'65rules - Unofficial - With FAQ and Errata
'65rules - Unofficial - With FAQ and Errata
'65rules - Unofficial - With FAQ and Errata
Squad Level Combat in Vietnam
Vietnam was an iconic war in American history. Never before had the United States lost an armed
conflict. Never before had the American public so turned against their military. Never before had the
opinions of a significantly misinformed citizenry dictated the strategy of not only the American govern-
ment, but also the military that served it.
Despite the lack of popular support, despite a grand strategy that handcuffed its men and women, the
American military fought valiantly, and with great tactical success, against both the North Vietnamese
Army and the Viet Cong. By the same token the dedicated soldiers of the communist revolution fought
with great skill again a technologically superior foe, frequently giving as good as they got in firefights
throughout Vietnam.
It is those firefights that ’65 depicts. It is a game that replicates the America’s awesome firepower, the
Viet Cong’s cunning, and the North Vietnamese army’s tenacity. A vehicle from which players can learn
a bit about the combatants that fought in the Mekong Delta, the streets of Hue, and the fields of Ia Drang.
Yet first and foremost it is a game, meant to played, meant to tell its own tales, generate its own stories.
Enjoy it.
1. Purpose and Scope d. Player Aid Card (PAC). Provides various
‘65: Squad Level Combat in Vietnam (‘65 for information used when playing the game.
short) is a card-driven game that recreates squad e. Rulebook. It’s in your hands right now.
battles in the Vietnam War. Players control squads,
tanks, and Heroes, directing them through the play f. Eight scenarios. (Part of the rulebook).
of Action cards to defeat their enemy in one of the 3. Terms
numerous scenarios provided with the game. The following terms are used throughout the
2. Components rules.
d f
‘65 includes the following components: a. Unit. Units are the fighters
a. Three maps. These regulate movement and in ‘65. For our examples, the
half- give you and your friends something to fight over. American M-48 tank, the Viet
hexes Cong Sappers, and Chu. In
are b. Five counter sheets. Counters representing the e
short, any counter placed on the
North Vietnamese Army (NVA), Viet Cong, and board and used to fight against b i h
the Americans fighting them. Also included are the enemy.
administrative markers used for signifying actions
taken, combat results, and other functions. The The numbers and icons on a
American counters are green, the Viet Cong blue, unit represent the following.
and the NVA cream. For each nationality, the side Note that for all these numbers,
with the orange stripe represents the unit at reduced larger values represent a greater c
strength. proficiency or intensity.
c. 54 Playing Cards. These cards activate the See p20 for unit errata and
additional information. i
NVA, Viet Cong, and American units in the game.
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b. Hard target. Any unit with an Armor Factor • Powers: These are circular icons located in the
(AF), even if it is a negative AF. These are always bottom center of the counter. May be activated
vehicles. Hard Targets normally have one step. The when a card which reads ‘Power’ is played by
flip side of the counter displays a vehicle wreck. the unit’s owner. Whenever a unit uses a power,
c. Soft target. Any unit with an asterisk for an AF. it is marked Ops Complete (3p).
Note that although trucks are vehicles, they are • Abilities: These are square icons located along
also soft targets. Infantry are the predominant form the left side of a unit. Most Abilities are always
of Soft targets. The term Infantry is frequently used on, but a handful, such as Spraying Fire, may
in the rules and scenarios. The terms Infantry and be used at the owner’s discretion. Consult the
Leg (8a) units are used interchangeably through section on Abilities (19).
the rules. They are: j. Heroes. Heroes are units, but they are much
• Units that depict a side view of soldiers or more. They represent special individuals or leaders
civilians (including the NVA, Viet Cong, and who can turn the tide of battle. A Hero has a
Americans). portrait on the counter and a name rather than a
• A Hero. A unit whose portrait is on the counter. unit type. For example, Riggs or Chu.
