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Chem 173: Precipitation of Ionic Compounds

To predict if a precipitate will form when 2 solutions are mixed:

• Calculate the concentration of individual ions in the combined solution (remember to divide mol of ion by the TOTAL
solution volume)
• Calculate the ion product, Q (same form as Ksp, but ion concentrations here are not necessarily equilibrium ion
• Compare Q to Ksp
• If Q > Ksp, the solution is supersaturated, ion concentrations are greater than equilibrium concentrations, reaction will
proceed in reverse to reach equilibrium, precipitation will occur.
• If Q < Ksp, the solution is unsaturated, ion concentrations are less than equilibrium concentrations, reaction will proceed
forward to reach equilibrium, more solid will dissolve.
• If Q = Ksp, the solution is saturated, the solution is at equilibrium, ion concentrations are equilibrium concentrations, no
more solid will dissolve or precipitate.

• Will a precipitate form when 150 mL of 0.10 M Pb(NO3)2 are combined with 100 mL of 0.20 M NaCl?
PbCl2 (s) £ Pb2+ (aq) + 2 Cl— (aq); Ksp = 1.2 x 10—5
mol Pb2+ (aq) = (0.150 L sol'n)(0.10 mol Pb2+/L sol'n) = 0.015 mol Pb2+
[Pb2+] = 0.015 mol/0.250 L = 0.060 M
mol Cl (aq) = 0.100 L sol'n)(0.20 mol Cl—/L sol'n) = 0.020 mol Cl—

[Cl—] = 0.020 mol/0.250 L = 0.080 M

Q = [Pb ][Cl—]2 = (0.060)(0.080)2 = 3.8 x 10—4

Q > Ksp; PbCl2 will precipitate from solution

• What minimum concentration of Na2CO3 (aq) is required to cause precipitation of BaCO3 (s) from a solution of 1.0 x 10—5
M BaCl2 (aq)?
BaCO3 (s) £ Ba2+ (aq) + CO32— (aq); Ksp = 2.6 x 10—9
logic: At the point where Q = Ksp the solution is at equilibrium. Calculate the concentration of CO32— that will satisfy this
Q = [Ba2+][CO32—]; 2.6 x 10—9 = 1.0 x 10—5[CO32—]
[CO32—] = 2.6 x 10—4 M
This is the concentration of Na2CO3 that will result in a saturated solution (solid and ions in equilibrium). SO . . . any
[Na2CO3] greater than 2.6 x 10—4 M will result in Q > Ksp and precipitation of BaCO3.

• What compound, if any, will precipitate when 80.0 mL of 1.0 x 10—5 M Ba(OH)2 (aq) is added to 20.0 mL 1.0 x 10—5 M
BaSO4 (s) £ Ba2+ (aq) + SO42— (aq); Ksp = 1.1 x 10—10
Fe(OH)3 (s) £ Fe3+ (aq) + 3 OH— (aq); Ksp = 2.6 x 10—39
mol Ba = 0.0800 L sol'n(1.0 x 10—5 mol Ba2+/L sol'n) = 8.0 x 10—7 mol Ba2+

[Ba2+] = 8.0 x 10—7 mol/0.100 L = 8.0 x 10—6 M

mol OH = 0.0800 L sol'n(1.0 x 10—5 mol Ba(OH)2/L sol'n)(2 mol OH—/1 mol Ba(OH)2) = 1.6 x 10—6 mol OH—

[OH—] = 1.6 x 10—6 mol/0.100 L = 1.6 x 10—5 M

mol Fe = 0.0200 L sol'n(1.0 x 10—5 mol Fe2(SO4)3/L sol'n)(2 mol Fe3+/1 mol Fe2(SO4)3) = 4.0 x 10—7 mol Fe3+

[Fe3+] = 4.0 x 10—7 mol/0.100 L = 4.0 x 10—6 M

mol SO42— = 0.0200 L sol'n(1.0 x 10—5 mol Fe2(SO4)3/L sol'n)(3 mol SO42—/1 mol Fe2(SO4)3) = 6.0 x 10—7 mol SO42—
[SO42—] = 6.0 x 10—7 mol/0.100 L = 6.0 x 10—6 M
For BaSO4: Q = [Ba2+][SO42—] = (8.0 x 10—6)(6.0 x 10—6) = 4.8 x 10—11
Q < Ksp; BaSO4 DOES NOT precipitate from the solution
For Fe(OH)3: Q = [Fe3+][OH—]3 = (4.0 x 10—6)(1.6 x 10—5)3 = 1.6 x 10—20
Q > Ksp; Fe(OH)3 DOES precipitate from the solution

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