ISASTech 2020 Conference Brief Final PDF

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Conference Brief
Table of Content
01 Table of Content
02 Background of ISASTech
03 Aims and Outcomes
04 Concept of ISASTech
06 Event Description
07 Theme Description
11 Past Speakers
11 2019
12 2018
13 2017
13 2016
14 2015
14 2013
15 Potential Speakers
18 Venue
19 Rundown
21 Important Dates
22 Paper Submission Proccess
23 Conference Delegate Pack
24 Committee Structure
26 About OISAA Ameica-Europe Region
27 Contact and Social Media

Background of ISASTech
International Symposium on Applied Science and Technology (ISASTech) is an annual conference
initiated among academician and students within the Overseas Indonesian Student’ Association
Alliance America-Europe Region (OISAA), also called Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesisia se- Dunia
Kawasan Amerika-Eropa (PPIDK Amerop). This conference is devoted to discussing current scientific
developments on technology and applied sciences topics, to exchange knowledges and experiences
amongst academicians or scientists, practitioners and policy makers.

The 1st ISASTech 2020 Istanbul raises a theme of “Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:
Contriving the Blueprint to Face Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0” as a response of the current
trend in industrial, economic, education, agriculture and public sectors which is marked by prevalent
uses of digitalized and automatized high-technology tools in every aspects of human life. According
to the UNDP Report in 2018, “Industrial Revolution” 4.0 is marked by prevalently usage of automation
and artificial intelligence in several aspects of human life, started from manufacturing to the govern-
mental bureaucracy system. At one side, the usage of automated tools and artificial intelligence
could optimize the production process and the government service.

However, it also creates serious problems to the society such as: raising unemployment rate, gaps
between high and low skilled workforces, and racial-ethic bias from wrong-designed artificial intelli-
gence. 2016 became a momentum when Society 5.0 shared that vision and published officially early
2019. Society 5.0 present a “super smart society”. Its particular challenges and just as Industry 4.0 are
the digital transformation of manufacturing, Society 5.0 aims to tackle several challenges by going
far beyond just the digitalization of the economy towards the digitalization across all levels of the
society and the digital transformation of society itself. Obviously, in practice, Industry 4.0 and organi-
zations overall will be major components in Society 5.0, yet it’s not the industry alone: it’s about all
stakeholders, including citizens, governments, academia and so forth.

These opportunities and challenges raise concerns about the ongoing Industrial Revolution 4.0 on
whether it creates benefit or the opposite. With the respect to the ongoing Industrial Revolution 4.0,
The 1st ISASTech Istanbul 2020 focuses on the following issues:
1. Digitalization and Its Impact on The National Economy.
2. Digitalization of Agriculture, Marine, and Animal Husbandry.
3. Academic Impacts of Digital Education.
4. Impact of Digitalization on Art and Culture.
5. Application of Digital Technology in the Public Sector.

ISASTech 2020 is also part of annual PPIDK Amerop Symposium (SAE). In 2020, the 7th SAE will be
held in the city of Istanbul hosted by PPI Turki and PPI Istanbul. The 1st ISASTech Istanbul 2020 and
the SAE Istanbul 2020 are designed to afford delegations to work together, build the network, formu-
late the ideas, and start resolving the challenges by peer-reviewed research. SAE will discuss specific
issues related to the future of Indonesia while ISASTech has more global point of view. How to
contrive the blue print to face industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 to achieve the sustainable
development goals in Indonesia and the World? The answers can be found in the event.

Aims and Outcomes

The 1st ISASTech 2020 aims to act as an open pla�orm for researchers and professionals to
share their ideas and experiences for the future development related to worldwide recent
issues in the scope of applied science and technology. Experts from different backgrounds
(academicians, professionals, R&D centers, government officlals and community repre-
senta�ves) will join the conference and share their thoughts for the topics.

All selected papers from double blind review session will be presented on the conference
and might have the opportunity to be published on reputable publisher such as the follow-
ing :
a. Proceeding
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOPScience-Scopus Q3)
- SSRN Conference Proceeding Research Network (Elsevier)
b. Journal (Indexed in Scopus)
- Interna�onal Journal of Technology (Q2)
- Gadjah Mada Interna�onal Journal of Business (Q3)
- Agrivita (Q3)
- HAYATI Journal of Biosciences (Q2)

ISASTech 2020 will also be part of OISAA Symposium (SAE Istanbul 2020) which provide a
separate session for further discussion about Indonesia’s future development. This Focus
Group Discussion will hopefully generate fresh and new ideas for the country’s advance-
ment and be considered in the future policy making process.

