Fired Heater Design PDF

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The case study demonstrates how Flownex can be used to design and size a fired heater system, including performing heat and mass balances, sizing the heater and other components, and analyzing combustion emissions.

The main challenge is applying Flownex to design the process, size the fired heater and its components, determine required sizes of ducting and piping, and analyze combustion emissions.

By creating a compound component, Flownex can model fluid flow, combustion, and heat transfer in a single model, providing results that other tools cannot. It also allows the tasks to be completed much faster.


This case study demonstrates the implementation of an API 560 fired heater
compound component in Flownex. It also shows how Flownex® has been used
during the process design and preliminary sizing of a typical API 560 fired
heater, combustion air fan and the associated ducting. Results are compared
with other commercial software.




The main challenge in this cases study is the application of Flownex® to:

 design the process by performing a heat and mass balance,

 size the fired heater and determine typical tube wall and flue gas temperatures,
 size the combustion air fan,
 determine the required ducting and piping sizes, and,
 analyze the combustion process, specifically the flue gas emissions.

By creating a fired heater compound component, a Flownex® model can be developed which is
able to model both the fluid flow, combustion and heat transfer processes. This combined
capability is not commonly available in other design tools.

Flownex® could effectively be used during the design and sizing of the fired heater, combustion air
fan and the associated ducting.

“To remain competitive in a globalised competitive environment,

engineering companies have to perform the same tasks in a quicker,
more efficient manner – they have to work smarter, not harder. In the
case of sizing packages such as a fired heater during the quotation stage
when there is never enough time, Flownex has proven to be an
invaluable tool. It allows us to complete a very comprehensive sizing

analysis within a few hours. I am not aware of any other tool that can do

this to the level of detail done in this case study.”

Hannes van der Walt
Principal Thermal Engineer
[email protected]
Gasco Pty Ltd

The design of a fired heater (or similar) package typically starts with a
heat and mass balance. This first step is necessary to determine the
process parameters which determine most of the sizing of the “Typical heat and
package. A fired heater package heat and mass balance includes the mass balance
modelling of the combustion process and the modelling of the heat
transfer and fluid flow processes. Modelling the combustion process
calculations do not
typically involves the specification of the fuel gas composition, the provide estimates of
combustion air composition, the air-fuel ratio and the fuel flow rate. the physical size of the
The heat transfer from the fired heater combustion process into the
heater or even the
process fluid may be specified in terms of an overall heater thermal
efficiency. Typical heat and mass balance calculations do not provide ducting and other
estimations of the physical size of the heater or even the ducting and components such as
other components such as combustion air fans, neither do they enable combustion air fans.
the calculation of system pressure losses or heat losses. They are also
Neither do they
incapable of providing insight into tube wall and process fluid film
temperatures which are very important in the oil and gas industry. enable the calculation
Flownex® enables the user to perform all these tasks easily and quickly of system pressure or
in a single calculation. heat losses. Flownex®
enables the user to
The main purpose of this exercise is to size a fired heater (typically an perform all these tasks
API 560 design) and its associated combustion air fan and ducting. In easily and quickly in a
order to perform this task efficiently, a Flownex® model has been
single calculation.”
developed which is able to model the combustion, fluid flow and heat
transfer processes. As such the model relies on a fired heater
compound component and a few scripts to handle fuel and flue gas
analyses. Required data inputs are indicated by blue rectangles in Figure 1. The fired heater
compound component input and result fields are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively.

Typically, the client would specify the following heater requirements:

 The required heater duty (to the process fluid).

 Process fluid composition and flow rate.
 Process fluid required inlet and outlet temperatures.
 A required, or at least a desired heater efficiency.
 Maximum allowable flue gas temperatures (if specified).
 Maximum allowable tube wall temperatures and/or process fluid film temperatures.
 Allowable process coil API erosional velocities, mass velocities or ρV2-values.
 Process coil fouling factors.

 Fuel gas composition.


