Lalitha 100 With Meaning
Lalitha 100 With Meaning
Lalitha 100 With Meaning
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
Shri Lalita Sahasranamavali with meanings
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
Location : doc_devii
Transliterated by : Saraswathy
This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study and research. The
file is not to be copied or reposted without permission, for promotion of any website or
individuals or for commercial purpose.
Shri Lalita Sahasranamavali with meanings
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
In this page shrI lalitA sahasranAmam is presented in a
name-by-name format with a brief meaning for each name. Each of
the 1000 names of shrI lalita mahAtripurasundari is beautiful
and has a profound meaning to it. Refer to a detailed commentary
and understand the complete meaning of each of these names. For
instance, Ammachi Publications has very nice commentary on
lalita sahasranAmaM.
ॐ श्रीललितामहात्रिपुरसुन्दरीस्वरूपा
श्रीमीनाक्षी परमेश्वरी परदेवताम्बिकायै नमः
सिन्दूरारुणविग्रहां त्रिनयनां माणिक्यमौलिस्फुरत्
तारानायकशेखरां स्मितमुखीमापीनवक्षोरुहाम्।
पाणिभ्यामलिपूर्णरत्नचषकं रक्तोत्पलं विभ्रतीं
सौम्यां रत्नघटस्थरक्तचरणां ध्यायेत्परामम्बिकाम्॥
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
अरुणां करुणातरङ्गिताक्षीं
अणिमादिभिरावृतां मयुखैः
अहमित्येव विभावये भवानीम्॥
समन्दहसितेक्षणां सशरचापपाशाङ्कुशाम्।
जपाकुसुमभासुरां जपविधौ स्मरेदम्बिकाम्॥
I meditate on the Mother, whose eyes are smiling, who holds the
arrow, bow, noose and the goad in Her hands. She is glittering
with red garlands and ornaments. She is painted with kumkuma
on her forehead and is red and tender like the japa flower.
अथ श्रीललितासहस्रनामस्तोत्रम्।
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
१५. अष्टमीचन्द्रविभ्राजदलिकस्थलशोभिता -
She whose forehead shines like the crescent moon of the eighth
night of the lunar half-month
१६. मुखचन्द्रकलङ्काभमृगनाभिविशेषका -
She who wears a musk mark on Her forehead which shines like
the spot in the moon
१७. वदनस्मरमाङ्गल्यगृहतोरणचिल्लिका -
She whose eyebrows shine like the archways leading to the
house of kAma, the god of love, which Her face resembles
१८. वक्त्रलक्ष्मीपरीवाहचलन्मीनाभलोचना -
She whose eyes possess the luster of the fish that move about
in the stream of beauty flowing from Her face
१९. नवचम्पकपुष्पाभनासादण्डविराजिता -
She who is resplendent with a nose that has the beauty of a
newly blossoming campaka flower
२०. ताराकान्तितिरस्कारिनासाभरणभासुरा -
She who shines with a nose-ornament that excels the luster of a star
२१. कदम्बमञ्जरीक्लृप्तकर्णपूरमनोहरा -
She who is captivating, wearing bunches of kadamba flowers
as ear-ornaments
२२. ताटङ्कयुगलीभूततपनोडुपमण्डला -
She who wears the sun and the moon as a pair of large earrings
२३. पद्मरागशिलादर्शपरिभाविकपोलभूः -
She whose cheeks excel mirrors made of rubies in their beauty
२४. नवविद्रुमबिम्बश्रीन्यक्कारिरदनच्छदा -
She whose lips excel freshly cut coral and bimba fruit in
their reflective splendor
२५. शुद्धविद्याङ्कुराकारद्विजपङ्क्तिद्वयोज्ज्वला -
She who has radiant teeth which resemble the buds of pure knowledge
२६. कर्पूरवीटिकामोदसमाकर्षिदिगन्तरा -
She who is enjoying a camphor-laden betel roll, the fragrance
of which is attracting people from all directions
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
२७. निजसल्लापमाधुर्यविनिर्भर्त्सितकच्छपी -
She who excels even the veeNa of sarasvatI in the sweetness
of Her speech
२८. मन्दस्मितप्रभापूरमज्जत्कामेशमानसा -
She who submerges even the mind of KAmesha(Lord shiva) in
the radiance of Her smile
२९. अनाकलितसादृश्यचिबुकश्रीविराजिता -
She whose chin cannot be compared to anything(it is beyond
camporison because of its unparalleled beauty)
३०. कामेशबद्धमाङ्गल्यसूत्रशोभितकन्धरा -
She whose neck is adorned with the marriage thread tied by KAmesha
३१. कनकाङ्गदकेयूरकमनीयभुजान्विता -
She whose arms are beautifully adorned with golden armlets
३२. रत्नग्रैवेयचिन्ताकलोलमुक्ताफलान्विता -
She whose neck is resplendent with a gem-studded necklace with
a locket made of pearl
३३. कामेश्वरप्रेमरत्नमणिप्रतिपणस्तनी -
She who gives Her breasts to KAmeshvara in return for the gem
of love He bestows on Her
३४. नाभ्यालवालरोमालिलताफलकुचद्वयी -
She whose breasts are the fruits on the creeper of the fine
hairline that starts in the depths of Her navel and spreads
३५. लक्ष्यरोमलताधारतासमुन्नेयमध्यमा -
She who has a waist, the existence of which can only be inferred
by the fact that the creeper of Her hairline springs from it
३६. स्तनभारदलन्मध्यपट्टबन्धवलित्रया -
She whose abdomen has three folds which form a belt to support
Her waist from breaking under the weight of Her breasts
३७. अरुणारुणकौसुम्भवस्त्रभास्वत्कटीतटी -
She whose hips are adorned with a garment as red as the rising
sun, which is dyed with an extract from safflower (kusumbha)
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
३८. रत्नकिङ्किणिकारम्यरशनादामभूषिता -
She who is adorned with a girdle which is decorated with many
gem-studded bells
३९. कामेशज्ञातसौभाग्यमार्दवोरुद्वयान्विता -
The beauty and softness of whose thighs are known only to