Concept of ISASTech

ISASTech 2020 will be adver�sed extensively in reputable media,

mouth-to-mouth adver�sing, digital and online media. The ISASTech
2020 online publica�on will also publish videos, pictures and ar�cles
closely related to Industrial Revolu�on 4.0 and Society 5.0 from differ-
ent point of views.

Reviewal team consist of academicians and researchers from different

field of research from different universi�es around the globe.

Keynote and invited speakers at ISASTech 2020 are selected based on

their reputa�on and their contribu�on to knowledge and socie�es.
Academicians, professionals and government officials will share their
ideas on each plenary session. ISASTech 2020 would act as an educa-
�onal pla�orm and trigger for future conferences.
ISASTech 2020 will filter and gather quality papers through three-�er
selec�on process:

Abstract selec�on
Full Paper Selec�on
Internal Selec�on from Interna�onal Journal

Papers which passed the second selec�on might be presented during

ISASTech 2020 in Istanbul and automa�cally be published on selected
proceeding. To have the opportuni�es to be published in interna�onal
journal, each selected paper must pass the last selec�on process by the
selected journals’ internal reviewers.

Concept of ISASTech

In order to enrich our conference and provide enjoyable experience,

ISASTech 2020 will maintain dynamic discussions and serve the best
hospitality for every a�endee ranging from observers to the VIP so it
would create pleasure circumstances for exchanging ideas.

ISASTech 2020 will also held side events such as:

Cultural Night & Awarding Ceremony: Focus Group Discussion: Where all present-
Where all presenters, VIPs and observers ers and our reviewal team discuss, and
could discuss casually and increase oppor- exchange ideas based on selected hot
tuni�es for network building with one issues to create recommenda�on for the
another. This event also aims to promote future development of Indonesia and
Indonesian culture and Turkish culture. This contribu�on of knowledge to related global
hybrid concept will hopefully strengthen issues.
rela�onship between the two countries.
Scholarship Talk Show: Scholarship oppor-
tuni�es sharing session for interna�onal
Istanbul City Tour: As a refreshing part of students to study in America-Europe with
the conference to enjoy the beauty and various higher educa�on level from bache-
the extraordinary of Istanbul. lor to postdoctoral degree.

ISASTech 2020 will be held in conjunc�on with the Symposium of the

Overseas Indonesian Students Associa�on Alliance (America-Europe
Region) or Simposium Amerika Eropa (SAE). This event will welcome
delega�ons from 27 countries across America-Europe to design the
yearly working plan of the organiza�on and the elec�on of the presi-
dent of the organiza�on.

ISASTech 2020 is part of the Symposium of OISAA America-Europe Region which
Event Description
will take place in the city of Istanbul for a full week respec�vely between 21-27 of
June 2020. The conference consists of paper submission and presenta�on,
speeches from reputable keynote and invited speakers, focus group discussion,
poster exhibi�on, scholarship talk show, cultural night and awarding ceremony. An
es�mated of 150 scien�fic papers will be presented during the parallel session of
the conference and at least 25 notable speakers will expose their ideas about the
future of the world digitaliza�on development during the plenary sessions.
Presenters will also be invited to focus group discussion to contribute their ideas
as wri�en on their selected paper which would be concluded as recommenda�on.
All a�endees will also be entertained with enjoyable performances during the
events and cultural night. ISASTech 2020 is a deligh�ul pla�orm to share and
gather ideas which also might help in building up a�endees’ network.

The 7th Symposium of OISAA America-Europe Region or also mostly known as the
7th Simposium Amerika Eropa (SAE) Istanbul 2020 will be held on the last days of
the symposium. This is an annual event which organized by OISAA America Europe
Region (PPIDK Amerop) where Indonesian students from 27 countries across
America-Europe gather to evaluate their organiza�ons’ programs in the previous
year. They will also elect the new president of the organiza�on for the following
year. Series of this event includes organiza�ons’ internal mee�ng, on cruise gala
dinner, and Istanbul city tour. Having ISASTech 2020 and SAE Istanbul 2020 togeth-
er would allow the two events to support each other and help highlight the impor-
tance of academic discussion, research and development with more mo�vated
people joining the events.