 Ambient conditions. [email protected]
The required heater data specification is as follows:

 Estimate the heater efficiency based on previous experience, or if the efficiency is stated by the
client, specify this as the Required Efficiency (HHV). Typical fired heater HHV efficiencies range
from 75% to 80%.
 Add estimates for the Heater Flue Pressure Drop and Process Pressure Drop. A typical flue side
pressure drop is 50 kPa to 60 kPa. The model may be used to estimate the process side
pressure drop by specifying the expected number of return bends in the coils and a return
bend loss coefficient. These may be updated at a later stage when the actual heater pressure
drop has been determined via dedicated heater design software.
 Specify the heater configuration; Counter Flow or Parallel Flow. Most fired heaters are counter
flow. In parallel flow designs the process fluid inlet would be at the radiant section and the
outlet at the top of the convection section. They are typically used in situations where corrosion
may be a problem at the top-most convection tubes. This occurs when the top convection
tube temperatures would be too close to the water or SOx acid gas dew point temperatures in
counter flow configuration and therefore a risk of tube corrosion exists.
 Specify the Design Heat Flux. Adjust the Design Heat Flux to obtain larger or smaller coil areas.
This parameter may also be used to obtain comfortable tube wall temperatures. This value may
rely on previous experience and also depends on the type of process fluid. For fluids where
local hot spots may cause degradation, such as oils, this value would be lower than others,
such as air, where no such degradation occurs. From practical experience, the following are
approximate guidelines:
o For water heating, a maximum of 36 kW/m2 should be used.
o For oils with temperatures below 150°C, a maximum flux of 23 kW/m2 is
o For oils with temperatures between 150°C and 250°C, a maximum flux of 21 kW/m2 is
o For oils with temperatures above 250°C, a maximum flux of 19 kW/m2 is
o For natural gases and other gases such as air the heat flux may be set higher, however
a safe margin between the calculated tube wall temperature and the maximum design
temperature for the project at hand should exist.
 Since this model does not perform detailed radiation or even convection calculations, but
simply applies average heat fluxes over a coil area, peak fluxes and temperatures cannot be
calculated. However, a Peak Heat Flux Factor is used to artificially increase the maximum
temperature values to obtain an estimate of potential maximum tube wall temperatures.
Therefore, a minimum value of 1 causes no peak temperatures. From experience, peak wall
temperatures are about 5% to 10% higher than averaged maximum temperatures.
 If the heater is to feature both a radiant section as well as a convection section, such as API 560
Type C or Type E heaters, an estimate for the duty split between the radiant and convection
sections is specified. This is achieved by specifying the Radiant Duty Fraction. This value is also
used to control the Radiant Chamber Exit Temperature which cannot be too high, else the
convection section will experience excessive temperatures, especially the tube fins. Typical
bridge wall temperatures of 1000°C or lower should be obtained. From practical experience,
radiant sections transfer between 50% and 60% of the heat. Therefore start the first iteration
with a radiant duty fraction of 55%.
 The radiant section is sized based on the burner (or burners) flame size and layout. The flame

dimensions are specified in terms of a Flame Length and a Flame Diameter for a single burner.

Burner flame dimensions are available from the burner manufacturer for a specific duty rating. [email protected]
When multiple burners are used, the burners are arranged around a Burner Circle of which the
Diameter must be specified. This diameter is zero for a single burner. Furthermore, a clearance
must exist between the flame edge and the coil wall. These are typically 0.4m to 0.6m. These
parameters will be used to determine the radiant section coil PCD.
 To estimate the required radiant section height, a Radiant Chamber Height to Width Ratio is
specified. API 560 recommends a maximum value of 2.75 and a minimum of 1.5. For
horizontally oriented heaters, API 560 recommends a range of H/W ratios for both maxima
and minima depending on the heater duty. A ratio of 2.5 may be a good starting value.
Another related factor specified by API 560 is a maximum volumetric heat release of 165
kW/m3 for gas fired heaters. Ensure that this limit is not exceeded with the selected geometry.
 The process fluid is selected as well as the coil materials.
 Coil inside and outside fouling factors may be specified. Fouling factors have a significant
influence on tube wall temperatures.
 The coil geometry is specified in terms of the diameter, thickness and the number of parallel
flow paths which essentially “duplicates” the coil into parallel flowing coils. Start by specifying a
coil size and number of parallel flow paths that feels right from experience. After the first
solution is obtained, the coil size and/or number of parallel flow paths may be adjusted
depending on velocity and pressure drop considerations.
 Lastly, in the case of a convection section being present, a fin geometry may be specified. The
model does not have the functionality to specify shock tubes - bare tubes without fins, usually
the first 3 rows in the convection section. Since the model simply determines the required bare
tube area from the specified Design Heat Flux, the specification of fins has no influence on the
calculated required convection coil length. The only purpose of specifying the fin geometry is
for the model to estimate likely fin tip temperatures and to calculate an equivalent average
convection coefficient which only serves as a reality check. Typical convection coefficients range
between 10 and 30 W/m2.K. According to API 560, fin lengths should not exceed 25.4mm and
the minimum fin thickness is recommended to be 1.3mm. From practical experience, fin
lengths may include 10mm, 12.5mm, 20mm and 25.4mm whilst the fin thickness may be either
1.3mm or 1.5mm. Fin densities should remain below approximately 200 fins/m according to
API 560.

