Entrepreneurship Development PDF

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Unit 1
Introduction: Meaning, definition and concept of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship
and entrepreneurship development. The entrepreneurial mind-set. Common myths
to becoming an entrepreneur and how to overcome them. Corporate
entrepreneurship. Concepts of intra preneurship, types of entrepreneurs, functions
of entrepreneur. Family Business, Women entrepreneurship, social and rural

Unit 2
Entrepreneurial Finance, Assistance and Entrepreneurial Development
Agencies: Estimating financial funds requirement; Sources of finance –banks,
various financial institutions (including IFCI, ICICI, IDBI and SIDBI), financing of
small scale industries in developing countries. Role of central government and state
government in promoting entrepreneurship with various incentives, subsidies,
grants, export oriented units – fiscal & tax concessions, other government initiatives
and inclusive entrepreneurial growth. Overview of MSME policy of government in
India. Role of agencies assisting entrepreneurship: DICs, SSIs, NSICs,
EDIINIESBUD, NEDB, Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI). New
initiatives taken by government to promote entrepreneurship in India at larger scale.

Unit 3
From Idea to opportunity: Idea generation- sources and methods, identification
and classification of ideas. Individual creativity: idea to business opportunity,
Opportunity assessment, challenges of new venture start-up, Venture capital, Angel
investing, Crowdfunding

Unit 4
Developing a Business Plan: Environmental Scanning and SWOT analysis, and.
The business plan as an entrepreneurial tool, Business Planning Process: elements of
business planning, preparation of project plan, components of an ideal business plan
– market plan, financial plan, operational plan, and, Feasibility Analysis – aspects
and methods: Economic analysis, financial analysis, market-, and technological

Unit 5
Launching a New Venture: Steps involved in launching a business (Process
charts), Various Forms of business ownership, Registration of business units; start-
up to going IPO; revival, exit and end to a venture.


Unit 1
Sourcing Management: Introduction to Sourcing, Sourcing vs Procurement,
Sourcing activities. Purchasing: Purchasing Cycle, Characteristics of a Purchasing
Manager, Risks to be Considered by Purchase Manager. Make or Buy Decision: An
introduction. Case Studies

Unit 2
Evaluating Suppliers' Efficiency: Vendor Rating, Selection and Development:
Need for Measuring Supplier Performance, Categories of Suppliers, Supplier
Evaluation and Selection Process, Vendor Rating process, Factors Affecting the
Selection of Optimal Suppliers or Vendor Rating, Suppliers Evaluation Methods/
Vendor Rating Methods, Advantages of Vendor/Supplier Rating. Case Studies

Unit 3
Vendor Process Capability and Material Handling: Introduction to Process
Capability, Characteristics of Vendor Process Capability, Handling the Vendor Process
Capability, Advantages of Vendor Process Capability. Case Studies

Unit 4
Price Determination and Negotiation: Objectives of Pricing, Factors Influencing
Pricing, Types of Pricing Strategies, Negotiation in sourcing :Meaning of Negotiation,
Examples of Negotiation, Types of Negotiations, The Process of Negotiation, Skills for
Successful Negotiating, and Obstacles to Negotiation. Case Studies

Unit 5
Legal Aspect of Purchasing Management: An Introduction, The Indian Contract
Act, 1872, GST, Law of Carriage of Goods. Public Purchasing: Procurement Process,
Fundamental Principles of Public Buying; Tendering: Introduction, Terminologies used
in Tendering, Tendering Process, e – Tendering. Case Studies


Unit 1
Manufacturing System: Introduction and components, Importance of Manufacturing for
Technological and Socioeconomic developments, Production versus Productivity;
Manufacturing Plant: Decisions for Plant location. Plant Layouts and its types. Types of
manufacturing System: Job shop. Mass, Batch, Project shop, Continuous process Linked cell
system (Cellular manufacturing system), Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)

Unit 2
Manufacturing Support System: Process Planning, Computer Aided Process Planning,
Production planning and Control Systems, Aggregate Planning and Master Production
schedule, Material Requirement Planning, Capacity Planning ; Shop Floor Control:
Introduction, Overview of Automatic Identification and Data capture , Bar Code Technology
and Radio Frequency Identification

Unit 3
Facility planning: Factors affecting selection of plant location, Factor rating analysis, Load
distance model, closeness ratings. Types of plant layout, criteria for good layout, Process
layout, Assembly line balancing. Computer based solutions to layout problems.