Theme Description
Considering recent popular issues ISASTech 2020 has choosen the following theme

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:

Contriving The Blueprint to Face Industrial Revolution 4.0 and
Society 5.0

The men�oned theme then being divided into 5 sub-themes from different field
of interest. These following sub-themes could accomodate research ideas from
different backgrounds as it connects to the era of informa�on and digitaliza�on.

Digitaliza�on and its impact on the future of global economy

Digitaliza�on of agriculture, marine and animal husbandry

Academic impacts of digital educa�on

Impact of digitaliza�on on art and culture

Applica�on of digital technology in the public sector

Scientific papers are invited on all topics related to “Science and Technology for Sustainable
Development”. ISASTech 2020 covers research in the following areas including, but not
limited to:


Advanced Manufacturing, Robotic and Sensor Technology
Building Science and Technology
Computer Sciences
Construction Technology
Information, Communication and Technology
Energy and Green Technology
Environmental Sciences and Technology
Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Mathematics and Statistics
Modelling and Simulation
Management of Technology
Operational research
Big Data and Data Science Sustainable Technology
Big Data Technologies Technology and Operational Science
Cloud Computing Transportation and Logistics Technology
Data Science and Uncertainty Management Value Engineering 
Digiral Transformation Processes in the private and public Sectors Built Environment
Digitaliza�on and its impact on the na�onal ecnomoy

Digital Business Models Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction

E-Commerce Human Security and Safety
E-Finance Other Topics in Technologies and Sciences Applications
Energy Management, Policy, Economics and Sustainability
Fdigital Marketing
Inteligent Agent Systems
International Logistics
Internet of Things and Logistics Services
Knowledge Discovery ana Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Logistics Industry and Policy
Logistics Informatics
Logistics Service System Optimization
Logistics Services Strategy
Logistics Systems
Low-Carbon and Logistics
Low-Carbon Supply Chain
Mobile Information Systems
New Product Development
NFC Technology anad Contact-less Mobile Payments
Regional Logistics
Service Oriented Architecture
Social Networking
Utilizing Big Data in Sustainable Development
Vbalance of Trade and Big Data
Web Intelligence Technologies
Web Security
Web Semantics

Academic Impacts of Digitaliza�on
AR, VR and mixed reality
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Thinking
Digital Citizenship
E-Knowledge Transfer
E-Learning and Cloud Education
E-Pedagogy Vs. Conventional Pedagogy
Global Learning
Information Technology
Agricultural Extension and Economics
Learner Profiles
Agriculture Business Management
Learning Sciences
Agriculture Machinery & Technologies
Multimedia Resources
Agro-ecosystems Sustainability
New Technologies in E-Learning
Agronomy and Crop Production
Professional Learning

Digitaliza�on of Agriculture, marine and animal husbandry

Animal Food and Nutrition
Provesses of Digitalization of Teaching Materials
Animal Health & Welfare
Student-centered Learning
Bio-energy & Bio fuels
Climate change and Mitigation
Dairy Science and Technology
Emergency Logistics
Environmental Biotechnology
Fisheries and Aqua culture
Architecture Food biotechnology
Art and Science Theory Food Engineering
Art and Technology Food for animal feeds
Audio-Visual and Multimedia Design Food habit
City Planning Food marketing
Creativity Theory Food Microbiology
Impacts of Digitaliza�on on art and culture

Cultural Architecture and Design Food packaging and shelf life

Design and Data Visualization Food Physical Chemistry
Digital Media, Apps and eBooks Food processing
Digital Preservation Food regulation
Digital Storytelling Food safety and quality
Digital Technologies and Making Food waste and Food by-product management
Disaster and Risk Management Functional Food
e-Learning in Art and Media Studies GMO’s for Plant resistance and Plant’s Tolerance
Electronic Music Horticulture and Floriculture
Generative and Algorithmic Art & Design Livestock Production
Gesture Interfaces Marine and Water Infrastructures
Human-Computer Interaction Organic Farming- Production & Marketing
Immersive Art Plant Breeding and Genetics
Interaction Design Plant Health & Bio security
Interactive Art Predation and Disease Control
Interactive Systems for Artistic Applications Soil Health
Interfaces Supply Chain Management
Interior Design Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Media Art History Zoology
Parametric Design
Rural Development
Sustainable Urban Planning
Tangible Interfaces
Technology in Art Education
Urban Design
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Web Art and Digital Culture

Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation-Radiation Interaction
Applied Bioscience, Microbial Fuel Cell
Atmospheric Science and Remote Sensing (Cloud and surface)
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Cancer Biology
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Climate Change
Communication Technology
Computational Approaches for Energy Analyses
DNA and RNA structure, function and sequence analysis
Earthquake and Fire Resistant Engineering Structures
Energy Sciences
Applica�on of digital technology on public sector

Energy Storages
Evidence Based Practice Resources
Family Medicine
Forensic Science
Gene regulation, expression, identification and network
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Healthcare quality
Heat & Mass Transfer, Combustions and Chemical Processes in Energy
Innovation and Logistics Services
Innovative and Eco-Friendly Materials for Infrastructures
Internal Medicine
Material Physics
Micro- and Nano-Energy
Minimal Invasive Procedure
Molecular Biology
Molecular Natural Product
Neurology and Neurological Sciences
Physical Chemistry
Power Systems, Smart Grids, Electric Drives and Energy Conversion
Protein interactions, docking and function
Protein structure, function and sequence analysis
Psychiatry and Mental Health
Public Health
Rehabilitation Therapy
Remote Sensing (active/passive)
Renewable Energy Technologies and Sources
Resources for Health Sciences Research
Sensory analysis
Site Assessments and Energy Potential
Solid State Physics
Sustainable and Intelligent Transportation Systems
Transition Fuel
Transportation Management
ISASTech 2020 is also part of Simposium Amerika-Eropa (SAE) held by the Over-
Past Speakers
seas Indonesian Students Associa�on Alliance (OISAA) America-Europe Region or
mostly known as the PPIDK Amerop. Previous series of SAE has important roles in
determining the next year theme of SAE and ISASTech as it became a con�nuous
concept as a whole. Listed below are speakers from previous SAE Events:

The 6th SAE 2019 | Barcelona, Spain (24-28 April 2019)

Indonesia's Booming Tourism:
Between Socio-Ecological Resilience and Social Welfare Maximisa�on

Masrura Ram Idjal, B.A., M.Sc.

CEO of Rabbanitour

Murni Amalia Ridha

Founder of

Lorenzo Cantoni, Ph.D

Professor at USI Switzerland

Dra. Esthy Reko Astuti, M.Si

Expert Staff at Indonesian Minister of Tourism

Drs. Hermono, M.A

Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the

Guillermo Martinez - Taberner

Senior Project Manager of Casa Asia Spain

Ir. Teuku Abdullah Sanny, M.Sc, Ph.D, IPU

President of Bedoeh Gampong Foundation

Dipl. Ing. Arradi Nur Rizal, B.Sc., M.Sc

Founder of Polyglot Indonesia

Aditya Amaranggana, S.E, M.Sc

Culture Activist

The 5th SAE 2018 was held in Hannover, Germany in conjuc�on
Past Speakers
with the Interna�onal Conference of Integrated Intelectual Com-
munity under the provision of PPI Jerman and PPI Hannover. All
past speakers men�oned below were speaking at the ICONIC for
the following theme.

The 5th SAE 2018 | Hannover, Germany (26-27 April 2019)

Securing Indonesia's Energy Sovereignty:
The Security-Econony -Sustainability Nexus

Sandhy Widyasthana
Portfolio Director at Metra Digital Innovation

Prof. Ir. Tutuka Ariadji M.Sc., Ph.D.

Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Bandung
Institute of Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Azhar Zam

Assistant Professor for the Department of Biomedical
Engineering in University of Basel, Switzerland

Dipl.-Ing. Toto Suharto

Managing Director of PT Robert Bosch Automo-
tive in Indonesia

Dr. rer. biol. hum. Boya Nugraha

Principal Investigator in Basic Science, Disability Rehabilita-
tion in Health System, Department of Rehabilitation
Medicine, Medical School Hannover
Dr. Siswo Pramono
Director General of Policy Development and Analysis
Agency of the MOFA of Indonesia

Prof. Juliana Sutanto

Director of MSc. in E-Business and Innovation for the
Management Science Department at Lancaster University

2017 | Washington DC, USA (19-21 May 2017)
Past Speakers
The 4th SAE
Strength of a Na�on:
Digital Economy As The Strenght and Poten�al of a Na�on

Shahed Amanullah
CEO and founder of Affinis Labs

Ari Sufiati

Zaky Prabowo
Co-Founder of wetravel

The 3rd SAE 2016 | Rijswijk, Netherland (24-26 April 2016)

Reinterpre�ng Na�onal Iden�ty:
In Order to Deal With the Future of ASEAN Community