The heater, combustion air fan and ducting are then sized by following the steps below:

 Having specified a required or desired heater thermal efficiency, adjust the Fuel Gas Flow Rate
to obtain the required Heat to Process (Duty) to achieve the required process fluid outlet
 Adjust the Excess Air % (Wet) to obtain the required Adiabatic Flame Temperature (theoretical
maximum combustion temperature) and therefore indirectly the Flue Temperature into the
convection section and into the stack. These temperatures depend on the combination of fuel
flow rate, excess air percentage and the heater efficiency. Furthermore, the excess air also
directly influences the O2 and CO concentrations in the flue gas. API 560 recommends 15%
excess air for forced draft heaters and 20% excess air for natural draft heaters.
 Adjust the Radiant Duty Fraction if required, however this is a major unknown as the model
does not really perform any radiation heat transfer calculations. Therefore aim to use the values
suggested above.
 Adjust the coil geometry to satisfy velocity, mass velocity or ρV2-value requirements. Both the
coil diameter and the number of parallel coils may be altered to achieve desired flow velocities.
From practical experience, aim for velocities between 3 m/s and 4 m/s for liquids such as water.

For more viscous liquids, the velocities may be significantly lower and the pressure drop may
Page [email protected]
be the governing factor. For gases, aim for velocities of approximately 15 m/s.
 Adjust the Design Heat Flux. Again, when the process fluid is temperature sensitive, aim to use
the values suggested above.
 Inspect the velocities in the air, fuel and flue piping and ducting and adjust their sizes to obtain
comfortable velocities.
 The combustion air fan flow rate is automatically set by the required combustion air flow rate
calculated in the combustion calculations. The fan element then calculates the required duty
point to satisfy the flow and pressure requirements.

The model calculates the following:

 The combustion system performance. These include:

o The calculated heat to process to achieve the required process fluid temperature
o Required burner heat release (HHV and LHV);
o The heater thermal efficiency (HHV and LHV);
o Combustion temperature;
o Radiant chamber flue gas exit temperature;
 The heater geometry as follows:
o The required coil lengths for both the radiant and convection sections;
o The required coil areas for both the radiant and convection sections;
o The radiant section chamber PCD and height;
 The flue gas flow results:
o Flue gas mass flow and average actual volume flow;
o Flue gas average density;
o Flue gas side pressure drop;
 The process fluid results:
o Process fluid mass flow;
o Process fluid inlet and outlet temperatures for both the radiant and convection
o Process fluid inlet pressure and pressure drop;
o Process fluid inlet and outlet velocities for both the radiant and convection coils;
o API 14E erosional velocity, the mass velocity and the ρV2-value for both the radiant
and convection coils
 The heat transfer results:
o Heat transfer to each coil;
o Average heat flux to each coil;
o Radiant section volumetric heat release;
o Convection section average convection coefficient;
o Convection section estimated maximum fin tip temperature;
o Coil inside and outside surface temperatures (minimum, maximum and average).
 the required fuel flow rate;
 the required air flow rate;
 The required combustion fan pressure rise and flow rate;
 Pressure drops for the various components;

 Duct and pipe velocities – check for duct and pipe sizing;
Page [email protected]
 Flue gas properties; of particular interest may be the oxygen content, the CO content, the SO2
content and the dew point temperatures.

As an example, a natural gas fired heater package is to be designed to heat 73.6 kg/s of water
flow from 155°C to 175°C. Perform a quick 15 minute heater package sizing and compare the
results with a detailed final heater design done on a third-party fired-heater software such as HTRI
or FRNC.