kAmesha, Her husband
४०. माणिक्यमकुटाकारजानुद्वयविराजिता -
She whose knees are like crowns shaped from the precious red
jewel, mAnikya (a kind of ruby)
४१. इन्द्रगोपपरिक्षिप्तस्मरतूणाभजङ्घिका -
She whose calves gleam like the jewel-covered quiver of the
God of Love
४२. गूढगुल्फा -
She whose ankles are hidden
४३. कूर्मपृष्ठजयिष्णुप्रपदान्विता -
She whose feet have arches that rival the back of a tortoise
in smooothness and beauty
४४. नखदीधितिसन्छन्ननमज्जनतमोगुणा -
She whose toenails give out such a radiance that all the
darkness of ignorance is dispelled completely from those
devotees who prostrate at Her feet
४५. पदद्वयप्रभाजालपराकृतसरोरुहा -
She whose feet defeat lotus flowers in radiance
४६. शिञ्जानमणिमञ्जिरमण्डितश्रीपदाम्बुजा -
She whose auspicious lotus feet are adorned with gem-studded
golden anklets that tinkle sweetly
४७. मरालीमन्दगमना -
She whose gait is as slow and gentle as that of a swan
४८. महालावण्यशेवधिः -
She who is the treasure-house of beauty
४९. सर्वारुणा -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
६५. भण्डासुरवधोद्युक्तशक्तिसेनासमन्विता -
She who is endowed with an army of shaktis intent on slaying
६६. सम्पत्करीसमारूढसिन्धुरव्रजसेविता -
Who is attended by a herd of elephants ably commanded by sampatkarI
६७. अश्वारूढाधिष्ठिताश्वकोटिकोटिभिरावृता -
She who is surrounded by a cavalry of several million horses
which are under the command of the shakti, ashvArUDhA
६८. चक्रराजरथारूढसर्वायुधपरिष्कृता -
She who shines in Her chariot chakrarAja, equipped with all
kinds of weapons
६९. गेयचक्ररथारूढमन्त्रिणीपरिसेविता -
She who is served by the shakti named mantriNI who rides the
chariot known as geyacakra
७०. किरिचक्ररथारूढदण्डनाथापुरस्कृता -
She who is escorted by the shakti known as daNDanAthA, seated
in the kirichakra chariot
७१. ज्वालामालिनिकाक्षिप्तवह्निप्राकारमध्यगा -
She who has taken position at the center of the fortress of
fire created by the goddess, jvAlAmAlinI
७२. भण्डसैन्यवधोद्युक्तशक्तिविक्रमहर्षिता -
She who rejoices at the valor of the shaktis who are intent
on destroying the forces of bhaNDAsura
७३. नित्यापराक्रमाटोपनिरीक्षणसमुत्सुका -
She who delights in seeing the might and the pride of Her
nityA deities
७४. भण्डपुत्रवधोद्युक्तबालाविक्रमनन्दिता -
She who delights in seeing the valor of the goddess bAla who
is intent on killing the sons of bhaNDa
७५. मन्त्रिण्यम्बाविरचितविषङ्गवधतोषिता -
She who rejoices at the destruction, in battle, of the demon
viShaNga by the mantriNI shakti
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
७६. विशुक्रप्राणहरणवाराहीवीर्यनन्दिता -
She who is pleased with the prowess of vArAhI who took the
life of vishukra
७७. कामेश्वरमुखालोककल्पितश्रीगणेश्वरा -
She who gives rise to gaNesha by a glance at the face of kAmeshvara
७८. महागणेशनिर्भिन्नविघ्नयन्त्रप्रहर्षिता -
She who rejoices when gaNesha shatters all obstacles
७९. भण्डासुरेन्द्रनिर्मुक्तशस्त्रप्रत्यस्त्रवर्षिणी -
She who showers counter weapons to each weapon fired at Her
by bhaNDAsura
८०. कराङ्गुलिनखोत्पन्ननारायणदशाकृतिः -
She who created from Her fingernails all ten incarnations of
NArAyaNa (viShNu)
८१. महापाशुपतास्त्राग्निनिर्दग्धासुरसैनिका -
She who burned the armies of the demons in the fire of the
missile, mahApAshupata
८२. कामेश्वरास्त्रनिर्दग्धसभण्डासुरशून्यका -
She who burned and destroyed bhaNDAsura and his capital shUnyaka
with the kAmeshvara missle
८३. ब्रह्मोपेन्द्रमहेन्द्रादिदेवसंस्तुतवैभवा -
She whose many powers are extolled by brahmA, viShNu, shiva
and other gods
८४. हरनेत्राग्निसन्दग्धकामसञ्जीवनौषधिः -
She who became the life-giving medicine for kAmadeva (the god
of love) who had been burned to ashes by the fire from shiva’s
(third) eye
८५. श्रीमद्वाग्भवकूटैकस्वरूपमुखपङ्कजा -
She whose lotus face is the auspicious vAgbhavakUTa (a group
of syllables of the panchadashi mantra)
८६. कण्ठाधःकटिपर्यन्तमध्यकूटस्वरूपिणी -
She who from Her neck to Her waist is of the form of the
madhyakUTa (the middle six syllables of the panchadashAkShari
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
८७. शक्तिकूटैकतापन्नकट्यधोभागधारिणी -
She whose form below the waist is the shaktikUTa (the last
four syllables of the pancadashAkShari mantra)
८८. मूलमन्त्रात्मिका -
She who is the embodiment of the mUla mantra (the
pancadashAkShari mantra)
८९. मूलकूटत्रयकलेवरा -
She whose (subtle) body is made of the three parts of the
pancadashAkShari mantra
९०. कुलामृतैकरसिका -
She who is especially fond of the nectar known as kula
९१. कुलसङ्केतपालिनी -
She who protects the code of rituals of the path of yoga known
as kula
९२. कुलाङ्गना -
She who is well-born (who is from a good family)
९३. कुलान्तस्था -
She who resides in the kula vidyA
९४. कौलिनी -
She who belongs to the kula
९५. कुलयोगिनी -
She who is the deity in the kulas
९६. अकुला -
She who does not have a family
९७. समयान्तस्था -
She who resides inside ’samaya’
९८. समयाचारतत्परा -
She who is attached to the samaya form of worship
९९. मूलाधारैकनिलया -
She whose principal abode is the mUlAdhAra
१००. ब्रह्मग्रन्थिविभेदिनी -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
११६. भद्रमूर्तिः -
She who is the embodiment of auspiciousness or benevolence