Determine if you have a clear LOS to a target by c-e: The degrading terrain on one side does not
tracing a line from the center of your hex to the interfere with LOS.
center of the target's hex. If this line crosses a hex c-f: Even though the Kunai is a blocking terrain,
of blocking terrain or intersects a silhouette of a blocking terrain that is on the edge of LOS does
building or crosses two hexes of degrading terrain not block it.
that is not part of your hex or the defending unit's d-f: Even though there appears to be LOS traced
hex the LOS is blocked and you cannot fire. down the hex edge, the blocking terrain on both
Degrading terrain is Brush, Rubbe or hexes sides of the LOS path means that LOS is blocked.
containing vehicles or wrecks. Blocking terrain is a-e: This LOS is traced through two hexes of
any Jungle, Smoke or Kunai hex, or a LOS traced degrading terrain (Brush), so LOS is blocked.
through the silhouette of a building.
d-e: Even though the LOS passes through
LOS is not blocked or degraded if it is traced blocking terrain (Kunai), it is traced directly down
directly down a path through a blocking terrain. the path so there is a valid LOS.
LOS traced down the edge of a hex of blocking
terrain is not blocked. LOS traced down the edge c-g: This LOS is traced through blocking terrain
of two hexes of blocking terrain, one on each side (Kunai) and is not down the path, so LOS is
of the LOS, is blocked. blocked.
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c. Fire against Soft Targets. Soft Targets are d. HEF results. The HE result on a card (4e) will
those that have an asterisk for their AF (3c). either be blank or have the word ‘Hit’ in one of
Typically, these are American, Viet Cong and NVA three colors. Whether a card drawn counts as a hit
Rifle units, NVA and Viet Cong Sapper units, as on a target depends on the type of Action and in
well as Heroes, and belong to the Leg movement some cases the type of unit making the attack:
class (8a). Trucks are also considered Soft Targets, Action Hits on
although they may also be attacked by a unit using
its AP factor. Use the following procedure to Fire, Reload & Fire, Flanking Fire Hit
resolve fire against Soft Targets: Artillery Hit
1)Designation: Determine the firing unit(s) and Move & Fire Hit, Hit
the target. The attacker must have LOS on the
Assault combat Hit, Hit
target. See section 16 for special details for
particular Action cards. For range, count the Fire from hovering helicopters Hit
hex the target is in but not the attacker. Using Fire from moving/landed helicopters Hit, Hit
the illustration to the left, the range between d
If the correct color ‘Hit’ is on the card drawn, the
and g is 1 and the range between d and e is 3.
target has been hit. If the target is eliminated before
2)Play card: Play an appropriate card. For all cards have been drawn, stop drawing.
example, ‘Fire’.
The first hit on a unit Shakes it.
3)Determine firepower: Calculate the total Place a Shaken Marker on the
High Explosive Factor (HEF) in the attack and unit. A hit on a Shaken unit flips
modify as appropriate for range, cover and the unit to its reduced side. A hit
Support and Reaction cards. If the total is zero on a Shaken and reduced unit
or less, the attack is aborted. For instance, a eliminates the unit. A Shaken
unit with an HEF of 1 attacked a unit in terrain unit’s MF is halved, rounding
with a Cover Factor of 1, the result is an fractions down, after any other
aborted attack (unless the attacker plays a modifiers, such as Fast Move, are
Support card that increases their HEF). An applied. For example, a Shaken
aborted attack does count as an Action. Viet Cong Rifle unit given a Fast
4)Execute attack: Draw a number of cards from Move order (which gives +1MF)
the top of the deck equal to the adjusted HEF, would have a MF of 2 (3MF
and consult the HE result on each card (4e). HE +1MF)/2 = 2.
results on ‘End Turn’ cards are counted, but A Shaken unit cannot fire, and may not initiate
remember to set aside the ‘End Turn’ cards Assault combat, but may counterattack in Assault
afterwards. combat. Assault combat against a Shaken unit is not
5)Admin: Mark the firing unit(s) with a Fired simultaneous. All non-Shaken units inflict their hits,
marker if the units used Fire, Flanking Fire, and then the Shaken units counterattack. This can
First Fire (hard targets only) and with an Ops result in the Shaken unit being eliminated before it has
Complete marker if the unit used a Power, a chance to counter-attack.
Move & Fire or Reload & Fire. A Shaken Unit may be Rallied (see section 14).