I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja

Former Ambassador of the Republic of
Indonesia for Netherland

Ary Adryansyah Samsura, Ph.D

Researcher and Lecturer at Radboud University Nijmegen

Hengky Kurniawan
Universiteit Vrije Amsterdam

Matthijs Van Den Broek

Managing Director Further East Consult

Ebed Litaay
Indonesian Diaspora Network

Agung Wahyudi
Big Data and IoT Architect & Data Analyst

The 2nd SAE 2015 | Moscow, Russia (6-8 May 2015)
Securing Indonesia's Energy Sovereignty:
The Security-Econony - Sustainability Nexus
Past Speakers
Djauhari Oratmangun
Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the
People’s Republic of China and Mongolia

Ngurah Swajaya
Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia
to the ASEAN

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Azhar Zam

Assistant Professor for the Department of Biomedical
Engineering in University of Basel, Switzerland

Dipl.-Ing. Toto Suharto

Managing Director of PT Robert Bosch Automo-
tive in Indonesia

Dr. rer. biol. hum. Boya Nugraha

Principal Investigator in Basic Science, Department of
Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical School Hannover

Dr. Siswo Pramono

Director General of Policy Development and Analysis
Agency of the MOFA of Indonesia

Prof. Juliana Sutanto

Director of MSc. in E-Business and Innovation for the
Management Science Department at Lancaster University

The 1st SAE 2013 | Istanbul, Turkey (17-19 May 2013)

Op�mazing the Role Indonesia’s Democracy and Economic
Advancement in Preparing a Great Na�on

Azwar Abubakar
Indonesian Former Minister of Administrative
and Bureaucratic Reform

Edfian Noerdin, S.E., MM

Director of PT. Yudhistira Galia Indonesia

Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit

Expert Staff at Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports

Asmoro Hadianto
Director of Dompet Dhuafa Indonesia

The 7th SAE 2020 | Istanbul, Turkey (21-27 June 2020)


Wishnutama Kusubandio
Indonesian Minister of Tourism
Society 5.0 to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
The Blueprint in Facing Industrial Revolution 4.0 and

Johnny Gerard Plate

Indonesian Minister of Communication and
Information Technology

Nadiem Makarim
Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture

Ali Yerlikaya
Governor of Istanbul

Lalu Muhammad Iqbal

Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia
for Turkey

Keynote of the session

Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita
Indonesian Minister Industry

Prof. Dr. Irwan Prayitno, S.Psi. M.Sc,

Digitalization and its’ Impacts to the Future

Governor of West Sumatera

of Global Economy

Lis Sutjiati
Expert Staff of Indonesian Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology
Dr. Hargo Utomo, MBA
Director of Pengembangan Usaha Inkubasi Gadjah
Mada University

Indra Utoyo
Director of Digital, Information Technology
and Operation at Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Marika Truu
Head of Startup Estonia

Keynote of the session
Prof. Dr. Arif Satria
Rector of Bogor Institute of Agriculture

Prof. Massimiliano Mazzanti

Director of Sustainability Environmental
Economics and Dynamic Studies

Amanda Susanti
Digitalization of Agriculture, Marine and

CEO of Sayurbox

Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Hans W. Griepentrog

Animal Husbandry

Professor at Institute of Agriculture Engineering

University of Hohenheim

Yasir Khokhar
CEO of Connectera, Netherlands
Noorbaskoro Paundra
CEO of Growpal

Kevin Kumala
CEO of Avani

Keynote of the session

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bulut
Rector of İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Universitesi

Prof. Drs. Ganefri, M.Pd., Ph.D

Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang

Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D

Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia

Prof. Drs. Ojat Darojat, Ph.D Academic Impacts on Digital Education

Rector of Universitas Terbuka

Wayne Holmes
Principal Researcher at Nesta UK

Bernhard Schindlholzer
Product Manager at Google

Radyum Ikono
Co-Founder & CEO Schoters
dan Sahabat Beasiswa
Muhammad Ramli Rahim
Head of Indonesia’s Teachers Association

Adamas Belva Syah Devara

Founder Ruang Guru

Keynote of the session
Andrea Bandelli
Executive Director of Science Gallery International

Prof. Dr. Raphaela Henze

Impacts of Digitalization on Art and Culture

Professor of Cultural Management at

Heilbronn University, Germany

Najwa Shihab
Founder of NarasiTV

Serdar Karagöz
Editor in Chief of Daily Sabah

Prof. Soeprapto Soedjono, MFA, Ph.D

Professor of Recording Media at Indonesia Institute
of Arts Yogyakarta
Lilik Oetama
President Director of PT Dyandra Media
International Tbk

Syarif Zapata
Founder of Guide Santai

Keynote of the session

Tri Rismaharini
Mayor of Surabaya

Ir. Nova Iriansyah, M.T

Acting Governor of Aceh

Application of Digital Technology in Public Sector

Prof. Didi Achjari
Advisor for Technology Sector at Keraton Yogyakarta

Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim, MBA., Akt.