११७. भक्तसौभाग्यदायिनी -
She who confers prosperity on Her devotees
११८. भक्तिप्रिया -
She who is fond of (and pleased by) devotion
११९. भक्तिगम्या -
She who is attained only through devotion
१२०. भक्तिवश्या -
She who is to be won over by devition
१२१. भयापहा -
She who dispels fear
१२२. शाम्भवी -
She who is the wife of shambhu (shiva)
१२३. शारदाराध्या -
She who is worshipped by sharadA (sarasvatI, the goddess of speech)
१२४. शर्वाणी -
She who is the wife of sharva (shiva)
१२५. शर्मदायिनी -
She who confers happiness
१२६. शाङ्करी -
She who gives happiness
१२७. श्रीकरी -
She who bestows riches in abundance
१२८. साध्वी -
She who is chaste
१२९. शरच्चन्द्रनिभानना -
She whose face shines like the full moon in the clear autumn sky
१३०. शातोदरी -
She who is slender-waister
१३१. शान्तिमती -
She who is peaceful
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
१३२. निराधारा -
She who is without dependence
१३३. निरञ्जना -
She who stays unattached, bound to nothing
१३४. निर्लेपा -
She who is free from all impurities arising from action
१३५. निर्मला -
She who is free from all impurities
१३६. नित्या -
She who is eternal
१३७. निराकरा -
She who is without form
१३८. निराकुला -
She who is without agitation
१३९. निर्गुणा -
She who is beyond all three gunas of nature, namely sattva,
rajas and tamas
१४०. निष्कला -
She who is without parts
१४१. शान्ता -
She who is tranquil
१४२. निष्कामा -
She who is without desire
१४३. निरुपप्लवा -
She who is indestructible
१४४. नित्यमुक्ता -
She who is ever free from worldly bonds
१४५. निर्विकारा -
She who is unchanging
१४६. निष्प्रपञ्चा -
She who is not of this universe
१४७. निराश्रया -
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
१६३. मोहनाशिनी -
She who destroys delusion in Her devotees
१६४. निर्ममा -
She who has no self-interest in anything
१६५. ममताहन्त्री -
She who destroys the sense of ownership
१६६. निष्पापा -
She who is without sin
१६७. पापनाशिनी -
She who destroys all the sins of Her devotees niShkrodhA
१६८. निष्क्रोधा -
She who is without anger
१६९. क्रोधशमनी -
She who destroys anger in Her devotees
१७०. निर्लोभा -
She who is without greed
१७१. लोभनाशिनी -
She who destroys greed in Her devotees
१७२. निःसंशया -
She who is without doubts
१७३. संशयघ्नी -
She who kills all doubts
१७४. निर्भवा -
She who is without origin
१७५. भवनाशिनी -
She who destroys the sorrow of samsAra (the cycle of birth and death)
१७६. निर्विकल्पा -
She who is free of false imaginings
१७७. निराबाधा -
She who is not disturbed by anything
१७८. निर्भेदा -
She who is beyond all sense of difference
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
१७९. भेदनाशिनी -
She who removes from Her devotees all sense of differences
born of vAsanAs
१८०. निर्नाशा -
She who is imperishable
१८१. मृत्युमथनी -
She who destroys death
१८२. निष्क्रिया -
She who remains without action
१८३. निष्परिग्रहा -
She who does not acquire or accept anything
१८४. निस्तुला -
She who is incomparable, unequalled
१८५. नीलचिकुरा -
She who has shining black hair
१८६. निरपाया -
She who is imperishable
१८७. निरत्यया -
She who cannot be transgressed
१८८. दुर्लभा -
She who is won only with much difficulty
१८९. दुर्गमा -
She who is approachable only with extreme effort
१९०. दुर्गा -
She who is the Goddess DurgA
१९१. दुःखहन्त्री -
She who is the destroyer of sorrow
१९२. सुखप्रदा -
She who is the giver of happiness
१९३. दुष्टदूरा -
She who is unapproachable by sinners
१९४. दुराचारशमनी -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
२५७. जागरिणी -
She who is in the waking state, or She who assumes the form
of the jIva who is in the waking state
२५८. स्वपन्ती -
She who is in the dream state or She who assumes the form of
the jIva in the dream state
२५९. तैजसात्मिका -
She who is the soul of taijasA (jIva in the dream state,
proud of its subtle body)
२६०. सुप्ता -
She who is in the deep-sleep state or assumes the form of the
jiva experiencing deep sleep
२६१. प्राज्ञात्मिका -
She who is not separate from prAj nA (deep sleep)
२६२. तुर्या -
She who is in the state of turya (fourth state in which the
ultimate realization of Atman is obtained)
२६३. सर्वावस्थाविवर्जिता -
She who transcends all states
२६४. सृष्टिकर्त्री -
She who is the creator
२६५. ब्रह्मरूपा -
She who is in the form of brahma
२६६. गोप्त्री -
She who protects
२६७. गोविन्दरूपिणी -
She who has assumed the form of govinda (viShNu) for the
preservation of the universe
२६८. संहारिणी -
She who is the destroyer of the universe
२६९. रुद्ररूपा -
She who is has assumed the form of rudra (shiva) for the
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
२९८. नारायणी -
She who is the female counterpart of nArAyaNa
२९९. नादरूपा -
She who is in the form of sound
३००. नामरूपविवर्जिता -
She who has no name or form
३०१. ह्रीङ्कारी -
She who is the form of syllable ’hrIM’
३०२. ह्रीमती -
She who is endowed with modesty
३०३. हृद्या -
She who abides in the heart
३०४. हेयोपादेयवर्जिता -
She who has nothing to reject or accept
३०५. राजराजार्चिता -
She who is worshipped by the King of kings
३०६. राज्ञी -
She who is the queen of shiva, the Lord of all kings
३०७. रम्या -