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Combat example 1: See the map below. It is the e. Special cases. There are four special cases for
American player’s impulse. They designate the ranged combat. These are for multiple defenders,
Viet Cong Rifle in hex F3 as their target and play multiple attackers, opportunity fire and artillery.
a ‘Fire’ card, declaring that they are only using one 1)Multiple defenders: If there is more than one
of the two Rifle in that hex. The American HEF is target in a hex, the attacking player may choose
2 and the Kunai has a Cover Factor of 1, so the the target and can only choose one of them.
final HEF is 1 (the brush in D3 does not block Exceptions are: Artillery (10d(4)), Suppression
LOS). The American player draws one card from (19) and Satchel Charges (20). Unless the
the deck (the ‘Damage Draw’) and consults the attack is made by a Sniper (19), Heroes cannot
lower right block. On ‘Hit’, the Viet Cong Rifle be targeted by direct fire (without this, players
takes a hit, all other results are ignored. Regardless would do nothing but target Heroes, drastically
of the result, the American player puts their Fire reducing their effectiveness if there is another
card in the discard pile and places a Fired marker unit in the hex).
on their unit.
2)Multiple attackers: All of the Eligible Units
Powers /
in a hex can add their HEF together, using one abilitie
‘Fire’, ‘Move & Fire’ or appropriate Power. s /
cards /
The attacker designates one unit as the lead terrain
unit. All modifiers and Power card effects apply effects
to this unit, all other units add their unmodified determin
HEF to this unit. The only qualification is that ed by
additional units must have an adjusted HEF of the lead
unit and
at least 1 at the range to the target. It is not all
mandatory that all units in a hex must fire in a others
just add
given impulse or Opportunity Fire, but if they in their
Combat example 2: This is the same situation, do, they must fire at the same target. When base
but the American player uses a Power card and firing at a soft target, the HEF are summed,
fires at the Viet Cong Rifle in hex E3. The when firing at a Hard Target, the multiple
American Rifle unit has the ‘40mm’ power , attacks are conducted sequentially.
which gives them +1 to the HEF. In addition, they
get +1 HEF for a range of 2, and the Viet Cong Example: Using the previous example 2, the
have no benefit from cover. So, the base HEF of 2 American player activates both Rifle to fire on
the American Rifle is increased by 2 more, giving the Viet Cong Rifle. Adding the second Rifle
them a Damage Draw of 4 cards. As before, on any adds +2 HEF to the attack. Even though the
‘Hit’, the Viet Cong Rifle takes a hit. If it took 3 range is short enough that the second rifle
hits in the first 3 cards it would be Shaken, would normally get a +1 HEF bonus, it only
Reduced and then eliminated, so the 4th card uses its base HEF because it is a supporting
would not be drawn. Because the American Rifle unit. Similarly, only the lead unit gets the
used a Power card, they are marked Ops Complete benefit of the Power card. When the combat is
instead of Fired. over, the lead unit will have an Ops Complete
marker and the supporting unit will have a
Fired marker.
Note: The ‘Reload & Fire’ action only activates
one unit from a previous attack, no matter how
9 many units were involved in the initial attack.
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3)Opportunity fire: All Opportunity Fire is a The player draws the number of cards indicated
special type of attack that occurs during your on the artillery card for each hex attacked and
opponent’s impulse. It is the only time in ‘65 consults the HE Result (4e) vs. Soft Targets,
that you can react to an opponent’s action with resolving hits normally. If there is more than
a card Action (instead of a Reaction (18)). If one Soft Target in a hex, draw one additional
your opponent expends movement points within card for the HE resolution for that hex. When
the LOS and range of a friendly Eligible Unit attacking a hex of all Soft Targets, hits must be
(7c), and you have a card with a ‘Fire’ action distributed evenly. In other words, all units
or an appropriate Power (i.e. one that states receive one hit before any receive a second.
that the unit using the Power may Fire on or Difficult Targets are always hit last.
otherwise attack a unit), you may temporarily Hits against Hard Targets are resolved by
If all
requireme halt the opponent in any hex that meets the comparing the artillery’s APF plus a drawn
nt are above requirements and fire on them. If more card’s APF Bonus to the AF of the vehicle.
met, it
may be than one unit is in the hex, one that is moving, Equal to or greater is a hit. Artillery hits
possible and one that is not, the Opportunity Fire targets against a Hard Target Shake the target but
for a
unit to the moving unit. never eliminate it. If one of each (Soft and
be fired
upon each
Opportunity Fire cannot be used against a unit Hard) occupy a hex, attack each with the
time it entering your hex, but you may Opportunity appropriate printed HEF (Soft) or APF (Hard).
enters a
new hex.