Data Specification

Typical fired heater properties when heating water are approximately as follows:

General Data
Property Unit Value

Thermal efficiency (HHV) % 80

Thermal efficiency (LHV) % 88.2
Flue side pressure drop Pa 60
Process side pressure drop kPa 150
Design Heat Flux kW/m2 30
Peak Heat Flux Factor % 5
Radiant chamber duty fraction % 55
Fouling (outside) m2.K.W 0.0002
Maximum flue velocity m/s 15
Maximum water velocity m/s 4
Maximum tube wall temperature °C 300
Maximum fin temperature °C 350
Burner Circle m 0
Flame-to-Wall Clearance m 0.55
Radiant Chamber Height-to-Width m/m 2.75
Fin Height mm 20
Fin Thickness mm 1.5
Fin Density Fins/m 160
Burner Data
Manufacturer Fives North American
Model 4384-18
Fuel Supply Pressure kPag 55
Air Supply Pressure kPag 1.5
Max. Flame Length m 4.3
Max Flame Diameter m 1.01
Page [email protected]
The following results were obtained using the Flownex® model and are compared to results
obtained from an actual detailed design done using HTRI:
Page [email protected]
Property Unit Flownex HTRI
Thermal efficiency (HHV) % 80 -
Thermal efficiency (LHV) % 88.2 89.9
Heat to Process kW 6401 6510

Heat release (HHV) kW 8001 -

Heat release (LHV) kW 7259 7211
Fuel gas flow rate kg/hr 546 536

Combustion air flow rate kg/hr 10676 10452

Flue gas flow rate kg/hr 11222 10988
Adiabatic flame temperature °C 1784 -
Radiant chamber duty fraction % 55 55.9
Radiant chamber exit temperature °C 992 972
Stack flue gas exit temperature °C 266 224Note 1
Stack flue gas water dew point temperature °C 59 -
Stack flue gas SOx acid dew point temperature °C 138 -
Stack flue gas O2 content % 2.3 3.0
Flue side pressure drop Pa 60 26
Process side pressure drop kPa 285 253
Design Heat Flux kW/m2 30 -
Radiant coil average heat flux kW/m2 26.7 26.8
Convection coil average heat flux kW/m2 30 29.6
Convection coil average convection coefficient kW/m2.K 19.0 20.1
Required radiant coil length m 367 367Note 2
Required convection coil length m 267 270Note 2
Maximum flue velocity in ducting m/s 11.6 -
Maximum water velocity m/s 3.7 3.7
API 14E erosional velocity m/s 6.1 -
Mass velocity kg/m2.s 3331 -

ρV2 Pa 12347 -

Maximum radiant section tube wall temperature °C 207 209

Average radiant section tube wall temperature °C 179 -
Maximum convection section tube wall temperature °C 197 200
Average convection section tube wall temperature °C 170 -
Maximum fin temperature °C 258 261
Convection section process inlet temperature °C 155 155
Crossover process temperature °C 164 164
Radiant section outlet process temperature °C 175 175
Combustion air fan required pressure rise kPa 10.2 -

Combustion air fan required hydraulic duty kW 28.5 -

Page [email protected]
Note 1: Due to the higher efficiency of the final design using HTRI, the HTRI calculated stack flue gas
temperature is slightly lower. Changing the Flownex required efficiency to align with the HTRI results, a flue
gas temperature within 10°C of the HTRI result is obtained.
Note 2: Note that the heater geometry was first determined using Flownex, and the HTRI model
subsequently used this geometry.

Figure 1: Flownex® Model.

Page [email protected]

Figure 2: Fired Heater Inputs. Figure 3: Fired Heater Results.

Page [email protected]
Using Flownex®, the design and sizing of the fired heater, combustion air fan and the associated
piping and ducting could be performed within an hour. Furthermore, results such as process
temperatures, tube wall temperatures, heat fluxes, flow velocities, pressure losses etc. could easily
be obtained from the network. As an overall package sizing and design tool, Flownex® has proven
to be far more efficient than other detailed design software.

Case Study Flownex Model Availability

The Flownex model discussed in this case study is available in the user project downloads area
located at:
Page [email protected]

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