She who gives delight; She who is lovely
३०८. राजीवलोचना -
She whose eyes are like rAjiva (lotus)
३०९. रञ्जनी -
She who delights the mind
३१०. रमणी -
She who gives joy
३११. रस्या -
She who is to be enjoyed; She who enjoys
३१२. रणत्किङ्किणिमेखला -
She who wears a girdle of tinkling bells
३१३. रमा -
She who has become lakShmI and sarasvatI
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
३१४. राकेन्दुवदना -
She who has a delightful face like the full moon
३१५. रतिरूपा -
She who is in the form of rati, the wife of kAma
३१६. रतिप्रिया -
She who is fond of rati; She who is served by rati
३१७. रक्षाकरी -
She who is the protector
३१८. राक्षसघ्नी -
She who is the slayer of the entire race of demons
३१९. रामा -
She who gives delight
३२०. रमणलम्पटा -
She who is devoted to the Lord of Her heart, Lord shiva
३२१. काम्या -
She who is to be desired
३२२. कामकलारूपा -
She who is in the form of kAmakalA
३२३. कदम्बकुसुमप्रिया -
She who is especially fond of kadamba flowers
३२४. कल्याणी -
She who bestows auspiciousness
३२५. जगतीकन्दा -
She who is the root of the whole world
३२६. करुणारससागरा -
She who is the ocean of compassion
३२७. कलावती -
She who is the embodiment of all arts
३२८. कलालापा -
She who speaks musically and sweetly
३२९. कान्ता -
She who is beautiful
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
३३०. कादम्बरीप्रिया -
She who is fond of mead
३३१. वरदा -
She who grants boons generously
३३२. वामनयना -
She who has beautiful eyes
३३३. वारुणी मदविव्हला -
She who is intoxicated by vAruNi (ambrosial drink)
३३४. विश्वाधिका -
She who transcends the universe
३३५. वेदवेद्या -
She who is known through the vedas
३३६. विन्ध्याचलनिवासिनी -
She who resides in the vindhya mountains
३३७. विधात्री -
She who creates and sustains this unverse
३३८. वेदजननी -
She who is the mother of the vedas
३३९. विष्णुमाया -
She who is the illusory power of viShNu
३४०. विलासिनी -
She who is playful
३४१. क्षेत्रस्वरूपा -
She whose body is matter
३४२. क्षेत्रेशी -
She who is the wife of kShetresha (shiva)
३४३. क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञपालिनी -
She who is the protector of matter and the knower of matter,
therefore the protector of body and soul
३४४. क्षयवृद्धिविनिर्मुक्ता -
She who is free from growth and decay
३४५. क्षेत्रपालसमर्चिता -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
३६१. तमोऽपहा -
She who removes the ignorance born of tamas
३६२. चित्(चितिः) -
She who is in the form of pure intelligence
३६३. तत्पदलक्ष्यार्था -
She who is the embodiment of truth (which is indicated by the
word ’tat’)
३६४. चिदेकरसरूपिणी -
She who is of the nature of the pure intelligence. She who
is the cause of knowledge
३६५. स्वात्मानन्दलवीभूतब्रह्माद्यानन्दसन्ततिः -
She who makes the bliss of brahmA and others insignificant
compared to Her own bliss
३६६. परा -
She who is the supreme; She who transcends all
३६७. प्रत्यक्चितीरूपा -
She who is of the nature of unmanifested consciousness or of
unmanifested brahman
३६८. पश्यन्ती -
She who is pashyantI, the second level of sound after parA in
the svAdhiShTAna chakra
३६९. परदेवता -
She who is the supreme deity; parAshakti
३७०. मध्यमा -
She who stays in the middle
३७१. वैखरीरूपा -
She who is in the form of vaikharI (sound in the manifested,
audible form)
३७२. भक्तमानसहंसिका -
She who is the swan in the minds of Her devotees
३७३. कामेश्वरप्राणनाडी -
She who is the very life of kAmeshvara, Her consort
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
३७४. कृतज्ञा -
She who knows all of our actions as they occur
३७५. कामपूजिता -
She who is worshipped by kAma
३७६. शृङ्गाररससम्पूर्णा -
She who is filled with the essence of Love
३७७. जया -
She who is victorious always and everywhere
३७८. जालन्धरस्थिता -
She who resides in the jAlandhara pITha (in the throat region)
३७९. ओड्याणपीठनिलया -
She whose abode is the center known as oDyANa (in the Aj nA chakra)
३८०. बिन्दुमण्डलवासिनी -
She who resides in the bindumaNDala (in shrI chakra)
३८१. रहोयागक्रमाराध्या -
She who is worshipped in secret through sacrificial rites
३८२. रहस्तर्पणतर्पिता -
She who is to be gratified by the secret rites of worship
३८३. सद्यःप्रसादिनी -
She who bestows Her grace immediately
३८४. विश्वसाक्षिणी -
She who is witness to the whole universe
३८५. साक्षिवर्जिता -
She who has no other witness
३८६. षडङ्गदेवतायुक्ता -
She who is accompanied by the deities of the six angAs (heart,
head, hair, eyes, armor and weapons)
३८७. षाड्गुण्यपरिपूरिता -
She who is fully endowed with the six good qualities
(prosperity, valor, dispassion, fame, wealth and wisdom)
३८८. नित्यक्लिन्ना -
She who is ever compassionate
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
३८९. निरुपमा -
She who is incomparable
३९०. निर्वाण सुखदायिनी -
She who confers the bliss of Liberation
३९१. नित्या-षोडशिकारूपा -
She who is in the form of the sixteen daily deities (i.e.,
kAmeshvari, bhagamAlinI, nityaklinnA, bheruNDA, vahnivAsinI,
mahAvajreshvarI, shivadUtI, tvaritA, kulasundarI, nityA,
nIlapatAkinI, vijayA, sarvamangalA, jvAlAmAlinI, chitrA
and tripurasundarI)
३९२. श्रीकण्ठार्धशरीरिणी -
She who possesses half of the body of shrikaNTha (shiva).