Fire against a jointly occupied hex. This might Artillery example: The American player plays an
happen if an enemy unit moves into Assault Artillery action, designating hexes E3, E4 and F3,
Combat while simultaneously meeting the each of which is resolved separately. Note that only
requirements for Opportunity Fire. In this case, one of the target hexes has to be in LOS of the
every Hit affects a randomly determined unit in friendly unit, but any extra hexes have to be adja-
the target hex (which might bounce off cent to a hex that is in LOS. Artillery normally has
vehicles). Resolve this Opportunity Fire before an HEF of 3. Hex E3 has one enemy unit and no
the Assault Combat. Cover Factor so there will be a Damage Draw of 3
Resolve Opportunity Fire as you would any cards against that unit. Hex E4 has one enemy unit
other Ranged Combat attack, with the following and a Cover Factor of 1, so there will be a Damage
exception. If the target unit is Shaken or Shaken Draw of 2 cards against that unit. Hex F3 has 2
and reduced, it must stop moving and you place units and a Cover Factor of 1. There is 1 fewer card
an Ops Complete marker on the target. Mark drawn because of the Cover Factor of 1, but 1 extra
the attacker with a Fired marker. Units with card drawn because there are two units there.
Powers may use the Power in an Opportunity
Fire attack, if they play the appropriate card.
4)Artillery: Artillery is most often called as a
card Action. Artillery attacks the target hex and
two hexes adjacent to the target hex, The attack
factor of the card, whether resolved as an HEF
or APF or both, attacks each hex in the pattern.
To call an artillery strike, a friendly unit must
have a LOS to the targeted hex and not be
Shaken (11d).
Artillery may target an empty hex
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13. Vehicle Combat The lower right block might also display:
The movement classes W, T and O comprise • Shaken: The vehicle target is Shaken.
vehicles. Vehicle combat in ‘65 is a two-step
process. The firing unit must first hit the target, and • Dud!: The shot has no effect.
then the shot must penetrate the target’s armor. • Destroyed!: The vehicle target is destroyed.
a. Hitting the Target. To attack a target, the player • Hit: Ignore “Hit” results of any color. These
play a ‘Fire’, ‘Move & Fire’, ‘Reload & Fire’ (or only apply to Soft Targets.
as a Reaction), a ‘First Fire’ and designates the Vehicle example: It is the NVA player’s impulse.
firing unit and the target. To fire on a target, it must They play a ‘Fire’ Action and declare that the PT76
be in the LOS (11b) of the firing unit. Count the in hex J1 will fire on the American M-48 in H4.
number of hexes from the firer to the target. Count The range is 4 and this becomes the base to hit
the target’s hex, but not the firer’s. This range is number. Subtract the PT76’s Targeting Modifier
the base to hit number. Modify the number by (1) and apply the Cover Factor of a Jungle hex (1).
subtracting the firing unit’s Targeting Modifier (a The modified ‘to hit’ number is 4.
negative targeting value adds to the range), and
then adding the Cover Factor of the target’s terrain Targeting number APF
(CF adds to effective range). The modified result
is the ‘to hit’ number.
Draw a card. If the BLOODLUST
Targeting Number (in Rally Eligible Unit, but do not place
an Ops Complete marker.
the lower left block, gold
in the example to the
right) is equal to or FAST MOVE
Play this card to move one hex of
greater than the ‘to hit’ Eligible Unit/s. Add 1 to the unit/s’
Movement Factor.
g. Fast Move. Move one hex of Eligible Units up o. Punishing Fire. Fire. A single Eligible Unit
to the limit of their Movement Factor, but they get (7c) may fire twice. The target may retreat 1 hex
+1MF. Units are not required to move the same between attacks. The retreat must end with the
distance or along the same route, but no unit can target unit farther from the firing unit than it started
use more than its available MF. Mark the units with and the retreating unit may not retreat into an
a Moved marker. enemy hex. Mark a retreated unit with a Moved
h. Move & Fire. An Eligible Unit may move up marker. If already marked Moved, mark it with an
to one half its Movement Factor, with fractions Ops Complete marker. If already marked Ops
rounded up. The unit must then fire if it was not Complete, the unit may not retreat.