Unit 4
Capacity planning: Analysis of designed capacity, installed capacity, commissioned capacity,
utilized capacity, factors affecting productivity and capacity expansion strategies

Unit 5
Maintenance System: Maintenance strategies and planning, Maintenance economics:
quantitative analysis, optimal number of machines, Replacement strategies and policies,
economic service life, opportunity cost, replacement analysis using specific time period,
spares management. Maintenance records


Unit -1: Introduction to marketing Analytics

Meaning, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of marketing analytics, Market data
sources (Primary and Secondary). The new realities of marketing decision making Market
Sizing: Data sources, Stakeholders, Applications & Approaches (Top-down and Bottom-up)

Unit-2: Pricing Analytics

Estimating Demand Curve: Estimating Linear and Power Demand Curves, Optimize Pricing,
Incorporating Complementary Products, Using Pricing subjectively to estimate Demand
Curves, Pricing Multiple Products, Price Bundling & Nonlinear Pricing: Pure Bundling & Mixed
Bundling, Determine Optimal Bundling Pricing, Profit Maximizing strategies using Nonlinear
Pricing Strategies, Price Skimming & Sales

Unit-3: Customer Analytics

Segmentation and Targeting: The segmentation-targeting-positioning (STP) framework,
Segmentation, The concept of market segmentation, Managing the segmentation process,
Deriving market segments and describing the segments -Cluster analysis, Discriminant
analysis, Targeting, The concept of product positioning, Conducting a positioning study,
Perceptual mapping using principal components analysis, Incorporating preferences into
perceptual maps. Customer Lifetime Value: Concept, Basic Customer Value, Measuring
Customer Lifetime value, Estimating Chance that customer is still active, Using Customer
Value to value a business

Unit-4: Retailing & Advertising Analysis

Market Basket analysis: Computing two way and three way lift Allocating Retail Space and
Sales Resources: Identifying the sales to marketing effort relationship & its modeling,
optimizing sales effort Advertising Analysis: Measuring the Effectiveness of Advertising,
Optimizing advertising, Pay per Click (PPC) Online Advertising.

Unit-5: Sales Forecasting & Conjoint Analysis

Regression model to forecast sales, Modeling trend and seasonality; Ratio to moving average
forecasting method, Using S curves to Forecast Sales of a New Product Conjoint analysis:
Conjoint analysis as a decompositional preference model, Steps in conjoint analysis, Uses of
conjoint analysis. Course Outcome After successful completion of this course students.


Unit 1
Introduction of Project: Definitions & Characteristics of Project, Types of Projects,
Project Life Cycle. Concepts of Deliverables, Scope of Work and Milestones. Project
Management Process: Introduction, Tools & Techniques of Project Management. Project
Team and Scope of Project Management: Characteristics of a Project Team & Project
Leader, Project Organization, and Importance of Project Management. Case Studies

Unit II
Project Identification & Selection: Identification, Generation of ideas, Approaches to
Project Screening and Selection, Project Rating Index. Market & Demand Analysis
Techniques: Survey & Trend Projection Methods. Project Risk Management: Concepts
and Types of Project Risks, Risk Identification, Risks Analysis, Risks
Mitigation Strategies. Case Studies

Unit III
Project Costing: Fundamental components of Project Cost, Types of Costs: Direct,
Indirect, Recurring, Non-Recurring, Fixed, Variable, Normal, Expedite costs. Project
Financing and Budgeting: Sources of Finance, Top down Budgeting, Bottom up
Budgeting, Activity Based Costing. Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) of Project:
Concept & significance of SCBA, Approaches to SCBA. Case Studies

Unit IV
Project Scheduling and Network Analysis: Steps in Project Scheduling and Network
design, Gantt Chart, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) & Responsibility Assignment
Matrix. Project Network Design: Identifying the Nodes and Activities, Activity on Arrow
(AoA) and Activities on Node (AoN) methods, Introduction to PERT and CPM, Crashing in
Projects. Case Studies

Unit V
Project Monitoring and Control: Planning- Monitoring and Control Cycle. Project
Management Information System. Milestone Analysis and Tracking Gantt chart.

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