Professor of Economy at Gadjah Mada University

Achmad Zaky
CEO of Bukalapak

Demet Mutlu
CEO of Trendyol Group

Ahyudin Misan
President of Aksi Cepat Tanggap

Prof. Ir. Achmad Djunaedi, MURP., Ph.D

Professor of Built Environment at Gadjah Mada

Yanto Yulianto
Head of Signalling, Telecommunication
and IT Department at PT. MRT Jakarta
Ahmad Yuniarto
Former Chairman Schlumberger Group

Istanbul is Turkey's most populous city as well as its cultural and financial hub. Locat-
ed on both sides of the Bosphorus, the narrow strait between the Black Sea and the
Marmara Sea, Istanbul bridges Asia and Europe both physically and culturally. Istan-
bul's popula�on is es�mated to be between 12 and 19 million people, making it also
one of the largest ci�es in Europe and the world.

Star�ng with a cliché, Istanbul is a unique city where you can experience both the
European and Asian culture. This would be the most a�rac�ve things for resercher,
students and professional from all around the globe to get involved in a pres�gious
conference while enjoying the beauty of the city. Istanbul is a fascina�ng place not
only because it’s placed on two different con�nents, but also because it has an
ancient history, is a synthesis of civiliza�ons, and has various other names like Con-
stan�nople. Whatever it is, Istanbul is bound to offer you an intense and memorable

Step into the intriguing Turkish history and visit

famous mosques like Hagia Sophia, the Mosque
of Suleyman and the Topkapi Palace just to see
how the O�oman sultans used to live.

Turkey is home to more than 31.000 Interna-

�onal students which most of them are study-
ing in Istanbul. It opened up opprtuni�es for
exchanging ideas and discussions among

Turkish higher educa�on is also improved in the

past years as it become more a�rac�ve for
researcher to perform their researches with
educa�onal ins�tu�on in Turkey, especially in
Istanbull which provide high quality facili�es.

22 June 2020 Day 1

Keynote: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:

Contriving the Blueprint to Face Industrial Revolu�on 4.0
and Society 5.0”
Panel Session: Digitaliza�on and its impacts to the
Future of Flobal Economy

Panel Session: Digitaliza�on of Agriculture, Marine and

Animal Husbandry

Panel Session: Academic Impacts of Digital Educa�on

Day 2 23 June 2020

Sharing Session:
Students Execu�ve Council

Panel Session: Impact of Digitaliza�on on Art and


Panel Session: Applica�on of Digital Technology

in Public Sector

Conference Parallel Session

24 June 2020 Day 3
Scholarship Talkshow:
Gain scholarship in Europe-America

Focus Group Discussion

Conclusion of FGD

Cultural Night and Awarding Ceremony

Day 4 25 June 2020

OISAA America-Europe Region Internal Mee�ng

OISAA America-Europe Region Anual Report

OISAA America-Europe Region’s President Elec�on

and Tender for the next hos�g coutry of The 8 th
SAE + ISASTech 2021

Cruise Gala Dinner

Day 5
26 June 2020

Istanbul City tour

Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Grand

Bazaar, Camlica Mosque, Bosphorus Tour, Galata Tower,


Important Dates

February 15
Abstract Submission Deadline

February 29
Notification of Accepted Abstract

April 15
Full Paper Submission Deadline

May 15
Notification of Paper Acceptance

June 01
Camera Ready Manuscript

June 22-26
7 SAE + ISASTech 2020

Paper Submission Process Author Submits Abstract

First Assessment:
Content, Scope suitability to the conference,
Language Quality

Reject Meet minimum requirement?

early bird payment


Abstract being sent for evaluation

to reviewer

Reject Qualified?


