File: SERVICE MANUAL. Section 240 $240-502SB/JUN 81
Replaces: $240-86 SB/J69
Dit: 3,36,3¢
Installation - Operation - Maintenance - Service
MODELS: SA150 and SA300
Model No. Explanation
Desian Dats
Locations and Foundations
ReStarting Shaft
Control Arm and Micro Switeh ‘aut
Electrical Connections.
Water Connections
Refrigerant Piping.
‘Muitible toe Makers.
thor Evaporators in 8
‘Obtaining Hot Gas for Marverting |
ih Side Volume and Reciever Oversizing-
‘System Leak Test zs
‘System Evacustion =.
Refrigorant Charging.
Lubrication Of Piston Valves
‘Shel ioe Maker Eneiosures
How the Shell-lce Maker Produces lee.
Initial Starting Procedure .
MultiCam Timer. ‘
Dry les Production «
Quality of ee
‘Storage and Handling OF tee
Overnight Shutdown Procedure.
‘Long Shutdown Period
Conditions of Normal Operation
Preventive Maintenance
Oil Collecting Pot.
‘Water Nozzles.
‘ater Pan
Detrosting Pan at Top af Tubes
Pumping Down for Repairs
Servicing Piston Vals...
‘Changing Time Gyele-MuitiCam Timer.
Freezing Tube REDSIS. v1...
‘Adjustment of Mutti-Cam Timer
‘Abnormal Operation Analysis.|
“This manual has been prepared to acquaint the serviceman with the
Installation, operation, maintenanes snd service procedures recon
‘mended by Frick Company for tie SA Shel oe Makers,
DESCRIPTION — The Frick ShelLice Makers are automatic ice mak:
Ing units designed to economically produce clear, sold fragmented
fee in large quantities ~ 13 thru 43 tons par 24 hours,
‘The two models of Frick Shl-lee Makers ae similiar in construction
‘and consist basically of a freezing section; harvesting ection and
‘control panel. Each sation i factory assembled for easy installation
The freezing section includes supporting frame, stainless stl resz:
Ing tubes with iqud and gas headers, sccumulstor with fost snitch
level contol, stainless steel drip pan, cil and liquid traps, water dit
bution system, automaticaly operated suction, liquid and hot gee
valves, necessary solenoids and stop valves.
Poge 3
“The control panel i factory wired and includes timer, terminal board
relay restarter mechanism, ice solector switch and pressure gauges
To facilitate handling the freezing snd harvesting sections are ship
od soparataly
‘Gotional festures, available a extra cost, include oversize ice breaker
motor for ice thickness over 3/8 inch and ice nandling equipment.
Size Designation
(10x Nominal Tors)
“The harvesting section consists of supporting bas, ie bresker ane —L- Sholl-co Moker
‘ly and motor ies sizer, water drain pan with fost valve, recirculat. SSO
ing ump and motor, baile plates and water od,
‘Breaker Motor HP
Pumps Nominal
Model No, of, Motor td Oversize Operating
Number Tubes HP Motor Motor Ws,
‘SA150 15 1s 2 3 0001
'sA300 30 1 5 742 +6000
Frick Shl-tce Makar se shipped in two sctions — base assambly The Shell-loo Makar should be located in a convenint area and as
with ice breaker mechanism and water pan; freezing section with
tubes and secumulator. The control panel end other hardware will be
shipped in a separate carton
‘Carefully inspect the shipment for demages on atval, Make 8 note of
any damages on tho carriers bill of lading before signing an Tile sll
claims for damages apainst the carier immociately, Friek Company
Should also be notified as to the nature and extent of any damages
When the Shell-lce Makar arives on the job ste precautions must be
taken to prevent damage to the machine during unloading and ree:
tion. Do not attach hoists or slings to the freezing tubes, These tubes
constructed of No. 16 gauge materil are easily damaged, Protect the
‘tubes at all times during unloading and erection and Keep the wooden
‘sipportng frame and clamps in postion until the unit sin a vertical
Boston init final location. Lifting lugs have been provided to facil
tate handling of the freezing section. Do not attach hols to other
points when transporting the unit,
cose as posible to the place where the ice wil be used. f possible,
the machine should be mounted directly over the ica storage room
‘This eliminates complicated and exponsive conveyor equipment need
1d to transport the ice from the Shellee Maker ta the storaye aea,
‘Aa opening in the roof of the storage area wil sllow the ice to fa
ireetly trom the machine into the lee storage, Ifthe room is square
and the ies sie is located in the center of the elling, the ice wil ci.
‘rioute Wel eveny in the room,
Hitt decided to mount the Shll-lce Maker inthis fasion, the stor:
‘ge area must be constructed so thet I wll support the welght ofthe
‘machine. A steel framework on concrete foundtion is recor mend
S, Nominal oosating weight for your Shel-ice Maker fisted in
It itis necesory to place the Shel-lce Maker on the same level with
‘the storage r00m a sultable conveyor must be used to raise the ice to
‘the proper height for dropping it nto the storage. An enclosed serew
‘ype conveyor i satisfactory Tor this purpose.24052088
Page 4
It isnot preeties! to store large quantities of fragmentary ie for tong
periods of time, "Shell co” is no exception; however, due to the
Carved surface there i les tendency for Shellie to stick together in
forage, A storage of sufficient size to Hold not more than 3 devs sup-
ly is recommended, Since “Shel Ico" weighs approximately 34 ls
er eubie foot, the storave should be constructed accordingly. Be
{ure to insulate the storage with urethane or ingulation equivalent
to retard melting and sticking of the ice
It is nat resommended to store "Sh Lee ins bin with sides sloping
{toward a amaler opening in the Bottom. After several eves the ice
‘ll bridge over making removal difieult.Storags with vertical sides
ire the most satisfactory
All erection and other sstembly work should be carried out by qual
ited riggers and eractors who ore familiar with refrigeration and ice
‘making equipment. [tf highly recommended that this work be done
by # Frick Factor to insure satisfactory installation and adjustment of
‘your new Frick Shales Maker.
