor consists of permanent magnets to produce magnetic
field. So field cannot be varied since magnets are fixed. But
speed of this type of DC Motor can be varied by varying the
Main Supply Vo ltage. This Supply Vo ltage can be varied with
the help of a microcontroller. We will send command to
microcontroller to control the speed. Microcontroller will
receive co mmands from Android Phone by Bluetooth. It will
send command to a motor driver IC and this IC will control the
speed of the motor. This is true that the microcontroller can run
the motor alone but the output of the microcontroller is 5V and
this is not sufficient to run the motor. That is why have used
the motor driver IC. This IC gets the command fro m the
microcontroller and give output to the motor as 12V. This 12V
is sufficient to run the motor. There are 3 main terminals on a
motor driver IC to connect with the microcontroller and two
output terminals to connect the motor The project is designed
to control the speed of a DC motor using an 8051 series Figure. 1 .Block di agram of whole system

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4768 http://ijesc.org/
This block diagram consists of various blocks included in this
system. It is easier to understand the block diagram rather than
analysing the whole circuit diagram. So the block diagram
shown above has been discussed here to understand the whole
operation. The basic need of any system is input power. In this
system 230V AC is used as the input power for the system.
Now it is necessary to feed the power to every block of the
system. The main block is microcontroller which needs only
5V DC. For this a step down transformer is used to step down
the voltage.

Figure. 3. 8051 Microcontroller

Figure. 2. Outlook of model Bl ocks

After that a bridge rectifier is used to convert AC to DC.

And converted DC is regulated at 5V with the help of a voltage
regulator IC 7805. This 5V DC is safe to be applied to the
microcontroller. Now the second block is related to the motor.
The motor needs 12V DC to operate but the output of
microcontroller is only 5V DC. Hence a motor driver circuit is
used to operate the motor. This motor driver needs 12V DC
supply and this 12V Dc supply is direct ly fed fro m the output
of the bridge rectifier because its output is 12V DC. Android
device has been used to send the control signal to the
Figure. 4. 8051 Microcontroller in Project
microcontroller. When we will click on a button on Android
Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in
device, the device will execute the command related to that
contrast to microprocessors used in personal computers or
button. This command will be encoded to an electromagnetic
other general purpose applications consisting of various
signal and sent to the microcontroller with the Bluet ooth
discrete chips. Microcontrollers are used in automatically
signal. This encode command will be received at the
controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine
receiver end of the microcontroller i.e. HC-05 Bluetooth
control systems, remotes controls, toys. By reducing
module receiver. Here this co mmand will be decoded to
the size and cost compared to a design that uses a separate
the instructions and these instructions will be sent
microprocessor, memory, and input /output devices,
the microcontroller to perform the related operation.
microcontrollers make it economical to digitally control even
Microcontroller will execute the instruction and send the
,ore devices and processes.
command to motor driver IC. M icrocontroller will send the
command to also the LCD. LCD will ind icate all the ongoing
2) Bluetooth Module: The Bluetooth Module is used to
processes on its display to make the project more user-friendly.
communicate between mobile phone and any other device. It is
Motor driver will receive the signals fro m the microcontroller
used to send and receive data to/from other device. The other is
and perform the related operation such as to increase the speed
referring here microcontroller. So Bluetooth Module will
and to decrease the and also to convert the direction of
communicate here with Android Device. HC-05 Bluetooth
rotation. The motor driver will take commands from
module is used here in this project. The Bluetooth Module
microcontroller in 5V but it will g ive the motor 12V. Hence
enables us to communicate between the microcontroller and
the motor will run successfully.
the Mobile Phone. Many other modules are also available in
the market for a better range of wireless operation and good
signal strength and also a better connectivity. HC-05 Bluetooth
is the most suitable Bluetooth Module because it needs very
1) Microcontroller:
less power and it is operated only at +5V supply. Connections
A Microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated
are very easy because only four terminals are there i.e. two for
circuit containing a processor core, memory, and
supply; one is for transmission of data and other is for
programmab le input /output peripherals.
receiving of data.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4769 http://ijesc.org/


Figure.8. Microcontroller circuit

Figure.5. Bluetooth module
2) Bluetooth module connection:
3) Motor Driver IC: Motor Driver is an Integrated Circu it on a
single chip. Microcontrollers work on +5V supply. Motor may
need above +5V supply. Motor Driver IC synchronizes the
motors with microcontrollers at a higher supply voltage.
L298N motor driver is used in this system. Two motors at a
time can be connected to this IC

Figure.9. Bluetooth Module connecti on di agram

3) Motor Driver Connection:

Figure. 6 .Motor Dri ver IC

Figure. 10. Motor Dri ver Connection Diagram

4) Power Supply Connection:

Figure .7. Motor Dri ver IC

4) LCD Display: LCD Display is used as a monitor for small

systems. Also in this system the LCD Display is used as a
monitor. This LCD will display the speed of the motor. This is
a 16x2 LCD. It will d isplay 16 characters per line in two lines. Figure. 11. Power Suppl y Connection Diagram

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4770 http://ijesc.org/

Figure. 12. Power Suppl y arrangement in project

5) LCD Display Connection:

2) Control Algori thm:

Step 1: STA RT
Step 2: L: SCAN FOR BYTE RECEIVED Step 3: Switch
(received Byte)
Step 4: Case 1 ON the motor Step 5: Case 2 OFF the motor
Step 6: Case 3 Rotate Clockwise
Step 7: Case 4 Rotate Anticlockwise Step 8: Case 5 Increase
the speed Step 9: Case 6 Decrease the speed Step 10: Go to L


[1]. Ajay v Deshmu kh, “Microcontroller Theory and


[2]. Nevon Projects, www.nevonprojects.com

Figure .13. LCD Screen Connecti on Diagram [3]. http://Interfacing%20LCD%20with%2 0PIC%2 0micro
[4].https://electrosome.co m/interfacing-dc-motor--8051-keil-c-
Programmer Boards are available to program the at89c51/
microcontrollers. We write the program in any programming
language and this program is needed to be installed into the [5]. www.wikipedia.o rg
microcontroller. Th is installation of program into the
microcontroller is known as “Burning the program”. [6]. www.nevonprojects.com
Microcontroller is connected to the programmer board and this
board is connected to the Personal Co mputer.

Figure .14. Microcontroller burner

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4771 http://ijesc.org/

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