Author Submits Full Paper

Manuscript being sent to reviewer

No Revision
Reject Result


Manuscript Acceptance

Action by Committee
Author may choose where to publish
Action by Author

Conference Proceeding International Journal

by Elsevier/ IOPScience Indexed in Scopus
Journal publication fee is not
included in Conference Delegate
Pack. Author needs to pay extra
Manuscript Paper adjustment as fee directly to the selected journal

Final Proofreading required by the journal

Journal’s Editor 2nd stage Paper Published

Sent to publisher review

Conference proceeding publication fee

is included in Conference Delegate Yes Is further modification No
Pack. No need to pay extra fee for
Conference Delegate Pack
choose one that most suitable for you

Author Author Author Author

Local Local Overseas Overseas
Regular Student Regular Student
Including Doctoral Student Including Doctoral Student

EUR 225 EUR 150 EUR 280 EUR 200

EUR 175 EUR 105 EUR 225 EUR 150
(early bird) (early bird) (early bird) (early bird)

Observer Observer Observer Author

+ Student studying
in Turkey
Student studying
SAE Delegation

TRY 175 EUR 75 EUR 100 EUR 75

TRY 100 EUR 50 EUR 75 EUR 50
(early bird) (early bird) (early bird) (early bird)

Local (Author) means person who has Indonesian/ Turkish nationality or person who currently reside in Indonesia/ Turkey
Overseas (Observer) means student who is not studying in Turkey
SAE Delegation means member of PPI who has Recommendation Letter from PPI Negara to join SAE 2020 and had already
paid for SAE Delegation Pack Fees

All packs mentioned above includes:

- Name Card - Access to all conference session
- Seminar Kit - 2x coffee breaks/day
- Book of Abstracts - 3 days lunch
- Certificate - Cultural Night and Awarding Ceremony
- Book of Program - Publication Fee (Proceeding-for authors)
- Access to Scholarship Talkshow - Access to FGD (Limited to Authors)

Miscellaneous (Optional) - SAE Delegations are exluded from these options

Extra Paper Extra Person Coming Visa/ person

EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 25

Accomodation/person (21-25 June) Accomodation/person (21-27 June) City Tour + Dinner / person
Hotel/ Dormitory Hotel/ Dormitory at June 26th

EUR 150 EUR 200 EUR 60


Steering Committee
Dr. Lalu Muhammad Iqbal, MA
Board of Advisor

Ambassador of The Republic of Indonesia to the

Republic of Turkey Mohamad Fajar Haqi Ismaya
Coordinator of OISAA America-Europe Region
Imam As’ari
Consul General of The Republic of Indonesia in Titah Haritul Ichwani
Istanbul Vice Coordinator of OISAA America-Europe Region

Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D

Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia General Chairs

Heru Maulana
University College Cork, Ireland

Prof Alfred M Bruckstein - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Reza Syahputra