Frick Shel-lce Makers are shipped in two sections — base assembly
with fee breaker and water box; freezing soction with tubes and ac
Cumulator. Erection drewings are furnished with each machine ond
Should be followed crefly. It is necesary to mount the base 3s-
Sembly fir, If the Shell-ee Maker ie to be located over the storage
tea, soe ralls or plate should be plaead under the mounting legs
St rdht angee to the root members to distribute the weight of the
‘machine and prevent the mounting les ftom damaging the roofing
‘material. The steel rails should atleast be 6 inches wide and extend
the entre length of the Shell-ce Maker base so that two ofthe four
‘mounting legs rest on each rail. Be sure to level the machine bofore
fnchoring oF seeuting with suitable anchor bots.
f the Shel-le Make i to be located on the same level asthe storage
trea, itis recommended thatthe bare be mounted and lealed on @
Concrete foundation, Elevate the les Makar to alow sufficient room
{ore hopper an serew conveyor with suitable drain ping. The steel
raile may be omitted when mounting inthis manne
‘Attachthe hoisting equipment securely to the lifting lugs on the 2c-
‘umulator and rate the freezing section to Its proper position over
the bare, Carefully remove the wooden supporting frame and clamps
land lower the freezing section into the base. Bolt in place at the four
points drown on the assembly drawings.
“The ice and water spin sheets should be installed next. These sheets
sr in sections and wil bo shipped ina separate erate with the ma
thine. Install the end water shoots withthe slotted end down and the
flanges facing each other as shown onthe assembly drawings. Fasten
the sheets to the frame at points shown using the round head serews
and mute provided. D9 not omit the lock washes. Draw the bolts
finger tight only. The end ice sheets are bent at an angle of aporox.
imately 10° and should be attached vo the flanged end sheets so that
‘they extond inward towards the ies breaker.
‘Now install the ice breaker side sheets. Faston thom along their bot
‘tom edge to the top ee Breaker stationary bar using the U-bolts pro-
vided. Tighten the U-bols, keeping the ioe side plates inside the
Insert the flat water side sheets keeping them outside the ice si
sheets ang inside the flange on the ond water shets. Tighten all bolts
fn the ice and water splash sheets.
Install the ict bresker motor, pulleys and belt guard, Carefully align
pulleys and adjust the belt for proper tension,
Install the electrical control panel at shown on the drawings. Be sure
10 install the spacing washers betwoan the frame and the pane.
‘Now install the restorting device (Fa. 1) in its proper position onthe
frame ae shown on the drawing Inert the long end of the shaft (Fig
2} through the opening in the back of the contol panel. Be sure the
water defeeting rubber washers are in place
Bolt the bearing brackets in place and tighten al bolts. Adjust the
thrust clamps on each end ofthe restarting shaft (Fi 2) for minimum
tend movement of this shaft. 1/16” movement is desirable, Check
ster adjusting to Insure that there is no binding of this shaft
‘Aajust the feler arms on the restartr shaft so that ll feelers touch
‘the tubes at the some time. This is best accomplished by adjusting
‘wo end feeler arms first Tighten all clamping bolts securely.
Fig, 1 — Restarting Device
Fig, 2— Control Box End of Restarting Devies
[Now install the counterweighted control arm on the ond of the r=
‘darter daft which extends through the contol box. (See Fig. 3)
Pesition the contra! arm on the restarter svat 20 thet it will pot bind
‘on the magnet housing, Rotate the restarter shaft so that the fooler
Bars rest against he tubes. Manually if the half moon weight so that
itis In the "UP” or energize position Clamp the control arm to the
re-start shat allowing 1/16” to 1/8" clearance between the contol
farm and the half moon weight. (See Fig. 4). Be sure the feeler arms
fre eguinst the tubes and hat the half moon weight fall the way Up
when the clamping operstion is done.
‘Adjust the cireut breaking screw next. (S80 Fig. 4). With the half
moon weight held manually in the “up” position, inset a 1/16
‘Spacer between one of the feeler arms and one of the tubes. Ad:
jt the ccut breaking serew s0 thatthe micro-switch button de
premes sufficiently to operate te switch — Int for alight ck. Be
|| ire'thet ne sper reins between the fel arm an the tube and
‘that the half'moon weight is completely reisad when the circuit
letra sre cats
Fig. 3 ~ Control Box end Components Fig. 4 — Adjustments of Restarter Controls
Fig. 5 — Typleal Electrical Witing Diagram
NOTE: All wiring must comply with all existing nations! and local he terminal strip to the solenoid valves, water pump, and ie break
codes ‘& motor. (See Fis. 6).
Control wiringhas been made atthe factory end should nat be chang-
4. Wire only from the power source to the terminal strip an fromPage 6
Water conneetions ta the recirculating pump, water pan, water make-
‘up sourae and drains should be made t this time
‘CAUTION: All models ofthe Shell-Ice Maker are foctory sealed anc
Contain a holding charge of dry nitrogen. Do act open piping with
‘ut bleeding off this holding charge by slowly opening the main
‘tction vale locvted onthe accumulator.
NOTE: All refrigerant piping must comply with al exiting national
‘and local codes. Refrigerant ping for tho Sho Ice Maker consists of
taking auction, liquid and hot gas connections to the machine. A