Shaken while moving. If the unit is firing at a p. Cannister. Fire. May only be declared for the
vehicle, an ‘MF’ on the targeting draw (in the PT-76 and M-48. The vehicle may fire and add 2
Targeting Number block) is an automatic miss. If HEF to its HEF. Maximum range is 4 hexes.
the unit is firing at a Soft Target, only Hit or Hit q. Reload & Fire. One unit marked Fired may
hits the target. Mark the unit Ops Complete. The fire again at its original target. Add 1 to the unit’s
defending player conducts any Opportunity Fire Targeting Modifier or HEF. Mark the unit Ops
(11e(3)) before any Fire part of this Action Complete.
17. Supports
i. Command Ops. Play the ‘Command Ops’ Remember that only 1 Support card of a particu-
action to play up to two additional actions. For lar name can be used to support an Action.
example, you may play the Command Ops card
and then play ‘Fire’ for one hex of units and a. Bullet Storm. Add 1 to the HEF of an attacking
‘Move’ for another or hex of units. If the turn ends Leg unit. May be used in either Ranged Combat
during the execution of the first action, the second (11) or Assault Combat (12).
action is lost. b. Ambush. The player‘s unit(s) may fire first in
j. Reinforcements. You may play this, then draw Close Assault, assessing all hits on the target before
another card and may play another Action unless the target returns fire. May not be played on a unit
the turn ends with that card draw. that is Shaken, or a unit that does not possess the
Assault or Assault+ icon.
k. Scout. You may only move one Leg unit (not
one hex of units), but that unit only pays one c. Retreat. May be used as either Reaction or
Movement Point per hex entered. For example, Support. Ignore the Assault results for both sides.
you could move through 3 jungle hexes for only 3 This card may be played at any point in the Assault
Movement Points. Combat process, including after all hits are
resolved (you just undo them). The player using
l. Second Wind. Remove a Moved or Fired the Reaction/Support must retreat all friendly units
marker from one unit. from the hex. Return them to the hex from where
m. Let’s Get ‘Em!. You may move up to 2 hexes they entered the Assault or, if the the defenders,
of Eligible Leg units that start within 2 hexes of retreat them away from the hexside from which the
each other. Mark all units that move with a Moved attackers entered the hex. Mark all participating
marker. units Ops Complete.
n. Artillery. Attacks target hex and two adjacent d. Aimed Shot. Add 2 to a unit’s Targeting
hexes to the target hex. See 11e(4) for full details. Modifier when firing on a Hard Target. May be
played only in support of a ‘Fire’ action, not
‘Reload & Fire’ or ‘Move & Fire’. 16
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Suppression: When this unit is the lead unit in Leadership: Play up to two additional actions
an attack, before the Damage Draw it may on hexes or units within two hexes of this unit.
choose to distribute its hits evenly throughout For example, you may play the Power card to
the target hex. That is, the designated target is activate this unit and then (if you have the cards
all units in the hex instead of one unit in the and the units/hexes are within two hexes of the
hex. For example, if an M60 targets a hex with activating unit) Fire with one unit (or hex of
two NVA Rifle units and gets two hits, both units) and Move with another unit (or hex of
NVA units are Shaken. units). The Hero may activate himself to move
20. Powers or fire with units in either of the two hexes. If
Remember that Powers only happen if you the turn ends during the execution of the first
activate the Unit using a card with ‘Power’ in action, the second action is lost.
between the upper text blocks, and that the Unit is Satchel Charge: Conduct a satchel charge
marked Ops Complete after completing their attack against an adjacent hex. Satchel charge
Action or using the power. attacks have a HEF of 5 and may not be
Units may not use powers if they are Shaken. combined with other HEF or Support cards.
Bold red words in this section are Keywords. Any The hits inflicted are spread equally among all
Power using a Keyword in its definition includes units in the target hex.
the Action attributed to that Key word in addition Kill Shot: We apologize if this term seems too
to the action described in the Power. violent. We couldn’t think of another, and after
Smoke: The unit may place smoke in either its all, these are only cardboard counters. Fire the
hex or one adjacent hex. If the unit also has the unit and add 1 HEF to the unit’s attack.