Scientific Committee

Prof. Achmad Djunaedi - Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia Charles University, Czech Republic
Prof. Alberta Haley - Metropolitan State University, Mexico
Prof. Ali Reza Khanteymoori - University of Zanjan, Iran Lury Sofyan
Nottingham University, UK
Prof. Caterine Cavicchi - Ferrara University, Italy
Prof. David Banister - Oxford University, UK
Prof. Lenny Winkel - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. emer., Asko Mäki-Tanila - University of Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Enakshi Khular Sharma - University of Delhi, India
Prof. Helle Mathiasen - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. James E. Saiers - Yale University, USA Dr. Didi Rosiyadi M.Kom - Indonesian Institute of Science
Prof. Johannes Schroeter - TH Rosenheim, Germany Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam - University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Prof. Jose Leomar Fernandes Jr. - University of Sao Paolo, Brazil Dr. Patrick. D. Cema - Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Prof. Kim Sungmin - Seoul National University, South Korea Dr. Wiwin Suwarningsih M.T. - Indonesian Institute of Science
Prof. Kirill V. Chistyakov - St. Petersburg University, Russia Ubaidillah Zuhdi, Ph.D - University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia
Prof. Koen Steemers - University of Cambridge, UK Wiryono Raharjo, Ph.D - Universitas Islam Indonesia
Prof. Linn Song - TH Rosenheim, Germany Alan Rogerio Ferreira Lima, Ph.D - University of Coimbra, Portugal
Prof. Marco van Vulpen - Leiden University, Netherlands Altifani Rizky Hayyu - Ph.D Cand. Jagiellonian University, Poland
Prof. Margus Pedaste - University of Tartu, Estonia Amar Ma'ruf - Ph.D Cand. Akdeniz Univertist, Turkey
Prof. Massimiliano Mazzanti - Ferrara University, Italy Bhaskara Anggarda GS - Ph.D Cand. Ondokus Mayis University, Turkey
Prof. Nava Ashraf - LS Economics and Political Science, UK Heru Maulana - Ph.D Cand. University College Cork, Ireland
Prof. Nicholas Ashford - MIT, USA Nádia Lima - Ph.D Cand. University of Coimbra, Portugal
Prof. Norma Wolf -Ottawa University, Canada Nisa Ayunda - Ph.D Cand. Bogor Agricultural University
Prof. Patrick Adlercreutz -Lund University, Sweden Rachmad Adi Riyanto - Ph.D Cand. Gifu University, Japan
Prof. Roberto G. Gonzales - Harvard University, USA Reza Syahputra - Ph.D Cand. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Rosa Maria Lamuela R - University of Barcelona, Spain Syaiful Ali, MIS., Ph.D., Ak., CA. - Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Prof. Sonia M. Ospina - New York University, USA Tetuko Kurniawan - Ph.D Cand. President University, Indonesia
Prof. Stephanie Kapitza - TH Rosenheim, Germany Toha Ardi Nugraha - Ph.D Cand. Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
Prof. Susana Agusti - King Abdullah University, Saudi Arabia Tri Damayanti - Ph.D Cand. Kirikkale University, Turkey
Prof. Tony Jakeman -Australian National University, Australia Venticia Hukom - Ph.D Cand. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Ujang Sumarwan -Bogor Agricultural University Yulianri Rizki Y - Ph.D Cand. University of Life Science in Poznan, Poland
Prof. Xiaoming Huang - Heidelberg University, Germany Some of the names mentioned in this section are under confirmation
Prof. ZengYuan Guo -Tsinghua University, China
Organizing Committee Chairman
Vice Chairman
Awaluddin Ramadhan
Nabilah Utama Nihan
Secretary Asma Amanina
Treasurer Hud Salahuddin Alaydrus

Coord. of Project Division. Riyan Rachmadi

Vice Coord. of Project Div. Siti Rahmawati

Mumuh Muhammad (Head) Yulia Pratiwi (Head)

Program Chairs

Section Chairs

Arief Isdiman Saleh (Vice) Sunarto (Vice)

Adhitya Wira Dharma Gustalia Kurnia Putri
Adib Lutfi Faisal Abdi Sitorus
Azmi Muhammad Faisal Faizatul Mujahidah
Faiz Kasyfilham Jessica Shally
Fakhira Basri M. Ilham Fathurrahman
Muhammad Alfathih H. M. Raziq Ilmi
Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari
Nida Cahya Hasanah
Said Harits
M. Romadhon Mubarok
Sunardi Rahman
Zahwa Mumtazah
Dept. of Event Team Dept. of Field Team
M. Ali Maarif (Head) Dirhamshah M. Silmi (Head)
Sofi Aditami (Vice) Annabel Putri Martiza (Vice)

Coord. of Service and Operation Div. Fikri Khodairi

Coord. of Media Div. Tri Ahmad Djabalul Lael

Coord. of Liaison Officer Div. M. Abdullah Bawazir

Vice Coord. of Liaison Officer Div. M. Danu Winata

Coord. of Sponsorship Div. Aqilah Faari Zaizafa

Coord. of Public Relation Div. Fauzul Azhim

Vice Coord. of Public Relation Div. Kiki R. Amalia

America-Europe Region
PPIDK Amerop is a part of Overseas Indonesian Student Association
Alliance (in Indonesian language is PPI Dunia) for America and Europe
Region. Its association consists of students over degrees from Post-Doct,
Doctoral, Master, to Undergraduate that currently studying in American
and European Universities. Its non-profit organization aims to consoli-
date overseas Indonesian brilliant students as the social power to
enhance quality of Indonesian students, contribute to Indonesia, and
world development through academic and social movement.

[email protected] PPIDK Amerika Eropa


Contact and Social Media

[email protected]
[email protected]

SAE Istanbul 2020

+90 552 335 89 22 (Awaluddin Ramadhan) - Chairman
+90 552 576 35 62 (Fauzul Azhim) - Head of Public Relation Div.
ISASTech 2020
+90 553 728 68 45 (Riyan Rachmadi) - Head of Project Div.
+62 813 2740 0778 (Yulia Pratiwi) - Head of Dept. of Section Chair


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