Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
1. Which of the following is part of the reflex response to an increase in arterial pressure?
a) Decreased firing of carotid sinus baroreceptors
b) Increased sympathetic activity to the ventricles
c) Increased parasympathetic activity to the SA Node
d) Increased parasympathetic activity to the arterioles of skeletal muscles &
e) Increased parasympathetic stimulation to the ventricles
3. Venous Return:
a) Is increased on standing
b) Decreases by deep inspiration
c) Is decreased by venoconstriction
d) When increased, activates Bainbridge reflex
e) When increased, increases end-systolic volume
14. Protodiastole:
a) Is characterized by a rapid rise in aortic pressure
b) Occurs at the onset of diastole
c) Is a period in the cardiac cycle with constant blood pressure
d) Is the last one-third of diastole
e) Is a period of slow ejection from the ventricles
24. With a mixed venous oxygen content of 110 ml/L and an arterial oxygen content of 150
ml/L an oxygen uptake of 280 ml/min, the cardiac output is:
a) 5 liters/ min
b) 6 liters/ min
c) 7 liters/ min
d) 8 liters/ min
e) 9 liters/ min
25. The pulmonary valve closes when the pressure in the right ventricle is about:
a) 0 mmHg
b) 15 mmHg
c) 30 mmHg
d) 50 mmHg
e) 120 mmHg
29. During the cardiac cycle, closure of the aortic valve occurs at:
a) The end of isovolumetric contraction
b) The beginning of rapid ejection phase
c) The beginning of isometric relaxation
d) The end of systole
e) The end of rapid filling phase
34. The segment of the vascular bed responsible for local regulation of blood flow in most
tissues is:
a) Distributing arteries
b) Large veins
c) Capillaries
d) Venules
e) Arterioles
37. In the heart, within physiological limits the force of contraction is directly proportional to
a) Pacemaker activity
b) AV nodal delay
c) Initial length of cardiac muscle
d) Respiratory rate
e) Vagal stimulation
58. Which of the following is the most important in determining the total peripheral
a) Blood viscosity
b) Concentration of plasma protein
c) Arteriolar diameter
d) Cardiac Output
e) Metabolic autoregulation
68. The following are expected to increase the cardiac output except:
a) Eating
b) Adrenaline Infusion
c) Moderate rise in environmental temperature
d) A 10 degree rise in body temperature
e) Pregnancy
70. The Frank-Starling law explains all the following except:
a) Increase in cardiac with increase in venous return
b) Maintenance of stroke volume in the phase of increased afterload
c) Matching left ventricular output with right ventricular output
d) The increased contractility induced by sympathetic stimulation
e) The normal cardiac output in hypertensive patients
71. A drug that increases the heart rate from 70 to 100 beats per minute could be:
a) A B1-adrenergic receptor antagonist
b) A cholinergic receptor antagonist
c) A cholinergic receptor agonist
d) A B2 adrenergic receptor agonist
e) A non-cholinergic, non-adrenergic agonist
97. Which of the laws explain the relationship between vessel wall tension and vessel radius:
a) Poiseuille's Law
b) Ohm's Law
c) Starling's Law
d) LaPlace's Law
e) Reynold's Law
99. Which of the following substances will be most likely to dilate systemic arterioles:
a) Endothelin
b) ADH
c) Histamine
d) Noreadrenaline
e) Aldosterone
102. An increase in the pulse pressure can be caused by:
a) Parasympathetic stimulation
b) Generalized vasodilation
c) Sympathetic stimulation
d) Venodilation
e) Heart failure