She who is in the form of ardhanArishvara
३९३. प्रभावती -
She who is effulgent
३९४. प्रभारूपा -
She who is effulgence
३९५. प्रसिद्धा -
She who is celebrated
३९६. परमेश्वरी -
She who is the supreme sovereign
३९७. मूलप्रकृतिः -
She who is the first cause of the entire universe
३९८. अव्यक्ता -
She who is unmanifested
३९९. व्यक्ताव्यक्तस्वरूपीणि -
She who is in the manifested and unmanifested forms
४००. व्यापिनी -
She who is all-pervading
४०१. विविधाकारा -
She who has a multitude of forms
४०२. विद्याऽविद्यास्वरूपिणी -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
४७७. त्रिलोचना -
She who has thhree eyes
४७८. खट्वाङ्गादिप्रहरणा -
She who is armed with a club and other weapons
४७९. वदनैकसमन्विता -
She who possesses only one face
४८०. पायसान्नप्रिया -
She who is especially fond of sweet rice
४८१. त्वक्स्था -
She who is the deity of the organ of touch (skin)
४८२. पशुलोकभयङ्करी -
She who fills with fear the mortal beings bound by worldly existence
४८३. अमृतादिमहाशक्तिसंवृता -
She who is surrounded by amRitA and other shakti deities
४८४. डाकिनीश्वरी -
She who is the DAkinI deity
४८५. अनाहताब्जनिलया -
She who resides in the anAhata lotus in the heart
४८६. श्यामाभा -
She who is black in complexion
४८७. वदनद्वया -
She who has two faces
४८८. दंष्ट्रोज्ज्वला -
She who has shining tusks
४८९. अक्षमालादिधरा -
She who is wearing garlands of rudrAkSha beads and other things
४९०. रुधिरसंस्थिता -
She who presides over the blood in the bodies of living beings
४९१. कालरात्र्यादिशक्त्यौघवृता -
She who is surrounded by kAlarAtri and other shaktis
४९२. स्निग्धौदनप्रिया -
She who is fond of food offerings containing ghee, oil and
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
५२३. षडानना -
She who has six faces
५२४. मज्जासंस्था -
She who is the presiding deity of the bone marrow
५२५. हंसवतीमुख्यशक्तिसमन्विता -
She who is accompanied by the shaktis hamsavatI and kShamAvati
(in the two petals of the lotus)
५२६. हरिद्रान्नैकरसिका -
She who is fond of food seasoned with turmeric
५२७. हाकिनीरूपधारिणी -
She who is in the form of hAkinI devI
५२८. सहस्रदलपद्मस्था -
She who resides in the thousand-petaled lotus
५२९. सर्ववर्णोपशोभिता -
She who is radiant in many colors
५३०. सर्वायुधधरा -
She who holds all the known weapons
५३१. शुक्लसंस्थिता -
She who resides in the semen
५३२. सर्वतोमुखी -
She who has faces turned in all directions
५३३. सर्वौदनप्रीतचित्ता -
She who is pleased by all offerings of food
५३४. याकिन्यम्बास्वरूपिणी -
She who is in the form of the yAkinI yoginI
५३५. स्वाहा -
She who is the object of the invocation ’svAhA’ at the end
of mantras chanted while offering oblations to the fire in
yAga ceremonies
५३६. स्वधा -
She who is the object of the ’svadhA’ invocation at the end
of mantras
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
५३७. अमतिः -
She who is in the form of ignorance or nescience
५३८. मेधा -
She who is in the form of wisdom (knowledge)
५३९. श्रुतिः -
She who is in the form of the vedas
५४०. स्मृतिः -
She who is in the form of smRiti (works based on the meaning
of vedas)
५४१. अनुत्तमा -
She who is the best; She who is not excelled by anyone
५४२. पुण्यकीर्तिः -
She whose fame is sacred or righteous
५४३. पुण्यलभ्या -
She who is attained only by righteous souls
५४४. पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तना -
She who bestows merit on anyone who hears of Her and praises Her
५४५. पुलोमजार्चिता -
She who is worshipped by pulomaja (Indra’s wife)
५४६. बन्धमोचनी -
She who is free from bonds; She who gives release from bondage
५४७. बर्बरालका -
She who has wavy locks of hair;
५४८. विमर्शरूपिणी -
She who is in the form of vimarsha (reflection or meaning)
५४९. विद्या -
She who is in the form of knowledge
५५०. वियदादि जगत्प्रसूः -
She who is the Mother of the universe, which is the aggregate
of all the elements starting with the ether
५५१. सर्वव्याधिप्रशमनी -
She who removes all diseases and sorrows
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
५५२. सर्वमृत्युनिवारिणी -
She who guards Her devotees from all
५५३. अग्रगण्या -
She who is to be considered the foremost
५५४. अचिन्त्यरूपा -
She who is of a form beyond the reach of thought
५५५. कलिकल्मषनाशिनी -
She who is the destroyer of the sins of the age of kali
५५६. कात्यायनी -
She who is the daughter of a sage named kata
५५७. कालहन्त्री -
She who is the destroyer of time (death)
५५८. कमलाक्षनिषेविता -
She in whom viShNu takes refuge
५५९. ताम्बूलपूरितमुखी -
She whose mouth is full from chewing betel
५६०. दाडिमीकुसुमप्रभा -
She who shines like a pomegranate flower
५६१. मृगाक्षी -
She whose eyes are long and beautiful like those of a doe
५६२. मोहिनी -
She who is enchanting
५६३. मुख्या -
She who is the first
५६४. मृडानी -
She who is the wife of mRiDa (shiva)
५६५. मित्ररूपिणी -
She who is the friend of everyone (universe)
५६६. नित्यतृप्ता -
She who is eternally contented
५६७. भक्तनिधिः -
She who is the treasure of the devotees
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
५६८. नियन्त्री -
She who controls and guides all beings on the right path
५६९. निखिलेश्वरी -
She who is the ruler of all
५७०. मैत्र्यादिवासनालभ्या -
She who is to be attained by love and other good dispositions
५७१. महाप्रलयसाक्षिणी -
She who is witness to the great dissolution
५७२. पराशक्तिः -
She who is the original, supreme power
५७३. परानिष्ठा -
She who is the supreme end, the supreme abidance
५७४. प्रज्ञानघनरुपिणी -
She who is pure, condensed knowledge
५७५. माध्वीपानालसा -
She who is languid from drinking wine; She who is not eager
for anything
५७६. मत्ता -
She who is intoxicated
५७७. मातृकावर्णरूपिणी -
She who is in the form of the letters of the alphabet
५७८. महाकैलासनिलया -
She who resides in the great kailAsa
५७९. मृणालमृदुदोर्लता -
She whose arms are as soft and cool as the lotus stem
५८०. महनीया -
She who is adorable
५८१. दयामूर्तिः -
She who is the personification of compassion
५८२. महासाम्राज्यशालिनी -
She who controls the great empire of the three worlds
५८३. आत्मविद्या -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
५९९. दैत्यहन्त्री -
She who is the killer of demons
६००. दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनी -
She who is the destroyer of the sacrifice conducted by dakSha
६०१. दरान्दोलितदीर्घाक्षी -
She who has long, tremulous eyes
६०२. दरहासोज्ज्वलन्मुखी -
She whose face is radiant with a smile
६०३. गुरुमूर्तिः -
She who has assumed a severe form or one who has assumed the
form of the guru
६०४. गुणनिधिः -
She who is the treasure house of all good qualities
६०५. गोमाता -
She who became surabhI, the cow that grants all wishes
६०६. गुहजन्मभूः -
She who is the mother of guhA (subramaNya)
६०७. देवेशी -
She who is the protector of the gods
६०८. दण्डनीतिस्था -
She who maintains the rules of jusstice without the slightest error
६०९. दहराकाशरूपिणी -
She who is the subtle self in the heart
६१०. प्रतिपन्मुख्यराकान्ततिथिमण्डलपूजिता -
She who is worshipped daily starting with pratipad (first day
of the lunar half-month) and ending with the full moon