40mm Power, it may place the smoke up to 3 40mm: Fire the unit, and any other unit(s) in the
hexes distant. Smoke is blocking terrain, hex that the player wishes. Add +1 HEF to the
covers the entire hex, and is infinitely high, unit’s attack. The target must be within 3 hexes
blocking the LOS of a sighting unit on a hill or of the firing unit.
a helicopter to a ground unit. Units in a Smoke
Explosive Rounds: Fire the unit. Add 2 to the
hex receive a +1 CF. Units firing from a Smoke
unit’s HEF.
hex subtract 1 from their HEF. Place the Smoke
marker with the ‘Smoke 2’ side up. Flip all Charge: Fast Move, if movement ends in
Smoke markers that begin the Clean Up Phase Assault Combat, add 2 to this side’s total HEF
on their ‘Smoke 2’ side to ‘Smoke 1’. Remove (not per unit, the total for that side).
all Smoke markers that begin the Clean Up Unit errata and clarifications:
Phase on their ‘Smoke 1’ side." * Helicopters should have “difficult target” icons
* ANZAC "LAW unit" The counter shows a Target
PAC errata and additional terrain information: Modifier "0" and APF "-2". It should have Target
Modifier "-2" and APF "2" like all the LAW units
* Roads grant no Cover factor (PAC lists +1) * The US "M40 unit" should have a "No Move & Fire"
* Effects of wire: Leg units must stop on icon.
entering. Tracked units must pay 3 MP. Cover
Factor is -1. Unit range clarification:
* Range table - asterisk means the unit cannot * The Bazooka's range 3 is same as LAW
fire at that range * The M2s range is 13.
* The M40 has no HE Range limit
* Reference to tank side/rear should be side/ * AP Fire has no range limit as this is factored
flank (flank = rear) into the range penalties.
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21. Fortifications
Fortifications are usually placed before scenario Scenario errata and clarifications:
start in any terrain except buildings or ponds, but
Reinforcements are only able to be moved into play
there may be cases in which cards can be used to with a "Move" action card or during the reserve
create them. phase. Multiple units can be moved into play as long
as it does not exceed stacking limits.
a. Foxholes. Leg units in a hex
You can exit the board by the scenario-define map
with a Foxhole are considered edge. If there is no scenario-defined edge you can
in the Foxhole. The first actual exit on any edge.
Hit of any non-Assault attack
Base game:
(including Artillery) targeting a Scenario 1: The Americans set up on rows 2I, 2J, 2K
Leg unit in a Foxhole is redrawn and 1A, 1B, and 1C.
and the new result applied. Vehicles get no benefit Scenario 3: Victory conditions 8BVP should be 8VP.
from a Foxhole, but may enter a hex with one. For Victory conditions ignore the “-“ signs.
21. Scenarios
‘65 is played through a series of scenarios. Each scenario defines a set of circumstances, units that
participate, and victory conditions. Control is defined as either having a unit in the hex or being the last
side to have a unit in the hex. Unless stated otherwise a side controls all hexes it is eligible to set up in
and the top of the maps display is always North.
Bonus Victory Conditions
Before setting up their forces, each player draws a random Bonus Victory
Condition card. If it is impossible to achieve the condition, for example you
must kill an enemy hero, but the enemy is not given a hero in the scenario or
the player must exit units off the opposing player’s map edge, but no opposing
map edge is defined, draw another card. Fulfilling the condition awards a
scenario-defined number of victory points.
Scenario One: Village Assault
Rural South Vietnam, 1965. Sometimes there was only one way to save a
village from the Viet Cong, and that was to get into the village and throw the
Viet Cong out. In this scenario, an understrength American rifle company
attempts to do just that.
Length: 7 Turns. Each turn ends when the third ‘End Turn’ is drawn.
Viet Cong: Set up first in any building hex: 3 x Rifle, 2 x RPD, 1 x Sapper. NGO, Phan.
US: Set up second on rows A, B, C on Map 1 and/or rows J, K, L on Map 2: 7 x Rifle, 2 x M60, Riggs,
Black, Dixon. I, J, K
The US needs 6 victory points (VP) to win.
• Americans get 1VP for each building hex they control at scenario end.
• Americans get 1VP for each VC unit they eliminate.
• Americans lose 1VP for each American unit eliminated.
• Americans achieve their Special Victory Condition: 2VP.
• Viet Cong achieve their Special Victory Condition: -2VP.
Map 1 and Map 2, laid out as shown below.
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Notes i