६११. कलात्मिका -
She who is in the form of the kalAs
६१२. कलानाथा -
She who is the mistress of all the kalAs
६१३. काव्यालापविनोदिनी -
She who delights in hearing poetry
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
६१४. सचामररमावाणीसव्यदक्षिणसेविता -
She who is attended by lakShmI on the left side and sarasvatI
on the right side, bearing ceremonial fans
६१५. आदिशक्तिः -
She who is the primordial power, the parAshakti who is the
cause of the universe
६१६. अमेया -
She who is not measurable by any means
६१७. आत्मा -
She who is the self in all
६१८. परमा -
She who is the supreme
६१९. पावनाकृतिः -
She who is of sacred form
६२०. अनेककोटिब्रह्माण्डजननी -
She who is the creator of many crores of worlds
६२१. दिव्यविग्रहा -
She who has a divine body
६२२. क्लीङ्कारी -
She who is creator of the syllable ’klIM’
६२३. केवला -
She who is the absolute, as She is complete, independent and
without any attributes
६२४. गुह्या -
She who is to be known in secret
६२५. कैवल्यपददायिनी -
She who bestows liberation
६२६. त्रिपुरा -
She who is older than the three (trinity of brahmaA viShNu and shiva)
६२७. त्रिजगद्वन्द्या -
She who is adored by the inhabitants of all three worlds
६२८. त्रिमूर्तिः -
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
She who is the aggregate of the trinity (brahmA, viShNu and shiva)
६२९. त्रिदशेश्वरी -
She who is the ruler of the gods
६३०. त्र्यक्षरि -
She whose form consists of three letters or syllables (Om = a u m)
६३१. दिव्यगन्धाढ्या -
She who is richly endowed with divine fragrance
६३२. सिन्दूरतिलकाञ्चिता -
She who shines witha vermillion mark on Her forehead; She who
is decorated with a special paste made of vermilion
६३३. उमा -
She who is pArvatI devI
६३४. शैलेन्द्रतनया -
She who is the daughter of himavat, the king of the mountains
६३५. गौरी -
She who has a fair complexion
६३६. गन्धर्वसेविता -
She who is served by gandharvas (like vishvAvasu)
६३७. विश्वगर्भा -
She who contains the whole universe in Her womb
६३८. स्वर्णगर्भा -
She who is the cause of the universe
६३९. अवरदा -
She who destroys the unholy
६४०. वागधीश्वरी -
She who presides over speech
६४१. ध्यानगम्या -
She who is to be attained through meditation
६४२. अपरिच्छेद्या -
She whose limits cannot be ascertained (unlimited)
६४३. ज्ञानदा -
She who gives knowledge of the self
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
६४४. ज्ञानविग्रहा -
She who is sthe embodiment of knowledge itself
६४५. सर्ववेदान्तसंवेद्या -
She who is known by all of vedAnta
६४६. सत्यानन्दस्वरूपिणी -
She whose form is existence and bliss
६४७. लोपामुद्रार्चिता -
She who is worshipped by lopAmudrA (wife of sage agastya)
६४८. लीलाकॢप्तब्रह्माण्डमण्डला -
She who has created and maintained the universe purely as a sport
६४९. अदृश्या -
She who is not perceived by sense organs (normal eyes)
६५०. दृश्यरहिता -
She who has nothing to see
६५१. विज्ञात्री -
She who knows the truth of the physical universe
६५२. वेद्यवर्जिता -
She who has nothing left to know
६५३. योगिनी -
She who is constantly united with parAshiva; She who possesses
the power of yoga
६५४. योगदा -
She who bestows the power of yoga
६५५. योग्या -
She who deserves yoga of all kinds
६५६. योगानन्दा -
She who is the bliss attained through yoga; She who enjoys
the bliss of yoga
६५७. युगन्धरा -
She who is the bearer of the yugas
६५८. इच्छाशक्तिज्ञानशक्तिक्रियाशक्तिस्वरूपिणी -
She who is in the form of the powers of will, knowledge and action
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
६५९. सर्वाधारा -
She who is the support of all
६६०. सुप्रतीष्ठा -
She who is firmly established
६६१. सदसद्रूपधारिणी -
She who assumes the forms of both being and non-being
६६२. अष्टमूर्तिः -
She who has eight forms
६६३. अजाजेत्री -
She who conquers ignorance
६६४. लोकयात्रविधायिनी -
She who directs the course of the worlds
६६५. एकाकिनी -
She who is the lone one
६६६. भूमरूपा -
She who is the aggregate of all existing things
६६७. निर्द्वैता -
She who is without the sense of duality
६६८. द्वैतवर्जिता -
She who is beyond duality
६६९. अन्नदा -
She who is the giver of food to all living things
६७०. वसुदा -
She who is the giver of wealth
६७१. वृद्धा -
She who is ancient
६७२. ब्रह्मात्मैक्यस्वरूपिणी -
She whose nature is the union of brahman and Atman
६७३. बृहती -
She who is immense
६७४. ब्राह्मणी -
She who is predominantly sAttvic
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
६७५. ब्राह्मी -
She who presides over speech
६७६. ब्रह्मानन्दा -
She who is ever immersed in the bliss of brahman
६७७. बलिप्रिया -
She who is especially fond of sacrificial offerings
६७८. भाषारूपा -
She who is in the form of language
६७९. बृहत्सेना -
She who has a vast army
६८०. भावाभावविवर्जिता -
She who is beyond being and non-being
६८१. सुखाराध्या -
She who is easily worshipped
६८२. शुभकरी -
She who does good
६८३. शोभनासुलभागतिः -
She who is attained through a bright and easy path
६८४. राजराजेश्वरी -
She who is the ruler of kings and emperors
६८५. राज्यदायिनी -
She who gives dominion
६८६. राज्यवल्लभा -
She who protects all the dominions
६८७. राजत्कृपा -
She who has a compassion that captivates everyone
६८८. राजपीठनिवेशितनिजाश्रिता -
She who establishes on royal thrones of those who take refuge in Her
६८९. राज्यलक्ष्मी -
She who is the embodiment of the prosperity of the world
६९०. कोशनाथा -
She who is the mistress of the treasury
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
६९१. चतुरङ्गबलेश्वरी -
She who commands armies of four types
६९२. साम्राज्यदायिनी -
She who is the bestower of imperial dominion
६९३. सत्यसन्धा -
She who is devoted to (or maintains) truth
६९४. सागरमेखला -
She who is girdled by the oceans
६९५. दीक्षिता -
She who is under a vow
६९६. दैत्यशमनी -
She who destroys the demons, wicked forces
६९७. सर्वलोकवशङ्करी -
She who keeps all the worlds under Her control
६९८. सर्वार्थदात्री -
She who grants all desires
६९९. सावित्री -
She who is the creative power in the universe
७००. सच्चिदानन्दरूपिणी -
She who is of the nature of existence, consciousness and bliss
७०१. देशकालापरिच्छिन्ना -
She who is not limited by time and space; She who is not
measured by time and space
७०२. सर्वगा -
She who pervades all the worlds and all the living and
non-living things; She who is omnipresent
७०३. सर्वमोहिनी -
She who deludes all
७०४. सरस्वती -
She who is in the form of knowledge
७०५. शास्त्रमयी -
She who is in the form of the scriptures; She whose limbs are
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
the scriptures
७०६. गुहाम्बा -
She who is the mother of guha (subramaNya); She who dwells in
the cave of the heart
७०७. गुह्यरूपिणी -
She who has a secret form
७०८. सर्वोपाधिविनिर्मुक्ता -
She who is free from all limitations
७०९. सदाशिवपतिव्रता -
She who is sadAshiva’s devoted wife
७१०. सम्प्रदायेश्वरी -
She who is the guardian of sacred traditions
७११. साधु -
She who possesses equanimity
७१२. ई -
She who is the symbol ’I’ (Other versions show 711/712 as
sAdhvI eventhough it is a repetition.)
७१३. गुरूमण्डलरूपिणी -
She who embodies in Herself the lineage of Gurus
७१४. कुलोत्तीर्णा -
She who transcends the senses
७१५. भगाराध्या -
She who is worshipped in the sun’s disc
७१६. माया -
She who is illusion
७१७. मधुमती -
She whose nature is as sweet as honey
७१८. मही -
She who is the goddess earth
७१९. गणाम्बा -
She who is the mother of shiva’s attendants
७२०. गुह्यकाराध्या -
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
७८३. प्राणदा -
She who is the giver of life
७८४. प्राणरूपिणी -
She who is the nature of life
७८५. मार्ताण्डभैरवाराध्या -
She who is worshipped by mArtANDabhairava
७८६. मन्त्रिणीन्यस्तराज्यधूः -
She who has entrusted Her regal responsibilities to Her mantriNi
७८७. त्रिपुरेशी -
She who is the goddess of tripura
७८८. जयत्सेना -
She who has an army which is accustomed only to victory
७८९. निस्त्रैगुण्या -
She who is devoid of the three guNas
७९०. परापरा -
She who is both parA and aparA
७९१. सत्यज्ञानानन्दरूपा -
She who is truth, knowledge and bliss
७९२. सामरस्यपरायणा -
She who is immersed in a state of steady wisdom
७९३. कपर्दिनी -
She who is the wife of kapardi (shiva, one with matted hair)
७९४. कलामाला -
She who wears all sixty-four forms of art as a garland
७९५. कामधुक् -
She who fulfills all desires
७९६. कामरूपिणी -
She who has a desirable form
७९७. कलानिधिः -
She who is the treasurehouse of all arts
७९८. काव्यकला -
She who is the art of poetry
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
७९९. रसज्ञा -
She who knows all the rasas
८००. रसशेवधिः -
She who is the treasurehouse of rasa
८०१. पुष्टा -
She who is always full of vigor, nourishment
८०२. पुरातना -
She who is ancient
८०३. पूज्या -
She who is worthy of worship by all
८०४. पुष्करा -
She who is complete; She who gives bourishment to all
८०५. पुष्करेक्षणा -
She who has eyes like lotus petals
८०६. परञ्ज्योतिः -
She who is the supreme light
८०७. परन्धाम -
She who is the supreme abode
८०८. परमाणुः -
She who is the subtlest particle
८०९. परात्परा -
She who is tshe most supreme of the supreme ones
८१०. पाशहस्ता -
She who holds a noose in Her hand
८११. पाशहन्त्री -
She who destroys the bonds
८१२. परमन्त्रविभेदिनी -
She who breaks the spell of the evil mantras of the enemies
८१३. मूर्ता -
She who has forms
८१४. अमूर्ता -
She who has no definite form
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
८१५. अनित्यतृप्ता -
She who is satisfied even by our perishable offerings
८१६. मुनिमानसहंसिका -
She who is the swan in the mAnasa lake of the minds of sages
८१७. सत्यव्रता -
She who abides firmly in truth
८१८. सत्यरूपा -
She who is truth itself
८१९. सर्वान्तर्यामिनी -
She who dwells inside all
८२०. सती -
She who is reality, the eternal being
८२१. ब्रह्माणी -
She who is the tail that is brahman; the support for all
८२२. ब्रह्म -
She who is brahman
८२३. जननी -
She who is the mother
८२४. बहुरूपा -
She who has a multitude of forms
८२५. बुधार्चिता -
She who is worshipped by the wise
८२६. प्रसवित्री -
She who is mother of the universe
८२७. प्रचण्डा -
She who is full of awe-inspiring wrath
८२८. आज्ञा -
She who is divine commandment herself
८२९. प्रतिष्ठा -
She who is the foundation
८३०. प्रकटाकृतिः -
She who is manifested in the form of the universe
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
८३१. प्राणेश्वरी -
She who lords over the five prANas and the senses
८३२. प्राणदात्री -
She who is the giver of life
८३३. पञ्चाशत्पीठरूपिणी -
She who has fifty centers of worship
८३४. विशृङ्खला -
She who is unfettered, free in every way
८३५. विविक्तस्था -
She who abides in secluded places
८३६. वीरमाता -
She who is the mother of the valiant
८३७. वियत्प्रसूः -
She who is the mother to the ether
८३८. मुकुन्दा -
She who gives salvation
८३९. मुक्तिनिलया -
She who is the abode of salvation
८४०. मूलविग्रहरूपिणी -
She who is the root form of everything
८४१. भावज्ञा -
She who is the knower of all thoughts and sentiments
८४२. भवरोगघ्नी -
She who eradicates the diseases of the cycle of birth and death
८४३. भवचक्रप्रवर्तिनी -
She who turns the wheel of the cycle of birth and death
८४४. छन्दःसारा -
She who is the essence of all the vedas
८४५. शास्त्रसारा -
She who is the essence of all scriptures
८४६. मन्त्रसारा -
She who is the essence of all mantras
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
८४७. तलोदरी -
She who is slender-waisted
८४८. उदारकीर्तिः -
She who possesses exalted fame
८४९. उद्दामवैभवा -
She whose prowess is unlimited
८५०. वर्णरूपिणी -
She who is in the form of the letters of the alphabets
८५१. जन्ममृत्युजरातप्तजनविश्रान्तिदायिनी -
She who gives peace and repose to those who are afflicted by
birth, death and decrepitude
८५२. सर्वोपनिषदुद्घुष्टा -
She who is celebrated by all the upaniShads
८५३. शान्त्यतीतकलात्मिका -
She who transcends the state of peace
८५४. गम्भीरा -
She who is unfathomable
८५५. गगनान्तस्था -
She who resides in the ether, space
८५६. गर्विता -
She who is proud
८५७. गानलोलुपा -
She who delights in music
८५८. कल्पनारहिता -
She who is free from imaginary attributes
८५९. काष्ठा -
She who dwells in the highest state (beyond which there is nothing)
८६०. अकान्ता -
She who ends all sins and sorrows
८६१. कान्तार्धविग्रहा -
She who is half the body of Her husband
८६२. कार्यकारणनिर्मुक्ता -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
८७८. स्वात्मारामा -
She who rejoices in Her own self
८७९. सुधास्रुतिः / सृतिः -
She who is the source of nectar
८८०. संसारपङ्कनिर्मग्नसमुद्धरणपण्डिता -
She who is skilled in raising those who are immersed in the
mire of transmigratory life
८८१. यज्ञप्रिया -
She who is fond all sacrifices and other rituals
८८२. यज्ञकर्त्री -
She who is the doer of sacrificial rites
८८३. यजमानस्वरूपिणी -
She who is in the form of yajamAna, who directs sacrificial rites
८८४. धर्माधारा -
She who is the support of the code for righteous living
८८५. धनाध्यक्षा -
She who oversees wealth
८८६. धनधान्यविवर्धिनी -
She who increases wealth and harvests
८८७. विप्रप्रिया -
She who is fond of the learned
८८८. विप्ररूपा -
She who is in the form of a knower of the self
८८९. विश्वभ्रमणकारिणी -
She who makes the universe go around through Her power of illusion
८९०. विश्वग्रासा -
She who devours the universe
८९१. विद्रुमाभा -
She who shines like coral (with Her red complexion)
८९२. वैष्णवी -
She who is in the form of viShNu
८९३. विष्णुरूपिणी -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
९४०. परामोदा -
She who is supremely joyful
९४१. मनोमयी -
She who is in the form of the mind
९४२. व्योमकेशी -
She who has the sky as Her hair
९४३. विमानस्था -
She who is seated in Her celestial chariot; She who journeys
in Her celestial chariot along with the gods
९४४. वज्रिणी -
She who bears the vajrA (thunderbolt) weapon
९४५. वामकेश्वरी -
She who is the presiding deity of the vamakeshvara tantra
९४६. पञ्चयज्ञप्रिया -
She who is fond of the five forms of sacrifices (agnihotrA,
darshapUrnamAsa, chAturmAsya, goyaj na and somayaj na)
९४७. पञ्चप्रेतमञ्चाधिशायिनी -
She who reclines on a couch made of the five corpses
९४८. पञ्चमी -
She who is the fifth (after brahmA, viShNu, rudra and Ishvara)
९४९. पञ्चभूतेशी -
She who is the goddess of the five elements
९५०. पञ्चसङ्ख्योपचारिणी -
She who is worshipped using five objects (fragrance, flower,
incense, lamp and food) of worship
९५१. शाश्वती -
She who is eternal
९५२. शाश्वतैश्वर्या -
She who holds eternal sovereignty
९५३. शर्मदा -
She who is the giver of happiness
९५४. शम्भुमोहिनी -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
९७०. सुवासिनी -
She who is ever auspiciously married
९७१. सुवासिन्यर्चनप्रीता -
She who is pleased by the worship performed by married women
९७२. आशोभना -
She who is always radiant
९७३. शुद्धमानसा -
She who is of pure mind; one who purifies the mind of Her worshipers
९७४. बिन्दुतर्पणसन्तुष्टा -
She who is pleased by offerings to the bindu (of shrichakra)
९७५. पूर्वजा -
She who is ahead of everyone; first born
९७६. त्रिपुराम्बिका -
She who is the mother of the tripuras (three cities)
९७७. दशमुद्रासमाराध्या -
She who is worshipped by ten mudras (sarva sa NkShobhini,
sarvavidrAvinI, sarvAkarshini, sarvavashankari, sarvonmAdinI,
sarvamahankusha, sarvakhechari, sarva bIja, sarva yoni,
sarva trikhaNDA)
९७८. त्रिपुराश्रीवशङ्करी -
She for whom tripurAshrI is under control
९७९. ज्ञानमुद्रा -
She who is in the form of the j nAna mudrA
९८०. ज्ञानगम्या -
She who is to be attained through the yoga of knowledge
९८१. ज्ञानज्ञेयस्वरूपिणी -
She who is both knowledge and the known
९८२. योनिमुद्रा -
She who is in the form of the yonimudrA
९८३. त्रिखण्डेशी -
She who is the ruler of the tenth mudrA, the trikhaNDa
९८४. त्रिगुणा -
श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
She who is endowed with the three guNas of sattva, rajas and tamas
९८५. अम्बा -
She who is mother of all beings; mother of the universe
९८६. त्रिकोणगा -
She who resides in the triangle
९८७. अनघा -
She who is sinless
९८८. अद्भुतचारित्रा -
She whose deeds are marvelous
९८९. वाञ्छितार्थप्रदायिनी -
She who gives all the desired objects
९९०. अभ्यासातिशयज्ञाता -
She who is known only through the exceedingly streneous practice
of spiritual discipline
९९१. षडध्वातीतरूपिणी -
She whose form transcends the six paths
९९२. अव्याजकरुणामूर्तिः -
She who is pure compassion
९९३. अज्ञानध्वान्तदीपिका -
She who is the bright lamp that dispels the darkness of ignorance
९९४. आबालगोपविदिता -
She who is known well by all, even by children and cowherds
९९५. सर्वानुल्लङ्घ्यशासना -
She whose commands are not disobeyed by anyone
९९६. श्रीचक्रराजनिलया -
She who abides in shrichakra, the king of chakras
९९७. श्रीमत्त्रिपुरसुन्दरी -
She who is the divine tripurasundarI devI
९९८. श्रीशिवा -
She who is the auspicious and divine shiva
९९९. शिवशक्तैक्यरूपिणी -
She who is the union of shiva and shaktI into one form
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श्रीललितासहस्रनामावली सार्थ
१०००. ललिताम्बिका -
She who is the divine mother lalitA
श्रीं ह्रीं ऐं ॐ
एवं श्रीललितादेव्या नाम्नां साहस्रकं जगुः
॥ इति श्रीब्रह्माण्डपुराणे उत्तराखण्डे श्रीहयग्रीवागस्त्यसंवादे
श्रीललितासहस्रनामस्तोत्रकथनं सम्पूर्णम्॥